CPP Trismegistos ASW author bibliography bookform column width contents Cribiore date editio princeps format front/back genre Gigante hand inventory last update LDAB lectional signs letters per line material mythological names number of columns Pack plates proper names provenance quoted authors script sdate size (cm) special comments state of preservation type URL Van Haelst VRS
0001 62363 Pherecydes Syrius Diels-Kranz, Fragm. der Vorsokratiker 7 B 2; Schibli F 68; M.L. West, CQ N.S. 13 (1963), p. 157-172; cf. R.L. Fowler, Mnemosyne IV 52 (1999), p. 15. roll 05.5 - 06 excerpt from Pherecydes' Pentemuchos (identification based on a quotation in Clemens Alex., Strom. = Schibli F 69):
preparations for the marriage of Zeus and Chtonie (= Gê).
AD 3 P.Grenf. 02. 11 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt 1897)
traces of document ? mythographic-cosmological work small to medium-sized, relatively formal, of the "severe" style, slightly flattened and broad, leaning forward, markedly bilinear and regular, written with care by an experienced scribe, letters generally well separated, but occasionally linked, without decorations except for very few serifs. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Gr. class. f. 48 (P.)
3528 paragraphos (2), used in conjunction with a broader space to indicate a new section; sign in margin (col. 2, 3), related (?) to broader space in l. 4: indication of new chapter (ed. princ.) or stichometrical sign (West) ?; consistent use of iota adscript; gives the impression of marking word-division by slightly larger spaces. 16-17 papyrus col. 1: Zâs [Zeus]; Gê (R); Ôgênos [Ôkeanos] (2).
02 1339 (+ suppl.) = M-P 1339 ed. princ. pl. IV; Schibli, p. II. col. 1: Zâs [Zeus]; Gê (R); Ôgênos [Ôkeanos] (2).
Egypt, unknown along the fibres 16 13.5 x 9.7 N.B.: in the same glass-frame is another tiny fragment (size: 2.4 x 1.5 cm), with a few letters from 1 line written ALONG the fibres (!) in a medium to fair-sized cursive hand, seemingly from the top of a sheet (text: see separate sheet); its back is blank.
col. 1 = 18 lines (15 complete); col. 2 = 15 lines (8 almost complete). mythology
0002 59974 Hellanicus FGrHist 4 F 19b = Hellanicus fr. 19b Fowler; G. Cavallo, ASNP II.36 (1967), p. 214.; O. Thomas, Charting the Atlantic with Hesiod and Hellanicus, ZPE 160 (2007), p. 15-23 roll 04.5 - 05 excerpt from Hellanicus' Atlantis (identification based on a quotation in the Venetian Scholia to Homer 18.486 = FGrHist 4 F 19a): catalogue of liaisons between Atlas' daughters and various gods, and of their offsprings. AD 2 P.Oxy. 08, 1084 (A.S. Hunt, 1911)
blank mythographic-cosmological work medium to fair-sized, formal, mixed round, squarish, upright, strictly bilinear and regular, beautifully executed by a professional scribe, neatly separating the letters, with roundels at the bottom of most uprights and occasional serifs at the top; calligraphic and early example of the canonized type of the so-called Roman Uncial (Cavallo). Princeton University, Firestone Library, AM 4096
1086 paragraphos (several); high stop (several); middle stop (1); consistent use of iota adscript (2); line-fillers. 13 papyrus Maia (R); Hermês Philêtês; Kelainô; Poseidôn; Lykos; Têygetê [Taygetê]; Zeus (R + 1); Lakedaimôn (R). 02 0459 (+ suppl.) = M-P 459 ed. princ. pl. III; Cavallo, pl. 3, GRBS 12 (1971), pl. 8. Maia (R); Hermês Philêtês; Kelainô; Poseidôn; Lykos; Têygetê [Taygetê]; Zeus (R + 1); Lakedaimôn (R). Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 12 7.9 x 11.5 (original size);
5.2 x 11.5
(current size)

remains from the upper part of two columns: col. 1 = traces of a few letters of one line (now lost, but visible on plate in ed. princ.); col. 2 = 17 lines (15 almost complete). mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=princeton.apis.p21 ---
0003 59811 anon. A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), p. 113; M. Gronewald, ZPE 33 (1979), p. 1-5; W. Luppe, ZPE 115 (1997), p. 47-49. roll 08.5 - 09 discussion on Euripides' Cressae (Cretan Women): about the place of action (Crete, not Mycenae) and about the king in the play (Katreus, not Atreus). AD 2 P.Harris 01, 13 (J.E. Powell, 1936)
blank learned discussion small, informal, round, slightly flattened, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, neatly written by an experienced scribe, without decorations; the lines are closely spaced and the letters often touch.
Birmingham, Orchard Learning Research Centre (Selly Oak College Library) 174g
915 high stop (l. 1) according to Luppe (there is indeed a very faded trace, together with a slightly larger space); slightly larger space also before αλογο&#957 in l. 3. 26 (R) papyrus Katreus; Atreus; Krêtê [Crete] (R).
02 2248 + M-P 0437.1 ed. princ. pl. III Katreus; Atreus; Krêtê [Crete] (R).
Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Cressae] along the fibres 12 4.3 x 3.2 (fr. 1);
5 x 4.5 (fr. 2)
copy of ed. pr. and article of Luppe
two fragments, showing the beginnings and the endings of 8 lines from the bottom of one and the same column (cf. Gronewald, contra ed. princ.), as well as some scanty remains of a second column to the right. mythology
0004 59791 anon. W.S. Barrett, Euripides, Hippolytos, 1964, p. 431-432; W. Luppe, Philologus 127 (1983), p. 155-162. roll 06.5 - 07 (R) hypothesis to Euripides' Hippolytus II, mainly agreeing with the manuscript tradition apart from some differences in wording and word order (cf. Luppe). AD 1 P.Mil.Vogl. 02, 44 (M. Vandoni, 1961)
administrative document hypothesis medium to fair-sized, informal, round, upright, strictly bilinear, though fairly irregular and carelessly written, letters usually well separated, but occasionally touching or cramped, without decorations; the uneven length and irregular spacing of the lines, the erasure in col. 2, and the overall ungainly appearance may point to a student's hand as suggested by VRS (though not a beginner's, but rather of Cribiore's "evolving" type) or to a private copy (cf. ed. princ.).
Milano, Università Statale 84
895 apparently large space between l. 1 and 4 (col. 1), which might have served to indicate the end of a previous hypothesis. 26-27 (col. 1, R);
24 (col. 2, R)
papyrus col. 1: Hippolytos (Q, R + 2); Thêseus (2R); Poseidôn (R); Athênaioi [Athenians] (R); Amazonides (R); Hippolytê (R); Minôs; Krêtes [Cretans] (R); Phaidra; Pallas (R); Troizên [Troezen];
col. 2: Phaidra (1 + 2R); Aphroditê; Hippolytos (R); Thêseus (R).
02 0398 Luppe, p. 156. col. 1: Hippolytos (Q, R + 2); Thêseus (2R); Poseidôn (R); Athênaioi [Athenians] (R); Amazonides (R); Hippolytê (R); Minôs; Krêtes [Cretans] (R); Phaidra; Pallas (R); Troizên [Troezen];
col. 2:
Phaidra (1 + 2R); Aphroditê; Hippolytos (R); Thêseus (R).
Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Hippolytus II] across the fibres 9
PHOTO VERSO (digital image)
remains of two columns: col. 1 = ending letters of 18 lines; col. 2 = starting letters of 17 lines + 1 erased line. Gap between lines 1 and 4 (col. 1). school text (?), mythology
0005 62760 Sallustius (part). W. Luppe, WS N.F. 19 (1985), p. 89-104; idem, APF 37 (1991), p. 88. codex 10 - 10.5 (R, fr. 3r) fr.1v: probably the beginning of a bios of Sophocles,
followed by hypotheseis to several plays of the same poet:
fr. 2r: Philoctetes (unknown hyp.);
fr. 2v: Oedipus Tyrannus (unknown metrical hyp.);
fr. 3[a+b]v: Oedipus Tyrannus (part of manuscript hyp.);
fr. 3[a+b]r: Oedipus Coloneus (part of manuscript hyp. OC IV, ascribed to Sallustius);
fr. 4r: Ajax (?);
fr. 4v: Ajax (parts of the learned hyp. of Aristophanes of Byzantium);
fr. 5r: Oedipus Coloneus (?, cf. Luppe 1985);
fr. 5v: unidentified.
AD 4 - AD 5 MPER N.S. 01, 24 (H. Gerstinger, 1932) [fr. 2] + WJA N.F. 1 (1975), p. 71-82 + 2 (1976), p. 237 (R. Kannicht) [other fr.].
hypothesis small, relatively formal, mixed round, broad and somewhat flattened type of Biblical majuscule, leaning forward, markedly bilinear and regular, of handsome appearance, written with a fairly thick pen and occasionally decorated with roundels and serifs; Kannicht and VRS rightly remark that the hand of fr. 2 verso is different: although it is not "somewhat smaller and with a greater slant" (as stated by VRS), it is certainly rounder, less regular, of less marked bilinearity, and written with a slightly thinner pen. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 29779 2003/10/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst; 2004/09/13 Marc Huys 3948 high stop (fr. 3, 3); final "#957" indicated by a supralinear stroke; iota adscript. 34 (R, fr. 3r); 31-32 (R, fr. 3v) papyrus fr. 2 recto: Philoktêtês; fr. 3[a+b] verso: Trôikoi [Trojans]; Hellênes [Greeks]. 01 1714 (fr. 2) = M-P 1480.1 Luppe, 1985, p. 97-98. fr. 1 verso: Sophoklês (?, R); Sophillos (?, R);
fr. 2 recto: Philoktêtês;
fr. 3[a+b] verso: Trôikoi [Trojans]; Hellênes [Greeks]; Archilochos; Hippias (R); Homêros.
Egypt, unknown [Sophocles, Philoctetes, Oedipus Tyrannus, Oedipus Coloneus, Ajax ]; Hippias; Archilochus; Homerus. 22 5.8 x 6.4 (fr. 1);
4.5 x 3.3 (fr. 2)
5.1 x 3.6 (fr. 3a);
3 x 4.1 (fr. 3b);
5 x 3 (fr. 4);
2.4 x 2.8 (fr. 5)
I agree with Kannicht and VRS that the hand of fr. 2 verso is different: although it is not smaller nor with a greater slant (as stated by VRS), it is rounder, less regular, less strictly bilinear, and seemingly written with a slightly thinner pen;
copy of ed. pr. (Gerstinger)
N.B.: due to his new identifications, Luppe has given new numbers to the various fragments, which do not correspond any more with those of Kannicht; Kannicht's numbering, however, is still that by which the fragments are identified in the glass-frame of the Papyrussammlung.
fr. 1 = scanty remains of 3 lines from the verso of top of pag. 1 + 2 (Luppe, 1985);
+ scanty remains of 5 lines from the top of the recto of pag. 15 + 16 (Luppe, 1985);
fr. 2r = 7 incomplete lines; fr. 2v = 7 incomplete lines;
fr. 3[a+b]r = 6 incomplete lines; fr. 3[a+b]v = 6 incomplete lines;
fr. 4r = scanty remains of 2 lines; fr. 4v = scanty remains of 5 lines;
fr. 5r = scanty remains of 6 lines; fr. 5v = scanty remains of 6 lines.
0006 61606 w032 Mythographus Homericus A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 233; TrGF II F 709 (= 323 d N2 Snell) ; P. Mertens, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 397-409 (no. 96); L.S. Baldascino, CCC 9 (1988), p. 259-262 ; cf. also F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172 (esp. p. 138-139). sheet ?? beginning of a story on Pleuron and Calydon (interrupted) relating to a single lemma from Il. 13.217, preceded by an indication of the Homeric book. The text, though very fragmentary, shows similarities to Schol. D(13.218) and Schol. T (13.217-218). 183 AD 1 - AD 2 PSI 08, 1000 (P. Viereck, 1927)
commentary (selected lemmata) medium-sized, informal, round, leaning slightly backward, markedly bilinear, regular, elegantly written by a proficient scribe ("a teacher or an advanced student" according to Cribiore), well separating the letters, occasionally decorated with roundels; shape of kappa peculiar though handsome, with unusually long vertical and much curved obliques. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2003/11/01 Marc Huys 2755 two misspellings: Ε for Αι (l. 2); Ει for Ι
(l. 3).
?? ostracon Pleurôn (Q); Kalydôn (Q); Aitôlos (R); Endymiôn. 01 2463 = M-P 1195.1 Cribiore pl. XIX Pleurôn (Q); Kalydôn (Q); Aitôlos (R); Endymiôn. Upper Egypt, Thebes ? [Homerus, Ilias 13] 10 17 x 14.5 Date: AD 1-2 (Cribiore), AD 4 (ed. princ.); AD 2 (West)
Provenance: Thebes (Cribiore); Oxyrhynchus (LDAB + West); Luxor (Baldascino); prov. = ? (Mertens)
Remains of three lines (all incomplete), broken off to the left, with a large empty space to the right (6.5 cm) and at the bottom (9 cm); upper margin: 2 cm; l. 1 gives the indication of the book number ( ) surrounded by a circular line. Homerica, school text, mythology
0007 60937 h001 anon. O. Montevecchi, Aegyptus 27 (1947), p. 173 (preliminary edition) ; F. Montanari, Anagennesis 2 (1982), p. 273-284 (= Studi di filologia omerica antica, vol. 2, Pisa, 1995, p. 87-95). uncertain 04 hypothesis to Iliad 1 (related to v. 26-73). First sentence comparable to medieval hypothesis (cf. Montanari); probably original summary (according to Cribiore). 352 AD 3 - AD 4 P.Bon. 01, 6 (O. Montevecchi, 1953)
blank hypothesis small to medium-sized, informal, round, generally upright, but sometimes leaning slightly backward, of attempted bilinearity, but clumsy and very irregular in letter size and alignment, written with a thick pen by an inexperienced hand of Cribiore's "evolving" type, without decorations. Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria 10a (formerly 122820)
2067 none. 13-14 papyrus Chrysês (S); Agamemnôn; Apollôn; Achaioi [Achaeans]; Kalchas (R). 03 1157 Montanari, pl. III. Chrysês (S); Agamemnôn; Apollôn; Achaioi [Achaeans]; Kalchas (R). Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 1] along the fibres 18 6 x 7.5 OK
PHOTO (digital image)
copy of ed. pr. and article of Montanari
11 lines (10 more or less complete) from the bottom (?) of a column, framed by coarsely drawn lines which are not strictly respected, getting slightly narrower at bottom; traces of letters from two further columns are visible on each side of the frame. Homerica, school text, mythology http://www.librit.unibo.it/immagine.html (s.v. "frammento di hypothesis") 31
0008 61228 h125 (= p459 reclassified) anon. G. Nachtergael, CdE 46 (1971), p. 344-351; S. West, Ptol. Pap. of Homer, 1967, p. 38-39; H. Erbse, vol. I, p. XLIII-XLIV; M. van Rossum-Steenbeek, Proc. XXIst Congr. Berlin, 1997, p. 991-995. uncertain 10.5 - 11 (R) prose text of uncertain nature, following a citation of Iliad 2.101-109. It may be a prose summary of the following lines at least until v. 211 (cf. Nachtergael) or simply an exposition on the sceptre of Agamemnon (cf. Erbse + Van Rossum-Steenbeek). 3 BC P.Hamb. 02, 136 (collective edition, 1954)
unidentified text (bookhand), 2 BC (?) uncertain (paraphrase ? anthology ? commentary ? summary ?) medium-sized, informal, mixed-round, leaning slightly forward, of the "cloth-line" type, written by a skillful scribe, undecorated but elegant through its regularity and the use of slightly lengthened uprights. Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Papyrusabteilung 665
2368 supralinear epsilon between ll. 12-13 (= ??). 34-35 (R) papyrus Hêphaistos (2R, Q); Zeus (2Q); Kroniôn (Q); Hermeias [Hermês] (R, Q); Pelops (Q); Atreus (2Q, R+1); Thyestês (2Q, R+1); Agamemnôn (Q); Argos (Q); Argeioi [Argians] (Q); Odysseus (2). 01 0633 = M-P 1170.3 Hêphaistos (2R, Q); Zeus (2Q); Kroniôn (Q); Hermeias [Hermês] (R, Q); Pelops (Q); Atreus (2Q, R+1); Thyestês (2Q, R+1); Agamemnôn (Q); Argos (Q); Argeioi [Argians] (Q); Odysseus (2). Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 2];
along the fibres 1 5 x 11 PHOTO RECTO + VERSO (digital image)
copy of ed. pr.
20 lines, broken off at both ends, from a column broken at top and bottom. Homerica, mythology
0009 60608 h010 + h123 (doublet) anon. W. Luppe, WJA N.F. 2 (1976), p. 99-104; M. Fernandez Galiano, Estudios Clasicos 23 (1979), p. 290; Aristoteles CPF I.1*, no. 24, 32T. roll ?? commentary on two lemmata taken from Od. 04.336 + 343 (or possibly Od. 17.127 + 134), and on another unidentified passage. Contents close to Homeric scholia and to Eustathius; references to Aristotle (cf. Hist. Anim. 578b) and to Philocrates (most likely from his Thettalika, cf. FGrHist 601 F 1-2). AD 2 Hellenika 28 (1975), p. 60-65 (G.M. Parassoglou) = P.Yale 02, 128 (S.A. Stephens, 1985)
unidentified document (list of names? receipt?), AD 2-3 commentary (selected lemmata) small, informal, round, slightly flattened, upright, bilinear, fairly regular, written quite rapidly by a practised scribe, plain, firm, undecorated, with occasional ligatures and cursive elements. New Haven (Conn.), Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, P. CtYBR 551 2003/10/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1732 high stop (1); space after lemma (1); supralinear "ν" (1), by the same hand; iota adscript (1). 21 (very irregular) papyrus Patroklos (2); Philomêleidês (2); Philomêla (R); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Lesbos (R). 01 M-P 1209.2 Hellenika 28, pl. I; CPF IV.2, pl. 309. Aristotelês; Patroklos (2); Philomêleidês (2); Philokratês; Philomêla (R); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Lesbos (R). Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 4 or 17];
along the fibres 12 3.5 x 12.3 OK
copy ed. pr. and article Luppe
19 lines, broken off at both ends, from the bottom of a column. Lines with lemmata were probably written in ekthesis (Luppe). Homerica, mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apisquery?function=lookup&key=yale.apis.0005514100
0010 59400 anon. L. Lehnus, ZPE 91 (1992), p. 20; A.S. Hollis, ZPE 92 (1992), p. 115-117; see also A.S. Hollis, CQ N.S. 32 (1982), p. 117-120; G. Massimilla, Callimaco, 1996, pap. 20 (= p. 155-156, ad fr. 110). roll 15 - 16 (R) commentary on Callimachus' Aetia (book 1?, cf. Hollis 1982 + Lehnus), containing a prose narration of the myth of Teuthis (cf. Paus. 8.28.4-6), preceded by another story involving Apollo. No lemma is actually preserved on the papyrus. The connection of this papyrus with the Callimachean diegeseis is questionable according to VRS. AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 88 (1991), p. 157-164 (L. Koenen, W. Luppe, V. Pagan)
land-register, AD 2 commentary (selected lemmata) large, formal, mixed round, upright, strictly bilinear and mostly regular with occasionally uneven alignment, plain, competently written, though not attaining beauty despite its formality, using very few decorations (roundels and serifs). Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich.inv. 6235
499 possibly high stop at the end of l. 15 and perhaps also at the end of l. 7; large space between ll. 7 and 9 (either line 8 was very short, or the space indicates the end of the previous explanation); line-fillers (3) in the form of horizontal strokes at the end of the lines (fr. 1, ll. 5 , 10; fr. 2, l.2). 34-35 (R) papyrus fr. 1: Apollôn; Athêna [+ Athênê]; Helenê; Agamemnôn; Arkadia (2); Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Troia [Troy] (2R); Ornytos (2R); Teuthis (R); Melas (R + 1). 01 M-P 0217.1 ed. princ. pl. IV. fr. 1: Apollôn; Athêna [+ Athênê]; Helenê; Agamemnôn; Arkadia (2); Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Troia [Troy] (2R); Ornytos (2R); Teuthis (R); Melas (R + 1). Egypt, unknown [Callimachus, Aetia] across the fibres 14 7.3 x 18.5 (fr. 1);
2.5 x 3.2 (fr. 2).
copy ed. pr.
two fragments, possibly from the same column: fr. 1 = 24 incomplete lines, broken off to the left (the first line might be the first or the second of the column); fr. 2 = few letters from the endings of 4 lines (possibly of lines 21-24 of fr. 1). Traces of a collesis on both fragments. mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.2772 47
0011 65527 anon. H.G. Gundel, Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen 39 (1977), p. 32 (no. 41); J. Lenaerts, CdE 55 (1980), p. 211-212 ; cf. VRS, p. 143. roll ?? fr. A: on Hercules and Megara (?) (Lenaerts, referring to Diodorus 4.10.6 and to ps.-Apollod., Bibl. 2.4.11 and 2.7.8);
fr. B: on the Areopagus and the killing of Halirrhotius, son of Poseidon (cf. Suda, s.v. Areios pagos);
fr. C: unidentified.
1 BC P.Giss.Univ. 04, 42 (H. Eberhart, 1935)
blank narrative small to medium-sized, informal, mixed round, slightly flattened and squarish, upright, generally bilinear and fairly regular, written by competent and diligent scribe, separating all the letters and using occasional decorations (serifs and roundels). Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek 306
6777 presence of letter "κ" in the intercolumniun of fr. A, l. 7-8 (stichometrical sign?); one blank between two words (fr. B, l. 2).
papyrus fr. A: Zeus; Hêraklês; Kreôn;
fr. B: Poseidôn (2); Arês; Alkippê.
02 2458 Gundel, pl. 11. fr. A: Zeus; Hêraklês; Kreôn;
fr. B: Poseidôn (2); Arês; Alkippê.
Egypt, Fayum ? along the fibres ? 6
copy ed. pr. and article of Gundel and Lenaerts
fr. A = endings of 11 lines from the bottom of a column + very scanty remains of a second column to the right;
fr. B = remains of 9 lines, broken off on both sides;
fr. C = a few letters from 5 lines.
mythology http://digibib.ub.uni-giessen.de/cgi-bin/populo/pap.pl?t_allegro=x&f_SIG="P.B.U.G. inv. 361"
0012 60257 anon. R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1958), p. 126. roll 05.5 - 06 (R) col. 1: narrative on Philoctetes bitten by the snake on his way to Troy (ed. princ.), but possibly also on Telephus wounded and healed by Achilles (VRS);
col. 2: catalogue of ships.Some similarities with Dictys Cretensis and possibly others (extended discussion in VRS).
AD 1 P.Haun. 01, 7 (T. Larsen, 1942)
blank narrative + catalogue small to medium-sized, relatively formal, mixed round, upright with many curved verticals, strictly bilinear, regular, gracefully written with a fairly thin pen, well separating the letters and adding serifs on most uprights. Copenhagen, University, Institute for Greek and Latin, 300
1377 curved paragraphos (2), not mentioned in ed. princ., but apparent on plate (cf. also VRS); punctuation by blank spaces in col. 1, 7, col. 2, 6 + 9 (possibly also 8) (VRS). 18 (R) papyrus col. 1: Philoktêtês (S); Troia [Troy] (?);
col. 2: Polypoitês; Argissa (R); Asklêpiadai; Trikkê [Tricca]; Philoktêtês; Mêthônê; Prôtesilaos; Phylakê; Eumêlos (?); Pherai [Pherae]; Boiôtoi [Boeotians].
02 2454 ed. princ. pl. 3 col. 1: Philoktêtês (S); Troia [Troy] (?);
col. 2: Polypoitês; Argissa (R); Asklêpiadai; Trikkê [Tricca]; Philoktêtês; Mêthônê; Prôtesilaos; Phylakê; Eumêlos (?); Pherai [Pherae]; Boiôtoi [Boeotians].
Egypt, Fayum ? along the fibres 9 12 x 11.5 VRS doubts the reading "Eumelos of Pherae" (col. 2, 7): yes, it is impossible to read EY there, rather O and then serif from the bottom of an upright (not sure)
PHOTO (digital image send by A. Bülow-Jacobsen)
copy ed. pr.
remains from the bottom of two columns: col. 1 = right part of 11 lines; col. 2 = left part of 9 lines. Lower margin: 5.7 cm. mythology
0013 63503 anon. roll (?) 05 - 05.5 (?, R) mythological narration, possibly on the myth of the Proetides (daughters of Proetus), cf. ps.-Apollod., Bibl. 2.2.2 + other parallels. AD 2 P.Köln 07, 285 (M. Gronewald, 1991)
blank narrative small, informal, round, slightly flattened, upright, generally bilinear and regular, plain and undecorated, quite rapidly executed by an experienced scribe, though separating the letters. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 9
4712 blank space (l. 2) to mark end of sentence. 18 (R, l. 2) papyrus Proitides (S). 01 M-P 2463.51 ed. princ. pl. Ic. Proitides (S). Egypt, unknown along the fibres 12 3.8 x 6 copy ed. pr. remains of 10 lines, broken off on all sides. mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/VII_285.html
0014 63125 anon. (A) FGrHist 18 F 1; (B) W. Luppe, Pap. Lup. 1 (1992), p. 267-271. roll 15 - 16 (?, R) (B): narration of events related to the life of Achilles (marriage of Peleus and Thetis; birth of Achilles and Thetis' attempt to make him immortal; rearing of Achilles by Chiron; an event from Achilles' tenth year; judgment of Paris);
(A): narration of events after the death of Achilles (removal of the Palladium from Troy by Odysseus and Diomedes; journey of Odysseus and Phoenix to Skyros to fetch Achilles' son Neoptolemus; arrival of Eurypylus from Mysia).
These events are known to have been treated in the Ilias Parva of Lesches, but there are some differences with the epitomes of Proclus and ps.-Apollodorus.
AD 1 (A) P.Ryl. 01, 22 (A.S. Hunt, 1911) + (B) P.Yale 02, 110 (S. Stephens, 1985)
accounts, 1 BC narrative (epitome of Trojan cycle ?) fair-sized, relatively formal, angular, upright, bilinear, but having a somewhat irregular appearance, with serifs on many letters;
"rather large uncials" (Hunt); "practiced, rather large, upright bookhand" (Stephens).
Manchester, John Rylands Libr., Greek 22 (A) + New Haven (Conn.), Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, P. CtYBR 420 (B)
4329 blank space in (A) (l. 14), indicating a short pause; occasional blank spaces between words in (B), but not significant; iota adscript; some vulgar spellings and misspellings; deletion in (B) l. 6. 35 (R) papyrus Ryl. 22: Odysseus (2R + 1); Diomêdês; Ilion; Athêna; Helenos; Korybos; Mygdôn; Phrygia (R); Trôes [Trojans] (R + 2); Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Phoinix; Skyros; Neoptolemos; Eurypylos (R); Têlephos (R); Mysia; Priamos (R);
Yale 110: Cheirôn (2); Achilleus; Skyros (R); Thetis (2R); Ilion; Hermês (2); Pêleus; Olympos (2); Alexandros (R); Hêra; Eidê [Ida].
01 2457 (A) ed. princ. pl. 5 + (B) ed. princ. pl. X. Ryl. 22: Odysseus (2R + 1); Diomêdês; Ilion; Athêna; Helenos; Korybos; Mygdôn; Phrygia (R); Trôes [Trojans] (R + 2); Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Phoinix; Skyros; Neoptolemos; Eurypylos (R); Têlephos (R); Mysia; Priamos (R);
Yale 110: Cheirôn (2); Achilleus; Skyros (R); Thetis (2R); Ilion; Hermês (2); Pêleus; Olympos (2); Alexandros (R); Hêra; Eidê [Ida].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus across the fibres 9 7.4 x 19.2 (A);
9 x 10.8 (B, fr. 1);
2 x 4.5 (B, fr. 2)
PHOTO (paper)
how to refer to the minimal description in the on-line catalogue ??
N.B.: the hand of B is definitely different from P.Ryl. I 22: the letters are smaller and do not have the many decorations of P.Ryl., the writing is less formal, without the angular appearance of P.Ryl., the line spacing is smaller, and the hand is leaning very slightly forward (for individual letter-shapes, see separate sheet); judging from the hand I would say that they belong to two different rolls if it were not for the fact that they are both written across the fibres, that the (reconstructed) column width is the same, and that apparently they have the same type of documents on the back (this last point I was unable to check while at Yale; it would be useful to order a plate of the back of P.Ryl. I 22 and then to compare with the digitized image of P.Yale 110).
N.B.: P.Yale makes consistent use of iota adscript (even two intrusive ones), whereas P.Ryl. does not write it at the one place where it should (while at the other place, the papyrus breaks; another possibility in l. 10 not certain).
N.B.: P.Yale has many misspellings, one correction and two intrusive iotas, whereas P.Ryl. has none of these and on the whole looks much more careful.
PHOTO (A) RECTO + VERSO (paper)PHOTO (paper)
how to refer to the minimal description in the on-line catalogue ??
N.B.: the hand of B is definitely different from P.Ryl. I 22: the letters are smaller and do not have the many decorations of P.Ryl., the writing is less formal, without the angular appearance of P.Ryl., the line spacing is smaller, and the hand is leaning very slightly forward (for individual letter-shapes, see separate sheet); judging from the hand I would say that they belong to two different rolls if it were not for the fact that they are both written across the fibres, that the (reconstructed) column width is the same, and that apparently they have the same type of documents on the back (this last point I was unable to check while at Yale; it would be useful to order a plate of the back of P.Ryl. I 22 and then to compare with the digitized image of P.Yale 110).
N.B.: P.Yale makes consistent use of iota adscript (even two intrusive ones), whereas P.Ryl. does not write it at the one place where it should (while at the other place, the papyrus breaks; another possibility in l. 10 not certain).
N.B.: P.Yale has many misspellings, one correction and two intrusive iotas, whereas P.Ryl. has none of these and on the whole looks much more careful.
copy ed. pr. (Ryl. +Yale) and article Luppe
the two papyri originate from the same roll (?):
(A): 20 lines from the top of a column, broken off on both sides;
(B): two fragments, broken off on all sides, with remains of 16 lines on fr. 1 and 7 lines on fr. 2.
mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apisquery?function=lookup&key=yale.apis.0004204100
0015 60668 h026 anon. roll (?) 08 glossary and scholia to Od. 16.427-474; 17.37-66, with two explanations of mythographic contents:
l. 12-14: on the Hermaios Lophos;
l. 21-25: on Aphrodite and the Homeric epithet "chrysê"
.Similarities with Scholia D and Eustathius, also with Apollonius Sophista.
AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 12 (1973), p. 17-23 (A. Henrichs)
document ? scholia minora medium-sized, informal, round, flattened, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear and regular, but with uneven line spacing, written with a thick pen by a practised scribe, generally separating the letters, but linking some, decorated with roundels on many uprights and adding occasional serifs. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 236 (now lost?)
1793 lemmata and scholia separated by blank spaces or horizontal strokes; the lemma usually in ekthesis by a few letters; trema (2); abbreviation used for " " (2). 20-25 papyrus Hermaios Lophos (Q); Ithakê [Ithaca]; Ouranos; Aphroditê; Kypros [Cyprus]. 01 M-P 1211.1 ed. princ. pl. Ia Hermaios Lophos (Q); Ithakê [Ithaca]; Ouranos; Aphroditê; Kypros [Cyprus]. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Odyssea 16, 17] along the fibres 14 9 x 19.5 now lost? (cf. ed. princ. n. 1) papyrus not found by R. Daniel 09/2001, but may simply be misplaced - check form, size (not specified in ed. princ., based on plate), margin, column width;
no digital image on P.Köln website
copy ed. pr.
25 lines from the bottom of a column, rather washed off, with a few letters missing at the ends. Homerica, mythology
0016 62825 Theon (grammaticus) H. Maehler, ZPE 3 (1968), p. 100 (+ 99); P. Angeli Bernardini, QUCC 11 (1971), p. 99-101; G. Calvani, QUCC 16 (1973), p. 142-145; M. Treu, in: Serta Turyniana, 1974, p. 62-85; G. Calvani Mariotti - G. Derenzini, SCO 26 (1977), p. 170-176; H. Maehler, in: La philologie grecque à l'époque hellénistique et romaine, 1994, p. 95-141 (esp. p. 115-118); A. Pardini, RhM 140 (1997), p. 412-413. roll 07.5 excerpts from Theon's Hypomnema on Pindar's Pythians (according to end title): at least 8 lemmata from Pyth. 12, most of which are followed by mythographical explanations and mainly concerned with the figure of Perseus. Closer to paraphrase than to commentary. No direct relation to extant scholia, but Turner comments: "verbal echoes of 2536 can be recognized in the extant scholia at a number of places". AD 2 P.Oxy. 31, 2536 (E.G. Turner, 1966)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) three different hands (two for the main text + one for the marginal additions), all described as "tiny, undistinguished semicursives" in ed. princ.;

hand A = l. 1-25 (probably continued in col. 2): tiny, informal, round, upright, very irregular bookhand, written fairly rapidly and without care by a practised scribe, generally writing the letters separately, but occasionally with ligatures and cursive elements;

hand B = l. 26-30 + col. 2: round, semi-cursive, leaning forward, rapid and irregular, smaller and more closely spaced than A;

hand C = marginal additions: round, semi-cursive, leaning forward, rapid and irregular, similar to B, but smaller.
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/10/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4015 lemmata and commentary separated by blank spaces, and probably also by paragraphos (cf. col. 2, 35-36); common abbreviations (cf. ed. princ.); "some accents and apostrophes in the lemmata and occasionally elsewhere; iota adscript capriciously written; corrections by additions and alterations above the line" (GMAW); end title with decorative strokes. 35-37 (R) papyrus col. 1: Seriphioi (R) Polydektês (3 + R); Perseus (R + 3); Danaê (2); Gorgôn [Gorgô] (2 + R); Medousa (R); Zeus; Athêna (3); Euryalê (Q + 1); Sthennô; Oidipous (Q); Melas (Q). 02 M-P 1498.2 ed. princ. pl. III; GMAW no. 61. col. 1: Seriphioi (R) Polydektês (3 + R); Perseus (R + 3); Danaê (2); Gorgôn [Gorgô] (2 + R); Medousa (R); Zeus; Athêna (3); Euryalê (Q + 1); Sthennô; Euripidês; Oidipous (Q); Melas (Q);
col. 2: Theôn; Artemidôros; Pindaros.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Pindarus, Pythia 12]; Euripides. along the fibres 12 23.3 x 13.3 N.B.: the text of col. 2 takes up 2.8 cm from the top, then comes a blank space of 1.5 cm, then the end title (2.7 cm inclusive decorative strokes), then 6.3 cm of blank space (except for a few minor traces and one rather larger blot of ink);
N.B.: I can see no trace of kollesis; R. Coles also rejects this possibility categorically.
"lower part of the end of a book-roll, containing the bottom portions of the final two columns of a commentary on Pindar, Pythians 12" (ed. princ.): col. 1 = 30 lines, broken off to the left; col. 2 = 8 lines (much washed-off) + end title (with decorative strokes around it). Some disorder (3 differents hands, additions in right-hand margin of col. 1). mythology
0017 59372 anon. roll (?) ?? marginal scholia on Callimachus, Aetia III, fr. 75.11-15, mentioning the story of Lygdamis. AD 1 - AD 2 P.Oxy. 64, 4427 (M. Richter - P. Parsons, 1997)
traces of an account register (?), AD 2 marginal scholia main text (Callimachus): medium-sized, informal, mixed round, squarish, upright, broadly bilinear, neat and regular, written with care by a practised scribe, separating all letters (occasionally touching), undecorated but with a general touch of elegance;
scholia (different hand): tiny, informal, round, upright, broadly bilinear, fairly regular, separating all letters, but using several cursive forms, written with a thin pen.
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
471 main text: accents, breathings on every word; "carefully prepared for reading, possibly in school" (ed. princ.).
scholia: iota adscript.
?? papyrus Lygdamis; Artemis (R); Parthenios; Paphlagonia. 01 M-P 0211.11 ed. princ. pl. XI. Lygdamis; Artemis (R); Parthenios; Paphlagonia. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Callimachus, Aetia 3] across the fibres 10 5.5 x 6.5 OK
5 lines of Callimachus' Aetia, from the top of a column, broken off on both sides; in the upper margin (3.5 cm), 6 lines of scholia, broken off on both sides (N.B.: the text of l. 4 stops in the middle of the line, leaving a long blank space which probably indicates the end of the scholion). school text (?), mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol64/pages/4427.htm
0018 61272 h111 anon. J. Bingen, CdE 40 (1965), p. 483-484; M. Huys - T. Schmidt, ZPE 134 (2001), p. 145-162; SB 16806 sheet ?? three consecutive alphabetical lists of proper names (disyllabic and trisyllabic), most of them from Greek mythology. Striking similarities with the name-list in P.Bouriant 1 (at least 29 names in common). 113 AD 4 (?) O.Crum 525 (W. Crum, 1902) = MPER N.S. 18, 238 (M.R.M. Hasitzka, 1990)
blank list of names large, informal, round, broad, upright, generally bilinear, but fairly irregular in size and line-spacing, written with a thick pen and rather carelessly, though by a fairly proficient scribe, with letters usually well separated, occasionally touching or seemingly linked by small binding strokes; the handwriting becomes smaller and narrower from l. 16 onwards; despite the general impression of irregularity, it is not a beginner's hand and may be that of a teacher, as suggested by Cribiore. London, University College, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, UC 32222. 2003/10/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2117 double dots used to separate the names in the list; trema used occasionally; one unidentified mark (l. 7). ?? ostracon Zêtês; Zêthos; Zelys (?); Thaumas; Thestôr; Iphis; Iris (?); Idas; Ilos; Kalchas; Kadmos; Lichas; Lyngeus [Lynkeus]; Mentôr (?); Mopsos; Molos (?); Naos; Nestôr; Nêleus; Xanthos; Xouthos; Oineus; Oiax; Panthos; Paris; Raros; Rhômos (?); Sinis; Stentôr; Tydeus; Teukros; Hypnos; Phôkos; Phasis (?); Phaôn (?) Ênops; Êôs; Kreôn; Ladôn; Pelops; Proitos; Pêleus; Phêgeus; Phineus; Aphareus; Aiakos; Aigisthos (?). 01 M-P 2129.1 Cribiore pl. XII; Huys-Schmidt, pl. III. Zêtês; Zênôn; Zêthos; Zelys (?); Thaumas; Thestôr; Iphis; Iris (?); Idas; Ilos; Kalchas; Kadmos; Lichas; Lyngeus [Lynkeus]; Mentôr (?); Mopsos; Molos (?); Naos; Nestôr; Nêleus; Xanthos; Xouthos; Xerxês; Oineus; Oiax; Panthos; Paris; Raros; Rouphos; Rhômos (?); Sinis; Stentôr; Tydeus; Teukros; Hypnos; Philôn (?); Phôkos; Phasis (?); Phaôn (?); Psaumis (?); Psouchis (?); Ênops; Êôs; Thalês; Kreôn; Knêmôn; Ladôn; Pelops; Proitos; Pêleus; Sikôn; Solôn; Phêgeus; Phineus; Chilôn; Aphareus; Aiakos; Aigisthos (?). Upper Egypt, Tentyra (Denderah)? 21 14.5 x 24 OK
PHOTO (paper)
24 incomplete lines from a column broken-off at the right-hand side and at the bottom. school text, mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/zpe/bilder134/huys-schmidt.jpg
0019 59469 Conon mentioned by VRS p. 74; cf. A. Henrichs, in: Interpretations of Greek Mythology, 1987, p. 244-247; J. Lightfoot, Parthenius of Nicaea, 1999, p. 228-229. roll 11 - 12 (R) parts of Conon's Diegeseis 46 and 47 (or extensive summary thereof), telling the story of Aeneas and the foundation of Lavinium, Alba and Rome, as well as the story of Althaemenes and the colonization of Crete. Cf. summary by Photius, Bibl. III, 35 Henry (= FGrHist 26 F 1). AD 2 P.Oxy. 52, 3648 (M.A. Harder, 1984)
land-register, AD 2 narrative small, informal, round, flattened, upright, generally bilinear (except for the very long tails of phi and rho), regular, of handsome appearance, rapidly and proficiently written with a thin pen, showing many cursive elements and ligatures, frequently decorated with hooks and serifs. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
569 punctuation by paragraphos and blank spaces; possibly also high stop (fr. 2, col. 2, 13). 36-38 papyrus fr. 2: Aineias [Aeneas]; Troia [Troy]; Laouinion [Lavinium]; Albai [Alba]; Thybris [Tiber] (R); Rhomê [Roma]; Aineadai; Althaimenês (2); Hêrakleidai;
Têmenos; Dôrieis [Dorians]; Pelasgoi [Pelasgians] (R); Peloponnêsos; Athênaioi [Athenians]; Neileôs [Nêleus] (R); Kodridai; Lakedaimonioi [Spartans]; Philonomos; Delphos (R); Pollis; Krêtê [Crete]; Asia.
02 M-P 0248.1 ed. princ. pl. II. fr. 2: Aineias [Aeneas]; Troia [Troy]; Laouinion [Lavinium]; Albai [Alba];
Thybris [Tiber] (R); Rhomê [Roma]; Aineadai; Althaimenês (2); Hêrakleidai; Têmenos; Dôrieis [Dorians]; Pelasgoi [Pelasgians] (R); Peloponnêsos; Athênaioi [Athenians]; Neileôs [Nêleus] (R); Kodridai; Lakedaimonioi [Spartans]; Philonomos; Delphos (R); Pollis; Krêtê [Crete]; Asia.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus across the fibres 12 2.5 x 3.5 (fr. 1)
9.5 x 26.4 (fr. 2)
OK Two fragments (fr. 1 to be located in the lower part of fr. 2, col. 1) with remains of two columns (intercolumnium: 2 cm): fr. 1 has only a few words from 6 lines broken off on both sides; fr. 2 has traces of a few line-endings in col. 1, while col. 2 is preserved to full height, with 38 lines broken off to the left; title (in eisthesis) in col. 2, 19, indicating a new section. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol52/pages/3648.htm
0020 59860 anon. F. Blass, APF 3, p. 277; W. Luppe, Philologus 125 (1981), p. 181-187; J. Diggle, ZPE 77 (1989), p. 5 n. 22. roll 07.5 - 08 hypothesis to Euripides' Electra, not otherwise known. Fairly similar to other hypotheseis according to Luppe, rather a rhetorically elaborated type of hyp. according to VRS. AD 3 P.Oxy. 03, 420 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1903) = P.Lond.Lit. 72 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
account, AD 3 hypothesis medium-sized, informal, angular, upright, leaning forward, not aiming at strict bilinearity, but neat and regular, of handsome appearance though without any decorations, carefully written with a thin pen by a competent scribe, separating all letters. London, British Library 1524
0966 apostrophe (l. 11). [The alleged paragraphos after l. 12 (cf. ed. princ.) is in fact the horizontal bar of a tau (cf. Luppe)] 25-26 papyrus Orestês (3); Êlektra (2); Aigisthos (R); Agamemnôn (R); Pyladês (?). 01 0388 ed. princ. pl. VI (part); Luppe, p. 182. Orestês (3); Êlektra (2); Aigisthos (R); Agamemnôn (R); Pyladês (?). Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euripides, Electra] along the fibres 16 9.5 x 16 OK 22 lines (11 almost complete) from the top of a column. mythology
0021 59665 Dictys Cretensis A. Körte, APF 6 (1920), p. 260-261; M. Ihm, Hermes 44 (1909), p. 1-22; Dictys Cretensis FGrHist 49 F 7a ; W. Eisenhut, Dictys Cretensis, Leipzig, 1973, p. 134-139; H.J. Marblestone, Dictys Cretensis, 1969, p. 134-139 (text + English transl.) + p. 213-228 (commentary); A. Stravino, Ditti Cretese, 1970; A.E. Peristerakis, Dictys ho Krês, 1984, p. 73-90; S. Merkle, Die Ephemeris, 1989, p. 113-118. roll 14 (col. 2) long extract from the Greek original of Dictys Cretensis' Bellum Troianum (= IV, 9-15). AD 3 P.Tebt. 02, 268 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt - E.J. Goodspeed, 1907)
revenue returns, AD 206
(= P.Tebt. 2, 340)
narrative medium-sized, informal, round, upright, broadly bilinear, somewhat irregular, but keeping the lines fairly straight, written quite rapidly with a thick pen and without much care by a practised scribe, linking many letters; no decorations. Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, UC 3001. 2003/10/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 0767 many misspellings and a few corrections (by the same hand). 41-42 papyrus col. 1: Hellênes [Greeks] (2 + R); Alexandros (R + 3); Memnôn; Skamandros (R); Priamos (R + 1); Lykaôn (R); Trôilos (1 + R); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Achilleus (4 + 2R); Ilion; Apollôn Thymbraios; Polyxenê (R + 1); Idaios (R); Aias (2 + R); Diomêdês; Odysseus (R + 1); Dêiphobos (1 + R); Trôes [Trojans] (R);
col. 2: Achilleus (9); Diomêdês; Asios; Dymas; Hekabê; Nastês; Amphimachos; Kares [Carians]; Aias (4); Sthenelos; Patroklos (2); Trôes [Trojans]; Alexandros; Priamos (R + 1); Eurypylos; Têlephos (R); Hektôr; Kassandra; Mysoi [Mysians]; Kêteoi [Keteians]; Hellênes [Greeks]; Sigeion (2); Pyrrhos; Neoptolemos (2); Myrmidones [Myrmidons]; Phoinix; Hippodameia.
02 0338 ed. princ. pl. II. col. 1: Hellênes [Greeks] (2 + R); Alexandros (R + 3); Memnôn; Skamandros (R); Priamos (R + 1); Lykaôn (R); Trôilos (1 + R); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Achilleus (4 + 2R); Ilion; Apollôn Thymbraios; Polyxenê (R + 1); Idaios (R); Aias (2 + R); Diomêdês; Odysseus (R + 1); Dêiphobos (1 + R); Trôes [Trojans] (R);
col. 2: Achilleus (9); Diomêdês; Asios; Dymas; Hekabê; Nastês; Amphimachos; Kares [Carians]; Aias (4); Sthenelos; Patroklos (2); Trôes [Trojans]; Alexandros; Priamos (R + 1); Eurypylos; Têlephos (R); Hektôr; Kassandra; Mysoi [Mysians]; Kêteoi [Keteians]; Hellênes [Greeks]; Sigeion (2); Pyrrhos; Neoptolemos (2); Myrmidones [Myrmidons]; Phoinix; Hippodameia.
Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis across the fibres 16 26 x 33 NOT SEEN
copy Stravino and Peristerakis
two columns at full height, of 53 lines each; col. 1 is broken off to the left ca. in the middle, col. 2 is almost complete (except for the much damaged central part); the papyrus is much worm-eaten. mythology
0022 59664 Dictys Cretensis W. Eisenhut, RhM 112 (1969), p. 114-119; idem, Dictys Cretensis, Leipzig, 1973, p. 140; A.E. Peristerakis, Dictys ho Krês, 1984, p. 90-92; H. Mette, Lustrum 27 (1985), p. 35-36; S. Merkle, Die Ephemeris, 1989, p. 113-118; N. Pellé, 'A proposito di Nireo e Peneleo nel Bellum Troianum di Ditti Cretese: POxy XXXI 2539 ', in M. Capasso (ed.), Dal restauro dei materiali allo studio dei testi. Aspetti della ricerca papirologica (PLup 11/2002), Galatina 2003, p. 79-86. roll (?) 09 (?, R) extract from the Greek original of Dictys Cretensis' Bellum Troianum (= IV, 18). AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 31, 2539 (J.W.B. Barns, 1966)
faded traces of a few letters (bookhand), date? narrative small, informal, round, leaning very slightly backward, not aiming at bilinearity, though keeping the lines straight, fairly regular, plain, closely spaced, rapidly written by a competent but not particularly careful scribe, with many ligatures and occasional cursive elements. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/09/17 Marc Huys 0766 none. 38-40 (?, R) papyrus Eurypylos; Trôes [Trojans]; Pêneleôs; Nireus (R); Chrysês; Hellênes [Greeks] (Q); Helenos; Priamos (R); Apollôn; Diomêdês; Odysseus; Alexandros; Antênôr. 01 M-P 0338.1 ed. princ. pl. II. Eurypylos; Trôes [Trojans]; Pêneleôs;
Nireus (R); Chrysês; Hellênes [Greeks] (Q); Helenos; Priamos (R); Apollôn; Diomêdês; Odysseus; Alexandros; Antênôr.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 14 5.5 x 11.3 incomplete reference to Pellé 25 lines of a column broken off on all sides. mythology
0023 59477 anon. W. Luppe, Philologus 110 (1966), p. 169-193; J. Schwarze, Die Beurteilung des Perikles durch die attische Komödie, 1971, p. 6-24 + 189-190; C. Austin, CGFP 70 (with extensive bibliography, p. 35); J. Ebert, Philologus 122 (1978), p. 177-182; W. Luppe, Philologus 124 (1980), p. 154-158; W. Ameling, QC 3 (1981), p. 406-409; E.W. Handley, BICS 29 (1982), p. 114-115; P. Lerza, SIFC 54 (1982), p. 186-193; R. Kassel - C. Austin, PCG 4 , 1983, p. 140-141; A. Tatti, Metis 1 (1986), p. 325-332; W. Luppe, ZPE 72 (1988), p. 37-38; G. Bona, in: La polis e il suo teatro, vol. 2, 1988, p. 187-194; M. Vickers, Pericles on Stage, 1997, p. 193-195; M. Revermann, JHS 117 (1997), p. 197-200; C. Austin, QUCC N.S. 63 (1999), p. 37-41; E. Bakola, Old Comedy Disguised as Satyr Play: A New Reading of Cratinus' Dionysalexandros (P. Oxy. 663), ZPE 154 (2005), p. 46-58. roll 03.5 - 05 (col. 1)
05.5 - 06 (col. 2)
hypothesis to Cratinus' Dionysalexandros (with title of the play). AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 04, 663 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1904)
blank hypothesis small, informal, round, somewhat flattened, of the "severe" style, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear and fairly regular, plain, undecorated, written with some care, though quite rapidly by a proficient scribe, mostly well separating the letters; the lines are fairly closely spaced; the title is written in large, formal, angular letters, also slightly leaning forward. Cambridge, University Library add. 4415 2003/10/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 0577 trema (1); occasional high stops; blank space and paragraphos used to indicate a pause (several cases); numerous abbreviations; some corruptions and corrections; words frequently separated by small spaces. 12-20 (col. 1)
19-21 (col. 2)
papyrus col. 1:Hermês; Dionysos; Hêra; Athêna; Aphroditê; Lakedaimôn; Helenê; Idê [Ida]; Achaioi [Achaeans];
Alexandros (2); Helenê (2); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Dionysos.
02 0252 Luppe, 1966, p. 178; Handley, pl. 7. col. 1:Hermês; Dionysos; Hêra; Athêna Aphroditê; Lakedaimôn; Helenê; Idê [Ida]; Achaioi [Achaeans];
col. 2:Dionysalexandros; Krateinos [Kratinos]; Alexandros (2); Helenê (2); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Dionysos; Periklês; Athênaioi [Athenians].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Cratinus, Dionysalexandros] along the fibres 14 12 x 20 OK two columns at full width: col. 1 is broken off at the top and has 25 lines (19 complete); col. 2 starts at ca. 9 cm from the top of the papyrus, underneath a large title, and has 20 lines (18 complete). The title itself starts at ca. 5.5 cm from the top. mythology
0024 59847 anon. W.S. Barrett, CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 58-71. sheet (?) 12 (R) hypothesis to Euripides' Phoenissae (as known from the manuscript tradition). AD 2 - AD 3 CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 52-55 (J.W.B. Barns - R.A. Coles) = P.Oxy. 31, 2544 (J.W.B. Barns, 1966)
blank (apart from tiniest traces of ink) hypothesis medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear and fairly regular, written with a fairly thick pen by a proficient scribe, mostly separating the letters, but occasionally using ligatures, without decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
0952 none. 35-36 (R) papyrus Eteoklês (1 + R); Thêbai [Thebes] (1 + R); Polyneikês (1 + R); Argos; Adrastos; Teiresias (R); Kreôn (R); Menoikeus. 01 M-P 0426.1 Eteoklês (1 + R); Thêbai [Thebes] (1 + R); Polyneikês (1 + R); Argos; Adrastos; Teiresias (R); Kreôn (R); Menoikeus. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euripides, Phoenissae] across the fibres 14 4.5 x 10.2 (fr. 1)
3.5 x 3.7 (fr. 2)
PHOTO (paper)
two fragments from the top of the same column, preserving a few words out of 14 lines. school text (?), mythology 15
0025 59822 anon. (A) C. Austin, Nova fragmenta Euripidea, 1968, p. 88-89; W. Luppe, Philologus 126 (1982), p. 10-18; J. Diggle, ZPE 77 (1989), p. 11; Van Looy H., Jouan F., Euripide VIII: Fragments 1, Paris, 1998, p. 17-18. (B) prior to 1984, cf. P.Oxy. vol. 52, p. 13; D. Kovacs, HSPh 88 (1984), p. 47-70; W. Luppe, ZPE 60 (1985), p. 12-16; 63 (1986), p. 7-10; 72 (1988), 27-33; 90 (1992), p. 45-47; 96 (1992), p. 6-8; M. Huys, AC 54 (1985), p. 240-253; idem, ZPE 62 (1986), p. 9-36; W. Luppe, APF 45 (1999), p. 19-20; J. Diggle (ed.), Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta selecta, Oxford 1998, p. 80-81.; Van Looy H., Jouan F., Euripide VIII: Fragments 1, Paris, 1998, p. 43-45; Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta, ed. R. Kannicht, 5.1, Göttingen 2004; W. Luppe, ZPE 169 (2009), p. 15-16. roll 08.5 - 09 (A and B) hypotheseis to Euripides' Alcestis, Aeolus (A), Alexandros, Andromache (B). The Alcestis hyp. offers similar phrasing but is much longer than the manuscript tradition; the Andromache hyp. mainly agrees with it. AD 2 (A) P.Oxy. 27, 2457 (E.G. Turner, 1962) + (B) BICS Suppl. 32 (R.A. Coles, 1974) = P.Oxy. 52, 3650 (R.A.Coles, 1984)
tax-register, AD 1-2 hypothesis small, semi-cursive, very irregular, rather carelessly written, with lines sloping upwards; the script of (A) is less cursive than that of (B), spaces the lines closer and is written with a thinner pen in a slightly smaller and more angular hand looking less untidy; it is still the same hand, however (cf. Coles, 1974, p. 2). London, British Library 3040 (A) + Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms (B) 2003/10/14 Marc Huys 0927 forked paragraphos in (A) between the two hypotheseis; iota adscript in (B), l. 20. 28-40 papyrus P.Oxy. 2457: Thanatos; Alkêstis; Aiolos (Q + 1); Tyrrhênia; Makareus; Kanakê (R);
P.Oxy. 3650, col. 1:Alexandros (Q + 2); Ilion (Q); Hekab ê (5); Paris; Priamos (2); Dêiphobos; Kassandra;
P.Oxy. 3650, col. 2: Andromachê (R); Menelaos (2R + 1); Thetis (2R); Pêleus (1 + R); Spartê [Sparta] (R); Hermionê (R); Neoptolemos (2 + R); Orestês; Delphoi [Delphi]; Molossoi (R).
01 (A)
02 (B)
0454 (A) ed. princ. pl. IV + (B) BICS Suppl. 32, pl. I-II. P.Oxy. 2457: Thanatos; Alkêstis; Aiolos (Q + 1); Tyrrhênia; Makareus; Kanakê(R);
P.Oxy. 3650, col. 1: Alexandros (Q + 2); Ilion (Q); Hekabê (5); Paris; Priamos (2); Dêiphobos; Kassandra;
P.Oxy. 3650, col. 2: Andromachê (R); Menelaos (2R + 1); Thetis (2R); Pêleus (1 + R); Spartê [Sparta] (R); Hermionê (R); Neoptolemos (2 + R); Orestês; Delphoi [Delphi]; Molossoi (R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euripides, Alcestis, Aeolus (A), Alexandros, Andromache (B)] across the fibres 12 8.3 x 18.8 (A)
18 x 21 (B)
PHOTO (paper): 1 enlarged colour photograph + 3 black & white photos + 1 enlarged detail (publicity ICS)
the two papyri originate from the same roll;
(A) = narrow strip with a few letters from 17 lines containing a hyp. to Alcestis, followed by a larger section with 14 almost complete lines from a hyp. to Aeolus introduced by indented title and opening verse;
(B) = lower part of two columns, with a tiny trace of a preceding column in the left margin: col. 1 has 32 lines at full width, but much damaged, from a hyp. to Alexandros, with an also much damaged, indented title and opening verse; col. 2 has the beginning letters of 33 lines from a hyp. to Andromache.
mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol52/pages/3650.htm 01a + 01b
0026 59849 anon. W. Luppe, Eikasmos 1 (1990), p. 171-177; idem, ZPE 80 (1990), p. 13-15. roll 07 (?, R) hypotheseis to Euripides' Bellerophon and Busiris (the latter with title in eisthesis). AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 52, 3651 (H.M. Cockle, 1984)
blank hypothesis small, informal, angular, upright, not strictly bilinear, but fairly regular, attractively and competently written, without decorations; many letters touch and the lines are closely spaced. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
0954 trema (1); apostrophe (1); blank space to indicate a pause (1); large horizontal stroke in the left margin opposite l. 4 (function ?). 30 (R) papyrus Bellerophontês (3); Tauros (?); Lykia; Bouseiris [Bousiris] (Q); Isandros (?); Hêraklês (?, R); Hesperides (?, R). 01 M-P 0454.1 ed. princ. pl. III. Bellerophontês (3); Tauros (?); Lykia; Bouseiris [Bousiris] (Q); Isandros (?); Hêraklês (?, R); Hesperides (?, R). Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euripides, Bellerophon, Busiris] along the fibres 14 4.1 x 15.7 OK narrow strip from the top of a column, with the beginnings of 34 lines, badly rubbed in the lower part; title in eisthesis (with first-line quotation). mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol52/pages/3651.htm 05
0027 64463 Aurelius Theodoros (student) W. Froehner, Philologus Suppl. 5 (1889), p. 48-49; idem, Musée de Marseille, Catalogue des antiquités grecques et romaines, Paris, 1897, p. 16-17; E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, Bonn, 1913, p. 8 (no. 17b); R.S. Bagnall - K.A. Worp, BASP 17 (1980), p. 17; TrGF II F 734e; P. Cauderlier, in: Les tablettes à écrire, 1992, p. 90; idem, in: Jeunesse et années de formation, 1994, p. 130-133. New edition announced by Cauderlier. sheet
story of Agamemnon and Iphigenia in four lines repeated three times. 146 AD 4 (327) Annuaire de la Société française de numismatique et d'archéologie 3 (1868), p. LXXVI-LXXVII (W. Froehner)
uncertain (paraphrase ? narrative ?) small to medium-sized, informal, round, leaning forward, not aiming at bilinearity, but regular, written by a capable school-hand of the "rapid" type, mostly linking the letters and occasionally using cursive forms, keeping the lines straight. Marseille, Musée archéologique de la Vieille Charité, T.Borély 1568 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5687 many misspellings and grammatical errors; itacism.
wooden tablet Kalchas; Hellênes [Greeks]; Agamemnôn (2); Iphigeneia.
2731 Cribiore pl. XVII; Cauderlier, 1994, pl. III. Aurêlios Theodôros; Anoubiôn; Phlauios Kônstantios [Flavius Constantius]; Oualerios Maximianos [Valerius Maximianus] (R); Kalchas; Hellênes [Greeks]; Agamemnôn (2); Iphigeneia. Egypt, unknown 19 30.5 x 17.5 Froehner refers to two previous editions (by himself), but I was unable to find them; his ed. princ. only gives very few words of the text; full text to be found in Philologus Suppl. 5.
according to Cribiore, this is not a paraphrase
many mistakes in bibliography
copy of ed. pr. and article of Froehner, Ziebarth, Bagnall-Worp and Cauderlier
much damaged tablet with a much faded text written in black ink, containing 15 lines. Homerica, school text, mythology
0028 59832 anon. W. Luppe, APF 32 (1986), p. 5-13; idem, ZPE 72 (1988), p. 31-33; W.E.H. Cockle, Euripides Hypsipyle, 1987, p. 51. roll 07.5 - 09 ? (R) hypotheseis to Euripides' Hypsipyle and Phrixus I (the latter with title in eisthesis). Compared to the hypp. in P.Oxy. 27, 2455, the text of the Hypsipyle hyp. is different, while the Phrixus hyp. is fairly similar. AD 3 P.Oxy. 52, 3652 (H.M. Cockle, 1984)
unidentified text, AD 3 (?) hypothesis small, informal, round, leaning forward, not strictly bilinear and somewhat irregular, closely spaced, written rapidly and without much care by a practised scribe, linking most letters, without decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
0937 trema (2) and accent (1); deletion and corrections in intercolumnium by a different hand. 29-35 (R) papyrus Archemoros; Phrixos (Q + 2); Athamas; Aiolos (R); Thettaloi [Thessalians] (1 + Q); Nephelê (R); Hellê (R); Inô (R); Kadmos; Zeus (R); Delphoi [Delphi]. 02 M-P 0454.2 ed. princ. pl. I. Archemoros; Phrixos (Q + 2); Athamas;
Aiolos (R); Thettaloi [Thessalians] (1 + Q); Nephelê (R); Hellê (R); Inô (R); Kadmos; Zeus (R); Delphoi [Delphi].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euripides, Hypsipyle, Phrixus I] along the fibres 16 4.8 x 15.2 OK remains from the bottom of two columns: col. 1 shows only a few letters from the ends of 12 lines; col. 2 has the beginning words of 31 lines. Annotations in the intercolumnium (by a different hand). mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol52/pages/3652.htm 14
0029 59941 anon. mentioned by E.G. Turner, Proc. IXth Congr. Oslo, 1961, p. 7, and by F. Uebel, APF 22 (1973), p. 326. roll 10.5 hypotheseis to Euripides' Andromache (fr. 1), Bacchae (fr. 2, with title in eisthesis), Bellerophon (fr. 4) and other unknown plays. The Bacchae hyp. is close to the manuscript tradition, the Andromache hyp. has too scanty remains to allow comparison. AD 2 P.Oxy. 60, 4017 (H.M. Cockle, 1994)
Homeric quotations, AD 2 (?) hypothesis medium-sized, informal, round, sometimes leaning backward, generally bilinear, fairly regular, rapidly and proficiently written with many ligatures and cursive elements; the hand is somewhat surprisingly described in ed. princ. as a "rather ungainly semi-cursive", whereas, contrary to the two scripts to which it is compared (P.Oxy. 42, 3013 and 52, 3653), it attains some beauty through the regularity of execution and the straight and well-spaced lines. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
1053 one high stop (mentioned by VRS); word-breaks sometimes indicated by larger space between letters. 27-30 (fr. 2) papyrus fr. 1: Neoptolemos (R); Orestês (R); Pêleus;
fr. 2: Bakchai (Q + 1); Zeus (Q); Thêbaioi [Thebans] (Q, R + 1); Thêbai [Thebes]; Dionysos; Kadmos (2); Kithairôn; Semelê;
fr. 4: Stheneboia; Bellerophontês (R).
02 (fr. 2) M-P 0387.1 ed. princ. pl. V-VI. fr. 1: Neoptolemos (R); Orestês (R); Pêleus;
fr. 2: Bakchai (Q + 1); Zeus (Q); Thêbaioi [Thebans] (Q, R + 1); Thêbai [Thebes]; Dionysos; Kadmos (2); Kithairôn; Semelê;
fr. 4: Stheneboia; Bellerophontês (R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euripides, Andromache (fr. 1), Bacchae (fr. 2), Bellerophon (fr. 4)]. across the fibres 12 14 x 17.2 (fr. 2) OK 27 fragments, most of them with only a few letters or even blank (except fr. 1-4); the largest is fr. 2, which has remains of two columns: the ending letters of 9 lines in col. 1, a fair but much damaged portion of 20 lines in col. 2, with a title in eisthesis. Fr. 3 and 4 are from the top of columns. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol60/pages/4017.htm 04
0030 59800 anon. W. Luppe, ZPE 89 (1991), p. 15-17. roll 11.5 - 12 (R) hypothesis to Euripides' Melanippe Sophe (similar to the manuscript tradition). AD 1 - AD 2 Pap.Lugd.Bat. 25, 2 (R.W. Daniel, 1991)
official document (on inheritance?), late AD 1 hypothesis small, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear (except for one very large bêta, l. 2), regular, carefully written by a proficient scribe, without decorations; most letters touch. Leiden, Papyrologisch Instituut, 145 ro
0904 possibly iota adscript in l. 4 (cf. ed. princ.). 38-40 (R) papyrus Hellên; Melanippê. 01 M-P 454.21 ed. princ. pl. I. Hellên; Melanippê. Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Melanippe Sophe] across the fibres 10 4 x 6.3 correct name of papyrus according to Checklist = P.Leid.Inst. 2.
remains of 5 lines, broken off on both sides, with a large upper margin (3.6 cm). mythology
0031 59820 anon. (A) general: E.G. Turner, Proc. IXth Congr. Oslo, 1961, p. 1-17; H. Lloyd-Jones, Gnomon 35 (1963), p. 439-443; V. Steffen, Eos 59 (1971), p. 203-226; W. Luppe, ZPE 72 (1988), p. 27-33;
fr. 1: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 90 + 92; W. Luppe, Anagennesis 4 (1986), p. 51-55;
fr. 2: W. Luppe, ZPE (1973), p. 30;
fr. 3: W. Luppe, ZPE 90 (1992), p. 48-49;
fr. 4: B. Snell, Hermes 91 (1963), p. 120; W. Luppe, ZPE 65 (1986), p. 29-30; J. Diggle, ZPE 77 (1989), p. 1-11 (= Euripidea, 1994, p. 327-340);
fr. 5: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 94; W. Luppe, Anagennesis 4 (1986), p. 223-243; U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, CPh 3 (1908), p. 225-232; W. Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 19-20; idem, ZPE 55 (1984), p. 7-8; idem, WZHalle 34 (1985), p. 99-102;
fr. 6a: W. Luppe, ZPE 75 (1988), p. 49-50;

fr. 6b: B. Snell, Aegyptus 47 (1967), p. 184-187; W. Luppe, SCO 32 (1982), p. 231-233 [with Korrektur-Beilage in SCO 33 (1983)]; idem, Anagennesis 4 (1986), p. 230, n. 14; idem, BACPS 5 (1988), p. 97-111; idem, APF 40 (1994), p. 13-19;

fr. 7: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 94; W. Luppe, APF 34 (1988), p. 15-25;

fr. 8: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 96 + 98; M.A. Harder, ZPE 35 (1979), p. 11, n. 12; W. Luppe, SIFC III 2 (1984), p. 35-39; M.A. Harder, in: Fragmenta Dramatica, 1991, p. 117-135;

fr. 9: M.A. Harder, ZPE 35 (1979), p. 11-12; eadem, in: Fragmenta Dramatica, 1991, p. 117-135; W. Luppe, Prometheus 13 (1987), p. 193-203;

fr. 10: O. Musso, Dioniso 44 (1970), p. 64-71; M.A. Harder, ZPE 35 (1979), p. 12-13; eadem, in: Fragmenta Dramatica, 1991, p. 117-135; W. Luppe, Prometheus 13 (1987), p. 193-203;

fr. 11: M.A. Harder, ZPE 35 (1979), p. 13; eadem, in: Fragmenta Dramatica, 1991, p. 117-135; W. Luppe, Acta Antiqua 32 (1989), p. 243-248; idem, APF 41 (1995), p. 25-33;

fr. 12: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 67;

fr. 13: W. Luppe, in: Aristoteles, Werk und Wirkung I, 1985, p. 610-615;

fr. 14.1: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 97; TrGF Critias F20; H. Lloyd-Jones, Gnomon 35 (1963), p. 439-443; W. Luppe, APF 35 (1989), p. 7-10; idem, APF 39 (1993), p. 15-16; J. Diggle (ed.), Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta selecta, Oxford 1998, p. 135
fr. 14.2: W. Luppe, ZPE 52 (1983), p. 43-44; idem, ZPE 72 (1988), p. 27-33;

fr. 14.3: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 101; W. Luppe, APF 32 (1986), p. 5-13;

fr. 14.4: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 101-102; W. Luppe, ZPE 51 (1983), p. 25-28;

fr. 14.5: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 99; J. Diggle, Euripides Phaethon, 1970, p. 53 + 75-78; R. Keydell, Hermes 102 (1974), p. 117; W. Luppe, Philologus 127 (1983), p. 135-139; J. Diggle (ed.), Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta selecta, Oxford 1998, p. 150

fr. 17.1: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 100; W.M. Calder III, in: Greeks Numismatics and Archaeology, 1979, p. 53-62; M.T. Luzzatto, Prometheus 9 (1982), p. 199-220; W. Luppe, Anagennesis 3 (1983), p. 187-200; idem, Tyche 7 (1992), p. 163-164; idem, WJA N.F. 19 (1993), p. 47-53; C.W. Müller, ZPE 98 (1993), p. 19-24; idem, Philoktet: Beiträge zur Wiedergewinnung..., 1997, p. 43-51; idem, Euripides, Philoktet, 2000, p. 144-145 + 224-230;

fr. 17.2: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 100 + 102; W.M. Calder III, in: Greeks Numismatics and Archaeology, 1979, p. 53-62; W. Luppe, APF 30 (1984), p. 31-37; idem, APF 39 (1993), p. 13;

fr. 17.3: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 102-103; R.A. Coles-J.W.B. Barns, CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 52-57; W.S. Barrett, CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 58-71; M.W. Haslam, GRBS 16 (1975), p. 149-166; W. Luppe, APF 30 (1984), p. 31-37;

fr. 17.4: C. Austin, Nova fragm. Euripid., p. 103;

fr. 18: W.S. Barrett, CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 68; W. Luppe, Anagennesis 3 (1983), p. 125-142; idem, ZPE 60 (1985), p. 16-20;

fr. 19: B. Snell, Hermes 91 (1963), p. 495; M.W. Haslam, GRBS 16 (1975), p. 150-151;

fr. 24: W. Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 19; idem, WZHalle 34 (1985), p. 99-102;

fr. 48: W.S. Barrett, CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 66-67; W. Luppe, Philologus 126 (1982), p. 313-315;

fr. 56: W.S. Barrett, CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 66-67;

fr. 57: W. Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 15-19;

fr. 78: W. Luppe, APF 32 (1986), p. 5;

fr. 84: W. Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 20;

fr. 95: W. Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 19; idem, WZHalle 34 (1985), p. 99-102;

fr. 107: M.A. Harder, ZPE 35 (1979), p. 7-14; J.S. Rusten, ZPE 40 (1980), p. 39-42; W. Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 15-19; idem, Eos 75 (1987), p. 251-256; M.A. Harder, in: Fragmenta Dramatica, 1991, p. 117-135; W. Luppe, 'Ein neuer Herstellungsversuch in der Hypothesis zu einem Temeniden-Drama des Euripides'ZPE 149 (2004), p. 10-14.

fr. 111: W. Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 20-21;

fr. 113: W.S. Barrett, CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 67-68;

fr. 123: W. Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 21;

fr. 125: W.S. Barrett, CQ N.S. 15 (1965), p. 66-67; W. Luppe, Philologus 126 (1982), p. 313-315;

fr. 139: W. Luppe, APF 39 (1993), p. 13;

fr. 141: W. Luppe, ZPE 60 (1985), p. 16-20; J. Diggle, ZPE 77 (1989), p. 1-11 (= Euripidea, 1994, p. 327-340);
(B) H.J. Mette, ZPE 4 (1969), p. 173; M.W. Haslam, GRBS 16 (1975), p. 150, n. 3; W. Luppe, ZPE 55 (1984), p. 7-8; idem, SIFC III 2 (1984), p. 35-39.
roll 09 (fr. 14 + 17); 08 - 08.5 (B, fr. Aa) hypotheseis to several of Euripides' plays in alphabetical order:

Medea (fr. 1), Melanippe Sophe (fr. 1, 2), Oineus (fr. 3), Orestes (fr. 3, 4, 18, 84, 111, 113, 141), Oedipus (fr. 4, 18), Peliades (fr. 18), Stheneboea (fr. 5, 6a, 24, 95 + fr. Bd), Sciron (fr. 6b), Syleus (fr. 5, 8 + fr. Aa), Temenus or Temenidae (fr. 8, 9, 10, 11, 57, 107), Telephus (fr. 12), Troades (fr. 13, 123), Tennes (fr. 14.1), Hypsipyle (fr. 14.1-3, 15, 85?), Phrixus I (fr. 14.3-4, 16, 78, 85?), Phoenix (fr. 14.4), Phaeton (fr. 14.5), Philoctetes (fr. 17.1-2), Phrixus II (fr. 17.2-3, 19, 139), Phoenissae (fr. 17.3-4, 48, 56, 125), Chrysippus (fr. 17.4), and other unidentified fragments.

Five hypp. can be compared with the manuscript versions, to which they are very close: Melanippe Sophe, Orestes, Stheneboea, Troades, Phoenissae.
AD 2 (A) P.Oxy. 27, 2455 (E.G. Turner, 1962) + (B) ZPE 4 (1969), p. 43-44 (J. Schwartz)
unidentified document hypothesis small, informal, round, upright, not bilinear, but regular and keeping the lines straight, of handsome appearance, written with care by a practised scribe, usually separating the letters, but using some ligatures and occasionally adding serifs on uprights. London, British Library 3038 + Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, G 2676 2003/03/09 Marc Huys 0925 trema; high stops; several corrections; intrusive iotas adscript; itacisms. 29-30 papyrus fr. 1: Melanippê (?, Q); Zeus;
fr. 2: Hellên (R); Zeus (R); Aiolos (R); Eurydikê; Krêtheus (R);
Salmôneus; Sisyphos (R); Hippê (R); Melanippê; Poseidôn (R);
fr. 3: Orestês; Aigisthos (R); Klytaimnêstra;
fr. 113: Menelaos (R);
fr. 4 + 141: Apollôn; Helenê (R); Orestês; Hermionê; Pyladês; Êlektra; Argos; Oidipous (Q); Phoibos (Q);
fr. 5 + fr. Bd: Hêraklês (?); Stheneboia (Q + 1); Proitos (1 + R); Abas; Akrisios (R); Tiryns; Bellerophontês (R); Korinthos [Corinth] (R); Karia (R);
fr. 24 + 95: Tiryns; Proitos (R); Stheneboia (R); Karia (R);
fr. 6a: Mêlos; Tiryns (R); Bellerophontês; Proitos (R);
fr. 6b: Skirôn (Q + 1); Hermês (Q); Poseidôn;
fr. 7: Hermês;
fr. Aa: Syleus (Q, R); Hêraklês (R); Iphitos (R); Eurytos; Zeus;
fr. 8: Syleus; Têmenos (Q);
fr. 9: Têmenos; Argos; Oxylos; Peloponnêsos; Argeia; Messênia; Kresphontês; Lakônia; Aristodêmos; Archelaos;
fr. 10: Spartê [Sparta]; Têmenos; Kresphontês (R); Messênia; Aristodêmos (R); Agasthenês;
fr. 11: Orestês; Agamemnôn; Têmenos; Spartê [Sparta]; Messênê;
fr. 13:
Ilios [Ilion] (R); Athêna; Poseidôn (R); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Hellênes [Greeks] (1 + R); Aias (R); Kassandra; Agamemnôn (R);
fr. 14.1: Tennês; Apollôn; Tenedos; Hypsipylê (Q); Dionysos (Q);
fr. 14.2: Lykourgos; Amphiaraos;
fr. 15: Amphiaraos;
fr. 14.3: Phrixos (Q + 1); Athamas; Aiolos; Thettalia [Thessaly]; Nephelê; Hellê; Inô; Kadmos;
fr. 16: Inô;
fr. 14.4: Phoinix (Q); Amyntôr;
fr. 14.5: Merops; Phaetôn; Hêlios;
fr. 17.1: Machaôn (R); Agamemnôn (R); Philoktêtês (2); Lêmnos; Helenos; Trôes [Trojans]; Hêraklês; Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Odysseus; Athêna; Troia [Troy ] (R);
fr. 17.2 + 139: Phrixos (Q); Sidôn (Q); Kados (Q + 1); Athamas; Orchomenos; Inô; Nephelê; Hellê (R); Phrixos;
fr. 17.3 + 19: Dionysos (2); Phrixos; Hellê; Mainades; Nephelê; Kolchoi [Colchians]; Phoinissai (Q); Hêlios (Q); Eteoklês; Thêbai [Thebes]; Polyneikês;
fr. 48 + 125: Teiresias; Kreôn (R); Menoikeus; Arês (R); Thêbaioi [Thebans] (R); Argeioi [Argians] (R);
fr. 17.4 + 56: Iokastê; Kreôn (2); Argeioi [Argians]; Kadmeia; Polyneikês; Oidipous; Chrysippos (Q).
21 (at least) 0453 (A) fr. 5: ed. princ. pl. VI; Luppe, Anagennesis 4 (1986), pl. XIII;

fr. 6b: Luppe, APF 40 (1994), pl. 11;

fr. 7: Luppe, APF 34 (1988), pl. 15;

fr. 8: ed. princ. pl. VI;

fr. 9: ed. princ. pl. VI;

fr. 10: ed. princ. pl. IX;

fr. 11: ed. princ. pl. IX; Luppe, APF 41 (1995), pl. 17;

fr. 12: ed. princ. pl. IX;

fr. 14.1: ed. princ. pl. IV; Luppe, APF 35 (1989), pl. 1;

fr. 14.2: ed. princ. pl. IV;

fr. 14.3: Luppe, APF 32 (1986), pl. 1;

fr. 14.4: Luppe, ZPE 51 (1983), pl. II; Luppe, APF 32 (1986), pl. 2;

fr. 15: ed. princ. pl. IV;

fr. 17.1: Luppe, Anagennesis 3 (1983), pl. IV;

fr. 17.2: Luppe, Anagennesis 3 (1983), pl. IV; Luppe, APF 30 (1984), pl. 1;

fr. 17.3: Luppe, APF 30 (1984), pl. 1;

fr. 18: Luppe, Anagennesis 3 (1983), pl. I;

fr. 57: Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), pl. Ib;

fr. 107: Luppe, ZPE 49 (1982), pl. Ia;

fr. 141: Luppe, ZPE 60 (1985), pl. Ib;

(B) Mette, pl. 9d (fr. Aa, b, c); Luppe, ZPE 55 (1984), pl. Ia (fr. Bd).
fr. 1: Melanippê (?, Q); Zeus;
fr. 2: Hellên (R); Zeus (R); Aiolos (R); Eurydikê; Krêtheus (R); Salmôneus; Sisyphos (R); Hippê (R); Melanippê; Poseidôn (R);
fr. 3: Orestês; Aigisthos (R); Klytaimnêstra;
fr. 113: Menelaos (R);
fr. 4 + 141: Apollôn; Helenê (R); Orestês; Hermionê; Pyladês; Êlektra; Argos; Oidipous (Q); Phoibos (Q);
fr. 5 + fr. Bd: Hêraklês (?); Stheneboia (Q + 1); Proitos (1 + R); Abas; Akrisios (R); Tiryns; Bellerophontês (R); Korinthos [Corinth] (R); Karia (R);
fr. 24 + 95: Tiryns; Proitos (R); Stheneboia (R); Karia (R);
fr. 6a: Mêlos; Tiryns (R); Bellerophontês; Proitos (R);
fr. 6b: Skirôn (Q + 1); Hermês (Q); Poseidôn;
fr. 7: Hermês;
fr. Aa: Syleus (Q, R); Hêraklês (R); Iphitos (R); Eurytos; Zeus;
fr. 8: Syleus; Têmenos (Q);
fr. 9: Têmenos; Argos; Oxylos; Peloponnêsos; Argeia; Messênia; Kresphontês; Lakônia; Aristodêmos; Archelaos;
fr. 10: Spartê [Sparta]; Têmenos; Kresphontês (R); Messênia; Aristodêmos (R); Agasthenês;
fr. 11: Orestês; Agamemnôn; Têmenos; Spartê [Sparta]; Messênê;
fr. 13: Ilios [Ilion] (R); Athêna; Poseidôn (R); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Hellênes [Greeks] (1 + R); Aias (R); Kassandra; Agamemnôn (R);
fr. 14.1: Tennês; Apollôn; Tenedos; Hypsipylê (Q); Dionysos (Q);
fr. 14.2: Lykourgos; Amphiaraos;
fr. 15: Amphiaraos;
fr. 14.3: Phrixos (Q + 1); Athamas; Aiolos; Thettalia [Thessaly]; Nephelê; Hellê; Inô; Kadmos;
fr. 16: Inô;
fr. 14.4: Phoinix (Q); Amyntôr;
fr. 14.5: Merops; Phaetôn; Hêlios;
fr. 17.1: Machaôn (R); Agamemnôn (R); Philoktêtês (2); Lêmnos; Helenos; Trôes [Trojans]; Hêraklês; Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Odysseus; Athêna; Troia [Troy ] (R);
fr. 17.2 + 139: Phrixos (Q); Sidôn (Q); Kadmos (Q + 1); Athamas; Orchomenos; Inô; Nephelê; Hellê (R); Phrixos;
fr. 17.3 + 19: Dionysos (2); Phrixos; Hellê; Mainades; Nephelê; Kolchoi [Colchians]; Phoinissai (Q); Hêlios (Q); Eteoklês; Thêbai [Thebes]; Polyneikês;
fr. 48 + 125: Teiresias;Kreôn (R); Menoikeus; Arês (R); Thêbaioi [Thebans] (R); Argeioi [Argians] (R);
fr. 17.4 + 56: Iokastê; Kreôn (2); Argeioi [Argians]; Kadmeia;
Polyneikês; Oidipous; Chrysippos (Q).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euripides, Medea (fr. 1), Melanippe Sophe (fr. 1, 2), Oineus (fr. 3), Orestes (fr. 3, 4, 18, 84, 111, 113, 141), Oedipus (fr. 4, 18), Peliades (fr. 18), Stheneboea (fr. 5, 6a, 24, 95 + fr. Bd), Sciron (fr. 6b), Syleus (fr. 5, 8 + fr. Aa), Temenus or Temenidae (fr. 8, 9, 10, 11, 57, 107), Telephus (fr. 12), Troades (fr. 13, 123), Tennes (fr. 14.1), Hypsipyle (fr. 14.1-3, 15, 85?), Phrixus I (fr. 14.3-4, 16, 78, 85?), Phoenix (fr. 14.4), Phaeton (fr. 14.5), Philoctetes (fr. 17.1-2), Phrixus II (fr. 17.2-3, 19, 139), Phoenissae (fr. 17.3-4, 48, 56, 125), Chrysippus (fr. 17.4)] along the fibres 12 49 x 12 (A, fr. 17)
4 x 7.5 (B, fr.Aa)
check back of fr. 8.: there are some very faded traces of ink, but I have not been able to identify it as "a fraction followed by the totalling formula"
N.B.: occasional traces to be seen on the back of some tiny fragments, e.g. 35, 45, 53, 148; seems to be a document with indications of numbers.
fr. 10: Musso thinks it is a hypothesis to Cresphontes (cf. Hyginus Fab. 237)
copy of W. Luppe, Prometheus 13 (1987), p. 193-203
(A) and (B) originate from the same roll of high quality papyrus (cf. Haslam):
(A) 138 fragments (ed. princ., but 29 unpublished are to be added, cf. Luppe, ZPE 60 (1985), p. 16-17), of which only 18 have more than just scanty remains;
(B) 7 (8 ed. princ. ?) fragments (put in two groups.: Aa, b, c; Ba, b, c, d) with scanty remains of a few words, except for Aa, which has remains of 12 lines broken off on both sides.
0032 62750 anon. TrGF IV, p. 435-436; M.W. Haslam, GRBS 16 (1975), p. 150, n. 3 + p. 154, n. 20; T. Gelzer, Jahresber. der Schweiz. Geisteswiss. Ges., 1976, p. 183-192; N.C. Hourmouziades, in: Studies in honour of T.B.L. Webster I, 1986, p. 134-142; F. Angio, QS 32 (1990), p. 147-158; D. Fitzpatrick, CQ N.S. 51 (2001), p. 90-101; W. Luppe, APF 53 (2007), p. 1-5. uncertain 08 - 08.5 hypothesis to Sophocles' Tereus. AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 42, 3013 (P.J. Parsons, 1974)
register, AD 2 hypothesis small to medium-sized, semi-cursive, upright, fairly regular, written rapidly and without too much care, though not unattractively, by a proficient scribe, keeping the lines straight. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
3938 one apostrophe; two iota adscript written correctly and one intrusive; twice misspelled . "The copy is a careless one" (ed. princ.) 23-24 papyrus col. 1: Têreus (Q + 2); Pandiôn (2); Athênaioi [Athenians]; Proknê (3); Philomêla; Thraikes [Thracians]; Itys; Athênai [Athens];
col. 2: Thraikê [Thrace]; Philomêla; Proknê; Itys; Têreus (R + 1).
02 M-P 148.2 ed. princ. pl. III. col. 1: Têreus (Q + 2); Pandiôn (2); Athênaioi [Athenians]; Proknê (3); Philomêla; Thraikes [Thracians]; Itys; Athênai [Athens];
col. 2: Thraikê [Thrace]; Philomêla; Proknê; Itys; Têreus (R + 1).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Sophocles, Tereus] across the fibres 14 19.5 x 14.6
two columns at full height, of 16 lines each, with a title in the upper margin (2 cm) above col. 1. The lines are almost all complete in col. 1 (except for the middle portion of the last five lines), but only the left-hand half remains in col 2. There is a large left margin (ca. 5 cm) which could indicate that this was the beginning of the roll or of the sheet (both options are possible).The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol42/pages/3013.htm 18
0033 62745 anon. TrGF III, p. 575-576; W. Luppe, ZPE 60 (1985), p. 11; D.F. Sutton, ZPE 61 (1985), p. 15-18. roll 10.5 - 11 ? (R) hypotheseis to Sophocles' Nauplios katapleon and Niobe, and traces of two more. AD 2 P.Oxy. 52, 3653 (H.M. Cockle, 1984)
register (?), AD 2 hypothesis small, semi-cursive, irregular, not keeping the lines straight, rapidly and carelessly written, with considerable variety in the form, size and spacing of the letters. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
3933 trema (2); forked paragraphos (1), probably to indicate a new hypothesis; corrections by a second hand (fr. 2, col. 1, 17). 40 (R) papyrus fr. 1: Nauplios (2); Oiax; Hellênes [Greeks]; Niobê (Q, R)); Lêtô;
fr. 2: Lêtô (2); Apollôn (2); Niobê (2); Amphiôn; Artemis; Zêthos.
02 (fr. 2) M-P 1480.1 ed. princ. pl. III + V. fr. 1: Nauplios (2); Oiax; Hellênes [Greeks]; Niobê (Q, R)); Lêtô;
fr. 2: Lêtô (2); Apollôn (2); Niobê (2); Amphiôn; Artemis; Zêthos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Sophocles, Nauplios katapleon, Niobe] across the fibres 12 11.4 x 17.2 (fr.1)
12.4 x 21 (fr. 2)

two tattered and rubbed fragments: fr. 1 has the right-hand ends of 20 lines (ca. 1/3 broken off), from the top of a column, with a title in l. 7-8; fr. 2, also broken off to the left, has much damaged remains of 27 lines (of which a significant part remains in the lower part), from the bottom of a column, as well as some scanty remains of a second column to the right. Due to material considerations (cf. ed. princ.), fr. 2 is probably to be placed below fr. 1 as part of the same column.The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol52/pages/3653.htm 17
0034 61608 h069 + h115 Mythographus Homericus
H. Erbse, pap. VII (vol. II, p. 392-393, but see also corrigenda, vol. VII, p. 266); A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 235; R. Pfeiffer, Philologus 92 (1937), p. 16-18 [= Ausgewählte Schriften, 1960, p. 39-41]; M. Haslam, BASP 27 (1990), p. 31-36; idem, Glotta 70 (1992), p. 35-38; W. Luppe, Gnomon 64 (1992), p. 291-293; idem, APF 39 (1993), p. 9-11; cf. also F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172; Pherecydes fr. 158b Fowler= fr. 33 Dolcetti. roll 10.5 - 11 (R) mythological stories relating to Homeric lemmata from Iliad 7-9:
7.8: Arithous (1);
7.44: Helenus and Cassandra (2);

7.86: Hellespont (3);
8.479: gigantomachy (4);
9.447: Phoenix (5);
+ unidentified parts.
The second story is close to the scholia, but shorter in the end; the third is almost identical to the scholia, the fourth and fifth are quite different.
AD 2 (A) P.Lond.Lit. 142 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927) + (B) P.Oxy. 56, 3830 (M.A. Harder, 1989)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) medium-sized, informal, round, slightly flattened, upright, generally bilinear, regular, plain, written with care by a competent scribe, usually separating the letters, but with some ligatures and cursive elements; no decorations. London, British Library 1605 C (A) + Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms(B) 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2757 punctuation by blank space (fr. 2, col. 1, 2) and by high stop; lemmata in ekthesis; possible apostrophe (fr. 1, 1); trema (1); abbreviation (1); correction, probably by same hand (fr. 3, col. 2, 4); line-filler (1); iota adscript generally written. 38 papyrus fr. 1 + fr. 2 col. I: Helenos (Q, R + 1 + R); Priamos (Q, R + 1); Hekabê (R); Kassandra (2); Apollôn; Thymbraios; Hellêspontos (Q); Athamas; Aiolos (R); Thêbai [Thebes]; Inô (2R + 1); Kadmos (R); Learchos; Melikertês (R); Hêra; Nephelê (2); Hellê (R); Phrixos;
fr. 2 col. II + fr. 3: Iapetos (Q, R); Kronos (Q, R + 1); Ouranos; Gê; Zeus; Hellas [Greece] (Q, R); Phoinix (R + 1); Amyntôr; Hippodameia; Phthia (R); Pêleus (R); Dolopia (R); Achilleus (R); Cheirôn (R).
02 1188 (A) = M-P 1185.3 (A+B) (A) Erbse, vol. II; (B) ed. princ. pl. II. fr. 1 + fr. 2 col. I: Pherekydês (R); Helenos (Q, R + 1 + R); Priamos (Q, R + 1); Hekabê (R); Kassandra (2); Apollôn; Thymbraios; Antikleidês; Hellêspontos (Q); Athamas; Aiolos (R); Thêbai [Thebes]; Inô (2R + 1); Kadmos (R); Learchos; Melikertês (R); Hêra; Nephelê (2); Hellê (R); Phrixos;
fr. 2 col. II + fr. 3: Iapetos (Q, R); Kronos (Q, R + 1); Ouranos; Gê; Zeus; Euphoriôn; Hellas [Greece] (Q, R); Phoinix (R + 1); Amyntôr; Hippodameia; Phthia (R); Pêleus (R); Dolopia (R); Achilleus (R); Cheirôn (R); Eratosthenês (R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 7, 8, 9];
Eratosthenes (R);
Pherecydes Atheniensis (R).
along the fibres 12 8.3 x 11.7 (fr. 1 + fr. 2)
7.2 x 13.4 (fr. 3)
copy of edition Dolcetti
(A) remains of 10 lines, broken off on both sides, which fit exactly into the gap in fr. 3, col. 2 of (B);
(B) three fragments with remains of two consecutive columns (intercolumnium: ca. 1.7 cm): col. 1 = fr. 1 + fr. 2, col. 1 + fr. 3, col. 1; col. 2 = fr. 2, col. 2 + fr. 3, col. 2. Of column 1, fr. 1 (broken off on both sides) has remains of 21 lines from the top, to which fr. 2, col. 1 adds the ends in l. 14-21, while fr. 3, col. 1, only shows a few letters; of column 2, only scanty remains of the beginnings of 5 lines appear on fr. 2, col. 2, while fr. 3, col. 2 has the starting words of 21 lines from the bottom of the column, with a large gap in l. 11-21, filled by (A).Since fr. 3, col. 2 comes shortly after fr. 2, col. 2, the column had at least 43 lines.
Homerica, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol56/pages/3830.htm 50
0035 61604 h020 Mythographus Homericus A. Ludwich, BerlinerPhilologische Wochenschrift 24 (1904), p. 317-320; G. Arrighetti, MPhL 2 (1977), p. 51-52; idem, SCO 26 (1977), p. 52-54; idem, Poeti, eruditi e biografi, Pisa, 1987, p. 192-194; F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172 (esp. p. 155-60); J. Lightfoot, Parthenius of Nicaea, 1999, p. 252. roll 11 mythological stories relating to Homeric lemmata from Iliad 1:
1.263 (not cited): Pirithous (1);1.264: Caeneus (2);1.399: conspiracy of gods against Zeus (3).The first story differs considerably from scholia; the second one is quite similar except for two sections; the third is the same as in scholia, but with totally different wording.
AD 1 - AD 2 or AD 4 (?) P.Oxy. 03, 418 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1903)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) medium to fair-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, somewhat irregular though proficient, closely spaced, written with a thin pen and executed quite rapidly although the letters are usually separated and written in several strokes; some letters are decorated with serifs and hooks and with a long horizontal below the line); most uprights are curved and many strokes with the letters overlap each other, so that the script seems irregular and "dancing"; although the hand has several cursive elements, it is definitely literary and cannot be considered cursive (as in ed. princ.). Cambridge (Mass.), Harvard University, Houghton Library, SM 4357
2753 paragraphos (beneath lemma in l. 9); high stops; lemmata in ekthesis; trema; many misspellings; some corrections; iota adscript capriciously written. 35 papyrus Lapithai (R + 1); Pêlion (R); Malea; Peloponnêsos; Hêraklês; Peirithous [Peirithoos] (2); Zeus (4 + 1); Kaineus (Q, R + 1); Exadios (Q); Polyphêmos (Q); Elatos (R); Poseidôn (3); Kentauroi [Centaurs] (2R); Olympioi [Olympians] (Q); Phoibos; Apollôn (3); Hêra; Thetis; Nêreus; Aigaiôn; Laomedôn. 01 1164 (but slide in Ashmolean Museum) Lapithai (R + 1); Pêlion (R); Malea; Peloponnêsos; Hêraklês; Peirithous [Peirithoos] (2); Zeus (4 + 1); Kaineus (Q, R + 1); Exadios (Q); Polyphêmos (Q); Elatos (R); Poseidôn (3); Kentauroi [Centaurs] (2R); Olympioi [Olympians] (Q); Phoibos; Apollôn (3); Hêra; Thetis; Nêreus; Aigaiôn; Laomedôn. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 1] along the fibres 10 12.5 x 27.5 the article by Ludwich ends with "Fortsetzung folgt" = ???
PHOTO (paper)the article by Ludwich ends with "Fortsetzung folgt" = ???
PHOTO (paper)
32 lines from a column at full height, broken off to the left in l. 1-22, almost complete in l. 23-32 (only a few letters are missing to the right in the whole column). Homerica, mythology
0036 61275 h079 Mythographus Homericus cf. F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172; Pherecydes fr. 41d Fowler= fr. 210 Dolcetti. roll 12.5 - 13 ? (R) mythological stories relating to Homeric lemmata from Iliad 13-15:
13.301 (not cited): Thessalians (1);
13.302: Phlegyae (2);
13.459: founding of Aenea (3);
14.319: Danae and Perseus (4);
15.229: the aegis and Amalthea (5);
+ one unidentified story.The wording of the second story is totally different from the scholia; the third story is more concise, the fourth completely different; the fifth seems comparable.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 42, 3003 (P.J. Parsons, 1974)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) medium-sized, informal, round, upright, of overall regular appearance, although the letters vary considerably in size and form, rapidly and proficiently written with many cursive elements and frequent ligatures (may actually be regarded as a semi-cursive hand); uprights occasionally decorated with hooks. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2417 paragraphos between the stories (several); middle stop (1); several high stops in form of short oblique; trema (several); occasional accents and breathings; one correction (col. 2, 15), by a second hand. 36 papyrus col. 1: Thessaloi [Thessalians]; Phlegyai (Q + 2); Thêbaioi [Thebans]; Zêthos (2); Amphiôn (2); Mousai [Muses]; Eurymachos; Apollôn; Aineias [Aeneas] (Q + 2); Troia [Troy] (R); Athos (?); Anchisês (2); Aphroditê;
col. 2: Danaê (Q); Argos; Rhea (R); Zeus; Themis; Amaltheia.
02 M-P 1195.1 fr. 1 + fr. 2 col. I: Pherekydês (R); Helenos (Q, R + 1 + R); Priamos (Q, R + 1); Hekabê (R); Kassandra (2); Apollôn Thymbraios; Antikleidês; Hellêspontos (Q); Athamas; Aiolos (R); Thêbai [Thebes]; Inô (2R + 1); Kadmos (R); Learchos; Melikertês (R); Hêra; Nephelê (2); Hellê (R); Phrixos;
fr. 2 col. II + fr. 3: Iapetos (Q, R); Kronos (Q, R + 1); Ouranos; Gê; Zeus; Euphoriôn; Hellas [Greece] (Q, R); Phoinix (R + 1); Amyntôr; Hippodameia; Phthia (R); Pêleus (R); Dolopia (R); Achilleus (R); Cheirôn (R); Eratosthenês (R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 13, 14, 15];
Pherecydes Atheniensis (?).
along the fibres 12 15.8 x 15.5 OK
PHOTO (paper)
copy of edition Dolcetti
remains from the bottom of two columns: col. 1 has 21 lines broken off at the beginnings, col. 2 has the starting words of 21 lines. The lemmata sometimes begin a new line, sometimes begin in the middle of a line. Homerica, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol42/pages/3003.htm 52
0037 61609 h122 Mythographus Homericus M. Haslam, ZPE 110 (1996), p. 115-117 (notes on various fr.); W. Luppe, Anal. Pap. 7 (1995), p. 15-18 (fr. 5 + 6 col. 1); idem, Glotta 73 (1995-1996), p. 208-209 (fr. 2 + 59); idem, Eikasmos 7 (1996), p. 207-210 (fr. 3); idem, Hyperboreus 2 (1996), p. 189-193 (fr. 11); idem, Prometheus 22 (1996), p. 97-100 (fr. 8); idem, ZPE 112 (1996), p. 25-28 (fr. 10) + p. 29-33 (fr. 5, 7, 52); idem, WJA 21 (1996-1997), p. 153-159 (fr. 2, 17, 36, 48); idem, APF 43 (1997), p. 1-6 + 238 (fr. 1, 2, 27); idem, APF 44 (1998), p. 128 (fr. 10); M. Van Rossum-Steenbeek, ZPE 113 (1996), p. 24-26 [= corrected reprint of ZPE 112 (1996), p. 34-36] (notes on various fr.); T. Gärtner, ZPE 122 (1998), p. 6 (fr. 10); idem, ZPE 124 (1999), p. 22-24 (fr. 2 + 27); cf. F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172; Acusilas fr. 39c Fowler (+ cf. Hellanicus fr. 90b-c Fowler). roll 06.5 - 07 mythological stories relating to Homeric lemmata from Iliad18-24:
18.319: epithet "elaphêbolos" (fr. 2);
18.432: Phocus (fr. 1);
18. 486: Pleiades (fr. 1 + 2);
20.53: Callicolone (fr. 16);
20.403-404: epithet "Helikônios" (fr. 3);
21.194: horn of Amalthea (fr. 4);
21.448: epithet "nomios" (fr. 5 + 6);
22.29: Icarius, Erigone (fr. 5 + 7 + 52);
22.126: ? (fr. 24);
23.92: Achilles' golden vase (fr. 8 + 9?);
23.141-142: sacrifice of Achilles' hair (fr. 10);
23.346-347: Arion (fr. 10);
23.683: origin of running naked (fr. 11);
24.24: Hermes (fr. 11);
24.602: Niobe (fr. 12).
Several stories (fr. 1, 2, 11) do not occur in the scholia.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 61, 4096 (P. Schubert, 1995)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) small, relatively formal, round, flattened, upright, strictly bilinear and regular, neat and handsome, written with great care by a proficient scribe, without decorations, separating all letters; the lines are quite closely spaced. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2758 forked paragraphos used to separate sections (several cases), sometimes in combination with blank space of one line; trema; line-fillers; corrections. 24-26 papyrus fr. 1: Phôkos; Plêiades (Q); Atlas; Gigantes; Plêionê; Ôkeanos; Meropê; Êlektra (?);
fr. 2: Artemis; Zeus (2);
fr. 3: Nêleus; Kodros; Apollôn; Athênaioi [Athenians]; Helikê; Milêtos; Poseidôn; Helikônios (Q + 1);
fr. 4: Amaltheia;
fr. 5 + 6 + 52: Phoibos (Q, R); Apollôn (R); Êrigonê (R);
fr. 7: Ôriôn (Q);
fr. 8: Hêphaistos; Thetis; Dionysos (R); Achilleus (R);
fr. 10: Achilleus; Pêleus (R); Pharsalos; Ariôn (Q + 1); Adrêstos [Adrastos] (Q); Poseidôn; Tilphôsaiê; Erinys; Haliartos (2); Boiôtia [Boeotia]; Kopreus (2);
fr. 11: Orsippos (R); Argeiphontês (Q); Zeus; Maia; Atlantides; Hêra (R); Hermês; Kyllênê; Arkadia; Kronios (?);
fr. 12: Phrygia;
fr. 16: Simoeis (Q); Kallikolônê (Q).
02 (fr. 2 + fr. 16) M-P 1201.11 ed. princ. pl. V-VII. fr. 1: Phôkos; Theopompos; Plêiades (Q); Atlas; Gigantes; Plêionê; Ôkeanos; Meropê; Êlektra (?);
fr. 2: Artemis; Sôkratês; Zeus (2);
fr. 3: Akousilaos (R); Nêleus; Kodros; Apollôn; Athênaioi [Athenians]; Helikê; Milêtos; Poseidôn; Helikônios (Q + 1);
fr. 4: Amaltheia;
fr. 5 + 6 + 52: Phoibos (Q, R); Apollôn (R); Apollodôros; Homêros;
Êrigonê (R);
fr. 7: Ôriôn (Q);
fr. 8: Hêphaistos; Thetis; Dionysos (R); Achilleus (R);
fr. 10: Achilleus; Pêleus (R); Pharsalos; Ariôn (Q + 1); Adrêstos [Adrastos] (Q); Poseidôn; Tilphôsaiê; Erinys; Haliartos (2); Boiôtia [Boeotia]; Kopreus (2);
fr. 11: Orsippos (R); Argeiphontês (Q); Zeus; Maia; Atlantides; Hêra (R); Hermês; Kyllênê; Arkadia; Kronios (?);
fr. 12: Phrygia;
fr. 16: Simoeis (Q); Kallikolônê (Q).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24];
Socrates Argivus;
along the fibres 12 5.1 x 7 (fr. 1)
7.5 x 8.3 (fr. 2)
6.7 X 12.7 (fr. 10)
OK 75 or 76 fragments from one roll (cf. VRS, p. 98), of which fr. 1-12, 16, 24 and 52 show identifiable remains. The lemmata consist either of part of a verse, of one entire verse or of two verses. Indications of books in fr. 7, 11, 16. Homerica, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol61/pages/4096.htm 53
0038 63679 anon. cf. P. Mertens, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 397-409 (no. 47). sheet ?? "Homeric theme in prose" (Cribiore) 273 AD 2 JHS 28 (1908), p. 129, XI (J.G. Milne)
blank uncertain (paraphrase ? narrative ? commentary ?) fair-sized, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, fairly regular (considering the material used), written with a thick pen by an experienced hand of the "rapid" type, with letters usually well separated, but occasionally linked; no decorations; the lines are closely spaced. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (formerly Oxford, Bodleian Library), O.Bodl. Gr.Inscr. 2937
4888 long horizontal line underneath the text (and part of a drawing?); some kind of accents or separating strokes. ?? ostracon Laomedôn; Astyochê. 01 2724 Cribiore pl. XXXII. Laomedôn; Astyochê. Upper Egypt, Thebes ? 12 8.2 x 12.2 OK 7 very fragmentary lines, broken off on all sides except the bottom (empty space of 8.2 cm). Homerica (?), school text, mythology
0039 60717 h097 + h006 anon. codex (?) 10.5 - 11 (R) hypotheseis to Iliad 22 and 23 (first line only) on the recto and to Odyssey 2 and 3 (first line only) on the verso.
The recto has some resemblance with the manuscript tradition (hyp. I), the verso, despite some similarities, is totally different both from the manuscript tradition and from the hyp. in P.Oxy. 44, 3160 + P.Strass.inv. gr. 1401.
AD 2 - AD 3 P.Ant. 02, 69 (J.W.B. Barns - H. Zilliacus, 1960)
hypothesis medium-sized to small, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, regular, elegantly written by a proficient scribe, mostly separating the letters, with hooks and serifs on many letters; the lines are quite closely spaced. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum
1843 double dot at the end of first hypothesis on recto. 31-38 (R) papyrus recto: Hektôr (2); Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q, R);
verso: Êôs (Q, R); Têlemachos; Ithakêsioi [Ithacans]; Êelios [Hêlios] (Q, R).
01 1206 ed. princ. pl. III (recto only). recto: Hektôr (2); Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q, R);
verso: Êôs (Q, R); Têlemachos; Ithakêsioi [Ithacans]; Êelios [Hêlios] (Q, R).
Egypt, Antinoopolis [Homerus, Ilias 22, 23; Odyssea 2, 3] 14 6.7 x 5.5 OK
copy of ed. pr.
fragment of papyrus of fair quality, written on both sides: 8 very incomplete lines on the recto, 9 equally incomplete lines on the verso. Each side has the end of one hypothesis, then a book number and the opening line of that book, followed by the next hypothesis. Homerica, mythology
0040 60576 h075 anon. F. Montanari, ZPE 48 (1982), p. 89-92 (= Studi di filologia omerica antica, vol. 2, Pisa, 1995, p. 97-102); J.J. O'Hara, ZPE 59 (1985), p. 35. roll (?) 09 end of a hypothesis to Iliad 11 and indication of the following book (12). The text agrees partly with that of the extant scholia. AD 2 P.Oxy. 03, 574 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1903) [description]
tax records, AD 2 hypothesis small, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, but rather irregular, rapidly written by a practised scribe, using many cursive elements; the letters are mostly separated, but occasionally linked or even ligatured; the lines slope upwards. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Gr. class. f. 74 (P.)
1700 several errors and misspellings; one correction (by the same hand). 34 papyrus Patroklos; Eurypylos. 01 1193 Patroklos; Eurypylos. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 11, 12] across the fibres 12 13.2 x 3.9 PHOTO (digital image): recto + verso 4 complete lines from the top of a column, followed by the book number.The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto. Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0041 60887 h061 anon. roll (?) 04.5 - 05 (col. 1); 07.5 (col. 2) col. 1: end of a hypothesis to Iliad 7 (summarizing from l. 442), which does not correspond to the manuscript tradition;
col. 2: glossary to the same book (not mythographic).
336 AD 3 P.Oxy. 44, 3159 (M.W. Haslam, 1976)
accounts, AD 2 (?) hypothesis medium-sized, informal, round, leaning forward, very irregular, plain, written without care by a practised schoolhand of the "rapid" type, using many cursive elements and ligatures; at first glance, the hand who wrote the glossary seems different, but this impression may be due to a change of pen. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2016 trema (several); in glossary, large spaces between lemmata and explanations, and some misspellings. 19 (col. 1) papyrus col. 1:
Poseidôn (R); Hellênikon teichos; Zeus.
02 M-P 1185.1 Cribiore pl. L. col. 1: Poseidôn (R); Hellênikon teichos; Zeus;
col. 2: Arnê; Arêithoos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 7] across the fibres 16 12.2 x 13 add reference to Montanari, Ric. filol. class. II, p. 125 ff (cf. photocopies) ? NO, not directly useful. col. 1: 7 lines broken off to the left, from the top of a column, of which the lower part is left empty (blank space: ca. 7 cm);
col. 2: 23 lines, more of less complete except for ll. 1-9 (broken off to the right).
The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto.
Homerica, school text, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol44/pages/3159.htm 33
0042 60911 h061 anon. W. Luppe, ZPE 27 (1977), p. 101-106; F. Montanari, Pap. Flor. VII (1980), p. 273-279; idem, SCO 31 (1981), p. 101-110 (= Studi di filologia omerica antica II, 1995, p. 103-111). roll 04.5 (A); 05.5 (B) col. 1 + col. 2 (beginning): end of a glossary to Od. 1 (not mythographic);
col. 2: hypothesis to Od. 2;
col. 2 (end) to col. 4 (beginning): glossary to Od. 2 (not mythographic);
col. 4: hypothesis to Od. 3.
Both hypotheseis differ considerably from the manuscript tradition and from the hypp. on P.Ryl. 01, 23 and P.Ant. 02, 69, although they have a comparable structure.
335 AD 3 (A) ZPE 4 (1969), p. 175-176 (J. Schwartz) + (B) P.Oxy. 44, 3160 (M.W. Haslam, 1976)
register, AD 2 hypothesis small, informal, mixed round, leaning slightly forward, not bilinear and very irregular, closely spaced, carelessly executed by a fairly practised schoolhand of the "rapid" type, mostly separating the letters. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, G 1401 (A) + Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms(B)
2041 kind of paragraphos used to separate the glossaries from the hypotheseis, with traces in the margin that could be indications of the books; trema (several); frequent misspellings; some errors in the lemmata; in the glossaries, large blank spaces between lemmata and explanations. 24-25 (col. 2) papyrus col. 2: Êôs (Q); Têlemachos; Ithakêsioi [Ithacans]; Pylos; Lakedaimôn; Ikarios; Athêna;
col. 4: Êelios [Hêlios] (Q); Têlemachos (2); Athêna; Pylos (R); Odysseus; Lakedaimôn; Menelaos.
04 M-P 1207.3 Luppe, pl. IV. col. 2: Êôs (Q); Têlemachos; Ithakêsioi [Ithacans]; Pylos; Lakedaimôn; Ikarios; Athêna;
col. 4: Êelios [Hêlios] (Q); Têlemachos (2); Athêna; Pylos (R); Odysseus; Lakedaimôn; Menelaos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Odyssea 2, 3] across the fibres 16 3.7 x 4.6 (A)
16 x 17.5 (Ba)
4.8 x 2.5 (Bb)
OK the two papyri belong to the same roll: (B) consists of two fragments, a large one (a) with remains of 4 columns, and a small one (b) with the 4 beginning lines of col. 2; (A) fits neatly into the gap between fr. B, b and a, at the top of col. 2;
col. 1: scanty remains from the endings of a few lines;
col. 2: preserved at full height, with 43 almost complete lines (5 lines glossary + 20 lines hyp. + 18 lines glossary);
col. 3: preserved at full height, with 38 lines (ll. 1-23 = broken off to the right in the middle; ll. 24-38 = complete);
col. 4: beginnings of 19 lines from the bottom of the col. (2 lines glossary + 17 lines hyp.).
Homerica, school text, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol44/pages/3160.htm 39
0043 60552 h113 anon. W. Luppe, Gnomon 64 (1992), p. 291. roll 08 - 10.5 (irregular) col. 2, 1-7: end of a catechism, listing the characters of the Iliad (close to the med. codex R and to PSI 01, 19 and P.IFAO inv. 320);
col . 2, 7 - col. 3, 16: narrative of antehomerica (comparable to P.IFAO inv. 320);
col. 3, 17-22: hypothesis to Iliad I quoting first line (identical with P.Achm. 2).
AD 2 P.Oxy. 56, 3829 (L. Käppel, 1989)
accounts, AD 2 catechism + antehomerica + hypothesis medium to fair-sized, informal, round, upright, markedly (ed. princ.: "approximately") bilinear, fairly regular, written with a thick pen by a moderately fluent but diligent scribe, well separating the letters except for a few binding strokes, with occasional decorations in form of serifs and roundels; it is certainly unfair to call this hand "clumsy" and "inept" (as in ed. princ.), but the overall impression is indeed of a slow, not fully confident hand, though not without practice and capable of keeping the lines straight. The item may well originate from a school context, as suggested by VRS on the basis of the hand and of the catechism, although it is not included in Cribiore's catalogue of school texts. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1676 high and middle stops; paragraphos (several); trema (several); some letters corrected by the same scribe; frequent itacism. 19-30 (irregular) papyrus col. 2: Hektôr; Polydamas; Antênôr; Idaios; Eumêdês; Dolôn (2); Helenos; Kassandra; Priamos; Zeus (3); Themis; Pêlion; Cheirôn; Kentauros; Thetis; Pêleus; Eris; Hermês; Hêra; Athêna; Aphroditê;
col. 3: Alexandros (?); Asia; Aphroditê; Hêra; Pêlêiadês (Q, R); Achilleus (Q, R); Agamemnôn; Apollôn (R); Chrysês; Chrysêis (R).
03 M-P 1157.1 ed. princ. pl. IV. col. 2: Hektôr; Polydamas; Antênôr; Idaios; Eumêdês; Dolôn (2); Helenos; Kassandra; Priamos; Homêros; Zeus (3); Themis; Pêlion; Cheirôn; Kentauros; Thetis; Pêleus; Eris; Hermês; Hêra; Athêna; Aphroditê;
col. 3: Alexandros (?); Asia; Aphroditê; Hêra; Pêlêiadês (Q, R); Achilleus (Q, R); Agamemnôn; Apollôn (R); Chrysês; Chrysêis (R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 1] across the fibres 12 17 x 15.5 OK col. 1: "a few final letters not worth transcribing" (ed. princ.);
col. 2: preserved at full height, with 22 almost complete lines;
col. 3: preserved at full height, with the beginnings of 22 lines.
Homerica, school text ?, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol56/pages/3829.htm 30
0044 60565 h033 anon. codex 07.5 - 08 (hyp.) cod. recto: end of a glossary to Od. 17 (not mythographic);
cod. verso: hypothesis to Od. 18 quoting first line (almost identical with manuscript tradition), followed by a glossary (not mythographic).
AD 4 P.Oxy. 56, 3833 (S.M. Goldberg, 1989)
hypothesis small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, regular, proficiently written, more careful and regular at the beginning of the new book, mostly separating the letters, but occasionally making links or ligatures, plain and undecorated except for very few serifs. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1689 one apostrophe; forked paragraphos (with blank space of one line); blank spaces to mark punctuation. 26-32 (hyp.) papyrus Odysseus (2); Pênelopê (R); Eurymachos (R). 01 M-P 1211.11 recto: Kallistratos;
verso: Odysseus (2); Pênelopê (R); Eurymachos (R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Odyssea 18] 20 7.5 x 9.5 OK codic. recto (across the fibres): remains of 13 lines from the top of the page, broken off to the lift;
codic. verso (along the fibres): indication of book (with letter kappa in upper margin = ?), followed by remains of 10 lines (1 line quotation + 6 lines hyp. + 3 lines glossary.
Homerica, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol56/pages/3833.htm 42
0045 60512 h008 anon. W. Luppe, APF 27 (1980), p. 33-35. roll 06.5 - 07 col. 1: hypothesis to Od. 3 (entirely different from manuscript tradition);
col. 2: hypothesis to Od. 6 quoting first line (partly resembling manuscript tradition).
AD 2 P.Ryl. 01, 23 (A.S. Hunt, 1911)
blank hypothesis small to medium-sized, informal, round, slightly flattened, upright, strictly bilinear and regular, written with care by a proficient scribe, using a fairly thick pen, generally separating the letters; decorated with serifs and roundels on many uprights; the lines are quite closely spaced. Manchester, John Rylands Library, Greek 23.
1635 one middle stop; one rough breathing; addition of the word "Athena" by a later hand. 21-24 papyrus col. 1: Ilion; Hellênes [Greeks]; Têlemachos; Lakedaimôn;
col. 2: Odysseus (Q); Athêna; Nausikaa (2); Alkinoos.
02 1208 Luppe, pl. 3. col. 1: Ilion; Hellênes [Greeks]; Têlemachos; Lakedaimôn;
col. 2: Odysseus (Q); Athêna; Nausikaa (2); Alkinoos.
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 3, 6] along the fibres 12 15.4 x 6.5 OK remains from the bottom of two columns: col. 1 = 8 lines broken off to the right end (the last ending in the middle of the line); col. 2 = 8 almost complete lines. Homerica, mythology
0046 60260 p104 + p357 + p463a anon. (A) R. Seider, Paläographie II.2, 1970, p. 73-74; A. Bernabé, Emerita 50 (1982), p. 87-89 (C) E. Kapetanopoulos, BASP 5 (1968), p. 106; C. Gallazzi, ZPE 63 (1986), p. 35-38 (D) C. Gallazzi, ZPE 110 (1996), p. 118-120 roll 17 - 19 (Homer)
13 (prose introduction)
prose introduction to the Iliad narrating antehomerica (col. 21-22), following the text of Il. 2.251-875 (col. 1-18) and the title (col. 20). On the verso of col. 12 is a quotation of the first two lines of Il. 1; the same quotation appears below column 22, together with a stichometric note (mentioned by Milne, but not printed by him nor by Roberts). AD 1 (A) P.Lond.Lit. 6 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927) + (B) P.Ryl. 03, 540 (C.H. Roberts, 1938) + (C) BASP 5 (1968), p. 37-38 (B.E. Donovan) + (D) ZPE 110 (1996), p. 118-120 (C. Gallazzi) + (E) APF 53 (2007), p. 97-143 (G. Azzarello)
land-lease (?), AD 88/89 antehomerica large, informal, mixed round, mostly upright and markedly bilinear, but rather irregular and shaky, written with a thin pen by a somewhat careless though not unpractised scribe, separating all letters, with occasional roundels and serifs; the lines are closely spaced; the quotation of Il. 1 below col. 22 is written with a thick pen in very large, mixed round, upright, bilinear letters, somewhat clumsy, possibly by a different scribe; the stichometric note below that is in medium-sized cursive hand. London, British Library 1873 (A)
Manchester, John Rylands Library, Greek 540 (B)
Washington, Library of Congress 4082B (C)
New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, M662B(6b) + (27k) (D)
Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek P.B.U.G. inv. 213 (E)
2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1380 middle stops at end of lines; stichometrical signs; iota adscript consistently written; corrections; high stop (in prose introduction). 27-29 (prose)
35-40 (Homer)
papyrus col. 21: Achilleus; Eurôpê; Achaiia; Atreus; Pelops; Tantalos; Zeus (3); Agamemnôn (2); Menelaos (3); Tyndareôs; Lêda; Klytaimnêstra; Helenê (3); Asia; Hellêspontos; Priamos; Laomedôn; Ilos; Trôos; Erichthonios; Dardanos; Dymas; Hekabê; Aphroditê; Lakedaimôn; Krêtê [Crete]; Helenê (island); Sidôn;
col. 22: Hellênes [Greeks]; Ilios [Ilion]; Hektôr; Amazôn; Penthesileia.
22 0643 (A+B) (A) col. 8: ZPE 63 (1986), pl. I; col. 13: New Palaeogr. Soc. II, pl. 53; Seider, pl. XI.21; col. 15: ZPE 110 (1996), pl. I; title: New Palaeogr. Soc. II, pl. 53 (B) col. 8: ZPE 63 (1986), pl. I (C) ed. princ., p. 39; ZPE 63 (1986), pl. I (D) ed. princ., pl. I. col. 21: Achilleus; Homêros; Eurôpê; Achaiia; Atreus; Pelops; Tantalos; Zeus (3); Agamemnôn (2); Menelaos (3); Tyndareôs; Lêda; Klytaimnêstra; Helenê (3); Asia; Hellêspontos; Priamos; Laomedôn; Ilos; Trôos; Erichthonios; Dardanos; Dymas; Hekabê; Aphroditê; Lakedaimôn; Krêtê [Crete]; Helenê (island); Sidôn;
col. 22: Hellênes [Greeks]; Ilios [Ilion]; Hektôr; Amazôn; Penthesileia.
Egypt, Fayum ? [Homerus, Ilias];
along the fibres 9 24 (A, height); 7.5 x 11.2 (B,b); 4.9 x 9.2 (C); 4.9 x 9.2 (D)
N.B.: at the back of col. XXI-XXII (cf. also back of P.Ryl. 3, 540 g), but upside down in relation to recto, are written 5 incomplete lines in a small, informal, round, bilinear, bookhand, leaning slightly backwards, followed by a blank space of ca. 1.5 cm and then 8 almost complete lines in a fair-sized, informal, round, upright, bilinear, somewhat irregular and shaky bookhand; the rest of the col. is blank (ca. 15 cm); the rest of the back of the fragments of frame VII is blank except for a few faded letters written upside down in relation to the text mentioned before (i.e. in the same direction as main text on recto).
copy of ed. pr. (P Ryl)
PHOTO (paper) of (A) frame VII RECTO (2 parts) + VERSO (1 very large)
PHOTO (paper) of (B) RECTO + VERSO
(A) 7 large fragments with substantial remains of 22 columns, having originally 35 lines each, but now with some lacunae especially at the bottom (N.B.: col. 17 = lost); some of these lacunae are filled by the three other papyri; col. 20 has a title indicating Iliad book 2, but the rest is lost; col. 21 and 22 have a prose introduction of 45 almost complete lines, concluded by a coronis.
(B) 7 fragments belonging to columns 6, 8, 14, 19, 20 and 21;
(C) 1 fragment of col. 8;
(D) 1 fragment of col. 15.
Homerica, mythology
0047 63687 anon. TrGF II F 732; cf. P. Mertens, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 397-409 (no. 54). sheet ?? list of scenes (paintings?) from the Trojan and Theban cycles, some of which could originate from tragedies. Compare Vergil, Aen. 453-493. AD 2 O.Bodl. 02, 2171 (J.G. Tait - C. Préaux, 1955)
uncertain (catalogue ?) no description in ed. princ. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (formerly Oxford, Bodleian Library), O.Bodl.Gr.inscr. 2950 (now lost?)
4896 none mentioned in ed. princ. 20-32 ostracon Kybêbê [Kybelê]; Hektôr; Astyanax; Trôilos; Hekabê; Attis; Bromios; Thêbai [Thebes]; Iokastê; Oidipous; Sphinx; Pentheus; Agauê [Agave]; Pergamos; Danaoi [Greeks]; Ilion. 01 1737 Kybêbê [Kybelê]; Hektôr; Astyanax; Trôilos; Hekabê; Attis; Bromios; Thêbai [Thebes]; Iokastê; Oidipous; Sphinx; Pentheus; Agauê [Agave]; Pergamos; Danaoi [Greeks]; Ilion. Upper Egypt, Elephantine 12
missing since 1966.
copy of ed. pr.
14 lines, mostly complete. mythology
0048 64154 anon. W. Morel, Glotta 47 (1969), p. 219. roll 06.5 - 07 (R) series of five questions and answers on antiquarian subjects, in the style of Plutarch's Quaestiones Graecae:
(1) (incomplete) subject unknown;
(2) on the temple of the Paphian Aphrodite;
(3) on Hermes and his caduceus;
(4) on the "tomb of silence" in Argos and Amphiaraus;
(5) on the "gymnetes" (people) near the Pillars of Hercules.
The second and third questions are almost exactly the same as on P.Oxy. 34, 2689; for the other stories (esp. 3 and 5), some minor parallels can be found in various authors (cf. ed. princ).
AD 3 P.Oxy. 34, 2688 (J.R. Rea, 1968)
document (letter?), AD 3 catechism small, informal, angular, influenced by the severe style, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, regular, proficiently written, without decorations, mostly separating the letters, with lines closely spaced. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
5373 kind of coronis after each section; one apostrophe; blank space used once to mark punctuation (l. 11). 26-33 (R) papyrus Paphia Aphroditê; Kinyras (?, R) Paphos; Kypros [Cyprus]; Aphroditê; Hermês; Titanes; Argos; Amphiaraos; Hêrakleiai stêlai; Odysseus. 01 M-P 2463.1 ed. princ. pl. III Paphia Aphroditê; Kinyras (?, R) Paphos; Kypros [Cyprus]; Aphroditê; Hermês; Titanes; Argos; Amphiaraos; Hêrakleiai stêlai; Odysseus. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus across the fibres 16 6 x 15.5 OK 32 lines of a column at full height, broken off at the ends throughout and at the beginnings of the first eight lines.The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto. mythology
0049 64155 anon. roll 06 - 06.5 (R) series of questions and answers, in the style of Plutarch's Quaestiones Graecae, of which two (on the Paphian Aphrodite, on Hermes and his caduceus) are exactly paralleled in P.Oxy. 34, 2688. AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 34, 2689 (J.R. Rea, 1968)
blank catechism medium-sized to small, relatively formal, round, leaning very slightly backword, markedly bilinear, regular, of handsome appearance, decorated with roundels at the bottom of most uprights and occasionally with serifs, written with great care by a proficient scribe, well separating the letters and the lines. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
5374 high stop (1); trema (1). 18 (R) papyrus fr. 2: Aphrodite; Paphos (R); Kypros [Cyprus] (R). Hermês (R); Titanes (R). 02 M-P 2463.2 ed. princ. pl. III fr. 2: Aphrodite; Paphos (R); Kypros [Cyprus] (R). Hermês (R); Titanes (R). Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 14 8.2 x 10 (fr. 1)
3.7 x 21.3 (fr. 2)
OK fr. 1: from the top of a roll, endings of 9 lines in col. 1 and beginnings of 6 lines in col. 2; upper margin (3.2 cm) not shown on plate;
fr. 2: endings of 22 lines belonging to the bottom of fr. 1, col. 1; lower margin (3.8 cm) not shown on plate; what looks like an upper margin is in fact a portion where the surface is wripped-off;
The column had at least 35 lines (counting the spaces between the questions).
0050 64211 Didymus (?);
FGrHist 2 F 22 = Acusilas fr. 22 Fowler; Damastes Sigeus FGrHist 5 F 4 bis; Hellanicus FGrHist 4 F 68; Palaephatus FGrHist 44 F 3 bis; Abaris FGrHist 34 F 2; Diels-Kranz, Fragm. der Vorsokratiker 9 B 40a; CPF I.1***, Plato (80) 102T, Theophrastus (103) 8T; P. Maas, Socrates 7 (1919), p. 191-193 (= Kleine Schriften, 1973, p. 63-66); E. Lobel, Bodleian Quarterly Record 4 no. 38 (1923), p. 47-48; L. Deubner, SBHeidelberg phil.-hist. Kl. 1919, 17, p. 3-8 (= Kleine Schriften, 1982, p. 193-198); J.T. Kakridis, CR 61 (1947), p. 77-80; P. Tozzi, RIL 101 (1967), p. 596-597; C. Austin, Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta in papyris reperta (CGFP), 1973, 295; G. Arrighetti, SCO 17 (1968), p. 76-98; idem, MPhL 2 (1977), p. 63-65; idem, SCO 26 (1977), p. 45-47, 63-67; idem, Poeti, eruditi e biografi, Pisa, 1987, p. 201-228; ; TrGF, 1 72 F 19, p. 237; F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 157-158; Kassel / Austin,PCG, 1995, 8.1033; S.Trojahn, Die auf Papyri erhaltenen Kommentare zur alten Komödie, München-Leipzig 2000, p. 208.; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 4, Aristophanes 1 (F. Montana, 2006 - re-edition). roll 05 extracts from a work on literary criticism (by Didymus ?), concerned with various independent topics (several quotations).
fr. 1, ll. 38-100 (= section 2) is a discussion on Caeneus, the mythical king of the Lapithae, and quotes a long extract from theGenealogiae of Acusilaus of Argos (= FGrHist 2 F 22) which may have influenced the scholia on Homer and Apollonius Rhodius. The section ends with a quotation from Euripides' Alcmeon in Cor. (= fr. 73a Nauck) and a short discussion of it.Although other fragments are also related to mythological figures, the focus of these discussions (with many quotations) is not clear:
fr. 2, ll. 121-127: on Hercules fetching horses sprung from Boreas (?), with a quotation from Ion's Omphale;
fr. 8, col. 1-2, l. 5 (cf. Lobel): quotation from Damastes of Sigeion;
fr. 8, col. 2, ll. 5-11 (cf. Lobel): quotation from Hellanicus' Peri ethnôn;
fr. 8, col. 2, ll. 11-20 (cf. Lobel): quotation from Palaephatus' Trôika;

fr. 8, col. 2, ll. 21-24 (cf. Lobel): quotation from Abaris;
fr. 15, ll. 271-272: mentions Hades and Odysseus.
AD 3 P.Oxy. 13, 1611 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1919)
blank narrative + literary treatise small to medium-sized, relatively formal, angular, influenced by the "severe" style, upright, generally bilinear, regular, of very neat appearance, written with much care, separating all letters, without decorations. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS. Gr. class. b. 17 (P.) 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5430 coronis (several) used to mark the end of a section as well as to separate a quotation from the text; paragraphos (several) used to indicate quotations; strokes in the margin (for the beginning [chrism] and the end of the Acusilaus extract); obelos (for a quotation); some high stops; one middle stop (doubtful); occasional apostrophes, quantity marks and accents; trema; one abbreviation; iota adscript sometimes omitted, but inserted by a contemporary corrector (same scribe?); some corrections, but several minor misspellings remain. 14-20 papyrus fr. 1, col. 2: Kaineus (3);
fr. 1, col. 3: Kaineus; Kainê; Elatos; Poseidôn (2); Lapithai; Kentauroi [Centaurs];
fr. 1, col. 4: Zeus; Kentauroi [Centaurs]; Kaineus; Alkmeôn [Alkmaiôn] (Q + 1); Korinthos [Corinth];
fr. 2, col. 1: Omphalê (Q); Hêraklês; Pelops (Q); Hermês (Q);
fr. 15: Haidês; Odysseus.
05 2290 CPF IV.2, pl. 170 (fr. 1, fr. 5+43+40+6+n.i). fr. 1, col. 2: Lysippos; Kratinos; Theophrastos; Kaineus (3);
fr. 1, col. 3: Akousilaos Argeios; Kaineus; Kainê; Elatos; Poseidôn (2); Lapithai; Kentauroi [Centaurs];
fr. 1, col. 4: Zeus; Kentauroi [Centaurs]; Kaineus; Euripidês; Alkmeôn [/u>Alkmaiôn] (Q + 1); Korinthos [Corinth];
fr. 1, col. 5 Polemôn (R); Melêsias (Q + 1); Stephanos (Q + 2); Oloros; Pharsalios; Platôn; Menôn; Thoukydidês (Q); Hermippos; Iapetos
fr. 2, col. 1: Iôn; Omphalê (Q); Hêraklês; Pelops (Q); Hermês (Q); Mnaseas Patareus;
fr. 4, col. 2: Arktinos (?);
fr. 5 + 43: Eratosthenês (?, R); Phrynichos (R);
fr. 6, col. 1: Chamaileôn; Stêsichoros; Lamproklês (2); Phrynichos; Midôn (?); Aristophanês;
fr. 8, col. 2: Hellanikos (R);
fr. 9: Naxioi (?); Thraikes; Aristodêmos (?); Paros (?); Parioi;
fr. 10: Aristarchos (?, R);
fr. 12: Lykia (?);
fr. 14: Simônidês (?, R);
fr. 15: Haidês; Odysseus;
fr. 16: Iôn;
fr. 17: Theodektês (?, R); Didymos (?, R);
fr. 21 + 22: Lysippos (R);
fr. 36: Ptolemaios (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Theophrastus;
along the fibres 16 26.5 x 18.6 (fr. 1) OK
PHOTO (digital image)
70 fragments, of which only 1-11 with significant remains;
fr. 1 = after a few letters from the ends of lines, 4 almost complete columns of 24-25 lines, containing three different sections;
fr. 8-10-11-18-19-46 (?) [cf. reconstruction by Lobel] = remains of two columns: col. 1 has 4 lines from the bottom of a column, broken on both sides, and a few letters from the end of two further lines opposite ll. 9-10 of col. 2; col. 2 has the beginning words of 24 lines from the bottom of a column;
fr. 15 = a few letters or words from 5 lines.
0051 59148 Apollodorus (?) R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1958), p. 115-117; A. Henrichs, CErc 5 (1975), p. 20-38; A. Pardini, QUCC 55 (1997), p. 98-101; C.D. De Luca, Pap. Lup. 8 (1999), p. 151-163; Stesichorus PMGF, I, 233; D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, III, 233; Ibycus PMGF, I, 298; D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, III, 289; mentioned by VRS, p. 141, n. 48. roll 05.5 - 06 extract from Apollodorus' Peri theôn (?), concerned with the epithets of Athena. Comparable to P.Köln 3, 126 (= P.Coll.Youtie 1, 1), P.Herc. 242 III, 247 III and 433 IV; close relation to scholia, Apollonius Sophista, and other minor parallels (cf. Henrichs). AD 2 P.Oxy. 20, 2260 (E. Lobel, 1952)
blank mythography + theology medium-sized, formal, mixed round, squarish, almost epigraphic, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, careful and elegant, well spacing the letters, decorated with frequent roundels and serifs; the hand of the additional fragment is smaller and the letter-shapes slightly different. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 243 several cases of paragraphos, high stop and blank space to mark punctuation; quotations in ekthesis; line-fillers; a few corrections by second hand; iota adscript used at the only place where required. 17-18 papyrus col. 1: Athêna; Eleusis (R).
col. 2: Pallas; Hêphaistos (Q); Zeus (Q); Hêraklês.
02 2471 = M-P 0096.11 ed. princ. pl. X; De Luca, pl. 1 (p. 154). col. 1: Athêna; Eleusis (R).
col. 2: Pallas; Euripidês; Kallimachos; Hêphaistos (Q); Zeus (Q); Stêsichoros; Ibykos; Hêraklês.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus author of the Phoronis;
Philitas Cous;
along the fibres 12 17 x 21
2 x 3.3 (extra fr.)
OK two matching fragments, making up two columns at full height, of 30 lines each, almost complete in col. 1, but damaged at top and bottom of col. 2; an additional tiny fragment with a few letters from the end of at least 5 lines was edited by De Luca (p. 153), who thinks that they may be part of a marginal annotation by the same scribe.
0052 59431 Theon (grammaticus) (?) H. Lloyd-Jones, Gnomon 35 (1963), p. 449-450; H.J. Mette, Lustrum 21 (1978), p. 25 + 27; E. Livrea, CQ N.S. 39 (1989), p. 141-147 (= Pap. Flor. 21 (1991), p. 197-205); SH 715; P.A. Rosenmeyer, CQ N.S. 43 (1993), p. 206, n. 1 [for general bibliography on Victoria Berenices]; C.D. De Luca, "A proposito della testimonianze di Aristofane di Beozia in POxy. 2463 v.", in: Rudiae. Ricerche sul mondo classico 7 (1995), p. 191-196; Aristophanes Boeotius fr. 1A Fowler. roll 06.5 - 07 learned discussion on the legend of Poimandrus, clearly different from the treatment in Plutarch, Quaest. Gr. 37. According to Livrea, it is part of a commentary on Callimachus' Victoria Berenices (Suppl. Hell. 256-257), probably by Theon. AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 27, 2463 (J.R. Rea, 1962)
tax-register, AD 2 learned discussion (commentary ?) small, informal, mixed round, somewhat flattened, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, regular, of handsome appearance, carefully executed by a proficient scribe, well separating the letters, without decorations. London, British Library 3046 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 530 blank spaces to mark punctuation; small horizontals above numerals; iota adscript capriciously written. 19 papyrus Amphitryôn; Poimandros (4); Stratonikê; Euônymos; Anchippos; Ephippos (4); Leukippos; Rhêxipylê; Archeptolemê (R); Toxeus; Oineus. 02 2861 (+ suppl.) ed. princ. pl. X; De Luca, pl. I. Amphitryôn; Rhianos; Poimandros (4); Stratonikê; Euônymos; Anchippos; Ephippos (4); Leukippos; Rhêxipylê; Archeptolemê (R); Aristophanês; Toxeus; Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Callimachus, Aetia 3 (?)];
Aristophanes Boeotus.
across the fibres 14 8 x 22 see bibliography in De Luca (n. 3) and add Mette above in bibliography (and others?) 32 lines from a column broken off at the top and at the right, with a bottom margin of 4.5 cm; a few letters from a previous column can be seen at ca. 2 cm to the left. mythology
0053 59143 Apollodorus (?)
Damastes fr. 12 Fowler; Andro fr. 21 Fowler; Hecataeus fr. 137A Fowler. roll 06 - 06.5 learned commentary dealing with Thessaly and some of its founding heroes.
Links to the Catalogue of Ships, numerous quotations from authors not later than 4/3 BC, as well as the critical attitude of the author towards his sources, suggest that these fragments might be part of Apollodorus' Peri Neôn or of a work making use of it (cf. ed. princ.).
AD 3 P.Oxy. 62, 4309 (M.A. Harder, 1995)
blank learned discussion (commentary ?) small, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, roughly bilinear, fairly regular and of tidy appearance, though obviously rapidly executed with some cursive elements; no decorations; the lines are kept straight. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 238 one sign resembling apostrophe in fr. 3, l. 14. 21 papyrus fr. 1: Pheidippos (2); Aiatios (?); Iônes [Ionians]; Thessalia (?);
fr. 2: Aigimios; Chalkiopê (?);
fr. 3: Antiphos;
fr. 4: Thessalos (?); Pheidippos (?); Ilion (?);
fr. 5: Thessalia;
fr. 9: Olympos (?);
fr. 10: Hêraklês (?); Aiatios;
Pheidippos (?); Antiphos (?);
fr. 11: Lakedaimonioi (?) [Spartans];
fr. 12: Kynaithai (?).
02 (fr. 1 + 4) M-P 2455.1 ed. princ. pl. V, VII, VIII. fr. 1: Pheidippos (2); Aiatios (?); Iônes [Ionians]; Thessalia (?);
fr. 2: Aigimios; Chalkiopê (?);
fr. 3: Xenagoras; Damastes; Antiphos;
fr. 4: Thessalos (?); Pheidippos (?); Anaximenês (?); Ilion (?);
fr. 5: Thessalia;
fr. 9: Sophoklês; Olympos (?); Andrôn (?);
fr. 10: Hêraklês (?); Aiatios; Hekataios Milêsios; Pheidippos (?); Antiphos (?);
fr. 11: Lakedaimonioi (?) [Spartans];
fr. 12: Kynaithai (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Xenagoras;
Anaximenes Lampsacenus;
Andro Halicarnassensis (?);
Hecataeus Milesius.
along the fibres 16 7.4 x 16.7 (fr. 1) OK 16 fragments with scanty remains; the columns had a least 30 lines (cf. fr. 2); in the upper margin of fr. 5, the letters NC probably indicate the number of the column. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol62/pages/4309.htm
0054 61148 h040 anon. E. Howald, RhM 72 (1917-1918), p. 403-425 (esp. p. 419-425); A. Körte, APF 6 (1920), p. 252; H. Erbse, pap. II (vol. I, p. 164-174); M.W. Haslam, CP 89 (1994), p. 44-45; J. Lundon, An. Pap. X-XI (1998-1999), p. 17-32 (on the hand); idem, Proc. XXIInd Congr. Firenze, 2001, II, p. 827-839; cf. A. Lamedica Nardi, SCO 26 (1977), p. 133-155; further bibliography in CPF I.1***, no. 86, 1T [Praxiphanes]. roll 15.5 commentary on Iliad 2.751-827, of comprehensive scope (covering almost the entire Homeric text), explaining difficult words or phrases, geographical and mythological references, textual variants, reasons for the use of Aristarchean critical signs.The following comments have been singled out for their mythographic interest:
col. 1, ll. 1-7: on the river Titarêsios;
col. 1, ll. 8-9: mention of Magnes, son of Aeolus;
col. 2, ll. 48-51: on the dwelling-place of Typhon.
1 BC P.Oxy. 08, 1086 (A.S. Hunt, 1911) = P.Lond.Lit. 176 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927).
medical receipts, AD 1 (= P.Oxy. 08, 1088; LDAB 4322) commentary (continuous lemmata) generally small (letters vary in size from medium to tiny), informal, round, leaning forward, roughly bilinear, somewhat irregular, but of even alignment, closely spaced, rapidly executed with some cursive elements, though generally separating the letters; gives the impression of being cursive and can hardly be described as "pulchrisque [litteris] scriptus" as done by Erbse. London, British Library 2055 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2287 blank spaces, sometimes accompanied by paragraphos, used to separate the lemmata from the comments and to mark pauses in the sense; occasional use of diplê in front of lemma; obelos (3) used to mark verses athetized by Aristarchus; trema (several); occasional quantity marks; iota adscript generally written; many abbreviations; chrisms in margins; corrections (by the same scribe), but some errors and misspellings remain. 60 papyrus col. 1, 1-7: Titarêsios (Q + 2); Pêneios (Q + 4); Titarion oros (R); Styx (1 + R); Tempê;
col. 1, 8-9: Magnêtes (Q, R); Prothoos (Q); Tenthrêdôn (Q); Magnêsia; Magnês (R); Aiolos (R);
col. 2, 48-51: Typhôeus (Q) + Typhôs [Typhôn]; Arima (Q + 1); Pisidia; Aitnê [Etna] (1 + Q); Sikêlia [Sicily].
03 1173 = M-P 1173 GMAW no. 58 (col. 2); Erbse, vol. I; CPF IV.2, pl. 160 (col. 1). col. 1, 1-7: Titarêsios (Q + 2); Pêneios (Q + 4); Titarion oros (R); Styx (1 + R); Tempê;
col. 1, 8-9: Magnêtes (Q, R); Prothoos (Q); Tenthrêdôn (Q); Magnêsia; Magnês (R); Aiolos (R);
col. 1, 9-10: Pêneios (Q); Pêlion (Q);
col. 1, 11-18: Aristarchos (2); Praxiphanês; Odysseus (R); Têlemachos (R); Pênelopê; Antikleia (2);
col. 1, 19-20: Eumêlos (Q, R);
col. 1, 25-27: Pêreia (Q + 1); Apollôn (Q); Pieria (R + 1); Makedonia; Thessalia;
col. 1, 27-35: Arês (Q, R + 1); Aineias [Aeneas]; Trôios (R);
col. 2, 44-45: Zeus (Q + 1); Typhôeus (Q + 3);
col. 2, 48-51: Typhôeus (Q) + Typhôs [Typhôn]; Arima (Q + 1); Pisidia; Homêros; Aitnê [Etna] (1 + Q); Sikelia [Sicily]; Pindaros;
col. 2, 56-57: Zeus (Q);
col. 2, 57-60: Priamos (Q);
col. 2, 60-61: Iris (Q);
col 2, 61-73: Priamos (Q); Politês (Q + 4); Trôes (Q) [Trojans]; Aisyiêtês (Q) [Aisyêtês]; Iris (Q + 5); Aristarchos; Zeus (2); Homêros;
col. 2, 75-77: Politês; Iris;
col. 2, 77-80: Iris (2); Politês (2);
col. 3, 81-82: Iris; Politês (R);
col. 3, 83-88: Hektôr (Q, R + R); Iris; Aristarchos (R);
col. 3, 88-92: Politês; Iris;
col. 3, 93-97: Hektôr (Q); Politês (R); Iris;
col. 3, 102-105: Batieia (Q, R); Myrina (Q); Dardanos (R); Amazonides;
col. 3, 105-106: Trôes (Q) [Trojans];
col. 3, 106-114: Trôes (Q, R); Hektôr (Q + 2 + R); Alexandros; Phryges [Phrygians]; Alkaios;
col. 3, 114-117: Dardanioi (Q + 1) + Dardanoi; Anchisês (Q + 1); Trôes; Aineias [Aeneas];
col. 3, 117-118: Zeleia (Q); Idê (Q, R + 1);
col. 3, 118-119: Aisêpos (Q, R); Andeiros;
col. 3, 119-121: Pandaros (Q); Apollôn (Q, R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 2];
Praxiphanês; Aristarchus; Homerus, Pindarus; Alcaeus.
along the fibres 6 23.5 x 41
3 full height columns of 40 lines each (41 in col. 3); only col. 2 is complete, but substantial parts of the two others remain.
The text is written upside down in relation to the verso. The small fragment P.Oxy. 65, 4451 (M.W. Haslam, 1998) very probably belongs to the first roll of the same work.
Homerica, mythology
0055 59424 anon. R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus I, p. 226 (preliminary edition of A fr. 9) = Callimachus II, pap. 37; N.G. Wilson, CQ N.S. 17 (1967), p. 247-249; A. Porro, Scrittura e Civiltà 9 (1985), p. 178-183; A.S. Hollis, Callimachus Hecale, 1990, p. 66 (reprint of A fr. 9); L. Lehnus, ZPE 112 (1996), p. 18; cf. H. Maehler, in: La philologie grecque à l'époque hellénistique et romaine, 1994, p. 95-141 (esp. p. 126-127, 136-138); idem, in: M.-O. Goulet-Cazé (ed.), Le commentaire entre tradition et innovation, Paris 2000, p. 34; G. Cavallo, ibidem p. 55-64; P. Hoffmann, in: G. Prato, I manoscritti greci tra riflessione e dibattito, Pap. Flor. 31, Firenze 2000, vol. 2, p. 630-632 ; V. Millozzi, 'Artemis' wanderings in Callimachus' Hymn 3 (vv.39-97): comparing exegetic texts on papyri and medieval scholia', Proceedings of the 24.Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 2007, edd. J. Frösén, T. Purola and E. Salmenkivi, p. 735-742. codex 22 max. (C fr. 1 front); 24 max. (C fr. 1 back); 18 - 23 (C fr. 2 front); 16 - 22 (C fr. 2 back). marginal scholia and other explanatory matters accompanying poetical works by Callimachus, arranged in three sections:
A: Hymns I-IV and VI + prose argument to the Hecale (= A fr. 9 back);
B: books III and IV of the Aetia;
C: Coma Berenices, Victoria Sosibii.Beside the prose argument to the Hecale, the following scholia have mythographic content:
C fr. 1 front, marg. ll. 17-21 (+ add. p. 104): on Zephyrus and Memnon;
C fr. 1 back, marg. ll. 35: on Uranus, son of Acmon;
C fr. 2 front, marg. ll. 13-19: on Melicertes and Archemorus;
C fr. 2 front, marg. ll. 32-33: on Hypsipyle.
AD 5 - AD 6 - AD 7 (?) P.Oxy. 20, 2258 (E. Lobel, 1952) + P.Oxy. 30, p. 91-92 (E. Lobel, 1964) [additional fr.]
marginal scholia + diegesis main text and scholia by same hand (but smaller in scholia): fair-sized to large, formal, round, of the Coptic type, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, carefully written with a thick pen, well separating the letters, with serifs and roundels on most of them; the lines are closely spaced. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst, 2003/03/09 Marc Huys 523 high stops or obliques to separate lemmata from comments; comments separated by short dash ( ) above the first letter and concluded by double dot + dash (: ); occasionally apostrophe and trema; iota adscript consistently written; itacism; misspellings; abbreviations; ?? papyrus A fr. 9 back: Hekalê.
C fr. 1 front.: Memnôn (Q + 4); Zephyros (2); Astraios (Q) Tithônos (Q); Êôs (2Q);
C fr. 1 back: Ouranos; Akmôn;
C fr. 2 front.: Melikertês (3); Archemoros (3); Myrina; Lêmnos; Hêphaisteiê; Hypsipylê (3).
01 0186 (+ suppl.) P.Oxy. 20, pl. XIII, XIV, XV, XVI (B fr. 1-4, C fr. 1 front + back; C fr. 2 front + back; C unidentified fr. 1-10); P.Oxy. 30, pl. 2, 13 (additional fr.); GMAW no. 47 (C fr. 2 back); G. Cavallo, JÖB 24 (1975), p. 36-37, pl. 10; J. Irigoin, in: Il libro e il testo, 1984, pl. 14 (C fr. 2 back); N. Marinone, Berenice da Callimaco a Catullo, 1984, p. 64-65 (C fr. 1 front + back; C fr. 2 back); A. Porro, pl. 3 (C fr. 2 back); M.-O. Goulet-Cazé (ed.), pl. 1 (C fr. 2 back). A fr. 2 front: Dêlos (R); Theopompos; Apollôn;
A fr. 2 back: Apollôn (2); Dêmêtêr;
A fr. 4 front: Kyklôpes (?);
A fr. 9 back: Hekalê;
A fr. 10 front: Kallichoron (?, R);
A fr. 11 back: Aigeus (?, R); Pandiôn (?, R);
C fr. 1 front: Arsinoê (2Q + 1); Apama; Magas; Chalybes (Q + 1); Skythia; Athôs (R); Memnôn (Q + 4); Zephyros (2); Hêsiodos (2); Astraios (Q) Tithônos (Q); Êôs (2Q); Zephyritis; Alexandreia; Lokroi Epizephyrioi; Lokris;
C fr. 1 back: Hêsiodos; Leôn (R + 3); Arktos (3); Aratos; Pleiades; Plokamos (2); Diophilos (R); Hamaxa; Parthenos; Boôtês (2); Ouranos; Akmôn;
C fr. 2 back: Oriôn; Sôsibios (4); Korinthos (2); Lechaion; Kenchreai; Isthmos; Dioskoridês; Ptolemaios; Alkman; Ephyra (Q + 1); Isthmia; Kyrênaikos (2); Asbytai [Asbystai] (Q);
C fr. 2 front.: Isthmionikos (?); Nemeaka + Nemea (2) + Nemeakos; Melikertês (3); Kinyps (3); Libyê; Alexandreis; Libyes; Archemoros (3); Isthmia; Korinthos (2); Isthmos; Peirênê; Sôsibios (Q + 2); Alexandreia; Karchêdonioi; Myrinaios (Q + 1); Myrina; Lêmnos; Hêphaisteiê; Hypsipylê (3). Euripidês.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Callimachus, Hymni 1, 2, 3, 4, 6; Hecale; Aetia 3, 4];
26 38 x 21.5 (page) OK
PHOTO of A fr. 9 RECTO + VERSO (2 digital images)
numerous fragments, some very large, from a sumptuous codex with a single column of (probably) 23 lines and very large margins (top: 7 cm; bottom: 5.5 cm; sides: 8 cm); comments written in the margins, sometimes between the lines. mythology 46 (Hecale)
0056 59402 anon. R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus II, pap. 26 (= p. 107-112, ad fr. 26-31f); G. Massimilla, Callimaco, 1996, pap. 19 (= p. 101-105, ad fr. 28-38); FGrHist 305 F 8 bis = Agias et Dercylus T 1c + fr. 8A Fowler.
roll 06.5 four diegeseis of Callimachus' Aetia, book 1:
(1) unidentified subject (col. 1, 14-19);
(2) Linus and Coroebus (col. 1, 20 - col. 2, 8);
(3) Diana Leucadia (col. 2, 9-30);
(4) unidentified subject (col. 3)
Similarities in form and wording to P.Mil.Vogl. 01, 18 and to PSI 11, 1219.
AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 20, 2263 (E. Lobel, 1952)
one line from a register, AD 2 diegesis small, informal, angular, of the "severe" style, leaning forward, not strictly bilinear, but regular and keeping the lines straight, written with care by a practised scribe, separating all letters, without decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 501 trema (several); one line-filler; lemma in col. 2 in ekthesis; various lectional signs (of uncertain meaning) added by second hand to text of fr. 2; iota adscript capriciously written. 21-22 papyrus col. 2: Linos (S); Koroibos (S); Tripodiskos; Argeioi [Argians] (R); Leukadia; Artemis (2); Leukadioi (Leucadians). 03 0205 ed. princ. pl. XII. col. 2: Linos (S); Koroibos (S); Tripodiskos; Argeioi [Argians] (R); Kallimachos; Agias; Derkylos; Leukadia; Artemis (2); Leukadioi (Leucadians). Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Callimachus, Aetia 1];
Agias and Dercylus.
across the fibres 14 13.2 x 18 (fr. 1)
2 x 1.8 (fr. 2)

fr. 1: col. 1 = endings of 14 lines; col. 2 = 30 almost complete lines from top of col.; col. 3 = beginnings of 30 lines.
fr. 2: tiny scrap of papyrus with a few letters from 4 lines.
The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto.
mythology 45
0057 63539 anon. uncertain ?? unidentified prose text, mentioning Minos, Sisyphus and Hera, and quoting Homer, Iliad 6.153. AD 2 P.Ryl. 01, 40 (A.S. Hunt, 1911)
blank uncertain (commentary ?) small to tiny, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, regular, rapidly and proficiently written, with some cursive elements and ligatures, occasionally decorated with serifs. Manchester, John Rylands Library, Greek 40. 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4748 three abbreviations. ?? papyrus Minôs; Sisyphos (Q); Hêra (?). 01 2459 Minôs; Sisyphos (Q); Homêros; Hêra (?). Egypt, unknown Homerus across the fibres 12 3.7 x 8.2 (fr. 1)
2.8 x 8.6 (fr. 2)
PHOTO (paper, 2 plates)
OK - the two fragments do not seem to belong to the same column.
êras hôsper: 21 places in TLG
copy of ed. pr.
2 fragments of 15 lines each, broken off on all sides (but fr. 2 probably from the bottom of a column). mythology
0058 65617 anon. R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1956-1958), p. 120-121. roll (?) 05.5 - 06 (col. 1)
05 (col. 2)
narration about the labours of Hercules, containing one unparalleled event: the meeting of Hercules with Theseus and Pirithous. 344 2 BC CQ 43 (1949), p. 1-3, no. 1 (J.W.B. Barns)
blank uncertain (paraphrase ? narrative ?) medium-sized to small, informal, round, leaning very slightly forward, of attempted bilinearity, irregular in size and spacing, somewhat shaky, written with a thick pen by a moderately fluent school hand of the "rapid" type, separating all letters; some letters are decorated with serifs and roundels; the whole script is rather clumsy and lacks uniformity. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (s. inv.)
6868 one correction (by same hand); some errors. 18-22 (col. 1)
16-17 (col. 2)
papyrus col. 1: Likymnios; Rhodos; Eurystheus (3); Sthenelos; Hêra; Tiryns;
col. 2: Thêseus; Peirithoos; Korinthiôn isthmos; Eurystheus; Hippolytê; Nemeia [Nemea]
02 2655 Cribiore pl. LVI. col. 1: Likymnios; Rhodos; Eurystheus (3); Sthenelos; Hêra; Tiryns;
col. 2: Thêseus; Peirithoos; Korinthiôn isthmos; Eurystheus; Hippolytê; Nemeia [Nemea].
Egypt, Fayum, Arsinoites along the fibres 3 14.2 x 13.9 OK
N.B.: papyrus called PBarns 1 by Salvadori (in her dissertation)
copy of ed. pr.
much worm-eaten remains from the bottom of two columns: col. 1 = 22 lines broken off to the left (in the middle for the lines 1-14, at the beginning for lines 15-22); col. 2 = 21 complete but damaged lines, preceded by specks of another line. school text, mythology
0059 65736 Dionysius Scytobrachion J.S. Rusten, Dionysius Scytobrachion, Opladen, 1982, p. 19-29; mentioned in relation to its verso (with partial edition) by VRS p. 121 + n. 7. roll 09.5 - 10 extracts from Dionysius Scytobrachion's Argonauts, narrating the battle of Hercules and Jason against the Taurian guards during the Argonauts' attack of the sanctuary of Ares in Colchis, as known from the summary in Diodorus Sic. (4.45-46.1 = FGrHist 32 F 14 = F 20 + 22 Rusten) and from the scholia to Apollonius Rhodius (3.200, 3.240 = FGrHist 32 F 1 = F 21 Rusten). 3 BC P.Hib. 02, 186 (E.G. Turner, 1955)
text on first inventors, 3 BC (partially edited, cf. bibliography). narrative small, informal, round, upright, "hanging", somewhat irregular, rapidly and proficiently written, using some cursive elements, with serifs on certain letters; the line spacing is uneven and the letters vary in size and are occasionally bunched together at the end of a line. London, British Library 2959
6990 paragraphos (2); two corrections. 23-28 (col. 4) papyrus col. 1 (fr. A, col. 1): Iasôn;
col. 4 (fr. B, col. 2): Hêraklês; Iasôn; Tauroi [Taurians];
col. 5 (fr. B, col. 3): Mêdeia (?).
03 2449 = M-P 0343.2 Rusten, pl. I. col. 1 (fr. A, col. 1): Iasôn;
col. 4 (fr. B, col. 2): Hêraklês; Iasôn; Tauroi [Taurians];
col. 5 (fr. B, col. 3): Mêdeia (?).
Egypt, Hibeh along the fibres 1 12 x 7.5 (fr. A)
18.5 x 7.5 (fr. B)
copy ed. pr.
cartonnage; two fragments from the lower part of a roll:
fr. A = remains of two columns: endings of 8 lines in col. 1, beginnings of 8 lines in col. 2 with traces of four other lines;
fr. B = remains of three columns: endings of 4 lines in col. 1 with traces of two more lines; 10 much damaged lines in col. 2; beginnings of 8 lines in col. 3.
0060 63428 anon. E.D. Phillips, GRBS 9 (1968), p. 385-388; G. Manganaro, PP 29 (1974), p. 401-409; Hellanicus FGrHist 4 F 189; Philochorus FGrHist 328 F 98; Aristoteles CPF I.1*, no. 24, 64T. roll 07 col. 1: catalogues of famous sculptors, painters and grammarians [not mythographic];
col. 2, 1-20: historical list of Alexandrian librarians [not mythographic];
col. 2, 21 - col. 6: catalogue of inventions concerning warfare and weapons, dealing mainly with mythical material, comparable to lists found in Pliny (NH 7.200-202), Athenaeus (Peri mechanêmatôn, 10.5; 27.2; 29.9), Clemens Alex. (Strom. 1.16.74), Hyginus (Fab. 274).
AD 2 P.Oxy. 10, 1241 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1914)
blank catalogue small, informal, round, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, of neat and handsome appearance, very carefully written, well separating the letters, with hooks, serifs and roundels on most letters. Dublin, Trinity College Library, Pap. D 10-11. 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4636 high stop + paragraphos used for punctuation (several cases); forked paragraphos to mark end of sections (combined with blank space of one line); line-fillers; trema (several); one rough breathing; corrections by same hand; diplê and double dots in the margin; iota adscript consistently written. 20 papyrus col. 2: Asias; Asia; Apis; Phorôneus; Agênôr; Pelasgos; Amphitryôn; Kephalos;
col. 3: Taphioi [Taphians]; Kephallênia; Pellênê (2); Kleisthenês; Sikyônioi [Sicyonians]; Hêraklês;
Thêseus; Têbaioi [Thebans]; Thêbai [Thebes] Aitôlos; Apis; Iô; Azan; Kêpheus; Ixiôn;
col. 4: Êioneus; Phorôneus; Inachos; Thêbai [Thebes]; Ismênos; Kaanthos; Ôkeanos; Melia; Arês (2); Kyklôpes; Euboia (2); Teuchion; Briareôs; Enyalios; Zeus; Thraikê [Thrace]; Alôeus; Apollôn; Kourêtes [Curetes]; Kymindis; Aigyptioi [Egyptians];
col. 5: Saneunos; Skythai [Scythians]; Kekrops; Attikê [Attica]; Danaos; Argos (3); Akrisios (2); Proitos (2); Pyrrhis; Thermaios; Ophioussa; Eteokrêtes; Kares [Carians]; Argeioi [Argians];
col. 6: Illyrioi [Illyrians];
Samothraikê; Tyrrhênoi [Tyrrhenians]; Tyrrhênos; Ardêlos (2); Thraikes [Thracians]; Lykaôn; Pelasgos; Perseus; Zeus; Pêleus; Aiakos; Ameinias (?).
06 2069 I. Gallo, Avviamento alla papirologia greco-latina, 1983, pl. 8 (col. 4-6) [= Greek and Latin Papyrology, 1986, pl. 8]; CPF IV.2, pl. 163 (col. 1-3). col. 1: Pheidias Athênaios; Polykleitos (R); Pythagoras; Skopas; Polygnôtos (R); Philadelphos (R);
col. 2: Apollônios (R + 1); Silleus; Alexandreus (3); Rhodios; Kallimachos; Eratosthenês; Aristophanês; Apellês Byzantios; Aristarchos (3); Samothrax; Philopatôr; Kydas; Ammônios; Zênodotos; Dioklês; Apollodôros; Asias; Asia; Apis; Phorôneus; Agênôr; Pelasgos; Amphitryôn; Kephalos;
col. 3: Taphioi [Taphians]; Kephallênia; Aristotelês (?); Pellênê (2); Kleisthenês; Sikyônioi [Sicyonians]; Hêraklês; Thêseus; Thêbaioi [Thebans]; Thêbai [Thebes] Aitôlos; Apis; Iô; Azan; Kêpheus; Ixiôn;
col. 4: Êioneus; Phorôneus; Inachos; Thêbai [Thebes]; Ismênos; Kaanthos; Ôkeanos; Melia; Arês (2); Kyklôpes; Euboia (2); Teuchion; Briareôs; Enyalios; Zeus; Thraikê [Thrace]; Alôeus; Apollôn; Kourêtes [Curetes]; Kymindis; Aigyptioi [Egyptians]; col. 5: Hellanikos; Saneunos; Skythai [Scythians]; Philochoros; Kekrops; Attikê [Attica]; Danaos; Argos (3); Akrisios (2); Proitos (2); Pyrrhis; Thermaios; Ophioussa; Eteokrêtes; Kares [Carians]; Argeioi [Argians];
col. 6: Illyrioi [Illyrians]; Samothraikê; Tyrrhênoi [Tyrrhenians]; Tyrrhênos; Ardêlos (2); Thraikes [Thracians]; Lykaôn; Pelasgos; Perseus; Zeus; Pêleus; Aiakos; Ameinias (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Hellanicus;
Aristoteles (?).
along the fibres 12 47 x 22 (D10-11)
(22 x 22: D10);
(25 x 21.5: D11).
PHOTO (paper, 2 plates)
two large joining fragments:
col. 1 = ends of 17 lines from the top;
col. 2-5 = at full height, with 36 lines each, almost complete;
col. 6 = beginning of 29 lines from the top.
0061 63889 anon. W. Luppe, ZPE 66 (1986), p. 17-18. roll 08 fr. 1:
(a) list of the Greek leaders against Troy (col. 1 - col. 2, 3): close to the Homeric Catalogue of Ships, similar in type to the lists in Hyginus (Fab. 97), ps.-Apollod. (Epit. 3.11-14), Dictys Cretensis (1.17), Dares (14);
(b) list of the suitors of Penelope (col. 2, 4-8): close to Od. 16.247-252, less extensive than ps.-Apollod., Epit. 7.26-30;
(c) story of the Danaids (col. 2, 8-23), with an unexpected personal address (to the reader? to a dedicatee?): comparable texts in ps.-Apollod.
(Bibl. 2.1.5), Hyginus (Fab. 168 + 170), Hesiod (Catalogue fr. 127-129);
fr. 2:
list of the Argonauts: comparable (in poetry) to Apoll. Rhod. 1.23-227, Val. Flacc. Arg. 1.353-486, Orph. A 119-230, and (in prose) to scholia in Apoll. Rhod. prolegomenon C, ps.-Apollod.
Bibl. 1.9.16, Hyginus Fab. 14, P.Oxy. 61, 4097;

fr. 3: unidentified.
AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 53, 3702 (M.W. Haslam, 1986)
accounts, AD 2 catalogue + narrative medium to fair-sized, informal, round, generally upright but occasionally leaning backward, roughly bilinear, irregular, undecorated and of untidy appearance, written by a practised, but careless scribe; the lines are not straight and the letters irregularly spaced, sometimes well separated, sometimes linked. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
5103 paragraphos + blank space to separate first list from second; high and middle stops to separate entries in the lists; trema (several); one apostrophe; some misspellings; iota adscript occasionally written; itacism. 24 papyrus fr. 1, col. 1:
Polyxeinos (R);
Êlis (R);
Phyleus (R);
Doulichion (R);
Deukaliôn (R);
Molos (R);
Krêtê [Crete] (R);
Peteôs (R);
Athênai [Athens] (R);
Thêseus (R);
Hêraklês (R);
Charopos (R);
Pheidippos (R);
Pherai [Pherae];
Poias (R);
Gyrtônê [Gyrtôn];
Leonteus (R);
Prothoos (R);
Magnêsia (R);
Epistrophos (R);
Patroklos (R);
Thêbai [Thebes];
Boiôtia [Boeotia];

fr. 1, col. 2:
Minyros (?);
Zakynthos (?);
Danaos (3);
Aigyptos (2);
Danaides (2);

fr. 2:
Argos (2);
Poseidôn (2);
Samos (R);
Zêtês (R);
Thraikê [Thrace] (R);
Lynkeus (R);
Zeus (2);
Erginos (R);
Pherai [Pherae];
Thessalia (R);
Eurytos (R);
Hermês (R);
Pelops (R);
Peisa [Pisa] (R);
Polydeukês (R).
02 M-P 2451.1 ed. princ. pl. V. fr. 1, col. 1:
Polyxeinos (R);
Êlis (R);
Phyleus (R);
Doulichion (R);
Deukaliôn (R);
Molos (R);
Krêtê [Crete] (R);
Peteôs (R);
Athênai [Athens] (R);
Thêseus (R);
Hêraklês (R);
Charopos (R);
Pheidippos (R);
Pherai [Pherae];
Poias (R);
Gyrtônê [Gyrtôn];
Leonteus (R);
Prothoos (R);
Magnêsia (R);
Epistrophos (R);
Patroklos (R);
Thêbai [Thebes];
Boiôtia [Boeotia];

fr. 1, col. 2:
Minyros (?);
Zakynthos (?);
Danaos (3);
Aigyptos (2);
Danaides (2);

fr. 2:
Argos (2);
Poseidôn (2);
Samos (R);
Zêtês (R);
Thraikê [Thrace] (R);
Lynkeus (R);
Zeus (2);
Erginos (R);
Pherai [Pherae];
Thessalia (R);
Eurytos (R);
Hermês (R);
Pelops (R);
Peisa [Pisa] (R);
Polydeukês (R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus across the fibres 14 14 x 17 (fr. 1)
2.5 x 7.8 (fr. 2)
1.7 x 1.8 (fr. 3)

fr. 1: remains of two columns at full height; col. 1 = endings of 26 lines; col. 2 = substantial part of 23 lines broken off to the right, with the number " " (122) in the top margin (1.5 cm);
fr. 2: narrow strip with the remains of 12 lines broken off on both sides, from the top of a column;
fr. 3: tiny scrap with traces of three lines.
The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto.
Homerica, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol53/pages/3702.htm 60
0062 63645 anon. M. Huys, Mnemosyne IV 50 (1997), p. 202-205; G. Schade, Stesichoros, Papyrus Oxyrhynchus 2359, 3876, 2619, 2803, Leiden, 2003, p. 29 n. 45. roll ?? fr. 1: alphabetically arranged list of Argonauts, similar to P.Oxy. 53, 3702 and other lists (cf. ed. princ.), having some remarkable agreements with Hyginus, Fab. 14.
fr. 2: list of Calydonian Boar-hunters, alphabetically arranged, with some similarities to Hyginus, Fab. 173 and ps.-Apollod., Bibl.;
fr. 3: names of fathers, possibly belonging to the catalogue of Argonauts or to a list of competitors at the games of Pelias.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 61, 4097 (R.L. Fowler, 1995)
blank catalogue medium-sized to small, informal, round, slightly flattened, upright, generally bilinear and regular, written with a thick pen by a proficient scribe, keeping the lines straight, mostly separating the letters, without decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/03/09 Marc Huys 4854 trema (several); itacism. ?? papyrus fr. 1:
Lokroi [Locrians];
Iphitos (2);
Phokeis [Phocians];
Spartê [Sparta];
Priasos (?);
Athênai [Athens];
Lynkeus (?, R);
Idas (?);

fr. 2:
Alkaôn (?);
Hippothoos (?);
Boukolos (?);
Pelasgos (?);
Lykaithos (?);
Lynkeus (?);

fr. 3:
Arêithoos (?);
Poseidôn (?);
Pelops (?);
Hermês (?).
01 M-P 2451.2
ed. princ. pl. VII. fr. 1:
Lokroi [Locrians];
Iphitos (2);
Phokeis [Phocians];
Spartê [Sparta];
Priasos (?);
Athênai [Athens];
Lynkeus (?, R);
Idas (?);

fr. 2:
Alkaôn (?);
Hippothoos (?);
Boukolos (?);
Pelasgos (?);
Lykaithos (?);
Lynkeus (?);

fr. 3:
Arêithoos (?);
Poseidôn (?);
Pelops (?);
Hermês (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 12 4 x 9.6 (fr. 1a)
5 x 2.8 (fr. 1b)
PHOTO (paper) of some fragments (enlarged)
78 fragments, mostly tiny scraps; the largest (fr. 1a) has remains of 14 lines broken off on both sides, to which can be fitted the remains of 5 lines visible on fr. 1b; similarly, fr. 2a and b have remains of 7 and 6 lines which clearly belong together. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol61/pages/4097.htm 61
0063 64173 anon. roll (?) 07 - 07.5 list of people killed by Hercules. AD 3 P.Oxy. 61, 4098 (R.L. Fowler, 1995)
unidentified prose text (Persika?), AD 3 catalogue medium-sized, informal, mixed round, of the "severe" style, upright, strictly bilinear and regular, carefully written with a fairly thick pen, well separating the letters, without decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
5392 none. 20 papyrus Pelasgia (?);
Molinê [Molionê];
Aktoriôn [Aktôr?];
01 M-P 2451.3 ed. princ. pl. VIII. Pelasgia (?);
Molinê [Molionê];
Aktoriôn [Aktôr?];
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 16 9.8 x 6.9 OK remains of 10 lines, more or less complete except ll. 1-3, from a column broken at top and bottom. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol61/pages/4098.htm 71
0064 65577 anon. M. Huys, ZPE 113 (1996), p. 205-212. roll (?) 11 - 12 ll. 1-4: list of Epigoni, similar to ps.-Apollod., Bibl. 3.7.2, and to Hyginus, Fab. 71;
ll. 4-12: list of female figures introduced by their common denomination, i.e. Moirai, Horai, Charites, Nymphs, Sirens, Gorgones, Titanides, Eumenides, Harpies and Hesperides; similar lists, though not as comprehensive, occur in Hesiod, ps.-Apollod., and Hyginus;
ll. 13-28: series of two-worded sentences of the "Seven Wise Man", similar to other collections preserved in inscriptions, papyri, ostraca and medieval manuscripts (cf. list of these in Huys).The whole papyrus, with its combination of mythical lists and moralistic sentences, offers a striking correspondence with Hyginus, Fab. 221.
AD 1 P.Oxy. 61, 4099 (R.L. Fowler, 1995)
blank catalogue medium to fair-sized, informal, mixed round, upright, markedly bilinear, but somewhat irregular and wobbly, written with a thick pen, heavily decorated with serifs and roundels; the letters are well separated, slowly written and irregular in shape, which may point to a school context as suggested by Huys and VRS. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 6828 one trema; itacism. 32 papyrus Aigialeus (R);
Polyneikês (R);
Alkmeôn [Alkmaiôn];
Kapaneus (R);
Diomêdês (R);
Tydeus (R);
Atropos (R);
Euphrosynê (R);
Thaliê (R);
Aiglê [Charis];
Seirênes (R);
Gorgones (R);
Titanides (R);
Theia (R);
Rheia [Rhea] (R);
Allêktô [Alêktô];
Megaira (R);
Tisiphonê (R);
Aiglê [Hesperid];
Delphoi [Delphi].
02 M-P 2451.4 ed. princ. pl. VIII. Aigialeus (R);
Polyneikês (R);
Alkmeôn [Alkmaiôn];
Kapaneus (R);
Diomêdês (R);
Tydeus (R);
Atropos (R);
Euphrosynê (R);
Thaliê (R);
Aiglê [Charis];
Seirênes (R);
Gorgones (R);
Titanides (R);
Theia (R);
Rheia [Rhea] (R);
Allêktô [Alêktô];
Megaira (R);
Tisiphonê (R);
Aiglê [Hesperid];
Delphoi [Delphi].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 9 4 x 6 (fr. a)
8.8 x 22.8 (fr. b)
OK fr. a: beginnings of 10 lines from the top of a column;
fr. b: endings of 28 lines from that same column and first letters of ca. 15 lines of the subsequent column.
school text (?), mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol61/pages/4099.htm 66
0065 63297 anon. roll 05.5 - 06 several lists on various topics:
(1) fr. 1, col. 1, 1-19: people who were the first to sacrifice to certain gods;
(2) fr. 1, col. 1, 19-32: first builders of temples;
(3) fr. 1, col. 2, 1-17: epithets of goddesses;
(4) fr. 1, col. 2, 17-28: metamorphoses of women;
(5) fr. 2, 1-6: sons of gods and mortal women (?);
(6) fr. 2, 6-11: unidentified list of first inventors;
(7) fr. 3-9: founders of games (with digressions on the winners of these);
(8) fr. 10-11: murderers tried on the Areopagus;
(9) fr. 12: on oracles (?).
The other fragments have not been identified.
The various lists offer many similarities to Hyginus, ps.-Apollodorus, Clemens Alex. and ps.-Clem. (cf. ed. princ. + VRS); list 7 overlaps with P.Strasb.WG 332.
AD 1 - AD 2 P.Oxy. 62, 4306 (M.A. Harder, 1995)
blank catalogue medium-sized, informal, mixed round, upright, markedly bilinear, but somewhat irregular and giving a "dancing" impression, delicately written with a thin pen by a competent scribe, separating all letters and adding only very few decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
4503 punctuation sometimes by blank spaces; coronis and forked paragraphos (+ next line one letter in ekthesis) to indicate end of section; small paragraphos used to delineate the entries in list 7; line-fillers; some letters written above the line at the end of lines; some corrections above the line, written in lighter ink; iota adscript consistently written. 21 papyrus fr. 1, col. 1:
Athênai [Athens];
Hermês (?);
Zeus (2);
Arkadia (2);
Arês Enyalios;
Skythai [Scythians];
Phoinikes [Phoenicians];
Ephesioi [Ephesians];
Hêraklês (2);
Thêbai [Thebes];
Zeus Olympios (?);
Zeus Lykaios;
Thettalos [Thessalian];
Pelasgoi [Pelasgians];
Hêra (2);

fr. 1, col. 2:
Ichmai (?);
Paionia [Paeonia];
Thetis Ichmaiê (?, Q);
Amphitritê (Q);
Boos Poros [Bosporos];
Philomêla (2);

fr. 2, col. 2:
Arkades [Arcadians];

fr. 3:
Lykaia [games];

fr. 4:
Boreas (2);
Kalais (R);
Kastôr (R);

fr. 5, col. 1:
Iolaos (R);
Iphiklos (R);
Hermês (R + 1);
Kephalos (R);

fr. 5, col. 2:
Troia [Troy];
Diomêdês (2);
Odysseus (2);
Telamôn (2);

fr. 6:
Melikertês (R);

fr. 7:

fr. 8:

fr. 10:
Areios Pagos;

fr. 11:
Athênai [Athens];
Areios Pagos;

fr. 12, col. 2:
02 (fr. 1, 2, 5, 12, 17) M-P 2451.5 ed. princ. pl. III, IV, V. fr. 1, col. 1:
Athênai [Athens];
Hermês (?);
Zeus (2);
Arkadia (2);
Arês Enyalios;
Skythai [Scythians];
Phoinikes [Phoenicians];
Ephesioi [Ephesians];
Hêraklês (2);
Thêbai [Thebes];
Zeus Olympios (?);
Zeus Lykaios;
Thettalos [Thessalian];
Pelasgoi [Pelasgians];
Hêra (2);

fr. 1, col. 2:
Ichmai (?);
Paionia [Paeonia];
Thetis Ichmaiê (?, Q);
Amphitritê (Q);
Boos Poros [Bosporos];
Philomêla (2);

fr. 2, col. 2:
Arkades [Arcadians];

fr. 3:
Lykaia [games];

fr. 4:
Boreas (2);
Kalais (R);
Kastôr (R);

fr. 5, col. 1:
Iolaos (R);
Iphiklos (R);
Hermês (R + 1);
Kephalos (R);

fr. 5, col. 2:
Troia [Troy];
Diomêdês (2);
Odysseus (2);
Telamôn (2);

fr. 6:
Melikertês (R);

fr. 7:

fr. 8:

fr. 10:
Areios Pagos;

fr. 11:
Athênai [Athens];
Areios Pagos;

fr. 12, col. 2:
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Hesiodus;
along the fibres 10 13 x 25.5 (fr. 1) OK
PHOTO (paper): 1 large photograph + 3 "publication" plates
27 fragments, generally rather small and badly damaged; fr. 1 (the largest) has remains of respectively 32 and 28 lines from the bottom of two columns almost at full width. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol62/pages/4306.htm 69
0066 63664 anon. roll (?) 07 list of mothers who killed their sons, similar to Hyginus, Fab. 239. AD 2 P.Oxy. 62, 4307 (M.A. Harder, 1995)
blank catalogue medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, slightly irregular, but competently written, with serifs and roundels on many letters; letters closely spaced with a tendency to ligatures. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
4873 high stops to separate the entries; one itacism. 19 papyrus Proknê;
Inô (R, ?);
01 M-P 2451.6 ed. princ. pl. VI. Proknê;
Inô (R, ?);
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 12 7.8 x 8.5 OK
PHOTO (paper): 1 "publication" plate
7 lines from the top of a column, visible at full width but much damaged; large upper margin (3-3.5 cm). mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol62/pages/4307.htm 72
0067 63665 anon. uncertain variable list of children of goddesses and mortal men, closely following Hesiod, Th. 975-1018; similar lists are found in Clemens Alex. (Protr. 2.33.8-9) and Arnobius (Adv. Nat. 4.27) and possibly in Hyginus (Fab. 233, lost: Quae immortales cum mortalibus concubuerunt); cf. also P.Mil.Vogl. 3, 126. AD 2 (?) P.Oxy. 62, 4308 (M.A. Harder, 1995)
blank catalogue medium-sized to small, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear and regular, but of somewhat uneven alignment, competently written; the letters are generally separated, but some ligatures occur which have lead the ed. princ. to describe the hand as "rather cursive"; no decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
4874 two misspellings. variable papyrus Harmonia (R);
Kadmos (R);
Inô (R);
Agauê [Agave];
Autonoê (R);
Polydôros (R);
Kallirhoê (R);
Êôs (2R);
Tithônos (R);
Kephalos (R);
Mêdeia (R);
Iasôn (R);
Psamathê (R);
Aiakos (R);
Thetis (R);
Pêleus (R);
Aphroditê (R);
Aineias [Aeneas];
Kirkê (R);
Odysseus (2R);
Agrios (R);
Lateinos [Latinos];
Kalypsô (R);
01 M-P 2451.7 ed. princ. pl. VI. Harmonia (R);
Kadmos (R);
Inô (R);
Agauê [Agave];
Autonoê (R);
Polydôros (R);
Kallirhoê (R);
Êôs (2R);
Tithônos (R);
Kephalos (R);
Mêdeia (R);
Iasôn (R);
Psamathê (R);
Aiakos (R);
Thetis (R);
Pêleus (R);
Aphroditê (R);
Aineias [Aeneas];
Kirkê (R);
Odysseus (2R);
Agrios (R);
Lateinos [Latinos];
Kalypsô (R);
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 13 5.5 x 7.5 OK
PHOTO (paper): 1 "publication" plate
right part of 11 lines of variable size, from the bottom of a column. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol62/pages/4308.htm 58
0068 64197 anon. W. Luppe, Gnomon 73 (2001), p. 3-4. roll (?) 09.5 (fr. 2) fr. 1: list of Achaean heroes from the Iliad, with the names of their parents, similar to ps.-Apollod., Epit. 3.11-14, and to Hyginus, Fab. 97;
fr. 2: list of gods with their genealogy, in two sections: (a) Cronos and Cronides, (b) Athena and Hermes; preceded by a title (theôn); other lists of gods can be found on papyri, but without genealogy (cf. ed. princ.).
AD 3 P.Oxy. 65, 4460 (T. Schmidt, 1998)
register, AD 2 (?) catalogue, list of gods medium-sized to small, informal, round, upright, broadly bilinear, irregular in letter size and spacing, plain, written by a moderately fluent scribe, mostly separating the letters, with occasional ligatures and cursive elements; decorated with hooks on certain letters; at the bottom of fr. 1, the script degenerates into cursive; the overall ungainly appearance, added to the odd misspellings, points to a student's hand, but the cursive forms and the use of tremata shows that it is not a beginner's, but rather of Cribiore's "evolving" type or possibly of the "rapid" type. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
5416 trema (several); long paragraphos to mark division between sections and to delineate a section of more than one line; large blank spaces between the gods' names and their genealogy; several misspellings; one correction; one intrusive iota adscript. 20-28 (fr. 1)
19-29 (fr. 2)
papyrus fr. 1:
Agamemnôn (R);
Achilleus (R);
Odysseus (R);
Diomêdês (R);
Neoptolemos (R);
Aias (2R);
Periboia (R);
Nestôr (R);

fr. 2:
Kronos (6);
Zeus (4);
Rhea (5);
Mêtis (?);
01 M-P 2451.8 ed. princ. pl. XI. fr. 1:
Agamemnôn (R);
Achilleus (R);
Odysseus (R);
Diomêdês (R);
Neoptolemos (R);
Aias (2R);
Periboia (R);
Nestôr (R);

fr. 2:
Kronos (6);
Zeus (4);
Rhea (5);
Mêtis (?);
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus across the fibres 16 5.5 x 7 (fr. 1)
14 x 7.5 (fr. 2)
OK fr. 1: 10 lines broken off on both sides, with an upper margin and seemingly a lower one of 1 cm each;
fr. 2: 12 lines of irregular length from a column at full width, with a title in the upper margin (1 cm).
school text (?), mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol65/pages/4460.htm
0069 63934 anon. sheet (?) 10.5 - 13 short narration about Adrastos and his daughters (continuing in another column ?). 284 AD 3 P.Oxy. 01, 124 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1898)
account, AD 2-3 narrative fair-sized to large, informal, mixed round, tall, upright and generally bilinear, but shaky and irregular, not keeping the lines straight, written by a slow and unpractised hand of the "alphabetic" type, with serifs at the bottom of many uprights. Winchester, Winchester College Libr., inv. 218
5149 one correction (by same hand). 21-30 papyrus Adrastos (2);
Aigialia [Aigialeia];
Delphoi [Delphi].
01 2649 Cribiore pl. XXXIII. Adrastos (2);
Aigialia [Aigialeia];
Delphoi [Delphi].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus across the fibres 16 13.7 x 8
8 lines of irregular length from a column at full height and width; worm-eaten and at places darkened to the point of illegibility.The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto. school text, mythology
0070 65747 anon. FGrHist 40a F 1. roll ?? narration (?) on the adventures of Hercules in Arcadia. 3 BC P.Petr. 02, 49 f (J.P. Mahaffy, 1893) = P.Lond.Lit. 190 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
blank narrative (?) small, formal, angular ("epigraphic"), upright, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, written by a firm and practised hand, well separating the letters, decorated with roundels on most letters. London, British Library 592.
7001 paragraphos (several); dashes at mid-line (several); iota adscript where required; high stop (?, fr. 15, col. 1, l. 5). ?? papyrus fr. 1: Hêraklês;

fr. 3: Arês (?);

fr. 4: Kêpheus (2);Eurôtas; Alea; Hêraklês;

fr. 5: Hêraklês;
Eurôtas (?); Hippokôn [Hippokoôn];
fr. 7: Spartê [Sparta] (?).
02 (fr. 4, 11, 13, 15) 2448 fr. 1: Hêraklês;
fr. 3: Arês (?);
fr. 4:Kêpheus (2); Eurôtas;Alea; Hêraklês;

fr. 5: Hêraklês;
Eurôtas (?); Hippokôn [Hippokoôn];
fr. 7: Spartê [Sparta] (?).
Egypt, Fayum, Gurob along the fibres 1 7 x 8.5 (fr. 5) size of all fragments:
fr. 1 (A) = 4 x 1.6 cm; fr. 2 (B) = 3 x 4.3; fr. 3 (C) = 3 x 3; fr. 4 (D) = 7 x 8.5; fr. 5 (E) = 7 x 6.5; fr. 6 (F) = 4.5 x 3.5; fr. 7 (G) = 2.8 x 4.5; fr. 8 (H) = 2 x 1.8; fr. 9 (I) = 3.5 x 2.5; fr. 10 (J) = 1 x 8; fr. 11 (K) = 6 x 8.5; fr. 12 (M)= 3.5 x 6.5; fr. 13 (L)= 6 x 4.7; fr. 14 = NEW (N)= 3.3 x 3.5; fr. 15 = NEW (no letter; kept below fr. D) = 3 x 4.5.
copy of ed. pr. (P Petr)
PHOTO (paper)
cartonnage; 15 fragments, mostly small and often very faded, with scanty remains of a few words;
fr. 4 = endings of 12 lines + a few letters from a second column; fr. 5 = endings of 10 lines; fr. 11 = a few letters from the end of 10 lines of one column and from the beginning of 9 lines of the following column.
0071 62814 anon. A.S.F. Gow, Theocritus, Cambridge, 1965, pap. 3 (described in vol. I, p. xlix-l) codex marginal scholia accompanying substantial fragments of Theocritus' Idylls; the following contain mythographic information:
B fol. 1v (ad Id. X.26): on Clymenus and Harpalyce;
B fol. 3v (ad Id. II.15): on Circe and Odysseus;
B fol. 3v (ad Id. II.16): on Perimede;
B fol. 4v (ad Id. II.121): on Hercules;
B fol. 4r (ad Id. II.133): on Hephaestus' workshop;
B fol. 6v (ad Id. XV.106): on Aphrodite Dionaea;
B fol. 6v (ad Id. XV.102-103): on Adonis;
B fol. 7r (ad Id. XV.129): on Adonis;
B fol. 7v (ad Id. XXVI.33): on Dionysus' birthplace;
B fol. 7v (ad Id. XXIV.4): on Pterelaus and Comaetho;
B fol. 7v (ad Id. XXIV.2): on Alcmene;
B fol. 8v (ad Id. XXIV.83): on Hercules ?;
B fol. 8v (ad Id. XXIV.105): on Linus and Hercules.
There are some similarities with the scholia of the manuscript tradition.
AD 5 - AD 6 The Antinoë Theocritus, in: Two Theocritus Papyri, London, 1930, p. 19-87 (A.S. Hunt - J. Johnson)
marginal scholia Theocritus text: medium-sized to small, informal, mixed-round, leaning forward, generally bilinear, fairly regular, but rather carelessly written by a practised hand, mostly separating the letters, with occasional cursive elements, adding roundels and serifs on a few letters; the lines are closely spaced; the hand in C is larger than in A and B;

scholia (different scribe): similar to main text, but smaller and more cursive.
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (s. inv.) 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4004 numerous signs, apparently by same hand as scholia: coronis; apostrophe; trema; high, middle and low stops, double dots and paragraphos used for punctuation (several); accents; breathings; quantity marks; many abbreviations used in scholia; iota adscript absent from main text, capriciously written in scholia. papyrus B fol. 1v (ad Id. X.26): Klymenos (2);
B fol. 3v (ad Id. II.15):
Kirkê (S); Odysseus;

B fol. 3v (ad Id. II.16): Perimêdê (S);
B fol. 4v (ad Id. II.121):Hêraklês;
B fol. 4r (ad Id. II.133): Liparê; Hêphaistos;

B fol. 6v (ad Id. XV.106): Aphroditê Diônaia; Diônê;

B fol. 6v (ad Id. XV.102-103): Adônis;
Kypris; Persephonê; Zeus;
Haidês; Aphroditê;

B fol. 7r (ad Id. XV.129): Adonis (S);
B fol. 7v (ad Id. XXVI.33): Drakanos oros; Karia;
Dionysos (2); Nyssê [Nysa];
Semelê; Donousia (R); Naxos;
B fol. 7v (ad Id. XXIV.4):Komaithô; Pterelaos;Lakedaimonioi [Spartans];
B fol. 7v (ad Id. XXIV.2): Amphitryôn; Alkmênê (R + 1); Alektryôn (2); Alkaios;Têleboai;
B fol. 8v (ad Id. XXIV.83): Trachis; Hêra; Hêraklês;

B fol. 8v (ad Id. XXIV.105): Linos;
01 1487 ed. princ. pl. II (= B fol. 6 recto); K. McNamee, Marg. et Comm., Diss. Duke 1977, pl. III (idem, part). A fol. 1r (ad Id. I):Thyrsis (?);
B fol. 1v (ad Id. X) Aischinês (R);Thyônichos (?); Klymenos (2);
B fol. 1 r (ad Id. XIV-XIII):
Megarês [Megareis];Kentauros; Thraikes;Simos; Theokritos;

B fol. 2v (ad Id. XIII): Kianoi;Mysia;
B fol. 2r (ad Id. XII):

B fol. 3v (ad Id. XII-II): Megareis (1 + R); Nisos; Lydia (?);
Simaitha; Thestylis;Timagêtês; Kirkê (S); Odysseus;Perimêdê (S); Têlemachos;
B fol. 3r (ad Id. II): Myntos; Euboulos (?); Theumaros;

B fol. 4v (ad Id. II): Dionysios (R); Hêraklês;

B fol. 4r (ad Id. II): Liparê;
Hêphaistos; Philistas;
B fol. 5r (ad Id. XV):
Deinôn; Aphroditê;
B fol. 6r (ad Id. XV):
Praxinoa (4); Gorgô (5);
Ptolemaios; Aigyptisti (2) + Aigyptos; Alexandreia;
Telesilla; Eutychis; Eunoa (2); Troia;
B fol. 6v (ad Id. XV): Athêna (?); Golgoi;
Kypros; Diônaia; Eidalion; Eryx; Sikelia (?); Aphroditê Diônaia; Diônê; Syria;
B fol. 6v (ad Id. XV.102-103 et 106-107): Adônis; Kypris (2); Persephonê; Zeus; Haidês; Aphroditê; Berenikê; Ptolemaios;
B fol. 7r (ad Id. XV): Erôtes; Adonis (S) [ad 129]; Aphroditê; Argeioi; Gorgô; Praxinoa;
B fol. 7v (ad Id. XXVI-XXIV): Dionysos (3); Drakanos oros; Karia; Nyssê [Nysa]; Semelê; Donousia (R); Naxos; Argeia + Argos; Midea; Komaithô (2); Pterelaos (2)Lakedaimonioi [Spartans] (3);Amphitryôn (2); Zeus; Alkmênê (R + 1);
Alektryôn (2); Alkaios;
B fol. 8r (ad Id. XXIV): Euêrês;
B fol. 8v (ad Id. XXIV): Trachis;
Hêra; Hêraklês (2);
Linos; Eumolpos;Phôkeus; Panopeus;
B fol. 9 r (ad Id. XXIV): Hêraklês;

B fol. 9v (ad Id. XXIV): Hêraklês.
Egypt, Antinoopolis [Theocritus, Idyllia 2, 10, 15, 24, 26] 24 21.5 x 29 (largest measures) OK
PHOTO B fol. 1 verso (colour photocopy)
copy of ed. pr.
16 leaves falling into three sections:
A = 3 consecutive, but much damaged leaves, containing Id. I and V (and possibly VII);
B = 10 consecutive leaves, containing Id. X, XIV, XIII, XII, II XVIII, XV, XXVI, XXIV, XVII;
C = 3 consecutive, but much damaded leaves, containing Id. XXVIII, XXIX, XXX, [XXXI], XXII.
The original codex had ca. 50 lines to the page in A and B and 40 lines in C.
0072 59363 w031 + w035 anon. A.S. Hunt, P.Oxy. 17, p. 55-57 (col. II edited in addition to P.Oxy. 2079); R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus I, p. 3 + 7 (ad fr. 1) = Callimachus II, pap. 5; G. Massimilla, Callimaco, pap. 2 (= p. 63 + 65, ad fr. 1); W.M. Edwards, CQ 24 (1930), p. 109-112; A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 35-36; W. Luppe, ZPE 115 (1997), p. 50-54; Aristoteles CPF I.1*, no. 24, 33T. roll 02 (col. 1)
02.5 - 03.5 (col. 2)
04 (col. 3)
scholia on Callimachus' Aetia, fr. 1, commenting almost line by line and containing some mythographic information:
col. 1, 3-5: mentions Ajax, Tecmessa and Odysseus (characters of Sophocles' Ajax ?);
col. 2, 23-26: on the epithet "Lykios" for Apollon;
col. 2, 40ff: on Enkelados.
AD 1 P.Lond.Lit. 181 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
Aristotle, Athênaiôn Politeia (= P.Lond.Lit. 108, col. XI; LDAB 0391) commentary (continuous lemmata) small to tiny, cursive, somewhat irregular in size, but keeping the lines straight. London, British Library131 (2). 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 462 many abbreviations. 08-16 papyrus col. 1:

col. 2:
03 0197 CPF IV.2, pl. 110. col. 1:

col. 2:
Mousa (Q + 1) + Môsa [Mousa] (2Q);
Egypt, Hermopolites, Meir [Callimachus, Aetia 1]; Mimnermus; Aristoteles; Homerus; Alcman. across the fibres 9 95 x 28.5;
N.B.: 31 x 28.5 (scholia)
PHOTO (digital image)
copy of ed. pr.
Remains of 10 (?) lines in col. 1 (l. 1-6 almost completely faded), of 48 lines in col. 2, and of 8 lines in col. 3; all columns are complete and are written on the final (?) kollema of the roll after a blank space of 13 cm from the previous document and with a right margin of ca. 7.5 cm; upper margin: ca. 3 cm; lower margin of col. 2: 1.5 cm; col. 1 and 3 stop after a few lines.
The text is written on the recto of the roll (after some documents), but it actually runs across the fibres because the kollema on which it is written has been turned around by 90° (end of roll?); moreover, the text is written upside down in relation to the documents on the same side and to the text of the verso (Athênaiôn Politeia).
0073 59085 anon. W.S. Barrett, Gnomon 33 (1961), p. 685-688; J.A. Davison, Proc. IXth Congr. Oslo, 1961, p. 42-48; A. Garzya, Maia 14 (1962), p. 209-211; C. Calame, Alcman, p. 25-27, 44-49, 54-55, 65-72 (ad fr. 2, 3, 8, 19-24); D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, II, p. 374-375, 396-399; Alcman PMGF, I, 1, fr. 6 (p. 32-33), 7, fr. 1 (p. 55-56); cf. CPF I.1*, no. 24, 47T [Aristotle quotation in fr. 9]. roll 06.5 - 07 (fr. 6) commentary on Alcman, of quite detailed scope, but very fragmentary, containing some scholia of mythographic interest:
fr. 1 + 3: on the Dioscuri;
fr. 4, 1-4: on the Dioscuri and the Leucippides;
fr. 4, 9-11: on the genealogy of the Muses;
fr. 6, col. 2, 12-22: on the name of the Pleiades.
AD 1 P.Oxy. 24, 2389 (E. Lobel, 1957)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) small, informal, round, with relatively narrow letters, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, neat, elegant, carefully written with a thin pen, separating all letters. Most likely same scribe as P.Oxy. 24, 2397 (cf. ed. princ.). Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 180 coronis and paragraphos to separate the scholia; abbreviations; diacritical signs in the margins: slash (several), combination diplê + slash (one), dotted inversed diplê (1); iota adscript where required. 30-35 papyrus fr. 1:
Apharêtiadai (?);
Haidês (?);

fr. 3:
Kastôr (Q);
Polydeukês (Q, R);

fr. 4:
Hilaeira (R);
Mousai [Muses];

fr. 6 (col. 2, 12-22):
Pleiades (R + 1);
Peleiades (R + 1);
Ôriôn (Q);
02 (fr. 4, 6c, 7a, 9, 35) 0081 ed. princ. pl. IV, V, VI; CPF IV.2, pl. 184 (fr. 9). fr. 1:
Apharêtiadai (?);
Haidês (?);

fr. 3:
Kastôr (Q);
Polydeukês (Q, R);

fr. 4:
Hilaeira (R);
Mousai [Muses];

fr. 6, col. 1:
Kolaxaios (3);
Ibênos (3);

fr. 6, col. 2:
Agidô (2);
Pleiades (R + 1);
Peleiades (R + 1);
Pindaros (R);
Ôriôn (Q);

fr. 7:

fr. 9:
Lakôn (2);

fr. 35:
Pitanê (3 + ?, R) + Pitanatides [Pitanêtides];
Dymainai (2);
Pratinas Phleiasios (R);
Thraikê [Thrace];
Chalkideis (2R);
Theopompos (?);
Aitôlikos Chalkis (Q + 1);
Homêros (R);

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Alcman];
along the fibres 9 9.5 x 22 (fr. 6) Apparently other fragments from the same roll are published as P.Oxy. 45, 3210 (LDAB 0182), but they contain no mythographic information except an uncertain reference to Ascalaphus (fr. 3). numerous much damaged fragments, some of which belong together, numbered 1-35 in ed. princ., mostly small except fr. 1, 6 and 35;
fr. 1: 3 joining fragments, 17 lines, broken off continuously on the left and mostly on the right; interlinear notes between ll. 16 and 17 and at the bottom of the text;
fr. 3: 3 non-joining fragments, with remains of 10 lines (a), 7 lines (b) and 5 lines (c);
fr. 4: 2 joining fragments, with remains of two columns; col. 1: a few letters; col. 2: beginnings of 11 lines, with title in eisthesis in ll. 7-8;
fr. 6: 2 joining fragments, with substantial remains of two columns; col. 1: 19 lines, broken off at the left and heavily damaged in the middle; col. 2: beginnings of 33 lines.
0074 59089 anon. C. Calame, Alcman, p. 100-107, 109-110; W.S. Barrett, Gnomon 33 (1961), p. 688-689; M.L. West, CQ N.S. 13 (1963), p. 153-156; F.D. Hardey, JHS 87 (1967), p. 62-73; J.-P. Vernant, in: Hommage à Marie Delcourt, 1970, p. 38-69; J.L. Penwill, Apeiron 8.2 (1974), p. 13-39; G. Ricciardelli Apicella, QUCC 32 (1979), p. 7-27; A.-J. Voelkle, in: Mél. Fernand Brunner, 1981, p. 13-24; P.A.T. Da Silva Pereira, Pa. Oxy. 2390: The Cosmogony, Lisboa , 1984 (with extensive bibliography); idem, Euphrosyne N.S. 12 (1983-1984), p. 9-29; G.W. Most, CQ N.S. 37 (1987), 1-19; M.L. West, ZPE 91 (1992), p. 1-7; D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, II, p. 388-395; Alcman PMGF I, 5 (p. 49-53); CPF III, no. 1 (with extensive bibliography). roll 06.5 - 07 (fr. 2) commentary on Alcman, of quite detailed scope, but very fragmentary, containing some scholia of mythographic interest:
fr. 1: on the Dioscuri and the Leucippides (?);
fr. 2, col. 2, 28-29?: on the genealogy of the Muses;
fr. 2, col. 3, 9-20: on Poros and Thetis (cosmogony);
fr. 49, col. 1: on the Titan Perses (?).
AD 2 P.Oxy. 24, 2390 (E. Lobel, 1957)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) small, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, irregular in some fr., fairly regular in others, rapidly written without much care by a competent scribe, using with many cursive forms and mostly linking the letters. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/04 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 184 blank space (after lemma) and paragraphos (generally forked) to separate the scholia; coronis to indicate a new poem; trema (several); one ancora (?) in the margin of fr. 50, probably denoting an addition in the lower margin; consistent use of iota adscript. 30-35 (fr. 2) papyrus fr. 1:
Kastôr (?, R);
Phoibaia ?);

fr. 2, col. 2, 28-29:
Mousai [Muses];

fr. 2, col. 3, 9-20:
Poros (2);
Thetis (2);

fr. 49, col. 1:
Krios (?);
Persês (?);
Obriareôs (?).
04 (fr. 2) 0082 (+ suppl.) ed. princ. pl. VII, VIII, IX; CPF IV.2, pl. 186. fr. 1:
Kastôr (?, R);
Phoibaia ?);

fr. 2, col. 2:
Kalaisos (Q + 1);
Leôtychidas (2);
Lakedaimonioi [Spartans] (R + 1);
Timasimbrota (2);
Polydôros (Q + R);
Mousai [Muses];

fr. 2, col. 3:
Poros (2);
Thetis (2);

fr. 34:

fr. 49, col. 1:
Krios (?);
Persês (?);
Obriareôs (?);

fr. 50:
Acherousios (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Alcman];
along the fibres 12 19 x 16.5 (fr. 2) OK numerous much damaged fragments, some of which belong together, numbered 1-50 in ed. princ., mostly small except fr. 1, 2, 49 and 50;
fr. 1: 5 fragments, probably belonging to two consecutive columns;
fr. 2: substantial remains of 4 columns; col. 1: endings of 8 lines; col. 2: 29 lines at full width, but much damaged at top and in the left bottom half; col. 3: 29 lines, almost all at full width except in upper part; col. 4: a few letters from the beginnings of lines;
fr. 49: remains of 2 columns; col. 1: endings of 12 lines; col. 2: beginnings of 14 lines.numerous much damaged fragments, some of which belong together, numbered 1-50 in ed. princ., mostly small except fr. 1, 2, 49 and 50;
fr. 1: 5 fragments, probably belonging to two consecutive columns;
fr. 2: substantial remains of 4 columns; col. 1: endings of 8 lines; col. 2: 29 lines at full width, but much damaged at top and in the left bottom half; col. 3: 29 lines, almost all at full width except in upper part; col. 4: a few letters from the beginnings of lines;
fr. 49: remains of 2 columns; col. 1: endings of 12 lines; col. 2: beginnings of 14 lines.
0075 62525 anon. B. Snell - H. Maehler, Pindari Carmina cum fragmentis I, pap. 25; G. Calvani, SCO 21 (1972), p. 120-121; P. Angeli Bernardini, QUCC 16 (1973), p. 138-141; G. Calvani Mariotti - G. Derenzini, SCO 26 (1977), p. 159-169; I. Rutherford - J. Irvine, ZPE 72 (1988), p. 43-51 (on fr. B 17); mentioned by VRS p. 102; further bibliography in CPF I.1*, no. 25, 3T [Aristoxenus] and no. 29, 2T [Chamaeleon]. roll 12.5 (fr. A1, col. 2) commentary on poems of Pindar:
A fr. 1-4 = on Isthmians I, IV, VI-VIII;
B fr. 1-17 = on unidentified texts.
Mythographic material is to be found in:
fr. A 1, col. 1, 1-7 (= hypothesis to Isthmians): on the institution of the games by Theseus; different from manuscript tradition;
fr. A 1, col. 2, 24-26: on Amphitryon and his descendants;
fr. B 14, col. 1, 8-10: on the judgement of Paris;
fr. B 17.1-5: on Helen and the Dioscuri
fr.B 17.6- (= oschophoricon): mentions Theseus.
AD 1 - AD 2 P.Oxy. 26, 2451 (E. Lobel, 1961)
account book, AD 1 hypothesis + commentary (selected lemmata) small to medium-sized, cursive, leaning forward, irregular and careless, though keeping the lines fairly straight. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 3706 several instances of double dot, paragraphos and apparently blank space (cf. fr. A 1, col. 1, 7) used to separate sections; trema (several); many abbreviations. 40-45 (fr. A1, col. 2) papyrus fr. A 1, col. 1, 1-7:

fr. A 1, col. 2, 24-26:

fr. B 14, col. 1, 8-10:

fr. B 17:
Athêna Skiras;
Thêseus (R);
Athênaioi [Athenians]
02 (fr. A1+4, B10, 13, 14) 1358 ed. princ. pl. XVI, XVII, XVIII; CPF IV.2, pl. 189 (fr. B1 + B2). fr. A 1, col. 1:

fr. A 1, col. 2:
Hêrodotos (2);
Orchomenos (2R);
Prôtesilaos (?);

fr. A 2:

fr. A 4, col. 1:

fr. A 4, col. 2:
Kleandros (Q, R);

fr. B 2:
Minyas (?, R);

fr. B 14, col. 1:
Hellêspontos (?);
Euxeinos [Euxenos] (?);
Ilion (R);
Olympos (?);
Moisa [Mousa];

fr. B 17:
Athêna Skiras;
Thêseus (R);
Athênaioi [Athenians].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Pindarus, Isthmia 1, 4, 6, 7, 8];
across the fibres 10 20.5 x 19.5 (fr. A1);
13 x 16.5 (fr. B14);
5.2 x 16.5 (fr. B17);
OK numerous fragments, numbered A 1-4 and B 1-17;
fr. A 1 = substantial remains of two columns; col. 1 = right half of 33 lines, col. 2 = 31 lines, incomplete through damage, but in parts visible almost to full width;
fr. B 14 = substantial, but much damaged remains of 32 lines, with a large gap between l. 26 and 27; a few letters from the beginnings of 7 lines of a second column are visible to the right of l. 10-16;
fr. B 17 = narrow strip of papyrus with much damaged remains of ca. 35 lines.
0076 59775 anon. F. Uebel, APF 22 (1973), p. 353; SH 432; Euphorion fr. 54 + 141 Van Groningen; cf. A.L. De Cuenca, Euforion de Calcis, 1976, p. 326-327. roll (?) 06.5 commentary on a poem (by Euphorion?), related to the story of the Argonauts (no lemma preserved) AD 2 P.Oxy. 30, 2528 (E. Lobel, 1964)
land register, AD 2-3 commentary (selected lemmata ?) fair-sized, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, but somewhat irregular, rapidly executed by a proficient scribe, writing the letters closely spaced with a tendency to ligatures; some upright decorated with serifs. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
879 one misspelling; at the only place where required, the iota adscript is added supra lineam (probably by same hand). 15-17 papyrus Phthia;
Ellopia (3);
Ellops (2);
Iêsôn [Iasôn];
01 ed. princ. pl. 11. Phthia;
Ellopia (3);
Ellops (2);
Iêsôn [Iasôn];
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euphorion];
along the fibres 12 7 x 12 OK 18 almost complete lines, broken off to the left by one or two letters, from a column broken at top and bottom. mythology
0077 64288 anon. A. Blanchard, CdE 66 (1991), p. 211-220, K.A. Worp, 'P.Genova II 52: a Link with Hesychius?', ZPE 156 (2006), p. 189-193. codex variable lists of names and words in alphabetical order and with syllabification, containing many mythological figures and heroes, drawn from Homer, Hesiod's Theogony, Apollonius Rhodius' Argonautica, Callimachus, and ps.-Apollodorus' Bibliotheca. 390 AD 3 - AD 4 AncSoc 1 (1970), p. 201-235 (W. Clarysse - A. Wouters) = SB 012, 10769 (1976-1977)
list of names fair-sized to large, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, but somewhat irregular in letter size and spacing, competently but not particularly carefully written by the practised hand of a teacher, influenced by the chancery style and tending towards cursive forms and ligatures, occasionally decorated with hooks and roundels. Dublin, Chester Beatty Libr. 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst; 2006/06/01 Marc Huys 5508 syllabification by blank spaces; decorative paragraphos used to separate the sections; minor misspellings. variable papyrus fr. 1 verso:

fr. 1 recto:
Êlektrê [Êlektra];
Ithakê [Ithaca];
Iphiklos (?);
Iphiklês (?);
Histia [Hestia];
Korônos (?);
Korônis (?);
Klytonêos (?);
Komêtês (?);

fr. 2 verso:
Terpios (?);
Tychios (?);

fr. 2 recto:
Phillyros [Phillyridês];
Cheimaira [Chimaira];

fr. 3 recto:
Phersephonê [Persephonê];
02 M-P 2751.1 ed. princ. pl. VI, VII, VIII, IX, X. fr. 1 verso:

fr. 1 recto:
Êlektrê [Êlektra];
Ithakê [Ithaca];
Iphiklos (?);
Iphiklês (?);
Histia [Hestia];
Korônos (?);
Korônis (?);
Klytonêos (?);
Komêtês (?);
Liparê [Lipara];

fr. 2 verso:
Neanthês (?);
Rhouphinos (?);
Terpios (?);
Tychios (?);

fr. 2 recto:
Phillyros [Phillyridês];
Cheimaira [Chimaira];

fr. 3 recto:
Phersephonê [Persephonê];
Phoukylidês [Phôkylidês];
Egypt, unknown Gorgias (?);
Neanthes Cyzicenus (?);
Rheginus (?);
Pherecydes Atheniensis (?);
18 9.5 x 14 (fr. 1)
13 x 15 (fr. 2)
10.5 x 15.5 (fr. 3)
copy of ed. pr. (Wouters-Clarysse)
well preserved fragments (but damaged at top and bottom) from 3 folios of a codex:
fr. 1 verso = fol. 2 verso: two columns of dissyllables and trisyllables, with a third one inserted;
fr. 1 recto = fol. 2 recto: two columns of trisyllables;
fr. 2 verso = fol. 3 verso: two columns of trisyllables;
fr. 2 recto = fol. 3 recto: two columns of trisyllables;
fr. 3 recto = fol. 1 recto: one column of quadrisyllables;
fr. 3 verso = fol. 1 verso: blank.
school text, mythology
0078 63910 anon. cf. P. Mertens, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 397-409 (no. 41). sheet list of proper names in alphabetical order, a few from mythology. 105 AD 2 JHS 28 (1908), p. 122 II (J.G. Milne)
blank list of names large to very large (0.5 - 1 cm), informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, fairly regular (though size of letters varies), written by a relatively practised school hand of the "rapid" type, well separating the letters, without decorations. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum (formerly Oxford, Bodleian Library), O.Bodl. Gr.Inscr. 2933 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5124 none. variable ostracon Achilleus; Erôs; Orpheus; Iôn. 01 2716 Achilleus; Biôn; Gaios; Diôn; Erôs; Zênôn; Hêrôn; Theôn; Iôn; Kleôn; Leôn; Marôn; Xerxês; Orpheus; Rhouphos; Philôn. Upper Egypt, Thebes ? 12 9.6 x 8 OK
PHOTO (paper)
8 "lines", 1-4 complete, 5-8 broken off to the right. school text, mythology
0079 63171 Apollodorus J.S. Rusten, Dionysius Scytobrachion, p. 30-53; TrGF II F 721; SH 562; W. Luppe, Gnomon 45 (1973), p. 326; idem, Hermes 114 (1986), p. 492-495; idem, in: Fragmenta dramatica, 1991, p. 153-159. roll 09 - 09.5 (R) commentary on a poetical text (most likely a tragedy), discussing the roles of Poseidon and Apollo in the service of Laomedon. Most of the preserved text (col. 2, 1-36) appears to be a paraphrase from the section of Apollodorus' Peri theôn dealing with Apollo (cf. Rusten). It contains inter alia a quotation from Dionysius Scytobrachion's Argonauts. AD 1 P.Oxy. 37, 2812 (E. Lobel, 1971)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) small, cursive, leaning forward, rapid but regular and legible, keeping the lines fairly straight. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4376 paragraphos (several) to separate sections; obelos periestigmenos in the margin (fr. 1, col. 2, l. 5) to mark beginning of quotation; one dot in the margin, combined with ekthesis (fr. 1, col. 2, l. 37), of uncertain meaning; a few corrections (same scribe); one uncorrected misspelling; iota adscript consistently used.
papyrus fr. 1, col. 2: Phoibos Apollôn (2); Laomedôn (R + 2 + Q); Poseidôn (5); Apollôn (R + 2); Priamos (R, Q); Trôes [Trojans] (Q);
Troia [Troy] (Q); Laokoôn (2R); Ilos (Q); Atês (Q);
Thymbraios (Q); Porkês [Porkis] (Q); Chariboia (Q);
Kalydnas (Q); Hêra (Q);Athana [Athêna] (Q);Dionysos.
02 M-P 0343.4 ed. princ. pl. VII. fr. 1, col. 1:
Alkman (?);

fr. 1, col. 2:
Phoibos Apollôn (2);
Laomedôn (R + 2 + Q);
Homêros; Poseidôn (5);Apollôn (R + 2); Dionysios; Priamos (R, Q); Trôes [Trojans] (Q);
Troia [Troy] (Q); Nikandros;
Laokoôn (2R); Ilos (Q);
Atês (Q); Thymbraios (Q); Porkês [Porkis] (Q);
Chariboia (Q); Kalydnas (Q); Hêra (Q); Athana [Athêna] (Q); Dionysos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Nicander; Alcman (?);Dionysius;Scytobrachion. along the fibres 9
OK 3 fragments, two tiny ones and another fairly large one; the latter preserves the ends of some 26 lines of col. 1 and substantial parts of 49 lines of col. 2, broken off to the right and at the bottom. mythology
0080 59465 anon. SH 339A. roll ?? fragment from a commentary on an Argonaut story or from a treatise on literary criticism, discussing several episodes of that story, possibly by comparing the Argonautica of Apollonius Rhodius and of Cleon Curiensis, and quoting from Dionysius Scytobrachion's Argonauts.
AD 2 Dionysius Scytobrachion, 1982, p. 53-64 (J.S. Rusten)
tomos synkollesimos (1 divorce agreement + 1 debt agreement), AD 118 (?) commentary ? literary treatise ? small to tiny, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear and fairly regular, undecorated, proficiently written, with letters mostly separated except for occasional ligatures. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich.inv. 1316 verso 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 565 one space (l. 3) to indicate start of new sentence (?); line-fillers; iota adscript consistently written. ?? papyrus Bebrykia (?); Argonautai;
Ilion; Hêsionê; Laomedôn;Telamôn; Pelias; Athêna; Aphroditê; Aiêtês; Mêdeia; Arês; Pasiphaê; Phaidra; Ariadnê.
01 M-P 0343.3 Rusten, pl. II. Bebrykia (?); Argonautai;
Kourieus; Ilion;Dionysios; Hêsionê; Laomedôn; Telamôn;
Apollônios (2); Pelias;
Athêna; Aphroditê; Aiêtês; Mêdeia; Arês;
Pasiphaê; Phaidra;Ariadnê; Kallisthenês.
Egypt, unknown Apollonius Rhodius;Cleon Curiensis;Callisthenes; Dionysius Scytobrachion. across the fibres 12 13 x 25 OK
PHOTO (paper): verso
substantial remains of the right part of 39 lines from a column at full height; ample margins: top = 1.7 cm; bottom = 7.5 cm; right = 6 cm; in the right margin opposite l. 30-35 are traces of a few letters from several (at least 5) lines (none legible); another trace of ink opposite l. 38. mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1384
0081 59073 anon. G. Liberman, Alcée, fr. 306E; C.A. Faraone, GRBS 28 (1987), p. 261-267; M.W. Haslam, BASP 25 (1988), p. 9-11; W. Rösler, in: Tradizione e innovazione, 1993, p. 227-235; R. Giannatasio Andria, BollClas 16 (1995), p. 55-62; mentioned by VRS p. 102; J. Lightfoot, Parthenius of Nicaea, 1999, p. 497-498; Hellanicus fr. 35A + 160A Fowler; G. Ottone, 'P.Oxy. LIII 3711, fr. 1, I, 17-24: un frammento della Lesbou ktisis?', Proceedings of the 24.Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 2007, edd. J. Frösén, T. Purola and E. Salmenkivi, p. ; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 1, Alcaeus 16 (A. Porro, 2004 - re-edition). roll 06 - 06.5 probably commentary on Alcaeus, dealing with matters of early Lesbian history and saga (selected topics rather than continuous commentary):
fr. 1, col. 1: the Lesbian "lion-law" (perhaps taken from Hellanicus) and a narrative concerning Macar and a bronze lion made by Hephaestus;
fr. 1, col. 2: various accounts of Dionysus Omestes.
As to the specific genre of this text, there are two opinions that are commonly adopted among scholars: the text is a commentary stricto sensu (cfr. Rösler 1993 and Liberman 1999, II, p. 127) or it is a learned treatise with the subject of the Lesbiaka or a historiographic work containing citations of Alcaeus (cfr. e.g. Giannattasio Andria 1995) . The problem arises from the fact that the preserved fragments never give any paraphrastic-grammatical information, but only elements of historical-mythological observations, with references to specific auctoritates . A. Porro (CLGP, p. 226) mentions that the parts of the text are arranged as in a hypomnema, still only in one part there is a lemma from Alcaeus at the beginning (Alc. 130b, 9-11 on fr. 1 II 31-33), other references to the work of Alcaeus are integrated within the exegesis: this seems to rule out that, if the work is a commentary on Alcaeus, it comes from a hypomnema with continuous lemmata. Another element unusual for a commentary stricto sensu is the absence of lectional signs as the paragraphos or the coronis.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 53, 3711 (M.W. Haslam, 1986)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) small, informal, round, upright, roughly bilinear, fairly regular, written rapidly and without particular care by a proficient scribe, with many ligatures and cursive elements; the lines are well spaced and straight and contribute to an overall tidy impression. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 168 apostrophe; one trema; iota adscript usually written; chrisms in the margins, which point to a scholar's copy. 25 papyrus fr. 1, col. 1:
Themis; Mitylênaioi [Mytileneans]; Kadmeiai [adj.] ?; Hêphaistos (2);
Makar (2); Pholoê; Lesbos; Mêthymnaioi[Methymneans]; Sibyllê;
Iônes [Ionians];
fr. 1, col. 2: Krêtes [Cretans]; Smintheus; Makar; Dionysos Omêstês; Dionysos; Mainades;
Onymaklês [Onomaklês] (Q); Ainos (3); Thraikê [Thrace]; Gerôias (?); Alôpekonnêsioi[Alopeconnesians]; Thraikes [Thracians];
fr. 2: Lydoi [Lydians]; Alyattês (?).
02 M-P 0075.21 ed. princ. pl. X. fr. 1, col. 1:Themis; Mitylênaioi [Mytileneans]; Kadmeiai [adj.] ?; Hellanikos (?);
Alkaios; Hêphaistos (2);
Makar (2); Pholoê;Lesbos; Myrtilos (?); Mêthymnaioi[Methymneans]; Sibyllê;
Iônes [Ionians];

fr. 1, col. 2:
Krêtes [Cretans]; Smintheus; Hellaneikos [Hellanikos] (?); Myrtilos (?); Makar; Dionysos Omêstês; Dionysos;
Mainades; Onymaklês [Onomaklês] (Q); Ainos (3); Thraikê [Thrace];Gerôias (?); Alôpekonnêsioi [Alopeconnesians];
Thraikes [Thracians];

fr. 2: Lydoi [Lydians]; Alyattês (?); Alkaios (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Alcaeus (?)];Hellanicus (?); Alcaeus; Myrtilus [Myrsilus]. along the fibres 12 15.5 x 24.5 (fr. 1);
3.8 x 9 (fr. 2)
OK fr. 1: substantial, though much damaged remains from two columns at full height and full width, of 36 lines (only 34 actually visible in col. 1); possibly column number in upper margin (D or ID, i.e. 4 or 14);
fr. 2: endings of 16 lines.
mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol53/pages/3711.htm
0082 60893 h005 anon. codex 06 glossary to Iliad 1.4-18, with a few basic mythological references. AD 2 - AD 3 BASP 8 (1971), p. 91-98 (F.C. Philips, Jr) = P.Oxy. 44, 3207 (idem, 1976)
scholia minora medium to fair-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, regular, written with a thick pen by a practised hand, mostly separating the letters, decorated with serifs at the bottom of some uprights. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
2022 some letters written above the line at the end of lines; when of more than one line, the scholia are written in eisthesis. variable papyrus recto:
Atreidês (Q, R); Atreus;
Agamemnôn; Lêtô (Q, R);
Zeus (Q, R); Apollôn;

verso: Chrysês (Q); Atreidês (Q); Agamemnôn (R); Menelaos; Olympos (R).
01 M-P 1159.1 ed. princ., p. 95 recto: Atreidês (Q, R); Atreus;Agamemnôn; Lêtô (Q, R);
Zeus (Q, R); Apollôn;
verso:Chrysês (Q); Atreidês (Q); Agamemnôn (R);
Menelaos; Olympos (R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 1] 14 7 x 21 OK
copy ed. pr. (Philips)
recto: endings of 23 lines (with a gap of 1 line between ll. 1 and 2), covering Iliad 1.4-10;
verso: beginnings of 26 lines (apparently full-height column), covering Iliad 1.10-18.
Homerica, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol44/pages/3207.htm
0083 60508 h094 Ammonius (?) E. Howald, RihM 72 (1917-1918), p. 403-425 (esp. p. 409-418); H. Erbse, pap. XII (vol. V, p. 78-121); Istrus FGrHist 334 F 73 add.; Ephorus FGrHist 70 F 20b; Xenophanes CPF I.1***, no. 107, 2T; Megaclides CPF I.1**, no. 66, 1T; Aristoteles CPF I.1*, no. 24, 30T; cf. A. Lamedica Nardi, SCO 26 (1977), p. 133-155. roll 06.5 scholia on Iliad 21.1-363, possibly by a certain Ammonius (cf. signature in margin between col. 10 and 11), of comprehensive scope (lemmata almost line by line), showing marked similarities to Scholia B, T and Gen. The following contain mythographic material:
col. 6, 16-30: why Asteropaeus is missing in the Catalogue of Ships;
col. 9, 1-25: on the river Acheloius;
col. 11, 20-36: two explanations about Zeus' instructions to Apollo;
col. 14, 27-34: on Poseidon and Athena not helping Achilles;
col. 15, 6-27: on the exact rôle of Poseidon and Athena in the episode with the river Scamander;
col. 16, 22-30: on the name of Zephyrus.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 02, 221 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1899) = P.Lond.Lit. 178 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
metrical treatise, AD 1-2
(= P.Oxy. 02, 220; LDAB 4471)
commentary (continuous lemmata) small to tiny, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, somewhat irregular, though keeping the lines straight, rapidly and proficiently written, with letters closely spaced, but mostly separated, sometimes decorated with serifs and roundels. London, British Library 1184 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1631 paragraphos (straight and forked) often used to indicate end of scholia; lemmata frequently in ekthesis; trema (several); a few accents and apostrophes; small horizontals above numerals and some words; many corrections (some by same scribe, some later); several misspellings remain. 28-32 papyrus col. 6, 16-30:
Asteropaios (1 + Q);Pyraichmês (Q); Paiones [Paeonians] (Q);Pêlegôn (Q); Stichios; Schedios; Phoinix;
Patroklos; Antilochos;
Teukros (1 + Q); Agamemnôn; Istros;
Telamônios (Q);
col. 9, 1-25: Achelôios (4Q + 5); Ôkeanos (1 + 2Q); Eurôpia [Eurôpê] (Q); Melas potamos (Q); Dêmêtêr;

col. 11, 20-36:
Zeus (Q); Kroniôn (Q);
Trôes [Trojans] (Q + 1);
Achilleus (Q); Pêleiôn (Q);
Apollôn (Q); Ilios [Ilion] (Q);
col. 14, 27-34: Achilleus; Hêphaistos;

col. 15, 6-27: Zeus (Q + 1); Pallas Athênê (Q);
Achilleus; Skamandros (Q);
Pêleiôn (Q);
col. 16, 22-30: Zephyros (Q + 1); Notos (2); Troia [Troy]; Peloponnêsos; Argos.
17 1205 ed. princ. pl. VI (col. 10); Erbse, vol. V (whole papyrus in 3 plates); CPF IV.2, pl. 127 (col. 9-10, 12-14). col. 1: Thryon (R); Alpheios (2);Odysseus; Ptolemaios;Aristophanês;
col. 2:Stêsichoros;

col. 3:Attikoi (2); Tmares (Q); Phrynichos; Arês (Q); Hermappias; Thraix; Ias; Aristarchos (R); Attikon; Aristonikos;
col. 4: Aristarchos (R); Lykaôn (R); Ithakê (R); Lykaôn (R); Homêros (R); Boreas (Q);
col. 5:Skamandros;
col. 6: Hippeus; Rhêsos; Seleukos; Ilios (Q); Euripidês (R); Asteropaios (1 + Q);Pyraichmês (Q);
Paiones [Paeonians] (Q);
Pêlegôn (Q); Stichios;
Schedios; Phoinix;
Patroklos; Antilochos;
Teukros (1 + Q);Agamemnôn; Istros;
Telamônios (Q);

col. 7: Anakreôn; Asteropaios (Q); Achilleus (?);

col. 9: Achelôios (4Q + 5);Megakleidês; Homêros; Aristarchos; Ôkeanos (1 + 2Q); Seleukos; Pindaros;
Eurôpia [Eurôpê] (Q);
Melas potamos (Q);Dêmêtêr; Ephoros;
Dôdônê; Hellênes;
col. 10: Didymos; Athênaioi; Paiones (Q + 1);Aristarchos; Aristophanês; Ammônios (2);
col. 11: Sidônios; Alkaios; Xanthô (Q); Sophoklês; Arês (Q);
Hektôr (Q + 1); Zeus (Q);
Kroniôn (Q); Trôes[Trojans] (Q + 1);Achilleus (Q); Pêleiôn (Q); Apollôn (Q);
Ilios [Ilion] (Q);

col. 12:
Achilleus (Q + 2 + R); Tyrô (R); Prôtagoras;
col. 13: Achilleus (Q, R);
Aristophanês (R);

col. 14: Hêrê [Hêra] (Q); Achilleus (Q + 1); Kratês; Solôn; Aristarchos; Thraix; Simoeis (R);Aristotelês; Hêphaistos; Xanthos; Poseidaôn [Poseidôn] (Q) + Poseidôn;
col. 15: Athêna; Kalypsô (Q + 1); Odysseus; Zeus (Q + 1); Pallas Athênê (Q);Achilleus;Skamandros (Q); Pêleiôn (Q);Seleukos; Aristarchos; Kallimachos;
col. 16:
Ptolemaios; Skamandros;
Zephyros (Q + 1); Notos (2) Troia [Troy]Peloponnêsos; Argos;
Zênodotos (R); Trôes (Q, R + 1); Hêsiodos
col. 17:
Xanthos (Q, R);Aristarchos; Kallistratos (R); Homêros; Didymos;
fr. a et b et g: Poseidaôn [Poseidôn] (Q);

fr. e: Archilochos (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 21]; Euripides; Istrus; Homerus;Xenophanes (?); Megaclides; Aristarchus;
Seleucus Homericus;Pindarus; Ephorus; Aristoteles.
across the fibres 12 16.6 (height) OK several very large fragments and a few small ones, preserving substantial parts of 17 columns at full height (35-38 lines per column); 4 columns complete (col. 9, 10, 11, 15) and 4 others well-preserved (col. 3, 12, 14, 17).
The text is written upside down in relation to the recto.
Homerica, mythology
0084 59387 w030 anon. R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus II, pap. 20 (= p. 100-106, ad. fr. 1a + 2a-d); G. Massimilla, Callimaco, pap. 17 (= p. 64-70, ad. fr. 1-3); L. Alfonsi, Hermes 83 (1955), p. 379-383; A. Kerkhecker, ZPE 71 (1988), p. 16-24; M.A. Harder, ZPE 96 (1993), p. 11-13; N. Natalucci, Proc. XXIInd Congr. Firenze, 2001, II, p. 1025-1031. roll 05 - 05.5 (+ lemmata) scholia on selected topics from Callimachus' Aetia I;
fr. 1, col. 1: on Sicily and the Giant Enceladus;
fr. 2, col. 1: on the Muses and the spring of Helicon;
fr. 2, col. 2: mentions Urania (?), Hymenaeus (?) and Hymettus;
fr. 3-5: unidentified.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 20, 2262 (E. Lobel, 1952)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) small, informal, round, mostly upright, roughly bilinear, but fairly irregular, rapidly written by a practised scribe, generally separating the letters except for some ligatures; the lines are quite closely spaced. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 486 lemmata in ekthesis, followed by a blank space; coronis to separate sections; one trema; one breathing; two corrections; some misspellings. 15 (+ lemmata) papyrus fr. 1, col. 1: Sikelia [Sicily] (2 + R); Pachynos (R); Lilybaion; Pelôrias (R);
Enkelados; Gigantes; Attikê [Attica];
fr. 2, col. 1: Mousai [Muses] (3); Apollôn; Mousêgetês;Arsinoê; Aganippê (R + 1);
Helikôn; Pêgasis; Hippokrênê; Permessos (2); Boiôtia [Boeotia]; Zeus;

fr. 2, col. 2:
Ourania (?, R); Hymenaios (?); Hymêttos; Attikê [Attica].
02 0204 = M-P 0197.1 ed. princ. pl. XI. fr. 1, col. 1:
Sikelia [Sicily] (2 + R);Pachynos (R); Lilybaion;
Pelôrias (R); Enkelados;
Gigantes; Attikê [Attica];
fr. 1, col. 2:
fr. 2, col. 1:Homêros; Mousai [Muses] (3); Apollôn;
Mousêgetês; Arsinoê;
Aganippê (R + 1); Helikôn; Pêgasis;Hippokrênê; Permessos (2); Boiôtia [Boeotia];
Bakchylidês; Zeus;

fr. 2, col. 2:
Ourania (?, R); Hymenaios (?); Hymêttos; Attikê [Attica].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Callimachus,Aetia 1]Homerus. along the fibres 12 13.5 x 8.5 (fr. 1)
14 x 17.5 (fr. 2a)
check all mythological names fr. 1: remains from the bottom (?) of two columns; col. 1 = right half of 11 lines; col. 2 = remains of 19 lines, 11-19 at full width;
fr. 2a: substantial remains from the top of two columns; col. 1 = large parts of 31 lines broken off to the left; col. 2 = beginnings of 31 lines;
fr. 2b: scanty remains of 10 lines which may fit below fr. 2a, col. 1;
fr. 3-5: tiny fragments with only a few letters.
0085 60549 h012 Crates Mallotes (?) W. Luppe, APF 24-25 (1976), p. 39-46; M. Fernandez Galiano, Estudios Clasicos 23 (1979), p. 289-290; H. J. Mette, Lustrum 26 (1984), p. 95-97; E. Gangutia, Philologus 130 (1986), p. 187-190; A. Giampaglia, RIL 132 (1998) [2000], p. 503-518. roll 05.5 commentary (without any preserved lemmata) on various passages of the Odyssey, perhaps a product of the Pergamene school of Crates:
col. 1, 10-25: on Eidothea's betrayal of her father Proteus, referring to Od. 4.398 sqq.;
col. 1, 27 - col. 2, 39: why Homer says that the Bear is the only star which does not set, referring to Od. 5.274 sqq. (question also found in scholia to Il. 18.489) and including a list of the leaders of the expedition against Thebes;
col. 3: on Calypso's instruction to Odysseus to keep the Bear on his left, referring to Od. 5.276 sqq. and mentioning Od. 7 (244?), mainly concerned with mythical geography.The geographical nature of the text is comparable to P.Mich. 18, 760.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 39, 2888 (E. Lobel, 1972)
blank commentary (selected questions) small, informal, angular, leaning forward, generally bilinear, regular, neat, plain, of handsome appearance, carefully written with a thin pen, separating all letters. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1673 paragraphos (one straight and one forked) to separate sections; trema (2); iota adscript at the two places where required. 22 papyrus col. 1: Eidothea;
col. 2: Ôriôn (2); Thêbai [Thebes]; Adrastos;Polyneikês; Kapaneus;Amphiaraos; Parthenopaios; Tydeus (2);
col. 3: Kalypsô (2); Odysseus; Hêrakleiai stêlai.
03 M-P 1209.3 ed. princ. pl. VI col. 1: Eidothea;
col. 2: Ôriôn (2); Thêbai [Thebes]; Adrastos;Polyneikês; Kapaneus;
Amphiaraos;Parthenopaios; Tydeus (2);
col. 3:
Kalypsô (2); Kratês (2);
Odysseus; Seleukos;Hêrakleiai stêlai.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus Odyssea 4, 5, 7]; Seleucus Babyloniensis (?);
Seleucus Homericus (?).
along the fibres 12 17.5 x 22 OK 4 fragments which fit easily together, with substantial but much damaged remains of 3 columns broken off at the top; the best preserved, col. 3, has 40 lines, of which the 17 bottom ones are nearly complete. One (supposed) title (col. 1, 26). Homerica, mythology
0086 63877 anon. Apollodorus FGrHist 244 F 89; cf. also FGrHist 768 F 3 and R. Fowler, Early Greek Mythography, 2000, p. 48; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 4, Aristoteles 1 (E. Esposito, 2006 - re-edition); Autoclides 1 (E.Esposito, 2006 - re-edition) . roll 14.5 (fr. 3, col. 2) alphabetical glossary, containing some mythographic references:

fr. 3, col. 2, 1-7: on the melissai, priestesses of Demeter; refers to Persephone and to an otherwise unknown Melissus king of Paros and his 60 daughters; possibly quotation from Apollodorus' Peri Theôn.
fr. 3, col. 3, 1-3: on Metis;
fr. 3, col. 3, 11: Mithras explained as being Prometheus.
AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 15, 1802 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1922)
historical work on Alexander the Great, AD 2 (= P.Oxy. 15, 1798; LDAB 4807) glossary small to medium-sized, informal, fairly angular ("severe" style), leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, but somewhat irregular, written by a practised scribe, with cursive forms and occasional ligatures, though mostly separating the letters, undecorated; the hand is markedly smaller in some fragments and becomes more cursive in others. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5091 lemmata in ekthesis, followed by blank space; several misspellings; trema (several); horizontal strokes above numerals. 45-55 papyrus fr. 3, col. 2, 1-7:
Dêmêtêr; Nymphai;Persephonê (2); Paros;
fr. 3, col. 3, 1-3:Mêtis (2); Athêna;
fr. 3, col. 3, 11:
Mithras; Promêtheus.
03 (fr. 3) 2127 CPF IV.2, pl. 175 (fr. 2 and 3). fr. 2, col. 1:
Antênôr; Thettaloi [Thessalians] (R);

fr. 3, col. 1:
Margianoi (?, R); Mardoi;
Antikleidês (?); Asklêpiadês; Hêrakleidês;
Asia; Itykaios; Parthoi (?, R);
fr. 3, col. 2:Dêmêtêr; Apollônia (?, R); Nymphai; Persephonê (2); Paros; Melissos;Glaukos; Pontos;Kallimachos; Persai;Zeinôn [Zênôn]; Lydoi [Lydians]; Andrôn;
Euboeis; Dionysios;
Aristotelês; Aitôloi [Aetolians];

fr. 3, col. 3:
Mêtis (2); Athêna;
Chalkioikos (R);Aristotelês (1 + R);Tarsos; Soloi; Soleis;
Autokleidês; Chaldaioi (3); Mithras; Promêtheus; Persai; Albanioi; Hêrakleidês; Babylôn (2); Minyai; Orchomenioi; Magnêtes; Rhodioi; Mitylênaioi (Mytilenians); Hêgêsandros;
fr. 6: Antiocheus; Chaldaioi (R); Persai;
fr. 9:Xenophôn (?, R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Apollodorus (?);
Andro Halicarnassensis.
across the fibres 14 34.3 x 16.5 (fr. 3 + fr. 5) PHOTO (2 digital images) 11 (+ 3 new) fragments, some very small;
fr. 2: a few words or letters from two columns (11 lines in col. 1, 6 lines in col. 2);
fr. 3 + fr. 5 (joining): substantial remains from the top of three columns: col. 1 = 28 very fragmentary lines; col. 2 = 25 lines at full width (except bottom lines); col. 3 = 23 lines broken off to the right;
fr. 6 + fr. 9 + 3 new fragments (joining): scanty remains of 23 lines.
N.B.: fr. 10 and 11 are now seemingly lost.
The text is written upside down in relation to the recto.
0087 59420 anon. R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus II, pap. 44 (= p. 48-49, 53-55); V. Millozzi, 'Artemis' wanderings in Callimachus' Hymn 3 (vv.39-97): comparing exegetic texts on papyri and medieval scholia', Proceedings of the 24.Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 2007, edd. J. Frösén, T. Purola and E. Salmenkivi, p. . codex variable scholia on selected words from Callimachus' Hymns II.38-76 and III.37-94, rarely coinciding with the manuscript tradition, mentioning some eponymous heroes: Clarus (l. 19-20), Carnus (l. 20-21), Thêras (l. 21-23). AD 4 - AD 5 P.Ant. 01, 20 (C.H. Roberts, 1950)
commentary (selected lemmata) small, semi-cursive, leaning slightly forward, rather irregular on the recto, but fairly regular on the verso, rapidly executed without much care, though keeping the lines straight; the lines are more closely spaced on the recto. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 519 scholia separated by spaces and twice by double dots; a few misspellings. 7 x 15 papyrus verso, ll. 19-23:
Klaros; Kolophôn; Karnos;Oidipous (Q); Thêras;Autesiôn; Tisamenos (R);Thersandros (R); Polyneikês.
01 0187 verso:
Amphryssos [Amphrysos] (Q, R); Thessalia; Dêlos (2); Kynthos; Battos (Q, R); Aristotelês (R + 1);
Libyê; Kyrênê; Boêdromiôn; Athênaioi;
Klaros; Kolophôn; Karnos; Oidipous (Q);Thêras; Autesiôn;Tisamenos (R);Thersandros (R);Polyneikês
Leukon oros (Q, R); Krêtê (R + 1); Kairatos (Q);
Liparê [ Lipara] (Q, R + R); Sikelia; Meligounis (R); Ossa (2); Thessalia (R); Trinakriê [Trinakria] (Q); Lilybaion (R);Pachynos; Pelôris; Aitnê (Q + R); Hierôn;Mainalon; Peloponnêsos.
Egypt, Antinoopolis [Callimachus, Hymni 2, 3] 22 7 x 15 OK
N.B.: coptic text written in the lower margin (1.8 cm) and in the side margins.
copy ed. pr.
from the bottom of a codex leaf:
verso: 24 lines, broken off to the right ca. in the middle;
recto: 28 lines, 1/3 to 1/2 broken off to the left;
in the bottom margin of the recto and in the side margins of recto and verso: remains of two or more lines of Coptic text (perpendicular to main text in the side margins).
0088 59098 anon. on fr. 26 (without review articles): Stesichorus PMGF fr. 193; D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, Archilochus to Pindar, p. 222-225; L. WoodbuIII, fr. 193; C.M. Bowra, CR 13 (1963), p. 245-252 [= idem, On Greek Margins, Oxford, 1970, p. 87-98]; D. Holwerda, Mnemosyne IV 18 (1965), p. 74; J. Davison, Proc. XIth Congr. Milano, 1966, p. 96-106; idem, From Arcry, Phoenix 21 (1967), p. 157-176; P. Leone, AFLN 11 (1964-1968), p. 5-28; L. Lehnus, SCO 21 (1972), p. 52-55; L. Ferrari, Congetture stesicoree, 1976 , p. 27-40; H.J. Mette, Lustrum 21 (1978), p. 41; F. De Martino, Belfagor 35 (1980), p. 72-77; S. West, ZPE 47 (1982), p. 6-10; E. Cingano, QUCC 41 (1982), p. 19-33; M. Sicherl, ZPE 55 (1984), p. 9-12; F. Montanari, ZPE 62 (1986), p. 46-48; A. Neschke, AC 55 (1986), p. 283-301; J.R. March, The Creative Poet, 1987, p. 90-91; F. Maltomini, ZPE 71 (1988), p. 91-92; G. Massimilla, PP 45 (1990), p. 370-381; A. Pardini, QUCC 55 (1997), p. 97-98; Chamaeleon CPF I.1*, no. 29, 4T [with further bibliography]; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 1, Alcaeus 13 - frr. 6a, 77, 82, 91, 98a, 102, 105, 84+108, 155 (A. Porro, 2004 - re-edition). roll 06.5 commentary (without lemmata) on various matters related to Alcman, Stesichorus, Sappho, and Alcaeus;
fr. 26: on Stesichorus' innovations in mythology (comparison of his version of some legends with those of other poets).

Concerning the genre of the given text scholars agree that it is not a traditional commentary. If it is a συγγραμμα, the subject is not clear and only a few sections have the design that is similar to that of an hypomnema. Some of the scholars stress the biographical elements, like Davison (1966), who states that these fragments could have formed one book, dedicated to the lyric poets, of the so called Εατυρου Βιοι. A. Porro (CLPG, p. 198) also mentions that there are, at least in the sections concerning Alcaeus, traces of the historical-literary research of the Peripatetici, as can be found in the Περι Αλκαιου of Dicaearchus. Here a similar combination of the interest for the texts of the poet and the biographical reconstruction occurs.
AD 1 - AD 2 P.Oxy. 29, 2506 (D.L. Page, 1963)
blank commentary (selected questions) small, informal, mixed round, slightly flattened, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, carefully written, with letters well separated, occasionally decorated with serifs. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 193 fr. 26: paragraphos (several); one long horizontal stroke across the whole line (col. 2, 9); line-fillers; several corrections (above the line); iota adscript written where required (except once). 18-22 papyrus fr. 26, col. 1:
Helenê (3); Troia [Troy] (2);
Prôteus; Dêmophôn (2);
Thêseus (2); Aigyptos;
Iopê; Iphiklês; Akamas;
Agamemnôn; Amphilochos;
fr. 26, col. 2:Orestês; Apollôn (2);
Loxias; Iphigeneia; Achilleus (R).
02 (fr. 26) 1950 ed. princ. pl. I-X (fr. 26 = pl. IV); CPF IV.2, pl. 190 (fr. 6a; 26, col. 1) and 191 (fr. 77; 79; 137b). fr. 1, col. 2:
Lakedaimonioi (2 ?, R);
Damas (?); Pindaros (R);
Aischylos (R); Alkman (3 + R); Eurôtas (Q); Atarnis (Q); Lakedaimonioi;Lydos (2); Lydia (?, R);
fr. 4:Alkman;
fr. 5, col. 1: Sardeis (?); Sardies (?);
fr. 5, col. 2: Dioskouroi; Dymainai (Q, ?, R); Tyndaridês (Q, ?); Tyndaris (Q, ?);
Agêsidamos (Q + 1);
Damotimidas[Dêmotimidês] (Q);

fr. 6:Dikaiarchos (R);Aristotelês; Aristarchos;
Hyrrhas (?, R)
fr. 8: Gongyla (?, Q)
fr. 17:
Daskyleion (?, R); Alkman (?, R); Sardeis (?, R); Sardies (?, R);

fr. 26, col. 1:Troia [Troy] (2);Homêros;Helenê (3); Hêsiodos; Chamaileôn; Stêsichoros; Prôteus; Dêmophôn (2); Thêseus (2); Aigyptos; Iopê; Iphiklês; Akamas;Agamemnôn;Amphilochos;

fr. 26, col. 2:
Stêsichoros (4); Homêros;
Hêsiodos; Aischylos;
Agamemnôn; Eumenides;
Euripidês (R + 1); Orestês; Apollôn (2);Loxias; Iphigeneia;
Achilleus (R);
fr. 42: Charaxos;
fr. 43, col. 2: Charaxos (?, R);

fr. 44, col. 2:
Sapphô (?, R); Charaxos (?, R);
fr. 45: Charaxos (2 ?, R);
fr. 47:
fr. 48, col. 2: Sapphô (?, R);
fr. 48, col. 3: Larichos (?, R);
Eriguyos (?, R); Sapphô;
fr. 59:
fr. 60: Andromeda (?);

fr. 77: Phittakos [Pittakos] (R); Alkaios (2); Dikaiarchos (?, R);
Alliênes (Q); Amardis (Q + 1);
fr. 79:
Dikaiarchos (?, R);
Aristarchos (?, R);

fr. 82:
Boiôtia (Q?);
fr. 90: Stêsichoros (?);Epicharmos (?); Sôphrôn (?);
fr. 91:
Alkaios (?, R);
fr. 98: Antimenidas [Antimenidês]; Alkaios;
Astyagês (R); Alyattês (R);
fr. 102:
Lydoi [Lydians];
Antimenidas[Antimenidês]; Alkaios;
Phittakos [Pittakos];
fr. 105: Alkaios (?, R);
fr. 122:
fr. 137:
Dikaiarchos (?, R);

fr. 147: Phôkos (?, R); Têlamôn (?, R); Pêleus (?, R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Alcman]; [Stesichorus]; [Sappho]; [Alcaeus]; Homerus; Hesiodus;
Chamaeleon;Stesichorus; Aeschylus;
along the fibres 10 8 x 14.5 (fr. 26 a+b+c)
6.5 x 12.7 (fr. 26e)
OK 176 fragments, mostly very small;
fr. 26 consists of 6 fragments belonging to 2 columns:
col. 1 = fr. a, b, c and probably d; substantial, but much damaged parts of 42 lines visible almost at full width;
col. 2 = fr. e and f; substantial parts of 36 lines, with a few letters broken off at the right end.
0089 63611 anon. D.L. Page, Suppl. Lyr. Gr., S 220-257; D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, III, 282B; Ibycus PMGF, I, S220-257; M. Treu, Kokalos 14-15 (1968-1969), p. 428-438; D.L. Page, PCPhS 196 (1970), p. 93-96; G. Marcovigi, SIFC 43 (1971), p. 65-78; H.J. Mette, Lustrum 21 (1978), p. 15 + 29-30 + 31; J.P. Barron, BICS 31 (1984), p. 17; C. Aprile, Pap. Lup. 6 (1997), p. 15-21; G. Ucciardello, In margine a P. Oxy. XXXII 2637, fr. 33 (= S 233 PMGF) 35 37, ZPE 149 (2004), p. 35-37. roll 06 - 06.5 learned commentary (with lemmata) on choral lyric; some fragments of mythographic interest:
fr. 1a, 1-31: on a hunter-story from Sicilian mythology, with a possible parallel in Diodorus 4.22.3-4 (cf. Treu);
fr. 5: probably related to the stories of Hercules and Geryon and of Bellerophon, Pegasus and the Chimaera; cites a new fragment of Acesander (col. 2, a, 7sqq);
fr. 12: on the killing of Troilus (some words can be paralleled with ps.-Apollod., Epit. 3.32).
AD 2 P.Oxy. 32, 2637 (E. Lobel, 1967)
blank (?) commentary (selected lemmata) tiny, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear and fairly regular, neat but not particularly handsome, proficiently written, mostly separating the letters, without decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms (now lost) 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4820 paragraphos (several straight and two forked); coronis and forked paragraphos (fr. 30) to mark a major division (most probably in combination with a title); one double dot (fr. 13, 5); seemingly fortuitous use of blank spaces; trema (several); consistent use of iota adscript. 25-30 (ca.) papyrus fr. 1a:
Nymphai; Kronion;
fr. 5, col. 2 (a): Gêryôn (S); Hêraklês (S); Chimaira (S);
fr. 5, col. 2 (c): Pêgasos; Bellerophôn (S);
fr. 12: Trôilos (2); Achilleus (?);Thymbraios; Ilion; Hektôr.
03 (fr. 5) M-P 1949.3 ed. princ. pl. XIV. fr. 1a:
Nymphai; Kronion;
Leontinoi; Kallias;

fr. 1b: Oidipous (Q + 1); Inô (Q + 1);

fr. 5, col. 2 (a):
Gêryôn (S); Hêraklês (S);
Chimaira (S); Ibykos (R);
Akesandros; Kyrênê;
Timaios; Theodôros;

fr. 5, col. 2 (c):
Pêgasos; Bellerophôn (S);
Douris; Agathoklês;
Pindaros; Korinthos (R).
fr. 5, col. 3:
Alexandros (?); Poseidôn (R)
fr. 7:
fr. 10: Philostephanos (?, R); Herenios [Herennios];
fr. 12: Trôilos (2); Achilleus (?); Thymbraios; Ilion;
fr. 14: Ibykos (?, R);

fr. 15: Sikelia (R);
fr. 16:
Timaios (?, R);

fr. 30:Mnamosyna [Mnêmosynê] (R);

fr. 32: Gorgias;
fr. 33:
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Acesander; Ibycus (?); Timaeus; Theodorus (?); Douris; Pindarus. along the fibres 12 18 x 8 (fr. 1a)
4.8 x 4.5 (fr. 5a)
6 x 6.5 (fr. 5b)
4.5 x 7.5 (fr. 5c)
3.5 x 6.3 (fr. 12a)
5 x 7.3 (fr. 12b)
now lost (confirmed by Coles) 39 fragments, mostly small;
fr. 1a: two fragments from the same column with remains of 42 lines (endings of l. 1-22, beginnings of l. 17-31, almost complete in l. 32-42); title in eisthesis (l. 32) marking a new section;
fr. 5: three much damaged fragments with remains of three columns; (a) and (b) join immediately, while (c) comes probably from the lower part of col. 2;
col.1 = ending letters of 8 lines; col. 2 = remains of 15 lines (some visible at full width despite damage) + further remains of 17 lines broken off on both sides in (c); col. 3 = scanty remains from the beginning of 9 lines;
fr. 12: two fragments from the same column with remains from the beginning and the end of 19 lines.
0090 62932 anon. U. Dubielzig, Triphiodor: Die Einnahme Ilions, 1996, p. 280 (T38). roll (?) ?? prose text mentioning Neoptolemus, possibly a commentary relating to the Triphiodorus text on the recto. AD 3 - AD 4 P.Oxy. 41, 2947 (J.R. Rea, 1972)
Triphiodorus fragment,
AD 3-4 (= P.Oxy. 41, 2946; LDAB 4125)
commentary (?) small to medium-sized, informal, mixed round, leaning forward, regular but not bilinear, proficiently written, mostly separating the letters, without decorations. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
4124 none. ?? papyrus Neoptolemos. 01 M-P 1538.2 ed. princ. pl. VI. Neoptolemos. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Triphiodorus (?)] across the fibres 18 5.1 x 8.8 OK remains of 9 lines (with traces of 3 or 4 more lines) from the top of a column, broken off on both sides, with what looks as a column number in the upper margin (1.2 cm); the script runs upside down in relation to the recto. mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol41/pages/2947.htm
0091 61292 anon. J.P. Barron, BICS 16 (1969), p. 119-149; H.J. Mette, Lustrum 21 (1978), p. 28; E. Cingano, ZPE 79 (1989), p. 27-38; L. Tafuro, Pap. Lup. 5 (1997), p. 213-219; D.L. Page, Suppl. Lyr. Gr., S 151-165; D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, III, 282; Ibycus PMGF, I, S 151-165; Lysimachus FGrHist 382 F 21. roll 07.5 (scholion)
08 (main text)
marginal scholia accompanying fragments of poems by Ibycus, with one note about the genealogy of Cyanippus (fr. 2-3, col. 2, 37 = S 151 Page), probably deriving from Lysimachus (cf. FGrHist 382 F 21 + L. Tafuro); cf. ps.-Apollod., Bibl. 1.9.13, and Pausanias, 2.18.4-5 + 2.30.10 for parallels on Cyanippus. 2 BC P.Oxy. 15, 1790 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1922) + P.Oxy. 17, 2081 f (A.S. Hunt, 1927)
blank marginal scholia main text: fair-sized, informal, angular, upright, strictly bilinear, fairly regular, but somewhat shaky, proficiently written, separating the letters (which however are closely spaced), with occasional cursive forms, most letters decorated with serifs;

scholion: tiny, cursive, leaning forward.
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2434 high and middle stops; trema (several); quantity marks; breathings and accents (all by original scribe); coronis and paragraphos; iota adscript consistently written. ?? papyrus fr. 2-3, col. 2, 37:
Teukros (?); Adrastos (2);
Kyanippos; Aigialeus.
03 1237 ed. princ. pl. III (part); Schubart, Griech. Pal., pl. 75 (part); Barron, pl. V-VI (enlarged photo of scholion); GMAW no. 20 (part); J. Irigoin, in: Il libro e il testo, 1984, pl. 4 (part). fr. 2-3, col. 2, 37: Kallimachos (?, R);
Lysimachos (?, R);Teukros (?); Adrastos (2);
Kyanippos; Aigialeus.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Ibycus]; Lysimachus (?). along the fibres 3 31.5 x 20 (fr. 1-3) date: 1 BC (ed. princ.), 130 BC (Barron, on suggestion of Turner); scholion: AD 1 (Barron)
[further bibliography on the Ibycus-poems, not mentioning the scholion: cf. M-P3]
some 20 fragments, mostly very small, except fr. 1-3, which fit together and to which also belong fr. 10 and 12; they show remains of three columns at full height: col. 1 = 20 nearly complete lines (a few letters missing at the beginning of lines); col. 2 = 20 much damaged lines; col. 3 = 8 complete lines, with a paragraphos and a coronis at the end, followed by a large blank space (12.5 cm) in the middle of which are written 5 lines of a scholion related to the preceding column. mythology
0092 65722 anon. TrGF II F 730. uncertain ?? prose text related to the story of the Danaids (cf. ps.-Apollod., Bibl. 2.1.5). 3 BC P.Hibeh 02, 221 (E.G. Turner, 1955)
traces of white paint uncertain (hypothesis ? narrative ?) small, informal, mixed round, upright, generally bilinear and regular, proficiently written, separating all letters, without decorations. London, British Library 2986
6976 none. ?? papyrus Lynkeus; Danaos;
Pelasgos (?); Thettalia [Thessaly]; Argos.
01 2839 Lynkeus; Danaos;Pelasgos (?); Thettalia [Thessaly]; Argos. Egypt, Hibeh along the fibres 1 3.6 x 7 PHOTO Hib. 221 + 222 RECTO + VERSO (paper) + 1 "negative" photograph (paper) cartonnage; remains of 10 lines broken off on both sides, from a column broken at top and bottom. mythology
0093 62564 anon. B. Snell - H. Maehler, Pindari carmina cum fragmentis II, pap. 26; H.J. Mette, Lustrum 21 (1978), p. 7 + 25 + 27 + 29; M. Serena Funghi - G. Messeri Savorelli, SCO 42 (1992), p. 43-62; R.L. Fowler, ZPE 96 (1993), p. 15-16; G.B. D'Alessio, ZPE 118 (1997), p. 23-60; Hellanicus fr. 101A Fowler; Epimenides fr. 1 Fowler. roll ?? marginal scholia on poems by Pindar, two with mythographic information:
fr. 29: discussion on Clymenus' death, giving three different versions (by citing Euphorion, Hellanicus and Epimenides; cf. Apollod., Bibl. 2.4.11), and on matters related to Clymenus;
fr. 39, 7: three explanations of the epithet "Kronios" as applied to Pelops, the third being identical with the extant scholia.
AD 3 P.Oxy. 26, 2442 (E. Lobel, 1961)
blank marginal scholia main text: small to medium-sized, informal, mixed round, slightly flattened, leaning forward, generally bilinear and regular, written quite rapidly but with care by a competent scribe, using a fairly thick pen, mostly separating the letters; undecorated except for hooks on certain letters.

scholia: tiny, semi-cursive, leaning forward, written with a thinner pen; some marginalia possibly by same hand as main text.
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 3747 accents; breathings; trema (several); high stops; quantity marks; apostrophes; paragraphos (several) and coronis; iota adscript consistently written. ?? papyrus fr. 29:
Erginos (2); Thêbai [Thebes] (2); Klymenos; Periêrês;
Kadmeioi [Cadmians];
Glaukos; Hêraklês;
Lakedaimonioi [Spartans];
Menelaos (R); Lykos (R);
Chimaira; Teukris;
Alexandros (R); Helenê;

fr. 39: Kronios; Zeus; Olympos; Tantalos; Ploutô; Kronos.
02 (fr. 1, 14, 19, 29, 32) 1360 ed. princ. pl. III-VIII. fr. 29: Erginos (2); Thêbai [Thebes] (2);
Klymenos; Euphoriôn (?);
Periêrês; Hellanikos;
Onchêstos (?);
Kadmeioi [Cadmians];
Epimenidês; Glaukos;
Hêraklês; Lakedaimonioi [Spartans]; Menelaos (R);
Lykos (R); Chimaira;
Teukris; Alexandros (R);
fr. 30: Troia;
fr. 32: Amphitryôn; Pterelaos; Kephalos (R);
fr. 39: Kronios; Zeus; Olympos;
Tantalos; Ploutô;
fr. 96 B:Selloi; Elloi;Kallimachos; Tmarioi (?); Thesprôtoi; Pleurôn;

fr. 97: Didymos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Pindarus]; Euphorion;
Hellanicus; Epimenides.
along the fibres 16 7.5 x 8 (fr. 29)
8 x 14 (fr. 39)
OK 112 fragments, large and small;
fr. 29: below specks of inks from two columns are remains of 13 lines of marginal scholia, broken off on both sides;
fr. 39: remains from the ends of 17 lines of a column, with marginal scholia opposite l. 5 (2 lines), l. 7 (4 lines), and in the lower margin (3 lines).
0094 62532 anon. [numerous articles on the text of the Paeans, not on the marginal scholia]; A. Körte, APF 5 (1913), p. 549-551; E.G. Turner, G&R 21 (1952), p. 143; W.E.H. Cockle, Hypsipyle, p. 22 (on the papyrus as part of the library of the Hypsipyle papyrus); B. Snell - H. Maehler, Pindari Carmina cum fragmentis II, pap. 4; FGrHist 10 F 20 = Andro fr. 20 Fowler. roll ?? marginal scholia accompanying the text of Pindar's Paeans I-X, with some references to mythology:
fr. 11, col. 2 [= col. 22] (ad P. V.45): Pandorus, son of Erechtheus;
fr. 82, col. 1, 1-11 (ad P. VIIIa): on Clymenus and Erginus;
fr. 82, col. 2, 17-19 (ad P. VIIIa.17): on Hecabe's dream;
fr. 129-131, col. 1, 5 (ad P. X.4).: on the river Titaresius;
fr. 134, 2-3 (ad P. X): on Castalius and Apollo (?).
AD 2 P.Oxy. 05, 841 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1908) = P.Lond.Lit. 45 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
census register, AD 91-92 (= P.Oxy. 06, 984A = Bagnall e.a., The census register, 1997). marginal scholia main text: sections A + B: medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, somewhat irregular, written by a practised though sometimes clumsy hand, mostly separating the letters, with occasional cursive forms at the end of a verse, undecorated; sections C + D: small, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, regular, elegant, carefully written with a thin pen by a proficient scribe, separating all letters, frequently decorated with hooks and serifs;

textual notes: three hands, small to tiny: H1 = same scribe as A + B; H2 = "more sloping hand"; H3 = "more rapid and lighter hand" (ed. princ.);

scholia: two hands, small to tiny cursive, leaning forward, practically contemporary with the main text: S1 = "small and as a rule clear writing"; S2 = "more rapid and negligent and generally rather larger cursive" (ed. princ.).
London, British Library 1842 verso 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 3713 breathings; accents; quantity marks and apostrophes; trema (several); high stops; paragraphos (several) to mark end of strophes and antistrophes and to separate the scholia; coronis at beginning of new strophe; special signs for beginning of new poem; curved lines occasionally placed below letters and syllables (of uncertain meaning); diplê (several) and small crosses occasionally used before lines; numeration of the lines by hundreds; consistent use of iota adscript both in main text and in scholia; abbreviations used in scholia. ?? papyrus fr. 11, col. 3 [= col. 23]: Pandôros; Erechtheus; Aiklos;
fr. 82, col. 1: Klymenos; Periêrês (R); Thêbai [Thebes];
fr. 82, col. 2: Trôes [Trojans] (R); Hekabê (R);
fr. 129-131, col. 1: Titarêsios; Styx (2); Pêneios;
fr. 134, 2-3: Kastalios; Apollôn.
35 1361 ed. princ. pl. I-III (parts); Roberts, GLH 14 (parts); Turner, pl. CXXI (col. 22); T.S. Pattie - E.G. Turner, The Written Word on Papyrus, London 1974, p. 16 pl. 5 (col. 22). fr. 1, col. 1: Abdêritai; Têioi [Teians] (R); Teôs (R); Iônia; Abdêra (R);
fr. 2, col. 1: Abdêra (R);
fr. 2, col. 2:
Persai; Athênaioi (R);
Teôs (R);

fr. 3, col. 1:

fr. 3, col. 2:

fr. 3, col. 3:
Abdêra; Melamphyllos;

fr. 5:
Abdêra (?, R);

fr. 7, col. 1:
Keôs (R);

fr. 8, col. 1:

fr. 8, col. 2:

fr. 9, col. 1:
Zênodotos; Euxantios;
Keos; Oneitês (?, R);

fr. 11, col. 1:

fr. 11, col. 2:
Pandôros; Erechtheus;

fr. 11, col. 3:

fr. 12, col. 2:
Zênodotos (2); Hellas;

fr. 13, col. 2:
Aristophanês (?);

fr. 13, col. 4:
Zeus Hellênios; Aigina;

fr. 14, col. 1:
Aigina (R);

fr. 15, col. 1:
Aristophanês (?);Zênodotos;

fr. 82, col. 1:
Pindaros; Klymenos;
Periêrês (R); Thêbai [Thebes];

fr. 82, col. 2:
Trôes [Trojans] (R);
Hekabê (R);
fr. 83-84: Chrysippos (?); Ôkeanos ; Themis;
fr. 94: Aristarchos (?, R);
fr. 95: Mousa (?);

fr. 96: Alexandros (?, R);
fr. 126, col. 1: Pindaros (R);

fr. 128, col. 2: Ismênion (R + 1); Thêbai [Thebes];
fr. 129-131, col. 1: Titarêsios; Styx (2); Pêneios; Homêros; Aristarchos (?);
fr. 134: Kastalios; Apollôn; Andrôn (?); Krêtê; Delphoi; Thêbaioi [Thebans]; Aristarchos (?);
fr. 138: Ismênos (?, R);
fr. 139: Aulis (2).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Pindarus, Paeanes];
Homerus; Andro Halicarnassensis.
across the fibres 12 18 (height) N.B.: the whole papyrus is kept in 8 frames, in which I have seen only ca. 180 fragments (and not 380 as stated in ed. princ.). some 180 fragments, grouped in four sections (A-D) in ed. princ., of which the order is not certain. mythology
0095 61607 h009 Mythographus Homericus W. Luppe, ZPE 56 (1984), p. 31-32; F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172; TrGF I (2) p. 349; Hellanicus fr. 160B Fowler. roll 07 mythological stories relating to Homeric lemmata from Iliad 1:
1.38: Cilla (1);
1.38: Tenedos (2);
1.39: Smintheus (3).
The first story is comparable to, but much shorter than scholia A and D; the second is also attested in scholia A and D, but shows more similarities with the scholia to Lycophron, Alexandra 232, Diodorus 5.83.4 and ps.-Apollod., Epit. 3.23 sqq.; the third is again comparable to scholia A and D.
AD 2 P.Hamb. 03, 199 (B. Kramer, 1984)
glossary to Od. 4, by same hand (= P.Hamb. 03, 200; LDAB 2756) commentary (selected lemmata) small, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, somewhat irregular, proficiently written, generally well separating the letters, without decorations. Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Papyrusabteilung, 81 recto 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2756 forked paragraphos to indicate new lemma (with first line of following text written in ekthesis); blank space after new lemma in col. 1, 1; one apostrophe; one trema; several misspellings (some corrected); itacism. 19-26 papyrus col. 1: Killa (Q + 1); Pelops; Tantalos; Poseidôn; Hippodameia; Pisa; Oinomaos; Lesbos; Killos;
col. 2: Tennês (S); Leukothea (?); Leukophrys (R); Tenedos; Smintheus (Q); Chrysê; Mysia (R); Krinis.
02 M-P 1161.1 ed. princ. pl. III. col. 1: Killa (Q + 1); Pelops; Tantalos; Poseidôn; Hippodameia; Pisa; Oinomaos; Lesbos; Killos;
col. 2: Tennês (S); Leukothea (?); Leukophrys (R); Tenedos; Myrtilos; Euripidês (?, R); Hellanikos (?, R); Smintheus (Q); Chrysê; Mysia (R); Krinis.
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 1];
Myrtilus [Myrsilus];
Hellanicus (?).
along the fibres 12 11.5 x 13 M-P 1161.1 in online database, but 1161.2 in CdE 60 (1985) p. 202 (followed by LDAB) - 1161.1 is the right numbering, as confirmed by Marganne.M-P 1161.1 in online database, but 1161.2 in CdE 60 (1985) p. 202 (followed by LDAB) - 1161.1 is the right numbering, as confirmed by Marganne. upper part of two columns: col. 1 = much damaged remains of 18 lines at full width; col. 2 = left half of 12 lines.; large upper margin of 4.5 cm.The text on the verso is written upside down in relation to the recto. Homerica, mythology
0096 65707 anon. R. Seider, Paläographie II.2, 1970, p. 47-48. roll 06.5 - 08 prose text following a citation of 8 or 9 epic hexameters about the metamorphoses of a god (Zeus?) and probably relating to it. 3 BC P.Bad. 06, 176 (G.A. Gerhard, 1938) = P.Heid. 01, 176 (E. Siegmann, 1956) = Pap.Lugd.Bat. 20, 16 (A. Schutgens, 1980)
legal document, date unknown (= P.Ludg.Bat. 20, 73) commentary (?) medium-sized, informal, angular, upright, epigraphic, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, written by a practised hand, though rather slowly and separating all letters, adding no decorations. Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie, G 1891 recto
6961 double dots to indicate the end of a verse; one accent; several corrections (same hand); iota adscript consistenly written (once added supra lineam). 23-24 papyrus col. 1: Zeus (Q);
col. 2: Zeus; Phersephonê [Persephonê]; Ôkeanos (?).
02 2460 P.Bad 06, pl. I; Seider, pl. IV.8; P.Lugd.Bat. 20, pl. XIV. col. 1: Zeus (Q);
col. 2: Zeus; Phersephonê [Persephonê]; Ôkeanos (?).
Egypt, Fayum, Philadelpheia along the fibres 1 9.1 x 12.5 OK
copy ed. pr. (Gerhard and Schutgens)
upper parts of two columns: col. 1 = right half of 16 lines; col. 2 = beginnings of 14 lines. mythology http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~gv0/Papyri/VBP_VI/176/VBP_VI_176.html
0097 60251 p699 (W) anon. reprinted in F. Montanari, Studi di filologia omerica antica II, 1995, p. 127-130. uncertain 11 - 12 (R) l. 1-6: prose text mentioning Telemachus, which may be a kind of mythographic introduction;
l. 7: unidentified cursive annotation;

l. 8-13: Iliad, 1.1-6.
AD 1 P.Heid. 04, 289 (F. Montanari, 1986)
blank uncertain (commentary ?) 3 different hands:

A (= ll. 1-6): medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, somewhat irregular, competently written, generally separating the letters, linking some, decorated with a few serifs;

B (= ll. 7): small cursive, leaning forward;

C (= ll. 8-13): fair-sized, relatively formal, mixed round, upright, strictly bilinear, fairly regular, written with care, lightly decorated with hooks and serifs; the lines are closely spaced;

hands A and C are considered ed. princ. as forrunners of the Roman uncial.
Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie, G 675
1370 sign in the shape of a forked paragraphos after l. 7 (in the middle of the line!) 30-33 papyrus Têlemachos; Pêlêiadês (Q); Achilleus (Q); Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q); Haidês (Q); Zeus (Q). 01 M-P 0557.1 ed. princ. pl. I. Têlemachos; Pêlêiadês (Q); Achilleus (Q); Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q); Haidês (Q); Zeus (Q). Egypt, unknown Homerus along the fibres 9 4 x 8.5 check if plate in Montanari 1995;
copy ed. pr.
scanty remains of 13 lines broken off on both sides, from a column broken at top and bottom. Homerica, mythology http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~gv0/Papyri/P.Heid._IV/289/P.Heid._IV_289.html
0098 59895 anon. reprinted in U. Wilcken, Berliner Akademieschriften zur Alten Geschichte und Papyruskunde II, 1970, p. 47-62; H. Maehler, in: La philologie grecque à l'époque hellénistique et romaine, 1994, p. 95-141 (esp. p. 109-111, 133-136); idem, in: Le commentaire entre tradition et innovationPubliés sous la direction de M.-O. Goulet-Cazé, Paris, 2000, p. 29-36 (esp. p. 32-34). codex 16 - 17 scholia on selected verses from Euripides' Phoenissae, 344-1108, different from the manuscript tradition, many with mythological contents:
l. 6-8: on Tydeus banned from his country (the reason given is different from that in the extant scholia and in Apollod., Bibl. 1.76, but similar to Aesch., Sept . 555);

l. 10-13: on the epithet of Phoebus Agyieus (similar to extant scholia);
l. 13-22: on Cadmus and the foundation of Thebes (different from the entire mythographic tradition);
l. 23-29: possibly on Dionysus and Hermes (very fragmentary);
l. 29-35: on Cadmus killing the dragon (very fragmentary);
l. 36-43: on the two names of Persephone and Demeter (similar to extant scholia);
l. 48-51: two interpretations of "theôn tôn leukopôlôn dômath'" (v. 606): either Zethus and Amphion, or Castor and Polydeuces (similar to extant scholia);
l. 53-57: two explanations on the oracle of Dodona (different from tradition);
l. 60-62: three versions of the origin of the Sphinx (one new);
l. 66-68: on Ialemus, son of Oeagrus (new);
l. 69-75: on Oedipus, the oracle and the killing of his father (similar to hypothesis to Soph., OT);
l. 76-86: on the Calydonian Boar-hunt (similar to Apoll., Bibl., 1.66).
AD 6 P.Würzb. 1 (U. Wilcken, 1934)
commentary (selected lemmata) medium-sized to small, informal, round, leaning forward, not aiming at bilinearity and rather irregular, though generally keeping the lines straight, closely spaced, undecorated, written without much care in a rapid, proficient hand, with occasional cursive elements and ligatures. Würzburg, Universitätsbibliothek 18. 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1002 breathings; trema (several); one apostrophe; iota adscript generally written (with a few omissions); some corrections (by same hand); double and sometimes triple diplê (>) at the beginning of lemma; double dash (/) at the end of lemma and of scholion; large blank space in l. 22 (at mid-line; end of section?), l. 24 (end of line) and l. 45 (within the line) of recto. 49-60 papyrus verso: Tydeus (S); Phoibos Agyieus (Q + 1); Apollôn (3); Kadmos (Q + 2); Tyros (Q); Pelagôn; Thêbai [Thebes] (2); Boiôtia [Boeotia] (2); Hermês; Arês (Q); Drakôn;
recto: Persephonê (Q + 1); Dêmêtêr (Q + 2); Gê; Korê (R); Zêthos; Amphiôn; Thêbai [Thebes]; Kastôr; Polydeukês; Lakedaimôn; Dôdônê (Q + 3); Peleiades; Peleia; Echidna (Q + 1); Sphinx (2); Laios (3); Gê; Typhôn; Ialemos; Oiagros; Pythô (Q); Oidipous (Q + 2); Atalantê (Q + 2); Oineus (2); Artemis (2); Aitôlia [Aetolia]; Kalydônios kapros; Meleagros (2).
01 0419 ed. princ. pl. I-II (see also reprint) verso: Ismênos (Q); Tydeus (S); Phoibos Agyieus (Q + 1); Apollôn (3); Kadmos (Q + 2); Tyros (Q); Pelagôn; Thêbai [Thebes] (2); Boiôtia [Boeotia] (2); Hermês; Arês (Q); Drakôn;
recto: Persephonê (Q + 1); Dêmêtêr (Q + 2); Gê (2); Korê (R); Dirkaios poros (Q + 1); Dirkê (2); Sphinx (4); Zêthos; Amphiôn; Thêbai [Thebes]; Kastôr; Polydeukês; Lakedaimôn; Hêra (Q + R); Kithairôn; Dôdônê (Q + 3); Peleiades; Peleia; Echidna (Q + 1); Laios (3); Typhôn; Ialemos; Oiagros; Pythô (Q); Oidipous (Q + 2); Atalantê (Q + 2); Oineus (2); Artemis (2); Aitôlia [Aetolia]; Kalydônios kapros; Meleagros (2).
Egypt, Hermoupolis [Euripides, Phoenissae] 25 18 x 31 OK
copy ed. pr.
verso: 35 much damaged and often faded lines from a column at full height, broken off on both sides;
recto: 51 much damaged lines from a column at full height (numbered thêta [9] in the upper margin), broken off to the left and partly to the right.
school text (?), mythology
0099 63250 anon. H.G. Gundel, Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen 39 (1977), p. 22-23 (no. 18); A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), p. 124; D.L. Page, Corinna, 1953, p. 43-45; K. Latte, Eranos 54 (1956), p. 65, n. 2; H. Maehler, CR 47 (1997), p. 178; FGrHist 2 F 45 bis = Acusilas fr. 45A Fowler; FGrHist 4 F 201 bis = Hellanicus fr. 152A Fowler; Simonides Ceus FGrHist 8 F 7 = Simonides fr. 652 (IV) PMG. roll ?? scholia on a unidentified text (no lemma preserved), related to the post-homeric story of Ajax and the Palladium, quoting from Hellanicus (?) and Simonides, and possibly mentioning Acusilaus of Argos. AD 1 - AD 2 P.Giss.Univ. 04, 40 verso (H. Eberhart, 1935) = P.Giss.Lit. 4.8 (P.A. Kuhlmann, 1994)
unidentified text, AD 1-2 (= P.Giss.Univ. 04, 40 recto; LDAB 4454) commentary (selected lemmata ?) small, informal, round, leaning forward, heavily cursive with many abbreviations and ligatures; Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek 307 verso 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4455 paragraphos (2) combined with ekthesis of following line, probably to mark a quotation; many abbreviations; one dot above iota (col. 2, 3) = trema (?); small horizontal strokes above numerals. ?? papyrus col. 1: Troia [Troy] (?); Aulis; Aias (2);
col. 2: Hêra; Pteria (3); Karyssa; Persis; Athênaioi [Athenians]; Athêna.
02 2810 ed. princ. pl. VII. col. 1 Troia [Troy] (?); Akousilaos (?, R); Hellanikos (?, R); Aulis; Aias (2);
col. 2: Simônidês (?, R); Hêra; Pteria (3); Karyssa; Persis; Athênaioi [Athenians]; Athêna.
Egypt, Fayum ? Acusilaus (?);
Hellanicus (?);
Simonides (?).
across the fibres 10 9 x 7 OK col. 1: endings of 11 lines; col. 2: beginnings of 14 lines; intercolumnium: 1.5 cm. mythology http://digibib.ub.uni-giessen.de/cgi-bin/populo/pap.pl?t_allegro=x&f_SIG="P.B.U.G. inv. 307"
0100 59146 Apollodorus (?) A. Henrichs, CErc 5 (1975), p. 23-34; idem, CErc 7 (1977), p. 124-125; R. Führer, ZPE 24 (1977), p. 42; A. Henrichs, ZPE 27 (1977), p. 69-75; H.J. Mette, Lustrum 21 (1978), p. 21-23; S. M. Sherwin-White, Ancient Cos, Göttingen, 1978, p. 48 n. 96; P. Parsons, Actes VIIe Congrès FIEC, II, 1984, p. 524-526; H. Lloyd-Jones, Proc. XVIIth Congr. Napoli, 1984, p. 141-150 (= idem, Greek Epic, Lyric, and Tragedy, Oxford 1990, 21-29); SH 903A; R. Kassel, ZPE 128 (1999), p. 30-31; C.D. De Luca, Pap. Lup. 8 (1999), p. 165-169; C. Austin, CGFP 85a; N. Pellé , Per un bilancio della fortuna di Senofonte storico e narratore in
Egitto, Studi di Egittologia e di Papirologia. Rivista Internazionale 2 (2005).
roll 08.5 - 09 extract from Apollodorus' Peri theôn (?), discussing the epithets of Athena, with one citation from Epicharmus and several from the Meropis. Comparable to P.Oxy. 20, 2260, P.Herc. 242 III, 247 III and 433 IV; close relation to D-scholia, to Diodorus 3.70.5 (citing Dionysius Scytobrachion FGrHist 32 F 8 = fr. 9 Rusten) and 4.11.3-4, to ps.-Apollod., Bibl. 2.5.1 and to others (cf. ed. princ.). 1 BC P.Coll.Youtie 01, 1 (L. Koenen - R. Merkelbach, 1976) = P.Köln 03, 126 (B. Kramer, 1980)
blank mythography + theology medium to fair-sized, informal, mixed round, squarish, upright, strictly bilinear and fairly regular, carefully written with a fairly thick pen, well separating the letters, decorated with many hooks and serifs; the letters (through the generally curved uprights) and the lines (not strictly straight) give a "dancing" impression. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 5604 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 241 blank spaces to indicate end of verse and sometimes end of sentence and to mark passage from prose to verse; coronis used twice in conjunction with paragraphos to mark end of section; paragraphos used twice for beginning of a new verse; iota adscript consistently written (occasionally intrusive). 21-25 papyrus col. 1: Athêna (R); Pallas; Tritogeneia;

col. 2: Athêna (Q, R + 1); Zeus (Q); Kronos (Q); Pallas (2Q); Meropis (Q); Kôia (2); Asteros (2); Hêraklês (3); Meropes (Q);
col. 3: Asteros (Q + 2); Hêraklês (2Q + 1); Athêna (2Q + 2); Meropes (1 + Q); Ais [Haidês] (Q); Merops.
03 M-P 0096.1 P.Coll.Youtie 01, pl. I + III C. col. 1: Athêna (R); Pallas; Tritogeneia; Epicharmos;
col. 2: Athêna (Q, R + 1); Zeus (Q); Kronos (Q); Pallas (2Q); Meropis (Q); Kôia (2); Asteros (2); Hêraklês (3); Meropes (Q);
col. 3: Asteros (Q + 2); Hêraklês (2Q + 1); Athêna (2Q + 2); Meropes (1 + Q); Ais [Haidês] (Q); Merops.
Egypt, unknown Epicharmus;
author of the Meropis.
along the fibres 6 25 x 30 OK
copy ed. pr. (Kramer)
palimpsest: here and there traces of the original writing are visible;
col. 1: endings from 7 lines (opposite ll. 12-18 of col. 2);
col. 2: full-height column of 40 lines, visible at full width, but broken off by a few letters at the beginnings in the lower half of the column;
col. 3: full-height column of 40 lines, broken off to the right by 6-8 letters.
mythology http://digibib.ub.uni-giessen.de/cgi-bin/populo/pap.pl?t_allegro=x&f_SIG="P.B.U.G. inv. 307"
0101 59819 anon. W. Luppe, APF 29 (1983), p. 19-23; O. Musso, 'La scenografia dell' Auge euripidea: un papiro di Colonia e il tondo di Eua' in: G. Bastianini e A. Casanova (edd.), Euripide e i Papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di Studi Firenze (10-11 guigno 2004), Firenze, 2005, pp. 123-126. uncertain 10-11 (R) hypothesis to Euripides' Auge (with title and first line of the play), giving a version of the story previously known only from wall-paintings in Pompei. AD 2 ZPE 4 (1969), p. 7-18 (L. Koenen) = P.Köln 01, 1 (B. Kramer, 1976)
account, AD 2 hypothesis small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, rapidly and competently written, without particular care nor decorations; many letters touch, but there are no ligatures. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 264
924 intrusive iota adscript in title. 38-41 (Koenen)
32-36 (Luppe)
35 (VRS)
papyrus Augê (Q, R + R); Athêna Alea (2); Aleos (R); Arkadia; Tegea (R, ?); Hêraklês (R). 01 M-P 0435.1 ZPE 4 (1969), pl. IIIa; Musso, p. 123. Augê (Q, R + R); Athêna Alea (2); Aleos (R); Arkadia; Tegea (R, ?); Hêraklês (R). Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Auge] across the fibres 12 3 x 12.5 N.B.: the recto seems to be much coarser and irregular than the verso.
N.B.: the recto seems to be much coarser and irregular than the verso.
copy article of Musso
14 incomplete lines from the top of a column, broken on both side; title in eisthesis; large upper margin (3.5 cm). mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/I_001.html 02
0102 63501 anon. L. Koenen, in: A. Carlini, Nuovi papiri letterari fiorentini, Pisa 1971, p. 33; L. Salvadori Baldascino, Pap. Lup. 1 (1992), p. 281-286. uncertain ?? unidentified text mentioning Hercules' twelfth work (Cerberus) and possibly the previous one (Hesperides and Ladon). According to Salvadori Baldascino, it could be the description of a statue representing Hercules and Cerberus, a common type in Hellenistic sculpture. AD 2 ZPE 4 (1969), p. 157-160 (K. Strobel) = P.Köln 01, 7 (B. Kramer, 1976)
letter (?), AD 2 uncertain (narrative ? commentary ?) small, cursive, leaning forward, influenced by chancery style, rapidly executed. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 75
4710 none. ?? papyrus Kerberos; Hêraklês (R). 01 M-P 2448.1 ZPE 4 (1969), pl. IIIc. Kerberos; Hêraklês (R). Egypt, unknown along the fibres 12 5 x 6.5 OK
copy of ed. pr. (Kramer) and Baldascino
10 incomplete lines from the bottom of a column (?).The document on the verso is written upside down in relation to the front. mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/I_007.html
0103 63262 anon. roll (?) ?? commentary on a poetical text (one lemma preserved), mentioning Bebrycia and the land of the Doliones, thus possibly related to the story of the Argonauts (cf. Apollonius Rhodius, 1.947-1077). The author of the poetical text might be Callimachus (cf. ed. princ.). AD 1 - AD 2 P.Köln 08, 332 (M. Gronewald, 1997)
unidentified literary text (washed off), date ? commentary (selected lemmata) small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, approximately bilinear, fairly regular, competently written, with a tendency towards ligatures and cursive elements. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 50
4467 two corrected misspellings, one uncorrected; iota adscript twice where required. ?? papyrus Doliôn [Doliones] (Q); Bebrykia (2); Thraikê [Thrace]. 01 M-P 1952.1 ed. princ. pl. IIIa. Doliôn [Doliones] (Q); Bebrykia (2); Thraikê [Thrace]. Egypt, unknown [Callimachus (?)] along the fibres 10 4.5 x 5.3 OK
copy of ed. pr.
10 incomplete lines broken off on all sides. mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/VIII_332.html
0104 60335 h015 anon. mentioned by VRS, p. 54 n. 2 (with regard to the title). roll 10 (?) glossary and scholia minora to Od. 7.283-347 and 8.29-163, close to D-scholia, with one mythographic information about the Boeotian origin of Tityus (ll. 9-10). AD 1 - AD 2 ZPE 8 (1971), p. 3-12, no. 9 (A. Henrichs)
account, date ? scholia minora small, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, fairly regular, rapidly and competently written, with cursive elements; the lines are kept straight. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 2381 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1456 paragraphos used in conjunction with the title (l. 17) to mark the beginning of the new book; one high stop; one apostrophe; trema (3); several corrections; large blank spaces between lemma and scholion; when of more than one line, the scholia are written in eisthesis; decorative strokes around the title; iota adscript once where required. variable papyrus Tityos (Q + 1). 01 M-P 1209.5 ed. princ. pl. Ib. Tityos (Q + 1); Sophoklês; Odysseus (Q); Argos (Q + R). Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 7, 8]; Aristophanes, Ranae 1400 across the fibres 10 8 x 25.5 Daniel suggest to write to J. Lundon about the recto
Henrichs' reconstruction of ll. 27-29 is impossible if one assumes that scholia of more than one line were written in eisthesis
no digital image on P.Köln website
40 lines from two parallel columns (lemmata + glosses) at full height, broken off by a few letters to the left and by a large portion to the right;
l. 17 gives the indication of the book number (8) in eisthesis.
Homerica, mythology
0105 60821 h003 anon. mentioned by W.H. Willis, Proc. XVIIIth Congr. Athens, 1988, II, p. 33. roll ?? glossary to Od. 1.45-116, with a few elementary mythographic explanations. AD 3 - AD 4 ZPE 8 (1971), p. 1-3, no. 8 (A. Henrichs) [A]+ P.Köln 09, 362 (J. Lundon, 2001) [A + B]
tax account, AD 2 scholia minora medium-sized, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, roughly bilinear, irregular in letter size and spacing, of overall ungainly appearance, rather carelessly written, though by a competent scribe, with cursive elements and occasional ligatures; no decorations. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 906 (on indefinite loan to Duke) (A) + Durham (North Carolina), Duke Univ., Perkins Library, 769v (formerly P.Rob. inv. 32v) (B) 2004/07/14 Marc Huys 1949 double dot before each new lemma; one apostrophe; iota adscript once where required. ?? papyrus Duke769: Phorkys (Q + 1);
Köln 906, fr. b: Ôgygia; Kalypsô (R); Taphioi [Taphians] (R); Echinades (R).
01 M-P 1207.2 (A) ZPE 8 (1971), pl. Ia.; (A+B) P.Köln 09, pl. XII-XIII. Duke769: Phorkys (Q + 1);
Köln 906, fr. b: Ôgygia; Kalypsô (R); Taphioi [Taphians] (R); Echinades (R).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 1] across the fibres 18 7.1 x 18.8 OK
copy ed. pr. (Henrichs)
(A) = two fragments; (B) = numerous fragments (at least 8);
All fragments fit together (cf. Willis + http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/papyrus/records/769v.html); the result is a much damaged sheet with remains of 31 lines from the top of a column with an upper margin of 2 cm;
It seems as if the papyrus had already holes before the scholia were written onto it.
The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto.
Homerica, mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/IX_362.html@@http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/papyrus/records/769v.html@@http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=duke.apis.31618454
0106 65509 anon. O. Kern, Orphicorum fragmenta, 1972, p. 119-125, fr. 49; A. Krüger, Hermes 73 (1938), p. 352-355; M.L. West, The Orphic Poems, Oxford, 1983, p. 24. roll 11.5 - 12 (except col. 6 = 14) paraphrase of a poem on the rape of Persephone:
col. 1, 1-9: on Orpheus and the hymns he composed (with a reference to Musaeus);
col. 1, 9-?: on Demeter;
col. 2: on a variation in the myth concerning Persephone;
col. 3-7: paraphrase of the rape of Persephone and of Demeter's seeking of her daughter.
2 BC - 1 BC BKT 5.1, p. 7-18 (F. Buecheler, 1907)
Alexander and the Gymnosophists + laterculi Alexandrini, 2 BC (CPP 273). paraphrase fair-sized to large, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, somewhat irregular, written quite rapidly by an experienced scribe, mostly separating the letters, but occasionally using binding strokes and cursive elements, with serifs on many letters. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13044 v 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 6759 word-separation by blank spaces (systematically!); paragraphos (several); one line-filler (?) in col. 5, l. 7; iota adscript consistently written (twice intrusive). 28-40 papyrus col. 1:
Orpheus (2R);
col. 1: Orpheus (2R); Oiagros; Kalliopê; Mousai [Muses]; Apollôn; Mousaios; Dêmêtêr (2);
col. 2: Orpheus (2); Zeus (2); Dêmêtêr; Persephonê; Ôkeanos; Leukippê (Q); Phanerê (Q); Êlektrê [Êlektra] (Q); Ianthê (Q); Mêlobosis (Q); Tychê (Q); Ôkyrhoê (Q); Chrysêis (Q); Ianeira (Q); Akastê (Q); Admêtê (Q); Rhodopê (Q); Ploutô (Q, R)); Kalypsô (Q); Styx (Q, R); Ourania (Q); Galaxaurê (Q);
col. 3: Korê (R + 1)
Aidôneus [Haidês]; Zeus; Artemis; Athêna; Dêmêtêr;
Sikelia [Sicily];
col. 4: Kalliopê; Kleisidikê; Damônassa; Dêmêtêr; Mousaios (R); Gaia (Q, R); Zeus (Q); Polydektês (Q);
col. 5: Nysion pedion (Q); Kronos (Q, R); Dêmêtêr; Hekatê;
col. 6: Baubô (2); Dêmêtêr (1 + Q); Dêmophoôn [Dêmophôn] (Q);
col. 7: Dêmêtêr (Q + 1); Persephonê (Q); Keleos; Triptolemos.
07 1774 col. 1: Orpheus (2R); Oiagros; Kalliopê; Mousai [Muses]; Apollôn; Mousaios; Dêmêtêr (2);
col. 2: Orpheus (2); Zeus (2); Dêmêtêr; Persephonê; Ôkeanos; Leukippê (Q); Phanerê (Q); Êlektrê [Êlektra] (Q); Ianthê (Q); Mêlobosis (Q); Tychê (Q); Ôkyrhoê (Q); Chrysêis (Q); Ianeira (Q); Akastê (Q); Admêtê (Q); Rhodopê (Q); Ploutô (Q, R)); Kalypsô (Q); Styx (Q, R); Ourania (Q); Galaxaurê (Q);
col. 3: Korê (R + 1)
Aidôneus [Haidês]; Zeus; Artemis; Athêna; Dêmêtêr;
Sikelia [Sicily];
col. 4: Kalliopê; Kleisidikê; Damônassa; Dêmêtêr; Mousaios (R); Gaia (Q, R); Zeus (Q); Polydektês (Q);
col. 5: Nysion pedion (Q); Kronos (Q, R); Dêmêtêr; Hekatê;
col. 6: Baubô (2); Dêmêtêr (1 + Q); Dêmophoôn [Dêmophôn] (Q);
col. 7: Dêmêtêr (Q + 1); Persephonê (Q); Keleos; Triptolemos.
Egypt, Herakleopolites, Abusir el-Melek Musaeus;
across the fibres 4 21.5 x 17.5 (fr. 1); 40 x 20 (fr. 2); 30.5 x 23.5 (fr. 3) PHOTO (paper): verso (3 plates)
copy ed. pr.
cartonnage; much damaged and washed-off remains from the top of 7 columns, originally with 20 lines to a column;
col. 1: 14 lines broken off by the left half; col. 2: 17 lines; col. 3: 18 lines; col. 4: 17 lines; col. 5: 12 lines; col. 6: 20 lines; col. 7: 20 lines (broken off by the right half); col. 6 and 7 = at full height, with large bottom margin (4 cm).
0107 59142 anon. roll (?) ?? mythological text ? AD 2 BKT 09, 186 (G. Ioannidou, 1996)
prose text, AD 2 (= BKT 9, 187; LDAB 4584) uncertain small, informal, round, leaning forward, generally bilinear, regular, rapidly written by an experienced scribe, separating the letters, with serifs on certain letters. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 21281 r
237 two line-fillers; one line in ekthesis (fr. 1, col. 2, 3) ?? papyrus Pyrrha; Deukaliôn. 02 (fr. 1) M-P 2460.1 ed. princ. pl. 76. Pyrrha; Deukaliôn. Egypt, unknown along the fibres 12 6.8 x 7.1 (fr. 1)
1 x 4.4 (fr. 2)
0.8 x 2.4 (fr. 3)
LDAB gives Apollodorus ? as an author: origin of information? fr. 1: endings of 9 lines in col. 1 and beginning letters of 8 lines in col. 2;
fr. 2: a few letters from 7 lines;
fr. 3: a few letters from 2 lines.
0108 61610 h093 Mythographus Homericus F. Montanari, Proc. XVIIth Congr. Napoli, II, 1984, p. 229-242 (= Studi di filologia omerica antica, vol. 2, Pisa, 1995, p. 113-125); idem, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172; W. Luppe, Eikasmos 7 (1996), p. 207-210; Acusilas fr. 39b Fowler; Hellanicus fr. 26d Fowler. codex 10-11 (?, R) + 1 cm ekthesis mythological stories relating to Homeric lemmata from Iliad 20:
20.147: Laomedon and Hercules (1);
20.307: Aeneas (2);
20.403-404: Heliconium (3).
The first story offers a version different from the D scholia, the second and third are very similar, but more concise.
AD 3 Forschungen und Berichte 10 (1968), p. 118-119, no. 2 (W. Müller)
commentary (selected lemmata) small to medium-sized, informal, round, leaning forward, regular but not bilinear, quite rapidly but carefully written by a practised scribe, linking many letters (but not cursive), without decorations. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13282 2003/11/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2759 one trema; lemma in ekthesis. 38-40 papyrus recto: Laomedôn; Hêraklês;
verso: Hêsionê (R); Priamidai (R); Akousilaos (R); Helikônios (Q + R); Nêleus (R); Kodros; Athênai [Athens]; Helikê (2R); Poseidôn.
01 M-P 1204.1 ed. princ. pl. 22, 2 (recto only). recto: Laomedôn; Hêraklês;
verso: Hêsionê (R); Priamidai (R); Akousilaos (R); Helikônios (Q + R); Nêleus (R); Kodros; Athênai [Athens]; Helikê (2R); Poseidôn.
Egypt, Hermoupolis [Homerus, Ilias 20]
Acusilaus (R);
Hellanicus (?).
16 7 x 5.5 PHOTO (paper): recto + verso
copy ed. pr., VRS, Montanari (Proc), Luppe and Fowler
fragment broken off at top and bottom; recto: right part of 8 lines (20-29 letters missing); verso: left part of 8 lines (20-26 letters missing). Homerica, mythology
0109 61613 d4 = h127 (W) Mythographus Homericus L. Alfonsi, Aegyptus 33 (1953), p. 299-303; R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1956), p. 117-118; F. Montanari, Proc. XVIIth Congr. Napoli, II, 1984, p. 235-236; W. Luppe, APF 31 (1985), p. 5-11; G. Arico, in: Studi Salernitani in mem. di R. Cantarella, 1981, p. 215-230 (esp. 216-217); idem, in: Filologia e forme letterarie, I, 1987, p. 203-205; cf. F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172; Hellanicus fr. 26c Fowler; cf. also TrGF IV, p. 419. codex 10 mythological stories relating to Homeric lemmata from Iliad 19-20:
recto:19.326: Achilles on Scyros (1);
verso:unidentified story;20.53: Callicolone (2);20.147: Zeus and Apollo (3).The first story is similar in content, but different in wording, to scholia B and D; the second occurs in scholia bTAD with minor differences; the third is not clearly identified and could also relate to Laomedon and Hercules (cf. scholia AD on Il. 20.146 and P.Berol.inv. 13282 + parallels in ps.-Apollod., Bibl. 2.5.9 and Diodorus 4.42).
AD 5 P.Schubart 21 (W. Schubart, 1950)
commentary (selected lemmata) tiny, informal, angular, slightly flattened, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, neat and regular, carefully and proficiently written, well separating the letters, without decorations. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13930
2762 lemma in ekthesis. 38-40 parchment recto: Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Achilleus (R + 1); Ilion (R); Pêleus (R); Odysseus (2); Diomêdês (R); Hellas [Greece] (R); Lykomêdês (2); Skyros;
verso: Kallikolônê (Q + 1 + R); Simoeis [Simous] (Q + R); Ilion (2R); Apollôn.
01 1203 Luppe, pl. 1 (recto only) recto: Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Achilleus (R + 1); Ilion (R); Pêleus (R); Odysseus (2); Diomêdês (R); Hellas [Greece] (R); Lykomêdês (2); Skyros;
verso: Kallikolônê (Q + 1 + R); Simoeis [Simous] (Q + R); Ilion (2R); Apollôn.
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 19, 20];
Demetrius Scepsius;
Hellanicus (?).
23 12.3 x 6 OK
PHOTO (paper): recto + verso
much damaged and faded fragment with incomplete lines, 15 on the recto and 14 on the verso. Homerica, mythology
0110 64540 anon. codex 03.3 (?) recto: marginal scholion on Chiron, similar in content to Schol. Apoll. Rhod. 1.554;
verso: unidentified text.
AD 4 - AD 5 Forschungen und Berichte 10 (1968), p. 120-121, no. 5 (W. Müller)
marginal scholia recto: tiny, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, regular, written with care, well separating the letters, without decorations;

verso: by another hand, medium-sized bookhand.
Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 16984
5768 none. 20 ? parchment Philyra; Kronos (?, R); Rhea; Cheirôn. 01
Philyra; Kronos (?, R); Rhea; Cheirôn. Egypt, unknown 22 2.7 x 4.2 PHOTO (paper): recto + verso - reordered enlargment of recto/verso 4.2.2001
recto: scanty remains of 9 lines, broken off on all sides;
verso: endings of three lines (script almost completely faded).
0111 61036 h002 anon. first mentioned (with partial edition) by F. Blass, ZÄS 18 (1880), p. 35-36; U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Hermes 23 (1888), p. 142-147; A. Erman - F. Krebs, Aus den Papyrus der königlichen Museen, Berlin, 1899, p. 232-233; E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, 1913, p. 13-14 (no. 29); A. Calderini, Aegyptus 2 (1921), p. 311-313; for provenance, cf. A. Martin - O. Primavesi, L'Empédocle de Strasbourg, 1999, p. 45 n. 5. sheet 14.5 (at largest) recto: scholia minora to Iliad 1.1-6;
verso: scholia minora to Iliad 1.8-12.
Contains only very elementary mythographical information.
343 AD 5 SB Berlin 1887, p. 818-819 (U. Wilcken)
opistograph scholia minora large, informal, round, mostly upright and generally bilinear, but somewhat irregular, written by a fairly practised school hand of the "rapid" type, sometimes becoming rather crude, mostly separating the letters, with hooks on certain letters. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 5014
2173 large blank spaces between lemmata and scholia; a few misspellings. variable papyrus recto: Pêlêiadês (Q); Pêleus;
verso: Lêtô (Q); Zeus (Q); Apollôn (S); Atreidês (Q); Atreus.
01 1158 Cribiore pl. LIV-LV recto: Pêlêiadês (Q); Pêleus;
verso: Lêtô (Q); Zeus (Q); Apollôn (S); Atreidês (Q); Atreus.
Egypt, Fayum [Homerus, Ilias 1] 23 17.5 x 24 include other mythological names ? - number of columns ? -
what is the official abbreviation of the Sitzungsberichte ? West writes SPAW
rather a paraphrase than scholia minora ? (see also Bastianini in Prometheus 6 (1980), p. 84 n. 5).
on both sides, the text is written in two parallel columns (lemmata + scholia) and is broken off at the bottom;
recto: 24 lines; verso: 22 lines.
Homerica, school text, mythology
0112 59374 w033 anon. R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus I, p. 19 (ad fr. 7) = Callimachus II, pap. 17; G. Massimilla, Callimaco, pap. 13 (= p. 79-80, ad fr. 9); Clidemus FGrHist 323 F 13; L. Pearson, The Local Historians of Attica, Philadelphia, 1942, p. 60 + 65. roll 09 - 09.5 scholia on selected lemmata from Callimachus' Aetia, I, fr. 7 (9), 23-29, related to the story of the Argonauts, citing Homer (Il. 13.685), Cleidemus (323 F 13 Jacoby) and Pindar (fr. 349 Snell-Maehler). The story can be related to Conon 29 and Apoll. Rhod. 4.1711-1730. Similar to the Homeric D-scholia about the genealogy of Ion. AD 2 SB Berlin 1912, p. 544-547 (U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, carefully written (though by no means "calligraphic" as described by Pfeiffer), mostly separating the letters, with occasional decorations in form of serifs. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 11521 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 473 double dot or high stop before each new lemma and each citation; blank spaces; iota adscript once (where required). 30-35 papyrus Kytaioi (Q); Kyta; Mêdeia; Thettalia [Thessaly]; Hellas [Greece] (1 + Q); Kolchoi [Colchians]; Aia; Kolchis; Hêlios (Q); Phasis (Q); Hellênes [Greeks] (2); Iônes [Ionians] (2 + 2Q); Athênaioi [Athenians] (2 + R); Athênai [Athens] (Q); Iôn; Xouthos; Aiolos; Hellen. 01 0200 (+ suppl.) Kytaioi (Q); Kyta; Mêdeia; Thettalia [Thessaly]; Hellas [Greece] (1 + Q); Kolchoi [Colchians]; Aia; Kolchis; Hêlios (Q); Phasis (Q); Hellênes [Greeks] (2); Iônes [Ionians] (2 + 2Q); Athênaioi [Athenians] (2 + R); Homêros (2); Persai; Syroi (R); Karchêdonioi (R); Kleidêmos; Atthis; Pindaros; Athênai [Athens] (Q); Iôn; Xouthos; Aiolos; Hellen. Egypt, unknown [Callimachus, Aetia 1];
along the fibres 12 9 x 19.5 PHOTO (paper): recto
OKPHOTO (paper): recto
copy of Pfeiffer 'Callimachus I'
much damaged and washed-off remains of 25 lines from a column at full height. mythology
0113 65870 h141 (W) anon. roll 08 (R) commentary on the final part of Iliad 10 (with selected lemmata), mainly related to the killing of Rhesus. The text shows similarities with P.Mich.inv. 1315 and the Homeric scholia. AD 2 APF 44 (1998), p. 215-218, no. 4 (W. Luppe - G. Poethke)
document, AD 2 commentary (selected lemmata) small, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, written by a proficient scribe, well separating the letters, with occasional links, some letters decorated with small serifs; the lines are closely spaced. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 17151
7134 iota adscript capriciously written. 25 (R) papyrus Menelaos (2); Euphorbos (R); Patroklos (R); Atreus (R, Q); Dolôn; Rhêsos; Hektôr (1 + R; Zeus (Q, R); Trôes [Trojans] (2Q); Diomêdês (R, Q). 01 M-P 1190.11 ed. princ. pl. XXIV. Menelaos (2); Euphorbos (R); Patroklos (R); Atreus (R, Q); Dolôn; Rhêsos; Hektôr (1 + R); Zeus (Q, R); Trôes [Trojans] (2Q); Diomêdês (R, Q). Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 10] along the fibres 12 4.4 x 10.5 OK
copy ed. pr.
washed-off remains of 25 lines, broken off on both sides, probably from the top of a column. Homerica, mythology
0114 65869 h128 (W) anon. uncertain 11.5 - 12 beginning of a hypothesis to Iliad 1, quoting the first verse and interrupted in l. 4. Different in wording from P.Achm. 2 and P.Bon. 1, 6. 1 BC APF 44 (1998), p. 214-215, no. 3 (W. Luppe - G. Poethke)
blank hypothesis medium-sized to small, informal, round, upright, only broadly bilinear and somewhat irregular, written with a thick pen by a fairly fluent though still unsteady hand which could be that of an advanced student, of the "rapid" type, mostly separating the letters, but linking some, without decorations. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 17598
7133 one misspelling; possibly iota adscript. 26-33 papyrus Pêlêiadês (Q); Achilleus (Q); Chrysês; Apollôn. 01 M-P 1157.2 ed. princ. pl. XXIII, 2. Pêlêiadês (Q); Achilleus (Q); Chrysês; Apollôn. Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 1] across the fibres 6 7 x 5.4 OK four almost complete lines, written in the middle of the fragment; the fourth line stops after only one word. Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0115 63741 h140 (W) anon. first described by U. Wilcken, TAGP, no. II; mentioned by VRS p. 141 n. 49. roll 11.5 - 12 series of Homeric epithets of gods with explanations, apparently listed by order of appearance in the Iliad; several Homeric quotations. Some similarities with scholia and Hesychius. AD 2 - AD 3 APF 44 (1998), p. 209-213, no. 1 (W. Luppe - G. Poethke)
blank commentary ? catalogue ? medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, regular, proficiently written, mostly separating the letters, decorated with hooks and serifs on certain letters and writing some large alphas going well below the line. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 1970
4952 lemmata written in ekthesis; two rough breathings (by later hand?); one apostrophe; vertical stroke on the right of col. 1, 12-13; two corrections; word-division frequently marked by blank space. 32-33 papyrus col. 1: Smintheus; Apollôn; Krêtes [Cretans]; Zeus (3 + R); Hêphaistos (2); Rhea (R); Kronos; Amaltheia;
col. 2: Poseidôn (2); Hêra (2); Argos; Athêna; Tritônis; Tritogeneia; Tritôn (2).
02 2470 Wilcken, pl. II; ed. princ. pl. XXII. col. 1: Smintheus; Apollôn; Krêtes [Cretans]; Zeus (3 + R); Hêphaistos (2); Rhea (R); Kronos; Amaltheia;
col. 2: Poseidôn (2); Hêra (2); Argos; Athêna; Tritônis; Tritogeneia; Tritôn (2).
Egypt, Fayum [Homerus, Ilias];
along the fibres 14 21 x 14 which epithets include in mythol. names? from the bottom of two columns;
col. 1: remains of 18 lines, broken off by 1/3 to the left;
col. 2: remains of 21 lines, much damaged at the top, almost at full width at the bottom, though much washed-off.
Homerica, mythology
0116 59217 anon. first described by F. Blass, ZÄS 18 (1880), p. 35; mentioned in BKT 5.1, p. 54; J. Martin, Histoire du texte des Phénomènes d'Aratos, Paris, 1956, p. 216-218; idem, Scholia in Aratum vetera, Stuttgart, 1974, p. 560-562; reedited by M. Maehler, APF 27 (1980), p. 19-32; D. Kidd, Aratus, Phaenomena, Cambridge, 1997, p. 51-52. codex ?? marginal scholia (with reference marks) accompanying scraps of Aratus' Phaenomena, mostly of mythographic contents:
p. 1, 1-4: on the Gemini (the Dioscuri);
p. 1, 5: on Hercules and the Nemean Lion;
p. 1, 6-8: on Cancer;
p. 1, 12-13: on Helikê;
p. 2, 1-2: on Taurus and Europa;
p. 2, 3-4: on the Hyades;
p. 3, 1-3: on Arctus;
p. 3, 4-11: on Cassiepia;
p. 4, 1-2: on Hippus;
p. 11, 1-7: on Sirius and possibly on Argo;
p. 12, 1-3: on Sirius.
Generally different from the scholia of the manuscript tradition, but with some similarities; various other minor parallels (cf. Maehler).
AD 3 - AD 4 Commentariorum in Aratum reliquiae, Berlin, 1898, p. LXIX-LXX + 556-558 (E. Maass)
marginal scholia main text: medium-sized, informal, round, upright, bilinear;

scholia: small, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, somewhat irregular, written quite rapidly by a proficient hand different from that of the main text, closely spaced, though usually separating the letters, with some cursive elements.
Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 5865
312 trema (several); apostrophes; double dot and horizontal stroke in front of each new lemma, combined with paragraphos at beginning of line; a few abbreviations; various signs in front of scholia (referring to the main text); iota adscript where required. ?? papyrus fr. A1 verso: Didymoi; Polydeukês (R); Karkinos; Hêra; Helikê;
fr. A1 recto: Eurôpê;
fr. B 1 verso: Arktos (2); Kassiepeia;
fr. B1 recto: Hippos; Medousa.
01 0119 ed. princ. pl. I (fr. A verso + fr. B recto); Maehler, pl. 2 (fr. A recto only). fr. A1 verso: Didymoi; Polydeukês (R); Karkinos; Hêra; Helikê;
fr. A1 recto: Eurôpê;
fr. B 1 verso: Arktos (2); Kassiepeia;
fr. B1 recto: Hippos; Medousa.
Egypt, unknown [Aratus, Phaenomena] 18 13.8 x 13.7 (fr. A)
13 x 12 (fr. B)
the plates in ed. princ. are of such poor quality that they cannot be read and were left out of the anastatic reprint of 1958
PHOTO (paper): recto + verso
copy edition of Maehler
margins of two double sheets of a codex, folded together, giving the following page order:
p. 1 = fr. A1 v: left part of 16 lines (scholia);
p. 2 = fr. A1 r: right part of 4 lines (scholia) + a few letters from the end of 2 lines (main text);
p. 3 = fr. B1 v: left part of 11 lines (scholia) + two letters from 1 line (main text);
p. 4 = fr. B1 r: right part of 2 lines (scholia) + a few letters from the end of 2 lines (main text);
p. 9 = fr. B2 r: scanty remains of the left part of 6 lines (scholia);
p. 10 = fr. B2 v: a few letters from the end of 7 lines (scholia) + washed-off endings of a few lines (main text);
p. 11 = fr. A2 r: left part of 12 lines (scholia);
p. 12 = fr. A2 v: endings of 6 lines (scholia).
0117 63968 anon. W. Luppe, APF 47 (2001), p. 20-25. roll (?) 10 (R) narration related to the story of the nymph Cyane, as known from Ovid, Met. 5.409 ff (and others). AD 3 P.Turner 11 (W. Müller, 1981)
document, AD 2 narrative medium-sized, relatively formal, mixed-round, leaning forward, generally bilinear, neat, regular, written with care, well separating the letters, with serifs on certain letters. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 11056
5183 none. 25 papyrus Nêreides (?); Kyanê. 01 M-P 2449.1 APF 47 (2001), pl. I. Nêreides (?); Kyanê. Egypt, unknown across the fibres 16 11.5 x 12 PHOTO (paper): recto + verso
copy of ed. pr. and article of Luppe
15 lines from the top of a column, broken off to the left. mythology
0118 59144 h001 anon. M.F. Galiano, PP 8 (1953), p. 65-70; idem, Emerita 28 (1960), p. 95-98; R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1956), p. 118-119. roll 18 - 20 (R) beneath a document, discussion on the days of the Odyssey (with title). A similar sort of text was found on an inscription (cf. reference in Merkelbach). AD 2 - AD 3 P.Schubart 3 (W. Schubart, 1950)
Apollod. Peri theôn, (APF 14 [1941], p. 24-29; LDAB 0240 = CPP 0119) learned discussion (same hand as verso) medium-sized, informal, round, semi-cursive, leaning forward, fairly regular, rapidly written by a proficient scribe, keeping the lines straight, with many ligatures. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 9571r
239 many abbreviations; iota adscript consistently written; occasional blank spaces. 45-50 (R) papyrus Ithakêsioi [Ithacans] (R); Mousa (Q); Êôs (Q, R + R); Nestôr (R); Têlemachos (3); Pherai [Pherae]; Spartê [Sparta] (R); Menelaos (R); Ithakê [Ithaca] (3); Tithônos (Q); Phaiakes [Phaeaceans]; Odysseus (1 + R); Athêna; Lakedaimôn; Peisistratos (2); Hermês (Q, R). 01 1225 = M-P 1215.1 Ithakêsioi [Ithacans] (R); Mousa (Q); Êôs (Q, R + R); Nestôr (R); Têlemachos (3); Peisistratos (2); Pherai [Pherae]; Spartê [Sparta] (R); Menelaos (R); Ithakê [Ithaca] (3); Tithônos (Q); Phaiakes [Phaeaceans];
Odysseus (1 + R); Athêna; Lakedaimôn; Hermês (Q, R).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea] along the fibres 14 13.5 x 22.5 PHOTO (paper): recto + verso
author: according to LDAB, Merkelbach identified it as Apollod. Peri theôn in P.Coll.Youtie 1, p. 3
small fragments of the papyrus seem to have gone missing since ed. princ.
make only one entry with verso (both Apollodorus) ??
copy of ed. pr.
below a document (10 lines in col. 1, 7 lines in col. 2), which seems to be some kind of account, are written 24 much damaged lines from a column at full height, broken off to the left and partly to the right; large bottom margin (5 cm). Homerica, mythology
0119 59145 w036 Apollodorus (?) D. Del Corno, Proc. XIIIth Congr. Marburg, 1974, p. 99-110 [cf. abstract in BASP 8 (1971), p. 60-61]; F. Longoni, Acme 29 (1976), p. 305-308; L. Koenen - R. Merkelbach, P.Coll.Youtie 1, p. 3 [cf. B. Kramer, P.Köln 3, p. 23]. roll 15 - 16 (R) extract from Apollodorus' Peri theôn (?), dealing with the epithets of Dionysos and with the dithyramb, quoting Homer, Euripides, Pindar and possibly Simonides. AD 3 APF 14 (1941), p. 24-29 (W. Schubart)
document + discussion on the days of the Odyssey, AD 2-3 (P.Schubart 3; LDAB 0239 = CPP 0118) mythography + theology (same hand as recto) medium-sized, informal, round, semi-cursive, leaning forward, fairly regular, rapidly written by a proficient scribe, keeping the lines straight, with many ligatures. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 9571v 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 240 many abbreviations; one accent; paragraphos; two quotations of 6 and 4 lines written in ekthesis; iota adscript consistently written; occasional blank spaces. 42-48 (R) papyrus col. 1: Agyieus; Dionysos (3); Adeimantos; Athênaioi [Athenians] (?); Indoi [Indians]; Ôriôn;
col. 2: Chios; Oinôpiôn; Dionysos (2); Naiades (Q, R); Enyalios (Q); Pallas (Q, R).
02 1381 col. 1:
Euripidês (R); Agyieus; Dionysos (3); Homêros; Adeimantos; Simônidês (?, R); Athênaioi [Athenians] (?); Pindaros (R); Indoi [Indians]; Ôriôn;
col. 2: Chios; Oinôpiôn; Dionysos (2); Naiades (Q, R); Enyalios (Q); Pallas (Q, R); Simônidês (?, R).
Egypt, unknown Homerus;
Simonides (?).
across the fibres 16 13.5 x 22.5 PHOTO (paper): recto + verso
seen in ed. princ. as a possible commentary on Pindar (and still so in M-P3), but cf. P.Coll. Youtie 1, p. 3.
make only one entry with recto (both Apollodorus) ??
copy ed. pr., Del Corno and Longoni
col. 1: 32 lines of a column at full height, broken off to the left by a substantial part;
col. 2: 34 lines (full height), broken off to the right by a substantial part.
0120 63355 anon. roll (?) 06.5 (R) prose text on the legend of Orpheus. AD 2 A. Gercke - E. Norden, Einleitung in die Altertumswissenschaft, I, 9, Leipzig, 1927, p. 42-43 (E. Maass)
unidentified literary text, AD 2 (?) commentary ? narrative ? small to tiny, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, but somewhat irregular, rapidly written by a proficient scribe, generally separating the letters, but using some ligatures and many cursive elements. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13426
4562 two apostrophes; long horizontal stroke after ]αι in last line: line-filler? kind of paragraphos? 27-30 papyrus Apollôn; Zeus; Orpheus (3); Aphroditê. 01 2465 Apollôn; Zeus; Orpheus (3); Aphroditê. Egypt, Hermoupolis across the fibres 12 6 x 12.5 PHOTO (paper): recto + verso 21 lines, broken off to the left (1/4), from a column at full height. mythology
0121 66732 anon. codex 16 - 17 (R) series of questions and answers about Homeric matters:
fr. A recto, l. 1-8: unidentified section, possiby about the fight of the Aetolians and Curetes over Calydon;
fr. A recto, l. 9-25 + verso, l. 1-13: Greek leaders with their genealogy;
fr. A verso, l. 14-26: Trojan leaders with their genealogy;
fr. B side 1: various topics; l. 1-2: on the 12 sons of Neleus (?); l. 3-4: on Philomeleides; l. 5-7: on Penelope's brothers; l. 8-19: unidentified (on Aesyetes?);
fr. B side 2: various topics; l. 1: on Scylla (?); l. 2: on Alastor (?); l. 3: on Penelope's suitors; l. 4: on Calchas; l. 5: on Hecabe's children; l. 6-7: on Aeolus's children; l. 8-10: three different questions on Protesilaus; l. 11-15: four unidentified questions; l. 16: on the fight of Perithous against the Centaurs (?); l. 17: on Niobe; l. 18: on Achilleus; l. 19: on the "macella".
AD 3 - AD 4 APF 45 (1999), p. 151-165 (W. Luppe - G. Poethke)
catalogue + catechism small to medium-sized, informal, round, leaning forward, generally bilinear (though many letters small), regular, carefully and proficiently written with a thin pen, separating all letters, with some uprights reaching well below the line. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 16706
7981 sections separated by paragraphos and numbered in the left margin; large forked paragraphos (with triple diplê at its end) to separate the two major sections; occasional accents; trema (several); a few abbreviations; consistent use of iota adscript. 50 papyrus fr. A recto:
Aitôloi [Aetolians] (?, S); Kourêtes [Curetes] (?, S); Kalydôn (?, S); Hellênes [Greeks]; Boiôtoi [Boeotians] (R); Pêneleôs; Lêitos; Arkesilaos; Prothoênôr; Klonios (R); Phôkeis [Phocians] (R); Schedios; Epistrophos; Iphitos; Naubolidês; Lokroi [Locrians] (R); Aias (2R); Oileus (R); Abantes (R); Elephênôr (R); Athênaioi [Athenians] (R); Attikê [Attica] (R); Menestheus; Peteôs; Streltheus; Salamis (R); Telamôn (R); Hêphaistos; Argos (R); Diomêdês (R); Sthenelos (R); Euryalos (R); Mykênai [Mycenae] (R); Agamemnôn (R + 1); Atreus (R); Menelaos (R + 1); Lakedaimôn (R); Pylos (R); Nestôr (R); Arkades [Arcadians] (R); Agapênôr (R); Ankaios (R); Bouprasion (R); Amphimachos (R); Thalpios (R); Diôrês; Polyxeinos;

fr. A verso:
Phylakê (R);
Iphiklos (R);
Phylakidês (R);
Pherai [Pherae] (R);
Admêtos (R);
Mêthônê (R);
Philoktêtês (R);
Lêmnos (R);
Medôn (R);
Oileus (R);
Trikkaioi [of Tricca];
Ithômaioi [of Ithome];
Machaôn (R);
Sounieis [of Sunium];
Euaimôn (R);
Argeisa [Argissa];
Leonteus (R);
Ainiaines [Aenianes];
Perrhaiboi [Perrhaebi];
Magnêtes; Prothoos; Tenthrêdôn; Hektôr; Dardanioi [Dardani]; Aineias [Aeneas] (R); Archelochos (R); Akamas (2R); Zeleia (R); Ida (R); Pandaros (R); Lykaôn (R); Adrêsteia (R); Adrêstos [Adrastos] (R); Amphios (R); Merops (R); Perkôtê (R); Asios (R); Hyrtakos (R); Pelasgoi [Pelasgians] (R); Hippothoos (R); Pylaios (R); Lêthos (R); Pelasgos (R); Teutamidês; Thraikes [Thracians]; Hellêspontioi (R); Peiroos (R);

fr. B side 1: Philomêleidês (R); Pênelopê (R); Eurymachos; Aisy(i)êtês;

fr. B side 2: Skylla; Alastôr; Sikeloi [Sicels]; Kalchas; Hekabê; Aiolos; Prôtesilaos; Phylax; Odysseus; Peirithoos (?); Kentauroi [Centaurs] (R, ?); Niobê; Achilleus.
01 M-P 1207.1 ed. princ. pl. XVII-XX fr. A recto:
Aitôloi [Aetolians] (?, S); Kourêtes [Curetes] (?, S); Kalydôn (?, S); Hellênes [Greeks]; Boiôtoi [Boeotians] (R); Pêneleôs; Lêitos; Arkesilaos; Prothoênôr; Klonios (R); Phôkeis [Phocians] (R); Schedios; Epistrophos; Iphitos; Naubolidês; Lokroi [Locrians] (R); Aias (2R); Oileus (R); Abantes (R); Elephênôr (R); Athênaioi [Athenians] (R); Attikê [Attica] (R); Menestheus; Peteôs; Streltheus; Salamis (R); Telamôn (R);
Hêphaistos; Argos (R); Diomêdês (R); Sthenelos (R); Euryalos (R); Mykênai [Mycenae] (R); Agamemnôn (R + 1); Atreus (R); Menelaos (R + 1); Lakedaimôn (R); Pylos (R); Nestôr (R); Arkades [Arcadians] (R);
Agapênôr (R); Ankaios (R); Bouprasion (R);
Amphimachos (R); Thalpios (R); Diôrês;

fr. A verso:
Phylakê (R); Prôtesilaos;
Podarkês; Iphiklos (R);
Phylakidês (R); Pherai [Pherae] (R); Eumêlos; Admêtos (R); Mêthônê (R); Philoktêtês (R); Lêmnos (R); Medôn (R); Oileus (R); Trikkaioi [of Tricca]; Ithômaioi [of Ithome]; Podaleirios;
Machaôn (R); Sounieis [of Sunium]; Titanos; Eurypylos; Euaimôn (R); Argeisa [Argissa]; Polypoitês; Leonteus (R);
Ainiaines [Aenianes];
Perrhaiboi [Perrhaebi];
Gouneus; Magnêtes;
Prothoos; Tenthrêdôn;
Hektôr; Dardanioi [Dardani]; Aineias [Aeneas] (R); Archelochos (R); Akamas (2R); Zeleia (R); Ida (R);
Pandaros (R); Lykaôn (R); Adrêsteia (R);
Adrêstos [Adrastos] (R);
Amphios (R); Merops (R); Perkôtê (R); Asios (R); Hyrtakos (R); Pelasgoi [Pelasgians] (R);
Hippothoos (R); Pylaios (R); Lêthos (R); Pelasgos (R); Teutamidês; Thraikes [Thracians]; Hellêspontioi (R); Peiroos (R);

fr. B side 1:
Philomêleidês (R); Pênelopê (R); Eurymachos; Aisy(i)êtês;

fr. B side 2:
Skylla; Alastôr; Sikeloi [Sicels]; Kalchas; Hekabê;
Aiolos; Homêros; Prôtesilaos; Phylax; Odysseus; Peirithoos (?);
Kentauroi [Centaurs] (R, ?); Niobê; Achilleus.
Egypt, Hermoupolis Homerus 18 14.8 x 19 (fr. A)
12.4 x 13.7 (fr. B)
OK fr. A = much damaged remains from the bottom of a page, recto: 25 incomplete lines (mostly endings), verso: 26 incomplete lines (mostly beginnings), with numbers in the left margin;
fr. B = much damaged remains from the bottom of a page, of which is unclear which side is recto and verso; both sides have 19 incomplete lines (mostly endings on one, mostly beginnings with numbers in the left margin on the other).
Homerica, mythology
0122 63960 anon. identified by E. Lobel, Bodleian Quarterly Record 4 no. 44 (1924), p. 172; cf. TrGF II F 734d; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 4, Aristophanes 1 (F. Montana, 2006 - re-edition). roll 07 - 07.5 (R) narration related to the story of Philoctetes. AD 3 P.Oxy 06, 865 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1908)
blank narrative (?) small, fairly formal, mixed round, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, regular, carefully and proficiently written with a fairly thick pen, separating all letters, with occasional decorations in form of serifs and roundels. Newton (Mass.), Andover Newton Theological School, Franklin Trask Library (s. inv.)
5175 small paragraphos after l. 2.; slightly larger space in l. 5 to mark punctuation. 23 (R) papyrus Medai [Medes]; Oileus (R); Philoktêtês; Hellênes [Greeks]. 01 2455 Medai [Medes];
Oileus (R); Philoktêtês;
Hellênes [Greeks].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 16 6.3 x 8 OK
PHOTO (digital image)OK
PHOTO (digital image)
beginnings of 8 lines from the bottom of a column. mythology
0123 97904 anon. P. Collart, PLL 44 (= Rev. de philol. 3e sér., 15 (1941), p. 117; E.A. Lowe, CLA XI, 1647; R. Marichal, ChLA V, 304 (with transcript, p. 60); Corpus papyrorum Latinarum (CPL) 315 (Robert Cavenaile, 1958). roll (?) ?? Latin prose text on the labours of Hercules. AD 2 - AD 3 P.Tebt. 02, 686a vo (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1907) [description]
writing exercise and accounts, AD 2-3 narrative (?) large cursive, written with care, most letters with hooks and decorations;
"capitals with some cursive forms" (ed. princ.); "semi-onciale" (Collart); "expert calligraphic cursive" (Lowe); "écriture de chancellerie très solennelle" (Marichal).
Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library, UC 3010
4145 none. ?? papyrus Hercules [Hêraklês]; Eurystheus. 01 2998 Lowe, 1647 (part); Marichal, p. 60-61. Hercules [Hêraklês]; Eurystheus. Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis along the fibres 14 33.3 x 33.8 check size (33.3 x 35.2 according to ChLA, 33 x 33.5 according to CLA)
date: AD 3-4 according to on-line description = ???
copy ed. pr.
remains of 16 lines, broken off to the right and badly damaged at places; at the very top, 1 line from an unidentified text (in a different hand). school text (?), mythology
0124 64391 anon. E.J. Goodspeed, Mél. Nicole, p. 182-183 (no. 8); E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, 1913, p. 7 (no. 15). codex 08 "short story about Achilles and his vulnerable feet" (Cribiore). 392 AD 4 P.Brookl. 31 (J.C. Shelton, 1992)
list of first inventors ? narrative (?) very large (letters 0.8 - 1 cm high), informal, mixed round, upright, strictly bilinear, irregular in letter size and spacing, written slowly, though obviously with care by an unpractised schoolhand of the "alphabetic" type. New York, Brooklyn Museum, T. 37.1913E
5613 one misspelling (uncorrected). 06-08 wooden tablet Achilleus; Thetis. 01 1886 (part) ed. princ. pl. XXIII. Achilleus; Thetis. Egypt, Abusir 20 11 x 18 OK
copy ed. pr.
final "page" of a codex of 3 wooden tablets, with 10 complete lines, damaged at places. school text, mythology
0125 60227 h110 anon. M. van Rossum-Steenbeek, Proc. XXIst Congr. Berlin II, 1997, p. 991-995. uncertain 10 (R) prose summary of some events of Iliad 1 (with quotation of Il. 1.36), possibly part of an anthology (cf. similar text in P.Mich.inv. 4832c). It might also be a story or commentary on Apollo (cf. Van Rossum-Steenbeek). AD 1 BASP 22 (1985), p. 273-277 (T. Renner) [= P.Bryn Mawr 2]
blank summary ? hypothesis ? anthology ? medium to fair-sized, informal, round, mostly upright, generally bilinear, but rather irregular in size and spacing, written without much care by a fairly experienced hand, mostly separating the letters, decorated with many roundels and serifs. Bryn Mawr (Pennsylvania), Mariam Coffin Canaday Library, 8
1346 iota adscript twice where required. 28 papyrus Chrysês (S); Hellênes [Greeks] (S); Kalchas; Agamemnôn (?); Lesbos;
Tenedos (?); Apollôn (Q);
Lêtô (Q); Achilleus (S).
01 M-P 1161.2 ed. princ., p. 277. Chrysês (S); Hellênes [Greeks] (S); Kalchas; Agamemnôn (?); Lesbos;
Tenedos (?); Apollôn (Q);
Lêtô (Q); Achilleus (S).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 1] along the fibres 9 3.2 x 5.6
1.0 x 0.7 (scrap)
copy ed. pr.
beginnings of 9 lines from a column broken at top and bottom + one further scrap with 2-3 letters from 2 lines. Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0126 64713 anon. uncertain ?? marginal scholia (?) mentioning Argos, Troy and Helen. AD 5 P.Duke inv. 665 (unpublished)
blank uncertain (marginal scholia ?) medium to fair-sized, informal, angular, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, though rather irregular in size, written by a competent hand, separating all letters, without decorations. Durham (North Carolina), Duke Univ., Perkins Libr., 665
5947 long horizontal throughout l. 6 (to separate sections?). ?? papyrus Argos; Hellas [Greece] (?); Troia [Troy]; Helenê. 01 M-P 2860.1 Argos; Hellas [Greece] (?); Troia [Troy]; Helenê. Egypt, unknown along the fibres 23 7.3 x 11.1 date according to LDAB (where does this information come from?)
at least 6 incomplete and much damaged lines, underneath a line of unidentified signs ("wavy horizontal line", cf. description of plate). Homerica (?), mythology http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/papyrus/records/665.html
0127 63435 anon. W.H. Willis, BASP 5 (1968), p. 74 (description); cf. A. Henrichs, in: Interpretations of Greek Mythology, 1987, p. 253-254 + n. 58. roll (?) 08 col. 1: unidentified remains of a few lines;
col. 2: two lists of mythical heroes (with indication of parentage or of provenance) of which the first starts already in the first column:
A. l. 1-16: participants in the Calydonian boar-hunt; many names are not attested in other similar lists (cf. VRS);
B. l. 17-24: famous heroes (with heading).
AD 2 Greek Readers' Digests?, 1998, p. 315-316, no. 62 (M. Van Rossum-Steenbeek)
blank catalogue medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear and fairly regular, fluently written, with occasional cursive elements, undecorated; the script of col. 1 is much smaller and seems to be by a different hand. The text is labelled as "school text" in the on-line description, but the overall rapid, practised and regular hand does not particularly support this idea. Durham (North Carolina), Duke Univ., Perkins Libr., 752 (formerly P.Rob. inv. 10)
4643 none. 17-18 papyrus Eurymnos; Hippokoôn;
Kastôr; Polydeukês; Tyndareôs; Laertês;
Arkisios [Arkeisios];
Amarynkeus; Lynkeus; Idas; Aphareus; Êioneus;
Aineias [Aeneas];
Pelasgoi [Pelasgians];
Lynkêstês; Oinops;
Akarnanes [Acarnanians];
Ankaios; Aitôlos [Aetolian]; Automêdês;
Thessalos [Thessalian];
Iphiklos; Argeios [Argian]; Nestôr; Chalkôdôn; Chor[??;
Krêtheus (?); Amythaôn;
Alkandros; Hêraklês (2);
Zeus; Thêseus; Aigeus;
Perseus; Danaê; Meleagros; Oineus.
Eurymnos; Hippokoôn;
Kastôr; Polydeukês; Tyndareôs; Laertês;
Arkisios [Arkeisios];
Amarynkeus; Lynkeus; Idas; Aphareus; Êioneus;
Aineias [Aeneas];
Pelasgoi [Pelasgians];
Lynkêstês; Oinops;
Akarnanes [Acarnanians];
Ankaios; Aitôlos [Aetolian]; Automêdês;
Thessalos [Thessalian];
Iphiklos; Argeios [Argian]; Nestôr; Chalkôdôn; Chor[??;
Krêtheus (?); Amythaôn;
Alkandros; Hêraklês (2);
Zeus; Thêseus; Aigeus;
Perseus; Danaê; Meleagros; Oineus.
Egypt, unknown across the fibres 12 14.4 x 17.3 OK col. 1: (unidentified) endings of 6 lines from the top of the column + a few traces of further lines;
col. 2: 24 lines from the top of the column, visible almost at full width, but much damaged in the middle and at the bottom; title in eisthesis in l. 17.
school text (?), mythology http://scriptorium.lib.duke.edu/papyrus/records/752.html 62
0128 63936 anon. roll (?) 08 list of games (in numerical order), with indication of place, name of the founder and of the person in whose honour the games were established; the following games are listed: the Isthmian, Olympian, Nemean, those held for Patroclus, and the Pythian games.
The list offers striking similarities to fr. 637 (Rose) attributed to Aristotle's Peplus; other comparable catalogues are P.Oxy. 62, 4306 (ll. 70-131); Helladius (apud Photius, Bibl. VIII, p. 181, 29-34 Henri); Clemens Alex., Protr. 2, 34; Plinius, Nat. 7, 205; Hyginus, Fab. 273.
AD 2 - AD 3 P.Yale 02, 108 (S.A. Stephens, 1985)
account, date ? catalogue small to tiny, informal, round, upright, of the "severe" style, markedly bilinear, regular, written without particular care by a proficient scribe, separating all letters, without decorations; the script seems too practised to be assigned to a school hand, although the content may suggest a school context (cf. ed. princ.). New Haven (Conn.), Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, P. CtYBR 1626
5151 one grammatical error; two misspellings (one marked with expunging dot and corrected supra lineam by same hand); iota adscript where required. 26 papyrus Isthmos (R); Melikertês; Athamas; Inô; Kadmos; Thêseus; Sinis; Polypêmôn; Olympia (R); Hêraklês; Pelops; Tantalos; Nemea; Archemoros; Hypsipylê; Thêbai [Thebes]; Troia [Troy]; Achilleus; Patroklos; Menoitios; Delphoi [Delphi]. 01 M-P 1209.2 Isthmos (R); Melikertês;
Athamas; Inô; Kadmos; Thêseus; Sinis; Polypêmôn; Olympia (R); Hêraklês; Pelops; Tantalos; Nemea; Archemoros; Hypsipylê; Thêbai [Thebes]; Troia [Troy]; Achilleus; Patroklos; Menoitios; Delphoi [Delphi].
Egypt, unknown across the fibres 14 8.2 x 9 how to refer to the minimal description in the on-line catalogue?
copy ed. pr.
16 lines from the top of a column, broken of by a few letters to the right. school text (?), mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apisquery?function=lookup&key=yale.apis.0016264100 67
0129 63165 anon. L.S. Baldascino, Aegyptus 70 (1990), p. 205-210; cf. A. Henrichs, in: Interpretations of Greek Mythology, 1987, p. 250-251; Bonnechère, P., Notes Trophoniaques, I: Triptolème, Rhadamanthe, Musée, Eumolpos etTrophonios (P. Corn. 55), ZPE 158 (2006), p. 83 87 . roll 06 - 06.5 list of mythical men connected with the cult of gods (mostly Eleusinian), with indication of their parentage; possible end-title or heading in l. 14-15 (cf. Baldascino).
The three variants of Triptolemos's genealogy, known from various other sources, are also recorded (with a fourth one) by Pausanias, 1.14.2-3; the third one, giving Uranus and Gê as parents, confirms a variant reading in ps.-Apollod., Bibl. 1.32 (cf. Henrichs p. 250 + n. 30-31 and Baldascino p. 208).
AD 1 P.Corn. 55 (W.L.Westermann - C.J.Kraemer, 1926)
account, AD 1 catalogue medium to fair-sized, informal, round, upright, not aiming at bilinearity and somewhat irregular, rapidly written by a proficient but not particularly careful scribe, mostly separating the letters, but linking some and occasionally using cursive forms, with hooks at the bottom of some uprights. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Corn. I, 29
4370 lines with a new entry stand slightly in ekthesis. irregular (max. 18) papyrus Triptolemos; Keleos; Dysaulês; Baurous [Baubô?]; Gê; Ouranos; Rhadamanthys; Zeus; Eurôpê; Mousaios; Antiophêmos (?); Eumolpos; Trophônios; Apollôn. 02 2646 Baldascino, p. 208. Triptolemos; Keleos;
Dysaulês; Baurous [Baubô?]; Gê; Ouranos;
Rhadamanthys; Zeus;
Eurôpê; Mousaios;
Antiophêmos (?); Eumolpos; Trophônios;
Egypt, unknown across the fibres 9 11.5 x 14 OK
PHOTO (paper): recto
copy ed. pr. and article of Baldascino
col. 1: 15 lines, visible at full width except at top (l. 1-4) and bottom (l. 14-15);
col. 2: beginning letters from at least 13 lines.
school text (?), mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1210 73
0130 60592 anon. cf. P. Mertens, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 397-409 (no. 48); M. Huys, T. Schmidt., 'The Toronto Ostracon with a Hypothesis of Iliad 20 (2725 Pack ): Re-edition Enlarged with a New Fragment', APF, 42 (2002), p. 213-221. sheet ?? hypothesis to Iliad 20 with a catalogue of deities, more extensive than the manuscript tradition, with some resemblances in wording to ps.-Dositheus' summary of Il. 20. 274 AD 2 JHS 28 (1908), p. 129, XII-XIII + JHS 43 (1923), p. 42-43 (J.G. Milne)
blank hypothesis large to very large, informal, mixed-round (almost "epigraphic"), upright, strictly bilinear, fluctuating in letter size, but regular within the lines, neat, undecorated, written by a moderately fluent scribe, though capable of keeping the lines straight, well separating the letters; the last four lines are written with a much thinner pen (after initial DE). According to Cribiore, this was a student's hand of the "evolving" type, but its neatness and regularity rather seem to point to a teacher's hand, as is also suggested by the use of lectional and diacritical signs and the corrections. Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, 906.8-968 (fr. XII), 906.8-823 (fr. XIII), 906.8-756 (Milne new 1923), 906.8-823.2 (new fr. 2000)
1716 high stops; trema (several); possible use of inversed diplê; several misspellings; some corrections (by same hand). 25 ostracon Zeus; Olympos; Trôes [Trojans]; Arês; Apollôn (R); Artemis (R); Lêtô; Aphroditê; Xanthos (R); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Poseidôn; Hêra; Athêna [Athana]; Hêphaistos (R); Hermês; Achilleus; Aineias [Aeneas]. 01 2725 (but see drawing in JHS 43 (1923), p. 42) Zeus; Olympos; Trôes [Trojans]; Arês; Apollôn (R); Artemis (R); Lêtô; Aphroditê; Xanthos (R); Achaioi [Achaeans]; Poseidôn; Hêra; Athêna [Athana]; Hêphaistos (R); Hermês; Achilleus; Aineias [Aeneas]. Upper Egypt, Thebes ? [Homerus, Ilias 20] 12 11.5 x 7 (XII)
6.5 x 9 (XIII)
7.5 x 4.5 (third fr.)
8 x 4 (new fr.)
PHOTO (digital image)
4 fragments fitting together, with remains of 17 lines broken off to the right throughout and to the left in l. 1-6; the upper part of the original ostracon is still wanting, while the bottom may have been the original one. Homerica, school text, mythology
0131 64230 anon. E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, 1913, p. 18 (no. 40); cf. TrGF II F 734d; cf. P. Mertens, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 397-409 (no. 70). sheet ?? "composition on the events after Achilles' death, when Philoctetes was brought to Troy" (Cribiore). 351 AD 3 JHS 28 (1908), p. 128, X (J.G. Milne)
blank narrative medium to fair-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, but somewhat irregular, written with a thin pen, separating the letters, without decorations. Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, 906.8-972
5449 oblique stroke above line used as punctuation mark (only one actually visible in the present state of conservation); one correction (by same hand). 22-28 (uneven) ostracon Achilleus; Kalchas; Achaioi [Achaeans] (R); Philoktêtês (2); Lêmnos; Hêraklês; Odysseus; Diomêdês; Machaôn; Asklêpios. 01 2723 Achilleus; Kalchas; Achaioi [Achaeans] (R);
Philoktêtês (2); Lêmnos;
Hêraklês; Odysseus; Diomêdês; Machaôn;
Upper Egypt, Thebes ? 16 13 x 10 OK
PHOTO (digital image)
copy ed. pr.
12 incomplete lines, almost totally washed-off in the present state; the ostracon is broken at bottom and left side. school text, mythology
0132 61077 h126 anon. codex 11.5 - 12 scholia minora to Iliad 3 to 5, with minor mythographic information:
fol. 5 r, l. 20: on Diomedes;
fol. 6 v, l. 18-19: on Enyo;
fol. 7 v, l. 21-22: on Aphrodite and Dione;
fol. 8 r, l. 23-24: on Otus and Ephialtes;
fol. 8 v, l. 7: on Heracles;
fol. 9 r, l. 15: on Aegiale;
fol. 9 r, l. 17-18: on Adrastine;
Close to manuscript tradition and various lexicographic works.
AD 5 - AD 6 Literary and non-literary papyri from the University of Michigan, Diss. Mich. 1988, p. 31-98, no. 11 (G.W. Schwendner)
scholia minora fair-sized, relatively formal, mixed round, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, regular, written with a thick pen, occasionally decorated with serifs. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 2720 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2214 trema (several); double dots occasionally used to separate lemma from gloss; second lines of glosses slightly in eisthesis; a few uncorrected misspellings; final nu occasionally written as a supralinear stroke at end of line; itacism; iota adscript consistently written. variable papyrus fol. 5 recto: Diomêdês (S); Tydeidês (Q, R)

fol. 6 verso: Enyô (Q);

fol. 7 verso: Diônê (Q); Aphroditê;

fol. 8 recto: Ôtos (Q); Ephialtês (Q); Alôeus;

fol. 8 verso: Amphitryôn (Q);

fol. 9 recto: Aigialeia (Q); Diomêdês; Adrastinê (Q); Adrastos.
01 M-P 1174.1 fol. 1 recto:
Phrygiê [Phrygia] (Q);

fol. 2 verso:
Diôrês (Q);

fol. 4 recto:
Trôios (Q) + Trôs;

fol. 4 verso:
Trôs (Q + 1);

fol. 5 recto: Diomêdês (S); Tydeidês (Q, R) Tydeus;

fol. 5 verso:
Arês (Q, R);

fol. 6 verso:
Enyô (Q);

fol. 7 verso:
Diônê (Q); Aphroditê

fol. 8 recto: Aphroditê (?); Ouraniônes; Ôtos (Q); Ephialtês (Q); Alôeus;

fol. 8 verso: Êeriboia [Eriboia] (Q, R); Amphitryôn (Q); Hêraklês; Aidês (Q, R) + Haidês; Paiêôn (Q);

fol. 9 recto:
Aigialeia (Q); Diomêdês;
Adrastinê (Q); Adrastos;

fol. 9 verso:
Zeus (R); Athênê [Athêna] (Q + R);

fol. 10 recto:
Pergamos (Q).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 3, 4, 5] 24 34 x 26 (R) OK - no plate ordered 12 incomplete folios, in part consecutive, with 24-28 lines to a page;
lemmata and glosses in two parallel columns.
Homerica, mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1613
0133 61219 h088 (+ h004 by mistake) anon. M. van Rossum-Steenbeek, Proc. XXIst Congr. Berlin, 1997, p. 991-995. roll 06 - 06.5 prose summary with quotations, devoted to Iliad 18-19. 345 2 BC - 1 BC HSCP 83 (1979), p. 331-337, no. 3 (T. Renner)
blank summary ? anthology ? medium-sized, informal, round, upright, strictly bilinear, but somewhat irregular in letter size, spacing and alignment, written by a fairly practised school hand of the "rapid" type, separating all letters, with serifs and roundels on many letters; a thicker pen was used in col. 2. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 4832c
2359 blank spaces occasionally used to mark a break in sense; one line-filler; two minor misspellings (one corrected by same hand); consistent use of iota adscript. 18-20 papyrus col. 1:
Dôris (Q, R); Panopê (Q);
Galateia (Q, R); Nêmertês (Q); Apseudês (Q, R);
Kallianassa (Q); Klymenê (Q, R); Ianeira (Q); Ianassa (Q, R); Maira (Q, R); Ôreithyia (Q); Amathyia [Amatheia] (Q); Nêrêides; Achilleus;

col. 2:
Patroklos (Q, R + 1);
Achilleus; Achaioi [Achaeans]; Agamemnôn;
Brisêis (2).
03 M-P 1201.1 ed. princ., fig. 3. col. 1:
Dôris (Q, R); Panopê (Q);
Galateia (Q, R); Nêmertês (Q); Apseudês (Q, R);
Kallianassa (Q); Klymenê (Q, R); Ianeira (Q); Ianassa (Q, R); Maira (Q, R); Ôreithyia (Q); Amathyia [Amatheia] (Q); Nêrêides; Achilleus;

col. 2:
Patroklos (Q, R + 1);
Achilleus; Achaioi [Achaeans]; Agamemnôn;
Brisêis (2).
Egypt, Fayum, Karanis [Homerus, Ilias 18, 19] along the fibres 4 12 x 8.6 OK
mention Renner's dissertation as ed. princ. ?
col. 1: remains of 14 lines from the bottom of the column, broken off to the left;
col. 2: 17 lines from the bottom of the column, visible at full width, except at the very top;
col. 3 (not mentioned in ed. princ.): small trace of one line (cf. on-line description).
Homerica, school text, mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.2329
0134 60341 h004 anon. roll 09 - 10 (uneven) scholia minora to Iliad 1.1-9, with minor mythographical information:
col. 1, l. 3-4: on Achilles;
col. 2, l. 9-10: on Agamemnon;
col. 2, l. 16: on Apollon.
Similarities with manuscript scholia and lexicographical works; overlapping with P.Berol. inv. 5014, P.Achm. 2, P.Oslo 2, 12 and P.Oxy. 44, 3207.
325 AD 1 - AD 2 HSCP 83 (1979), p. 313-321, no. 1 (T. Renner)
grammatical text, AD 1-2 (= HSCP 83 (1979), p. 313, description; LDAB 4477) scholia minora small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, written by a rather experienced school hand of the "rapid" type, with many cursive elements; no decorations. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 1588 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1462 second lines of glosses slightly in eisthesis; minor misspellings (uncorrected); one correction (by different hand). variable papyrus col. 1: Pêlêiadês (Q); Pêleus; Achilleus;

col. 2: Atreidês (Q)
Atreus; Agamemnôn; Lêtô (Q); Zeus (Q); Apollôn.
02 M-P 1158.1 ed. princ. pl. I. col. 1: Mousa (Q); Pêlêiadês (Q); Pêleus; Achilleus; Achaioi (Q); Hellênes; *Ais (Q) + Haidês;

col. 2:
Zeus (2Q + 1); Atreidês (Q); Atreus; Agamemnôn; Lêtô (Q); Apollôn.
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 1] along the fibres 10 17.7 x 15 OK - add Renner's dissertation as ed. princ. ?
provenance: unknown, but for the verso of that same item Cribiore (= no. 359) indicates Karanis.
col. 1: 18 lines of a complete column with title in eisthesis at the very top;
col. 2: 17 lines broken off to the right;
lemmata and glosses in two parallel columns.
Homerica, school text, mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1481
0135 63273 anon. (Polybius?) first described by T. Renner, Proc. XVIIth Congr. Napoli, II, 1984, p. 373; W. Luppe, ZPE 139 (2002), p. 47-53; M.F. Frances, BASP 39 (2002), pp.139-147. roll ?? extracts from a work of geography, concerned with the Aeolian Islands and Sicily, apart from one reference to Campanian Cumae. The text is related to the travels of Odysseus (Luppe). The nature of the text is comparable to P.Oxy. 39, 2888 (= CPP 0085). Frances tentatively attributes the fragment to Polybius. AD 1 - AD 2 P.Mich. 18, 760 (T. Renner, 1996)
blank learned discussion, mythological geography small, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear and regular, of handsome appearance, alterning thick and narrow strokes, written with care by a proficient scribe, separating all letters, with serifs and roundels on many letters. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 1591 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4479 punctuation marked by several instances of high stop, paragraphos and blank space; sporadic use of supralinear strokes above letters denoting numerals. ?? papyrus col. 1:
Aiolou nêsoi (S); Strongylê (R); Laistrygones; Kirkê (R);

col. 2: Skylla; Charybdis (R); Pelôron (R); Kainys (R); Hêlios; Sikelia [Sicily]; Aiolos (2); Kymê; Einarima (?); Ôkeanos (?); Echetla (?); Kyklôpes; Laistrygones (R).
02 M-P 2274.5 ed. princ. pl. I. col. 1: Aiolou nêsoi (S); Strongylê (R); Laistrygones; Kirkê (R);

col. 2: Skylla; Charybdis (R); Pelôron (R); Kainys (R); Hêlios; Sikelia [Sicily]; Aiolos (2); Kymê; Einarima (?); Ôkeanos (?); Echetla (?); Kyklôpes; Laistrygones (R).
Egypt, unknown along the fibres 10 8.5 x 11.2 copy of article Luppe two fragments immediately joining, with remains of two columns broken off at top and bottom; col. 1 has the endings of 17 lines, col. 2 the beginnings of 26 lines. Homerica (?), mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1483
0136 63559 anon. W. Luppe, APF 43 (1997), p. 233-237; cf. P. van Minnen, JJP 28 (1998), p. 135. roll ?? reflections on the relations between myth and nature, mentioning various mythological figures. AD 2 P.Mich. 18, 762 A (M. Gronewald, 1996)
list of body parts, AD 3 (CPP 247) mythography, learned discussion (philosophical work ?) small, informal, round, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, neat and competent, written with care, separating the letters, with serifs and roundels on many letters; the lines are relatively closely spaced. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, inv. 6312 (recto)
4768 trema; paragraphos. ?? papyrus Artemis; Pandaros; Athêna (R); Ploutôn; Korê; Persephonê (R); Naïdes. 02 M-P 2446.1 ed. princ. pl. II. Artemis; Pandaros; Athêna (R); Homêros; Ploutôn; Korê; Persephonê (R); Naïdes. Egypt, Fayum, Karanis along the fibres 12 7.5 x 7.5 (main fr.)
1.5 x 1 (fr. a)
small, informal, round, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, neat and competent, written with care, separating the letters, with serifs and roundels on many letters; the lines are relatively closely spaced. the main fragment consists of two joining fragments; col. 1 has some letters from the ends of a few lines; col. 2, broken off at top and bottom, shows a fair portion from the beginnings of 18 lines; there is another small fragment (fr. a) with a few letters from 2 lines; N.B.: on a photograph taken at the excavation site at Karanis and now kept at Ann Arbor, there is another fragment of this papyrus (8 x 5.5 cm), now lost, from the bottom of a column with remain of 2 lines broken off on both sides. mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.2806
0137 60694 h063 anon. J.J. O'Hara, ZPE 59 (1985), p. 35. roll 09 hypotheseis to Il. 7 and 8, remarkable for quoting the first and the last line of each book and for focusing exclusively on deeds of humans (not gods).
The hyp. of Il. 7 is different from the one in P.Oxy. 44, 3159, but similar in wording to hyp. I of the manuscript tradition; the one of Il. 8 is totally different from the manuscript tradition.
AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 56 (1984), p. 1-9 (J.J. O'Hara)
accounts, AD 2-3 hypothesis small, informal, round, leaning forward, generally bilinear and regular, rapidly written, with many cursive elements and ligatures. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 920a+b and 921
1819 iota adscript written only after ω; one correction. 30 papyrus 920a+b:
Hellênes [Greeks]; Achaioi [Achaeans] (4); Nestôr (R + 2); Agamemnôn; Diomêdês; Idomeneus; Krêtes [Cretans]; Thoas (R); Eurypylos; Odysseus; Aias (R + 1); Telamôn; Lêmnos; Êôs (Q);

921: Teukros (R); Trôes [Trojans]; Hektôr (2 + R); Aiantes; Êôs (Q).
01 M-P 1185.2 ed. princ. pl. I a+b. 920a+b:
Hellênes [Greeks]; Achaioi [Achaeans] (4); Nestôr (R + 2); Agamemnôn; Diomêdês; Idomeneus; Krêtes [Cretans]; Thoas (R); Eurypylos; Odysseus; Aias (R + 1); Telamôn; Lêmnos; Êôs (Q);

Teukros (R); Trôes [Trojans]; Hektôr (2 + R); Aiantes; Êôs (Q).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 7, 8] across the fibres 14 5.3 x 12.7 (920a)
9 x 10.8 (920b)
7.5 x 11.7 (921)
PHOTO (paper): verso of 920 b (right, though wrongly labelled 921v), but recto of 920 a (wrong) and no plate of 921. Written to Michigan.
copy ed. pr. and article O'Hara
920a+b: the two fragments join at lines 12-14; together they have remains of 26 lines from the top of a column; the left half of l. 1-11 is broken off, then the lines are visible at full width (though with damaged parts in the centre); in l. 21, book number (8) in eisthesis;
921: 13 lines from the bottom of a column, broken off by a few words on the right.
Homerica, mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.3159@@http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.3160 34
0138 60516 h072 anon. mentioned by J.G. Winter, Life and Letters in the Papyri, Ann Arbor, 1933, p. 195. roll 15 - 15.5 hypotheseis to Iliad 10-17, mentioning the book number and the first line of each book; the right margin of col. 2 bears the indication:
"Iliados apo A heôs R", showing the extent of the work.

Hyp. 13-14 are different from the manuscript tradition, hyp. 15-17 have some similarities in wording, hyp. 10-12 are too fragmentary for a proper comparison.
AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 12 (1973), p. 23-30, no. 11 (A. Henrichs)
land-register, AD 2 hypothesis medium to fair-sized, informal, mixed-round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, though not particularly careful, written quite quickly by an experienced hand which may hardly be regarded as a school hand (Winter) or as "grob" (ed. princ.); it is a fairly styled, proficient hand, mostly separating the letters, but also using cursive elements and ligatures, written with a fine pen, with many letters decorated with hooks and serifs. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 1315
1639 trema (several); many misspellings (some corrected). 30-39 papyrus col. 1:
Panachaioi (Q); Diomêdês; Dolôn; Thraikes [Thracians]; Rhêsos; Êôs (Q); Tithônos (Q); Agamemnôn (2); Achilleus; Menoitios (Q);
Sarpêdôn; Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Trôes [Trojans] (2R, Q); Zeus (Q, R)); Hektôr (Q); Aiantes;

col. 2:
Poseidôn (2); Zeus (3);
Nestôr (Q); Ida; Hêra (2);
Aphroditê; Hektôr (2);
Aias (2); Patroklos (5);
Achilleus (2); Hellênes [Greeks]; Prôtesilaos; Myrmidones [Myrmidons]; Sarpêdôn;
Apollôn; Euphorbos (2);
Atreus (Q); Menelaos (Q + 1); Antilochos.
02 1190 ed. princ. IIa. col. 1:
Panachaioi (Q); Diomêdês; Dolôn; Thraikes [Thracians]; Rhêsos; Êôs (Q); Tithônos (Q); Agamemnôn (2); Achilleus; Menoitios (Q); Sarpêdôn; Hellênes [Greeks] (R); Trôes [Trojans] (2R, Q); Zeus (Q, R)); Hektôr (Q); Aiantes;

col. 2
Poseidôn (2); Zeus (3);
Nestôr (Q); Ida; Hêra (2);
Aphroditê; Hektôr (2);
Aias (2); Patroklos (5);
Achilleus (2); Hellênes [Greeks]; Prôtesilaos; Myrmidones [Myrmidons]; Sarpêdôn;
Apollôn; Euphorbos (2);
Atreus (Q); Menelaos (Q + 1); Antilochos.
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] across the fibres 14 29.5 x 28.5 OK
copy ed. pr.
col. 1: at full height, with remains of 28 lines (l. 1-10: right half; l. 11-28: endings only);
col. 2: at full height and full width, 30 complete but worm-eaten lines;
large right margin (4 cm).
Homerica, school text (?), mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1383 36
0139 59869 anon. identified by M.A. Harder, ZPE 35 (1979), p. 7-14; W. Luppe, ZPE 27 (1977), p. 97-98; idem, Philologus 122 (1978), p. 6-13; idem, ZPE 89 (1991), p. 18; idem, Eos 75 (1987), 251-6; J.S. Rusten, ZPE 40 (1980), p. 39-42; M.A. Harder, in: Fragmenta Dramatica, 1991, p. 117-135; W. Luppe, 'Ein neuer Herstellungsversuch in der Hypothesis zu einem Temeniden-Drama des Euripides'ZPE 149 (2004), p. 10-14; TrGF 5.2 69 iv (p. 722-723) (R. Kannicht, 2004; transcription). sheet (?) 06.5 - 09 (col. 1); 05.5 - 06.5 (col. 2); 09 (verso) hypothesis to Euripides' Temenidae, written twice by two different hands (on recto in two col., on verso in one col.) as part of a school exercise; remarkable overlap with P.Oxy. 27, 2455, fr. 107. 301 AD 3 - AD 4 Pap.Lugd.Bat. 17, 18 (E.G. Turner, 1968)
opistograph hypothesis hand 1 (recto): fair-sized to large, informal, mixed-round, leaning forward, contrasting broad and narrow letters, generally bilinear, rather irregular in size and spacing, but fluently written with a thick pen by a school hand of the "evolving" type, mostly separating the letters, occasionally adding small hooks and serifs;
hand 2 (verso): fair-sized, informal, mixed-round, upright, markedly bilinear, but rather irregular and obviously inexperienced, slowly written with a thin pen by a school hand of the "alphabetic" type, separating all letters, without decorations;
hand 3 (verso): fair-sized, informal, mixed-round, upright, in broader letters than hand 2, written with a thick pen by an "alphabetic" hand, separating the letters, without decorations.
Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 1319 2003/03/09 Marc Huys 976 several misspellings and errors. 14-20 (col. 1)
09-15 (col. 2)
28 (verso)
papyrus Hêraklês; Peloponnêsioi [Peloponnesians]; Orestês; Tisamenos (R); Têmenos; Hêrakleidai (2); Archelaos; Têmenidai. 02 (recto) M-P 2649.1 ed. princ., pl. XII-XIII; Luppe, 1977, pl. III; Luppe, 1978, p. 8-9 Hêraklês; Peloponnêsioi [Peloponnesians]; Orestês; Tisamenos (R);
Têmenos; Hêrakleidai (2);
Archelaos; Têmenidai.
Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Temenidae] 18 16 x 10.4 OK
copy ed. pr. and article Rusten
recto: two columns at full width, broken off at the bottom, with 13 somewhat damaged lines in col. 1 and 12 complete lines in col. 2; verso: one column visible at full width, but much damaged in the right part and broken off at the bottom; in the very large left margin (7 cm), the word " " is written twice, once (near the middle) in the same hand as the main text, once (at the top) in a different hand (=hand 3). school text, mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1387 13
0140 59844 anon. W. Luppe, ZPE 102 (1994), p. 23-39; W. Luppe, APF 43 (1997), p. 96-97; F. Jouan - H. Van Looy, Euripide. Tome VIII: Fragments 2, Paris, 2000, p. 235-238; W. Luppe, ZPE 143 (2003), p. 23-26; G.O. Hutchinson , 'Euripides Other Hippolytus', ZPE 149 (2004), p. 15-28.; M. Magnani, 'P.Mich. inv. 6222A e P.Oxy. LXVIII 4640 c. II: alcune osservazioni sull argumentum (?) del primo «Ippolito» euripideo', Eikasmos 15 ( 2004), p. 227-240; W. Luppe, 'Die Hypothesis zum ersten Hippolytos: ein Versuch der Zusammenführung des P. Mich. inv. 6222a und des P. Oxy. LVIII 4640' in: G. Bastianini e A. Casanova (edd.), Euripide e i Papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di Studi Firenze (10-11 guigno 2004), Firenze, 2005, pp. 87-96; W. Luppe, ZPE 151 (2005), p. 11-14. roll 06.5 - 07 (R) hypothesis to Euripides' Hippolytus I, partly overlapping with P.Oxy. 68, 4640 = CPP 225). AD 2 - AD 3 Literary and non-literary papyri from the University of Michigan, Diss. Mich. 1988, p. 24-29, no. 9 (G.W. Schwendner)
blank hypothesis small to tiny, informal, mixed-round ("severe" style), leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, regular, neatly and proficiently written, generally separating the letters, without decorations. Ann Arbor, Michigan University,P.Mich. inv. 6222A 2004/06/29 Marc Huys 949 several corrections. 29-30 papyrus fr. 1: Thettalia [Thessaly];

fr. 2: Troizên [Troezen]; Thêseus; Hippolytos;

fr. 3: Hippolytos; Phaidra.
01 M-P M-P 0454.11 Luppe (1994), pl. Ia. fr. 1: Thettalia [Thessaly];

fr. 2: Troizên [Troezen]; Thêseus; Hippolytos;

fr. 3: Hippolytos; Phaidra.
Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Hippolytus I] along the fibres 14 3.5 x 8 (fr. 1)
3.7 x 4.2 (fr. 2)
1.6 x 6.8 (fr. 3)
copy article of Luppe (Firenze 2005) and ZPE 2005 several fragments apparently belonging to a single column (cf. Luppe);
fr. 3 Schw. = fr. 1 VRS = fr. A Luppe: endings of 11 lines;
fr. 2 Schw. = fr. 2 VRS = fr. C Luppe: remains of 15 fragmentary lines;
fr. 1 Schw. = fr. 3 VRS = fr. B Luppe: few remains of 11 lines;
According to Luppe, these fragments are to be placed below one another in the order A-B-C, but this is questioned by VRS.Luppe edits three further fragments (Ba = 3a VRS, Bb = 3b VRS, D = 4 VRS), all tiny and with only a few letters.
mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.2766 07
0141 60105 anon. H. Lloyd-Jones, ZPE 35 (1979), p. 6; M.L. West - R. Merkelbach, Hesiodi fragmenta selecta, 1990, p. 232, fr. 217A; J. Lightfoot, Parthenius of Nicaea, 1999, p. 227 n. 55. roll 12 - 13 list of five metamorphoses of mythical persons whose names begin with alpha, probably as part of a mythological dictionary.
Comparable lists: Antoninus Liberalis (esp. 11 and 24); list of seven metamorphoses by anonymous author (cf. Westermann, 1843, p. 347, A. Cameron, A Greek source of Ovid's Metamorphoses?, Des Géants à Dionysos. Mélanges de mythologie et de poésie grecques offerts à Francis Vian, edd. D. Accorinti et P. Chuvin., Alessandria 2003, p.41-59); Ps.-Clem., Recogn. 10.26.3 and Hom. 5.17.1-4.
AD 2 - AD 3 HSCP 82 (1978), p. 277-293 (T. Renner)
register, AD 2-3 catalogue small, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, but somewhat irregular, written without particular care by a competent scribe, mostly separating the letters, with some cursive elements; no decorations. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 1447 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1219 one low stop; blank space of one line and large forked paragraphos used to separate entries; trema (several); one breathing; several misspellings and errors, some corrected; iota adscript consistently written. 36 papyrus col. 2:
Aktaiôn; Aristaios; Autonoê; Semelê; Artemis; Arethousa; Hyperos; Poseidôn; Euripos; Chalkis; Hêra (3); Aithyiai; Haliakmôn; Haliartos; Inô; Alkyonê; Aiolos; Kêyx; Phôsphoros; Zeus (2); Askalaphos; Acherôn; Gorgyra; Dêmêtêr; Korê; Ploutôn.
02 M-P 0516.2 ed. princ., p. 278-279. col. 2:
Aktaiôn; Aristaios; Autonoê; Semelê; Artemis; Hêsiodos (3); Arethousa; Hyperos; Poseidôn; Euripos; Chalkis; Hêra (3); Aithyiai; Haliakmôn; Haliartos; Inô; Aischylos; Alkyonê; Aiolos; Kêyx; Phôsphoros; Zeus (2); Askalaphos; Acherôn; Gorgyra; Dêmêtêr; Korê; Ploutôn.
Egypt, unknown Hesiodus;
across the fibres 14 17 x 18 should the edition in Renner's dissertation (1974) be mentioned as ed. princ.?
PHOTO (paper): recto (error!!!) - reordered verso 24.1.2002
copy ed. pr.
several joining fragments;
col. 1: endings of 22 lines from the bottom of the col.;
col. 2: 21 lines, almost at full width, but much damaged to the right, from the bottom of the col.
mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.2937 70
0142 63848 anon. J. Kramer, Glossaria Bilinguia(1983) 12; J. Kramer, I glossari tardo-antichi di tradizione papiracea, in: LES MANUSCRITS dES LEXIQUES ET GLOSSAIRES DE L'ANTIQUITÉ TARDIVE, A lA FIN DU MOVEN AGE (Actes du Colloque intemational organisé par le "Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture" (Erice, 23-30 septembre 1994), édités par J. Hamesse, Louvain-la-Neuve 1996, p. 51. uncertain 12 - 13 list of gods, with their Latin equivalent (in Greek characters). AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 27 (1977), p. 193-200 (N.E. Priest) = SB 14, 12157 (1981-1983).
unidentified text, AD 2-3 glossary, list of gods medium-sized to large, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, somewhat irregular, written in broad letters by a fairly practised hand, usually well separating the letters, with hooks and serifs on many letters and some cursive forms. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 2458
5062 some misspellings; occasionally intrusive iota; two corrections. variable papyrus Hêrôes katoikidioi (R);
Lares familiares; Daimôn (R); Genius; Hêmitheoi (R); Indigetes; Sarapis (R); Serapis; Charôn (R); Orcus; Thanatos (R); Mors; Enypnion (R); Somnium; Paniskos (R + 1); Hygieia (R); Salus; Gê Mêtêr (R); Terra Mater; Hêra; Juno [Junon]; Hêra Basilissa; Juno[n] Regina; Eileithyia; Juno[n] Lucina; Artemis; Diana; Lêtô; Latona; Aphroditê; Venus; Nemesis; Ultrix; Dêmêtêr; Ceres; Phersephonê; [Persephonê]; Proserpina; Hestia; Vestia; Tychê; Fortuna; Semelê; Libera; Isis; Mêtêr Megalê; Mater Magna.
Hêrôes katoikidioi (R); Lares familiares; Daimôn (R); Genius; Hêmitheoi (R); Indigetes; Sarapis (R); Serapis; Charôn (R); Orcus; Thanatos (R); Mors; Enypnion (R); Somnium; Paniskos (R + 1); Hygieia (R); Salus; Gê Mêtêr (R); Terra Mater; Hêra; Juno [Junon]; Hêra Basilissa; Juno[n] Regina; Eileithyia; Juno[n] Lucina; Artemis; Diana; Lêtô; Latona; Aphroditê; Venus; Nemesis; Ultrix; Dêmêtêr; Ceres; Phersephonê; [Persephonê]; Proserpina; Hestia; Vestia; Tychê; Fortuna; Semelê; Libera; Isis; Mêtêr Megalê; Mater Magna. Egypt, unknown along the fibres 14 15.3 x 23.4 OK
PHOTO (paper): recto only (twice) instead of recto + verso as ordered
copy ed. pr. (Priest) and Kramer (Glossaria Bilinguia)
28 lines in two parallel columns, of which the left one is missing in l. 1-14; no name can actually be read in l. 1-3.;palimpsest (traces of former text visible at the bottom). school text (?), mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1596
0143 64283 anon. H.C. Youtie, HTR 37 (1944), p. 209-218) = Scriptiunculae, I, 1973, p. 467-477; V. Tcherikover, Scripta Hierosolymitana 1 (1954), p. 85, 88-93; CPJ III, no. 496 + p. 47, 50-52; K. Latte, Festschrift Zucker, 1955, p. 248-250; cf. P. Mertens, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 397-409 (no. 85). sheet ?? list of deities (1 Oriental and 4 Greek). 110 AD 3 - AD 4 O.Mich. 01, 657 (L. Amundsen, 1935)
blank list of gods very large, informal, mixed-round, epigraphic, upright, strictly bilinear, but fluctuating in size from line to line, written by a capable hand, perhaps a teacher's, well separating the letters, keeping the lines straight, without decorations. Cairo, Egyptian Museum (now lost?), olim Ann Arbor, Michigan University, O.Mich. inv. 9010
5503 one erasure. ?? ostracon Sambathis; Artemis; Korê [Koura]; Dionysos; Dêmêtêr [Dêmô]. 01 2686 Cribiore pl. XI. Sambathis; Artemis; Korê [Koura]; Dionysos; Dêmêtêr [Dêmô]. Egypt, Fayum, Karanis 18 11.7 x 12.6 OK
inventory: according to LDAB "Cairo lost, olim Michigan".
copy of 'Scriptiunculae' and article of Latte
5 (complete?) lines, each with only one name; the ostracon is broken off to the right. school text, mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.459
0144 60463 h091 anon. A. Trachsel - P. Schubert, MH 56 (1999), p. 222-237; W. Luppe, MH 57 (2000), p. 237-239. roll 08.5 - 09 description of the topography of Troy, related to Il. 20, 144:
col. 1, 1-12: Hercules' Wall;
col. 1, 12-22: the Callicolone;
col. 2: about the race of Hector and Achilles around Troy.
Possible sources for the description are Hellanicus, Demetrius of Scepsis and Polemon Periegetes (cf. Trachsel-Schubert).
AD 2 RPh 17 (1893), p. 109-115 (J. Nicole)
business letter, AD 3 commentary small, informal, round, upright, slightly flattened, generally bilinear, neat and regular, of handsome appearance, proficiently written, mostly separating the letters, with hooks and serifs on many letters; the script in col. 2 is slightly larger and the line-spacing more ample, so that it cannot be excluded that it was written by a second hand (cf. Trachsel-Schubert). Genève, Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire, P.Nic. inv. 72
1586 one trema; horizontal stroke above final letter of l. 8 (col. 1); irregular use of iota adscript. 18-22 papyrus col. 1:
Poseidôn (R); Athêna (R + 1); Trôes [Trojans] (R);
Hêraklês (R); Kallikolônê;

col. 2:
Hektôr; Achilleus.
02 1204 Trachsel-Schubert, pl. 1. col. 1:
Poseidôn (R); Athêna (R + 1); Trôes [Trojans] (R);
Hêraklês (R); Kallikolônê;

col. 2: Hektôr; Achilleus.
Egypt, Fayum, Philadelpheia [Homerus, Ilias 20] along the fibres 12 16.5 x 19.5 date of back? - size and column width according to plate (reduced). 3 joining fragments, with remains from the top of two columns: col. 1 = 22 lines, visible almost at full width, but damaged in the middle; col. 2 = beginnings of 18 lines (only a few letters in l. 1-7). Homerica, mythology
0145 61612 Mythographus Homericus (?) R. Pfeiffer, Philologus 92 (1937), p. 16 n. 25 [= Ausgewählte Schriften, 1960, p. 39-40 n. 25]; cf. F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172. roll 06 - 06.5 fr. 1: uncertain; connected with the story of Tityus in Od. 11, 576 ff. (Pfeiffer);
fr. 2: on the story of Otus and Ephialtes (Od. 11, 318); close to the version in Apollod. 1, 7, 4.
These fragments could be part of the historiae of the Mythographus Homericus, as suggested by Pfeiffer, but also of any kind of mythographical text.
AD 3 MPER N.S. 01, 17 (H. Gerstinger, 1932)
blank commentary (?) small to medium-sized, relatively formal, angular, upright, strictly bilinear and regular, written with great care in the style of the Biblical majuscule, well separating the letters, without decorations. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung P.Vindob. G. 29784
2761 none. 18 papyrus fr. 1: Tityos (S, ?);

fr. 2: Zeus (R, ?); Artemis; Ôtos; Epialtês [Ephialtês].
02 2447 fr. 1: Tityos (S, ?);

fr. 2: Zeus (R, ?); Artemis; Ôtos; Epialtês [Ephialtês].
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 11] along the fibres 16 5.5 x 9.5 (fr. 1)
7.5 x 11.5 (fr. 2)
PHOTO (paper)
copy ed. pr.
fr. 1: remains from the bottom of 2 columns; endings of 5 lines in col. 1 and beginnings of 5 lines in col. 2;
fr. 2: 10 almost complete lines from the bottom of a column.
Large lower margin in fr. 2 (5 cm).
Homerica, mythology
0146 62559 anon. B. Snell - H. Maehler, Pindari carmina cum fragmentis, I, 1980, pap. 38; G. Calvani Mariotti - G. Derenzini, SCO 26 (1977), p. 181; K. McNamee, Proc. XXth Congr. Copenhagen, 1994, p. 177-184; cf. H. Maehler, in: La philologie grecque à l'époque hellénistique et romaine, 1994, p. 95-141 (esp. p. 114-115, 120); K. McNamee, Annotations in Greek and Latin texts from Egypt, 2007, p. 306-308 no. 1356. codex marginal scholia to Pindar, Pyth. 1.46-66. AD 3 (?) MPER N.S. 01, 23 (H. Oellacher, 1932)
marginal scholia tiny to small, informal, round, slightly flattened, upright, generally bilinear, regular, carefully and proficiently written, separating the letters except for a few ligatures (rare), without decorations. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 29817 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 3741 paragraphoi to separate the scholia; abbreviations. papyrus recto: Philoktêtês (4);

verso: Ilios [Ilion] (R); Neoptolemos; Asklêpios; Tyndaridai (Q); Helenos (?).
1356 K. McNamee, Marg. and Comm., Diss. Duke 1977, pl. IV A+B; K. McNamee, Annotations in Greek and Latin texts from Egypt, 2007, pl. 32. recto: Philoktêtês (4);

verso: Ilios [Ilion] (R); Neoptolemos; Hierôn (Q); Asklêpios; Tyndaridai (Q); Euripidês (R); Helenos (?).
Egypt, unknown [Pindarus, Pythia 1];
17 11 x 18 OK
date: AD 6 ed. princ. + Turner, Typ. + McNamee - AD 5-6 Cavallo, Proc. XIII p. 74.
McNamee suggest a school context as origin of these marginal notes.
PHOTO (paper): recto + verso
copy ed. pr.
much washed-off remains from the upper right corner of a codex; the lines are uneven and written with large spaces between the scholia; recto = endings of at least 15 lines; verso = beginnings of at least 12 lines. mythology
0147 59279 anon. identified by M. Gronewald, ZPE 45 (1982), p. 64-69; cf. H. Maehler, in: La philologie grecque à l'époque hellénistique et romaine, 1994, p. 95-141 (esp. p. 124). codex 14 (ca.) commentary on selected lemmata from Aristophanes, Peace, v. 410-415 and 457-466 (with reference to the main text by diacritical signs) . AD 5 MPER N.S. 01, 34 (H. Gerstinger, 1932)
commentary (selected lemmata) medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, written with a thick pen by a proficient scribe, closely spaced, with some cursive elements. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P. Vindob. G 29780 + 29833c 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 376 high stop; one diplê obelismenê and one obelos periestigmenos used as reference marks to the main text (before a lemma); some abbreviations. 35 (ca.) papyrus recto: Apollôn; Artemis; Hermês;

verso: Arês; Enyalios; Hekatê; Boiôtoi [Boeotians].
01 2865 = M-P 0149.1 Gronewald, pl. IIa+b. recto: Apollôn; Artemis; Hermês;

verso: Arês; Enyalios; Sophoklês; Hekatê; Boiôtoi [Boeotians].
Egypt, unknown [Aristophanes, Pax];
23 3.5 x 2.6 (29780)
2 x 1 (29833c)
OK two fragments from the same codex page, broken off on all sides, with remains of 9 lines on the recto and 9 lines on the verso. mythology
0148 63199 anon. uncertain 12 - 13 school composition about the antecedents and the course of the Trojan war, with the gods who fought on the side of the Trojans. Many other papyri of the same kind (add list). 346 AD 1 MPER N.S. 01, 18 (H. Gerstinger, 1932)
blank narrative + antehomerica medium-sized, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, rather irregular in spacing and alignment, written with a fairly thick pen by a slow and somewhat clumsy but not unpractised school hand of the "evolving" type, well separating the letters, decorated with roundels and serifs on many letters. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 29790
4404 none. 30 papyrus Helenê; Menelaos; Alexandros; Priamos; Aphroditê; Lakedaimôn; Ilios [Ilion]; Hellênes [Greeks]; Poseidôn; Apollôn. 01 2650 Cribiore pl. LVIII. Helenê; Menelaos; Alexandros; Priamos; Aphroditê; Lakedaimôn; Ilios [Ilion]; Hellênes [Greeks]; Poseidôn; Apollôn. Egypt, Hermoupolis along the fibres 9 9.5 x 9.5 OK
copy ed. pr.
15 (14?) lines from the bottom of a column (?), broken off to the right and generally much washed-off (palimpsest?). Homerica, school text, mythology
0149 59684 anon. I. Gallo, Frammenti biografici da papiri, II, 1980, p. 341-348; G. Bastianini - W. Luppe, Anal. Pap. 1 (1989), p. 31-36; F. Angiò, Anal. Pap. 3 (1991), p. 103-104; R. Kannicht, Dioniso 61.2 (1991), p. 91-99; N. Pechstein, Euripides Satyrographos, 1998, p. 42-43; Diogenes Cynicus CPF I.1**, no. 48, 7T. roll (?) 13 - 13.5 (R) beginning of a hypothesis of Euripides' Autolycus I, with title in eisthesis (ll. 6-9), following an unidentified section (ll. 1-2) and a saying of Diogenes (ll. 3-5). 192 AD 2 MPER N.S. 03, 32 (H. Oellacher, 1939)
account, AD 1-2 hypothesis medium to fair-sized to large, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, but very irregular in spacing and alignment, written with a thick pen by a slow, hesitant, clumsy school hand of the "alphabetic" type, well separating the letters except for ligatured epsilon, without decorations. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 19766
788 none. 30 (R) papyrus Autolykos (2); Hermês. 01 1989 Gallo, pl. XIII, 1; Bastianini-Luppe, p. 33; CPF IV.2, pl. 304. Euripidês; Autolykos (2); Hermês. Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Autolycus I]; Diogenes Cynicus. across the fibres 12 8.1 x 6.2 OK
copy ed. pr. and article of Kannicht
9 incomplete lines, broken off on both sides, from a column broken at top and bottom; ll. 1-2 very faded; ll. 6-7 are in eisthesis (title); l. 7 is written in smaller script (by the same hand). school text, mythology
0150 64246 anon. codex ?? allegoric discussion (?) on the nature of the god Dionysus, with parallels in Diodorus (4.2, cf. 3.63) and Cornutus (30). AD 3 MPER N.S. 03, 44 (H. Oellacher, 1939)
uncertain (learned discussion ?) small, informal, round, leaning forward, regular but not bilinear, keeping the lines straight, rapidly written by a proficient scribe, with ligatures and cursive elements. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 29381
5466 high stops; verso: final alpha lengthened through horizontal stroke to mark end of paragraph. ?? papyrus recto: Priapos;

verso: Dionysos (2).
01 2461 recto: Priapos;

verso: Dionysos (2).
Egypt, unknown 16 8.5 x 6 OK
copy ed. pr.
recto: 8 incomplete lines;
verso: 8 incomplete lines.
0151 65272 anon. TrGF II F 731. codex ?? unidentified prose text, seemingly related to the legend of Theseus. AD 6 - AD 7 MPER N.S. 03, 45 (H. Oellacher, 1939)
uncertain (hypothesis ?) medium to fair-sized, fairly formal ("Coptic Uncial"), round, alterning broad and narrow letters, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, carefully written with a thick pen, separating all letters, with roundels and serifs on most of them; the script on the verso is slightly smaller. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 29388
6515 supralinear nu at end of lines. ?? papyrus verso: Thêseus; Dêmophôn; Hippolytos. 01 2868 verso: Thêseus; Dêmophôn; Hippolytos. Egypt, Fayum 27 10 x 19 OK
recto: a few letters from the beginnings of 21 lines;
verso: a few letters from the endings of 20 lines; traces of marginal scholia at top.
0152 64245 anon. sheet (not relevant) two mythological names, Europe and Pasiphae, written several times. 141 AD 3 Stud. Pal. 2 (1902), p. LIV, no. 11 + p. LVII (C. Wessely) = MPER N.S. 15, 43 (H. Harrauer - P. Sijpesteijn, 1985)
blank writing exercise fr. a: hand 1 = large (0.6-0.8 cm), formal, round, upright, strictly bilinear, but slightly irregular, in decorated block letters, which can be attributed to either a teacher or a student; hand 2 = fair-sized, semi-cursive, upright, fluent, "written by a teacher who knew the chancery style" (Cribiore);

fr. b: same as hand 1, but in very large letters (1.5 cm).
Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 26011k.
5464 none. (not relevant) papyrus fr. a: Eurôpê (4); Pasiphaê [Pasiphaei] (3);

fr. b: Eurôpê.
(not relevant) 2735 MPER N.S. 15, pl. 9. fr. a: Eurôpê (4); Pasiphaê [Pasiphaei] (3);

fr. b: Eurôpê.
Egypt, Herakleopolites across the fibres 16 23.5 x 7.5 (fr. a)
7 x 3.5 (fr. b)
OK fr. a: 3 "lines";
fr. b: 1 word in very large letters.
school text, mythology
0153 63928 anon. roll (?) 08 - 08.5 short genealogy of the Perseids (Electryonides), with several names not usually related to this family (cf. Apollod., 2, 4, 5-6). AD 2 - AD 3 WS 101 (1988), p. 85-95 (E. Rabbie - P.J. Sijpesteijn)
document (list of names), AD 2-3 (published together with verso, repr. in SB 20, 14951) narrative ? mythographical work ? medium-sized, informal, round, upright, roughly bilinear and rather irregular, rapidly by a practised but careless scribe, using many cursive elements and frequently linking the letters, closely spaced, undecorated. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 23058
5143 one word written supra lineam in l. 2; line-fillers; some corrections; trema on υ in l. 5 (?). 20-25 papyrus col. 1: Amphinomos; Alkmênê; Taphioi [Taphians]; Êlektryôn; Likymnios (2); Perimêdês (2); Oiônos (2); Phêrô; Anchialos (2); Alkyônê; Hêraklês; Periklymenos; Pylos; Hippokoôn;

col. 2: Hippokoôn; Alkmênê.
02 M-P 2449.11 ed. princ., p. 88-89. col. 1: Amphinomos; Alkmênê; Taphioi [Taphians]; Êlektryôn; Likymnios (2); Perimêdês (2); Oiônos (2); Phêrô; Anchialos (2); Alkyônê; Hêraklês; Periklymenos; Pylos; Hippokoôn;

col. 2: Hippokoôn; Alkmênê.
Egypt, unknown across the fibres 14 13 x 15 PHOTO VERSO (paper) col. 1: at full height, 23 lines, broken off by one or two letters at the left, and by several letters at the bottom right (l. 17-24);
col. 2: beginnings of 16 lines from the top of the column.
The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto.
school text, mythology
0154 63721 anon. M.L. West - R. Merkelbach, Hesiodi fragmenta selecta, 1990, p. 116, fr. 10(a); T. Itgenshorst, ZPE 119 (1997), p. 189-192. roll ?? six short sections about mythological figures and their genealogy, related to the Calydonian boar-hunt by ed. princ., more likely to Hesiod's Eihoiai (cf. Itgenshorst). AD 2 CdE 49 (1974), p. 317-324 (P.J. Sijpesteijn - K.A. Worp)
blank catalogue ? commentary ? small, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, written with great care, well separating the letters, with serifs at bottom of many uprights. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung P.Vindob. G 26727
4932 trema (several); small blank spaces to separate some words; iota adscript once (where required); line-filler. ?? papyrus Halirrhothios; Poseidôn; Eurytê (R); Alkippê; Arês (R); Dôros (R, ?); Nymphai (R); Kourêtes [Curetes]; Satyroi; Agauê [Agave]; Oukalegousa; Iphthimê; Zeus (R, ?); Aiglê; Euphronê; Pan- ?; Leukippides (?); Amphithea; Leukippos; Kastôr (R); Polydeukês; Phoibê; Hilara; Arsinoê; Thestios; Pleurôn; Aethlios (?); Hypermnêstra; Iphiklos; Euippos; Plêxippos; Eurypylos; Aran[??; Prokoôn; Oinotropoi; Anios; Apollôn. 01 M-P 2463.5 Itgenshorst, p. 189. Halirrhothios; Poseidôn; Eurytê (R); Alkippê; Arês (R); Dôros (R, ?); Nymphai (R); Kourêtes [Curetes]; Satyroi; Agauê [Agave]; Oukalegousa; Iphthimê; Zeus (R, ?); Aiglê; Euphronê; Pan- ?; Leukippides (?); Amphithea; Leukippos; Kastôr (R); Polydeukês; Phoibê; Hilara; Arsinoê; Thestios; Pleurôn; Aethlios (?); Hypermnêstra; Iphiklos; Euippos; Plêxippos; Eurypylos; Aran[??; Prokoôn; Oinotropoi; Anios; Apollôn. Egypt, unknown along the fibres 12 6 x 14 PHOTO RECTO (black & white photocopy) 26 lines, broken off on both sides, with a large gap after l. 16; some lines not fully written; l. 24 by a second hand. mythology
0155 60587 h028 anon. first mentioned by B. Bruyère, Fouilles de l'Inst. franç. d'archéol. orient. du Caire, 20.2 (1952), p. 25; cf. P. Mertens, OLP 6-7 (1975-1976), p. 397-409 (no. 50); K.A. Worp, JJP 28 (1998), p. 216-217. sheet ?? scholia on Od. 9.1-3 and 39-40, narrating some related stories. AD 2 BIFAO 61 (1962), p. 173-174, no. 39 (J. Schwartz)
blank summary ? small cursive, rapid and regular, keeping the lines straight; seems too proficient to be a school hand (as suggested by Worp, p. 217, n. 23). Cairo, Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, s. inv.
1711 continuous line drawn around the text of the final line (salutation); unidentified trace of ink in the top margin. ?? ostracon Odysseus; Zeus; Alkinoos; Ilion; Kikones (2); Kyklôpes; Polyphêmos; Poseidôn. 01 1210 Odysseus; Zeus; Alkinoos; Ilion; Kikones (2); Kyklôpes; Polyphêmos; Poseidôn. Upper Egypt, Deir el-Medineh [Homerus, Odyssea 9] 12 7.4 x 7.3 school text according to Worp (p. 217 n. 23), not listed in Cribiore
PHOTO (digital image)
copy ed. pr. and Bruyère (p. 25)
9 lines broken off to the left (the final one being a salutation), with "margins" at top and bottom. Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0156 65582 anon. codex 04.5 "narration of an unidentified episode of the Trojan war" (Cribiore) 280 1 BC - AD 1 - AD 2 BIFAO 61 (1962), p. 174, no. 40 (J. Schwartz)
narrative hand 1 (recto + last three lines of verso): medium to fair-sized, informal, round, generally upright and bilinear, but very irregular in size, spacing and alignment, roughly written with a thick pen by an unskilled schoolhand of the "alphabetic" type, separating the letters, without decorations;

hand 2 (verso): medium to fair-sized, informal, round, upright, roughly bilinear, irregular in size and spacing, written with a thinner pen by a slightly more practised hand, separating the letters except epsilon which is always ligatured, adding occasional hooks at the bottom of some uprights.
Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, G 1352
6833 trema; a few misspellings. 10-12 papyrus recto: Poseidôn; Apollôn;

verso: Troia [Troy]; Ilios [Ilion].
01 2651 Cribiore pl. XXXIII. recto: Poseidôn; Apollôn;

verso: Troia [Troy]; Ilios [Ilion].
Egypt, unknown 7 6 x 4.8 OK recto: 6 very short, complete lines (with tiniest traces of a further line at top);
verso: 6 very short, complete lines, l. 1 broken off at top; ll. 1-3 by second hand.
Homerica (?), school text, mythology
0157 63305 anon. roll 06 "account of the events leading up to the Trojan war and of the characters concerned therein" (ed. princ.).
The reason given for the absence of Menelaus at the time of Helen's abduction is not known from other sources.
AD 1 - AD 2 Et. pap. 3 (1936), p. 87-90, no. 7 (N. Lewis)
document (account?), date? narrative + antehomerica small, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, carefully written by a proficient scribe, separating all letters, frequently decorated with roundels and serifs. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, G 2493 vo
4511 double dot to separate sentences; paragraphos to mark change of sections. 16-17 papyrus col. 1: Spartê [Sparta]; Menelaos (S); Paris (S);

col. 2:
Iphigeneia (S); Aulis; Boiôtia [Boeotia]; Achilleus; Cheirôn;

col. 3: Agamemnôn (?).
03 2453 col. 1: Spartê [Sparta]; Menelaos (S); Paris (S);

col. 2: Iphigeneia (S); Aulis; Boiôtia [Boeotia]; Achilleus; Cheirôn;

col. 3: Agamemnôn (?).
Egypt, unknown across the fibres 10 21 x 11.5 back = ?
PHOTO (digital image)
from the top of a roll;
col. 1: 10 lines, broken off by 1-2 letters at the left; numbered Z in top margin;
col. 2: 8 lines, the right half of l. 6-8 damaged;
col. 3: remains of 14 line-beginnings, mostly faded; numbered TH in top margin.
Homerica, mythology
0158 63710 anon. S. Daris, Aegyptus 39 (1959), p. 18-21. roll 05.5 - 06 col. 1, l. 1-7: list of Muses (or women?) with the names of their husbands and children; for comparable lists, cf. VRS;
col. 1, 8-15 + col. 2: list of victors in the games held for Pelias, almost identical with P.Oxy. 62, 4306; cf. also Hyginus, Fab. 273, 9-11.
AD 2 Studi in onore di A. Calderini e R. Paribeni, II, Milano, 1957, p. 151-156 (J. Schwartz)
blank (paint?) catalogue small, informal, fairly angular, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, regular, written with care by a competent scribe, well separating the letters, occasionally decorated with serifs. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, W.G. 332
4920 small blank spaces to separate entries; some itacisms; iota adscript capriciously written. 15 papyrus col. 1: Kleiô; Mousa (2); Pieros; Magnês; Hymenaios; Ourania; Amphimaros; Poseidôn; Linos; Pelias; Zêtês; Boreas (2); Kastôr; Tyndareôs (2); Kalais; Polydeukês; Telamôn;

col. 2: Kyknos (R); Arês (R)
Lykos; Bellerophôn; Glaukos; Iolaos; Iphiklos (2); Phylakos; Eurytos; Hermês (2); Aineus;

col. 3: Oiagros; Rhadamanthys; Eurôpê.
03 2452 col. 1: Kleiô; Mousa (2); Pieros; Magnês; Hymenaios; Ourania; Amphimaros; Poseidôn; Linos; Pelias; Zêtês; Boreas (2); Kastôr; Tyndareôs (2); Kalais; Polydeukês; Telamôn;

col. 2: Kyknos (R); Arês (R)
Lykos; Bellerophôn; Glaukos; Iolaos; Iphiklos (2); Phylakos; Eurytos; Hermês (2); Aineus;

col. 3: Oiagros; Rhadamanthys; Eurôpê.
Egypt, unknown along the fibres 12 18 x 13.5 photograph M. Huys = excellent, exact size
PHOTO (paper)photograph M. Huys = excellent, exact size
PHOTO (paper)
from the top of a roll; the whole papyrus is badly damaged;
col. 1: 15 complete lines; col. 2: 11 almost complete lines, followed by endings of another 6 lines; col. 3: beginnings of 16 lines.
0159 60959 h003 anon. U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Hermes 23 (1888), p. 142-147. codex 10.5 - 11 hypothesis to Iliad 1, (with indication of book-number [letter alpha] and citation of first line), followed by a glossary to Il. 1.1-21.
The hypothesis is completely different from the one preserved in medieval manuscripts, but almost identical with that of P.Oxy. 56, 3829.
AD 3 - AD 4 SB Berlin 1887, p. 816-818 (U. Wilcken) = P.Achm. 2 (P. Collart, 1930)
blank hypothesis small, informal, round, upright, fluent but somewhat irregular and not strictly bilinear, with occasional hooks and some cursive elements. Paris, Bibl. Nationale, Suppl. gr. 1099 folio IV
2090 trema (several); several high stops; one apostrophe; double dots to separate lemmata and scholia in the glossary; abbreviation of Theos as if nomen sacrum; line-filler (in the form of a long forked paragraphos) at the end of l. 20; forked paragraphos between l. 20-21 in order to separate hypothesis from glossary; iota adscript occasionally written; some misspellings. 28-40 papyrus hypothesis: Pêlêiadês (Q); Achilleus (Q + 3); Agamemnôn (2); Apollôn; Chrysês; Chrysêis (2); Hellênes [Greeks] (2); Kalchas (2); Brisêis; Thetis; Zeus; Aithiopia [Ethiopia]; Hêra; Hêphaistos;

glossary: Olympos (Q + 2); Makedonia.
01 1159 hypothesis: Pêlêiadês (Q); Achilleus (Q + 3); Agamemnôn (2); Apollôn; Chrysês; Chrysêis (2); Hellênes [Greeks] (2); Kalchas (2); Brisêis; Thetis; Zeus; Aithiopia [Ethiopia]; Hêra; Hêphaistos;

glossary: Olympos (Q + 2); Makedonia.
Upper Egypt, Panopolis (Akhmim) [Homerus, Ilias 1] across the fibres 18 11.5 x 23 OK - order plate? NO
copy ed. pr. (Collart)
36 complete lines (broken off at the left by 2-3 letters in l. 22-33), from a column a full height;
l. 1-19 = hypothesis; l. 20-36 = glossary.
Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0160 63188 anon. roll 06.5 - 07 (?) fragment from a prose text mentioning the Erinyes and the Titans, as in Apollod., 1.3. AD 1 (?) P.Rein. 01, 3 (T. Reinach, 1905)
blank uncertain small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, written with great care, separating all letters, most of them decorated with serifs. Paris, Sorbonne, 2012 2003/03/09 Marc Huys 4393 dot above sigma of "Αυτους" (l. 3): deletion? word-separation?; occasional blank spaces (before, between and after names of Erynies and in l. 5 before "περι"). 18-20 (?) papyrus col. 1: Erinyes (R);

col. 2: Allêktô [Alêktô]; Megaira; Tisiphonê; Titanes.
02 2446 ed. princ. pl. II. col. 1: Erinyes (R);

col. 2: Allêktô [Alêktô]; Megaira; Tisiphonê; Titanes.
Egypt, unknown along the fibres 8 8.3 x 6.2 OK
copy ed. pr.
7 much damaged lines from the top of a column, broken off by a few letters to the right. mythology http://www.papyrologie.paris4.sorbonne.fr/menu1/collections/pgrec/numinv.htm@@(sub inv.2012)
0161 65784 anon. first mentioned by E. Egger, CRAI 1871, p. 247; M. Marcovich, ZPE 23 (1976), p. 219-220; P.J. Parsons, ZPE 24 (1977), p. 1-12. roll 13.5 commentary relating to the text of an epigram on an oyster (riddle); the text is first quoted in extenso and then commented on a selection of lemmata. 2 BC QUCC 19 (1975), p. 145-176 (F. Lasserre)
optical treatise, 3 BC (LDAB 7038) commentary (selected lemmata) small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, proficiently written, mostly separating the letters, with some binding-strokes, occasionally decorated with hooks and serifs. Paris, Musée du Louvre, E 7733 (verso) 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 7038 paragraphos (several) and blank space (1) to separate sections; middle and high stops; double dots; iota adscript occasionally used; apostrophe; expunging dots; one correction. 30-40 papyrus col. 1: Memnôn (2); Aithiopia [Ethiopia] (2); Agrotera; Dôsô;

col. 2: Agrotera (2); Artemis; Apollôn;

col. 3: Aphroditê (2); Arês (R);
03 2911 ed. princ. p. 160. col. 1: Memnôn (2); Aithiopia [Ethiopia] (3); Agrotera; Dôsô; Thêbais (2); Memnoneia; Hellêspontos; Abydos (2 + 2 ?, R); Sêstos;

col. 2: Agrotera (2); Artemis; Apollôn; Diphilos; Sophoklês; Inachos (?);

col. 3: Aphroditê (2); Arês (R); Theodôridas.
Egypt, Memphis Diphilus; Sophocles; Theodoridas. across the fibres 3 36.8 x 15.5 OK - digital plate soon
copy article Parsons
two fragments, the larger with col. 1 and 2, the smaller with col. 3; both are much damaged and in large parts covered in "plastic"; the larger fragment has desintegrated in several fragments; there are also two additional fragments, both rather small, one from the bottom of a column, one apparently from the top;

col. 1: 17 lines from the bottom of the column (4 lines lacking at top), broken off by a few letters at the left;
col. 2: 21 much damaged lines from a column at full height;
col. 3: 23 lines broken off on both sides.
0162 61595 anon. partial pre-edition (f. IX and X) by A. Desrousseaux, Bulletin de la Société des Humanistes Français 18 (1898), p. 279 ff.; supplement to ed. princ. by W. Crönert, Stud. Pal. 6 (1906), p. 185; E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, 1913, p. 21-24 (no. 46); I. Gallo, Frammenti biografici da papiri, II, 1980, p. 377-390; A. Blanchard, CdE 66 (1991), p. 211-220; R. Cribiore, Writing, Teachers, and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Atlanta, 1996, p. 112, 276 (no. 393); extracts from Collart's edition (f. I-IV) are reproduced in T. Morgan, Literate education in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds, 1998, p. 314-315; R. Cribiore, Gymnastics of the Mind, 2001, p. 149; cf. also M. Huys - T. Schmidt, ZPE 134 (2001), p. 145-162; re-edition: M. Huys, N. Baplu, 'P.Bouriant 1, fol. I-V: re-edition and commentary of the syllabic word-lists', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 169 (2009), p. 29-57. codex variable (a) alphabetical lists of monosyllables, bisyllables, trisyllables, and quadrisyllables (f. I-V); striking similarities with O.Crum 525;
(b) five chreiai of Diogenes (f. VI-VII recto);
(c) 24 gnomai monostichoi in alphabetical order (f. VII verso-IX);
(d) 12 lines from the first Prologue to Babrius' Fables (f. X);
(e) subscription (f. XI recto).
393 AD 3 - AD 4 Stud. Pal. 6 (1906), p. 148-161 (P. Jouguet - P. Perdrizet) = P.Bour. 1 (P. Collart, 1926)
list of names medium to large, informal, round, leaning forward, generally bilinear, rather irregular in size, spacing and alignment, though fluently written by a practised schoolhand of the "rapid" type, usually separating the letters which are quite closely spaced at times, undecorated except for very few hooks. Paris, Sorbonne, 826 2003/11/16 Marc Huys 2744 paragraphos to separate sections; accents; breathings; trema (several); apostrophe; supralinear nu; coronis; chrism; many misspellings. variable papyrus fol. 1 recto: Zeus; Aias; Atlas; Aktôr (?); Bôros;

fol. 1 verso: Erôs; Hermês; Hektôr; Zêthos; Zagreus; Zêtês; Hêra; Hêbê; Êchô; Thêseus; Thestôr; Thoas;

fol. 2 recto: Iphis; Iô; Inô; Kalchas; Kêpheus; Kadmos; Kreôn; Ladôn; Lynkeus; Lachês; Lichas; Marôn; Memnôn; Maiôn; Mentôr; Nessos; Nestôr; Nêleus; Nêreus; Xouthos; Xanthos;

fol. 2 verso: Oileus (R); Orpheus (R); Oineus (R); Oiax; Pêleus; Pentheus; Perseus; Prôteus; Rhêsos; Syleus; Tydeus; Têreus; Teukros; Tiphys; Hyllos; Hymnô (?)
Hypnos; Hymên;

fol. 3 recto: Phôkos; Phrikôs [Phrixos (?)]; Phaiax; Phêgeus; Charops; Chrysês; Chairôn; Ôtos; Achilleus; Aiakos; Athamas; Antênôr; Bousiris; Biênôr [Bianôr]; Belleros; Ganyktôr;

fol. 3 verso: Daidalos; Dêmophôn; Eumêdês; Eumêlos; Zakynthos; Zôilos; Zephyros; Zeuxippos; Hêphaistos; Hêlios; Hêraklês; Thersandros; Thamyris; Thersitês; Iphis; Iphiklos; Iasôn; Ikaros;

fol. 4 recto: Kallias; Kerberos (?); Kapaneus; Leonteus; Marsyas; Menestheus; Nêreis; Opheltês; Oidipous;

fol. 4 verso: Patroklos; Priamos (R); Rhêxênôr; Sthenelos; Skamandros; Sarpêdôn; Têlephos; Tithônos; Typhôeus; Telamôn; Hyrieus; Hyperês; Phereklos; Phêmios; Phalêros;

fol. 5 recto: Chromios; Ôriôn; Ôlenos;

fol. 5 verso: Agamemnôn; Antilochos; Agapênôr.
01, 02 or 03 2643 Stud.Pal. 6 (1906), p. 198 (f. IV verso, VI verso, X recto, XI recto); Gallo, pl. XIV (f. VI recto, VI verso, VII recto); R. Cribiore, Gymnastics of the Mind, 2001, p. 150 (f. VI verso, VII verso, VIII verso). fol. 1 recto: Zeus; Thraix [Thracian]; Ammôn; Aias; Atlas; Aktôr (?); Bôros;

fol. 1 verso: Damôn (?); Damas (?); Erôs; Hermês; Hektôr; Zêthos; Zagreus; Zênôn; Zêtês; Hêra; Hêbê; Êchô; Thalês; Thêseus; Thestôr; Thoas;

fol. 2 recto: Iphis; Iô; Inô; Kalchas; Kêpheus; Kadmos; Kreôn; Ladôn; Lynkeus; Lachês; Lichas; Marôn; Memnôn; Maiôn; Mentôr; Nessos; Nestôr; Nêleus; Nêreus; Xerxês; Xouthos; Xanthos;

fol. 2 verso: Oileus (R); Orpheus (R); Oineus(R); Oiax; Pêleus; Pentheus; Perseus; Prôteus; Rhêsos; Rhouphos; Syleus; Solôn;Sikôn; Tydeus; Têreus; Teukros; Tiphys; Hyllos; Hymnô (?); Hypnos; Hymên;

fol. 3 recto: Phôkos; Phrikôs [Phrixos (?)]; Phaiax; Phêgeus; Charops; Chrysês; Chairôn; Psaumis; Ôtos; Hôros; Achilleus; Aiakos; Athamas; Antênôr; Bousiris; Biênôr [Bianôr]; Belleros; Ganyktôr; Gorgias; Grênikos;

fol. 3 verso: Daidalos; Dêmeas; Dêmophôn; Eumêdês; Eumêlos; Zakynthos; Zôilos; Zephyros; Zeuxippos; Hêphaistos; Hêlios; Hêrôdês; Hêraklês; Thersandros; Thoudippos; Thamyris; Thersitês; Iphis; Iphiklos; Iasôn; Ikaros;

fol. 4 recto: Kallias; Kleinias; Kerberos (?); Kapaneus; Lamachos; Lysias; Leonteus; Leandros; Marsyas; Menandros; Moschiôn; Menestheus; Nikoklês; Nikophôn (?); Nikias (?); Nêreis; Naukratis (?); Xenophôn; Xerxênê (?); Xisouthros; Xanthippê; Homêros; Opheltês; Oidipous; Opôra (?);

fol. 4 verso: Patroklos; Priamos (R); Pindaros; Rhômoulos [Romulus]; Rhêxênôr; Sthenelos; Skamandros; Sarpêdôn; Têlephos; Tithônos; Typhôeus; Telamôn; Hyrieus; Hyperês; Hythalos; Hyellos; Phereklos; Phormiôn; Phêmios; Phalêros;

fol. 5 recto: Chariklês; Chremylos; Chromios; Chairephôn; Psaumis; Psêrias; Ôriôn; Ôlenos;

fol. 5 verso: Agamemnôn; Antilochos; Agapênôr; Aristarchos; Basilidês; Bakchylidês;

fol. 6 recto: Diogenês;

fol. 6 verso: Aithiops [Ethiopian].

fol. 7 recto: Aithiops [Ethiopian].

fol. 10 recto: Branchos (Q).
Egypt, unknown Zeno (?); Gorgias; Demeas (?); Eumelus (?); Herodes (?); Callias (?); Clinias (?); Lysias; Leonteus (?); Leandrus (?); Menander; Moschion; Xenophon; Homerus; Nicophon (?); Pindarus; Aristarchus; Bacchylides; Diogenes; Babrius. 18 8 x 9 none of the plates covers the list of dissyllabic names - N.B.: only bibliography relevant to the name-lists has been included here, for the rest see Cribiore.
PHOTO (paper, several plates)
11 almost complete leaves from a small codex, all opistograph except the last (recto only inscribed), school text, mythology http://www.papyrologie.paris4.sorbonne.fr/menu1/collections/pgrec/adespota.htm
0163 61242 h031b anon. H.G. Gundel, Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen 39 (1977), p. 19 (no. 9). roll 08 dialogue on the Odyssey, discussing the question whether Circe had prophetic powers (cf. similar discussions in scholia ad Od. 10.492 and in Eustathius ad 491). The text seems to come from the same work as P.Lond.Lit. 160 = CPP 164 (featuring the same speaker named Theophanes). 3 BC P.Giss.Univ. 04, 39 (H. Eberhart, 1935) = P.Giss.Lit. 2.9 (P.A. Kuhlmann, 1994)
blank literary treatise small, informal, angular, leaning forward, not aiming at bilinearity, somewhat irregular, closely spaced, written by a fairly practised scribe, though without much care, separating the letters, with occasional cursive forms; the letters are not decorated, but some uprights reach well above and below the line. Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek361 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2382 paragraphos to mark the change of speakers; double dot (fr. B, l. 2) with same function; corrections; iota adscript consistently written (twice in correction). 30-38 papyrus Kirkê (2); Odysseus; Teiresias (S). 01 1215 ed. princ. pl. VI. Theophanês; Kirkê (2); Odysseus; Teiresias (S). Egypt, Fayum ? [Homerus, Odyssea] along the fibres 1 9.5 x 7 (fr. A)
5.9 x 7.6 (fr. B)
copy ed. pr. (Eberhart and Kuhlmann)
two fragments from the same roll, each divided in two smaller parts easily adjustable;
fr. A = 9 almost complete lines and traces of 2 further lines (1 at top, 1 at bottom); in its present state, lacks a tiny fragment in bottom line in comparison to plate;
fr. B = endings of 5 lines, followed by further traces of at least 7 lines
Homerica, mythology http://digibib.ub.uni-giessen.de/cgi-bin/populo/pap.pl?t_allegro=x&f_SIG="P.B.U.G. inv. 306"
0164 61147 h031a anon. roll 07 dialogue on the Odyssey, discussing the rôle of Iros. The text seems to come from the same work as P.Giss.Univ. 4, 39 = CPP 163 (featuring the same speaker named Theophanes). 1 BC P.Lond.Lit. 160 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
blank literary treatise medium-sized, relatively formal, mixed round, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, written with great care, separating all letters, decorated with serifs and roundels on most letters. London, British Library 1874 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2286 paragraphos to mark change of speakers; iota adscript consistently written. 18 papyrus fr. 4: Odysseus; Iros (5) 04 1214 fr. 4: Theophanês (2); Odysseus; Iros (5). Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea] along the fibres 6 25.5 x 20 (fr. 4)
10 x 11 (fr. 1)
5.5 x 6 (fr. 2)
3.5 x 2.5 (fr. 3)
2.8 x 0.8 (fr. 5)
N.B.: item added after my visit to London = NOT SEEN.
PHOTO (paper)
copy ed. pr.
5 fragments with scanty remains except fr. 4; surface much rubbed;
fr. 1: 12 line-endings in col. 1 and 11 line-beginnings in col. 2, from the top of the columns;
fr. 2: scanty remains of 2 columns (6 lines-endings in col. 1; 9 line-beginnings in col. 2);
fr. 3: scanty remains from the beginning of 5 lines;
fr. 4: remains of 4 columns, mostly badly damaged, except for col. 2 which has 24 almost complete lines (from the bottom of the column); col. 1: 14 line-endings; col. 3: 24 line-beginnings; col. 4: 11 line-beginnings;
fr. 5: "traces of 2 lines" (ed. princ.).
Homerica, mythology
0165 59854 anon. roll (?) 08.5 - 09 (?) col. 1: unidentified;
col. 2: hypothesis (to Euripides' Peliades?) or fragment of a mythological handbook, related to the Peliades and the rejuvenation cure of Pelias.
AD 3 ZPE 9 (1972), p. 104-110 (P.J. Sijpesteijn) = P.Amst. 01, 7 (R.P. Salomons - P.J. Sijpesteijn - K.A. Worp, 1980)
document (list of names), AD 2-3 (= ZPE 9 [1972], p. 46-47) hypothesis (?) medium-sized, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, written quite carefully by a proficient scribe, mostly separating the letters, occasionally using cursive forms, with hooks and serifs on many letters; though the hand may give the impression of being somewhat irregular, it is actually fairly competent and can hardly deserve to be called "unskilled" as in ed. princ. (cf. "does not bespeak great skill"). Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Papyrologisch Seminarie 35
960 small spaces frequently used to separate words; one itacism. 23-25 (?) papyrus col. 2: Pelias; Peleiades (2); Mêdeia (S). 02 M-P 2452.1 P.Amst. 1, pl. IV. col. 2: Pelias; Peleiades (2); Mêdeia (S). Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Peliades (?)] across the fibres 16 6.2 x 23.6 letters per line and column width according to suggested reconstruction of l. 39-42.
copy ed. pr. (Salomons-Sijpesteijn-Worp)
from the top of two columns (upper margin 2.7 cm);
col. 1: a few letters from the endings of 24 lines;
col. 2: beginnings of 33 lines.
0166 60300 h109 anon. pre-edition by G. Botti, Rivista Egiziana 6 (1894), p. 128; subsequent mentions of the papyrus: G. Botti, Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien 8 (1896), p. 120; S. de Ricci, REG 16 (1903), p. 121; E. Breccia, Alexandrea ad Aegyptum, 1914, p. 163; A. Swiderek, Papyrus grecs, 1964, p. 9. roll 08.5 - 09 prose summary (?) of an episode of the Iliad. AD 1 - AD 2 ASNP III.2.2 (1972), p. 512-515 (R. Cingottini) = Papiri Letterari Greci no. 7 (R. Cingottini, 1978)
blank summary medium-sized, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, proficiently written, separating all letters, without decorations. Alexandria, inv. 611
1421 none. 22-27 (?) papyrus Achilleus (2); Ilion; Zeus;
Agamemnôn; Trôes [Trojans].
01 1227 ASNP III.2.2 (1972), pl. XXXV; Papiri Letterari Greci, pl. IV. Achilleus (2); Ilion; Zeus; Agamemnôn; Trôes [Trojans]. Egypt, unknown [Homerus,>Ilias] along the fibres 10 8.2 x 6.5 not seen pre-edition nor Bulletin de l'Institut Egyptien (correct reference?): worth ordering?
copy ed. pr. (Cingottini, 1978)
10 lines broken off by 4-5 letters at the left-hand side, from a column broken at top and bottom. Homerica, mythology
0167 63533 anon. A. Stramaglia, ZPE 114 (1996), p. 147-150; idem, in: La letteratura di consumo nel mondo greco-latino, Cassino, 1996, p. 129-131; cf. W. Clarysse - A. Wouters, AncSoc 1 (1970), p. 201-235 (esp. 207-208). uncertain 03 alphabetic list(s) of trisyllabic words, beginning with phi and chi (first column), gamma and delta (second column), iota (third column). Most probably, these are the remains of two successive alphabetic lists, but one list beginning with the last letters of the alphabet cannot be ruled out (cf. reconstruction O'Callaghan). About half of the words can be interpreted as proper names (ordinary, historical, literary, mythological, Latin). 102 AD 2 Stud. Pap. 6 (1967), p. 99-107 (J. O'Callaghan) = P.Lit. Palau Rib. 37 (J. O'Callaghan, 1995)
blank list of words medium to fair-sized, informal, round, mostly upright and generally bilinear, but irregular in letter size and spacing, though fluent and obviously practised, quite rapidly executed, mostly separating the letters, but linking some with binding strokes and occasionally using cursive forms, decorated with serifs at the bottom of certain letters; considered by Cribiore to be a student's hand of the "rapid" type, but a teacher's hand seems also possible. Barcelona, Palau Rib. 121 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4742 paragraphos (3); trema (several); misspellings. variable papyrus col. 2: Danaos;

col. 3: Iasôn (?); Iasos.
03 M-P 2748.1 Stud. Pap. 6 (1967), p. 103; P.Lit. Palau Rib. pl. XXIX. col. 1: Philôtas; Phanias; Charitôn;

col. 2: Gaeios [Gaios]; Germanos; Danaos;

col. 3: Iasôn (?); Hierax (?); Iasos; Hierôn (?, R).
Egypt, unknown Chariton along the fibres 12 8.7 x 3.6 check paragraphoi
copy ed. pr. (J. O'Callaghan 1967+1995) and article of Stramaglia (ZPE)
remains of 3 columns broken at top and bottom, with 5 to 7 words visible per column; in col. 3, a patch of papyrus has been glued on (most probably for restoration purposes) with the fibres perpendicular to the rest of the papyrus. Since the intercolumnium is very small, the blank space of ca. 1 cm in front of col. 1 could be interpreted as a margin and thus point to a sheet rather than to a roll, but if the papyrus contained two consecutive lists, one has to assume several columns of text before col. 1, which would make a roll more probable. According to O'Callaghan's reconstruction, the height of the columns would have been at least 21 cm. school text, mythology
0168 64448 anon. F.A.J. Hoogendijk, Bibliologia 12 (1992), p. 160-161. sheet 14 mythological story in 9 sentences forming an alphabetic acrostic (alpha to iota) on Prometheus' creation of mortals, probably meant to be metrical.Similar in kind to T.Louvre MND 552L and P.Mich.inv. 4953. 305 AD 4 Pap.Lugd.Bat. 25, 16 (F.A.J. De Haas, 1991)
decorative circles narrative medium to fair-sized, becoming larger in the bottom lines, cursive, upright, rapidly written by an experienced scribe which could be a teacher or an advanced student; in Cribiore's eyes, it lacks the fluency of a model and should be assigned to a student's hand of the "rapid" type. Leiden, Papyrologisch Instituut, V 11
5672 oblique strokes to divide sentences; two line-fillers; many misspellings. 35-40 wooden tablet Promêtheus. 01 M-P 2736.23 ed. princ. pl. XV. Promêtheus.
Egypt, unknown 20 17.7 x 15.3 very hard to read at places, where readings different from ed. princ. are certainly possible. 12 complete lines (though extremely corrupt, with many traces of a previous text). school text, mythology
0169 60545 h006 anon. roll 09.5 (uneven) glossary to Ilias 1.5-24 with title "onomasticon Homerou", containing minor mythographic information. 330 AD 2 P.Oslo 02, 12 (S. Eitrem, 1931)
fragment of grammar, AD 2 (= P.Oslo 2, 13; LDAB 4791) scholia minora small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, but irregular in letter size and alignment, written by a fairly practised hand using many cursive elements; assumed to be a teacher's hand in ed. princ., but considered by Cribiore to be rather a student's hand of the "rapid" type. Oslo, University Library inv. 308 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1669 some line-fillers; else? variable papyrus col. 1: Atreidês (Q, R); Atreus (R); Lêtô (Q, R); Zeus (Q, R); Apollôn;

col. 3: Atreidês; Atreus; Agamemnôn; Menelaos; Olympos.
04 1160 Cribiore pl. XLIX. col. 1: Atreidês (Q, R); Atreus (R); Lêtô (Q, R); Zeus (Q, R); Apollôn;

col. 2: Iakôs; Chrysês.

col. 3: Apollôn; Atreidês; Atreus; Agamemnôn; Menelaos; Olympos; Homêros.
Egypt, Fayum, Theadelpheia [Homerus, Ilias 1] along the fibres 12 31.5 x 15 check title on original; inventory number?
check lectional signs
copy ed. pr.
columns at full height, each separated in two sub-columns (for lemmata and explanations); col. 1 = right part of 16 lines, damaged in bottom half; col. 2 = 17 almost complete lines; col. 3 = 20 lines at full width, but much damaged in upper half; col. 4 = beginning letters of 6 lines; below col. 2 and 3: title written in inverted letters. Homerica, school text, mythology
0170 60594 h046 + h024 anon. H. Erbse, pap. IIa (vol. VII, p. 284-286). roll 09.5 - 10 (?) scholia on selected lemmata from Ilias 4.164-169, with special attention devoted to the shield of Zeus. AD 2 Studi Triestini di Antichita in onore di L.A. Stella, Trieste, 1975, p. 463-470 (S. Daris)
?? (presumably blank) commentary (selected lemmata) small, semi-cursive, leaning forward, rapidly and rather carelessly written, though keeping the lines straight. unidentified (P.Daris s. inv.)
1718 one paragraphos (to mark end of quotation); lemmata in ekthesis; abbreviations; possibly diplê obelismenê between l. 6-7 (to mark a new lemma?). 37-40 (?) papyrus Ilios [Ilion]; Zeus (2 + Q); Athêna; Apollôn (Q); Menelaos (Q). 01 M-P 1174.1 ed. princ. p. 470; Erbse, vol. VII. Ilios [Ilion]; Zeus (2 + Q); Athêna; Apollôn (Q); Menelaos (Q). Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 4] along the fibres 12 10 x 18 (?) inv. < Bibl. papyr. = P.Daris sans no. d'inv.
check size and column width (here according to photograph in Erbse, where written "de mensura non constat")
Van Elst: H. Erbse, pap. IIa (vol. VII, p. 284-286)
copy ed. pr.
30 much damaged lines from the bottom of a column, broken off at the right-hand side. Homerica, mythology
0171 59428 anon. P.J. Parsons, ZPE 25 (1977), p. 1-50; A. Carlini, A&R N.S. 22 (1977), p. 78-81; E. Livrea, ZPE 34 (1979), p. 37-42; SH 254-258, 260-263 (with bibliography); G.P. Ancher, ZPE 30 (1978), p. 27-35 (on reasons to exclude of fr. 111c); A. Livrea - A. Carlini - C. Corbato - F. Bornmann, Maia N.S. 32 (1980), p. 225-253; E. Turner, Scrittura e Civiltà 4 (1980), p. 19-21 + 35-38. roll 10 - 10.5 (?, R, 82) verses of Callimachus' Aetia (Victoria Berenices) with scholia written in eisthesis. 3 BC - 2 BC CRIPEL 4 (1976), p. 261-286, 345-346 (C. Meillier)
blank commentary (continuous lemmata) small to medium-sized, relatively formal, mixed round, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, written with great care, separating all letters, frequently decorated with serifs. Lille, Université76d, 78abc, 79, 82, 84, 111c. 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 527 short blank spaces to separate clauses in the scholia; iota adscript; three corrections (by same hand): fr. A, l. 22; fr. B, col. 2, l. 37; fr. D, l. 7. 30-35 (poetry)
?? (scholia)
papyrus fragment A: Danaos (Q); Argos (?); Helenê (Q); Pallenea (Q); Proteus (?); Pallas (?); Euphêtêïadês (Q); Opheltês (Q); Archemoros;

fragment B, col. 1: Nemea (?);

fragment B, col. 2: Molorchos (S); Hêraklês (S); Tanagraios (?, Q + 1); Taphioi [Taphians] (?, Q); Hermaios (Q); Kaineus (?, Q);

fragment B, col. 3: Molorkos [Molorchos]; Zeus (? + S); Kronos; Rhea (S); Argeioi [Argians] (Q); Argos (Q); Hêra (Q);

fragment C: Zeus (?, Q); Molorchos (S); Hêraklês (S);

fragment D:
Argeioi [Argians] (Q); Danaos (Q); Iphiklês (Q); Melampous (S); Hêraklês (S); Eurystheus (?, Q); Zeus (Q).
03 (76d + 79) M-P 0207.3 ed. princ. pl. I-IV; GMAW nr. 75 (76d + 79); Album des papyrus littéraires, CRIPEL suppl., Paris, 1984, pl. I-III (76d, 78ab, 79, 82, 111c); Turner, pl. IIIa+b; La gloire d'Alexandrie, Paris 1998, p. 134. fragment A: Ptolemaios (R); Arsinoê; Berenikê (R); Magas (R); Euergetês; Danaos (Q); Argos (?); Helenê (Q); Pallenea (Q); Proteus (?); Pallas (?); Euphêtêïadês (Q); Opheltês (Q); Archemoros;

fragment B, col. 1: Nemea (?);

fragment B, col. 2: Molorchos (S); Hêraklês (S); Tanagraios (?, Q + 1); Taphioi [Taphians] (?, Q); Hermaios (Q); Kaineus (?, Q);

fragment B, col. 3: Molorkos [Molorchos]; Zeus (? + S); Kronos; Rhea (S); Argeioi [Argians] (Q); Argos (Q); Hêra (Q);

fragment C: Zeus (?, Q); Molorchos (S); Hêraklês (S);

fragment D: Argeioi [Argians] (Q); Danaos (Q); Iphiklês (Q); Melampous (S); Hêraklês (S); Eurystheus (?, Q); Zeus (Q).
Egypt, Fayum, Magdola [Callimachus, Aetia 3] along the fibres 2 6.5 x 23.5 (76d)
6 x 14.5 (78a)
6.5 x 23.5 (79)
6 x 10.5 (82)
4.5 x 6 (84)
4 x 5 (111c)
N.B.: "marginal scholia" is probably not the appropriate term for this papyrus (rather commentary?)
NOT SEEN: La gloire d'Alexandrie (available in LLN BTEC R1998)
Van Elst: P.J. Parsons, ZPE 25 (1977), p. 1-50: fragment B, col. 2: Batiê [Batia] (?, Q)?; fragment A, ll. 24-33: Argos (Q), Kolchis (Q) en Neilôis (Q) of Neilos (Q) opnemen? (ll. 24-33 behoren eigenlijk niet tot P. Lille 82) : dit alles niet opnemen
copy of Parsons
several fragments stemming from the same roll recovered from cartonnage:
76d = remains of two columns at full height; col. 1 = letters from a few line-ends; col. 2 = beginning words of 41 lines, some of them in eisthesis; ll. 19-20: surface ripped off; ll. 40-41 are an addition in the bottom margin, written by a different hand; top and bottom margin: 2.7 cm;
78a = substantial, but much damaged remains of 25 lines, broken on both sides, with bottom margin (2 cm); l. 4: blank; l. 18: surface ripped off;
78b = remains of 11 lines from the top of a column, broken on both sides;
78c = tiny scrap with a few letters from 4 lines;
79 = 38 much damaged lines from a column at full height, broken on both sides; top margin: 2.7 cm;
82 = 23 incomplete lines, broken on both sides; ll. 9 and 15 are blank;
84 = a few words from 7 lines broken on both sides, from the bottom of a column; bottom margin: 3 cm;
111c = beginning words of 5 lines from the bottom of a column; bottom margin: 2.7 cm.
N.B.: Parsons (1977) omits 84 and 111c and labels the other fragments as follows: A = 82; B = 76d + 79; C = 78b; D = 78a; E = 78c [wrongly labelled 78b]
0172 61097 h044 anon. F. Montanari, Anagennesis 2 (1982), p. 273-278 (= Studi di filologia omerica antica, vol. 2, Pisa, 1995, p. 87-90). sheet ?? end of hypothesis to Il. 3 (in accordance with the manuscript tradition), followed by an "epigraphê". 356 AD 6 Nuovi Papiri Letterari Fiorentini, Marburg, 1971, p. 27-28, no. 6 (M. Lallai) = Papiri Letterari Greci no. 22 (A. Carlini, 1978)
document, AD 6 (end), also along the fibres hypothesis large, informal, mixed round, influenced by chancery style, leaning forward, generally bilinear (except for very long tails of , and ), regular, written with a thin pen by a proficient scribe ("an advanced student or a teacher", according to Cribiore), mostly separating the letters. Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, Biblioteca, 1
2234 decorative stroke after title (?). ?? papyrus Agamemnôn; Helenê (?)
Alexandros; Menelaos.
01 M-P 1173.1 Carlini, pl. IX; Montanari, pl. II Agamemnôn; Helenê (?) Alexandros; Menelaos. Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 3] along the fibres 25 13 x 8 VRS states that the lines had ca. 30 letters; this corresponds to the number of letters in the title, but may be different for the text itself.
Van Elst: F. Montanari, Anagennesis 2 (1982), p. 273-278
remains of 4 lines from the bottom of a column, broken to the left, followed by a blank line and the title. Homerica, school text, mythology
0173 61279 Hyginus M. Schmidt, Hygini Fabulae, Jena, 1872, p. XLIX-L + 73-78; E. Chatelain, Les palimpsestes latins, Paris, 1903, p. 19, no. 36; H.I. Rose, Hygini Fabulae, Leiden, 1933, p. XVIII; E.A. Lowe, CLA I, 71; J. Fohlen, Scrittura e Civiltà 3 (1979), p. 213; P.K. Marshall, Hygini Fabulae, Stuttgart-Leipzig, 1993, 2002 , p. IX; J.-Y. Boriaud, Hygin, Fables, Paris, 1997, p. XIV + 57-62. codex 14 (R) Fragment of the mythographical manual of Hyginus (Fabulae 67-71), preserved in Latin but based on a Greek original. AD 5 B.G. Niebuhr, M.Tullii Ciceronis Orationum - Fragmenta, Rome, 1820, p. 105-107.
mythographical manual medium-sized, Roman uncial, upright, regular, neatly written. Roma, Vat. Pal. Lat. 24 (N) 2004/07/16 Marc Huys 2421 none. 48-50 (R) parchment Sphinx; Oedipus (3 + 2R); Laius (R + 1) Iocaste; Eteocles (2 + 2R); Polynices (5 + 3R); Antigone (R); Ismene (R); Thebae [Thebes] (3 + 3R); Eriboea; Polybus; Sicyon; Moenetes (?);Adrastus (5); Talaus (2);Deiphile (2R); Argia (R + 1);Apollon; Tydeus (1 + 3R);Oeneus (2); Menalippus;Capaneus (3); Hipponous;
Amphiaraus (3) Oecleus;Parthenopaeus (2); Atalante;Aegialeus; Polydorus;Hippomedon (R); Sthenelus;Alcmaeon; Thersander (R);Biantes; Diomedes (R); Jupiter (R).
Lowe, no. 71 (part) Sphinx; Oedipus (3 + 2R); Laius (R + 1); Iocaste;Eteocles (2 + 2R);Polynices (5 + 3R); Antigone (R); Ismene (R);Thebae [Thebes] (3 + 3R);Eriboea; Polybus; Sicyon; Moenetes (?); Adrastus(5); Talaus (2); Deiphile(2R); Argia (R + 1);Apollon; Tydeus (1 + 3R);Oeneus (2); Menalippus;Capaneus (3); Hipponous;Amphiaraus (3) Oecleus;Parthenopaeus (2);Atalante; Aegialeus;Polydorus; Hippomedon(R); Sthenelus; Alcmaeon;Thersander (R); Biantes;Diomedes (R); Jupiter (R). unknown 23 14.5 x 19.5 palimpsest - the size indicated above (as by Lowe) is that of the page of the original codex, i.e. of the double-folio of the re-used one; measurements based on private photograph;
add names not contained in fragment, but known from extant text? put Greek equivalent?
Chatelain NOT SEEN (check hand catalogue BIBC)
copy ed. pr., Lowe and Fohlen
one leaf, later re-used as part of another manuscript, with 17 (ruled) lines of text on each side, written underneath biblical texts; large left and right margins (4.5 cm). mythology
0174 63099 anon. J. Bingen, CdE 57 (1982), pp. 107-110. sheet (?) 02 - 02.5 alphabetic list of disyllabic names (from alpha to omega), some from mythology. 100 AD 1 P.Genova 02, 53 (L. Migliardi Zingale, 1980)
document (accounts), AD 1 (?) list of names medium to fair-sized, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, but rather irregular in letter size and forms, written with a thick pen by a slow and hesitant hand of the "alphabetic" type, mostly separating the letters, but frequently using binding strokes. Genova, Univ. degli Studi, inv. DR 1 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4302 long horizontal strokes to separate sections; vertical lines to separate the columns; many corrections. 04-05 papyrus Aias; Gigas (?); Gouneus;Gorgôn [Gorgô]; Dios (?);Dolôn (?); Hektôr; Hermês;Zêthos; Thêseus; Indos;Kêpheus (?); Kreôn; Leôn:Xouthos; Pylos (?); Hôros (?). 04 M-P 2665.2 ed. princ. pl. II. Aias; Andrôn (?); Biôn (?); Gigas (?); Gouneus;Gorgôn [Gorgô]; Dios (?);Dolôn (?); Erôs (?); Hektôr; Hermês; Zêthos;Hêrôn (?); Thêseus; Thrasôn (?); Ilos (?); Indos; Kêpheus (?); Kreôn; Lykos (?); Leôn;Menôn (?); Nikôn (?); Xouthos; Pylos (?); Stratôn; Chairôn; Psôlôn (?); Hôros (?). Egypt, unknown across the fibres 9 24.5 x 18.5 name of papyrus according to check-list (instead of PUG)
inv. nr.? DR 1 (cf. PUG vol. III, Pap. Flor. XX, 1991, p. 6)
large empty space (ca. 11 cm) to the right; the back is clearly from a roll (broken off at top), but I suspect that the school text is simply a sheet torn off from that roll.
Van Elst: ed. pr. + J. Bingen, CdE 57 (1982), pp. 107-110 (ik weet niet zeker of al mijn aanvullingen wel terecht zijn)
copy ed. pr.
columns at full height and width, listing 94 names ordered alphabetically by groups of 4 (occasionally of 3 or 5);
col. 1 = 28 names; col. 2 = 28 names; col. 3 = 15 names, then blank space and another 8 names; col. 4 = 15 names, ending with double horizontal bar;
the right half of the sheet is blank.
school text, mythology
0175 60802 h014 anon. roll (?) 05.5 (R) hypotheseis to Od. 5 and 6, in parts similar to the medieval tradition. AD 3 P.Laur. 03, 53 (R. Pintaudi, 1979)
unidentified document, AD 3 hypothesis small, informal, round, upright and sometimes leaning very slightly backward, markedly bilinear, regular, alterning thick and narrow strokes, written with care in the style of the Biblical majuscule, well separating the letters, with occasional serifs. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, PL III/305
1929 decorative strokes above and below the title. 20 (R) papyrus Êôs (Q, R)); Tithônos (Q);Athêna (R + 1); Hermês;Kalypsô; Odysseus (Q); Nausikaa (R); Alkinoos. 01 M-P 1209.4 ed. princ. pl. LI. Êôs (Q, R)); Tithônos (Q); Athêna (R + 1); Hermês; Kalypsô; Odysseus (Q); Nausikaa (R); Alkinoos. Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 5, 6] across the fibres 16 4 x 10 copy ed. pr. 20 poorly preserved lines, broken on both ends; two titles (book number) in eisthesis.The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto. Homerica, mythology
0176 61270 h099 anon. F. Montanari, CMG XVII [Convegni Magna Grecia], 1977, p. 279-281; idem, Studi di filologia omerica antica, I, 1979, p. 57-64; idem, SCO 29 (1979), p. 174-176; A. Wouters, Grammatical Papyri, Bruxelles 1979, no. 5 (p. 120-124); mentioned by VRS p. 56. codex 05.5 - 06 PSI 19: catechismal questions and answers on the Trojan War, similar to P.IFAO inv. 320 and P.Oxy. 56, 3829, and to manuscript tradition (cf. Montanari); PSI 18: tractate Peri Podôn and beginning of Dionysius Thrax' Technê Grammatikê [not mythographic]; 405 AD 5 PSI 01, 18 + 19 (T. Lodi, 1912)
catechism fair-sized to large, informal, round, leaning forward, not bilinear, irregular in size and spacing, somewhat careless but fluent, written by a practised school hand of the "rapid" type, influenced by the chancery style, mostly separating the letters, with occasional ligatures. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2412 high stops to mark end of sentences (?); one trema (PSI 19, l. 18); two abbreviations; some decorations; supralineations on some words; a few misspellings. 12-13 (PSI 19)
14-15 (PSI 18)
papyrus PSI 19, verso: Arês; Aphroditê; Apollôn; Artemis; Lêtô; Skamandros; Trôes [Trojans]; Priamos; Hektôr;Polydamas; Agênôr;

PSI 19, recto: Helenos; Kassandra; Priamos; Idaios; Eumêdês; Dolôn (2).
01 0344 + 1207 Cribiore, pl. LXXVIII (PSI 19 verso); Wouters, pl. V (PSI 18 recto). PSI 18, recto: Helenos; Hêrôdês; Hêraklês;

PSI 19, verso: Arês; Aphroditê; Apollôn; Artemis; Lêtô;
Skamandros; Trôes [Trojans]; Priamos; Hektôr; Polydamas;Agênôr
PSI 19,recto:Helenos; Kassandra;Priamos; Idaios; Eumêdês. Dolôn (2).
Egypt, unknown 23 6 x 9.3 (PSI 19)
6.5 x 9.3 (PSI 18)
N.B.: the two high points in PSI 18 are not visible on papyrus (contra Wouters)
Van Elst: ed. pr. + A. Wouters, Grammatical Papyri, Brussels 1979, no. 5 (p. 120-124)
copy ed. pr., Montanari (Studi di filologia and SCO)
two sheets from the same (mini-) codex, but from different sections of it;
PSI 19: verso = 12 lines; recto = 9 lines (continuation of verso);
PSI 18: recto = 7 lines (tractate) followed by title and 3 lines of the Technê; verso = 10 lines (continuation of recto, now almost completely faded).
Homerica, school text, mythology
0177 61611 h007 Mythographus Homericus R. Pfeiffer, Philologus 92 (1937), p. 14-16 [= Ausgewählte Schriften, 1960, p. 37-39]; A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), p. 119-120; G. Arrighetti, MPhL 2 (1977), p. 49-67; cf. idem, SCO 26 (1977), p. 52-54; R.L. Fowler, ZPE 97 (1993), p. 29-42 (fr. 2); F. Montanari, in: Greek Lit. Theory after Aristotle, Amsterdam, 1995, p. 135-172; W. Luppe, ZPE 116 (1997), p. 13-18 (fr. 3, 5, 7); P. Degni, in: G. Cavallo e.a., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Firenze, 1998, p. 126-127 (no. 46); J. Lightfoot, Parthenius of Nicaea, 1999, p. 251-252; F. Montanari, "Ancora sul Mythographus Homericus (e L' Odissea)", in: La Mythologie et L' Odyssée, edd. A. Hurst & F. Letoublon, Genève, 2002, p. 130-131, 135-144; Asclepiades FGrHist 12 F 29-31 add.; Dionysius of Samos FGrHist 15 F 12 add.; FGrHist 4 F 124b = Hellanicus fr. 124b Fowler; FGrHist 3 F 34 add., 148 add., 170b add. = Pherecydes fr. 34b, 148b, 170c Fowler= fr. 153, 19, 174 Dolcetti; FGrHist 2 F 40 add. = Acusilas fr. 40b Fowler; Herodorus fr. 65b Fowler. codex 07 - 07.5 mythological stories relating to Homeric lemmata fromOdyssey 3, 11, 12 and 13:
3.4: Pylos (fr. 1 recto);
3.91: Amphitrite (fr. 1 recto);
??: Telemachus (fr. 1 verso): according to Luppe this fragment would not belong to the Mythographus Homericus and would actually constitute the recto of the page;
11.321: Phaedra (fr. 2 recto);
11.321: Procris (fr. 2 recto + verso);
11.322: Ariadne and Theseus (fr. 3 recto);
11.326: Maera (fr. 3 verso);
11.326: Clymene (fr. 4 recto);
11.326: Eriphyle (fr. 4 recto + verso);
11.519:Eurypylus (fr. 4 verso);
11.582: Tantalus (fr. 5 recto);
12.70: Argo and Jason (fr. 5 recto + verso and fr. 6 recto);
12.85: Scylla (fr. 6 verso);
13.96: Phorcys (fr. 7 recto);
13.259: Idomeneus (fr. 7 verso);
14.327: Dodona (fr. 7 verso).
The text of fr. 2-7 corresponds to a large extent to the stories in the scholia; that of fr. 1, however, is unique.
AD 3 PSI 10, 1173 (G. Coppola, 1932)
commentary (selected lemmata) medium-sized, cursive, competently written, neat and regular, keeping the lines straight. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2003/10/18 Marc Huys;
2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst
2760 paragraphos to mark end of sections; occasional stops; one rough breathing; apostrophes; trema (several); some corrections; iota adscript capriciously written. 24-24 papyrus fr. 1 recto: Amphiôn (R); Pylos; Chlôris;Amphitritê (Q);
fr. 1 verso: Odysseus;Têlemachos;
fr. 2 recto: Prokris (Q + 1);Kephalos; Dêïoneus;Erechtheus; Thorikos;
fr. 2 verso:Prokris (R + 1); Kephalos;
fr. 3 recto: Poseidôn;Thêseus; Ariadnê (2); Athênai [Athens]; Aphroditê;
fr. 3 verso: Artemis (2); Zeus; Lokros; Thêbai[Thebes]; Amphiôn; Zêthos;Maira; Klymenê (Q);
fr. 4 recto:Klymenê; Hêlios (R)Phaethôn; Eriphylê (Q + 2);Amphiaraos (2); Talaos;Adrastos (2); Thêbai[Thebes]; Argeioi [Argians] (R);
fr. 4 verso:
Alkmaiôn; Têlephidês (Q);Eurypylos; Têlephos;Astyochê; Hêraklês;
fr. 5 recto: Zeus; Sipylos; Argô (Q);Aiêtês (Q); Tyrô; Salmôneus;Poseidôn; Nêleus (R); Pelias;
fr. 5 verso: Cheirôn (3);Iôlkos; Pelias; Kolchoi [Colchians]; Iasôn; Athêna;
Argô; Planktai;
fr. 6 recto: Phineus (3); Iasôn; Planktai; Harpyiai;Argô;
fr. 6 verso: Skylla (Q + 1); Phorkys;Krataiïs; Hekatê;
fr. 7 recto: Phorkys (Q + 2); Arymnion; Kephallênia;
Ithakê [Ithaca] (R);
fr. 7 verso:Athêna; Kalchas; Sthenelos (R); Kolophôn; Dôdônê (Q + 1).
01 1209 Cavallo, pl. XXXVIII (recti only). r. 1 recto:Amphiôn (R); Pylos;Chlôris; Hellanikos (R);Amphitritê (Q);
fr. 1 verso:Odysseus; Têlemachos
fr. 2 recto:Asklêpiadês; Prokris (Q + 1); Kephalos; Dêïoneus;Erechtheus; Thorikos;

fr. 2 verso:
Prokris (R + 1); Kephalos;Erechtheus;
fr. 3 recto: Poseidôn; Thêseus; Ariadnê (2); Athênai [Athens]; Aphroditê; Dionysos;

fr. 3 verso:Artemis (2); Zeus; Lokros; Thêbai [Thebes];Amphiôn; Zêthos; Maira;Pherekydês (R); Klymenê (Q);
fr. 4 recto: Klymenê; Hêlios (R); Phaethôn; Hêsiodos;Eriphylê (Q + 2);Amphiaraos (2); Talaos;Adrastos (2); Thêbai [Thebes]; Argeioi [Argians] (R);
fr. 4 verso: Alkmaiôn; Asklêpiadês; Têlephidês (Q); Eurypylos; Têlephos;
Astyochê; Hêraklês;
Akousilaos (?);
fr. 5 recto: Zeus;Sipylos; Asklêpiadês;Argô (Q); Aiêtês (Q);Tyrô; Salmôneus; Poseidôn; Nêleus (R);Pelias; Krêtheus;
fr. 5 verso:Cheirôn (3); Iôlkos; Pelias; Kolchoi [Colchians]; Iasôn; Athêna; Argô; Planktai;
fr. 6 recto:
Phineus (3); Iasôn; Planktai; Harpyiai; Argô;
fr. 6 verso:
Skylla (Q + 1); Phorkys;
Krataiïs; Hekatê;
fr. 7 recto:
Phorkys (Q + 2); Arymnion; Kephallênia;
Ithakê [Ithaca] (R); Hêrodôros (?);
fr. 7 verso: Athêna; Kalchas; Sthenelos (R);Kolophôn; Lykophrôn; Dôdônê (Q + 1).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 3, 11, 12, 13]; Hellanicus;Asclepiades Tragilensis; Pherecydes Atheniensis; Hesiodus;Lycophron; Acusilaus (?); Herodorus (?). 16 3 x 8.5 (fr. 1);
6.5 x 9 (fr. 2);
6 x 9.5 (fr. 3);
7 x 10 (fr. 4);
6.5 x 10.5 (fr. 5);
6.5 x 7.5 (fr. 6);
3.5 x 10.5 (fr. 7);
3 x 4.5 (scrap)
N.B.: paragraphos also at bottom of fr. 3 verso (not mentioned elsewhere in bibliography)
N.B.: from line 136 onwards, the line numbering in VRS does not correspond to that of ed. princ.
copy ed. pr. and edition Dolcetti
7 leaves and one small unidentified scrap (ed. Luppe) from the same codex, all broken at top and bottom; no line is complete, but most can be reconstructed with the help of the scholia (except in fr. 1); likewise, the height of each column can be estimated at 26-27 lines (cf. Luppe);
fr. 1: 13 lines (recto) and 13 lines (verso);
fr. 2: 13 lines (r) and 13 lines (v);
fr. 3: 13 lines (r) and 13 lines (v);
fr. 4: 15 lines (r) and 14 lines (v);
fr. 5: 14 lines (r) and 15 lines (v);
fr. 6: 11 lines (r) and 10 lines (v);
fr. 7: 15 lines (r) and 16 lines (v);
scrap: a few letters from 6 lines (r) and 6 lines (v).
Homerica, mythology
0178 60801 h060 anon. U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Deutsche Literaturzeitung 34 (1913), p. 1863; A. Körte, APF 7 (1924), p. 245; A. Carlini, Zetesis (Festschrift de Strijcker, 1973), p. 484-486; E. Turner, Typology, p. 111 (no. 203a). codex 10 - 10.5 (R) paraphrase (?) of Il. 6, 84-98 (verso) and 130-140 (recto), limited to the speeches of Helenos and of Diomedes. AD 3 PSI 02, 135 (T. Lodi, 1913)
paraphrase (?)
Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
1928 paragraphos; two rough breathings; trema (3); several high stops. 30 (R) papyrus recto:
Helenos (S);
Mainades (S);
Diomêdês (S).
01 1183 recto:
Helenos (S); Lykourgos;
Dryas; Dionysos; Mainades (S); Diomêdês (S).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 6] 16 7 x 7 no plate ordered
copy ed. pr., Wilamowitz-Moellendorff and Körte
substantial remains of 12 lines on recto (broken to the left) and of 11 lines on the verso (broken to the right). Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0179 61443 w002 anon. G. Vitelli, Aegyptus 3 (1922), p. 141-142; A. Humpers, ibidem, p. 223; A. Körte, APF 7 (1924), p. 244-245; G. Méautis, Musée belge 32 (1928), p. 87-90. roll (?) 07 (R) scholia (seemingly line by line) on Lycophron's Alexandra 743-747, quoting Homer, Od. 12.432-433. AD 3 PSI 06, 724 (G. Vitelli, 1920)
blank commentary (continuous lemmata ?) tiny, informal, round, of the "severe" style, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, regular, written with care, mostly separating the letters, with occasional ligatures. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
2588 some abbreviations; iota adscript capriciously written. 40 (R) papyrus Charybdis (Q);
Atlantis (Q);
Atlas (Q).
01 1287 Charybdis (Q); Atlantis (Q); Atlas (Q). Egypt, unknown [Lycophron, Alexandra];
along the fibres 16 4.5 x 11 OK - check state of preservation: full height?
PHOTO (paper)
copy ed. pr. and Méautis
29 much damaged lines, broken off at the left-hand side. mythology
0180 63805 anon. codex ?? mythological fragment (?), related to Orpheus and Dionysus. AD 2 - AD 3 (?) PSI 07, 850 (G. Vitelli - G. Coppola, 1925)
uncertain small, informal, mixed-round, of the "severe" style, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, regular, alterning thick and narrow strokes, written with care, well separating the letters, with serifs on certain letters. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
5018 diplê (2) ?? papyrus recto:

01 2462 recto:
Orpheus; Dionysos;

Egypt, unknown 14 6.5 x 7.5 OK
copy ed. pr.
modest remains of 11 lines on each side of the leaf (on recto beginnings, on verso endings of lines); margin of ca. 3 cm on each side. mythology
0181 63241 anon. M. Norsa, Scrittura letteraria greca, Firenze, 1939, p. 19-20; A.C. Cassio, RivFil 117 (1989), p. 257-275; P. Degni in: G. Cavallo e.a., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Firenze 1998, p. 99. roll 04.5 narration (in Doric dialect) taken from the legendary wars of Thebes, on the expedition of the Seven against Thebes. AD 1 PSI 09, 1091 (G. Vitelli, 1929)
blank narrative ? historiographical work ? medium-sized, informal, round, upright, strictly bilinear, neat and regular, of handsome appearance, written with great care, well separating the letters (almost in epigraphic style), with hooks at the bottom of many uprights. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
4446 paragraphos in combination with blank space; high stops; one inserted letter (supra lineam); stichometrical sign (&#919;); twice marginal annotation "&#959; &#951;&#957;" (abbreviation of "&#959;&#8023;&#964;&#959;&#962; &#7974;&#957;"); line-fillers. 12-15 papyrus Alkmeôn [Alkmaiôn] (2);
Adrastos (2);
Thêbai [Thebes];
03 2450 ed. princ., pl.V; Norsa, pl. 9c; G. Cavallo, La scrittura greca libraria, pl. 20; G. Cavallo, Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Firenze 1998, pl. 15. Alkmeôn [Alkmaiôn] (2);
Eriphylê; Adrastos (2);
Thêbai [Thebes]; Amphiaraos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 9 9 x 20.5 (fr. A)
1.5 x 11.5 (fr. B)
back: blank except for a chi-like sign at the very top
not found Cavallo, La scrittura greca libraria
copy ed. pr. and Cassio
fr. A: large upper margin (5.5 cm)
col. 1: a few letters from the end of 10 lines;
col. 2: 25 complete lines from a column at full height;
col. 3: a few letters from the beginning of 11 lines;

fr. B: beginning letters of at least 10 lines.
0182 59817 anon. C. Austin, Nova Fragmenta Euripidea, Berlin, 1968, p. 92, 95-96 (only col. II); W. Luppe, Anagennesis 2 (1982), p. 74-82 + 265-271. roll 07 (8 with ekthesis) hypotheseis to Euripides' Rhesus, Rhadamanthys and Scyrii. The Rhesus hyp. is quite similar to the manuscript tradition. AD 2 RivFil. 61 (1933), p. 177-188 (C. Gallavotti) = PSI 12, 1286 (C. Gallavotti - V. Bartoletti, 1951)
blank hypothesis small, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, neat, written with care by a proficient scribe, mostly separating the letters, but linking many with small binding strokes and occasional ligatures, decorated with serifs on certains letters. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
922 first-line quotations and first line of hypothesis written in ekthesis; some high stops; several misspellings; consistent use of iota adscript. 26 papyrus fr. A, col. 1:
Hellênes [Greeks];
Alexandros (R);
Rhêsos (5);
Hektôr (2);

fr. A, col. 2:
Skyrioi (Q + 1);
Tyndareôs (Q);
Lakaina (Q);
Achilleus (2);
Ilios [Ilion];
Dêïdameia (2);

fr. B:
Apollôn (?); Diktys (?)..
02 0428 = M-P 0454.4 Luppe, pl. IX + I; R. Pintaudi, Papiri greci e latini a Firenze, Pap. Flor. 12 (suppl.), 1983, pl. LXIV. fr. A, col. 1:
Hellênes [Greeks]; Alexandros (R); Athêna;
Aphroditê; Diomêdês; Rhêsos (5); Hektôr (2);
Kalliopê; Strymôn; Achilleus; Rhadamanthys;

fr. A, col. 2:
Polydeukês; Rhadamanthys; Artemis;
Helenê; Skyrioi (Q + 1);
Tyndareôs (Q); Lakaina (Q); Thetis; Achilleus (2);
Ilios [Ilion]; Lykomêdês;
Dêïdameia (2); Agamemnôn; Diomêdês;

fr. B:
Apollôn (?); Diktys (?).
Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Rhesus, Rhadamanthys, Scyrii] along the fibres 12 18.2 x 14 (fr. A);
2 x 3 (fr. B)
Van Elst: W. Luppe, Anagennesis 2 (1982), p. 74-82 + 265-271: col. 2: Odysseus (?, R) en Nestôr (?, R)? // voor fragment B: ed. pr. : Diktys (?)?OK
fr. A: seven fragments with substantial remains of two columns, broken off at the bottom; col. 1 = 26 lines; col. 2 = 27 lines; indented titles.
fr. B: a few letters from 6 lines broken off on all sides.
0183 63461 anon. H. Lloyd-Jones, Gnomon 31 (1959), p. 113-114; S. Daris, Aegyptus 39 (1959), p. 21-22. roll (?) 10 (R) mythology (?): the death of Tiresias (subject identified by Lloyd-Jones). The text shows some similarities to the account in Ps.-Apollodorus, Bibl. III.84-85. AD 2 PSI 14, 1398 (V. Bartoletti, 1957)
accounts, late AD 1 or early AD 2 narrative, myhographic literature medium-sized, informal, mixed-round, with tall letters, upright, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, but of somewhat shaky appearance, written by a proficient scribe, separating all letters, with several cursive forms, occasionally decorated with serifs. Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli', 2512
4670 none. 30-35 (R) papyrus col. 1:
Apollôn; Zeus (1 + R); Teiresias (2R) Telphoussa (krênê); Thêbaioi [Thebans];

col. 2:
Amphilochos (?).
02 2451 ed. princ. pl. III. col. 1:
Apollôn; Zeus (1 + R); Teiresias (2R) Telphoussa (krênê); Thêbaioi [Thebans];

col. 2:
Amphilochos (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus across the fibres 12 8 x 12.5 the remains of col. 2, ll. 10-13 are not reproduced in the ed. princ. (frg. found later).
N.B.: Lloyd-Jones restitutions make up lines of unequal length and must be revised.
PHOTO VERSO (colour photocopy)
Van Elst: H. Lloyd-Jones, Gnomon 31 (1959), p. 113-114 (+ ed. pr.)
copy ed. pr., Lloyd-Jones and Daris
none. mythology
0184 65866 anon. L. Salvadori Baldascino, SCO38 (1988), p. 263-270; Clearchus CPF I.1*, no. 32, 2T. roll (?) 07 - 07.5 (?, R) collection of proverbs in alphabetic order, with related mythological stories:
fr. A: "Hydra temnein" = on Hercules and the Lernean Hydra;
fr. B: "Hylan kraugazein" = on Hercules and the abduction of Hylas.
AD 3 Nuovi Papiri Letterari Fiorentini, Marburg, 1971, p. 8-13, no. 2 (A. Bussa - M. Ciantelli - F. Ferrari)
document, AD 2 catalogue tiny to small, informal, round, influenced by the "severe" style, leaning forward, generally bilinear, neat and regular, proficiently written, mostly well separating the letters, with occasional links and some (rare) cursive forms. Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli', 155 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 7130 high and low stops; blank spaces to separate sections; trema (several); some abbreviations; one correction. 30 (?, R) papyrus fr. A:
Hêraklês (1 + R);
Hydra (R);

fr. B:
Hylas (3 + R);
Theodamas [Theiodamas];
01 M-P 2449.1 ed. princ. pl. I; CPF IV.2, pl. 257 (fr. B). fr. A:
Hêraklês (1 + R); Hydra (R);

fr. B:
Hylas (3 + R); Aristophanês; Nymphodôros (?); Klearchos; Soleus (?, R);
Theodamas [Theiodamas];
Apollônios (R); Argonautai; Euphêmos.
Egypt, unknown Aristophanes Byzantius;
Nymphodorus (?);
Apollonius Rhodius.
across the fibres 16 2.9 x 5.8 (fr. A);
2.9 x 7.4 (fr. B).
PHOTO VERSO (colour photocopy)
Van Elst: L. Salvadori Baldascino, SCO 38 (1988), p. 263-270
copy Baldascino
two fragments presumably from the same column, with only a few lines missing inbetween; fr. A precedes fr. B; the lines are broken off on both sides in each fragment (14 lines in fr. A, 19 lines in fr. B);
titles (in eisthesis) presumably on separate lines.
0185 63861 anon. A. Grilli, PP 26 (1971), p. 354-367. roll (?) 06 - 06.5 list of Actaeon's dogs, followed by a list of monsters. Close resemblances to Hyginus, Fab. 181.3-5. AD 2 - AD 3 Proc. XIIth Congr. Toronto, 1970, p. 97-102 (S. Daris)
accounts, AD 2 catalogue small, informal, mixed-round, slightly flattened, leaning forward, generally bilinear, fairly regular, proficiently written, separating all letters, undecorated. Milano, Università Cattolica, P.Med. inv. 123
5075 one abbreviation; two line-fillers; blank spaces to separate the names in the list; iota adscript once (where required). 18 papyrus Syros; Lampos; Maggos; Charops; Aithôn; Atreus;
Aineus; Boreas; Drakôn, Diôn; Myros; Haimôn; Ichneumôn; Ôkydromos;
Harpyia; Kelainô; Harpê (?); Gorgê; Lygrê; Argê;
Aithousa; Marma[??; Thêrophonê; Leaina; Oxyboê; Ly[??; Ôxythoê;
Deinomachê; Hydra Lernaia; Argos; Chimaira;
01 M-P 2463.4 Syros; Lampos; Maggos; Charops; Aithôn; Atreus;
Aineus; Boreas; Drakôn, Diôn; Myros; Haimôn; Ichneumôn; Ôkydromos;
Harpyia; Kelainô; Harpê (?); Gorgê; Lygrê; Argê;
Aithousa; Marma[??; Thêrophonê; Leaina; Oxyboê; Ly[??; Ôxythoê;
Deinomachê; Hydra Lernaia; Argos; Chimaira;
Egypt, unknown across the fibres 14 7.5 x 11 PHOTO VERSO (paper)
copy ed. pr. and VRS
19 lines from the bottom of a col., broken off to the left by a few letters; titles in eisthesis.
The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto.
school text (?), mythology
0186 63566 h108 anon. M.S. Funghi, PP 38 (1983), p. 11-19. roll 06 (?) discussion on Mount Olympus. 1 BC Aegyptus 52 (1972), p. 89-90 (S. Daris)
traces (unidentified) learned discussion medium to fair-sized, informal, mixed round, with tall letters, upright, markedly bilinear, somewhat irregular, written with a thick pen by a fairly practised scribe, closely spaced (tough all letters written separately), with serifs on many letters. Milano, Università Cattolica, P.Med. inv. 71.82 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 4775 paragraphos (several); blank spaces; iota adscript once where required. 22-23 (?) papyrus Olympos (3); 01 M-P 1227.2 ed. princ. pl. 6. Olympos (3); Homêros. Egypt, unknown Homerus along the fibres 6 5 x 19 date according to LDAB = AD 2 (probably copied from Allen-Sutton)
see in relation to P.Brux. E 7162 (and P.Derveni?)
Van Elst: ed. pr. (Funghi biedt geen transcriptie)
copy ed. pr. and article Funghi
30 lines from a column at full height, broken off by the right half. Homerica (?), mythology
0187 59126 w026 + w033 anon. B. Wyss, Antimachi Colophonii reliquiae, Berlin, 1936, p. 76-90; A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), p. 81-84; B. Snell, Gnomon 15 (1939), p. 534-535; M.R. Falivene, in: Studia Classica Iohanni Tarditi oblata, I, 1995, p. 145-157; V.J. Matthews, Antimachus of Colophon, Text and Commentary, 1996, p. 441-444 and passim (frr. 16, 99-114); M. Piérart, in: Les Panthéons des cités. Kernos, Suppl. 8 (1998), p. 165-193; FGrHist 305 F 4 = Agias et Dercylus T 1a + fr. 4ab Fowler; FGrHist 1 F 27b = Hecataeus fr. 27b Fowler; Mimnermus FGrHist 578 F 1; Theophrastus CPF I.1***, no. 103, 5T. roll 15 (16 with ekthesis) commentary on selected lemmata from Antimachus of Colophon's Artemis and Thebais, mainly on lexical and linguistic matters, but also with some mythographic information (col. 2):

ll. 1-3 = fr. 99 M: on Eileithyia and Oupis;
ll. 12-26 = fr. 104 M: on the springs of Physideia and Automate in Argos;
ll. 33-36 = fr. 107 M: on Artemis' epithet Lathria;
ll. 50-52 = fr. 114 M: on the river Styx.
AD 2 P.Mil.Vogl. 01, 17 (A. Vogliano, 1937)
land register, date? commentary (selected lemmata) tiny, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, regular, proficiently and quite carefully written, mostly separating the letters, with some cursive elements and ligatures; the lines are closely spaced. Cairo, Egyptian Museum, inv. 65741 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 221 new lemmata marked by obelos periestigmenos or written in ekthesis; blank spaces at end of lemmata; trema (several); two accents; one apostrophe. 50-60 papyrus ll. 1-3 = fr. 99 M:
Eileithyia (Q + 1);
Oupis (Q);

ll. 12-26 = fr. 104 M:
Physadeia (Q + 1);
Automatê (2);

ll. 33-36 = fr. 107 M:
Lathria (Q);
Artemis (S);

ll. 50-52 = fr. 114 M/u>:
Styx (Q + R);
Haidês (2);
02 0089 ed. princ. pl. I.; Wyss, p. 107; CPF IV.2, pl. 120. ll. 1-3 = fr. 99 M:
Eileithyia (Q, R + 1); Oupis (Q); Homêros; Hêra; Artemis; Lêtô;

ll. 8-9:

ll. 9-11:
Aristophanês; Hêsiodos;

ll. 12-26 = fr. 104 M:
Physadeia (Q + 1); Achaiis [Achais] (Q); Kallimachos (2); Automatê (Q + 1); Agias (2); Derkylos (R + 1);
Hippeion (Q, R); Hêresides (Q); Hêra (Q);
Automateion (Q);
Locheutriai (Q); Homêros (R);

ll. 26-32:
Mimnermos; Smyrnêis;
Hekataios Meilêsios [Milêsios]; Eurystheus (Q); Hêsiodos;

ll. 33-36 = fr. 107 M:
Lathria (Q); Prothyraia;
Artemis (S);

ll. 36-39:

ll. 39-41:
Lêtô (Q);

ll. 44-47:
*Ais [Haidês] (Q);

ll. 47-49:
Erinys (Q); *Ais [Haidês] (Q); Arai (Q + 1); Ereinyes [Erinyes];

ll. 50-52 = fr. 114 M:
Styx (Q + Q, R); Haidês (2); Panyassis; Sisyphos;

ll. 52-58:
Arkadikê Nônakris (Q); Theophrastos; Styx (Q).
Egypt, Hermoupolis [Antimachus, Artemis, Thebais];
Hecataeus Milesius;
Agias and Dercylus;
across the fibres 12 18.5 x 22 FALIVENE - PMil.Vogl. I 17 (Commentario ad Antimaco). -- "CLGP" I
Maria Rosaria
date of back?
Van Elst: V.J. Matthews, Antimachus of Colophon, Text and Commentary, 1996, p. 441-444 and passim (frr. 16, 99-114) + Fowler: col. 1: Kairos (?)?; col. 2: Achaiis [Achais] (Q)? (l. 13); Hippeion (Q, R) en Automateion (Q)? (l. 17-18); Smyrnêis? (l. 27); Thêbais (Q)? (l. 52)
copy ed. pr.
several fragments fitting together;
col. 1: modest remains from the end of 15 lines;
col. 2: 58 almost complete lines (a few letters missing at the right end of lines), but much damaged in the middle section; the column is broken off at the bottom.
0188 59371 anon. R. Pfeiffer, SB Bayer. Akad., 1934, Heft 10; idem, Callimachus I, p. 71-73, 85-87, 91-92, 95, 97-99, 101-111, 123, 163, 172, 174, 177, 185, 189, 193, 195-196, 198-200, 205, 216-218, 223, 227 = Callimachus II, pap. 8 (p. XII-XIII) and p. 41, 46; A.S. Hollis, Callimachus, Hecale, Oxford, 1990, p. 65 + 135-136; C. Gallazzi, ZPE 80 (1990), p. 283-288; W. Clarysse, Egypt and the Hellenistic World, Leuven, 1983, p. 49; P. Knox, ZPE 96 (1993), p. 175-178; B. Bravo, Pannychis e simposio, Pisa-Roma, 1997, p. 101-104; A. Kerkhecker, Callimachus' Book of Iambi, Oxford, 1999 (passim); G. Bastianini, Pap. Lup. 9 (2000), p. 75-81; Thales CPF I.1***, no. 102, 1T. roll 07.5 - 10.5 (variable) diegeseis of Callimachus' Aetia 3 and 4, Iambi, Lyrica, Hecale, Hymni 1 and 2. AD 1 - AD 2 Diegeseis di poemi di Callimaco in un papiro di Tebtynis, Firenze, 1934 (M. Norsa - G. Vitelli) = P.Mil.Vogl. 01, 18 (A.Vogliano, 1937) + ZPE 137 (2001), p. 7-18 (C. Gallazzi - L. Lehnus) [two additional fragments].
blank diegesis small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, rather irregular in size and spacing, rapidly and proficiently written, though without particular care, with cursive elements and occasional ligatures; some letters are decorated with hooks and serifs; despite the neat alignment of the columns, the lines are frequently uneven and irregularly spaced and the script is too careless to deserve being called "di un calligrafo" (ed. princ.). Cairo, Egyptian Museum, inv. unknown - additional fragments also in Cairo (= P.Mil.Vogl. inv. 28b + 1006). 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 470 blank spaces of one line to separate diegeseis, sometimes combined with long paragraphos; lemmata (first-line quotations) in ekthesis, sometimes with short paragraphos; one breathing; high stops; trema (several); line-fillers; many errors and misspellings; some corrections. variable papyrus col. Y (= inv. 1006):
Phalaikos (S);
Ambrakia (S);

col. Z:

col. 1:

col. 2:
Mousai [Muses] (Q);
Pythô [Delphi];
Melikertês (Q);
Bynê (Q);

col. 3:
Melikertês (2);
Orestês (?);
Hippomenês (?);
Athênai [Athens];
Alôios (?);
Halêios (?);

col. 4:
Tyrsênoi [Tyrrhenians] (Q);
Pelasgikon teichos (Q);
Athênai [Athens];
Pelasgikoi horoi (?);
Euthymos (Q + 1);
Zeus (Q + 1);
Pisa (Q);
Hêra Samia (Q + 1);

col. 5:
Phalêron (S);
Phalêrikos hormos;
Peiraieus [Piraeus]
Argô (Q);
Panormos (Q);

col. 7:
Hermês Perpheraios (Q + 1);
Ainioi [of Ainos] (Q);
Thraikê [Thrace];

col. 8:
Argô (Q);
Aigina [island];
Aphroditê (Q);

col. 9:
Aphroditê Kastnia;
Mopsos (2);
Pamphylioi [Pamphylians] (2);
Eretrieis [Eretrians];
Artemis (Q + 1);
Krêtê [Crete] (Q);
Amnisos (Q);

col. 10:
Phoibos (Q);
Zeus (Q);
Hekalê (3);
Aktaiê (Q);
Erechtheus (Q);
Troizên [Troezen];

col. 11:
Zeus Hekaleios;
Zeus (Q + 2);
Arkades [Arcadians];
Krêtes [Cretans] (2);
Krêtê [Crete];
Apollôn (Q + 1);
Spartê [Sparta];

col. 12:
14 0211 ed. princ. pl. at end of vol. (col. I-VI); P.Mil.Vogl. 1, pl. II, III; Kerkhecker, pl. I-IV (col. VI, IX-XI); Bastianini, p. 78 (col. XI-XII); ZPE 137 (2001), pl. 1 (additional fragments); CPF IV.2, pl. 121 (col. VI). col. Y (= inv. 1006):
Artemis; Phalaikos (S);
Ambrakia (S);

col. Z:
Kydippê; Artemis; Akontios; Pythagoras (?, R);

col. 1:
Êlis; Artemis; Zeus; Eileithyia; Apollôn; Pisa (Q); Euthyklês (Q + 1);
Olympioneikês [Olympionikês];

col. 2:
Apollôn (2); Euthyklês;
Zeus; Mousai [Muses] (Q); Pythô [Delphi]; Pêneios; Abdêra (Q + 1);
Prourides pylai; Melikertês (Q); Bynê (Q);

col. 3:
Melikertês (2); Inô; Tenedos; Leleges; Orestês (?); Lesbos; Liparaio[ ?;
Tyrsên[ ?; Hippomenês (?); Leimônê; Athênai [Athens]; Hippos; Korê;
Alôios (?); Halêios (?);

col. 4:
Tyrsênoi [Tyrrhenians] (Q); Pelasgikon teichos (Q); Athênai [Athens];
Pelasgikoi horoi (?);
Euthymos (Q + 1);
Zeus (Q + 1); Pisa (Q);
Temesê; Odysseus; Hêra;
Prokleês; Argos; Hêra Samia (Q + 1); Hêraklês;
Dionysos; Ephesos (Q);
Pasiklês (Q + 2); Ephesioi [Ephesians]; Hêraion;

col. 5:
Androgeôs; Phalêron (S);
Phalêrikos hormos; Peiraieus [Piraeus]; Oisydrês Thraix (Q + 1);
Thasos (Q); Parioi [Parians]; Thasi[ ?; Beisaltai [Bisaltai]; Thasioi [Thasians]; Antigonê; Panhellas (Q); Peuketioi; Rhômê; Rhômaioi [Romans]; Gaios; Argô (Q); Panormos (Q); Argonautai; Kyzikos;
Athêna; Konôn; Berenikê;

col. 6:
Kallimachos; Hippônax (Q + 1); Parmeniôn; Sarapeideion [Sarapeion];
Bathyklês Arkas; Amphalkês; Milêtos;
Thalês (1 + R); Bias Priêneus; Periandros Korinthios; Solôn Athênaios; Cheilôn Lakedaimonios; Pittakos Mitylênaios; Kleuboulos [Kleoboulos] Lindios;
Apollôn Didymeus (R);
Zeus; Eudêmos; Philtôn;
Sardianos; Aisôpos;

col. 7:
Charitadês (Q); Simos;
Thraix; Tmôlos; Apollônios; Kleôn;
Zeus Aleios [Êleios] (Q);
Pheidias (Q); Olympios Zeus; Êlis; Phidias [Pheidias] Athênaios;
Charmidês; Hermês Perpheraios (Q + 1); Ainioi [of Ainos] (Q); Ainos; Thraikê [Thrace];

col. 8:
Epeios; Hermês; Skamandros; Ainos;
Apollôn; Argô (Q);
Polyklês Aigeinêtês [Aiginêtês]; Argonautai;
Aigina [island]; Hydrophoria; Hermês (Q + 1); Philêtadês (3);
Aphroditê (Q);

col. 9:
Aspendos; Pamphylia;
Aphroditê Kastnia; Mopsos (2); Pamphylioi [Pamphylians] (2);
Eretrieis [Eretrians]; Artemis (Q + 1); Konnaros; Konnidas (4);
Seleinous [Selinous] (2);
Aphrodeitês [Aphroditês];
Sikelia; Krêtê [Crete] (Q);
Amnisos (Q); Leôn; Hêbê;
Apollôn; Mousai [Muses] (Q); Iôn;

col. 10:
Lêmnos (Q + 1); Apollôn (Q + 1); Dioskouroi;
Helenê; Arsinoê;
Dioskouroi; Emporion;
Phoibos (Q); Zeus (Q);
Didyma (Q); Dêlos;
Milêtos; Branchos;
Hekalê (3); Aktaiê (Q);
Erechtheus (Q); Thêseus;
Mêdeia; Aigeus; Troizên [Troezen]; Marathôn;

col. 11:
Zeus Hekaleios; Zeus (Q + 2); Arkades [Arcadians];
Krêtes [Cretans] (2);
Parrhasia; Rhea; Nedê;
Ôkeanides; Krêtê [Crete];
Apollôn (Q + 1); Dêlos;
Kyrênê; Battos; Spartê [Sparta]; Thêra;

col. 12:
Kyrênê; Battos.
Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis [Callimachus, Aetia 3, 4; Iambi; Lyrica; Hecale, Hymni 1, 2];
along the fibres 10 139 x 30
1.7 x 8.6 (inv. 28b)
4 x 6.2 (inv. 1006)
inventory: not in Milano (as stated in LDAB), but Cairo - find inventory number.
what to do with geographical + historical names (go through all the names again; not all have been retained here);
plate in ed. princ. = of better quality than P.Mil.Vogl. 1.
Van Elst: P.Mil.Vogl. 01, 18 (A.Vogliano, 1937) + ZPE 137 (2001), p. 7-18 (C. Gallazzi - L. Lehnus) [two additional fragments]:
col. Z: Samios (?, R)?; col. 1: Pisa (Q)?; col. 1: Olympionikês?; col. 3: Liparaio[ ? en Tyrsên[ ? ?;
col. 4: Ephesioi of Ephesia?; col. 5: Thasi[ ? ?; col. 6: Sardianos opnemen?; col. 7: Charitadês (Q)?; col. 7: Thraix opnemen?; col. 8: Tyrsênos opnemen?; col. 9: Mousai opnemen?; col. 10: Emporion opnemen?; eigennaam Archilochos?
copy ed. pr. (Norsa/Vitelli, Vogliano and Gallazzi/Lehnus) and Gallazzi (ZPE)
13 columns (Z + 1-12) at full height and width, measured and marked by the scribe before writing the text; large holes in the middle section of col. Z and 1-7; 34-44 lines per col.; the additional fragments: inv. 28b = endings of 19 lines from the lower part of col. Z (ll. 26-44); inv. 1006 = remains of 6 lines with scanty traces of two further lines below, from the top of the preceding column (= col. Y). mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/zpe/bilder137/index.html 43
0189 63128 anon. A.F. Moretti, Anal. Pap. 7 (1995), p. 26 (date of hand). roll 07 fragment of uncertain nature, celebrating Hades as equal in might to Zeus and Poseidon. AD 1 Studi in onore di Vincenzo Arangio-Ruiz 2, Napoli, 1953, p. 515-518 (A.Vogliano - A.Cinotti - A.M.Colombo) = P.Mil.Vogl. 02, 43 (M.Vandoni, 1961)
blank uncertain medium-sized to large, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, but rather irregular, giving an impression of "dancing" lines, written without much care by a fairly practised hand, well separating the letters, with occasional serifs. Milano, Università Statale 213
4332 paragraphos (several), in connection with blank space (l. 3) and double dot (l. 10); trema. 18 papyrus col. 2:
Zeus; Poseidôn; Haidês (S).
02 2467 P.Mil.Vogl. 2, pl. III. col. 2:
Zeus; Poseidôn; Haidês (S).
Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis along the fibres 9 10 x 12 N.B.: in col. I, one line has been omitted in the transcript of ed. princ.
PHOTO RECTO (digital image)
copy ed. pr. (Vogliano/Cinotti/Colombo and Vandoni) and Moretti
bottom of two columns: col. 1 = endings of 14 lines; col. 2 = 14 lines at almost full width, though damaged. mythology
0190 64129 anon. P.J. Parsons, Gnomon 38 (1966), p. 673-674; L. Salvadori, RFIC 113 (1985), p. 174-181; C. Gallazzi, ZPE 80 (1990), p. 287. roll 08 list of unions of Zeus with mortal women and offspring, in alphabetical order. For parallels, see VRS p. 132-133. AD 2 - AD 3 P.Mil.Vogl. 03, 126 (I. Cazzaniga, 1965)
blank catalogue small, informal, angular ("severe" style), slightly flattened, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, proficiently though not particularly carefully written, separating all letters, with occasional serifs and roundels; the lines are rather closely spaced. Milano, Università Statale 740
5348 paragraphos to separate entries; abbreviations; corrections.
papyrus Themistô; Lapithês; Hippodameia; Danaos (2); Ôlenos; Isonoê (R); Orchomenos; Chrysês;
Iô (R); Inachos; Epaphos;
Imandê; Gêgenios; Rhodos; Spartaios; Kronios; Kytos; Mopsopia.
01 M-P 2449.2 ed. princ. pl. I; Salvadori, p. 176. Themistô; Lapithês; Hippodameia; Danaos (2); Ôlenos; Isonoê (R); Orchomenos; Chrysês;
Iô (R); Inachos; Epaphos;
Imandê; Gêgenios; Rhodos; Spartaios; Kronios; Kytos; Mopsopia.
Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis along the fibres 14 7.7 x 5.7 (a+b) OK
PHOTO RECTO (digital image)
copy ed. pr. and Salvadori
two fragments fitting perfectly together (as recognized by Salvadori), with 12 incomplete lines from a column broken at top and bottom. mythology
0191 65757 anon. M. Talamanca, 'Su alcuni passi di Menandro di Laodicea relativi agli effetti della "Constitutio Antoniniana", Studi in onore di E. Volterra, vol. V, Milano, 1971, p. 433-560, esp. 508-9, n. 94; L. Pernot, La rhétorique de l'éloge dans le monde gréco-romain, tome I, Histoire et Technique, Paris, 1993, p. 43-44, 58, 154 n. 130, 703 n. 203; D. Russell, 'The Panegyrists and their Teachers', in M. Whitby (ed.), The Propaganda of Power: The Role of Panegyric in Late Antiquity, Leiden/Boston/Köln, 1998, p. 23; A. Stramaglia, 'Amori impossibili. PKöln 250, le raccolte proginnasmatiche e la tradizione retorica dell' "amante di un ritratto" [tavole 1-5]', in Bianca-Jeanette und Jens-Peter Schröder, Studium declamatorium: Untersuchungen zu Schulübungen und Prunkreden von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, München/Leipzig, 2003, p. 228. roll 05.5 - 06 sophistic encomia of various heroes:
fr. A I.1-17: unidentified hero;
fr. A I.19-II.29: Minos;
fr. A II.31-III: Rhadamanthys;
fr. B I.1-10: unidentified hero;
fr. B I.12-II.1-14: Tydeus.
3 BC SIFC N.S. 29 (1957), p. 133-173 (I. Cazzaniga - M. Vandoni) = P.Mil.Vogl. 03, 123 (I. Cazzaniga, 1965)
traces of paint models for encomion small, informal, mixed-round, leaning forward, of the "cloth-line" type, neat and regular, written with care at a good pace, separating all letters, without decorations. Milano, Università Statale 1094 2003/09/15 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 7011 coronis; paragraphos (several); some corrections. 20-25 papyrus A col. 1:
Minôs (R); Zeus;

A col. 2:
Minôs; Ploutôn (2);
Rhadamanthys; Zeus (2);

B col. 1:
Tydeus (R); Adrastos;

B col. 2:
Thêbai [Thebes]; Argeioi [Argians]; Athêna;
Adrastos; Diomêdês.
05 2525 SIFC N.S. 29, p. 148. A col. 1:
Minôs (R); Zeus;

A col. 2:
Minôs; Ploutôn (2);
Rhadamanthys; Zeus (2);

B col. 1:
Tydeus (R); Adrastos;

B col. 2:
Thêbai [Thebes]; Argeioi [Argians]; Athêna;
Adrastos; Diomêdês.
Egypt, unknown along the fibres 1 13.5 x 16.5 (A);
10 x 20 (B)
N.B.: a further tiny fragment (0.8 x 1.5 cm) is kept in the same frame
PHOTO RECTO (digital image)
Van Elst: P.Mil.Vogl. 03, 123 (I. Cazzaniga, 1965)
copy ed. pr. (Cazzaniga/Vandoni and Cazzaniga, 1965)
fr. A col. 1: endings of 33 lines;
fr. A col. 2: 38 lines at full width, damaged in the left half; upper margin extant;
fr. A col. 3: beginnings of 37 lines;
fr. B col. 1: right half of 35 lines;
fr. B col. 2: 41 almost complete lines (lacking a few letters at right end); upper and lower margin extant.
Several titles preserved (in ekthesis).
rhetoric, mythology, school text, mythology
0192 59942 anon. (none relevant). roll variable school manual consisting of:
syllabary, probably preceded originally by an alphabet (ll. 1-18); remains of list of the Macedonian months - only two of them partially preserved - (ll. 19-20); list of numbers, partially preserved up to 25 (ll. 21-26); list of monosyllables (ll. 27-37); list of gods (ll. 38-47); list of rivers (ll. 52?-66); list of names: of two (ll. 67-83), three (ll. 84-92), four (ll. 93-103) and five syllables (ll. 104-114); poetic anthology: Euripides, Phoenissae 529-534 (ll. 115-125); Ino fr. 420 Nauck (ll. 126-129); Homer, Odyssey 5. 116-124 (ll. 130-139); epigram on a fountain (ll. 140-154); epigram on a monument dedicated to Homer by Philopator (ll. 155-161); three fragments in elegiac distichs; the first two (ll. 162-169 and 170-184, respectively) are monologues of cooks, probably from new comedy; the third is a fragment of Straton's Phoinicides: PCG fr. 1.4-50 (ll. 185-215); mathematical contents: squares of frequently used numbers (ll. 216-234) and list of sigla representing the submultiples of the drachma (ll. 235-242).
379 3 BC Un livre d'écolier du IIIe siècle avant J.-C., Cairo, 1938 (O. Guéraud - P. Jouguet)
blank list of gods, list of monosyllables, list of months, list of names, list of rivers. teacher's or professional scribe's: informal, mixed round, of the "clothline" type, upright, clear and legible, , with serifs and roundels on many letters; very few ligatures at the beginning (in the lists), then showing many linking strokes. Letter size is large, up to the anthology, where it becomes medium-sized and the script more rapid. Influenced by the Alexandrian chancery hand of 3 BC, it is not developed horizontally as much, and resembles well-written documentary hands. Cairo, Egyptian Museum, inv. 65445 2003/03/28 Alberto Nodar; 2003/09/14 Marc Huys;
2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst
1054 list of gods: coronis at end; list of monosyllables: vertical line separating the two columns; list of names: ekthesis of title; syllabification by blank spaces and double dots, but both devices can be omitted; no itacistic mistakes, but &#963;&#963; appears - probably wrongly - in the place of &#963;; list of rivers: possible eisthesis in possible title?; names separated by blank spaces in line; coronis at end; itacistic mistake: &#953; for &#949;&#953;. &#957; in the place of &#955;&#953;. Very few phonetic mistakes in general, taking into account the length of the roll. variable papyrus list of gods:

list of names (mythological):
Alkinous [Alkinoos];
Agamemnôn (?);
Menelaos (?);

list of rivers:
Ismenos (?, R);
Strymôn (1 + ?, R);
Pigrys [Tigrês?; Tigris?; Pigrês?];
Hanakmôn [Haliakmôn];
Simois [Simoeis].

(not applicable) 2642 ed. princ. pl. I-X; Roberts, GLH pl. 5a (ll. 71-103); K. Gaiser, Menanders Hydria, 1977, p. 86; O. Montevecchi, La papirologia, 1988 , pl. 12 (ll. 71-125); B.Legras, Lire en Egypte d'Alexandre à l'Islam, 2002, p.96. list of gods:
Hêra; Hermês; Poseidôn;
Dêmêtêr; Arês; Athêna;
Hêphaistos; Aphroditê;
Apollôn; Artemis;

list of names (mythological):
Kastôr; Phoibos; Hektôr;
Arktos; Nêreus; Nêleus;
Thoas; Gouneus; Akmôn;
Zêthos; Aias; Teukros; Orpheus; Odysseus; Phôkylos; Alkinous [Alkinoos]; Pelias;
Iasôn; Têlephos; Achilleus; Agamemnôn (?); Menelaos (?); Amphimachos; Askalaphos; Elephênôr;
Antimachos; Polyneikês;
Eteoklês; Hippomedôn;
Antilochos; Pityokamptês; Arkesilaos; Leontomenês.

list of names (non-mythological):
Thrassôn; Leôn; Deinôn;
Neilos; Therôn; Kallimachos; Anaxiboulos; Aristonikos;
Anaxagoras; Apollophanês; Agathodôros.
list of rivers:
Ismenos (?, R); Erymanthos (?, R);
Strymôn (1 + ?, R);
Saggarios; Pigrys [Tigrês?; Tigris?; Pigrês?];
Pêneios; Indos; Hebros;
Arachôtos; Hanakmôn [Haliakmôn]; Melês; Rhyndakos; Skamandros;
Eridanos; Simois [Simoeis]; Praktios;
ll. 130-139:
Kalypsô (Q); Ôriôn (Q);
Êôs (Q); Ortygiê [Ortygia] (Q); Artemis (Q);
ll. 140-154:
Nymphai (Q); Ptolemaios (Q); Paros (?, Q); Hymêttos (Q);
Arsinoê (Q); Krêniades (Q);
ll. 155-161:
Mousai (Q); Ptolemaios (Q); Homêros (Q); Artemôn (Q);
ll. 162-169:
Simôn (2Q);
ll. 185-215:
Philinos (Q); Moschiôn (Q); Nikêratos (Q);
Diatymôn (2Q); Zeus (Q); Gê (Q); Philitas [Philêtas] (Q); Peithô (Q);
Homêros (Q).
Egypt, Fayum ? in lists:


along the fibres 1 248.5 (R) x 11 (= 20 R) add Leôn (son of Lykaôn) to mythological names?? almost complete mediocre quality papyrus roll consisting of two long portions of the lower part (66 cm and 176 cm long, respectively, with a lacuna separating them c. 6.5 cm long; the maximum preserved height is 11.5 cm); the roll finishes with a blank space 14 cm long, which has seemingly preserved at its end parts of the umbilicus of the roll; the sheets forming the roll, not very carefully attached to each other, are neither uniform in length. Up to l. 125 and after l. 215, the text appears in tables of various sizes delimited by ornamented frames; sometimes, simple vertical lines mark a subdivision inside a frame; from l. 126 to l. 215, the text apears in columns, which are finished with a horizontal line under the last line. The total of lines is thus 242, with very different lenghts, like those for the columns -inside and outside the frames. school text, mythology
0193 65040 anon. F. Montanari, CMG XVII [Convegni Magna Grecia], 1977, p. 279-281; idem, Studi di filologia omerica antica, I, 1979, p. 57-64; mentioned by VRS p. 56; J.-L. Fournet, CdE 72 (1997), p. 99 n. 16 (date). codex 05 - 06 extracts from a school-book, related to the Trojan war [order according to Schwartz]:
f. 1: general consideration on Trojan war;
f. 2-3: catechismal questions on the Greeks and the Trojans;
f. 4-6r: antehomerica;
f. 6v-7: metrical and phonological notes [not mythographic].
406 AD 6 Et. Pap. 7 (1948), p. 93-109 (J. Schwartz)
catechism + narrative + antehomerica medium-sized, informal, round, mostly upright, roughly bilinear, rather irregular in size and spacing, written with a thick pen by a rather careless but not unpractised hand, mostly separating the letters, with occasional ligatures and cursive forms; there are no decorations, but some letters are finished off with lengthened strokes in an attempt of elegance; although the hand makes an overall ungainly and untidy impression, it is not a beginner's hand and cannot be called "très inhabile" as in ed. princ.: the hand shows some degree of fluency and experience and is rightly labelled as "rapid" by Cribiore. Cairo, Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale inv. 320
6281 one trema; a few double dots; some abbreviations. variable (max. 15) parchment f. 1:
Hellênes [Greeks] (2);

f. 2:
Thersitês; Hellênes [Greeks]; Hêra; Athêna; Hermês; Poseidôn; Hêphaistos; Trôes; Priamos; Hektôr; Polydamas; Antênôr; Helenos;

f. 3:
Odysseus; Agamemnôn;
Talthybios; Eurybatês;
Trôes [Trojans]; Podaleirios; Machaôn; Asklêpios;

f. 4:
Eris; Hermês (2); Hêra;
Athêna; Aphroditê; Zeus;

f. 5:
Troia [Troy]; Alexandros (2); Priamos; Hermês; Idê [Ida]; Hêra (2); Asia; Athêna (2); Aphroditê (2); Helenê;

f. 6r:
Hellênes [Greeks]; Troia [Troy]; Ilios [Ilion].
01 2644 Cribiore pl. LXXIX. f. 1:
Hellênes [Greeks] (2);

f. 2:
Thersitês; Hellênes [Greeks]; Hêra; Athêna; Hermês; Poseidôn; Hêphaistos; Trôes; Priamos; Hektôr; Polydamas; Antênôr; Helenos;

f. 3:
Odysseus; Agamemnôn;
Talthybios; Eurybatês;
Trôes [Trojans]; Podaleirios; Machaôn; Asklêpios;

f. 4:
Eris; Hermês (2); Hêra;
Athêna; Aphroditê; Zeus;

f. 5:
Troia [Troy]; Alexandros (2); Priamos; Hermês; Idê [Ida]; Hêra (2); Asia; Athêna (2); Aphroditê (2); Helenê;

f. 6r:
Hellênes [Greeks]; Troia [Troy]; Ilios [Ilion].
Egypt, unknown 25 5.5 x 8 (max) size 5.5 x 8 = size of the four largest ff.; the indication 6 x 10 in Cribiore is probably the reconstructed size of a fol.
date: "byzantin" (ed. princ.); AD 6 (Fournet); AD 5 (Montanari, CMG); AD 5-6 (Cribiore)
N.B.: recto and verso do not correspond between ed. princ. and plate Cribiore: is one the codicological recto/verso, the other the papyrological ??
copy ed. pr.
7 leaves burned at the edges, of which the 4 largest are consecutive; all fragments come from the bottom of the pages (according to ed. princ.):
f. 1 (p. 107 Schwartz = E Cribiore): remains of 6 lines (recto) and 5 lines (verso), broken on both sides;
f. 2 (p. 104 Schwartz = G Cribiore): 9 lines (on each side), broken by a few letters on the left (recto), on the right (verso);
f. 3 (p. 106 Schwartz = F Cribiore): 10 lines (on each side), broken by a few letters on the right (recto), on the left (verso);
f. 4 (I, p. 94 Schwartz = D Cribiore): 12 lines (recto) and 13 lines (verso), broken by a few letters at top, complete at bottom;
f. 5 (II, p. 95 Schwartz = C Cribiore): 12 lines (on each side), broken by a few letters on the right (recto), on the left (verso);
f. 6 (III, p. 95 Schwartz = A Cribiore): 13 lines (recto), 11 lines (verso), broken by a few letters on the right (recto), on the left (verso);
f. 7 (IV, p. 95 Schwartz = B Cribiore): 14 lines (on each side), complete on recto, broken by a few letters on the left (verso).
Homerica, school text, mythology
0194 59813 anon. C. Austin, Nova fragmenta Euripidea, 1968, p. 91; J. Diggle, Euripidis Fabulae, I, Oxford, 1984, p. 91-92; W. Luppe, Anagennesis 4 (1986), p. 37-58; C. Préaux, CdE 40 (1965) p. 447-448.
check Uebel, APF 22 (1973), p. 326 no. 1204
roll 07 - 08 (?) hypotheseis to Euripides' Peliades (?) and Medea. The latter is considerably longer than the hyp. known from the manuscript tradition. AD 2 Recherches de papyrologie 3 (1964), p. 37-47 (M. Papathomopoulos) = Varia philologica et papyrologica, I, Jannina, 1990, p. 284-295 (idem)
blank hypothesis small, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear and regular (except for extra large ), written quite rapidly but with care by an experienced scribe, mostly separating the letters, but linking many letters and occasionally using ligatures and cursive elements, with roundels and serifs on certains letters.
Cairo, Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale inv. P.S.P. 248
917 one correction; iota adscript consistently used. 38-40 (Luppe) papyrus Iôlkos; Mêdeia (Q + 2 + R); Argos (Q); Iasôn (3R);
Pelias; Korinthos [Corinth]; Kreôn (2); Glaukê (2R); Pandiôn;
Aigeus; Athênai [Athens].
01 M-P 0454.3 ed. princ. pl. II; Luppe, pl. III-IV. Iôlkos; Mêdeia (Q + 2 + R); Argos (Q); Iasôn (3R);
Pelias; Korinthos [Corinth]; Kreôn (2); Glaukê (2R); Pandiôn;
Aigeus; Athênai [Athens].
Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Peliades (?), Medea] along the fibres 12 5 x 16.5 check abbrev. for ed. princ. = RechPap according to Checklist
Van Elst: VRS + Luppe, Anagennesis 4 (1986), p. 37-58
27 lines from a column at full height, broken off on the right on the whole and by one letter on the left in ll. 1-13; title (in eisthesis) in l. 3. mythology
0195 61125 h062 anon. H. Erbse, pap. VI (vol. II, p. 222-227); A. Körte, APF 6 (1920), p. 253; M. Haslam, BASP 22 (1985), p. 100 n. 3 (date); L. Leurini, in: Tradizione e innovazione, I, 1993, p. 160; cf. A. Lamedica Nardi, SCO 26 (1977), p. 133-155; further bibliography in CPF I.1***, no. 107, 1T [Xenophanes]. roll 07 (8 with ekthesis) scholia of comprehensive scope on Iliad 7.75-83, mainly of linguistic and stylistic interest, with minor mythological information, but containing an important list of paronymi. AD 1 P.Oxy. 08, 1087 (A.S. Hunt, 1911)
?? commentary (continuous lemmata) small (certainly not "satis magna", cf. Erbse), informal, round, leaning forward, generally bilinear and regular, neat and clear, rapidly and competently written with many cursive elements, mostly linking the letters.
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, inv. 47433 2003/11/07 Marc Huys 2264 paragraphos (several); double dots at end of note; occasional accents; some abbreviations; lemmata (and sometimes lines) in ekthesis; small horizontals above numerals; iota adscript consistently written. 30 papyrus col. 2, 49-50:

col. 2, 55-56:
Trôos (1 + Q);
Teukros (Q)
03 1186 ed. princ. pl. IV; Schubart, Griech. Pal., pl. 78 (col. 2 part); Erbse, vol. II; CPF IV.2, pl. 161. col. 1:
Apollôn (1 + Q);
Hektôr (1 + Q);
Zeus (Q);
Ida (Q);
Kroniôn (Q);
Troizênos [Troizên];
Charopos [Charops];
Hermeias (Q) [Hermês];

col. 2:
Phineus (2);
Erykos [Eryx];
Aidos [Haidês];
Kaônos [Kaôn];
Trôos (1 + Q) [Trôs];
Teukros (Q):
Aitôloi [Aetolians];
Lokroi [Locrians];

col. 3:
Phryges [Phrygians];
Kallimachos (?, R);
Lykophrôn (?, R);
Apollôn (Q).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 7];
along the fibres 9 17.1 x 24.3 check back, script
date: late BC 1 according to West
N.B.: hand = small to tiny: how can it be described as "medium-sized" or even "satis magna" ???
col. 1: 33 lines broken off by a few letters to the left and damaged at top of column;
col. 2: 33 lines at full width;
col. 3: beginnings of 33 lines;
large upper (4 cm) and lower (6 cm) margins.
0196 59399 anon. R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus I, p. 3 (ad fr. 1), p. 11 (ad fr. 2), p. 13 (3-7), p. 17 (ad fr. 7), p. 31 (ad fr. 22-25) = Callimachus II, pap. 24; G. Massimilla, Callimaco, pap. 18 (ad. fr. 1, p. 62-63; ad fr. 2-4, p. 71-72; ad fr. 5-9, p. 76; ad fr. 9, p. 79; ad fr. 24-27, p. 97); A. Rostagni, RivFil N.S. 11 (1933), p. 189-210; M. Pohlenz, Hermes 68 (1933), p. 313-327; C. Gallavotti, SIFC 10 (1933), p. 231-246; Q. Cataudella, RivFil N.S. 12 (1934), p. 55-66 [= idem, Intorno ai lirici greci, Roma, 1972, p. 245-259]; L. Lehnus, ZPE 97 (1993), p. 25-28; FGrHist 305 F 8 = Agias et Dercylus T 1b + fr. 8 Fowler; Aristoteles CPF I.1*, no. 24, 49T; Praxiphanes CPF I.1***, no. 86, 4T. roll 10.5 - 11 diegeseis of Callimachus' Aetia 1. AD 2 - AD 3 BSAA 28 (1933), p. 123-132 (M. Norsa - G. Vitelli) = PSI 11, 1219 (G. Vitelli, 1935)
blank diegesis small to medium-sized, informal, mixed-round, upright, generally bilinear, rather irregular and somewhat careless, written by a proficient scribe, separating all letters. Cairo, Egyptian Museum inv. 68909 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 498 paragraphos (several); lemmata (first-line quotations) in ekthesis; trema (several); line-fillers; many abbreviations. 30-35 papyrus fr. 1:
Telchines (Q);
Dionysioi (?);
Mousai [Muses];
Charites (4);
Zeus (4);
Kalliopê (R);
Kolchoi [Colchians];

fr. 2:
01 0196 BSAA 28, p. 142; CPF IV.2, pl. 249. fr. 1:
Telchines (Q); Dionysioi (?); Asklêpiadês Sikelidês;
Poseidippos; Pyrippos (?, R); Lesbos (?, R); Praxiphanês Mitylênaios;
Mimnermos Kolophônios; Philitas Kôios; Mousai [Muses];
Helikôn; Paros (2R); Charites (4); Minôs; Zeus (4); Europê; Androgeôs;
Parioi [Parians] (2); Kleiô;
Dionysos; Korônis; Hêra;
Eurynomê; Ôkeanos; Euanthê; Ouranos; Agias (R); Derkylos; Aristotelês; Anaphê (R);
Apollôn; Lindos (R);
Hêraklês; Kalliopê (R);
Iasôn; Kolchoi [Colchians];

fr. 2:
Lindioi [Lindians]; Theiodamas.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Callimachus, Aetia 1];
Asclepiades Samius;
Agias and Dercylus;
Philitas Cous;
along the fibres 14 14.8 x 20 (fr. 1)
5 x 6 (fr. 2)
check size (plate slightly enlarged?)
check all myth. names (historical-geographical names)
Van Elst: R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus I, p. 3 (ad fr. 1), p. 11 (ad fr. 2), p. 13 (3-7), p. 17 (ad fr. 7), p. 31 (ad fr. 22-25): fr. 1: Hêraklês (R) en Kolchoi (R)?
fr. 1 = 43 incomplete lines, broken off at the right end (and at the left in l. 1-21), with an upper margin of ca. 2 cm;
fr. 2 = 11 incomplete lines from a column broken off on all sides.
0197 63867 anon. sheet 02.5 (?) list of gods. AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 76 (1989), p. 86, no. 2 (R. Pintaudi - P.J. Sijpesteijn)
list of gods medium to fair-sized, informal, round, leaning forward, not aiming at bilinearity and rather irregular, rapidly and proficiently written, giving the impression of being cursive; the letters are closely spaced and often linked, though without real ligatures; the rapid, practised, almost semi-cursive hand does not particularly suggest a school context, assumed by the editors mainly on the basis of the content Cairo, Egyptian Museum, O.Medinet Madi 1334 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5081 none. 07-09 ostracon Zeus; Sarapis. 01 M-P 2691.32 ed. princ. pl. IX. Zeus; Sarapis; Ammôn. Egypt, Fayum, Narmouthis (Medinet-Madi) 14 4.3 x 2.9 Not in Cribiore.
copy ed. pr.
3 short lines from a column broken at top and at bottom. school text (?), mythology
0198 61241 h059 (= p317 reclass.) anon. S. West, Ptol. Papyri, p. 73-74; G. Nachtergael, CdE 46 (1971), p. 344-351; M. van Rossum-Steenbeek, Proc. XXIst Congr. Berlin, 1997, p. 991-995. sheet (?) 07.5 x 08.5 (?) prose summary of Iliad 6 quoting v. 448-455 (part of an anthology? cf. Nachtergael). 3 BC Et. pap. 3 (1936), p. 46-48, no. 1 (N. Lewis)
letter, 3 BC paraphrase ? summary ? anthology ? small cursive, of the "cloth-line type", leaning forward, fairly regular, keeping the lines straight. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, G 2374
2381 paragraphos to mark the change from prose to verse; one blank space to mark punctuation; probable use of iota adscript. 32-33 papyrus col. 2:
Andromachê; Ilios [Ilion] (Q); Priamos (3Q); Trôes [Trojans] (Q); Hekabê (Q); Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q).
02 1185 col. 2:
Andromachê; Ilios [Ilion] (Q); Priamos (3Q); Trôes [Trojans] (Q); Hekabê (Q); Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 6];
across the fibres 1 11.2 x 10.2 PHOTO VERSO (digital image)
copy ed. pr. and Nachtergael
two columns at full height (?), with bottom margins of 1.1 cm (col. 1) and 2 cm (col. 2);
col. 1: endings of 17 lines, much damaged and washed-off, "not worthy of reproduction" (ed. princ.);
col. 2: 16 incomplete lines from the top of a column (?), broken off at the right end.

The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto.
Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0199 60754 h107 + h032 anon. Peisandros FGrHist 16 F 14. roll 06 on time in the Homeric poems. AD 3 P.Schubart 4 (W. Schubart, 1950)
blank learned discussion small (becoming medium-sized at bottom of col.), informal, mixed-round, upright, markedly bilinear, somewhat irregular, but competent, written with a quite thick pen, closely spaced, mostly separating the letters, but using many binding strokes and occasional cursive forms, decorated with serifs on certain letters. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13872 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1880 paragraphos (to separate sections?); blank spaces; two (three?) high stops; two double dots. 26-28 papyrus Achaioi [Achaeans]; Achilleus; Odysseus; Aulis (R); Ilion. 02 1229 Achaioi [Achaeans]; Achilleus; Odysseus; Peisandros; Aulis (R); Ilion. Egypt, unknown [Homerus];
along the fibres 16 8.5 x 13.5 PHOTO (paper): recto
paragraphos also after l. 60 (and possibly after l. 1 also), high dot (?) at end of l. 18, blank space (?) in l. 20, and double dot in l. 67 (none of these mentioned in ed. princ.).
Van Elst: ed. pr.
copy ed. pr.
col. 1: right part of 33 lines with bottom margin, broken near the middle except at top (ll. 1-6) and bottom (ll. 28-33) where the lines are almost complete;
col. 2: beginnings of 32 lines with bottom margin.
Homerica, mythology
0200 60397 h065 anon. mentioned by E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, Bonn, 1913, p. 33. roll 10 (col. 1)
07.5 (col. 2)
glossary of difficult words selected from Ilias 8.361 to 9.64, with minor mythological information. AD 2 Forschungen und Berichte 8 (1967), p. 105-110 (G. Poethke)
tomos synkollesimos (taxation), AD 168-169 (= P.Berl. Leihg. 2, 28) scholia minora small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear and regular, carefully and proficiently written, well separating the letters, with occasional decorations. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 11634 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1518 paragraphos and coronis to mark the beginning of book 9 (in addition to title); blank spaces after lemmata (new line for every lemma); two accents; trema (2); itacisms; one separation mark to separate text belonging to two different scholia within the same line (col. 1, 7) variable papyrus col. 1: Kerberos; Styx; Haidês. 02 M-P 1186.2 ed. princ. pl. 37. col. 1: Erebeus (Q); Hyperiôn (Q); Kerberos; Styx; Haidês;
col. 2: Boreas; Thrêikê [Thraikê] + Thraikê.
Egypt, Fayum [Homerus, Ilias 8, 9] across the fibres 12 22.5 x 27.5 add names for which no mythological information is given ?? (Erebeus, Hyperiôn, Boreas)
Van Elst: ed. pr. (col. 1: Erebeus (R)?; Hyperiôn?)
copy ed. pr.
the two columns are broken at top and bottom;
col. 1: 47 lines, almost all complete;
col. 2: 46 lines, mostly broken at the right by a few letters; book number marked by title (in eisthesis) in l. 9.
Homerica, school text, mythology
0201 60480 h016 anon. roll 06.5 fragment of uncertain nature, possibly from a paraphrase of Il. 9.128ff or 19.245ff. AD 2 ZPE 1 (1967), p. 111-112 (A. Henrichs) = P.Köln 01, 46 (B. Kramer, 1976)
account, AD 2 uncertain (paraphrase?) small to medium-sized, informal, mixed-round ("severe" style), slightly flattened, leaning forward, generally bilinear, regular, carefully written with a fairly thick pen by a practised scribe, separating all letters, without decorations. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 1755
1603 one high stop; one trema; itacism. 14-19 papyrus Lesbos; Brisêis; Achilleus (S); Agamemnôn (S). 01 M-P 1187.1 Lesbos; Brisêis; Achilleus (S); Agamemnôn (S). Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 9 or 19 (?)] along the fibres 12 9.5 x 4 OK
copy ed. pr. (Kramer)
4 complete lines from the bottom of a column. The document on the back is also written along the fibres (papyrus turned by 90°). The side with the literary text, however, is much smoother and is more likely to have been the original recto. Since the lines of the document are cut by a significant portion at the left-hand side (the break corresponding to the bottom edge on the literary side), one has to assume that there was a very large bottom margin below the literary text. The roll would thus have been quite a luxurious one (which is compatible with the careful hand) and would later on have been cut into a sheet to receive the document on the back. Another possibility, however, is that the side of the document was inscribed first and that the literary text was written on the back. In favour of this hypothesis is the fact that the left margin of the literary text seems to correspond with the bottom margin of the document. Homerica, mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/I_046.html
0202 60280 anon. roll 05.5 - 06 commentary or extract from a work on Homeric questions, dealing with the situation in Odysseus' palace at the beginning of the Odyssey (fr. 1 and 2), apparently mainly concerned with matters of "topography". AD 1 P.Oxy. 65, 4453 (M.W. Haslam, 1998)
blank learned discussion ? commentary ? medium-sized, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear and regular, carefully and proficiently written, separating all letters, some decorated with serifs and roundels. Fr. 4 may be written in a different hand (cf. ed. princ. p. 50): it is indeed slightly larger and the form of some letters (especially ) differ. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/15 Marc Huys 1400 small blank spaces to articulate the text, but no stops used; one paragraphos; one uncorrected error (misspelling?); iota adscript written twice where required. 18-19 papyrus fr. 1:
Ithakê [Ithaca] (Q);
Têlemachos (Q);

fr. 2:
02 (fr. 4) M-P 1207.21 ed. princ. pl. VI. fr. 1:
Ithakê [Ithaca] (Q);
Têlemachos (Q);

fr. 2:

fr. 3:
Ithakê [Ithaca] (R, Q);
Samos (R, Q).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Odyssea 1] along the fibres 9 7 x 15 (fr. 1)
fr. 1: 23 lines from the top of a column (numbered 17 in the upper margin by second hand), broken off to the left (4-5 letters missing);
fr. 2: remains of 9 lines from the top of a column, broken off on both sides;
fr. 3: remains of 11 lines from the bottom of a column, broken off on both sides;
fr. 4: beginning letters of 18 lines, with tiny traces of a previous column (not mentioned in ed. princ.)
Homerica, mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol65/pages/4453.htm
0203 60311 h027 anon. A. Körte,APF 14 (1941), p. 139-140; F. della Corte, RivFil 67 (1939), p. 36-42; M.S. Funghi, PP 38 (1983), p. 11-19. roll 09 - 10 (?) treatise on Homeric cosmology (philosophy ?), quoting some verses of the Iliad AD 1 - AD 2 Mélanges Boisacq, 1937, p. 493-497 (M. Hombert - C. Préaux)

blank ? learned discussion (philosophical work ?) small to tiny, informal, mixed round, upright, markedly bilinear, but somewhat irregular, written by a practised hand, well separating the letters, but spacing the lines rather closely, with serifs on many letters.
Bruxelles, Musées Royaux, E 7162
1432 paragraphos to separate prose from poetic quotations; blank space; one misspelling. 45 papyrus Olympos (4Q); Kronidês (Q, R); Hôrai (2Q, R);
Iris; Thetis (2 + Q).
02 (?) 1224 ed. princ., pl. XI. Olympos (4Q); Kronidês (Q, R); Hôrai (2Q, R);
Iris; Thetis (2 + Q).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus];
along the fibres 10 6.2 x 7.8 script, back - be more precise on column width
see in relation to P.Med. 71.82 (and P.Derveni?)
cf. Maria Noussia, Olympus, the sky and the history of the text of Homer, in: Montanari, Franco (ed.), Omero tremila anni dopo. Atti del congresso
di Genova, 6-8 luglio 2000. Con la collaborazione di Paola Ascheri.
Storia e Letteratura, 210. Roma 2002.
Van Elst: M.S. Funghi, PP 38 (1983), p. 11-19: Atê (2Q)? (of soortnaam atê?)
copy ed. pr.
23 lines from the top of a column, broken off by the right half (and more at the top), with traces of a previous column (or marginal annotations?) opposite ll. 20 and 22. Homerica, mythology
0204 60617 h105 anon. uncertain ?? possibly fragment of a commentary on Homer. AD 2 CQ 1 (1907), p. 261 (E.O. Winstedt) = P.Aberd. 119 (E.G. Turner, 1939)
blank ? uncertain (commentary ?) small, relatively formal, mixed round, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, written by an experienced scribe, well separating the letters, without decorations; the lines are closely spaced. Aberdeen, King's College Libr. 7a
1741 none ? ?? papyrus Odysseus;
01 1226 P.Aberd. pl. III. Odysseus;
Egypt, Fayum along the fibres 12 1.8 x 6.6 plate = reduced 50 % - check back and lectional signs.
copy ed. pr. (Turner)
scanty remains from 15 lines broken off on both sides, from the bottom of a column, with a blank space of 1 line between ll. 1-2 and of 2 lines between ll. 10-11. Homerica, mythology
0205 60253 p628 anon. H. Erbse, pap. VIIIa (with pre-edition of the interlinear explanations in vol. III, p. 555-556); cf. A. Lamedica Nardi, SCO 26 (1977), p. 133-155. roll (?) variable interlinear explanations accompanying the text of Il. 14.311-326, relating to v. 315, 316, 317 and 326. AD 1 P.Köln 01, 34 (B. Kramer, 1976)
document (account?), date? scholia minora, marginal scholia Homeric text: small, informal, mixed-round, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, written with care, separating all letters, with serifs and roundels on many letters;

interlinear notes: tiny, leaning slightly forward, probably by the same hand, but with some cursive forms.
Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 2588
1372 one correction; some abbreviations in the scholia. variable papyrus Ixiôn (S); Dia; Dionysos. 01 Erbse, vol. III. Ixiôn (S); Dia; Dionysos. Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 14] along the fibres 9 2.7 x 9.5 copy ed. pr. 16 lines broken on all sides, with interlinear annotations between l. 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 14-15. Homerica, mythology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/I_034.html
0206 60423 h058 + h017 anon. H. Erbse, pap. V (vol. II, p. 124-128); cf. A. Lamedica Nardi,SCO 26 (1977), p. 133-155. roll (?) 07.5 - 08.5 (?) scholia on selected lemmata from Ilias 6.236, 252-288, with a reference of uncertain nature to Laodice, Antenor and Lycaon. AD 2 Mélanges Maspero, II, 1934-1937, p. 148-151 (W.G. Waddell)
?? commentary (selected lemmata) small to tiny, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, rapidly written by an experienced scribe, mostly separating the letters, but using many cursive forms and occasional ligatures, without decorations. Cairo, Egyptian Museum, inv. 60566 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1545 diplê to mark each new lemma; abbreviations; trema (several); iota adscript written once where required. 30-36 (fr. a)
37-38 (fr. b)
papyrus fr. a, col. II:
Laodikê (2);
Helenê (R);
02 1184 Erbse, vol. II. fr. a, col. II:
Laodikê (2); Helenê (R);
Lykaôn; Antênôr;
Andromachê; Zeus (Q + 1); Odysseus (Q); Aidês [Haidês] (Q, R);

fr. b, col. I:
Tydeus (Q); Ilios (2Q, R);
Paris (Q + R + 2); *Ais [Haidês] (Q, R).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 6] along the fibres? 12 10 x 10.5 (fr. a);
8 x 9.8 (fr. b);
4.5 x 3 (fr. c).
check script (looks accross the fibres on plate, no indication in ed. princ.), back
Van Elst: H. Erbse, pap. V (vol. II, p. 124-128)
copy ed. pr. and Erbse
fr. a: endings of 13 lines (col. 1) and left half of 23 lines (col. 2, with ll. 16-23 damaged also at beginning); both columns are broken at top and bottom;
fr. b: 20 lines broken on both sides (col. 1, broken at top and bottom); col. 2 shows only two initial letters;
fr. c: scanty remains of 6 lines, broken on both sides.
Homerica, mythology
0207 60542 h025 anon. A. Ludwich, Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift 24 (1904), p. 316-317. roll 05 - 06.5 (irregular) scholia minora on Od. 15, with two minor mythological references:
col. 18, l. 241: on Ormenides (= Ctesius), son of Ormenus;
recto of col. 6, upper margin: etymology of the Titans;
AD 1 - AD 2 P.Amh. 02, 18 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1901) [A] + APF 2 (1903), p. 206-208 (O. Plasberg) [B]
accounts, AD 1 scholia minora tiny to small, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, regular, quite handsome, rapidly and competently written, mostly separating the letters, with occasional cursive elements and ligatures; the notes on the back are written (by the same hand?) in a tiny to small semi-cursive, leaning slightly forward, mostly bilinear, regular, rapid and competent. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Greek Papyri 18 (A) + Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, G 162b (B) 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1666 trema (several) and a few accents; many corrections (probably by same hand); iota adscript consistently written. variable papyrus col. 18:
[Ktêsios] (S);

col. 6 recto:
20 1211 (A) ed. princ. pl. IV (part) col. 2:
Ithakê; Samos;

col. 8:
Phêrai (Q + 1); Thessalia [Thettalia]; Dioklês (Q + 1);

col. 12:
Êlis (Q + 1);

col. 17:
Syriê [Syria] (Q); Ortygia (Q + 1); Dêlos (R);

col. 18:
[Ktêsios] (S); Ormenidês (Q); Ormenos;

col. 6 recto:
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 15] across the fibres 10 7.5 (height) [A];
6 x 6 [B]
PHOTO (A) col. VI recto (paper)
Van Elst: ed. pr. (recto APF: maand (?) Dioskoros vermelden?)
copy ed. pr. (Grenfell/Hunt) and Ludwich
several matching fragments, making up one long strech of ca. 120 cm with a maximal preserved height of 7.5 cm; 20 almost complete columns, slightly damaged at top and at several places within the columns, with a large left margin of 5 cm before column I. The note on the Titans at the back of column VI has 5 lines with a width of 6.5 cm and a total height of 2 cm.
The text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto.
Homerica, mythology
0208 60277 h089 anon. H. Erbse, pap. X (vol. IV, p. 313-325); cf. A. Lamedica Nardi, SCO 26 (1977), p. 133-155. roll 05 - 06.5 (irregular) scholia on Iliad 17.4-695, with some resemblances to the manuscript tradition, mentioning several mythological names (but the context is not clear). AD 1 P.Oxy. 24, 2397 (E. Lobel, 1957)
blank commentary (selected lemmata) small, informal, round, with relatively narrow letters, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, neat, elegant, carefully written with a thin pen, separating all letters. Most likely same scribe as P.Oxy. 24, 2389 (cf. ed. princ.). Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/15 Marc Huys 1397 line-filler (l. 37); iota adscript where required. ?? papyrus fr. 3:
Trôes [Trojans] (?);

fr. 7 (b):
Hektôr (R);

fr. 8:
Achilleus (?);

fr. 10:

fr. 15:
Kypros [Cyprus];
02 (fr. 2, 3, 7) 1201 ed. princ. pl. XII; Erbse, vol. IV. fr.2:

fr. 3:
Trôes [Trojans] (?);

fr. 7 (b):
Hektôr (R);

fr. 8:
Achilleus (?);

fr. 10:

fr. 15:
Kypros [Cyprus];
Athênai [Athens].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 17];
Callimachus (?).
along the fibres 9 7.2 x 7.2 (fr. 3) PHOTO (A) col. VI recto (paper) 15 fragments with rather scanty remains. Homerica, mythology
0209 61229 p599 = w045 (W) anon. mentioned by F. Uebel, Proc. XIIth Congr. Toronto, 1970, p. 494; M. Van Rossum-Steenbeek, Proc. XXIst Congr. Berlin, 1997, p. 991-995. roll (?) 13 text of uncertain nature (prose or poetry?), containing a quotation of Il. 9.32-36. 3 BC APF 29 (1983), p. 13-15 (C.-F. Collatz - G. Poethke)
document (landlease?),
3 BC
uncertain (prose summary ?) medium to fair-sized, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, of the "cloth-line" type, somewhat irregular, written with a thick pen by a practised scribe, separating all letters, without decorations; the lines are closely spaced. Jena, Univ., inv. 659
2369 high stop (?); obelos. 32-38 papyrus Atreidês (Q); Danaoi [Greeks] (Q, R); Argeioi [Argians] (Q). 01 M-P 1186.3 ed. princ. pl. 3. Atreidês (Q); Danaoi [Greeks] (Q, R); Argeioi [Argians] (Q). Egypt, Oxyrhynchus ? Herakleopolis ? Homerus along the fibres 1 6.2 x 5.9 copy ed. pr. cartonnage; remains of 8 lines, broken off to the right, from a column broken at top and bottom. Homerica, mythology
0210 60588 h051 anon. A. Ludwich, Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift 24 (1904), p. 348-350. roll 07 (col. 3-5); 08 (col. 2); 06 (col. 6) [variable] glossary of selected words from Il. 5.88-254, with one minor mythological note about the Trojans. AD 2 APF 2 (1903), p. 196-206 (O. Plasberg)
accounts, date? scholia minora small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, rapidly and proficiently written, with cursive elements and some ligatures. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, G 1015 2003/03/09 Marc Huys 1712 trema (several); some accents; many abbreviations; iota adscript. variable papyrus col. 6, l. 10:
Trôoi [Trojans] (Q);
06 1179 col. 6, l. 10:
Trôoi [Trojans] (Q);
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 5] along the fibres 12 38 x 16 date of back? - description of hand based on facsimile extract p. 197
PHOTO (2 scans) of recto, col. 5-6.
copy ed. pr.
palimpsest, traces of previous text still recognizable at places;
col. 1: endings of 3 lines at top and of 4 lines at bottom;
col. 2-6: all at full height and width, but with important damage at places; 29 lines (col. 2-3), 31 lines (col. 4), 33 lines (col. 5), 32 lines (col. 6).
N.B.: at the back of col. 2-3 are written 3 lines in a hand similar to that of the front and in the same direction (= additional note?).
The document on the verso is written upside down in relation to the Homeric scholia.
Homerica, mythology
0211 60841 h078 anon. re-edition by F. Montanari, in: Mosaico. Studi in onore di Umberto Albini, Genova, 1993, p. 135-146 (= Studi di filologia omerica antica II, 1995, p. 131-146); cf. also idem, in: Storia, poesia e pensiero nel Mondo Antico, 1994, p. 480-481. codex variable glossary of selected words from Il. 13, v. 198-227 (recto, col. 1), v. 317-324 (recto, col. 2), v. 415-435 (verso, col. 1) and v. 525-562 (verso, col. 2). AD 3 P.Ryl. 03, 536 (C.H. Roberts, 1938)
scholia minora small, informal, mixed-round ("severe" style), leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, regular, competently written, though without particular care, separating all letters, with serifs on certains uprights. Manchester, John Rylands Libr., Greek 536. 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1969 one trema; one correction; blank spaces between lemmata and scholia. variable papyrus recto, col. 1:
Pleurôn (Q); Kalydôn (Q, R); Aitôlia [Aetolia]
02 1195 Montanari, in: Mosaico, p. 144-145 (3 plates). recto, col. 1:
Pleurôn (Q); Kalydôn (Q, R); Aitôlia [Aetolia];

recto, col. 2:
Dêmêtêr (Q).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 13] 16 8.3 x 11 check Studi on new information.
copy ed. pr.
two fragments fitting together, from the bottom of a page;
recto, col. 1: 19 lines, broken-off to the right and by the first letter to the left; col. 2: 6 lines, broken-off to the right;
verso, col. 1: endings of 5 lines; col. 2: 20 lines, broken-off on both sides.
Homerica, mythology
0212 60728 h015 + h017 anon. A. Henrichs, ZPE 7 (1971), p. 119-148 (re-edition of A with substantial improvements). roll 08 - 09 (col. 10-16); 12 (col. 17) [variable] glossary to Il. 1, v. 83-88 (col. 6), v. 100-104 (col. 7), v. 146-151 (col. 9), v. 153-168 (col. 10), v. 169-189 (col. 11), v. 188-205 (col. 12), v. 206-235 (col. 13), v. 235-261 (col. 14), v. 261-291 (col. 15), v. 292-315 (col. 16), v. 316-365 (col. 17). AD 2 - AD 3 (A) Hermes 35 (1900), p. 611-621 (R. Reitzenstein) + (B) P.Turner 13 (J. Schwartz, 1981)
tomos synkollesimos, AD 2 (161-169) scholia minora medium to fair-sized, informal, round, leaning forward, generally bilinear and regular, rapidly written by an experienced scribe, with many cursive elements and ligatures. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, G 33 (= A), 39-40-41 (= B) 2003/03/09 Marc Huys;
2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst
1854 blank spaces between lemmata and scholia; line-fillers; many misspellings and errors. variable papyrus col. 10:
Phthiê [Phthia] (Q);

col. 12:
Pallas (Q);

col. 16:
Menoitiadês (Q);

col. 17:
Olympios (Q);
17 (of which 11 are preserved) 1163 (A) Henrichs, pl. Va. (col. VII-IX = col. 15-17). col. 10:
Phthiê [Phthia] (Q); Thessalia; Trôes (Q + 1)
col. 11:
Zeus (R);

col. 12:
Pallas (Q); Athêna; Zeus;

col. 14:
Achaiis gaia [Achais gê] (Q); Peloponnêsos; Danaoi (Q); Ellênes;

col. 15:

col. 16:
Menoitiadês (Q); Menoitios; Patroklos;

col. 17:
Olympios (Q); Zeus;
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 1] across the fibres 14 81 x 20.3 (inv. 33)
4.5 x 19.5 (inv. 39)
10 x 11.5 (inv. 40, a)
8 x 6 (inv. 40, b)
2 x 2.5 (inv. 41)
Van Elst: A. Henrichs, ZPE 7 (1971), p. 119-148 + P.Turner 13 (J. Schwartz, 1981)
copy ed. pr. (Reitzenstein and Schwartz)
(A) nine consecutive columns; (B) 8 fragments, of which 3 (inv. 39) belong to col. 1 of A, 1 (inv. 41) to col. 2 of A, and 4 others (inv. 40) to two preceding columns; according to Schwartz, col. 1 of B was col. 6 of the original roll, while col. 1 of A was col. 9; this gives the following description:
col. 6 = B col. 1: scanty remains of 11 lines from the top of the column;
col. 7 = B col. 2: 14 lines from the top of the column, broken-off to the right and partly to the left;
(col. 8 is missing);
col. 9 = A col. 1 + B col. 3: 24 lines from the top of the column, with only a few letters at the end of ll. 1-11 and broken-off to the left and severely damaged in the remaining lines;
col. 10 = A col. 2 + B col. 4: 28 lines;
col. 11 = A col. 3: 27 lines;
col. 12 = A col. 4: 29 lines;
col. 13 = A col. 5: 28 lines;col. 14 = A col. 6: 28 lines;
col. 15 = A col. 7: 28 lines;
col. 16 = A col. 8: 28 lines;
col. 17 = A col. 9: 26 lines.
Col. 10 to 17 are all at full height and width, though damaged in many places.
Homerica, mythology
0213 59205 h011a + h016 Apollonius Sophista K. Steinicke, Apollonii Sophistae Lexicon Homericum, Diss. Göttingen, 1957, p. ii-iv; M. Naoumides, TAPhA 93 (1962), p. 243-247; A.R. Dyck, SGLG VII, 1988, p. 261-262, fr. *21; M.W. Haslam, CPh 89 (1994), p. 107-119 (re-edition on p. 110-111). roll ?? fragment of Apollonius' Homeric Lexicon, listing words beginning with epsilon and zêta, containing a note on the identification of the Ephyri. AD 1 - AD 2 CR 11 (1897), p. 390-393 (E.W.B. Nicholson)
blank glossary, lexicon small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, carefully written with a thin pen, separating all letters, with serifs on certain uprights. Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Gr. class. e. 44 (P.) 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 300 occasional blank spaces between words; one diplê; one high stop; two line-fillers; some corrections; one abbreviation. 17-23 papyrus col. 1:
Ephyroi (2Q + 3);
Thrêikê [Thraikê, Thrace] (2Q + 1); Krannônioi (?, R); Arês?; Phlegyai (2);
Kypros [Cyprus] (Q);
Akarnanes [Acarnanians];
Gyrtônaioi [Gortynians];
Argissa (Q)?; Gyrtônê (Q)
02 1217 (+ suppl.) Haslam, p. 119. col. 1:
Ephyroi (2Q + 3); Thrêikê [Thraikê, Thrace] (2Q + 1); Krannônioi (?, R); Arês?; Komanos; Phlegyai (R + 1); Kratês (?, R); Kypros [Cyprus] (Q);
Akarnanes [Acarnanians];
Gyrtônaioi [Gortynians];
Argissa (Q)?; Gyrtônê (Q)

col. 2:
Lykioi (Q); Apiôn (R).
Egypt, unknown Comanus;
Crates Mallotes (?).
along the fibres 10 10 x 19 size according to plate (reduced)
Steinicke non vidi (reference found in Haslam)
Van Elst: M.W. Haslam, CPh 89 (1994), p. 107-119 (re-edition on p. 110-111) + A.R. Dyck, SGLG VII, 1988, p. 261-262, fr. *21: Ephyroi (2Q, R + 3)?; Thrêikê (2Q, R + R)?; Phlegyai (R + 1)?; Kypros (Q, R)?; Argissa (Q)?; Gyrtônê (Q)?; Krannônioi (R)?; Arês?
copy ed. pr.
3 fragments fitting together; col. 1 has 33 lines, broken on both sides, with a small bottom margin; col. 2 has 14 lines, broken to the right throughout and to the left in ll. 7-14. Homerica, mythology
0214 60716 anon. roll ?? extract from what may be a commentary on a poem, possibly Homer, with a note on Odysseus in the underworld. AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 6 (1970), p. 248-251 (R. Coles) [= P.Fay.Coles 2]
land-register (?) uncertain (commentary ?) small to medium-sized, informal, round, slightly flattened, upright, generally bilinear, regular, written with a thick pen by an experienced scribe, mostly separating the letters, with occasional serifs. Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1842 one paragraphos. ?? papyrus col. 2:
Elpênôr (?).
02 M-P 1227.1 ed. princ. pl. XIIa col. 2:
Aristarchos (1 + ?, R); Odysseus; Ploutôn; Elpênôr (?).
Egypt, Fayum Aristarchus across the fibres 14 8.1 x 12.9 = P.Fay.Lit. 2 according to LDAB, but this abbreviation is not listed in Checklist
date of back?
copy ed. pr.
two joining fragments, with the upper part of two columns:
col. 1: endings of 17 lines;
col. 2: 25 lines, broken-off to the right.
Homerica (?), mythology
0215 59203 h101 anon. first mentioned by C.C. Edgar, ASAE 26 (1926), p. 203. uncertain 05 (ca.) (uneven) glossary of Homeric words beginning with "en-" in alphabetical order, containing a note on Enyo (paralleled in Hesychius' lexicon). AD 3 Mélanges Maspero, II, 1934-1937, p. 152-154 (W.G. Waddell)
?? scholia minora (lexicon ?) small, informal, round, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, regular, competently written, mostly separating the letters, with a tendency to link certain letters together, occasionally decorated with small hooks. Cairo, Egyptian Museum, inv. 50208
298 lemmata in ekthesis and separated from scholia by small blank spaces. 20 (R) papyrus Enyô; Eris; Phobos;
01 1218 Enyô; Eris; Phobos;
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus ?? 16 3.5 x 9.5 check script and back
PHOTO (paper, 2 copies)
copy ed. pr.
25 lines from the bottom of a column, broken off to the right throughout and to the left in ll. 17-25. Homerica, mythology
0216 63563
anon. A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), p. 116-117; B. Snell, Gnomon 15 (1939), p. 536; I. Gualandri, RAL 29 (1974), p. 293-311; R.J. Alderink, Eleusinian Mysteries in Roman Imperial Times, ANRW II.18.2, p. 1478 n. 37; C. Gallazzi, ZPE 80 (1990), p. 284, n. 6 + 287; L. Pernot, La rhétorique de l'éloge dans le monde gréco-romain, tome II: Les valeurs, Paris, 1993, p. 619 n. 72; A. Stramaglia, 'Fra "consumo" e "impegno": usi didattici della narrativa nel mondo antico', in: O. Pecere-A. Stramaglia (edd.), La letteratura di consumo nel mondo greco-latino. Atti del convegno internazionale (Cassino, 14-17 settembre 1994), Cassino, 1996, p. 105 n. 26; A. Stramaglia, 'Amori impossibili. PKöln 250, le raccolte proginnasmatiche e la tradizione retorica dell' "amante di un ritratto" [tavole 1-5]', in Bianca-Jeanette und Jens-Peter Schröder (edd.), Studium declamatorium: Untersuchungen zu Schulübungen und Prunkreden von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, München/Leipzig, 2003, p. 227; The Tebtynis Papyrus in the Milan Collection, translated by Patrick J. Jones, 1994; D. Colomo, Herakles and the Eleusinian Mysteries:.P Mil.Vogl. I 20, 18-32 Revisited, ZPE 148 (2004), p. 87-98; J.A. Fernández Delgado, F. Pordomingo, PMilVogl I 20: bocetos de progymnásmata, ZPE 167 (2008), p. 167-192. roll 06 - 06.5 anthology of 5 prose texts with titles, probably rhetorical exercises:
1. On the phoenix;
2. Hercules excluded from the Eleusinian Mysteries;
3. On exile;
4. On the flower named after Antinous;
5. On a style of himation worn by philosophers and orators.
Jones suggests that the fragment may have been part of a list of parallels with Antinous composed not long after the boy's death by the rhetorician Noumenios. However, the relationship of text 3 and 5 with Antinous remains unexplained. Therefore, Colomo, who interprets text 2 as a sketch for a progymnasmatic ethopoiia, suggests that the whole might be a collection of different kinds of progymnasmata,

AD 2 P.Mil.Vogl. 01, 20 (A. Vogliano, 1937)
blank Progymnasmata (ecphrasis, ethopoeia and encomion), anthology ?
small, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, written with a fairly thick pen by a proficient and careful scribe, mostly separating the letters, with occasional ligatures and binding strokes; undecorated except for very few hooks at the bottom of some uprights. Cavallo compares the hand to Roberts, GLH 23b, a dated document of AD 260-270, and on this basis assigns it to the 3rd century AD rather than to the 2nd AD. Cairo, Egyptian Museum 2003/09/15 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo;
2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst;
2004/07/21 Marc Huys
4772 paragraphos to separate sections; itacisms; iota adscript generally omitted (used twice); titles [or headings] of individual sections in eisthesis. 20-24 papyrus text 1 (col. 1, 1-17):
Phoinix (1 + 3 R);

text 2 (col. 1, 18-31):

text 3 (col. 2, 1-24):
Thêseus (2);

text 4 (col. 2, 25-33-col. 3, 1-25):
Antinoos' flower (1 + 1 R);
Narkissos (3 + 2 R);
Hyakinthos (2 + 2 R); Krokos (3);
Hylas (4);
Kypressos (2 + 1R), Daphnê (1 + 2 R);
Hêraklês (1);
Dionysos (1 + 1 R);
Apollôn (1);
Nymphai (2).
03 1996 CPF IV.2, pl. 122; Stramaglia, pl. 1. text 1 (col. 1, 1-17): Aigyptioi (3); Phoinix (1 + 3 R); Phoibos;
text 2 (col. 1, 18-31):
Hêraklês; Eleusinia; Eleusis; Korê;
text 3 (col. 2, 1-24):
Athênaioi (2); Thêseus (2); Skyros; Solôn;
Athênai; Hêrakleidês;
Kresphontês; Dôriês;
Dareios; Babylônioi;
Sardanapalos; Assyrioi;
Alexandros; Makedones;
Aristeidês; Miltiadês;
Periklês; Olympios;
text 4 (col. 2, 25-33-col. 3, 1-25):
Antinoos' flower (1 + R);
Narkissos (3 + 2 R);
Hyakinthos (2 + 2 R); Krokos (3); Hylas (4);
Thraikes; Kypressos (2 + R); Krêtê; Daphnê (1 + 2R); Hêraklês; Dionysos (1 + R); Apollôn; Nymphai (2);
text 5 (col. 3, 26-32):
Agathoklês; Diogenês;
Sôkratês; Solôn;
Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis along the fibres 12 18 x 18 -inventory: not in Milano (as stated in LDAB), but Cairo, Egyptian Museum; find inventory number: either 2801 or TM 34/236.22 (see photograph)

-COLOMO: Stramaglia 1996, 138 fn. 15 says that Cavallo compares the script to Roberts, GLH 23b, a dated document of AD 260-270, and on this basis assigns it to the 3rd century AD rather than to the 2nd AD. The comparison with Roberts, GLH 18b (terminus post quem AD 190-1, possible terminus ante quem AD 215) leads me to assign P.Mil.Vogl. I 20 to the 2nd/3rd century AD.
PHOTO recto (paper)

Van Elst: ed. pr.: text 3: Olympios opnemen?
copy article of Gualandri
three columns at full height;
col. 1 = 31 lines broken off to the left (ca. 1/3);
col. 2 = 33 complete lines;
col. 3 = 32 lines broken off to the right by a few letters; titles written in eisthesis.
rhetoric, mythology

0217 64180 anon. VRS, p. 47; W. Luppe, APF 37 (1991), p. 90. uncertain ?? (less than 7.5, cf. ed. princ.) unidentified literary or subliterary text, which "could be commentary, mythography, dramatic hypothesis, and much else" (ed. princ.). Possible connection with a story about Theseus (from a hypothesis to Euripides' Aegeus?). AD 3 P.Oxy. 49, 3434 (A. Bülow-Jacobsen, 1982)
Homer, Il. V.1-23 (P.Oxy. 49, 3439; LDAB 1682) uncertain (commentary ? hypothesis ? narrative ?) small, informal, mixed round ("severe" style), leaning forward, not strictly bilinear, regular, undecorated, rapidly and proficiently written, alterning thick and narrow strokes, mostly separating the letters, with occasional ligatures. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
5399 several corrections; one iota adscript; line-filler ? (l. 6). ?? papyrus Thêseus (?, S); Hekalê (?);
Troia [Troy] (?); Troizên [Troezen] (?).

01 (2 ?) M-P 2861.2 Thêseus (?, S); Hekalê (?);
Troia [Troy] (?); Troizên [Troezen] (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus across the fibres 16 4.7 x 17
scanty remains from the right-hand ends of 19 lines, from a column broken at top and bottom; possibly trace of a second column to the right (tiny trace of ink).
The text is written upside down in relation to the recto.
mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol49/pages/3434.htm
0218 62800 anon. P. Maas, Gnomon 6 (1930), p. 561-564; A.W. Bulloch, CQ N.S. 37 (1987), p. 505-512; H. Maehler, in: La philologie grecque à l'époque hellénistique et romaine, 1994, p. 95-141 (esp. p. 101-105); Cl. Meliadò, , Scoli a Teocrito in POxy 2064+3548, ZPE 147 (2004), p. 15-26; I. Rutherford, 'Atalante in the Hesiodic Catalogue. A New Problem and Some Possible Solutions', Proceedings of the 24.Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, 2007, edd. J. Frösén, T. Purola and E. Salmenkivi, p. . roll 08 ? marginal scholia on Theocritus' Idylls, with one minor mythographic reference to Alphesiboia (fr. 28C ii - 33 i, ad Id. III.45). AD 2 P.Oxy. 2064 (= A.S. Hunt - J. Johnson, Two Theocritus papyri, 1930, p. 3-19) + P.Oxy. 50, 3548 (P.J. Parsons, 1983)
blank marginal scholia main text: small, informal, mixed round, leaning forward, generally bilinear, fairly regular, written by a competent scribe, separating all letters, without decorations;

marginal scholia: by several different hands, all tiny, some cursive; that of fr. 33 is a fairly regular bookhand with cursive elements which may have been written by the same hand as the main text.
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/16 Marc Huys 3989 main text: by the hand of the main text: paragraphos (many); coronis; asteriscos; slash (fr. 18) and dotted slash (fr. 7); many corrections; iota adscript where required; by one of the hands responsible for the scholia: trema; accents; breathings; apostrophes; quantity marks; the hand who added the high stops marking punctuation is difficult to determine;

scholia: one trema; one paragraphos; many abbreviations; small horizontal strokes above numerals.
?? papyrus fr. 33:
Alphesiboia; Bias (R); Pêrô.
25 1489 Hunt-Johnson, pl. I. frr. 14(a) ii+ 14B:
Komatas; Nymphai;

frr . 18(a)ii+18B+20+20A -C+21+21A+22+22A+41: Lakônes [Spartans]; Pan; Êdônoi; Thraikê [Thrace] (2); Lykourgos; Hebros (R); Blemyes; Aithiopia; Byblis; Milêtos;

frr. 27 +28 +28A-B +28C i: Simichidas;

frr. 28Cii+28D-E+29+30 +30A+31+31A+32+33 i:
Thessalia; Alphesiboia; Bias (R); Pêrô; Daphnis; Nymphai; Marsyas;

fr. 64:

fr. 65:
Daphnis; Dôsitheos [Sôsitheos (?)];

fr. 66:
Ephoros (?).
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Theocritus, Idyllia 3];
Sôsitheos (?)
along the fibres 12 min. 20 (height)
3.7 x 6 (fr. 33)

numerous fragments belonging to the same roll, of which 25 very damaged columns can be reconstructed, with 25-26 lines on average; many small fragments are still unplaced; the scholia occur in the upper and lower margins, in the intercolumnium and inbetween the lines of the main text; the scholion on Alphesiboia is found on frr. 30A and 33, which are part of a larger group of fragments making up col. 18 of the original roll (cf. P.Oxy. 50, p. 114). mythology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol50/pages/3548.htm
0219 62535 anon. [various articles on the text of Pindar]; B. Snell - H. Maehler, Pindari Carmina cum fragmentis II, pap. 30; M.S Funghi - G. Messeri Savorelli, SCO 42 (1992), p. 43-62. roll ?? marginal scholia on works by Pindar (Dithyrambs ? others ?), with one minor mythological reference to Atalante (fr. 8). AD 2 P.Oxy. 26, 2445 (E. Lobel, 1961)
blank marginal scholia small, informal, mixed round, sligthly flattened, leaning forward, markedly bilinear, regular, competently and carefully written, mostly separating the letters, with occasional serifs, belonging to the "scribo di Pindaro" (Funghi-Messeri Savorelli); the scholia are written by the same hand in tiny letters. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
3716 accents; breathings; apostrophes; trema (several); quantity marks; high stops; paragraphos (one straight and one forked) to separate scholia; &#967;-sign and diplê (fr. 19); several corrections; iota adscript. ?? papyrus fr. 8:
Atalantê; Iasos.
02 (fr. 1) 1368 ed. princ. pl. X-XI. fr. 8:
Atalantê; Iasos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Pindarus, Dithyrambi (?)] along the fibres 12 9 x 13.5 (fr. 1, col. 2);
3 x 3.5 (fr. 8)

32 fragments, mostly small; fr. 8 has scanty remains of 5 lines of scholia. mythology
0220 59388 anon. R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus II, pap. 18 = Callimachus I, p. 44-55 (fr. 43); G. Massimilla, Callimaco, pap. 15 (= p. 111-120, fr. 50); G. Massimilla, ZPE 81 (1990), p. 17-21. roll 11 - 12 (main text) marginal scholia on Callimachus' Aetia, book 2, partly related to the founding of cities. AD 2 P.Oxy. 17, 2080 (A.S. Hunt, 1927) + P.Oxy. 19, p. 147 (1948) [additional fr.]
blank marginal scholia main text: small, relatively formal, mixed round, leaning very slightly forward, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, written with some care by an experienced scribe, generally separating the letters, without decorations; the lines are closely spaced;
scholia: same hand, smaller, more compressed.
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 487 trema (several); breathings; apostrophes; one sublinear hyphen; one possible mark of punctuation; iota adscript consistently written; many abbreviations and one paragraphos in the scholia. ?? papyrus col. 2, 55:
Poseidôn (R);

col. 2, 89:

col. 2, 92:
03 0206 ed. princ. pl. II (col. 2-3). col. 1:
Syrakô (2R); Syrakossai [Syrakousai]; Archias;
Syra; Kossê; Euarchos;
Sikelia; Katanê (?);
Selinoussa; Selinous;
Leontinoi (?, R); Aitnê;

col. 2, 55:
Eryx; Poseidôn (?, R);
Boutês (?, R); Aphroditê Erykinê (R);

col. 2, 73:

col. 2, 89:

col. 2, 92:
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Callimachus, Aetia 2] along the fibres 12 ?? x 21.6 Van Elst: Callimachus I, p. 44-55 (fr. 43) (+ gedeeltelijk ed. pr.) col. 1 (full height): scanty remains of 47 lines;
col. 2 (full height): substantial remains of 47 lines, visible at full width, but with a long scrap missing near the end of lines;
col. 3: scanty remains from the beginnings of 24 lines.
Upper margin: 1.7 cm; lower margin: 3 cm; intercolumnium: 1.5 cm (irregular).
0221 65564 anon. B. Snell, Gnomon 13 (1937), p. 582; TrGF II F 734a. uncertain ?? unidentified prose text mentioning Gorgo. AD 1 P.Harr. 01, 35 (J.E. Powell, 1936)
Latin text, date? uncertain (commentary ? narrative ?) small, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, fairly regular, proficiently and quite carefully written, mostly separating the letters and well spacing the lines, without decorations.
Birmingham, Orchard Learning Research Centre (Selly Oak College Library) 183e
6815 iota adscript once (where required); line-fillers (?). ?? papyrus Gorgô. 01 1960 ed. princ. pl. III. Gorgô. Egypt, unknown along the fibres 9 4.5 x 10 date: AD 1 (ed. princ.), 1 BC - AD 1 (LDAB)
copy ed. pr.
scanty remains from the right ends of 8 lines at the bottom of a column. mythology
0222 65535 anon. roll (?) ?? unidentified prose text mentioning Athens (Athena?) and [Bacchus] Eiraphiotes. 1 BC P.Ryl. 01, 31 (A.S. Hunt, 1911)
blank uncertain medium to fair-sized, relatively formal, angular, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, influenced by the "epigraphic" style, carefully written, with serifs at bottom of most uprights. Manchester, John Rylands Libr., Greek 31
6786 horizontal stroke above the numeral &#946; (l. 5). ?? papyrus Athênai [Athens];
01 2264 Athênai [Athens];
Egypt, unknown along the fibres 6 7 x 12 PHOTO (paper)
copy ed. pr.
Remains of 10 lines from the top of a column, broken off on both sides, followed by a considerable blank space after the last line; badly damaged and washed-off on the right; upper margin: 1.1 cm; lower margin: 5.3 cm. mythology
0223 63464 anon. roll ?? prose text mentioning Zeus and Hera, with another name starting with Kyll-. AD 2 Pap. Flor. 19, vol. 2, p. 371, no. 4 (W. Luppe - R. Pintaudi, 1990)
blank uncertain small to medium-sized, informal, angular ("severe" style), leaning forward, generally bilinear and regular, competently written, without decorations, well separating the letters. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, PL II/47
4673 one trema; possibly one iota adscript. ?? papyrus Kyll[??; Zeus; Hêra. 02 M-P 2845.42 ed. princ. pl. XL. Kyll[??; Zeus; Hêra. Egypt, unknown along the fibres 12 4.1 x 2.9 copy ed. pr. tiny fragment with scanty remains of five lines from two columns. mythology
0224 59318 Astrampsychus cf. R. Stewart, ICS 20 (1995), p. 135-147. roll (?) 06.5 (col. 1);
06.5 - 07.5 (col. 2);
08 - 09 (col. 3).
concordance to the Sortes Astrampsychi with list of gods. AD 3 Pap.Lugd.Bat. 25, 8 (W. Clarysse - F.A.J. Hoogendijk, 1991)
tomos synkollesimos, AD 3 list of gods medium to fair-sized, informal, round, leaning slightly forward, generally bilinear, fairly regular, rapidly written by a competent scribe, with cursive elements and some ligatures, though mostly separating the letters. Leiden, Papyrologisch Instituut, 573 verso 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 416 one paragraphos. variable papyrus col. 1:

col. 2:
Dioskoroi [Dioskouroi];

col. 3:
Mousai [Muses];
Memphitês (?);
Mêtêr theôn;
Panakeia (?);
Poros (?).
04 M-P 0168.8 ed. princ. pl. III; H. Willems - W. Clarysse, Keizers aan de Nijl, 1999 (= Les empereurs du Nil, 2000), p. 291. col. 1:
Lêtô; Sarapis; Ischys;
Agathos Daimôn; Gê;
Astrapê; Ephialtês; Erôs;
Thetis; Hekatê; Erinyes;

col. 2:
Athêna; Apollôn; Asklêpios; Aphroditê;
Ammôn; Anoubis;
Bêlos; Boubastis;
Hêra; Dioskoroi [Dioskouroi]; Hêraklês;
Hêlios; Dionysos; Hêphaistos;

col. 3:
Epitaktês (?); Mousai [Muses]; Mithras;
Ourania; Memphitês (?);
Eunoia; Nymphai; Mêtêr theôn; Klytios; Nikê (?);
Osiris; Poseidôn; Parthenos; Prosdokia;
Ôphelia; Panakeia (?);
Poros (?).
Egypt, unknown across the fibres 16 34.3 x 14 N.B.: was it not rather a sheet?
for general bibliography on the Sortes Astrampsychi, cf. W. Brashear in: M. Meyer - P. Mirecki, Ancient Magic and Ritual Power, 1995, p. 222-223.
Van Elst: ed. pr. (ik heb alle goden bij de proper names opgenomen, maar misschien horen de 'personifications' niet thuis in het rijtje)
copy article of Stewart
three columns at full width, broken off at the bottom, each with 17 preserved lines; traces of a fourth column are visible at the right edge of the papyrus; fairly large upper margin (3 cm); kolleseis visible after the beginning letters of col. 1 and before the final letters of col. 3 (see ed. princ. for detailled description).
The text is written upside down in relation to the documents on the recto.
0225 68949 anon. mentioned by VRS p. 22; G.O. Hutchinson , 'Euripides Other Hippolytus', ZPE 149 (2004), p. 15-28; M. Magnani, 'P.Mich. inv. 6222A e P.Oxy. LXVIII 4640 c. II: alcune osservazioni sull argumentum (?) del primo «Ippolito» euripideo', Eikasmos 15 ( 2004), p. 227-240; W. Luppe, 'Die Hypothesis zum ersten Hippolytos: ein Versuch der Zusammenführung des P. Mich. inv. 6222a und des P. Oxy. LVIII 4640' in: G. Bastianini e A. Casanova (edd.), Euripide e i Papiri. Atti del convegno internazionale di Studi Firenze (10-11 guigno 2004), Firenze, 2005, pp. 87-96; W. Luppe, 'Zu Daten und Reihenfolge der beiden Hippolytos-Dramen des Euripides', ZPE 151 (2005), p. 11-14. roll 14 hypotheseis to Euripides' (?) Theseus and Hippolytus I (the latter with heading). The Theseus hyp. is similar in wording to Apollod., Epit. 1.8-9, Diodorus Sic. 4.61.4, and Plut., Thes. 19.1; the text of the Hippolytus hyp. overlaps with P.Mich.inv. 6222A = CPP 140). AD 1 - AD 2 P.Oxy. 68, 4640 (M. Van Rossum-Steenbeek, 2003)
blank except for a tiny patch with document, AD 2-3 hypothesis medium to fair-sized, relatively formal, round, upright, strictly bilinear (except for some enlarged letters at beginning of words), regular, carefully written by a proficient scribe, separating all letters, many of which are decorated with serifs and roundels. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2004/07/25 Marc Huys 10219 small blank spaces after some words; 3 line-fillers; decorative strokes above the title (col. 1, 19); one correction and one cancellation (by same hand?); some itacisms; iota adscript used occasionally. 42 papyrus col. 1:
Krêtê [Crete];
Minôtauros (2);
Ariadnê (R + 2);
Thêseus (3);
Minôs (R + 1);
Athênai [Athens];
Hippolytos (Q);

col. 2:
02 ed. princ. pl. II. col. 1:
Krêtê [Crete];
Minôtauros (2);
Ariadnê (R + 2);
Thêseus (3);
Minôs (R + 1);
Athênai [Athens];
Hippolytos (Q);

col. 2:
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euripides (?), Theseus, Hippolytus I] along the fibres 10 14.5 x 16.4 copy article Luppe (Firenze 2005) and ZPE 2005 (cfr. CPP0140) remains from the top of two columns: col. 1 = 19 lines broken off to the left (1/3 missing), with a column number (38) in the upper margin and a title in l. 19); col. 2 = beginnings of 18 lines;
large upper margin (4 cm).
0226 68753 anon. mentioned by VRS p. 22. roll 07 - 07.5 (A) hypotheseis to Euripides' Palamedes, Stheneboea, Phrixus, and other plays. AD 2 - AD 3 P.Mich. inv. 3020 (a) + 2794 (a) [A] + P.Cairo inv. ? (= P.Mich. inv. 2787) unpublished (in preparation T. Gagos) [B]
blank (A) hypothesis small to medium-sized, informal, round, upright, bilinear and fairly regular, with hooks on certain letters. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 3020 (a) + 2794 (a) (A) + Cairo, Egyptian Museum, inv. number unknown (B)
10028 none.
papyrus (A) col. 1:
Polyeidos (Q);
Hellênes [Greeks];

(A) col. 2:

(B) fr. 1 + 2:
Phrixos (Q + R);
Athamas (R);
Thettalia [Thessaly] (R);
Hellên (R);
Kadmos (R);

(B) fr. 3:
02 (A)
(A) col. 1:
Polyeidos (Q);
Hellênes [Greeks];

(A) col. 2:

(B) fr. 1 + 2:
Phrixos (Q + R);
Athamas (R);
Thettalia [Thessaly] (R);
Hellên (R);
Kadmos (R);

(B) fr. 3:
Egypt, Fayum, Karanis [Euripides, Palamedes, Stheneboea, Phrixus] along the fibres 14 11.8 x 12.5 (A)
2 x 6.4 (B, fr. 1)
2.6 x 7.2 (B, fr. 2)
2.6 x 5 (B, fr. 3)
plate ordered June 2000 - reproduction not possible (unpublished) (A) two fragments joining together, with remains from the top of two columns (upper margin: 2.8 cm);
col. 1 = 18 lines, almost complete for l. 1-5, broken off on both sides for the rest; indented title in l. 6 (Polyeidos);
col. 2 = beginnings of 6 lines; l. 4 in eisthesis, probably new title;
(B) three fragments, apparently all from the hypothesis of Phrixus I; fr. 1 and 2 join immediately (l. 1 = l. 1);
fr. 1 = beginnings of 13 lines;
fr. 2 = 9 lines from the top of a column (upper margin 1.8 cm), broken off on both sides, with title in l. 1 (Phrixos);
fr. 3 = 9 lines, broken off on both sides.
0227 65628 anon. roll 15.5 (3250 C, col. 1)
not clearly identified; lyrical text according to Page, but "in prose rather than in verse" (Heilporn, e-mail); mentions several mythological figures. 2 BC - 1 BC ZPE 13 (1974), p. 105-109 (D. Page) + P.Mich. inv. 3250 A-C (new unpublished fragments, in preparation)
list of beginnings of poems, 2 BC (CPP 390) uncertain fair-sized to large, informal, round, of the "cloth-line" type, mostly upright, very irregular, written with a thick pen by an inexperienced scribe, linking many letters with binding-strokes, occasionally decorated with small hooks; the script is hesitant and shaky and could be that of a school boy, though not a complete beginner as is shown by the occasional slip into cursive forms. Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv.3498 + 3250 A,B,C.
6879 occasional blank spaces used for punctuation.
papyrus 3498 + 3250 B verso, col. 1:
Phrygios limên;
Lokroi [Locrians];
Krêtes [Cretans];
Troia [Troy];

3498 + 3250 B verso, col. 2:

3250 C verso, col. 1:
Hellanes [Hellênes] [Greeks].
02 (3498 + 3250 B) M-P 1937.1 ed. princ. pl. IXc 3498 + 3250 B verso, col. 1:
Phrygios limên;
Lokroi [Locrians];
Krêtes [Cretans];
Troia [Troy];

3498 + 3250 B verso, col. 2:

3250 C verso, col. 1:
Hellanes [Hellênes] [Greeks].
Egypt, unknown across the fibres 4 27 x 9.5 (3498 + 3250 B)
7.8 x 8.8 (3250 A, fr. a)
11.3 x 8.5 (3250 A, fr. b)
31.5 x 9 (3250 C)
plate ordered June 2000 - reproduction not possible (unpublished) 5 large, but much damaged fragments from the same roll; 3498 and 3250 B are joining, while 3250 A fr. a and b and 3250 C cannot be placed securely;
3498 + 3250 B: 2 columns of 11 lines each, broken at the top; col. 1 is broken at left, col. 2 at the right (but must have been very broad since the preserved part makes up 17 cm);
3250 A fr. a: bottom of 1 col, preserving the beginnings of 9 lines with either the endings of 4 lines from a preceding column or, more likely, marginal annotations to the left;
3250 A fr. b: bottom of 1 col., with 8 lines broken on both sides;
3250 C: 2 columns broken at the top; col. 1: 11 complete lines; col. 2: 11 lines broken-off at the right (preserved part = 13 cm).The text is written upside down in relation to the recto.
mythology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1990
0228 100061 anon. uncertain ?? prose text of uncertain nature, mentioning Rhadamanthys and Athena (?). ? P.Vindob. inv. G 46007 (unpublished)
traces (drawing ?) uncertain fair-sized to large, informal, round, upright, generally bilinear, somewhat irregular in size and spacing, not keeping the lines straight, written with a thick pen by a slow though not unpractised hand, well separating the letters, without decorations. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung G 46007
10737 none. ?? papyrus Rhadamanthys; Athêna (?). 01
Rhadamanthys; Athêna (?). ?? along the fibres 35 16 x 13.5 photograph M. Huys
PHOTO (paper)
underneath large traces (from a drawing?) taking up 6.5 cm, remains of three incomplete lines, broken off on both sides; below the text to the right are again large traces (from a drawing?) occupying ca. 5 cm. mythology
0229 63087 anon. sheet ?? alphabetical list of disyllabic names. 101 AD 1 O.Edfu 02, 307 (J. Manteuffel, 1938)
one line of text list of names no description available. Cairo, Egyptian Museum, G 263 (now lost)
4290 none. 06 ostracon Kêpheus; Kodros. 02 2682 Kêpheus; Kodros. Egypt, Apollinopolis Magna 9 ?? no photograph in Liège col. 1: 6 lines (broken at the left);
col. 2: 5 lines
school text, mythology
0230 63424 anon. R. Cribiore, Gymnastics of the Mind, 2001, p. 136. sheet ?? list of disyllabic words beginning with the letter pi. AD 2 O.Claud. 02, 415 (W.E.H. Cockle, 1997)
blank list of words very large, informal, mixed-round, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, written with a thick pen by a fairly practised hand (probably a teacher's) in broad letters well separated, without decorations. Claudianus, 7861
4632 none.
ostracon (amphora) col. 1:
Ploutôn (?);

col. 2:
Peithô (?);

col. 3:

col. 4:
Plouteus [Ploutôn];
Perdix (?);
Panes [Pan]

col. 6:
Pylôn (?);
07 M-P 2679.11 ed. princ. pl. LX-LXI (col. 1 and 6); R. Cribiore, Gymnastics of the Mind, 2001, p. 137 (col. 1). col. 1:
Ploutôn (?);

col. 2:
Peithô (?);

col. 3:

col. 4:
Plouteus [Ploutôn];
Perdix (?);
Panes [Pan];

col. 5:
Pamein [Pamin];

col. 6:
Pylôn (?);

col. 7:
Poupleis [Publius];
Parthos [Parthian];
Preiskos [Priscus];
Preiskas [Priscas].
Egypt, Mons Claudianus 12

col. 1: painting of a bearded face, with the letters [ ? below;
col. 2: 20 lines;
col. 3: 19 lines;
col. 4:18 lines;
col. 5: scanty remains of 9 lines;
col. 6: 20 lines;
col. 7: 20 lines.
1 name per line.
school text, mythology
0231 59773 anon. on the marginal scholia: A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), p. 84-86; I. Cazzaniga, in: Miscellanea Galbiati, p. 49-69; SH 413-416; Euphorion fr. 24 + 32 Van Groningen = fr. 38 + 41 De Cuenca; FGrHist 4 F 197 bis = Hellanicus fr. 197A Fowler; [for extensive bibliography on the Euphorion text, see Pack, PSI 14, 1390, and SH 413; additions: F. Della Corte et al., Maia N.S. 17 (1965), p. 158-176; N. Natalucci, Ann. Fac. Lett. e Filos. dell' Univ. di Perugia 11 (1973-1974), p. 537-555; A.S. Hollis, ZPE 89 (1991), p. 30; L.C. Watson, The Curse Poetry of Antiquity, 1991, p. 224-227; H. White, Emerita 61 (1993), p. 181-197; S. Jackson, Eikasmos 7 (1996), p. 149-154; cf. J. Lightfoot, Parthenius of Nicaea, 1999, p. 446-451]; A. Ciampi, 'Euforione: testo e scolî in PSI XIV 1390', Comunicazioni dell'Istituto Papirologico "G. Vitelli" 7 (2007), pp. 9-28. roll variable marginal scholia accompanying the text of Euphorion's Thrax and Hippomedon maior, some of mythographic interest:
fr. B, l. 1-3 marg. (ad fr. A, l. 13-14): on the metamorphosis of Harpalyce;
fr. B, l. 8-9 marg.: on the cities of Crisa and Panopeus;
fr. C, col. 2 bottom (ad l. 30): on the city of Aenus, mentioning Hellanicus.
AD 2 ASNP II.4 (1935), p. 3-14 (M. Norsa - G. Vitelli) = PSI 14, 1390 (V. Bartoletti, 1957)
blank marginal scholia main text: small, relatively formal, angular ("severe" style), upright, strictly bilinear, regular, of handsome appearance, written with care, separating all letters, without decorations;
marginal scholia: tiny cursive hand, rapid, regular, legible.
Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli' 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 877 forked paragraphos; accents; breathings; trema (several); apostrophes; high and middle stops; iota adscript almost consistently written; some itacisms; frequent interlinear corrections; various signs used within the main text to refer to the marginal scholia; some abbreviations in the scholia. variable papyrus fr. B, l. 1-3 marg.:
Harpalykê (S);

fr. B, l. 8-9 marg.:
Panopeus (city);

fr. C, col. 2 bottom:
Ainos (S);
Poltymbria (2);
02 (fr. C) 0371 PSI 14, pl. IV-V. fr. B, l. 1-3 marg.:
Harpalykê (S);

fr. B, l. 8-9 marg.:
Krisa; Panopeus (city);
Panopeus; Krisos;

fr. C, col. 2 bottom:
Ainos (S); Poltymbria (2);
Poltys; Hellanikos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Euphorion, Thrax, Hippomedon maior];
along the fibres 12 6 x 11.5 (fr. A);
7 x 11.5 (fr. B);
25.5 x 27 (fr. C).
Van Elst: PSI 14, 1390 (V. Bartoletti, 1957) + Fowler
copy ed. pr. (Norsa/Vitelli), Cazzaniga, De Cuenca and Natalucci
fr. A: remains of 22 lines from a column of the main text, broken off on both sides as well as at top and bottom;
fr. B: left part of 17 lines from a column of the main text, broken off at top and bottom, with a least 10 lines of marginal scholia in the left margin (intercolumnium);
fr. C: two columns at full width; col. 1: 34 lines of the main text, with left part of ll. 20-34 bottom of column broken off; col. 2 at full height, but much damaged at bottom: upper part = 26 almost complete lines; forked paragraphos after l. 26, then large blank space (2.8 cm) and title (in eisthesis), followed by further 10 lines of the main text, broken off on both sides except in first three lines; numerous, but hardly legible marginal scholia at the top of col. 1, in the intercolumnium of col. 1-2 and at the bottom of col. 2. The intercolumnium is particularly wide (5 cm).
0232 64569 anon. E. Lobel, Hermes 70 (1935), p. 37-39; R. Pfeiffer, CQ 37 (1943), p. 23-32 (= Ausgewählte Schriften, 1960, p. 133-147); SH 609-614; J. Lightfoot, Parthenius of Nicaea, 1999, fr. 2. codex ?? marginal and interlinear scholia accompanying the text of Parthenius' Arete (identified by Pfeiffer), with one mythological note presenting Zephyrus as the husband of Iris, a rather uncommon variant of the myth (fol. 1 recto, l. 11-14 = SH 610). AD 3 REG 17 (1904), p. 215-229 (J. Nicole)
marginal scholia main text: medium-sized to small, informal, round, upright, markedly bilinear, fairly regular, proficiently written, separating all letters, with occasional binding strokes, decorated with serifs and roundels on many letters; the ed. princ. suggests that there were two different hands (the script on p. 1 and 4 being supposedly more regular than on p. 2), but an inspection of the piece (on plate) does not particularly favour this hypothesis;

marginal scholia: various different hands, 10 according to ed. princ., more likely 2 according to Parsons (cf. Lightfoot): one is a small to tiny, informal, round bookhand with occasional cursive forms, leaning forward, generally bilinear, closely spaced; the other is a tiny, informal, semi-cursive, upright, not bilinear and rather irregular, written with a thinner pen; it is not excluded that there is a third hand: a small, semi-cursive, leaning forward, rapid and irregular.
Genève, Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire97 2003/11/15 Marc Huys 5799 several high stops, one apostrophe and one trema (by first hand); accents (by second hand); itacism; occasional use of iota adscript in the scholia. ?? parchment fol. 1 recto, l. 11-14:
01 1338 fol. 1 recto:
Nikaia; Arêtê; Zephyros; Iris;

fol. 1 verso:
Athênaioi [Athenians]; Arêtê; Kalês; Mygdonia; Bithynia;

fol. 2 recto:
Sarmatides; Homêros.
Egypt, unknown [Parthenius, Arete];
16 9.5 x 9 check size
N.B.: date according to Suppl. Hell. - ed. princ.: AD 5-6; according to M-P3: AD 4-5 (?). If AD 3, then quite early example of codex with abundant marginal scholia;
PHOTO (paper): recto + verso
single fragment preserving the top of a double leaf of codex;
fol. 1 recto = beginnings of 16 lines, with 14 lines of notes in left margin;
fol. 1 verso = endings of 15 lines, with 25 lines of notes in upper and right margin;
fol. 2 verso = beginnings of 4 lines, with traces of notes in upper and left margin;
fol. 2 recto = a few letters from the end of 9 lines, with 15 lines of notes in upper and right margin.
0233 59413 anon. L. Radermacher, RhM N.F. 57 (1902), p. 141-142; W. Crönert, APF 2 (1903), p. 348-349; R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus II, pap. 43 (p. LII + 56-58); Kleidemos FGrHist 323 F 29. codex ?? commentary on selected lemmata from Callimachus' Hymn to Artemis, v. 107-178, not strictly following the order of the text; the scholia have a clear relationship with the extant scholia on Callimachus, although they do not coincide;
recto, l. 8: short mention of Hercules;
recto, l. 13: possibly on Theiodamas;
verso, l. 6-18: story of Iphigenia.
AD 4 P.Amh. 02, 20 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1901)
commentary (selected lemmata) fair-sized to large, informal, round, leaning forward, not aiming at bilinearity, somewhat irregular, rapidly written by a proficient scribe, generally separating the letters, but using cursive forms and occasional ligatures; through the speed of execution and the relative carelessness the hand gives at first sight the impression of being cursive. New York, Pierpont Morgan Library, Greek Papyri 20. 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 512 double dots to separate the scholia; two high stops; trema (several); one apostrophe; one breathing; sign (in the shape of 7) in front of verso l. 14, of uncertain function. 32-42 papyrus recto:
Hêraklês (R);
Theiodamas (?, S);

Tauroi [Taurians];
Artemis (3).
01 0190 recto:
Keryneios pagos (Q);
Arkadia (2); Keladôn (Q);
Haimos Thrêix [Thraix] (Q); Thraikê; Olympos;
Phoibos (Q, R); Tirynthios akmôn (Q);
Hêraklês (R); Tiryns;
Argos; Akakêsios (Q);
Akakêsion oros; Theiodamas (?, S); Dryopes; Typhrêston oros;

Pitanê (Q); Araphênides Halai (Q); Stymphaiides (Q); Êpeirôtikai; Stymphai (R); Thesprôtia; Stymphaion;
Iphigeneia (2); Tauroi [Taurians]; Skythia;
Artemis (3); Kleidêmos (?); Aristodêmos (?).
Egypt, unknown [Callimachus, Hymni 3];
Clidemus (?);
Aristodemus (?).
20 7.9 x 20.3 (fr. 1)
11.5 x 11.8 (fr. 2)
check size, col. width - add own description of hand
N.B.: provenance = Oxyrhynchus according to LDAB: where does the information come from ?
PHOTO (paper): recto + verso.
Van Elst: R. Pfeiffer, Callimachus II, pap. 43 (p. LII + 56-58): Akakêsios opnemen?; Theiodamas (Q, R + R)?; Dryopes (R + 1)?; Hêraklês (2R)?; Stymphaiides en Êpeirôtikai weglaten?; Tauroi (Q, R + R + 1)?
much damaged upper part of a leaf (in two joining fragments);
recto = remains of 20 lines, ll. 1-10 at full width, ll. 11-20 endings only;
verso = remains of 18 lines, ll. 1-10 at full width, ll. 11-18 beginnings only;
page numbers in right corner of recto ( ) and left corner of verso ( ).
0234 67962 anon. W. Luppe, ZPE 137 (2001), p. 24. roll 07 - 07.5 (fr. 2) prose narrations relating to the legends of Perseus (fr. 1 + 2, l. 1-13) and of Bellerophontes (fr. 2, l. 14-22) and to Hyrieus and his descendants (fr. 3). In fr. 2, l. 4-6, there is an unidentified poetic citation (epic?). AD 2 APF 47 (2001), p. 4-18 (W. Luppe - R. Scholl)
blank narrative tiny to small, informal, mixed round, upright, generally bilinear with very long tails of , and , neat and regular, of handsome appearance, written with care by an experienced scribe, separating all letters, without decorations. Leipzig, P.Lips. inv. 1390 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 9233 paragraphos (2); high stops (2); trema (4); iota adscript consistently written. 33-38 (fr. 2) papyrus fr. 1:

fr. 2:
Perseus (2);
Akrisios (2);
Argos (2);
Proitos (1 + 3R);
Tiryns (2);
Mykênai [Mycenae];
Glaukos (R);
Korinthos [Corinth];
Lykia (?, R);

fr. 3:
Hyrieus (R + 2);
Lykos (2);
Nykteus (3 + R);
Krinakos (R + 1);
Echiôn (2);
Poseidôn (2);
Euboê [Euboia] (3);
Kadmeioi [Cadmians];
Hysiaia [Hysia];
Antiopê (R);
Zeus (R);
Sikyôn (R);
Epôpeus (R).
02 (fr. 3) APF 47 (2001), pl. II-III. fr. 1:
Perseus; Argos; Akrisios;
Pelasgiôtis gê (?, R); Larissa (?, R);

fr. 2:
Teutamidês; Larissa; Perseus (2); Akrisios (2);
Argos (2); Megapenthês;
Proitos (1 + 3R); Tiryns (2); Mykênai [Mycenae];
Bellerophontês; Glaukos (R); Sisyphos; Korinthos [Corinth]; Amphianax;
Lykia (?, R);

fr. 3:
Hyrieus (R + 2); Lykos (2); Nykteus (3 + R);
Krinakos (R + 1); Kloniê;
Echiôn (2); Poseidôn (2);
Euboê [Euboia] (3); Lapithai; Thessalia;
Kadmeioi [Cadmians]; Kithairôn; Hysiaia [Hysia]; Achaiia; Abantes; Aristokratês;
Pleurôn; Antiopê (R);
Zeus (R); Sikyôn (R);
Epôpeus (R).
Egypt, unknown Aristocrates. along the fibres 12 1.7 x 2.4 (fr. 1)
3.4 x 5.9 (fr. 2a)
6.2 x 10.8 (fr. 2b+c)
9.5 x 11.9 (fr. 3)
3.0 x 6.5 (fr. 4)
0.4 x 1 (fr. 5)
along the fibres and verso blank, but no indication about this in ed. princ. but checked by colomo
Van Elst: ed. pr. + W. Luppe, ZPE 137 (2001), p. 24
copy of Luppe (ZPE)
several fragments of the same papyrus roll:
fr. 1: scanty remains of 6 lines, broken on all sides, probably belonging to the top of the column in fr. 2;
fr. 2: three fragments of one and the same column, broken at top and bottom; fr. b and c join immediately, while fr. a is separated from fr. b by only a few letters at places; the three fragments together make up 22 much damaged lines: fr. a has the beginnings of ll. 1-12 (broken by 2-3 letters), fr. b and c preserved the right part of ll. 3-22 (broken to the right by a few letters) as well as the middle part of ll. 10-15;
fr. 3: left half of 22 lines, slightly damaged at the beginnings, from a column broken at top and bottom; the endings of 8 lines from a previous column are mentioned in ed. princ. but without transcription;
fr. 4: scanty remains of 11 lines, broken on all sides;
fr. 5: tiny fragments with a few letters from 3 lines.
0235 65795 w038 anon. [N.B.: column numbers below follow those of A. Laks - G.W. Most, Studies on the Derveni Papyrus, Oxford 1997, p. 9-22 (English translation)]

- preliminary notice by S. G. Kapsomenos, Gnomon 35 (1963), p. 222-223 (with partial edition of col. XXI and XXVI);

- transcript of col. XVIII-XIX, XXI-XXIV and XXVI by S.G. Kapsomenos, AD 19.1 (1964), p. 17-25;

- substantial notes on the text of col. VIII-XI, XIII-XV and XX by J. Rusten, HSCPh 89 (1985), p. 121-140;

- (re)editions of specific columns by various scholars in Laks-Most, Studies: K. Tsantsanoglou, p. 93-128 (col. I-VII); D. Sider, p. 129-148 (col. IV); L. Brisson, p. 149-165 (col. XII); D. Obbink, p. 39-54 (col. XX + XXII); W. Burkert, p. 167-174 (col. XXV); many new readings to the text of other columns by K. Tsantsanoglou are given in the notes to the English translation by Laks and Most (p. 9-22);

- extensive bibliographical surveys by M.S. Funghi in CPF III, 1995, p. 565-572 (by date) and in Laks-Most, Studies, p. 175-185 (by author's name);

- studies published after Laks-Most, Studies: G.W. Most, JHS 117 (1997), p. 117-135; A. Laks, REG 110 (1997), p. XII-XIII; idem, Phronesis 42 (1997), p. 121-142; R. Janko, ZPE 118 (1997), p. 61-94; idem, CP 96 (2001), p. 1-32 [= new translation]; I. Labriola, Invigilata Lucernis 20 (1998), p. 151-167; E. Hussey, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 17 (1999), p. 303-324 [review of Laks-Most, Studies]; F. Schironi, ZPE 136 (2001), p. 11-21.

- Re-edition of the complete text and extensive analysis of the whole fragment: G. Betegh, The Derveni Papyrus. Cosmology, Theology and Interpretation, Cambridge, 2004.
- Kouremenos, Theokritos, Parássoglou, George M., Tsantsanoglou, Kyriakos, The Derveni papyrus (Studi e testi per il corpus dei papiri filosofici greci e latini 13), Firenze 2006.
roll variable commentary on an Orphic theogony. 4 BC ZPE 47 (1982), after p. 300 [anonymous and unauthorized edition]
blank commentary small to medium-sized, informal, squarish and angular (epigraphic), upright, markedly bilinear, regular, written with care by a practised scribe, well separating the letters, using a fairly thick pen in col. I-VII, a thinner one in the remaining columns, occasionally adding decorations in form of roundels and serifs. Thessalonike, Archaeological Museum 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 7049 paragraphos (several) to indicate punctuation (accompanied by a dash) and quotations; iota adscript consistently written. 30-45 (variable) papyrus col. I:

col. II:
Erinyes (2);

col. IV:
Erinyes (Q);
Dikê (Q);

col. V:

col. VI:
Eumenides (2);

col. VIII:
Zeus (2Q+2);

col. IX:
Zeus (2);

col. X:
Nyx (S);

col. XI:

col. XII:
Olympos (Q+3);

col. XIII:
Zeus (Q);

col. XIV:
Kronos (3);
Ouranos (Q+1);
Euphronidês (Q);

col. XV:
Kronos (Q);
Zeus (2Q);
Mêtis (Q);

col. XVI:
Nous (3);
Zeus (Q,R);

col. XVII:
Aêr (2);
Zeus (2+3Q);
Moira (Q,R);

col. XVIII:
Moira (6);
Zeus (3+Q);

col. XIX:
Zeus (2+2Q);

col. XX:
Zeus (?);
Persephônê (S,?)
Dêmêtêr (R,?);
Rhea (S,?);

col. XXI:
Aphroditê (2);
Peithô (2);
Harmonia (2);

col. XXII:
Gê (4+Q);
Mêtêr (3+Q);
Rhea (3+Q);
Hêrê [Hêra] (1+?);
Dêmêtêr (1+Q);
Hestia (Q);
Dêiô (Q+1);

col. XXIII:
Ôkeanos (2);
Aêr (2);
Zeus (3);
Achelôios (Q+1);

col. XXV:
Zeus (2Q);
Rhea (S);

col. XXVI:
Hermês (Q);
Maia (Q);
Zeus (2Q+1).
26 2465a (suppl.) = M-P 2465.1 Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, Archaeological Reports 1961-1962, p. 14 (col. XXII); BCH 86 (1962), p. 794 (col. V + XXII); AJA 66 (1962), pl. 108, fig. 4 (col. XXII); CW 56 (1963), p. 246 (col. XXII); RA 1963.1, p. 180 (col. V + XXII); AD 19.1 (1964), pl. 12-15 (col. XI-XII, XVII-XIX, XXI-XXIII, XXVI); BASP 2 (1964-1965), p. 13-14 (col. XI-XII + XVII); StudClas 9 (1967), p. 203-210 (col. XVII); Seider, Paläographie II.2, 1970, pl. 1 (col. V, XIII-XIV, XIX, XXI, XXII); GMAW 51 (col. XXI-XXII); A. Brancasi (ed.), Aristoxenica, Menandrea, Fragmenta Philosophica, 1988, pl. IV (col. IV); dusk jacket of Laks-Most, Studies (col. XXI-XXII); E. Crisci, Scrivere greco fuori d'Egitto (Pap. Flor. XXVII), 1996, pl. I (col. XVII-XVIII, XIX, XXI, XXII); CPF IV.2, pl. 70 (col. IV). col. I:

col. II:
Erinyes (2);

col. IV:
Hêrakleitos; Erinyes (Q);
Dikê (Q);

col. V:

col. VI:
Eumenides (2);

col. VII:
Orpheus (R);

col. VIII:
Zeus (2Q+2);

col. IX:
Zeus (2);

col. X:
Nyx (S); Orpheus (R);

col. XI:

col. XII:
Olympos (Q+3);

col. XIII:
Zeus (Q); Nyx;

col. XIV:
Kronos (3); Hêlios; Gê;
Ouranos (Q+1); Euphronidês (Q); Nous
col. XV:
Kronos (Q); Zeus (2Q);
Mêtis (Q);

col. XVI:
Nous (3); Zeus (Q,R);

col. XVII:
Aêr (2); Zeus (2+3Q);
Moira (Q,R);

col. XVIII:
Aêr; Orpheus (2); Moira (6); Zeus (3+Q);

col. XIX:
Zeus (2+2Q); Aêr; Moira;

col. XX:
Zeus (?); Persephônê (S,?)
Dêmêtêr (R,?); Rhea (S,?);

col. XXI:
Aêr; Aphroditê (2); Zeus;
Peithô (2); Harmonia (2);

col. XXII:
Gê (4+Q); Mêtêr (3+Q);
Rhea (3+Q); Hêrê [Hêra] (1+?); Gaia; Dêmêtêr (1+Q); Hestia (Q); Dêiô (Q+1);

col. XXIII:
Ôkeanos (2); Aêr (2);
Zeus (3); Achelôios (Q+1);

col. XXV:
Zeus (2Q); Rhea (S);

col. XXVI:
Nous; Hermês (Q); Maia (Q); Zeus (2Q+1).
Greece, Derveni Orpheus;
along the fibres 0 7-8 (height) N.B.: in his introduction of Early Greek Mythography, Fowler writes: "I might have included the Derveni papyrus or Stesimbrotos Peri teletôn. But this would be to lose sight of the genre. These are not mythography". This ought to be discussed in our own introduction.
Van Elst: Laks-Most, Studies + R. Janko, ZPE 118 (1997), p. 61-94 + J. Rusten, HSCPh 89 (1985), p. 121-140 + ed. pr.: col. X: Orpheus (R)? (cf. vertaling Janko); eigennaam Homeros?
copy Kapsomenos (AD) and Tsantsanoglou/Parassoglou
more than 200 fragments recovered from a carbonized roll, making up some 26 columns which are almost all consecutive and constitute the end-part of the roll (with a blank space of 16 cm after the final column); the columns preserve between 12 and 15 lines of text from the top of the roll (possibly a good third of the original column). mythology
0236 63608 anon. SH 454 (P. Parsons, 1983); cf. A.L. De Cuenca, Euforion de Calcis, 1976, p. 118-119. roll (?) ?? text of uncertain nature, mentioning Ainos, the companion of Odysseus, and linked by the ed. princ. to Euphorion fr. 62 Powell (= fr. 42 De Cuenca = fr. 67 Van Groningen) [= Servius, Aen. 3.17]. AD 2 P.Oxy. 30, 2527 (E. Lobel, 1964)
blank (?) uncertain (commentary ?) small, informal, mixed round, influenced by the "severe" style, upright, markedly bilinear, regular, carefully written with a thin pen by a practised scribe, well separating the letters, with serifs and roundels on many uprights. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
4817 one accent (by same scribe). ?? papyrus Ainos. 01 ed. princ. pl. 3. Euphoriôn (?); Ainos; Aristotelês. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Euphorion (?);
along the fibres 12 4.2 x 6.8 check script - back - size (here according to plate) - state of preservation: is this really an upper margin? much damaged remains of 5 lines, broken-off on both sides, from the top of a column (large upper margin: 4.2 cm). mythology
0237 68604 h132 anon. sheet 07.5 - 08 scholia minora to Iliad 2.50-109, with two mythographic explanations. AD 2 P.Oxy. 67, 4631 = J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze 2002, p. 57-82.
document, AD 2 scholia minora small, informal, round, mostly upright, not strictly bilinear, somewhat irregular, though fluent, written without much care by a fairly practised hand which may be that of a student or of a teacher; the letters are usually separated, but frequently touch; there are a few ligatures and some letters are decorated with roundels and serifs. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
9876 one apostrophe (?); iota adscript caprisciously written; some errors; when of more than one line, the scholia are written in eisthesis.
papyrus fr. 1:
Pylos; Amathos (S);

fr. 2:
Argeiphontês (Q); Hermês (?); Argos.
02 M-P 1170.1 Spooner, pl. II. fr. 1:
Pylos; Amathos (S);

fr. 2:
Argeiphontês (Q); Hermês (?); Argos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 2] across the fibres 12 7.6 x 15.6 (fr. 1);
6.1 x 12 (fr. 2);
1.6 x 4.6 (fr. 3).

badly mutilated fragments belonging to two continuous columns;
fr. 1 (col. 1) = 31 lines from a column at full height, broken on both sides by a few letters;
fr. 2 (col. 2) = 26 lines from the top of the column, broken on both sides by a few letters, much damaged in ll. 20-26;
fr. 3 = tiny scrap with a few letters from 8 lines belonging to col. 2.
Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0238 68606 h134 anon. roll 07 - 09 scholia minora to Iliad 2.277-318, with one minor mythographic information. AD 3 P.Oxy. 67, 4633 = J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze 2002, p. 87-105.
sitologos receipts, AD 2 scholia minora medium-sized to large, informal, round, influenced by the chancery style, mostly upright, of attempted bilinearity, rather irregular, written with a thick pen by a fairly practised hand, generally separating the letters, with occasional cursive elements and ligatures and with some decorations in form of roundels and serifs. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
9878 when of more than one line, the scholia are written in eisthesis. variable papyrus col. 2:
Olympios (Q); Zeus.
02 M-P 1170.42 Spooner, pl. IV. col. 2:
Olympios (Q); Zeus.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 2] across the fibres 16 14 x 16.2
stained fragment of poor quality (reused as toilet paper!) with remains from the bottom of two columns:
col. 1 = right half of 28 lines;
col. 2 = 22 lines, mostly a full width; at the bottom of each column is written the letter epsilon, which may be an indication of the sheet number according to ed. princ.
Homerica, mythology
0239 68610 h138 anon. roll (?) 05 - 06 (?) scholia minora to Iliad 2.632(?)-655, with one minor mythographic information. AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 67, 4637 = J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze 2002, p. 139-145.
unidentified literary text scholia minora tiny, crabbed cursive, leaning forward, keeping the lines straight. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
9882 two long horizontal lines drawn under the lemmata in ll. 4 and 9. variable papyrus Enyalios (Q); Arês. 01 M-P 1172.1 Spooner, pl. VIII. Enyalios (Q); Arês. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 2] across the fibres 14 3.6 x 5.1
tiny scrap with much damaged remains of 16 lines, from a column broken at top and bottom; ll. 1-8 have only a few letters from the middle of the lines, ll. 9-16 are broken to the right by almost half of the line; the scholia are written upside down in relation to the literary text on the recto. Homerica, school text (?), mythology
0240 61134 h076 anon. H.G. Gundel, Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen 30 (1971), p. 21 (no. 29) + 39 (1977), p. 18 (no. 5); H. Erbse, pap. VIII (vol. III, p. 118-121); A.L. Nardi, SCO 26 (1977), p. 133-55; A. Rengakos, ZPE 102 (1994), p. 116; P. Kuhlmann, Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen 44 (1997), p. 22 (no. IV). roll 10 (11 with ekthesis) [recto] scholia on Iliad 11.677-754 with one mythographic information. 1 BC P.Iand. 01, 2 (E. Schaefer, 1912) = P.Giss.Lit. 2.8 (P.A. Kuhlmann, 1994)
opistograph commentary (selected lemmata) recto: medium-sized, relatively formal, mixed-round, upright, strictly bilinear, regular, written with care by a fairly practised hand, separating all letters and imitating the epigraphic style though adding serifs and roundels on most letters;

verso: medium-sized, informal, mixed-round, upright, of the "cloth-line" type, somewhat irregular, written with a poorly sharpened pen by a careless though proficient scribe, mostly separating the letters, with occasional decorations in form of roundels and serifs.
Giessen, UniversitätsbibliothekP.Iand. inv. 1 2003/12/20 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 2273 lemma in ekthesis and followed by blank space. 25-30 papyrus verso col. 1:

verso col. 2:
Alpheios (Q); Pylos (Q, R); Amathos.
02 1194 ed. princ. pl. II; Hessenjournal 4 (1962), Heft 3, p. 16; Gundel, Kurzberichte aus den Giessener Papyrussammlungen 14 (1963), pl. 3; Erbse, vol. III (2 plates); P.Giss.Lit. pl. III. recto, col. 1:
Êlis (2); Epeioi (Q + 1);

verso col. 1:

verso col. 2:
Alpheios (Q); Pylos (Q, R); Amathos.
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 11];
6 9 x 10 plate also in Hessenjournal 4 (1962) H.3, Abb. 5 (to be ordered and checked).
copy ed. pr. (Schaefer and Kuhlmann)
fragment from the bottom of a roll; the text of the scholia is written on both sides, but by two different hands; the recto has remains of 11 lines broken at each end by a few letters; the verso is a palimpsest and shows remains of two columns written on top of unidentified text in cursive script of which only few traces are visible:
col. 1 = right third of 11 lines;
col. 2 = left half of 9 lines.
Homerica, mythology http://digibib.ub.uni-giessen.de/cgi-bin/populo/pap.pl?t_allegro=x&f_SIG="P. Iand. inv. 1"
0241 59880 anon.
roll (?) 28 (R) commentary on the verses 9ff. of the Troades of Euripides (no lemma preserved). AD 5 Studi in onore di A. Calderini e R. Paribeni, II, Milano, 1957, p. 147-150 (S. Eitrem - L. Amundsen)
blank commentary (selected lemmata ?) medium-sized, informal, round, leaning forward, generally bilinear, but somewhat irregular in letter-size, written by a competent scribe, mostly separating the letters, with some links but no real ligatures, many letters decorated with roundels. Oslo, University Library inv. 1662
987 one trema; one abbreviation; small horizontals above numerals; iota adscript. 75-80 (R) papyrus Epeios;
Phôcis (R);
Parnasos (R).
01 0429 Epeios;
Phôcis (R);
Parnasos (R).
Egypt, unknown [Euripides, Troades]. across the fibres 23 8.4 x 5 PHOTO (digital image)
provenance: Upper Egypt according to Pack
form: codex according to LDAB; "to all probability our fragment belongs to a roll, not a codex" (ed. princ.)
remains of 9 lines, broken by 4-5 letters on the left, by a substantial portion (ca. 2/3) on the right. mythology
0242 65607 anon. First mentioned by G.A. Gerhard, Phoinix von Kolophon. Texte und Untersuchungen, Leipzig -Berlin 1909, p. 1 + n. 1 - 2. roll
Marginal scholion on a poetic passage dealing with several mythological themes. According to De Stefani the metre points to the genre of Sotadea, with moralizing contents, of which this would be an early example.

The scholion probably refers to the treatment of the Perseus-legend in col. I, king Erythras, eponymous hero of the Red Sea, being a son of Perseus and Andromeda.
3 BC - 2 BC ZPE 140 (2002), p. 17-29 (Cl. De Stefani)
opistograph marginal scholia main text: medium-sized to small, Similar to the hand of P. Heid. Inv. G 310 but more accurate and not necessarily belonging to the same scribe.

marginal scholion: cursive
Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie, G 310a recto
6858 paragraphos, correction of itacism. variable papyrus fr. a recto:
02 (possibly 3) 1846 ZPE 140 (2002), pl. XIV. fr. a recto:
Egypt, unknown
2 11.5 x 10 book of Gerhard copied , column width , hand Nine fragments belonging to the same cartonnage as P. Heid. Inv. G 310 (= LDAB 2440).
One substantial fragment (fr. a) and 8 small and very small fragments of which only one (fr. b) has one readable word.
fr. a recto: remains of two columns: col. 1 = remains of 19 lines (possibly 2 letters belonging to the preceding column can be seen on l. 17); col. 2 = beginnings of 12 lines. The marginal scholion is written between the first and the second column.
fr. a verso: remains of 14 lines of one column.
mythology http://aquila.papy.uni-heidelberg.de/Kataloge/G/FMPro?-db=gr%5f&Pack2=1846&-format=DFormVw.htm&-lay=Einzel&-max=1&-skip=0&-token=25&-find
0243 27520 --- anon. J. Rea, 'A Greek-Latin glossary (PL III/418)', ZPE 29 (1978), p. 240; J. Kramer, Glossaria Bilinguia in papyris et membranis reperta, Bonn 1983, no. 5 (new edition); A. Lopez Garcia, Tyche 11 (1996), pp.245-246. uncertain 02.7 non-alphabetical list of names of sea-fish. The second column seems to have contained the Latin equivalents written in Greek characters. --- AD 2 ZPE 27 (1977), p. 115-117 no. 6 (R. Pintaudi) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines, and maybe arranged according to their natural habitat (internal logical structure)? non identified traces written in the same hand list of fish --- formal round: medium sized Coptic Uncial; bilinear, decoration consisting of ticks or blobs at the top of vertical strokes;
second hand with similar ductus to be observed at col. i ll. 3 and 9.
Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III/418 2003/03/03 Alberto. Nodar;
2003/09/14 Marc Huys
2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar.
4676 none; additions and explanations due to the second hand. 05-09 parchment --- 02 M-P 2134.3 ZPE 27 (1977), pl. VI a --- Egypt, unknown ---
12 7 x 3 for other lists of fish see FEVEL M. in BCH 60 1936, 2-36; Athenaeus 7.277C; Plinius, Naturalis Historia 32 one fragment (7 x 3 cm) broken at the top and, partially, at the sides, preserving the remains of two small columns (2.7 cm maximum width; 2.1 minimum intercolumnium) with 11 and 5 lines, respectively. 0.8 cm maximum preserved lower margin. glossary
0244 64679 --- anon. D. Bain, ZPE 128 (1999), p.76-78 sheet? 04.75 list of birds 116 AD 5 Mnemosyne Ser. IV, 30. 1 (1977), pp. 69-71 (P. J. Sijpesteijn) = P.Amst. 01, 13 (R. P. Salomons - P. J. Sijpesteijn - K. A. Worp, 1980) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; no further principle of classification noticeable. blank list of birds --- medium sized sloping pointed majuscule (first sub-type); if from school context, then teacher's hand. Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Papyrologisch Seminarie 94 2003/03/03 Alberto Nodar 5911 trema (col. i, 2); apostrophe to separate double consonants (col. i, 9). col. i, 16 &#967; corr. ex &#959;&#953;?. orthographic mistakes: -&#953;&#957; instead of -&#953;&#959;&#957; in col. i, 1. Loss of final &#957; in col. i, 3; &#955; in the place of &#961; in col. i, 6; metathesis of &#965;&#961; into &#961;&#965;, col. i, 8; &#954; instead of &#947; in col. ii, 31. 05-12 papyrus --- 02 M-P 2137.2 Mnemosyne Ser. IV, 30. 1 (1977), pl. between pages 70 and 71. P. Amst. 01, pl. VI --- Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres 23 7.2 x 13.1
one fragment (7.2 x 13.1 cm), containing the remains of two columns, with 18 and 16 lines, respectively (maximum column width 4.75 cm; minimum intercolumnium 0.1 cm). No upper or lower margin is preserved, and the papyrus is broken to the right; the left-hand side margin, where the piece is cut regularly, is 1 cm wide. school text?
0245 65225 --- anon.
sheet? 02.32 school exercise consisting of a list of bird names 123 AD 6 - AD 7(?) P.Mon.Epiph. 02, 621 (H. G. E. White, 1926) = MPER N.S. 18, 247 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-phrase items (article+noun) written in separate lines; no further principle of classification noticeable.
list of birds --- student's hand: alphabetic, with some multistroke letters of varying size New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art 14.1.549 2003/08/26 Alberto Nodar 6467 a short horizontal stroke on &#950; in l. 2?; a rough breathing and trema in l. 12. itacistic misspellings: &#953; for &#965;.
&#953; for &#949;; &#959; in the place of &#959;&#949;
04-10 (R) papyrus --- 01 2134 Cribiore pl. XI --- Egypt, Diospolis Magna --- across the fibres 28 2.8 x 6.5 rough breathing and diaeresis in l. 12, not 11 (as Crib. says); there are further remains of ink to the right of the word!
one fragment (2.8 x 6.5 cm) preserving the remains of a single column (2.32 cm maximum width) with 13 lines, as it stands (but the last line is not considered in ed. princ. or in the subsequent edition in MPER N.S. 18). No upper, lower or right-hand margin is preserved; the even left-hand margin is preserved to a maximum of 0.5 cm school text
0246 63778 --- anon. first description in G. Geraci, Proceed. XIV Int. Congr. Pap., London, 1975, p. 113-120 roll ? 03.9 around sixty names of rivers, distributed in different sections, accompanied by stenographic symbols. --- AD 3 Studi in onore di Edda Bresciani, Pisa 1985, p. 231-243 (G. Geraci) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; heading and graphic marks structuring the columns. The order of items might be in accordance with a model text. written (?) list of rivers --- skilled medium sized cursive with moderate ligatures. Bologna, Dipartimento di Storia Antica 1 2003/04/25 Alberto Nodar 4991 No iota adscript. L. 1 col. i provides a title; horizontal lines separating different sections after l. 22 col. i, l. 30 col. i, l. 10 col. ii and l. 30 col. ii. Names in col. ii (and presumably those in col. i) preceded by stenographic signs. Perhaps orthographic mistakes at col. ii ll. 19 and 26 (itacistic), but might reveal variant names or contamination with other names, as in col. ii ll. 3 and 6. 05-15 papyrus col. i
Teberis (?, R);
Marsyas (R);
Axios (R);
Parthenios (R).

col. ii
Êridanos (R);
Simoeis (R);
02 M-P 2274.3 Studi in onore di Edda Bresciani, Pisa 1985, p. 243 col. i
Danoubis (R);
Euphratês (R);
Hebros (?, R);
Gaggês (R);
Teberis (?, R);
Marsyas (R);
Nymphios (R);
Borysthenês (R);
Axios (R);
Parthenios (R).

col. ii
Thêtos [for Têtos?];
Hyphanis [for Hypanis?];
Balissas [Balissos];
Ryntachos [Ryndakos];
Êridanos (R);
Simoeis (R);
Praktios (?, R);
Andêris [for Andiros?];
Kalykadnos (R).
Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres 16 10.7 x 25.4 look at URL for further hints about the verso text one fragment (10.7 x 25.4) containing the remains of two columns of 30 lines each. Due to the elongation of the horizontal strokes of final letters, the intercolumnium can vary from 1.8 cm to nil. Very narrow upper and lower margins have been preserved (1.05 and 2.11 cm maximum, respectively); there is a wide right-hand margin (4.55 cm maximum, thus indicating that the text ends with the second column), although the papyrus surface has been more damaged towards this part than it has on the area preserving the left-hand column. There is no left-hand margin, and of the first column only the line-ends have been preserved. learned text http://www.librit.unibo.it/servlet/UniboOggetti/page/oggetti/lista/lista.html?idbiblioteca=9
(of the verso of the papyrus)
0247 63559 --- anon. W. Luppe, APF 47 (2001), p. 262-263; cf. P. van Minnen, JJP 28 (1998), p. 135. roll 04.3 list of body parts starting from the head, with mention of Hephaistos, as the creator (?) --- AD 3 P.Mich. 18, 762 B (M. Gronewald, 1996) not free standing list?; items co-ordinated by syntactic connectors (no graphic device); no further classification principle noticeable. mythographic text, AD 2 (CPP 136) list of body parts --- large coarse informal round; roughly bilinear; student hand? Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 6312 (verso) 2003/03/11 Alberto Nodar 4768 none; orthographic mistakes: &#961; in the place of &#955; (l. 2) 07-09 papyrus Hêphaistos (R) 01 M-P 2345.1 ed. princ. pl. II Hêphaistos (R) Egypt, Fayum, Karanis --- across the fibres 16 7 x 7
one fragment (7 x 7 cm) broken at the top and to the right preserving the remains of 6 lines of a single column (maximun preserved width 4.3 cm). To the left there is a margin of ca. 2.5 cm, and the lower margin measures ca. 2cm. school text (?); epic (?) http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.2807 ---
0248 64289 --- anon.
roll 18 (col. 5) probably, extract from some metrological writer of the Roman period. At the left-hand side of the list are four mutilated columns of figures: the first one shows remnants of only two lines, bracketed as if to cancel them; the remainder are tables of fractions giving sevenths and eighths of a series of whole numbers from 1 to 10,000; the fifth column contains the paraliterary text. --- AD 3 - AD 4 P.Oxy. 01, 9 verso (B. P. Grenfell - A. S. Hunt, 1898) + 49, 3456 (J. C. Shelton, 1982) free standing list; one-word items appear in a complex sentence syntactic structure (no graphic device) and arranged in relative decreasing order Aristoxenus, rythmika, AD 3 (= P.Oxy. 01, 9 recto + P.Oxy. 34, 2687; LDAB 0407) list of weights and measures --- coarse informal round of medium size; only roughly bilinear. Dublin, Trinity College Library, Pap. B 1 2003/10/22 Marc Huys 5509 symbol for drachma; no iota adscript; corrections by deleting (ll; 3 and 5) or writing over the wrong letter (l. 1), use of short horizontal strokes above letters for their numeric value, although not consistent (numbers can be witten in full or letters might not be provided with the stroke; in l. 23 the horizontal strokes appear on the word &#948;&#965;&#8131;&#959;); special signs for thousands added. Abundant itacistic errors (&#953; for &#949;&#953;; &#949;&#953; for &#921; and &#8053;; &#933; for &#959;&#953;; &#953; for ); &#951; for &#913;&#953;, confusion of &#927; and &#937;, and &#959; and &#927;&#965;; &#927;&#965; for &#937;; metahesis of &#945;&#961; into &#929;&#945;; double &#954;&#954; for single one, but also very poor syntax. 20-53 in col. 5 papyrus --- 05 M-P 2337.2
--- Egypt, Oxyrhynchus --- across the fibres 18 fr. 1 43.5 x 22.7;
fr. 2 43.5 x 11

two fragments measuring 43.5 x 22.7 cm and 43.5 x 11 cm, respectively, and containing the remains of five columns; fr. 1 and 2 together have preserved the 23 lines of col. 5 almost in their entirety; the margins delimiting col. 5 are as follows: 3.4 cm maximum upper margin; 6 cm maximum lower margin; 3.5 cm minimum intercolumnium; to the right the column has a very uneven margin: from 5.6 cm to almost nil. metrology
0249 20698 --- anon.
sheet? 06.9 list of the Roman emperors, with the number of years which each ruled; from Augustus to Decius. --- AD 3 P.Oxy. 01, 35 verso (B. P. Grenfell - A. S. Hunt, 1898) free standing list; one-word (or phrase) items accompanied by a numeric phrase; the group item+number is written in a separate line. The column is given a heading reinforced by graphic marks; chronological classification of items. proclamation made in the reign of Severus Alexander, AD 3 (= P.Oxy. 01, 35 recto; LDAB 5452) list of emperors --- medium sized informal round; quick but somewhat experienced, roughly bilinear Philadelphia, The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, 2749 2003/02/18 Alberto Nodar
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
5452 paragraphos under heading in slight eisthesis; abbreviation for years, and, on the margin, for some astrological calculations in superscription; occasional use of short horizontal strokes - or accent-like signs - above letters for their numeric use (trema on &#953;, even though it is used to represent a number); correction (l. 13). itacistic and other orthographic mistakes. 07-15 papyrus . 01 2213
Antoninus Pius;
Antoninus Commodus;
Severus [Caracalla];
Antoninus (Elagabalus);
Alexander (Severus);
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus --- across the fibres 16 13.4 x 13.8
one fragment (13.4 x 13.8 cm) containing one column of 20 lines (6.9 cm maximum width), of which the first is the heading; upper and lower margins are 0.75 cm wide maximum; left-hand margin is 2.25 cm even, right-hand margin has been preserved to 5.25 cm. royal canon
0250 64777 --- anon.
sheet? 02.75 list of names of months, but not in the calendar series 117 AD 5 MPER N.S. 15, 115 (H. Harrauer - P. J. Sijpesteijn, 1985) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines. No clear chronological sequence is to be observed. blank list of months --- student's hand: evolving, with difficulty in alignment, but fluent enough Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G. 1090 2003/03/11 Alberto Nodar 6015 no lectional signs; l. 4 i corrected from &#929;. itacistic misspellings: &#919;for &#933;; >&#921; for &#917;&#953;. &#928; for &#934;. 03-08 papyrus --- 01 M-P 2332.1 ed. princ. pl. 53 --- Egypt, Fayum, Arsinoites --- along the fibres 23 6 x 6.2
one fragment (6 x 6.2 cm) containing the beginnings of 6 lines of a single column (2.75 cm maximum preserved width). The fragment is broken to the right and at the bottom; to the left the margin in 3 cm wide (maximum); at the top we might have the beginning of the column or is the surface broken between two lines? school text; chronology
0251 65257 --- anon.
sheet 02.8 list of Egyptian months --- AD 6 - AD 7 MPER N.S. 15, 116 (H. Harrauer - P. J. Sijpesteijn, 1985) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines and following a chronological order. remains of coptic text written in an uncial hand list of months --- medium sized general sloping majuscule, of rather informal execution (only roughly bilinear); if the text comes from a school environment, this would be a teacher's hand. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G. 14287 2003/03/11 Alberto Nodar 6500 Supralinear &#920; in col. i l. 5; abundant itacistic misspellings: &#919; for &#933;
and for &#927;&#953;; &#921; for &#917;&#953;. Confusion between &#937;
and &#927;&#965; and &#937; and &#959;.
04-08 papyrus --- 02 M-P 2332.2 ed. princ. pl. 53 --- Egypt, Fayum, Hermopolites --- across the fibres 27 7 x 11
One fragment (7 x 11 cm) preserving the remains of two columns (2.8 cm, maximum preserved width) with 8 and 7 lines, respectively. No margins are preserved, and the intercolumnium is in some cases non-existent. school text ?; chronology
0252 65635 --- anon.
series of the Athenian months followed by that of the Macedonian months; to the right of the second column (with which the list of months finishes) there is another column of writing in Demotic. 98 2 BC P.Par. 4 (A.-J. Letronne - W. Brunet de Presle - E. Egger, 1866) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; a linguistic, and, within it, a chronological order structures the items in the list.
list of months --- student's hand: evolving, with letters all separated and of varying size, written by Apollonios. Paris, Musée du Louvre N 2328 2003/09/24 Alberto Nodar 6886 &#917;&#953; in the place of an iota adscript?; &#933; in mounychiôn omitted. Itacistic misspellings: &#921; for &#917;&#953;; &#917;&#953; for &#921;. Confusion between &#927; and &#937;; &#927;&#965; for &#917;; &#925; before &#914;&#932; for &#964;. 04-13 in col. i-ii (list text) papyrus --- 03 2332 ed. princ. pl. XII; M.Meuleau, Egypte Orient Grèce. Collection d'Histoire, Bordos 1960, p. 39; Cribiore pl. X; B. Legras, Lire en Égypte, d'Alexandre à l'Islam, Paris 2002, p. 141. --- Egypt, Memphis --- along the fibres 3 8.5 x 5.5
One fragment (8.5 x 5.5 cm) containing three columns; cols. i and ii contain the lists of the months; col. i seems to have been longer than it is today (with 19 lines originally, of which the last four have gone lost now; see note by Letronne in ed. princ.), from which we have to conclude that the papyrus is broken at the foot. Col. ii, with only 5 lines, where Apollonios carried on with his list, is only ----. In finishing his list, he wrote over the demotic text written in col. iii. school text; chronology
0253 65159 --- anon. S. Bucking, 'Scribes and schoolmasters? On contextualizing Coptic and Greek ostraca excavated at the monastery of Epiphanius', Journal of Coptic Studies 9 (2007), p. 43-44. sheet 05.85 on the recto list of the days of the week beginning with the sabbath and ending with the "preparation"; after a forked paragraphos follows a second list of week-days with its pagan equivalent, the sabbath and Lord's day being excepted; on the verso, the pagan names for the days of the week, from monday to friday. 122 AD 6 - AD 7(?) P.Mon.Epiph. 02, 618 (H. G. E. White, 1926) = MPER N.S. 18, 252 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list, one-word items written in separate lines and grouped by graphic marks within the column. Items are primarily organised according to a chronological order, but also on the basis of semantic equivalence in the second group. opistograph list of days of the week --- student's hand: evolving, pretentious with separated capitals decorated by serifs or roundels. Sometimes cursive elements intrude. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 14.1.214 2003/03/11 Alberto Nodar, 2008/04/11Marc Huys 6401 middle stop at end of l. 3 on the recto?; forked paragraphos separating the names of the days from their explanation (below l. 7 on the recto); various orthographic mistakes, though not of an itacistic nature. 04-09 ostracon Selênê (2); Arês (2); Ermês (2) [Hermês]; Zeus (2); Aphroditê (2). 01 2334 ed. princ. pl. XIV Selênê (2); Arês (2); Ermês (2) [Hermês]; Zeus (2); Aphroditê (2). Egypt, Diospolis Magna ---
28 6.3 x 11.1 ask for reproduction of the back fragment of limestone (6.3 x 11.1 cm) containing 17 lines on the recto, in a single column (5.85 cm maximum width), and 5 on the verso. On the recto the space is entirely used up, so that upper, lower and left-hand side margins are practically non-existent (the ostracon is furthermore broken at the top and the lower end); the right-hand side margin, very uneven, is 0.22 cm minimum. Christian, school text
0254 65160 --- anon.
greek ordinal numbers from one to fifteen with "coptic" letters. --- AD 6 - AD 7(?) P.Mon.Epiph. 02, 619 (H. G. E. White, 1926) = MPER N.S. 18, 306 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; the beginning of the column is marked graphically; items arranged in numerical ascending order.
list of numbers ---
Cairo, Egyptian Museum, 44674.171 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar
6402 low stop at end of l. 18? hyphenation between ll. 17 and 18? cross-like sign at beginning of l. 1? orthographic mistakes, but not of an itacistic nature. 02-13 ostracon --- 01 2336
--- Egypt, Diospolis Magna ---
ask for reproduction fragment of limestone containing 18 almost complete lines. school text
0255 61276 --- anon. Lefort, Muséon 48 (1935), pp. 234 ss. (on Coptic text); P. E. Kahle, Bala'izah I, London 1954, pp. 237 ss. (on Coptic text); G. Nachtergael, Dans les classes d' Egypte d' après les papyrus scolaires grecs, Documents Pédagogiques, 23, Bruxelles, 1980, p. 16; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim; M. Teresa, Literate Education in the Hellenistic and Roman Worlds, Cambridge, 1998, pp. 184-185; A. Wouters, 'La grammaire grecque dans l' école antique, d' après les papyrus', in L. Basset - F. Biville (edd.), Actes du XXXIe Congrès International de l' A.P.L.A.E.S (Universités Lumière-Lyon 2 et Jean Moulin-Lyon 3-Lyon 5, 6 et 7 juin 1998, Lyon, 1999, p. 59-60; J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze, 2002, p. 25 (concerning the rhetorical paraphrase).

codex 4.2 (max.)(tablet 1a)
14.6 (max.)(tablets 1b + 4a)
14.9 (max)(tablet 5b)
5.5 (max)(tablet 7a)
tablet 1a: declension of pronouns; the whole of the singular; the plural only as far as the first letter of the third pronoun in the list; tablets 1b and 4a: rhetorical paraphrase of Iliad 1. 1-21; tablets 2 and 6: Coptic text (Psalm 46.3-10) and writing exercises; tablets 5a and 3: tables of fractions; tablet 5b: set of formulae for the declension of a chreia; tablet 7a: conjugation of poiein; tablets 4a and 7b are blank except for traces. 388 AD 3 Mélanges Maspero 2, Cairo 1934-1937, pp. 73-76 (W. E. Crum; only tablet 2a and first description of Greek contents); ZPE 6 (1970), p. 133-149 (P. J. Parsons) list as part of a school notebook; one-word items written in separate lines; the column presents lexical headings and graphic marks separating different item-forms. Arrangement according to grammatical categories
list of pronouns (tablet 1a); paraphrase --- in tablet 1a, together with 1b, 4a, 2, 6 and 5b: student's hand: rapid; fluent, irregular, with erasures and inkblots;
in tablet 7a: student's hand: evolving; with varying letter size, stance, and spacing, and mostly separated letters;
in tablets 5a and 3: rapid and practiced cursive.
Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. Inscr. 3019, now Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar; 2004/03/12 Valerie Van Elst;
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
2418 in tablet 1a: paragraphos after the end of the pronouns listed in a particular case; iota adscript in the dative singular?; the name of the case precedes the appearance of the five pronouns listed, and the plural is also introduced with a separate heading (l. 27), before the indication of the nominative (l. 28).

in tablets 1b + 4a: paragraphoi and percent signs (%) to mark major breaks in the sense; apostrophos at l. 13; some phonological, orthographical and morphological mistakes; a few omissions; erasure (l. 11).

in tablet 5b: morphological labels to indicate number and case; two minor orthographical mistakes at ll. 3 (?) and 9.

in tablet 7a: two paragraphoi; morphological labels to indicate tense and number; the labels for the imperfect and perfect tense have been abbreviated: '&#928;&#945;&#961;&#945; ' and '&#928;&#945;&#961;&#945;&#964;&#945;&#964; ' for the imperfect tense ('&#928;&#945;&#961;&#945;&#964;&#945;&#964;&#953;&#954;&#959;&#965;') and '&#928;&#945;&#961;&#945;&#954;&#949;&#953; ' for the perfect tense ('&#928;&#945;&#961;&#945;&#954;&#949;&#953;&#956;&#949;&#957;&#959;&#965 '); in each case the abbreviation is followed by a short oblique stroke in suspension; the verb forms are grouped by number (compare for example MPER N.S. 3, 33B): the singular of all tenses comes first, then the dual and then the plural, which breaks off in the middle of the perfect; morphological mistakes in the third-person dual forms of the primary tenses (the personal ending -&#932;&#951;&#957; of the secondary tenses is used instead of the required -&#964;&#959;&#957;).
01-14 in tablet 1a wooden tablets fr. 1b + 4a:

Mousa (3); Achilleus (3); Hellênes [Greeks] (3); Agamemnôn (2); Apollôn (3); Chrysês; Chrysêis; Atreidai (2); Ilios; Priamidai.
02 (tablet 1a)
(tablets 1b + 4a)
(tablet 5b)
(tablet 7a)
2732 Mélanges Maspero 2, Cairo 1934-1937, pl. VI (tablet 2a); ZPE 6 (1970), pl. VIII (tablets 1b, 4a and 5b) fr. 1b + 4a:

Mousa (3); Achilleus (3); Hellênes [Greeks] (3); Agamemnôn (2); Apollôn (3); Chrysês; Chrysêis; Atreidai (2); Ilios; Priamidai.
Egypt, Hibis ? ---
16 23.8 x 11;
(23.8 x 8.3 for one of the covers)
LDAB: Egypt, Diospolis Magna - Thebes ?
number of lines for all columns except those in tablet 1a!
notebook of seven wooden tablets (23.8 x 11 cm, 2 - 3 mm thick; except for 7, one of the covers, which already broke during the course of the ancient book's use, and which is only 23.8 x 8.3 cm); one further tablet (the other cover), and, possibly, yet another one have gone lost. the writing is always across the long dimension, and the book had been used and reused, the texts showing clearly that the set had been reshuffled.
Tablet 1a contains 2 columns of writing (4.2 cm maximum width); col. i has 20 lines, col. ii 11. The intercolumnium ranges between nil and 1.3 cm. Left-hand margin ranges between nil and 0.4 cm, whereas there is a very wide space left blank to the right (16 cm minimum). Upper and lower margin measure 0.3 cm at its maximum depth.
Tablets 1b and 4a contain two columns each (14.6 cm maximum width), separated by an intercolumnium which is at least 0.3 cm wide. Left-hand margin measures at its maximum 0.8 cm in tablet 1b, and 1cm in tablet 4a; the right-hand margin ranges between nil and 0.6 cm, and the upper one between virtually nil (tablet 1b) and 0.6 cm (tablet 4a). Lower margin also varies from nil to 0.7 cm in 1b, and 1.7 in 4a.
Tablet 5b contains a single column (14.9 cm maximum width); margins are as follows: left-hand margin ranges from 0.5 to 0.8 cm; right-hand margin is at least 7.1 cm wide; upper margin ranges from 0.2 to 0.5 cm, and lower margin reaches its maximum depth at 1.8 cm.
Tablet 7a contains 5 columns (5.5 cm being the maximum width), separated by an intercolumnium which reaches its maximum width at 2.9 cm, but which can also be non-existent. Left-hand right margin is a regular one, measuring 1.8 cm maximum; right-hand margin ranges between nil and 1 cm; upper margin is 0.5 cm deep, and lower margin ranges between 0.5 and 1.4 cm.
Christian, school text, grammar, Homerica
0256 63477 --- anon. R. Coles, ZPE 6 (1970), p. 256, n. 6; E. Kiessling, SB 10 (1971), no. 10753; M.-H. Marganne, Inventaire analytique des papyrus grecs de médecine, Genève 1981, no. 185. uncertain 03.8 list of resines and other pharmaceutical products; it could be part of a medical prescription --- AD 2 Tetraonyma: Miscellanea Graeco-Romana, Genova 1966, pp. 305-309 (A. Traversa) = P.Genova 01, 15 (M. Amelotti - L. Zingale Migliardi, 1974) free standing list; one-word or one-phrase (noun+modifier) items written in separate lines. No further classification principle noticeable.
list of pharmaceutical products --- rather experienced informal round; fairly quick execution, roughly bilinear Genova, Università degli Studi, 8653 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 4686 no iota adscript, but no orthographic mistakes. 06-22 (R) papyrus
01 M-P 2422.3 P.Genova 01, pl. X
Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres 12 6.5 x 8.5 ask for info about back? in DDBDP: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.05.0118&layout=&loc=15 one fragment (6.5 x 8.5 cm) containing the remains of a single column (3.8 cm maximum preserved width); the 12 lines it contains are nearly complete, except for the first and last, and l. 9. No upper or lower margins are preserved; there is a regular left-hand margin measuring 2.4 cm maximum; the papyrus is broken to the right, where the uneven margin varies from 2.7 cm to nil. medical text
0257 63088 --- anon. E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2, Bonn 1913, n. 41 sheet? 05 (col. i);
08.7 (col. ii).
col. i is a list of various traders or artificers, each beginning with a different letter of the alphabet from alfa to omega; the second column gives the story of the loss of a garment, the lines again organised in an acrostic. 99 AD 1 P.Tebt. 02, 278 (B. P. Grenfell - A. S. Hunt - E. J. Goodspeed, 1907) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines and alphabetically arranged blank list of professions --- well-developed cursive, quick and ligatured Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library UC 1355 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 4291 In col i: itacistic misspellings: &#921; for &#927;&#953;, and other phonetic mistakes: &#917; for &#913;&#953;, interchange of &#927; and &#933;. Correction by overwriting. (Also in col. ii &#917; for &#913;&#953;, &#927;&#953; for &#933;, &#921; for &#917;&#953;, confusion between &#927; and &#969;, and correction by deletion or addition of supralinear letters). 05-12 (R) in col. i papyrus --- 02 2654 Cribiore pl. XI --- Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis --- along the fibres 9 16.9 x 29 teacher's hand??? Cribiore says perhap's a teacher's notes; but col. ii had been thought to be a composition. One fragment (16.9 x 29 cm), containing two columns, of which the first presents 24 lines and is 5 cm wide (maximum), and the second 25, being 8.7 cm wide (maximum). The intercolumnium is at least 0.6 cm; the left-hand margin is 1.60 cm maximum width; the right-hand margin, very uneven, varies from 5.3 cm to nil. Maximum depth for upper and lower margins is, 3.4 and 3.6 cm, respectively. school text?; acrostic http://dpg.lib.berkeley.edu/scripts/idc/apis/apis2.idc?APISID=274 ---
0258 66381 --- anon.
sheet? 14.8 list of geographical names from Fayum, in Greek and Coptic --- AD 7 - AD 8 Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde 10, 70 (C. Wessely, 1910) = MPER N.S. 18, 267 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-phrase items, presented in couples according to their semantic equivalence. Each couple is written in a separate line, the two items being separated by a graphic mark; the beginning of the column is graphically marked. Items arranged according to a geographical principle? and on the basis of their semantic equivalence.
list of geographical names --- rather elegant medium-sized cursive; quick but experienced. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G.12070 2003/10/03 Alberto Nodar 7632 cross on the left-hand margin, to the left of l. 1; chôrion abbreviated; other abbreviations by slash (and supralinear letter in l. 3); a double oblique slash, in the middle of a blank space, separates the coptic equivalents of the names. 21(R) - 29 papyrus
facsimile in ed. princ. p. 40; MPER N.S. 18, pl. 93 chôrion Psimistous;
chôrion Psenpychch.;
chôrion Psenpileio( );
chôrion Psenaparek (R);
chôrion Psineureôs (R);
Arsinoitôn polis (R);
chôrion boukolou.
Egypt, Fayum, Arsinoites --- across the fibres 31 22.5 x 28 In DDBDP: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.05.0240&layout=&loc=10.70 three fragments combined into a single papyrus piece (22.5 x 28 cm); it contains the remains of a single column (14.8 cm maximum preserved width) of 13 lines. All margins have been partially preserved: 2.15 maximum upper margin; lower margin is 5 cm deep; the left-hand margin is regular and maximum 8.15 cm. The uneven right-hand margin is preserved to at least 4.4 cm. school context?
0259 65158 --- anon.
list of the coptic months, written in Greek, according to the order of the Egyptian calendar; separated from them by a paragraphos are the remains of other four severely damaged lines. --- AD 6 - AD 7(?) P.Mon.Epiph. 02, 617 (H. G. E. White, 1926) = MPER N.S. 18, 250 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines, with graphic marks in column at the beginning and end of sections. Items are arranged chronologically.
list of months --- quick and experienced: presence of cursive letter forms and ligatures. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 14.1.13 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar
2003/08/27 Alberto Nodar
6400 cross at the beginning of text; paragraphos separating the first twelve lines, containing the names of the months, from the last four; abbreviation of some names; trema on final &#921;; itacistic misspellings: &#921; for &#919;. Confusion between &#927; and &#937;; &#926; for &#922;. 03-06(R) wood --- 01 2333
--- Egypt, Diospolis Magna ---
ask for reproduction, and check where the trema on final appears. Reproduction has no scales piece of wood containing the remains of 16 lines, of which the last four are severely damaged. Upper margin has been partially preserved, but there is no lower margin, and the right-hand one is virtually non-existent. To the left there is a narrow margin. Christian, school text?, chronology
0260 65472 --- anon. The inner sheet (i. e. pp. 3-6 of the codex) was first edited and commented by P. Sanz in his unpublished thesis Christliche Papyri aus der Papyrussammlung der Nationalbibliothek zu Wien, Vienna 1936, pp. 109-116; W. Brashear, ZPE 59 (1985), pp. 96-98; K. Treu, APF 31 (1985), p. 65-66, no.1007; J. Henner, H. Förster, U. Horak, Christliches mit Feder und Faden, Nilus 3 (1999), pp. 29-31, no. 23. codex 09.2 p. 5;
10.7 p. 6 [in list texts]
hymn arxômetha paides with a fringe and drawings at the end (pp. 1-3);
litany agie tôn agiôn with a fringe at the end (pp. 4 - 5); list of Egyptian months; concordance of the Roman months with the Egyptian months; concordance of the Cappadocian months with the Egyptian months, all of them written in Greek (p. 5, below fringe - 6); hymn archê tês sôterias (p. 7, with fringe at end of page, and continued in p. 8, also with fringe and drawings at the end); pp. 1-2, 7-8 = P. Vindob. G 25687; pp. 3-4 = P. Vindob. G 19882; pp. 5-6 = P. Vindob. G 26040.
--- AD 7 - AD 8 P.Rainer Cent. 31 (J.B. Bauer, 1983, with the exception of p. 6 of the codex); Tyche 12 (1997), pp. 62-72 (C. Grassien, editio princeps of p. 6 of the codex) free standing list; one-word items isolated by blank spaces; headings and closing formulae, reinforced by graphic marks, delimit each group of items, arranged chronologically, and, at the same time, on the basis of their semantic equivalence.
list of months --- lists written in an expert documentary minuscule. (perhaps a professional scribe, by all means different from the hand responsible for the rest of texts) Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G. 19882, 25687, 26040 2003/09/24 Alberto Nodar 6720 in list texts:

p. 5: cross on the left-hand margin starting the list; heading in slight ekthesis and ending in slight eisthesis, with two long slashes closing the line; blank spaces separating the names of the months; occasional supralinear letters (not to mark abbreviation). itacistic misspellings: &#921; for &#933;, &#919; and &#917;&#953;; &#919; for &#917;&#953;; confusion between &#927; and &#937;; simplification of group &#928;&#964; into &#932;, &#928; in the place of &#934;;
p. 6: blank spaces separating the names of the months; double long slashes in the lines ending each section -the last line presents two sets of them, the final one belonging to the signature of the scribe? -, and omicron with slashes, used by the notars to indicate a new copy of the same document in a single line between both sections. correction by rewriting the wrong letter; frequent abbreviations for the names of the months, also with supralinear letters, which can also be found not as abbreviation marks. itacistic misspellings: &#921; for &#927;&#953;, &#933; and &#917;&#953;; &#928; in the place of &#934;; &#920; in the place of &#928;&#964;; confusion between &#927; and &#937;; &#932; for &#916;; simplification of the group &#924;&#960; into &#914; or &#928;
13-24 (R) p. 5 [in list texts];
03-34 (R) p. 6.
papyrus --- 01 M-P 2332.4 P.Rainer Cent. pl. 52-55; J. Henner, H. Förster, U. Horak, Christliches mit Feder und Faden, Nilus 3 (1999), p. 30 (p. 8). --- Egypt, unknown none in the list texts
31 P. Vindob. G 25687 = 35 x 21;
P. Vindob. G 19882 = 17.5 x 21;
P. Vindob. G 26040 = 14.5 x 21.

two sheets of a codex; the outer sheet (P. Vindob. G 25687; pp. 1-2 and 7-8) measuring 35 x 21 cm, thus providing the original dimensions of a single codex page: 17.5 x 21 cm; the inner sheet has been broken into two pieces: P. Vindob. G 19882 , containing pages 3-4, is 17.5 x 21 cm, and P. Vindob. G 26040, containing pages 5-6, where the lists are to be found, measures 14.5 x 21 cm. Page 5 contains 6 lines with the Egyptian months in a column which is 9.2 (maximum width ). The right-hand margin has not been preserved; lower margin is 4.2 cm; left-hand margin is 3.5 cm; the space separating the first line from the fringe after the end of the hymn is c. 1 cm deep. Page 6 contains 13 lines, with the concordances. No left-hand margin is preserved, and the lower margin is only 1.2 cm deep (or nil, if we take into account the two long slashes of the final line, which reach the lower end of the page). Right-hand margin is 3 cm for the longest lines; upper margin measures 2.4 cm maximum. Christian, amulet?, chronology
0261 65842 --- anon. J. Rea, ZPE 90 (1992), pp. 289-291; H.-A. Rupprecht - J. Hengstl, SB 20 (1997), 14302 (hair side) and 15179 (flesh side) codex 03.75 (hair side); 06.25 (flesh side) Egyptian (in Greek spelling) and Bithynian months in the order of the Roman calendar --- AD 7 BASP 27 (1990), pp.163-168 (D. Montserrat) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines. Items are arranged chronologically and also on the basis of their semantic equivalence.
list of months --- generous sized Alexandrian majuscule; bilinearity only broken by and . private collection 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 7100 Abbreviation in just one case; correction by writing over the wrong letter; itacistic misspellings: &#951; for &#953; and &#965;; &#965; for &#951;; &#953;for &#949;&#953;. Confusion between &#969; and &#959;; loss of omicron in ending -&#953;&#959;&#962;. Simplification of two contiguous /i/ sounds into a single /i/ represented by &#953;; &#949; for &#949;&#953;. &#964; for &#948;; &#956; for &#946;; &#960; for &#966;; 03-06 (hair side); 04-10 (R) (flesh side) parchment --- 01
ed. princ. p. 168 --- Egypt, unknown ---
29 7 x 10.1
fragment of good quality parchment codex (7 x 10.1 cm); it contains the remains of one column on each side (3.75 cm maximum width on the hair side and 6.25 cm on the flesh side), which is broken at the foot. The hair side has preserved the top of the column (c. 2 cm of upper margin) and the remains of 8 lines; left-hand margin, affected by Maas' law is c. 2 cm at its widest, and the right-hand varies from 3.25 to nil. The flesh side contains 9 almost complete lines, but the left-hand margin is almost non-existent. the same can be said of the upper margin; as for the right-hand one, it ranges from 3.75 cm to nil. chronology
0262 66430 --- anon. first described in the edition of P.Fay. 135 recto (B. P. Grenfell - A. S. Hunt, 1900) sheet 03.1 concordance of the names of the Roman months (phonetically transcribed into Greek) and the Egyptian month names (written in Greek), listed according to the order of the Roman calendar. --- AD 4 Glossaria bilinguia in papyris et membranis reperta 01, 11 ( J. Kramer, 1983) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines, a graphic mark shows end of column. Items are arranged chronologically and on the basis of their semantic equivalence. private letter , AD 4 (= P.Fay. 135 recto) list of months --- large cursive; quick execution New York, Columbia University Library, Fay. 135 verso 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 7680 sort of coronis at end of col. i?; itacistic misspellings: &#953;> for &#949;&#953;; phonetic transcription of the Roman names of the months. 03-09 (R) papyrus --- 02 M-P 2013.1
--- Egypt, Fayum, Euhemereia ? --- across the fibres 20 11.9 x 20.3
one fragment (11.9 x 20.3 cm) containing the remains of two columns (3.1 cm maximum width), and broken at the top. col. i has preserved 7 lines; col. ii only 6. The intercolumnium is 3.5 cm wide; the lower margin is around 11 cm deep. left-hand margin is 1.6 cm. maximum, and right-hand one is at least 1cm deep. chronology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apisquery?function=lookup&key=columbia.apis.p389
0263 13359 --- anon. SB 16601 sheet
names of 7 Egyptian months, according to the order of the Egyptian calendar, each followed by its corresponding number of days; the list has not been finished --- AD 2 BIFAO 101 (2001), p. 167, no. 6 (J.-L. Fournet) free standing list; one word-items accompanied by numeric specification, the group noun+number is written in a separate line. Items are arranged chronologically. very fragmentary document (unedited) list of months --- student's hand: evolving; mostly separated letters, some difficulty in alignment; lines are not always regularly spaced, but letter shapes are generally consistent and without great variation in size. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft, 98 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 9918 short horizontal stroke above letters to indicate numeric value; itacistic misspellings: &#965; for &#959;&#953;, &#953; for &#949;&#953;; possible morphological mistake. 05-08 (R) papyrus --- 01 M-P 2749.2 ed. princ. p. 179 --- Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 12 11 x 16.5 take dimensions from plate in the ed. princ. one fragment broken at the top (perhaps a heading stood at the beginning of the list) containing the remains of 9 lines in a single column; wide right-hand and lower margins (the list was left unfinished); narrow left-hand margin. school text; chronology
0264 68641 --- Aurelius (student) D. Jordan, Another example of LXX Ps. 90.1, Eulimene 3 (2002), 201; SB 16597 codex 06.3 side 1:
name of the student, followed by a short sentence and the date (ll. 1-3); copying exercise with model by the teacher's hand, consisting of the first line of Psalms 90 (ll. 4-11); list of the names the Egyptian months, according to the order of the Egyptian calendar, but with omission of the month Tybi (ll. 12-15);
side 2:
systematic syllabary in -l..
--- AD 5 - AD 6 BIFAO 101 (2001), pp. 160-162, no. 1 (J.-L. Fournet) list as part of a set of exercises; one-word items isolated by graphic marks within the line, and arranged chronologically
list of months --- ll. 1-3 and 12-15 (Aurelius' hand): student's hand: rapid; small and irregular, with some tendency to cursive forms.
ll. 4-11: larger size; alternance between the model, in the teacher's hands (ll. 4-5, 7, 9, 11), and the exercise, in a student alphabetic hand (ll. 6, 8, 10) different from Aurelius'.
Cairo, Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, s.n. 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 9913 in list text: double oblique slashes separating the names of the months within the line (in one case, however, a middle dot carries out this function); no orthographic mistakes. 14-22 (R) [in list] wooden tablet none in list 01 M-P 2744.2 ed. princ. p. 176 Aurêlios Egypt, unknown none in list; Psalms 90
24 7.1 x 23.5 ask for picture of the back? but editor says it is in very bad condition wooden tablet broken to the right (7.1 x 23.5 cm) and belonging to a now lost codex, as the two holes to the right show. Very probably, Aurelius has re-used the tablet (already broken at that time), which had belonged to the student responsible for the copy text (which, on the contrary to Aurelius' writing, is not complete). The writing appears in one column of 15 lines, and, in the case of ll. 12-15 (the list text), it measures 6.3 cm. The right-hand margin is practically non-existent; in the portion of text written by Aurelius, the left-hand margin is only 0.6 cm (it is wider in the copy text, due to the presence of the holes); upper margin is 3.8 cm, lower margin only 0.75 cm. school text; chronology
0265 65180 --- anon. E. Kiessling, SB 06 (1963), no. 9529. sheet c. 3 (max. preserved) concordance of the Julian and Alexandrian month names, (both sets in Greek transliteration), according to the order of the Egyptian calendar. In the Roman month list one non-existent month (Hendekabrios) is added. --- AD 6 - AD 7 APF 16 (1956), pp. 13-19 (H.G. Gundel) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines. Items are arranged chronologically within each set, and on the basis of their semantic equivalence as a whole. private letter? (transcription of the legible traces in ed. princ. of list) list of months --- Small cursive minuscule; ligatures. Experienced and fluent. Giessen, Universitätsbibliothek, Sammlung Ianda, 654 verso 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
6422 one - very likely - case of abbreviation by means of a supralinear letter; forms for the Roman months revealing the Greek speaking background of the scribe (or the person to whom the list was originally due); &#945;&#954;&#959;&#963;&#964; &#959; for &#945;&#965;&#947;&#959;&#965;&#963;&#964;&#959;&#962;; gemination of &#955; 03 (R)-11 (R) papyrus --- 02 2013
--- Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 27 4.8 x 10.7 ask for reproduction (photo seen in Liège, but no scales in there; it also seems that the first two lines in col. i and the first three in col. ii are missing from the picture, as well as the lower part of the papyrus; so all measurements have been done on the photographed part and may not, therefore, be accurate) one fragment (4.8 x 10.7 cm) containing the remains of two columns of 12 lines each. no right-hand margin preserved, and only a minimal left-hand one: 0.3 cm; minimum intercolumnium ca. 1 cm chronology http://digibib.ub.uni-giessen.de/cgi-bin/populo/pap.pl?t_allegro=x&f_SIG="P. Iand. inv. 654" ---
0266 61399 --- anon.
sheet 05.7 in list side A: date (l. 1); name of the scribe and teacher's exhortation (l. 2); passage from Pros Demonikon § 17, flanked to the left and to the right by two columns with numbers (ll. 3-8); names of the Egyptian months according to the order of the Egyptian calendar, in six columns (ll. 9-10).
side B: same contents and distribution as side A, except that a) the side columns in ll. 3-8 are not present, and b) the scribe finishes the last word of the passage from Pros Demonikon, and then starts to write it again until the end of l. 8.
--- AD 5 Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Stuttgart - Leipzig 1997, pp. 244-250 (R. Duttenhöfer) list as part of a set of exercises; one-word items written in separate lines, arranged chronologically opistograph list of months --- student's hand: rapid; same hand on both sides, although side B seems to have been more quickly and perhaps not so carefully executed as side A, and it shows some letters written in a smaller size. New Haven (Conn.), Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, P.CtYBR 3678 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 2543 horizontal rulings; in A, ll. 3-8, also fine double vertical ruling separating the first column from the second one, and single vertical ruling separating the second from the third. No mistakes in the lists of months, but itacistic and other kinds of phonetic misspellings elsewhere. 03-08 (R) wooden tablet none in list 06 for the month lists; 03 for side A ll. 3-8, and 01 for the rest M-P 2736.21
ed. princ. pl. V and VI none in list Egypt, Oxyrhynchus none in list
23 27 x 13.5
one tablet (27 x 13.5 x 0.8 cm); the surface has been covered with white coating, and the upper part presents two upwards drilled holes visible only on side B. The writing appears along the long dimension; each side has 10 lines written in a single column, except for ll. 3-8 of side A, which have been organised in three columns, and the lines containing the names of the months, distributed in 6 columns of 2 lines. In the case of the list texts the column has been preserved to a maximum of 5.7 cm; the intercolumnium, very irregular, ranges from almost nil to 2.4 cm. On both sides the writing occupies almost the whole of the space: absolute margins are 0.1 cm at the top and 0.6 cm at the foot; to the right the margin ranges from practically nil to a maximum of 2.15 cm on side A and 3.3 cm on side B (these maximum measurements obtained in both cases for the list lines). The left-hand margin is 1 cm wide on side A, and 0.7 on side B. school text, chronology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=search&match=all&invnum_coll=yale&invnum_num=3678&sort=date&resPerPage=25 ---
0267 64635 --- anon.
sheet 04.30 (in list) side A: a maxim written by the teacher - with date? - and copied by the student on guidelines (ll. 1-12); list of the Egyptian months according to the order of the Egyptian calendar (ll. 13-16).
side B: three rows of a syllabary, barely visible.
150 AD 4 - AD 5 Enchoria 14 (1986), pp. 8-9 (W. Brashear) list as part of a set of exercises; one-word items written in separate lines, arranged chronologically opistograph list of months --- side A: ll. 1-12: teacher's hand leaning to the right; student's hand zero-grade; very large letters, severely multistroke, does not follow model.
ll. 13-16: student's hand; evolving.
Würzburg, Martin-von-Wagner-Museum der Universität Würzburg, K 1020 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 5866 horizontal lines dividing sections and horizontal ruling for zero-grade hand; no orthographic mistakes in list. 03 (R)-08 wooden tablet --- 03 in list and on side B; 01 in rest of side A. M-P 2704.85 ed. princ. pl. 6 --- Egypt, unknown ---
22 7 x 29.2
one tablet (7 x 29.2 x 0.7 cm) broken to the left (only the space between the two holes is preserved) and to the right, and covered with a thin gray coating; side A, written along the short dimension of the tablet, as it stands, preserves the remains of 16 lines organised in a single column, except for the last four, containing the list of months, which have been written in three rather irregular columns (the intercolumnium ranges from nil to 1.5 cm, the maximum column width is 4.30 cm). Side B contains 7 lines of writing, barely visible, organised in three columns. On side A measurements are as follows: upper margin is 4 cm; lower margin is barely 1 cm deep; left-hand margin, that is, the width of the space between the two holes, is around 1.4 cm; no right-hand margin. The three columns of side B are written along the long dimension of the tablet, as it stands, after a left-hand margin of c. 3 cm, and with practically no upper or lower margin preserved. The rest of the surface (ca. 18.5 cm wide) seems blank.
school exercise, chronology

0268 68754 --- anon. A. Begert, Tyche 11 (1996), p. 29, n. 53 sheet 04.3 list of the honorific names substituted for the Egyptian month names during the reign of Caligula, according to the order of the Egyptian calendar; the last two months of the year are missing. --- AD 1 P.Oxy. 55, 3780 (J. Rea, 1988) free standing list; one-word (or phrase) items written is separate lines and chronologically arranged. blank list of months --- cursive hand of generous size; with ligatured and separated letters; rapidly executed Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 38 3B.85/L (1-2) a 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 10029 trema on &#953;; correction by adding supralinear letter or from strokes belonging to an already - wrongly - started character; itacistic misspellings: &#953; and &#951; for &#949;&#953;. confusion between &#949; and &#951;; omission of &#949;&#953; in -&#949;&#953;&#959;&#962; ending. 05-12 papyrus --- 01 M-P 2013.11 ed. princ. pl. II --- Egypt, Oxyrhynchus --- along the fibres 9 9 x 8.5 in DDBDP: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.05.0181&layout=&loc=3780 one fragment (9 x 8.5 cm) containing ten lines in a single column (4.3 cm maximum width); at the top there is barely half a centimeter of broken papyrus, the surface is also broken at the foot after the last line; to the left and right there are fairly wide blank margins: 3 cm and 1.5-3 cm respectively, with broken edges. chronology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol55/pages/3780.htm ---
0269 65627 --- anon.
roll 04.3 Account of moneys due for recovery to an association or gymnasium (cols. i-viii); method for finding "lunar" new moons and table of equivalents (cols. ix-xi, and possibly beginning of a new column; lists in cols. x-xi/xii: months of the Egyptian year, in the order of the Egyptian calendar, each followed by the corresponding sign of the zodiac in the first year of the 25 year cycle originally covered by the papyrus; fragmentary lists of the lunar new moons in the first three years of the period follow, each with the Egyptian months in the same order and the corresponding dates and number of days); unplaced fragment, mentioning Hermes, Demeter and Hephaestus in a way suggestive of a calendar of festivals. --- 2 BC Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 32 (1949), pp. 80-96 (E. G. Turner - O. Neugebauer) = P.Ryl. 04, 589 (C. H. Roberts - E. G. Turner, 1952)

lists as part of another text; one-word items appear in a simple sentence syntactic structure; in the first list, items of two series appear coupled side by side, each pair written in a separate line; in the rest of the lists, items appear accompanied by numeric specifications, each group noun+number being written in a separate line. Graphic marks in the column reinforce the syntactic headings of each line. The arrangement of items is chronological in all cases. account arranged by days of the month, mainly effaced (only a specimen given in ed. princ. of recto) list of months; list of signs of the zodiac --- (in cols. ix-xi and unplaced fragment) group G: rounded capital writing of generous size; bilinear, carefully executed. the first eight columns are written by another hand, with corrections and marginal notes by a different one. verso by yet another hand. Manchester, John Rylands Library, 666 2003/09/18 Alberto Nodar 6878 In lists: paragraphos separating the different sections: the correspondence between months and signs of the zodiac, and the lists of the lunar new moons for each year; occasional short horizontal strokes on letters to indicate their numeric value; &#952;&#969;&#965;&#952; for &#952;&#969;&#952;, and &#967;&#959;&#953;&#945;&#967; for &#967;&#959;&#953;&#945;&#954;. 10-24 (R) [in lists] papyrus none in list 11; possibly 12? 2029 ed. princ. between pp. 90 and 91 (of col. ix and left of col. x) none in list Egypt, Fayum, Philadelpheia ? none in list along the fibres 3 ? x 15 in DDBDP, but only the account of moneys of cols. i-viii: http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.05.0198&loc=4.589
ask for roll length (or that of the surviving fragments); for col. width we would need a reproduction of the whole of col x (ideally of both x and xi)
Seven fragments of a roll (of a height of 15 cm); the number of lines more or less fragmentarily preserved by each column are as follows: 12 lines for col. i; 11 for col. ii ; 12 for col. iii; 10 for col. iv; 11 for col. v; 11 for col. vi; 13 for col. vii; 12 for col. viii; 20 for col. ix ; 19 for col. x; and 14 for col. xi; we might also have the beginnings of three lines of col. xii. The minimun intercolumnium between cols. ix and x is c. 1.4 cm, the same as the maximum preserved lower margin for col. x; the maximum preserved upper margin is 0.8 cm; maximum column width for list text is 4.3 cm. chronology
0270 75082 --- anon. E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2, Bonn 1913, n. 9 sheet 14.5 (max.) list of ordinal numbers from first to twelfth --- AD 3 - AD 4 JHS 28 (1908), p. 131 XVI (J.G. Milne) free standing list; one-word items; not isolated (although the beginning of column is marked by a graphic sign); arranged in increasing numeric value.
list of numbers --- student's hand: alphabetic; very irregular. Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
5571 correction by erasure; siglum for proter- (?) at the top-left, on the margin; many phonetic mistakes: confusion between &#959; and &#969;; between &#949; and &#951;; &#953; for &#949;; &#964; for &#948;; &#952; for &#964;; &#959;&#954;&#964;&#969;&#951;&#962; for &#959; &#959;&#951; ; wrong addition of final -&#962;, or alternation between nominative and genitive forms? 11 (R) -15 ostracon --- 01 2727
--- Upper Egypt, Thebes ? ---
18 16.5 x 9
ostracon (1.59 x 8.6 cm) chipped at the bottom; it contains seven lines in a single column (14.5 cm maximum width). Margins are very irregular: left-hand margin is at least 1.75 cm; upper margin is 0.4 cm at its minimum depth; right-hand margin ranges from nil to 0.75 cm. Lower margin has not been preserved school text
0271 65308 --- anon. W. Brashear - F. A. J. Hoogendijk, Enchoria 17 (1990), p.50 n.106 sheet? 12 (max.) list of cardinal numbers, from 1 to 10, then the tens, followed by the hundreds and the thousands; finally 10,000 and then traces of letters in yet another line. each number is written in full after its notation, except for 10,000 of which we have the abbreviated form twice. the list is preceded by a severely damaged line (containing a date?).
--- AD 7 Aus der antiken Schule2, Bonn 1913, n. 51 (E. Ziebarth) free standing list; one-word items accompanied by a numeric notation; each group word+number is written in a separate line; items are arranged in ascending numeric value
list of numbers --- student's hand: rapid, with some cursive letter forms and ligatures; quick and fluid. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum Tabula 16717 2003/06/11 Alberto Nodar
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
6553 trema on &#953; (used as numeric notation); abbreviation for 10,000; superfluous iota adscript; oblique stroke after letters denoting thousands; double cross preceding first line in tablet?; itacistic misspellings: &#951; for &#965;; &#953; for &#949;&#953;; &#949;&#953; for &#953;. &#949; for &#945;; confusion between &#949; and &#951;; &#964; for &#948;; &#961; for &#955;; gemination of &#967;; gemination of &#957;; &#959;&#946; &#964;&#945;&#956;&#951;&#954;&#959;&#957;&#964;&#945; for &#949;&#946; &#948;&#959;&#956;&#951;&#954;&#959;&#957;&#964;&#945;; &#959;&#954;&#964;&#969;&#951;&#954;&#959;&#957;&#964;&#945; for &#959; &#959; &#959;&#957;&#964;&#945;; omission of second &#957; in numeral for 90; double &#961;&#961; for &#957; in numeral for 900; omission of &#963; in numeral for 2000; intrusive &#961; in 4000; omission of inital &#960; in 5000; &#949;&#946;&#948;&#969;&#954;&#959;&#963;&#953;&#945; for &#949;&#958;&#945;&#954;&#959;&#963;&#953;&#945;; &#959;&#954;&#964;&#969;&#954;&#959;&#963;&#953;&#945; for &#959;&#954;&#964;&#945;&#954;&#959;&#963;&#953;&#945;; reduplication of -&#967;&#949;&#953;- in the place of -&#954;&#953;&#963;- in some of the thousands, in one case the scribe writes -&#954;&#949;&#953;-, but omits final &#962;; in another he writes -&#954;&#953;&#963;&#967;&#949;&#953;- 03-19 wooden tablet --- 04 2739
--- Egypt, unknown ---
29 37 x 13 (picture seen in Liège) encode spaces between symbols and numbers in letters. one wooden tablet (37 x 13 cm) covered with white coating; somewhat broken and at the top; below a single line placed at the top-left of the surface, four columns appear (12 cm maximum width), with 10 lines each, except for the fourth one, with only 8 (the last two not being entirely visible). The writing space is almost entirely used up: upper and lower margins are at points virtually non-existent, but they can reach 0.8 and 0.6 cm respectively. To the right the margin is likewise practically non-existent; to the left there is a margin 1 cm wide. Intercolumnium ranges between nil and 2.8 cm. school text
0272 64292 --- anon.
sheet 6 (max.) list of thousands (in the feminine; drachmai, therefore, to be understood) from 1,000 to 10,000, accompanied by their respective symbols; abnormal forms for the numerals derived from a false analogy. At the end, a numeric result. --- AD 3 - AD 4 PSI 03, 250 (G. Vitelli, 1914) free standing list; one-word items accompanied by a numeric notation; each group word+number is written in a separate line; end of column marked by a graphic device. Items are arranged in ascending numeric value
list of numbers --- slow writer? variation in shape of letters, but ligatures are present, and there are some cursive letter shapes. Very roughly bilinear, though line spacing and - ample - margins are regular Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
5512 numeric symbol for each number, including the final total, in eisthesis and introduced by an abbreviation; no orthographic mistakes as such, but, analogically from &#948;&#953;&#963;&#967;&#953;&#955;&#953;&#945;&#953; and &#932;&#961;&#953;&#963;&#967;&#953;&#955;&#953;&#945;&#953;, forms in -&#945;&#963;&#967;&#953;&#955;&#953;&#945;&#953; have been derived for the rest of the numerals up to 9,000 (which presents a gemination of &#957;). 07-13 papyrus --- 01 2335 = 2664
--- Egypt, Oxyrhynchus ---
18 15 x 9 picture seen in Liège, when reproduction arrives study the encoding of last line. Encode spaces between numbers and symbols, and a vertical space between ll. 10 and 11 One fragment (15 x 9 cm) containing 11 lines in a single column (6 cm maximum width). Left-hand margin has been preserved to a maximum of 2.2 cm, and the right-hand one to a maximum of 2.3 cm. Upper margin is 2.3 cm deep, and the lower one reaches 0.5 cm at its maximum depth. mathematical text
0273 65645 --- (of list) anon. for Pack2 2099 (Sitzb.Berl.Akad., 1923, p. 160-183 ): Jacoby, FGH 2. 827-828; A. Körte, APF 7 (1924), p. 234; G. Manteuffel, De opusculis Graecis Aegypti e papyris, ostracis lapidibusque collectis, Warsaw 1930, no. 11; R. M. Rattenbury in J. U. Powell (ed.), New Chapters in the History of Greek Literature, third series, Oxford 1933, pp. 220-221; R. Merkelbach, Die Quellen des griechischen Alexanderromans, Munich 1954, pp. 113-118; G. Zuntz, Hermes 87 (1959), pp. 436-440.
for Pack2 2068 (Laterculi Alexandrini aus einem Papyrus Ptolemäischer Zeit, Berlin 1904): F. Blass, APF 3 (1903), p. 492; B. Hebert, Tyche 1 (1986), p.127-131; B. Legras, Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Berlin 1997, p. 591-593; M. Van Rossum-Steenbeek, Greek Readers' Digests? Studies on a Selection of Subliterary Papyri, Leiden 1998, p. 138; E. Salmenkivi, Cartonnage papyri in context: new Ptolemaic documents from Abu Sir al-Malaq, Helsinki 2002, pp. 42 ss.
roll 07 (R) [in lists] Dialogue of Alexander with the Gymnosophists (cols. i - vi 9)
Laterculi Alexandrini: list of legislators (col. vi 10-12); list of painters (col. vi 13 - col. vii 2); list of sculptors: of gods (col. vii 3-5), and of men (col. vii 6-9); list of architects (col. vii 10-19); list of engineers (col. viii 1-21); list of the seven wonders (col. viii 22 - col. ix 6); list of the largest islands (col. ix 7-20); list of the highest mountains (col. x 1 - col. xi 2); list of the largest rivers (col. xi 3 - col. xii 4); list of the most beautiful springs (col. xii 5-16); list of lakes (with almost only the title preserved) (col. xii 17-21).
380 2 BC - 1 BC Sitzb.Berl.Akad., 1923, p. 160-183 (U. Wilcken) + Laterculi Alexandrini aus einem Papyrus Ptolemäischer Zeit, Berlin 1904 (H. Diels) list as part of a school text? one-word and one-phrase items mostly isolated by graphic devices (such as blank spaces, but they can exceptionally be linked by a co-ordinate conjunction, coincide with line-beginnings, or not be isolated at all), and accompanied by a specification - which may also be separated from its item by a blank space - taking the form of another phrase or a sentence. Columns are provided with lexical headings, reinforced by graphic devices, and determining sections marked at their end. Further subdivisions, also graphically signalled, are present. Items are arrranged in semantic groups, and, within some of them, according to a geographical criteria. paraphrase of a poem on the rape of Persephone, 1 BC (CPP 106) list of legislators; list of pain
ters; list of sculptors (of gods and of men); list of architects; list of engineers; list of the seven wonders; list of islands; list of mountains; list of rivers; list of springs; list of lakes.
--- Group G: rounded capital writing; regular and upright. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13044 (= "Berlin-Kairo Rubens" 44) recto 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 6897 (in lists) within the largest sections, which are separated by diple, there are small sections divided by paragraphoi. iota adscript is written regularly, though not always; there is perhaps a case of correction by placing a dot above the wrong letter. Names in lists are normally separated by blank spaces; chapters are introduced by a title, placed at the centre of the column, and with its first letter normally underlined with an oblique stroke; just a single case of itacism (8. 15), and only &#922;&#959;&#961;&#954;&#969;&#957; for &#954;&#959;&#955;&#967;&#969;&#957;. 03-20 (R) [in lists] papyrus list of legislators (col. vi 10-12):


list of painters (col. vi 13 - col. vii 2):


list of sculptors (of gods) (col. vii 3-5):


list of sculptors (of men) (col. vii 6-9):


list of architects (col. vii 10-19):

Cheirisophos [Chersiphrôn?];

list of engineers (col. viii 1-21):

Rhodos (2);
Herakleôtos [Herakleôtês];

list of seven wonders (col. viii 22 - col. ix 6):

Artemision (R);

list of islands (col. ix 7-20):

Lesbos (Q, R);
Baleareis (?, R);
Hellêspontos (2);

list of mountains (col. x 1 - col. xi 2):

Indikê (chôra);
Kaukasia orê;
Alpiana orê;
Ligystikê (chôra);
Rhipaia orê;

list of rivers (col. xi 3 - col. xii 4):

Rhadanos [Rhodanos];
Rhômê [Roma];
Amaionikê (chôra);
kôpês [kôphês; kôphên];
Bostrênos (?, R);
Astaboras (R);

list of springs (col. xii 5-16):

12 2099 + 2068 ed. princ.; Cribiore pl. LXVII-LXIX; Schubart PGB 7b list of legislators (col. vi 10-12):


list of painters (col. vi 13 - col. vii 2):


list of sculptors (of gods) (col. vii 3-5):


list of sculptors (of men) (col. vii 6-9):


list of architects (col. vii 10-19):

Cheirisophos [Chersiphrôn?];

list of engineers (col. viii 1-21):

Rhodos (2);
Hêrakleôtos [Hêrakleôtês];

list of seven wonders (col. viii 22 - col. ix 6):

Artemision (R);

list of islands (col. ix 7-20):

Lesbos (Q, R);
Baleareis (?, R);
Hellêspontos (2);

list of mountains (col. x 1 - col. xi 2):

Indikê (chôra);
Kaukasia orê;
Alpiana orê;
Ligystikê (chôra);
Rhipaia orê;
Keltikê (chôra);

list of rivers (col. xi 3 - col. xii 4):

Rhadanos [Rhodanos];
Rhômê [Roma];
Amaionikê (chôra);
kôpês [kôphês; kôphên];
Bostrênos (?, R);
Astaboras (R);

list of springs (col. xii 5-16):

Egypt, Fayum, Abusir (origin: Alexandria?) Solon along the fibres 4 92.35 x 23.4
cartonnage; papyrus roll (51.6 x 23.4 cm) broken at both left- and right-hand ends; it contains 12 columns (maximum width reached by a line in list columns is 7 cm, although the average column width there is c. 5.5 cm), which originally must have had 28-29 lines each; upper margin is preserved to a maximum of 2.46 cm; lower margin to 2.6 cm. the intercolumnium in the portion of the roll containing the lists is at least 1.3 cm, although it is normally 0.5 cm wider. school text?
0274 68760 --- anon. K.A. Worp, 'P.Genova II 52: a Link with Hesychius?', ZPE 156 (2006), p. 185-193. sheet? 03 list of words beginning with beta, arranged in alphabetical order (but only the first two letters of each word are taken into account to this effect). --- AD 3 P.Genova 02, 52 (L. Migliardi Zingale, 1980) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines and alphabetically arranged, perhaps following a model text? a few - unedited - words maybe related to the list: opistograph? list of words --- informal round of medium size; experienced and quick execution: roughly bilinear, somewhat irregular arrangement of lines. If coming from a school context, a teacher's or a rapid student hand. different hand on the front. Genova, Università degli Studi 2003/09/22 Alberto Nodar 10035 diastole to separate two consonants into different syllables; no orthographic mistakes. 04-13 (R) papyrus Bêllerophontês (R) 02
ed. princ. pl. I Bêllerophontês (R) Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 16 6.5 x 7.5
one papyrus fragment (6.5 x 7.5 cm), broken at all sides but the top; it preserves two columns of writing (maximum width reached by a line is 3 cm, with the minimum intercolumnium happening at that point: 1.2 cm), with the remains of 12 and 9 lines, respectively. upper margin is 0.8 cm wide; left-hand margin is preserved to a maximum of 0.9 cm; no lower or right-hand margin preserved. school text?; lexicography
0275 59688 --- Diogenianus? A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), pp. 231-232 codex 4.5 (max. preserved) fragment of a lexicon arranged in full alphabetical order: list of words beginning with fu- --- AD 4 (?) PSI 08, 892 (G.Vitelli, 1927) free standing list; one-word items accompanied by another word, phrase or sentence; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column, by starting a new line whenever one group ends, and by writing each item in ekthesis. Items arranged alphabetically, and, possibly, in accordance with a model text.
list of words --- Middle sized characters, written mostly separated, although there are some ligatures and some cursive letter forms. Regular spacing and noticeable bilinearity. Competent but still rather informal hand. Cairo, Egyptian Museum 2003/10/22 Marc Huys
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
792 trema on &#953;; lemmata in ekthesis; just one orthographic? mistake. 04-18 (R) papyrus --- 02 2125
--- Egypt, unknown ---
21 9 x 15 (picture seen in Liège) fragment of papyrus codex (9 x 15 cm), containing the remains of two columns on each side (4.5 cm maximum preserved width): 22 and 21 lines for cols. i and ii, respectively, on the recto and on the verso. Intercolumnium ranges from 2 and 2.5 cm. Although the sheet is broken at the four edges (therefore no margins have been preserved), there was certainly not a missing column between col. ii, recto and col. i, verso. lexicography
0276 63370 --- anon.
roll? 02.6 [in list] table of numbers and list of words starting with d and e. words are arranged alphabetically, but only the first letter is taken into account. --- AD 2 BKT 09, 59 (G. Ioannidou, 1996) list as part of a set of exercises? one-word items written in separate lines and arranged alphabetically. prose, AD 2 (= BKT 09, 60; LDAB 4578) list of words --- small sized informal round (only by strict application of the formal round highest standards); experienced hand with few cursive traits (shape of &#946; and &#954;), bilinear, carefully executed; if from school context, a teacher's. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 21157r 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 4577 (in table of numbers) midline dots; (in list) supralinear letters; no orthographic mistakes. 08-12 [in list] papyrus ___ 04? M-P 2656.1 ed. princ. pl. 24 col. ii: Erôtiôn; Eupalaistros. Egypt, Fayum ? --- along the fibres 12 14.5 x 8.4 copy ed. pr. a single fragment (14.5 x 8.4 cm), broken at all sides except at the top. it preserves the remains of two columns (2.6 cm maximum width in the case of col. ii, containing the list of words, with an intercolumnium of c. 2 cm separating it from col. i). To the left of these two columns there are, however, remains of what looks like another column, and to the right of the two columns there are further remains: yet another column or marginal notes?. Upper margin of c. 1.2 cm; left-hand margin (to the left of the mentioned remains) is c. 1 cm; no right-hand margin preserved (if the remains to the right represent a new column, in which case it would be separated from the list column by an intercolumnium of only 1 cm) school text?, lexicography
0277 61386 --- (in lists) anon. D. Hagedorn, ZPE 24 (1977), p. 110; P. W. Pestman e. a., Vreemdelingen in het land van Pharao, Zutphen 1985, pp. 9 and 30. codex 13.8 (1b)
07.8 (col. i in 4a)
1a: unornamented blank front cover;
1b: name of the student, followed by an Isocrates' maxim (Ad Demonicum 1); then the planetary date, and again the student's name together with other names, probably school mates;
2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4b, 5a: name of the student, followed by the Isocrates' maxim (Ad Demonicum 1); whenever there is some space left, the maxim is copied again from its beginning until the space on the side runs out;
4a: seven threesyllabic nouns starting with n, divided into syllables (six proper names and the substative nomisma); multiplications, separated by a wavy line; date of the exercise on the bottom right corner , separated by an oblique line;
5b: unornamented back cover bearing a few scratches.
395 AD 4 Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Papyrologists, 1974, p. 25-28 (E. Boswinkel) = P.Lugd.-Bat. 25, 15 (F. A. J. Hoogendijk, 1991) list as part of a school notebook; in the first list the one-phrase items are not isolated, though the list ends with a graphic mark, and are not arranged according to any self-evident principle. In the second list, the one-word items are written in separate lines, according to a loose alphabetical principle.
list of names, list of words --- 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4b, 5a: student's hand (Aurelius Antonius son of Nemesion); rapid. formal round; strictly bilinear, with only &#949; often ligatured, but the names are written more freely and sloppily.
4a: teacher's hand; rather quick with cursive elements and less stiff than the pupil's. generally upright; informal round.
Leiden, Papyrologisch InstituutV 16-20 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 2530 1b eisthesis (ll. 7 and, probably, 8); double oblique strokes to signal end.
4a col. i: syllables separated by blank spaces; correction by writing over the wrong (started) letter; itacism: &#953; for &#949;&#953;; omission of &#959; in -&#953;&#959;&#962; ending.
In the rest of the codex, there are only some minor copying mistakes, but no syllabification rules are observed.
10-37 (1b)
05-08 (col. i of 4a)
waxed wooden tablet --- 01 in 1b, containing the pupils' list; 02 in 4a, nouns' list in col. i M-P 2736.1 P.Lugd.-Bat. 25 pl. XI-XIV; P. W. Pestman e. a., Vreemdelingen in het land van Pharao, Zutphen 1985, pl. V.
in pupils' list (1b):

Paulos (2);

in nouns' list (4a):

Egypt, unknown (in lists) none
20 17.8 x 12.9
complete codex of five waxed tablets (17.8 x 12.9 cm; outer tablet is 0.8 cm thick; inner tablets c. 0.5 cm); except for the two outer covers, all tablets are deepened on both sides (c. 0.1 cm) and coated with black wax. the back cover is also partly coated with a thin layer of black wax, bearing a few scratches. wooden edges surrounding the wax are c. 1.4 cm wide on all the tablets. in one of the longer edges of each tablet, two sets of two holes are drilled, with some remains of leather strings, and nicks are cut. writing runs parallel to the length of the tablets, aided by guidelines, except in the case of 4a and the last two lines of 1b, with no ruling; text on one side of a tablet is upside down as compared to the text on the other side of it, 1b and 2a excluded. in some places there are still traces of previous writing. all tablets present one column of writing, except 4a; within the waxed surface, side 1b, with 8 lines of writing, presents a left-hand margin of 1.2 cm (although the line containing the name of the student and that repeating it together with the names of his schoolmates are slightly in eisthesis; maximum column width is, taking account of the above mentioned margin, 13.8 cm); almost no right-hand margin is allowed; upper and lower margins are 0.4 cm (maximum depth). 4a has three columns; col. i, with the list of nouns (7.8 cm maximum width) has 7 lines of writing and is separated from col. ii by an intercolumnium of only 0.8 cm at some points; left-hand margin is c. 0.3 cm; upper margin can be almost non-existent, and lower margin is c. 0.8 cm deep. Christian, school text
0278 64097 --- anon. A. Brinkmann, RhM 65 (1910), pp. 149-155; P. Beudel, Qua ratione Graeci liberos docuerint, papyris, ostracis, tabulis in Aegypto inventis illustratur, Aschendorff 1911, pp. 41, 46, 48; E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2, Bonn 1913, n. 47; K. Painter, British Museum Quarterly, 31 (1966-1967), p. 109, no. 23; A. Wouters, CdE 68 (1993), pp. 168-177 codex 06.1 (1b, 2a, 2b);
06.3 (3a
12 (5a, 5b [in lists])
1a: front cover, with a few traces of writing;
1b, 2a, 2b, 3a: list of 207 verbs, roughly grouped according to their meanings, showing which cases they govern by means of accompanying pronominal forms, and preceded by the name of the student to whom the book belonged;
3b, 4a: blank;
4b - 5a 273: phonetic classification of the letters of the alphabet and gnomic questions in the form of riddles with their respective answers;
5a 274-280: notes on conjunctions in the form of questions and answers, notes on grammatical constructions;
5a 281 - 5b 319: classification of &#8000;&#957;&#972;&#956;&#945;&#964;&#945;: nouns, adjectives, interrogative and indefinite pronouns; at the end there is colophon inscribed in a rectangle;
5b 325 - 329: rules for the declension of a chria;
6a, 6b, 7a, 7b: blank;
8a: blank except for three washed out lines;
8b: outer cover.
385 AD 3 JHS 29 (1909), pp. 32-39 (F. G. Kenyon) lists as part of a school text (a manual?): in the verb list, normally one-word items (but there are also phrases) are accompanied by modifying phrase(s) (but occasionally this kind of modification can take the form of a simple sentence). Items are normally isolated from the modifying phrases by a blank space; on top of this, a new line starts at the end of each verb+phrase(s) group, and there are graphic devices in the column marking different verb groups. Items are roughly grouped according to their meanings. In the noun list one-word items appear in a simple sentence syntactic structure (not graphically isolated), classified in semantic groups, which are graphically marked in the column by various devices.
list of verbs; list of nouns --- 1, 2, 3: student's hand; rapid. writes rather hastily and fluently, more neatly at the beginning, then becoming more careless and drawing crooked paragraphoi, frequent ligatures.
4, 5: another student's hand; rapid. writes ligaturing the letters less than the hand for 1, 2 and three.
London, British Museum Add. MS. 37533 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 5315 in list of verbs (1b, 2a, 2b and 3a): paragraphoi separating the different verb groups; trema on i (inorganic); no iota adscript; deletion by crossing out; correction by writing over the mistaken letter. separation of words, especially in the group verb and pronoun(s), by means of blank spaces. itacistic misspellings: &#949;&#953; for &#953;; &#953; for &#949;&#953;. confusion between &#959; and &#969;. &#945;&#953; for &#949;. &#962; for &#950; and vice-versa; &#954; for &#947;; gemination of &#955; and &#963;. &#928;&#955;&#945;&#953;&#963;&#964;&#969; for &#928;&#945;&#955;&#945;&#953;&#963;&#964;&#969;; &#922;&#945;&#964;&#945;&#947;&#954;&#959;&#960;&#969; for &#922;&#945;&#964;&#945;&#954;&#959;&#960;&#964;&#969;; &#928;&#945;&#961;&#949;&#947;&#954;&#965;&#969; for #928;&#945;&#961;&#949;&#947;&#947;&#965;&#969;; &#928;&#961;&#959;&#963;&#952;&#965;&#956;&#945;&#953; for &#928;&#961;&#959;&#963;&#952;&#965;&#956;&#959;&#965;&#956;&#945;&#953;; &#928;&#961;&#959;&#966;&#953;&#963;&#953;&#950;&#959;&#956;&#945;&#953; for &#928;&#961;&#959;&#966;&#945;&#963;&#953;&#950;&#959;&#956;&#945;&#953;; &#917;&#965;&#947;&#949;&#955;&#953;&#950;&#969; for &#949;&#965;&#945;&#947;&#947;&#949;&#955;&#953;&#950;&#969;.

in list of nouns (5a and 5b): noun categories may be separated by paragraphoi, a % sign or just an oblique stroke. itacistic misspellings: &#949;&#953; for &#953;. &#969; for &#959;&#965;? &#947; for &#954;; &#964; for &#954;; superfluous &#956; before &#960;; &#931;&#966;&#961;&#959;&#948;&#961;- for &#931;&#966;&#961;&#959;&#948;&#961;-; &#913;&#957;&#948;&#961;&#959;&#962; for &#913;&#948;&#961;&#959;&#962;; &#922;&#945;&#953;&#945;&#962; for &#954;&#945;&#953; &#945;&#953;&#945;&#962;. colophon inscribed in a rectangle at end, originally written in one line, then reorganised in two by washing out previously written letters.
06-25 (1b, 2a, 2b); 05-29 (3a); 28-41 (R) (5a, 5b) [in lists] wooden tablets 5a (col. ii):

Pêleidês [Achilleus];
Atreidês [Agamemnôn; Menelaos];
Pêleiôn [Achilleus];
Atreiôn [Agamemnôn; Menelaos];
Nestoridês [Antilochos; Thrasymêdês];
Priamidês [Alexandros; Paris; Hektôr];
Deukalidês [Idomeneus];
[Aias] Telamônios.

5b (col. i):


5b (col. ii):

Aias Telamônios;
Aias Oileôs.

04 [in lists: 1b, 2a, 2b];
05 (3a); 02 (5a, 5b)
2712 ed. princ. pl. VI; Cribiore pl. LXX-LXXII 1b (col. i):


5a (col. ii):

Pêleidês [Achilleus];
Atreidês [Agamemnôn; Menelaos];
Pêleiôn [Achilleus];
Atreiôn [Agamemnôn; Menelaos];
Nestoridês [Antilochos; Thrasymêdês];
Priamidês [Alexandros; Paris; Hektôr];
Deukalidês [Idomeneus];
[Aias] Telamônios;

5b (col. i):


5b (col. ii):

Aias Telamônios;
Aias Oileôs.

Egypt, unknown ---
16 27 x 9.5
wooden codex, consisting originally of 9 tablets (27 x 9.5 cm each), fastened together by silken cords passed through two holes in one of the long sides. the wood has not been whitened. Each page, with the exception of that forming the outside at each end, is numbered in the left-hand margin, the numbers running from &#945; (1b) to &#960; (8a). the leaf containing pages &#956; and &#956; (between tablets 6 and 7) is missing. sides 1b, 2a and 2b contain 4 columns (with a maximum width of 6.3 cm, although they are quite irregular and tend to be wider at the right-hand end of the side); the intercolumnium is also irregular: a minimum of 0.7 cm in 1b and 0.5 cm in 2b, but in 2a it can almost be non-existant or reach to 2.3 cm at some points. in 1a the number of lines per column is 12, except col. iii, with 14 lines. left-hand margin is 2 cm, right-hand margin is at least 1.3 cm; upper and lower margins are 0.5 and 0.3 cm respectively (minimum depth). for 2a lines per column are 13 for i and ii, and 14 for iii and iv. left-hand margin is 1.45 cm; right-hand margin is 2.6 cm; upper margin is 0.5 cm, whereas lower margin is almost non-existent. in 2b lines per column are: 13, except in col. iv, with 15 lines. this side presents a left-hand margin of 1.8 cm; right-hand margin is 3.25 cm; upper margin is 0.7 cm, and lower margin ranges between 0.2 and 0.5 cms. 3a contains 5 columns (with a maximum width of 6.3 cm); the intercolumnium is at least 0.3 cm; lines per column are 14, 13, 15, 15 and 12 for cols. i, ii, iii, iv and v, respectively. left-hand margin is 1.5 cm; right-hand margin is 0.3 cm; upper margin is 0.5 cm and lower margin ranges from nil to 0.8 cm.5a and 5b present two columns each, of more regular size than the previously described ones (12 cm maximum width); the intercolumnium, however, varies considerably in both sides (from nil to 3.3 cm in 5a and from 0.1 to 1.6 cm in 5b). margins are as follows: for 5a left-hand margin is 1.7 cm; right-hand margin is practically nil, whereas upper and lower margins range between 0.2 and 1, and 0.2 to 0.5, respectively. 5b has a left-hand margin of 2.2 cm; right-hand margin is 0.7 cm minimum, upper margin is 0.6 cm deep for col. i, but 0.25 cm for col. ii; lower margin ranges from nil to 0.6 cm. school text
0279 63715 --- anon. E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2, Bonn 1913, n. 7; M. Huys and T. Schmidt, ZPE 152 (2005), p. 209-217 (re-edition with commentary). sheet
list of words arranged in alphabetical order (with only the first letter of each word taken into account to this respect). the teacher writes the first letter of the word, the pupil's task being to complete the word, very probably to form a series of monosyllables, for the first four words in the list coincide with those for the corresponding letters in a similar exercise in P. Bouriant (fol. 1 recto), including the invented monosyllable xar. 103 AD 2 JHS 28 (1908), pp. 123-124, no. 4 (J. G. Milne) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines and alphabetically arranged
list of words --- first letter of each word: teacher's hand; well written and regular
rest of each word: student's hand; clumsy and in most cases faint
Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum 2003/09/19 Alberto Nodar 4925 none; no orthographic mistakes. 03-08 (R) ostracon --- 01 2718
--- Upper Egypt ---
12 1.31 x 2.56 ask for reproduction (if ostracon has not been lost); it would be interesting to know whether the conjecture proposed by Ziebarth in l. 7 (only real difference from Milne's edition) is possible. Did Ziebarth edit this text, however? ostracon (1.31 x 2.56 cm) broken at left bottom corner, containing a single column of 12 lines. school text
0280 63686 --- anon.
sheet 2 (max. preserved) list of words not in alphabetical order. 104 AD 2 JHS 28 (1908), p. 124, no. 5 (J. G. Milne) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; no further principle of classification noticeable
list of words --- student's hand: probably evolving, but the remains are very scanty. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. Inscr. 2934 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
4895 none 01-03 ostracon --- 01 2718
--- Upper Egypt ---
12 7.3 x 11.8 (picture seen in Liège) ostracon (7.3 x 11.8 cm), broken on all sides except left, where there is a large blank space. It contains the scanty remains of 8 lines of a single column (2 cm maximum preserved width): only two or at the most three letters for each line are preserved. Only the left-hand right margin has been preserved, reaching to a maximum width of 5 cm. school text
0281 61495 --- anon. (in list) first mentioned, with quotation of text contained in the first tablet, by D. Hesseling, JHS 13 (1893), p. 296 and D. M. Stuart, The Boy through the Ages, New York (n.d.). E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2, Bonn 1913, n. 11; E. G. Turner, BICS 12 (1965), pp. 67-69; K. Painter, British Museum Quarterly, 31 (1966-1967), pp. 106-107, no. 13; T. S. Pattie - E. Turner, The Written Word on Papyrus, London 1974, p. 22, no. 21; J. Hengstl - G. Häge - H. Kühnert, Griechische Papyri aus Aegypten, Munich 1978, no. 96; F. D. Harvey, "Greeks and Romans learn to write" in Communication Arts in the Ancient World, New York 1978, pp. 63-78; M. Erler, Hermes 111 (1983), pp. 221-226; O. A. W. Dilke, Mathematics and Measurement, London 1987, p. 16; E. G.Turner - P. J. Parsons, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World2, London 1987, p. 32, no. 4; A. Blanchard, Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Florence 2001, pp. 121-136. codex (diptych) in list: not applicable. tablet 1: two gnomai in the form of a iambic trimeter each (a monostich each), written by a teacher and then copied twice by a student (the first gnomê is Menander, Monostich 705 Jäkel (= fr.XI); the origin of the second one is not known).
tablet 2: multiplication table and syllabification exercise: five disyllabic words, all of them possibly proper names and beginning with q, except, perhaps by mistake, the second one.
383 AD 2 JHS 29 (1909), p. 39 (F. G. Kenyon) = P.Lond.Lit. 253 (H. J. M. Milne, 1927) (both for first tablet) + ZPE 86 (1991), pp. 231-232 (W. Brashear) (for second tablet). list as part of a school notebook; one-word items written in separate lines, with graphic marks in column isolating each word. Alphabetic classification principle, and equal number of syllables in each item.
list of words --- teacher's hand: responsible for the two gnomai at the top of tablet 1 (model for the student's copy) and, possibly, the multiplication table to the left of tablet 2. large, formal round, strictly bilinear, with all the letters separated; if the same hand wrote the multiplication table, it is much quicker, informal and with some cursive elements.
student's hand: responsible for the two sets of the gnomai after the model in tablet 1 and the words to the right of tablet 2. alphabetic: hesitant. the student was already exposed to cursives, gets only a general idea of the model's style, and continues to form the letters his own way; he tries to ligature especially &#945; and &#949;.
London, British Library Add. MS. 34186 2003/09/24 Alberto Nodar 2642 use of horizontal and vertical lines: in tablet 1, the teacher writes the first sentence on a single line and the second one on a double horizontal line; he also draws double horizontal lines between which the student copies the model. in tablet 2, the space is divided into two by a vertical line, and the portion to the right further divided into rectangles by horizontal and vertical lines; no orthographic mistakes in list, except, perhaps, &#969; for &#959;; it is not clear whether the scribe actually intended to write &#959;&#965;&#961;&#963;&#959;&#962;, or whether the crossbar of a putative &#952; has been omitted at the beginning of the word. in list: not applicable. waxed wooden tablet tablet 2 (right) possibly:

Thôas [Thoas (?, R)].
in list: not applicable. 2713 D. M. Stuart, The Boy through the Ages, New York (n.d.), p. 63; E. G. Turner, BICS 12 (1965), pl. V (first tablet); T. S. Pattie - E. Turner, The Written Word on Papyrus, London 1974, pl. 9; S. F. Bonner, Education in Ancient Rome, Berkeley and Los Angeles 1977, fig. 20-21 (both tablets); R. Büll, Das grosse Buch wom Wachs II, Munich 1977, Abb. 584-585 (both tablets); J. Hengstl - G. Häge - H. Kühnert, Griechische Papyri aus Aegypten, Munich 1978, Abb. 6 (first tablet); M. Erler, Hermes 111 (1983), pl. between pp. 224-225 (first tablet); W. J. Tait, "Guidelines and Borders in Demotic Papyri" in Papyrus: Structure and Usage, London 1986, pl. 3 (first tablet); J. Irigoin, Scrittura e Civiltà 10 (1986), fig. 2 (first tablet); E. G.Turner - P. J. Parsons, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World2, London 1987, pl. 4 (first tablet); O. A. W. Dilke, Mathematics and Measurement, London 1987, pl. 7; A. Blanchard, Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia, Florence 2001, pp. 121-136, pl. Ia (first tablet). tablet 2 (right) possibly:

Oursos [Thyrsos (?, R)];
Thôas [Thoas; Thômas (?, R)];
Egypt, unknown Menander, Monostichoi
12 26 x 17.8
two waxed tablets (26 x 17.8 cm. including raised edge; waxed portion is 21.1 x 12.8 cm.) forming a diptych; tablet 2, containing the list of words, has been divided into two parts by means of a vertical line; the surface to the right has been further divided (partially) into 10 rectangular spaces by means of horizontal and vertical lines; each of the five words is written horizontally in two rectangular spaces (one for each syllable). margins surrounding the area made into rectangles are 4 cm to the right and 5.3 cm to the lower end. there is no free space between the area made into rectangles and the upper edge of the tablet or the middle vertical line dividing the tablet into two parts. school text
0282 63942 --- anon.
sheet 05.3 three proper names written twice, the third means "son of Lolous" 137 AD 2 - AD 3 O. Bodl. 02, 2190 (J. G. Tait - C. Préaux, 1955) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines in a repetitive structure
list of words --- student's hand: alphabetic. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 911 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 5157 none; no orthographic mistakes. 08 ostracon --- 01 2673 Cribiore, pl. XVII Diogenês (2);
Ammônios (2);
Loloutos (2).
Egypt, unknown ---
14 6.8 x 5.5
ostracon (6.8 x 5.5 cm), containing six lines of writing in a single column (5.3 cm maximum width); left-hand margin is 0.6 cm maximum depth; 0.7 is the maximum reached by the upper margin (at the far right-hand end of the column, where lines are lowest on the surface); right-hand margin, irregular, is at least 0.2 cm, whereas the lower margin ranges from nil to 1 cm, due to the lines heavily slanting downwards. school text
0283 61737 --- anon. H. I. Marrou, Histoire de l' Education dans l' Antiquité6, Paris 1965, p. 474. sheet 05.7 list of words, which can be partially grouped: taken from the Acta Apostolorum, chapters 1-4 (obverse cols. ii and iii); of surgery or torture instruments (reverse col. i. 1-5); of the 40 martyrs of Sebaste (reverse col. i. 9 - col. ii). --- AD 7 - AD 8 Coptic and Greek Texts of the Christian Period from Ostraka, Stelae, etc. in the British Museum, London 1905, p. 39 (H. R. Hall) = MPER N.S. 18, 248 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-word items, normally, but not always, written in separate lines (no other graphic mark appears isolating items when written in the same line). Columns are separated by vertical lines, and occasional graphic marks appear within them, separating items occupying more than one line, after which a new line is started (however, this does not seem to be their exclusive function). Items are arranged partly in accordance with a model text, apparently, and partly by semantic groups. opistograph list of words --- student's hand: alphabetic London, British Library ostr. 26210 + 26211 + 26215 2003/09/24 Alberto Nodar; 2004/07/10 Marc Huys 2889 vertical lines separating columns, and horizontal lines separating groups of two lines containing portions of the same word (but also, in one case, separating just one line with an entire word); supralinear letter (but out of lack of space); inorganic trema on initial and final i; horizontal stroke of unclear purpose above some letters. itacistic mispellings: &#951; for &#965;. &#951; for &#949;. &#949; and &#959;&#965; for &#959;; &#954; for &#947;; &#963; for &#966;. Use of coptic letters and presence of the coptic article; some nominal forms are not in the nominative (or else should be regarded as morphological errors), the same as some verbal forms which do not appear in the infinitive. It does not seem that the choice of a form other than the nominative or the infinitive is always caused by the form the word appears in the Acta, although that is the case in some instances. 03-17 (R) ostracon --- 03 (obverse);
02 (reverse)

ed. princ. pl. 32 obverse:

col. i:

Sekoudos [Secoundos].

col. ii:

Iôsês [Iôsêph];
Baraabbas [Barsabbas];

col. iii:

Kêrênê [Kyrênê];


col. i:


col. ii:

Hêraklios (R);
Oualês (?, R);
Achileus [Achilleus];

Upper Egypt Acta Apostolorum
31 21.6 x 10.8
Ostracon of calcareous stone, consisting of several pieces put together (21.6 x 10.8 cm are the measurements of the total preserved surface). the obverse presents three columns; cols. i and ii have 12 lines each; col. iii, 14. The writing on the reverse is organised in only two columns of 13 and 12 lines, respectively, col. i reaching the maximum width at 5.7 cm. Columns are separated by vertical lines, leaving an intercolumnium which ranges from nil to 3.6 cm. the ostracon is broken at the bottom. Margins are virtually non-existent, since the space tends to be ocuppied in full, except for the left-hand one on the obverse, measuring 1.8 cm (maximum width). On the reverse, the surface is broken to the right, but blank spaces can be seen to the right of particularly short lines, the widest of them reaching 1.6 cm. Christian, school text?
0472 ---
0284 100062 --- anon.
sheet ?
concordance of the Egyptian, Julian and Macedonian month names, all of them written in Greek and according to the order of the Julian calendar; the names of the Latin months are accompanied by their corresponding number of days. --- AD 5 *** (J.-L. Fournet, ***)

list of months ---
P.Acad. inv. 1r 2003/04/24 Alberto Nodar 10738 trema (both organic and inorganic?); supralinear letters as corrections/abbreviations?; footer at the end of each column identifying contents; monogrammatic cross above and to the left of the beginning of l. 1, col. i. &#949; for &#945;&#953;; &#959; for &#959;&#965; (or do we have a supralinear &#965; instead of the apparent mark for short quantity above &#959;); direct transliteration from the Latin forms of September, October, November and December: &#931;&#949;&#960;&#964;&#949;&#956;&#946;&#949;&#961;, &#927;&#954;&#964;&#969;&#946;&#949;&#961;, &#925;&#959;&#949;&#956;&#946;&#949;&#961;, &#916;&#949;&#954;&#949;&#956;&#946;&#949;&#961;, instead of using the Greek equivalents; omission of &#949;&#960;&#949;&#953;&#966;, although its space in the column has been kept. 03-13 papyrus --- 03

--- Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres 23 17.7 x 10.8 wait for edition and corresponding plate.
Christian, chronology
0285 62144 --- anon.
the two first lines contain Psalm 50. 12-13; the last two a list of Greek words beginning with f, among which two proper names. --- AD 5 - AD 6 - AD 7 (?) Coptic Ostraca 512 (W. E. Crum, 1902) list as part of a set of exercises; one-word items not isolated; the beginning of the exercise set (in a single column) is graphically marked; alphabetical arrangement.
list of words ---
London, British Museum ostr. 33040 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 3304 the monogrammatic cross opens the biblical passage (which contains a symbol for &#954;&#945;&#953;), and a cross ends it; unlike the biblical passage, the word list presents no orthographic mistakes. 19-25 ostracon
01 ---
Phaustianos [Phaustinos];
Phlauia [Phlabia].
Upper Egypt, Deir el-Bahari Psalm 50. 12
ask for reproduction
Christian, school text?
0154 ---
0286 68761 --- anon. SB 16521 sheet 04.7 concordance of the Julian and Egyptian month names, written in Greek, from November until May, according to the order of the Egyptian calendar. --- AD 4 - AD 5 APF 46 (2000), pp. 160-161 (G. Poethke) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; items are arranged chronologically within each series, and on the basis of their semantic equivalence as a whole
list of months --- sloping pointed majuscule of medium size; quick execution Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, 1080 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 10036 Trema on &#953;; use of abbreviations by suspension and oblique or horizontal dash. No orthographic mistakes. 03-11 ostracon --- 02 M-P 2332.5 ed. princ. pl. VII --- Egypt, unknown ---
22 10.8 x 7
ostracon (10.8 x 7 cm), containing the remains of two columns of writing (4.7 cm maximum preserved width), of 7 and 6 lines, respectively. the ostracon is broken at the top and bottom; the intercolumnium is at least 0.8 cm wide, and the left-hand margin has been preserved to a maximum of 2 cm, whereas the right-hand one extends to 1.5 cm. chronology
0287 64595 --- anon.
sheet 06.25 list of Greek words written on both sides: on the obverse nouns in b, g and d, divided into syllables. More letters appear on the right, in a space divided by a vertical line. On the reverse, names in m, some unknown. Many of the words appear in the Bible. 115 AD 4 - AD 5 - AD 6 O.Theb. 48 (H. Thompson) = MPER N.S. 18, 232 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines (one column being delimited by a border-line); items are arranged alphabetically, in groups of four beginning with the same letter. opistograph list of words --- student's hand: alphabetic; with letters of various size and shape Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms, Coptic Inscr. 207 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 5825 syllables are separated on the obverse by blank spaces. orthographic mistakes: &#959; for &#969;; gemination of &#947;; &#947; for &#954;, &#964; for &#948;. 04-07 ostracon --- 01
Cribiore, pl. XIII obverse:
Daueit [Daueid].

Egypt, unknown ---
22.1 8.2 x 13.5
Ostracon (8.2 x 13.5 cm) containing one column of writing on each side: on the obverse remains of 11 lines with no preserved upper or lower margin; the left-hand margin is virtually non-existant, and, as for the right-hand one, a vertical line has been drawn to the right of the column, in order to use up the remaining space to the right with the writing of further letters. On the reverse, the four lines of the column are circumscribed to the semicircular form of the shape of the ostracon (bottom of a container). No free space is left but for 4.5 cm to the lower end. Outside the semicircular shape, remains of further letters. Christian, school text
0288 64599 --- anon.
sheet 04 col. i: list of disyllabic words in a and b; col. ii beginnings of - disyllabic? - words in h and q. 114 AD 4 - AD 5 Short texts from Coptic ostraca and papyri, London 1921, no. 168 (W. E. Crum) = O. Bodl. 02, 2193 (J. G. Tait - C. Préaux, 1955) = MPER N.S. 18, 236 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines, alphabetically arranged and with the same number of syllables. blank list of words --- capable and fluent in spite of the rough surface, perhaps a teacher's Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. Inscr. 2925 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 5829 Syllables separated by interpunction. Simplification of &#961;&#961; into &#961;. 05-06 ostracon Ammôn. 02 2676 Cribiore, pl. XIII Ammôn;
Upper Egypt, Thebes ? ---
22 5.9 x 6.5
Incomplete ostracon (5.9 x 6.5 cm) containing the remains of two columns of writing (4 cm maximum width; intercolumnium at least 0.6 cm); col. i preserves 9 lines, whereas from col. ii only the beginnings of 6 lines are to be seen. Only the left-hand margin has been preserved, reaching a maximum depth of 0.8 cm. school text
0289 63597 --- anon. O. Immisch, Philologische Wochenschrift 48 (1928) 908; A. Körte, APF (1932), pp. 230-231; A. N. Oikonomides, The Ancient World 21 (1991), pp. 21-22; R. S. Stroud, ZPE 103 (1994), pp. 1-9; CPF I 1*** Plato 89T, 95T, 108T; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 4, Aristoteles 1 (E. Esposito, 2006 - re-edition). roll 07.4 glossary of comparatively rare words or uses, with illustrations taken from prose, mostly from authorities; but they tend to be loose as regards the books named and the quotations made from them. lemmata in a, arranged alphabetically, but only the first two letters are considered to this effect. --- AD 2 P.Oxy. 17, 2087 (A. S. Hunt, 1927) free standing list; mostly one-word items accompanied by a specification which can take the form of a phrase or a sentence; line-break at the end of each one of these groups, the following item being written in ekthesis. Possible initial heading in first column; items arranged alphabetically
list of words --- small upright semi-cursive; informal, quick but practised, tending to regular lines and columns. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 4806 Abundant use of abbreviations, both by suspension and by using supalinear oblique dashes. No iota adscript, one case of letters superscribed at line-end, probably to keep an even right-hand column margin. Short horizontal lines above letters to indicate their numeric value. Lemmata project slightly into the left margin (ekthesis), but they are not as a rule separated from the commentary by blank spaces. Probable title missing at top of col. i. No orthographic mistakes, except for the omission of &#953; in the -&#949;&#953;&#959;&#965; sequence. 11-34 papyrus Aiakos (1, ?).
03 2120 R. S. Stroud, ZPE 103 (1994), pl. I Aristotelês (2);
Thoukydidês (2);
Aiakion (1, ?);
Aiakos (1, ?);
Platôn (2);
Hêrodotos (3);

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Aristoteles, Res Publica Atheniensium 54. 2; Historia Animalium, ix. 40. 14; Thucydides, iii. 49. 4; vi. 80. 4; Demosthenes, c. Mid. 43?; Contra Boëtum 10; Plato, Phaedo; Leges 747d; Herodotus, i. 32; v. 74; vi. 12; Aeschines Socraticus, peri ploutou 22. along the fibres 12 12.6 x 16.5
a single fragment (12.6 x 16.5 cm) containing the remains of three columns of writing (7.4 cm being the maximum width, with a minimum intercolumnium of 0.7 cm). the papyrus is broken at all sides with no preserved margins, but for the lower one, which is 1.70 cm deep. of col. i only a few letters from the ends of lines are visible; l. 1 is opposite l. 8 in col. ii, leaving a blank space of about 1.5 cm above it, where a title might have stood. col. iii is represented by very scanty remains of the beginning of nine lines from near the bottom. col. ii has preserved 44 lines. lexicography; glossary ---
0290 64053 --- anon. first interpretative transcription in R. Kasser, Papyrus Bodmer XXIII, Genève 1965, p. 14; K.A. Worp, 'P.Genova II 52: a Link with Hesychius?', ZPE 156 (2006), p. 188-189. sheet? 07.5 list of disyllabic words, arranged in groups starting with the same letter ([e], [k], l and m), which is the only one taken into account for the alphabetic arrangement of the list. --- AD 3 - AD 4 Mus. Helv. 55 (1998), p.112-117 (A. di Bitonto Kasser) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines, alphabetically arranged and with the same number of syllables; each group of items beginning by the same letter is graphically marked in the column. Columns themselves are marked by border-lines unidentified literary or paraliterary fragment -unpublished. list of words --- teacher's hand: irregular maiuscule of large size; upright and confident. Cologny - Genève, Fondation Bodmer 51 recto 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar; 2006/06/01 Marc Huys 5269 columns are delimited by double vertical lines, whereas a diple obelismene with curved apices at both ends separates horizontally the different letter groups; besides this, on the bottom-right corner of the first section (following col. i, l. 5) a &#950;-like sign might be marking the end of the series (its shape being between that of a diple obelismene and that of a coronis), but it could also be an annotation (&#950;&#951;&#964;&#949;&#953; ). likewise, two oblique lines at the top-left corner of the area belonging to the words in &#956; indicate the beginning of the section. Syllables are separated by an oblique stroke and a blank space. no iota adscript. confusion between &#959; and &#969;.
04 (R) -07 papyrus col. ii:

Minos [Minôs];
02 M-P 2741.2 ed. princ. pl. 1 col. ii:

Minos [Minôs];
Upper Egypt --- along the fibres 18 12.7 x 20
cartonnage from a book binding; papyrus fragment (12.7 x 20 cm), containing the remains of two columns (7.5 cm maximum width; intercolumnium is 2 cm approximately, though it tends to be narrower towards the end of columns); the first one with 13 lines, of which only the ends are visible, and the second one with 14 lines. No upper, lower or left-hand margins have been preserved, the right-hand one reaching its maximum depth at 2.4 cm. school text
0291 64456 --- anon. J.Bingen, CdE 40 (1965), p. 484 sheet 07.8 list of proper names, beginning with z in ll. 3-7 (and probably in e before and in h after them), divided into syllables. 112 AD 4 Coptic Ostraca 435 (W. E. Crum, 1902) = O.Tait 01 Petrie 410 (J. G. Tait, 1930) = MPER N.S. 18, 104 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines and arranged alphabetically; within the column, the beginning of a new group of items starting with the same letter is marked graphically. blank list of words --- capable and fluent: teacher's hand or, if student's, "rapid". large upright letters, all separated. London, University College, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology31896 2003/09/24 Alberto Nodar 5680 Syllables are separated by short horizontal dashes, and the different word groups by horizontal lines; no orthographic mistakes, but, perhaps, genitive for nominative in one of the items? 08-11 (R) ostracon ---
01 M-P 2700.1 Cribiore, pl. XII Zênônos (?, R) [Zênôn (?, R)];
Zansouchos (?, R) [Zasouchos (?, R)];
Zakchaios (?, R) [Zachaios (?, R)];
Upper Egypt, Tentyra (Denderah) ---
20 10.6 x 19.3
Ostracon (10.6 x 19.3 cm) containing 9 lines of writing arranged in a single column (7.8 cm maximum width). No left-hand or lower margin is preserved, the ostracon being broken to the left and, very probably, at the bottom. Upper margin reaches a maximum of 4.4 cm, whereas the right-hand one ranges from 2.2 to 6.6 cm. school text
0292 64423 --- anon. W. E. Crum, Coptic Ostraca, London 1902, no. 434; A. Pellegrini, Sphinx 10 (1906), pp. 141-159, no. 17. sheet 07.8 (obverse)
09.3 (reverse)
Greek words with their translation into Coptic. On the obverse, the words constitute pairs of antonyms with their respective translations in Coptic written to their sides; on the reverse, the translation of each Greek word is given in the following line, but for the last one, where both Greek word and Coptic translation appear. --- AD 3 - AD 4 SIFC 9 (1901), p. 194-198 (L. Galante) = MPER N.S. 18, 261 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-word items embedded in a hierarchical syntactic structure opistograph list of words --- rounded upright capitals of medium size; letters are mostly separate, although horizontal strokes, right-hand foot of &#956;, and &#958; tend to join the following letter. &#951; presents a cursive form. fairly executed and tending to regularity; if from school context, a teacher's hand or a student's "rapid" hand. Firenze, Museo Egiziano-Etrusco 2003/06/24 Alberto Nodar 5647 In Greek text: acute accent? (or just line-filler), mark for long quantity. Monogrammatic cross on the top left corner of the obverse, opening the text. No orthographic mistakes. 04-15 ostracon --- 02 (obverse)
01 (reverse)
2132 ed. princ. pp. 195-196; pl. I-II --- Upper Egypt, Diospolis Magna - Thebes ? ---
18 14.5 x 7.5
Ostracon (14.5 x 7.5 cm); on the obverse it presents two columns (7.8 cm maximum width; intercolumnium ranges from virtually nil to 0.7 cm) of 7 lines each. on the reverse the writing is arranged in one single column (9.3 cm maximum width) of equally 7 lines. Lower and upper margins are practically non-existent (either because of breakage or out of the scribe's tendency to use all the space); as for the left-hand margins; on the obverse it reaches a maximum of 1.9 cm, whereas the maximum width on the reverse is 3.7 cm. The right-hand margin is virtually nil on the obverse, and it is 2.6 cm wide (maximum) on the reverse. Christian, glossary, school text?
0293 64137 --- anon.
list of words - including proper names - all of which occur in the Old and New Testaments, with the exception of one. the items are arranged alphabetically, occupying different columns according to their initial letter, which is the only one taken into account for the purposes of the alphabetical order: col. i presumably contained words beginning with k; col. ii contains words in l; and col. iii, words in m. --- AD 3 Pap.Lugd.Bat. 17, 6. II (N. Lewis, 1968) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; columns separated by graphic devices. Items arranged alphabetically blank list of words --- coarse, but clear uncials New York, private collection N. Lewis 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 5356 no iota adscript; correction by writing over the - wrongly - started letter; syllables are separated by blank spaces in some words. (probable) itacistic mistake: &#965; for &#951; or &#949;&#953;. 05-10 (R) ostracon --- 03

col. ii:

Lustros [Lustra];

col. iii:

Melchesedek [Melchisedek];

Egypt, unknown ---
16 of the sides of the ostracon's triangular shape: 14.5 x 12.5 x 9
fragment of ostracon of triangular shape (14.5 x 12.5 x 9 cm), containing the remains of three columns of writing; col. i has preserved the ends of 4 lines; col. ii presents 8 lines, and from col. iii only three lines survive. Christian, lexicography
1101 ---
0294 64392 --- anon. for surfaces 1 and 6 (no. 28 in Pap. Flor.): first described in M. Abbot's Catalogue of a collection of Egyptian Antiquities, the property of Henry Abbot, now exhibiting at the Stuyvesant Institute, New York 1854. C. C. Felton, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 4 (1858), p. 23; F. G. Welcker, RhM 15 (1860), pp. 155-158; W. Froehner, Tablettes grecques du Musée de Marseille, Paris 1870, p. 4; G. Kaibel, Epigrammata graeca ex lapidibus conlecta, Berlin 1878, p. xxiii, no. 1117a, gives the text referring to Froehner; T. Kock, Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta, Leipzig 1880-1888, fr. adesp. 346; E. Cougny, Appendix nova epigrammatum, Paris 1890, no. 57; (E. J. Goodspeed), Mélanges Nicole, Genève 1905, p. 182, no. 7; E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule2, Bonn 1913, n. 14; J. M. Edmonds, The Fragments of Attic Comedy III, Leiden 1961, anon. no. 346, pp. 412-414; C. Austin, CGFP 313.

for re-edition of all the three tablets with writing : J. C. Shelton, Papyrologica Florentina XXII (1992), nos. 28 (surfaces 1 + 6) - 29 (surface 3)
codex 11.6 28: on surface 1 teacher's copy of gnomic verses (an epigram in iambic trimeters); on surface 6, much damaged, the student (Theophilos son of Martyrios) copies the verses.
29: on surface 3 syllabification exercise; the teacher writes quadrisyllabic words starting with e, after writing on the first line the name of the pupil for whom the model was prepared (Theophilos).
The rest of surfaces are illegible, except for surface 4, presenting slight traces of writing, perhaps belonging to another syllabification exercise; covers are blank.
391 AD 4 Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 3 (1857), no. 536, pp. 371-378 (C. C. Felton) + P.Brookl.29 (1992 J.C. Shelton) list as part of a school notebook; one-word items written in separate lines and arranged alphabetically
list of words --- teacher's hand (surfaces 1 and 3): strictly bilinear , with very large, separated letters sometimes decorated by serifs; it shows some influence of the chancery style, with a few hooks and circlets. the first intial is enlarged. more cursive and quick in the word list, but still displaying great clarity.
student's hand (surface 6): "evolving", probably. fluctuating letter size.
New York, Brooklyn Museum 37.473E (cover + surface 1); 37.1909E (surfaces 2 + 3); 37.474E (surfaces 4 + 5); 37.1910E (surfaces 6 + 7); 37.1908E (surface 8 + cover) 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 5614 in 29: no guiding lines (unlike 28, which shows lined writing surfaces - lines drawn carefully in the master's copy and less carefully in that of the student), double oblique strokes of unclear function (in 28 they mark verse ends): perhaps indication of a mispelling?; short horizontal stroke above letters to indicate their numeric value. syllables are separated by blank spaces. to the right of ll. 2 and 3 the sequences &#945;&#953; and &#945;&#953;&#953; appear, respectively, possibly representing some kind of check or grading system. itacistic misspellings: &#951; for &#953;. 08-24 (in 29) wooden tablet --- 01 1885 Pap. Flor. XXII (1992), pl. XXI (28) - XXII (29) 29:

Upper Egypt ---
20 17 x 13
Wooden codex consisting of 5 tablets (17 x 13 cm); with the exception of the two covers all sides have been hollowed out and filled with wax, leaving a wooden margin of 2 cm on all sides. The measurements of the resulting 8 writing surfaces are thus 13 x 9 cm. Only surfaces 1, 3 and 6 have preserved legible writing. Two pairs of holes on one of the long sides have been drilled to bind the tablets together, and shallow notches on the backs of the tablets show a pattern through which the origininal order can be established. Writing is arranged in one column in all legible sides; on surface 3, containing the word list arranged in 7 lines, the maximum column width is 11.6 cm. On this side upper and lower margins are virtually non-existent; left-hand margin is 1 cm deep, and the right-hand one ranges from 0.3 to 1.6 cm. school text
0295 64509 --- anon. F. Morelli, CdE 77 (2002), p. 314; C. Römer, APF 47 (2001), p. 372. sheet 03.5 groups of five disyllabic words beginning by the same letter (col. i: a, b; col. ii: g, d, e; col. iii: q, i, k, l; col. iv: x, o, p; col. v: t, u, f, c); the groups are arranged alphabetically, but only the first letter is taken into account to this respect. The words are mostly drawn from the Bible. --- AD 4 - AD 5 P. Bingen 17 (W. Clarysse - A. Wouters, 2000) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; items, with the same number of syllables, are arranged alphabetically in groups of five starting with the same letter. traces of a single line of writing probably by the same hand (transcription in ed. princ. of recto) list of words --- student's hand: "evolving"; rather coarse mostly separated capitals. Very few ligatures, mainly between and with the following letter. Paris, Louvre E 10285 2003/09/21 Alberto Nodar 5736 Trema on initial &#953;. Retracing of letters to perfect them, correction by writing over wrong strokes; blank spaces separate syllables, although they are sometimes omitted. Syllabification mistakes; very few orthographic mistakes: omission of first &#963; in &#953;&#963;&#952;&#956;&#959;&#962;; omission of &#953; in &#928;&#959;&#965;&#960;&#955;&#953;&#959;&#962;. 03-07 papyrus col. ii:

Hermê [Hermês?; Hermas?];

col. iii:


col. iv:


col. v:

05 M-P 2741.7 ed. princ. pl. 10; H. Willems - W. Clarysse (eds.), Les Empereurs du Nil, Leuven 2000, no. 248. col. i:

col. ii:

Hermê [Hermês?; Hermas?];

col. iii:


col. iv:

Pouplos [Pouplios];

col. v:

Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres 22 19.5 x 15.5
Papyrus sheet (19.5 x 15.5 cm; original dimensions probably were 19.5 x 27.5 cm) containing the remains of 5 columns of writing (3.5 cm maximum width, narrow intercolumnium, ranging from virtually nil to 1.5 cm). Col. i contains the ends of 10 lines; cols. ii - iv have preserved 15 lines, and col. v 14 lines. No left-hand margin is preserved. The lower margin has also been lost, except in the case of col. i, which heigthwise stands as it originally did, lower and upper margins being 3 cm and 1.6 cm deep, respectively. For the rest of the columns, the upper margin is 0.8 cm. The right-hand margin, quite regular, reaches its maximum depth at 1.5 cm. Christian, school text
0296 97824 --- anon.
codex 11 [in lists] Tablet 1: one side presents no carving or wax (cover); on the other side, hollowed out and filled with wax, like the rest of sides, only some traces are legible.
Tablet 2: side a is blank; side b: addition exercises.
Tablet 3: side a contains a syllabification exercise; disyllabic words in t arranged alphabetically (considering to this effect first and second letters); side b: addition exercises.
Tablet 4: side a: syllabification exercise; disyllabic words in u (the second letter not determining any alphabetical arrangement); side b: Greek alphabets.
Tablet 5: sides a and b contain a record of properties.
402 AD 4 - AD 5 Enchoria 13 (1985), pp. 16-18 (W. Brashear) lists as part of a school notebook; one-word items written in separate lines. Items, with the same number of syllables, are arranged alphabetically
list of words --- Hand 1 (addition exercises in 2b): student's "evolving hand", quite rigid but regular, &#945; is ligatured.
Hand 2 (word lists and, perhaps, addition exercises in 3b): student's "evolving" hand, with &#945; and &#949; ligatured.
Hand 3 (alphabets): student's "zero-grade", with huge, tentative letters of varying size.
Hand 4 (record of properties): elegant cursive.
Würzburg, Martin-von-Wagner-Museum der Universität Würzburg, K 1013 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 5865 in lists: syllables separated by wide blank spaces. No orthographic mistakes. 03 -06 [in lists] wooden tablet in lists:

tablet 3, side a:

01 [in lists] M-P 2643.16 ed. princ. pl. 5-7 in lists:

tablet 3, side a:

Egypt, unknown ---
22 tablets 1-4: 20 x 7.5;
tablet 5: 15 x 20

codex consisting of 5 tablets, all broken down the longest side but for tablet 5. Tablet 5 is written along the shortest side and measures 15 x 20 cm; the remaining tablets are written along their longest dimension and thus measure 20 x 7.5 cm. The thickness of all tablets is 0.5 cm. With the exception of one of the sides of tablet 1, all surfaces have been hollowed out and filled in with wax, leaving a margin of c. 2 cm. The tablets preserve the two pairs of holes drilled on one of the longest sides for binding. No notches on any of the preserved tablet edges are to be seen, and so it is not possible to determine the original order of the tablets. Sides 3a and 4a, containing the list texts in single columns (11 cm of maximum width) of 3 and 2 lines, respectively, have preserved no lower margin; left-hand margin is virtually non-existent in both sides, the same as the upper margin in 4a. Upper margin is 0.6 cm deep in side 3a. Right-hand margins are 5.9 cm deep (minimum) in 3a and 7.7 cm deep (minimum) in 4a. school text
0297 64646 --- anon. E. Kiessling, SB 08 (1967), no. 9894. sheet 04.7 list of four personal names; perhaps an exercise of declension in the genitive. 119 AD 5 - AD 6 Lanx Satura Nicolao Terzaghi oblata, Genova 1963, p. 310-314 (C. Pasqual) = P.Genova 01, 9 (M. Amelotti - L. Migliardi Zingale, 1974) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; no further structuring principle to be observed also accross the fibres: ends of three lines, probably from an account, by a different hand; edited in ed. princ. of paraliterary text. list of words --- student's hand: "evolving", slightly leaning to the right, some letters formed fluently, others clumsily. Genova, Università degli Studi, 1111 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 5877 low stop; trema on &#953;; simplification of double l&#955;; corrections by writing over wrong strokes and by superscription. 05-07 papyrus Achilleus;
Aiena (?) [Aineias ?]
01 M-P 2665.1
ed. princ. pl. III; P. Genova 01, pl. VI Achilleus;
Aiena (?) [Aineias ?]
Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 24 9.2 x 6.2
papyrus fragment (9.2 x 6.2 cm) containing 4 lines of writing in a single column (4.7 cm maximum width); all margins have been preserved: upper margin is 1.5 cm deep; lower margin is 1 cm; left-hand margin ,1.2 cm; the right-hand margin ranges from 3.1 to 5 cm. school text
0298 64664 --- anon.
list of words (of four syllables, but for two doubtful exceptions) beginning with successive letters of the alphabet: across the fibres, a single column with common nouns and personal names beginning with z; along the fibres, parts of two columns: the initial letters of the first column are lost (maybe it contained words beginning with i?); the second contains incomplete words beginning with k. The alphabetic arrangement is confined to the first letter. --- AD 4 - AD 5 - AD 6 - AD 7 P. Michael. 6 (D. S. Crawford, 1955) free standing list; one-word (exceptionally one-phrase) items written in separate lines (isolation reinforced by graphic marks at line-end). Items, with seemingly the same number of syllables, are alphabetically arranged opistograph list of words --- sloping and slightly irregular but quite good, literary hand; if school text, then a teacher's. ? (not in Cambridge University Library or British Library) 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 5895 trema on i; abbreviations marked by a short horizontal stroke above the line; each word is followed by two short oblique strokes. Traces of, perhaps, column heading. Orthographic mistakes: &#955; for &#961;. 08-11 (R) papyrus across the fibres:

Pyrros (?).
01 (across the fibres); 02 (along the fibres) 2123
across the fibres:

Pyrros (?);
Zebedaios [Iakôbos; Iôannês].

along the fibres:

Iôsêph (?).
Egypt, unknown ---
22.2 6 x 10
papyrus fragment (6 x 10 cm) broken off at the top, bottom and both left-hand and right-hand sides; across the fibres remains of a single column of 15 lines; the writing along the fibres, arranged in two columns, is very illegible. Perhaps each side contained originally three columns with words starting with the successive letters &#949;, &#950; and &#951; on one side, and &#952;, &#953;, &#954; on the other. Christian, school text?; lexicography
0299 64976 --- anon.
sheet 02 beginnings of lines starting mostly with ou- --- AD 6 BKT 09, 78 (G. Ioannidou, 1996) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; no clear structuring principle, except for the same beginning of almost all words opistograph list of words or gnomai monostichoi? --- informal sloping of generous size; skilled and mostly with separate letters, but without keeping regular spacing between lines and characters; roughly bilinear. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 21175 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 6217 correction by writing over the wrongly written letters. 05 (maximum number preserved) papyrus --- 01 M-P 2124.11 ed. princ. pl. 37 --- Egypt, Hermoupolis ---
25 3 x 6.6
papyrus piece (3 x 6.6 cm), containing the remains of a single column on each side (2 cm maximum width); along the fibres, the beginnings of 9 lines have been preserved; across the fibres, with the writing upside down in relation to the other side, stand the beginnings of 6 lines. Right-hand margin has not been preserved on either side; nor has the upper margin along the fibres; measurements of left-hand and lower margins along the fibres are 1.2 cm and 0.8 cm, respectively. Across the fibres measurements are: upper margin, 2.3 cm; left-hand margin, 0.8 cm (maximum preserved); lower margin has not been preserved. lexicography?
0300 64960 --- anon. R. Cribiore, BASP 35 (1998), pp. 145-151 uncertain 06.6 [in list] Side 1: on the left portion, a list of proper names, followed by another name which is very likely to be the name of the student who wrote the exercise: Tyllios; the right portion is occupied by two drawings plus the date of the exercise in between. In the top right corner there seem to be traces of letters, which are perhaps remnants of a previous exercise that was washed off.
Side 2: numbers from 1 to 10.000; numbers from 1 to 900 are written twice.
118 AD 5 - AD 6 CP 16 (1921), pp. 191-192 (A. E. R. Boak) list as part of a set of exercises (or a school notebook); one-word items written in separate lines, with graphic mark at end of column. No further structuring principle to be observed
opistograph list of words --- Side 1: student's hand: "rapid"; confident letters that are sometimes ligatured; degenerating a little toward the bottom.
Side 2: student's hand: "alphabetic"; letters strikingly different in shape and size.
Ann Arbor, Michigan University, T.Mich. inv. 764 2003/10/09 Alberto Nodar, 2004/07/13 Marc Huys 6201 Last name of side 1 (student's name?) separated from the rest by a top and a bottom paragraphos or quasi-paragraphos; abbreviation marked with a diagonal stroke at the end of a name. Orthographic mistakes: confusion between &#959; and &#969;; &#949; for &#945;&#953;; simplification of double &#957;. 04-09 [in lists] wooden tablet side 1:
Eudemôn [Eudaimôn];
01 [in list]
2709 BASP 35 (1998), pl. 21-22 side 1:

Euripas (?, R) [Eureipas];
Geôrgios; Phoibammôn; Mênikios (?, R); Ioanês [Iôannês]; Eudemôn [Eudaimôn]; Marios; Apollôs; Biktôr; Markellos; Apakouros (?); Hareus; Petros; Peteuris; Hôriôn; Apia; Apiôn; Harôn; Tyllios.
Egypt, unknown ---
24 15 x 36.6
wooden tablet (15 x 36.6 cm), not waxed but originally coated with a white preparation, and with two binding holes bored into one of the long borders: either part of a notebook or a single tablet. Side 1 contains one column (6.6 cm maximum width) of 22 lines of writing , parallel to the short sides and in a rather faded ink; side 2 is written parallel to the longer sides and contains 4 columns; cols. i and ii (with 9 and 7 lines, respectively) are shorter than cols. iii and iv (with 11 and 10 lines, respectively), showing, together with the grouping of the numbers, that the bottom left-hand corner of the tablet was already broken off when the student used this side. Side 1, containing the list, presents a left-hand margin of 0.8 cm (a little wider in the area where the two holes have been bored); lower margin is 1.3 deep, whereas the upper margin is 2.6 cm. The minimum right-hand margin is 4.5 cm. school text http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.3119 ---
0301 64996 --- anon. first description in M. Wittek, Cinq années d'acquisitions 1969-1973, Bruxelles 1975, pp. 3-4, and M. Wittek, "Les manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier: Vingt années d'acquisitions (1954-1973)", in Le Monde Grec. Pensée, littérature, histoire, documents. Hommages à Claire Préaux, Bruxelles 1975, p. 246. R. Cribiore, Writing, Teachers and Students in Graeco-Roman Egypt, Atlanta 1996, p. 286 (on this item, which appears as no. 106bis in Debut's list). codex 05.8 list of trisyllabic words, mostly in the nominative case, arranged alphabetically -but taking only their first letter into account: words belonging to the groups beginning with b, g, d, e, z, h, q, i, k, l and m have been preserved. Many of them are biblical names, but late proper names are also present. --- AD 6 ZPE 96 (1993), pp. 141-152 (H. Seldeslachts - A. Wouters) maybe following a model
list of words --- rather large Alexandrian majuscule (type I); bilinear: only &#966;, &#966; and &#965; descend below the line, with contrast between thin and thick strokes. Bruxelles, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique IV 590 2003/05/30 Alberto Nodar 6237 Occasional high stop after words; trema on initial &#953;; signs on accented syllables of the shape of the acute and circumflex accent, but used together with other signs (short horizontal stroke) and in no apparent correspondence with our modern accentuation system; short horizontal strokes above letters could also stand for rough breathing, abbreviation mark (this one with knobs at both ends), or a very small paragraphos to mark the transition from one group of words to the following. Likewise, acute accent-like signs of unclear meaning above consonants. Correction by writing over the wrong strokes. On fr. I across and along the fibres, and on fr. II along the fibres, a curved vertical line has been drawn between the two columns. Syllables are not separated by blank spaces. Some invented words? Itacistic mistake: &#953; for &#949;&#953;. Metathesis of &#961; into &#961;; omission of final consonant; &#924;&#945;&#961;&#953;&#961;&#945;&#956; for &#924;&#945;&#961;&#953;&#945;&#956; (or ( ) ) ? Possible orthographic mistakes: confusion between &#959; and &#969;; &#949; for &#951;; confusion between voiced and voiceless consonants; &#948; for &#952;. 04-08 papyrus fr. II
along the fibres;
col. i:
02 on each side
ed. princ. pl. II-III; M. Wittek, Cinq années d'acquisitions 1969-1973, Brussels 1975, pp. 3-4 (fr. I across the fibres); M. Wittek, "Les manuscrits grecs de la Bibliothèque Royale Albert Ier: Vingt années d'acquisitions (1954-1973)", in Le Monde Grec. Pensée, littérature, histoire, documents. Hommages à Claire Préaux, Brussels 1975, pl. I (fr. I across the fibres and fr. II along the fibres). fr. I
across the fibres;
col. i:
Baithaka [Baithakad or Baithakath]; Balsamôn; Bêdphakê [Bêthphagê ?]; Bethleem [Bêthleem]; Galaad.
col. ii:
Damaskos; Deblatha; Daniêl; Dorkato(s) (?) [Dorkas]Dareios. along the fibres;
col. i:
Elmôdad; Elious; Eugenês; Eutychês; Eliab. fr. II
along the fibres;
col. i:
Theôn / Theônas; Thaddaios; Thekoue; Thegrama [Thergama]; Thamyris; Thamnatha.
col. ii:
Iapheth; Iareth; Iothor [Iether ?]; Iônas; Iôêl; Idithoun; Ioppê.
across the fibres;
col. i:
Kephalon [Kephalôn / Kephalos]; Loukios; Lysias.
col. ii:
Maria Mariram (?) [Mariam / Marar(e)im]; Manassê [Manassês]; Makedôth [Makelôth]; Marinos; Môrathi; Maththaios.
Upper Egypt, Deir el-Medineh ---
25 fr. I: 17.3 x 6;
fr. II: 16.7 x 7

two papyrus fragments (fr. I measuring 17.3 x 6 cm, and fr. II 16.7 x 7 cm); both show on both sides the remnants of two columns (5.8 cm maximum width; intercolumnium ranging from 0.2 to 2.2 cm), with 8 lines each, except for col. i in fr. I across the fibres, containing 7 lines, and the columns in fr. II across the fibres, with 9 lines each. From the contents of the fragments, it seems likely that the two leaves were adjacent in the original codex; the breadth of it (at least 17 cm) corresponding quite well to Turner's group 5; the codex might have been built up by several "uniones". Because all sides are broken at the top and at the bottom, no upper or lower margins have been preserved. For fr. I left-hand and right-hand margins are 3.1 (maximum) and 2.7 (minimum) cm deep, respectively, on the side across the fibres; on the side along the fibres they are 2.6 (max.) and 2.9 (min.). In fr. II, the side along the fibres has preserved a maximum left-hand margin of 3.9 cm, whereas the minimum right-hand margin is 3.4 cm. On the side across the fibres, measurements are 1.7 cm as the maximum width for the left-hand margin and 4 cm for the minimum right-hand margin. Christian, lexicography
0302 65071 --- anon.
uncertain 14.2 [in lists] Side a; cols. i and iv: syllabification exercises (proper names, nouns, verbs, all bisyllabic); alphabetical order confined to the first letter: col. i words in d; col. iv words in e. Cols. ii, iii, v and vi contain multiplication tables of numbers 4 and 5, with a date at the end
Side b: two columns of syllabification exercises (trisyllabic words); date.
121 AD 6 Tavolette Lignee e Cerate da Varie Collezioni (Pap. Flor. 18), Firenze 1989, no. 22 (R. Pintaudi - P. J. Sijpesteijn) list as part of a set of exercises; one-word items written in separate lines; graphic marks separate columns, of which the beginning is also signalled by other graphic devices. Items are arranged alphabetically, and also according to their (increasing) number of syllables opistograph list of words --- teacher's hand: fluent and proficient, written in very large letters. Many of the initials are enlarged; a few ligatures, especially after &#945; and &#949;. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 1982.1119 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 6312 in lists: diple-like sign by some columns, marking end of exercises? Correction by crossing out. Columns are separated by vertical lines, and multiplication tables are further framed by horizontal lines; syllables separated by blank spaces. Cross at the left-hand corner of each side. Itacistic mistakes: &#953; for &#949;&#953;; &#965; for &#951; and for &#953;; &#949; for &#959;&#953;, &#945;&#953; and &#945; (and for final - &#959; ?); confusion between &#959;&#965; and &#969; or &#965;; confusion between &#959; and &#969;; &#959; for &#953; (or &#965; or &#949;&#953;); &#953; instead of ending -span class="grec">&#953;&#969;&#957; ; gemination of &#956; and &#955;; omission of &#945; in &#948;&#953;&#945; as a preverb; omission of &#956; before &#946; ; omission of final ?; irregular morphological formation: eptakoç. dil la banon . (sic), separated as trisyllabic. 04-10 [in lists] wooden tablet Side B;

col. i:
06 (side a);
02 (side b)
M-P 2667.2 ed. princ. pl. XXXII-XXXIII Side A;
col. i:
col. ii:
Side B;
col. i:
Daniêl; Dianê; Dameri [Damariôn].
col. ii:
Eumenos [Eumenês] (2); Emmone [Ammônas ?];
Egypt, unknown ---
25 43.3 x 21.4
wooden tablet (43.3 x 21.4 cm; ca. 1 cm thick) split across its width; two binding holes bored on one of the longer sides. Side a contains six columns of writing; col. i with 7, col. ii with 11, col. iii and iv with 8, col. v with 13, and col. vi with 6 lines, below which the date is inscribed. Side b contains two columns of writing; col. i with 9, and col. ii with 8 lines; to the right of col. ii the date is inscribed; maximum width reached by a column containing lists (side b, col. ii) is 14.2 cm; the intercolumnium on the surfaces ranges from virtually nil to 4.7 cm. On side a, left-hand margin in 4.1 cm wide; upper margin is 1 cm (minimum, the beginning of columns not being regular); right-hand margin ranges from 1.3 to 3.1 cm, whereas lower margin is at least 1.8 cm deep. On side b measurements are as follows: left-hand margin is 1.6 cm; upper margin 1 cm deep at least (col. ii starting lower due to the presence of the holes); lower margin 0.6 cm minimum, and the space to the right of col. ii is13.5 cm at its narrowest. school text
0303 65115 --- anon.
sheet? 03 list of words designating measures; col. ii seems to be a repetition of col. i, and in both the same word, ougkia, occurs every other line. --- AD 6 MPER N.S. 15, 114 (H. Harrauer - P. Sijpesteijn, 1985) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines, according to a repetitive structure blank list of words --- skilled and elegant cursive of medium size; ligatures, initial letters tend to be enlarged. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G. 15964 2003/09/22 Alberto Nodar 6356 orthographic mistakes: &#949; for &#953;&#959;. 06-08 papyrus --- 02 M-P 2328.1 ed. princ. pl. 41 --- Egypt, Hermopolites --- along the fibres 25 10.5 x 8
Papyrus fragment (10.5 x 8 cm) broken at the top and containing the remains of two columns (3 cm maximum width; intercolumnium ranging from 2 to 2.5 cm). Col. i has preserved 7 lines; col. ii, 5 lines. Left-hand margin is 3 cm wide; lower margin 1.5 cm deep; to the right, the last letter is prolonged so as to cause the right-hand margin to be virtually non-existent. lexicography / school text?
0304 65334 --- anon.
uncertain 16 Side 1: trisyllabic words beginning with d (alphabetic arrangament is not further extended); date on the right.
Side 2: trisyllabic words beginning with g (alphabetic arrangament is not further extended); date on the right.
125 AD 7 MPER N.S. 15, 60 (H. Harrauer - P. Sijpesteijn, 1985) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; graphic devices mark the beginning of columns, each presenting items starting with the same letter and with the same number of syllables opistograph list of words --- teacher's hand, with very large letters that slope slightly; contrast in the width of the letters. Amsterdam, Private Collection Moen HT 5 2003/09/22 Alberto Nodar 6580 In lists: syllables separated by blank spaces. Short horizontal stroke above &#953; in &#947;&#969;&#956;&#945;&#961;&#953; (side 2, l. 8), but the word is otherwise unknown to establish the meaning of the sign. Cross on the top left-hand corner of each side and before dates. Itacistc mistakes: &#953; for &#949;&#953;. Perhaps, gemination of &#957;, and &#949;&#953; for &#953;&#959; in side 2, l. 3 (or just &#945; for &#951;); faulty division in l. 13. 05-09 wooden tablet Side 1:
Ephesos (?).
01 --- ed. princ. pl. 16 Side 1:
Damaskos; Darios [Dareios]; Ephesos (?); Daniêl.
Side 2:
[Geôrgios (R)]; Galaad; [Genasios (R)]; Gamasis; Gabriêl; Genea; Gômari.
Egypt, unknown ---
29 38 x 13.5
Wooden tablet (38 x 13.5 cm) with two holes bored on one of the longer sides. Each side contains one column of writing (16 cm maximum width), of 6 lines on side 1, and of 8 lines on side 2. To the right of the columns stands a date, according to which the sequence of the sides is established (although editor expresses doubts as to whether both dates are written by the same hand). Space is quite evenly distributed on both sides; upper margin is 1.3 cm deep in both cases; on side 1, left-hand margin is 3.5 cm wide; lower margin is 4.5 cm, and the space to the right of the column is 20 cm wide. Measurements for side 2 are as follows: left-hand margin is 4.6 cm wide; lower margin is 3.6 cm, and the space to the right of the column in 22 cm. school text
0305 65730 --- Philetas? M. Naoumides, Greek Lexicography in the Papyri, diss., Univ. of Illinois, 1961, p. 180-206; L.W. Daly, Contributions to a History of Alphabetization in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Bruxelles, 1967, p. 29. roll?
parts of an alphabetical lexicon, arranged in order of the first two letters of each word, usually accompanied by a gloss on the same line. Lemmata, starting with d and with e, are not confined to Homeric words and their forms are capricious (perhaps taken from a quotation?). Possibly an abbreviated version of a lexicon, conceivably that of Philetas. --- 3 BC P. Hibeh 02, 175 (E. G.Turner, 1955) free standing list; one-word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of another word; each of these word+word groups is written in a separate line. Items are arranged alphabetically and, probably, in accordance with a model text. very fragmentary prose text in a rough upright capital; transcribed in ed. pr. of paraliterary text. list of words --- large, well-formed cursive hand often found in well-written documents of the later years of Philadelphus and the early years of Euergetes. London, British Library 2948 2003/10/22 Alberto Nodar, 2005/03/11 Marc Huys 6984 Iota adscript written. Correction by means of supralinear letters? Alteration of alphabetical order in fr. i l. 12 (gloss, rather than lemma?). No orthographic mistakes. 10-15 papyrus --- 01 2122
--- Egypt, Hibeh Philetas? along the fibres 1 fr. i: 3 x 10 ask for reproduction in Liège; check space between lemmata and glossai in fr. ii, and encode accordingly Two cartonnage papyrus scraps (fr. i 3 x 10 cm), broken at the top and at the bottom and containing the remains of one column each; col. i (fr. i), preserving the remnants of 16 lines, is not complete to the right. Col. ii (fr. ii) offers the remains of 6 lines. lexicography
0306 65352 --- anon.
uncertain 13 syllabification exercise; each column contains words - normally quadrisyllabic - beginning with a different letter, and offers seven instances (with the exception of col. iii on side a, which presents 8 words). In the case of the consonants, each vowel follows, arranged alphabetically. Many biblical names.
The sequence of intial letters is as follows:
Side a: col. i, [g?]; col. ii, d; col. iii, e; col. iv, g (trisyllabic).
Side b: col. i, z; col. ii, h; col. iii, q.
A date follows the last line of the last column on each side.
124 AD 7 Tavolette Lignee e Cerate da Varie Collezioni (Pap. Flor. 18), Firenze 1989, no. 6 (R. Pintaudi - P. J. Sijpesteijn) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines. Items are alphabetically arranged in columns which present graphic marks delimiting their ends (and, in one case, the beginning): each column (normally with the same number of items) contains words starting with the same letter -in the case of the consonants, the alphabetical order is extended to the second letter - and, apart from a few exceptions, with equal number of syllables opistograph list of words --- teacher's hand: very large letters written in an informal sloping majuscule; some ligatures or some strokes are drawn out. Vaticano, Biblioteca del Vaticano P. Vat. gr. 54 (formerly Vat. gr. 2655) 2003/09/23 Alberto Nodar 6598 Trema on &#953;; syllables are divided by blank spaces. Horizontal lines at end of most columns; coronis-like sign below one of them? Double oblique strokes before horizontal line below col. i side b. Cross on top left-hand corner of side b and preceding the date on each side (also preceding the traces before the date on side a). Possible orthographic mistakes: itacism: &#953; for &#953;&#951;; &#951; for &#953;; &#965; for &#951;. Confusion between &#951; and &#949;; &#960; for &#956;; simplification of double &#963;&#963;; simplification of group &#954;&#955; into &#954;. Orthographic mistakes: itacism: &#953; for &#949;&#953;; &#951; for &#965;. &#949; for &#953; and for &#949;&#953;; &#965; for &#949;; confusion between &#959; an &#969;; &#959;&#965; for &#946; ; &#947; for &#954;; &#950; for &#962;; &#964; for &#948;; late byzantine ending in -&#949;for personal names in -&#959;&#962; / -&#953;&#959;&#962;. 06-10 wooden tablet Side a:

col. i:

Gyparisos (R?) [Kyparissos].

col. ii:

Dioskôros [Dioskoros].

Side b:

col. i:

Zilouanos [Silbanos].

col. ii:

Hêraklitês [Hêrakleidês].
04 (side a);
03 (side b)
M-P 2667.1 ed. princ. pl. VII Side a:
col. i:
Gabrilia (R?) [Gabriêlia]; Gennadia (R?); Gêôrgios (R?) [Geôrgios]; Gilêkia (R?) [Kilikia]; Gornêlios (R?) [Kornêlios]; Gyparisos (R?) [Kyparissos]. col. ii:
Damianos; Dioskôros [Dioskoros]; Dôrothea. col. iii:
Emmanouêl; Eusebios; Eutropios; Esidôros [Isidôros]; Epiphanios; Eremias. Eudokia.
col. iv:
Gabriêl; Geôrge [Geôrgios]; Goliath; Gôebol.
Side b:
col. i:
Zacharias; Zeleukia [Seleukia]; Zêbastia [Sebasteia]; Zilouanos [Silbanos]; Zorobabel; Zynacherim [Senacheirim].
col. ii:
Hêraklia; Hêpatia [Hypatia]; Êsauria [Isauria]; Hêrakiane [Hêrakleiane / Hêrakleianos (?)]; Hêraklitês [Hêrakleidês].
Egypt, unknown ---
29 45 x 14
wooden tablet (45 x 14 cm, ca. 1 cm thick) with four recent holes at the angles, and two ancient ones on one of the longer sides; the tablet was cut in recent times -when the four holes were drilled-, to the left of side a, and must have originally been 8 cm longer. The surface was prepared for writing by means of a yellowish ink; traces of previous writing on side a. Side a contains four columns of writing of 7 lines each; except for col. iii, with 8 lines. Side b contains three columns of writing of 7 lines (maximum width for column is reached by col. ii, side b: 13 cm; the intercolumnium ranges from nil, between this col. and col. iii, to 3.4 cm between cols. iii and iv on side a). On side a the left-hand margin has not been preserved; upper margin is c. 1 cm, lower margin at least 0.8 cm. Right-hand margin, quite regular, is around 3 cm wide. On side b, left-hand margin is 11 cm; upper margin is irregular and ranges from 1.5 to 2.3; lower margin is at least 1.6 cm deep; right-hand margin has been lost. school text
0307 66377 --- anon.
list of proper names and other words, drawn to a great extent from the Old Testament; alphabetically arranged (d - q), but only as regards initials. --- ? Coptic Ostraca 431 (W. E. Crum, 1902) = MPER N.S. 18, 237 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) free standing list; one-word items not isolated but alphabetically arranged; the beginning of a group of them starting with a different letter is marked by a lexical heading, which may be reinforced by a graphic sign. blank list of words ---
London, British Museum ostr. 12(?) 2003/09/25 Alberto Nodar 7627 Entries of a new letter are introduced by the name of that letter, which may be preceded by a cross. Presence of Coptic characters. Probable orthographic mistakes: itacism: &#953; for &#949;&#953;, &#951; for &#965;. &#951; for &#959;; &#949; for &#953;&#949;; &#951; for &#945; (or for &#953;); confusion between &#959; and &#969;; omission of final &#949;; &#950; for &#963;; substitution of &#958; in the place of aspiration; omission of &#963; in group &#963;&#967;; omission of final -&#945;&#956; / -&#953;&#956;. 03-16 ostracon (limestone) Dios; Hermês. 01

Daibôn; Dios; Euha [Eua]; Enôch; Esrôm (R); Hermês; Eglôn; Echôl [Eschôl (?)]; Eththei; Escha [Iescha (?)]; Eldad; Elam; Zôê; Zambrei; Zachour; Zeiba; Zaêl; Zômorôn (R?) [Sômôrôn]; Êbrach [Abraham (?)]; Thabôr (R?). Upper Egypt, Deir el-Bahari ---

ostracon, broken to the right and, partially, to the left. It contains the remains of 19 lines arranged in a single column. school text
0308 68648 --- anon. SB 16603 codex 09.4 [in lists] each side presents four columns with multiplication tables: of 300 (t) on side a, and 400 (u) on side b; a fifth column contains a list of words (almost all of them trisyllabic): beginning with m on side a, and with n on side b. The alphabetic arrangement extends to the second letter, following the sequence of vowels. A date follows. Mixture of Greek and Coptic words, abundance of personal names taken from the Bible (perhaps an identified quotation). --- AD 7 BIFAO 101 (2001), pp. 169-175, no. 9 (J.-L. Fournet) list as part of a school notebook;
list of words --- teacher's hand: multiplications in the contemporary cursive (upright letters, ornamented with apices); lists of words in a formal sloping pointed majuscule. Date more cursively written, but probably by the same hand. Cairo, Coptic Museum 1006 (4079) 2003/06/13 Alberto Nodar 9920 In lists: trema on &#953;; syllables separated by blank spaces; a horizontal line marks end of list (they can also be found at end of sections in the tables). Cross at the top left corner on each side, after the tables, and before the dates. Use of the Coptic article, Coptic letters and of the Coptic forms under which many Greek words were borrowed. Orthographic mistakes: &#965;for &#953;; simplification of double &#963;&#963;; probable confusion between &#951; and &#949;. 06 -08 [in lists] wooden tablet side a:
col. v:
Manasê [Manassê / Manassês]; Melchei [Melchi]; Mêsias [Messias (?)]; Môysês.
side b:
col. v:
Nikanôr; Nôhe [Nôe].
05 M-P 2734.21 ed. princ. p. 181 side a:
col. v:
Manasê [Manassê / Manassês]; Melchei [Melchi]; Mêsias [Messias (?)]; Môysês.
side b:
col. v:
Nikanôr; Nôhe [Nôe].
Egypt, unknown Ac. 2, 11 (?)
29 36 x 19.5
Wooden tablet (36 x 19.5 cm), originally belonging to a codex (according to the order of the multiplication tables, this would be the eleventh tablet of the codex). Two holes bored on one of the longer sides. Traces of previous writing. Each side contains 5 columns (maximum column width, reached in the lists, is 9.4 cm; intercolumnium separating the columns of the lists from the others is at least 1.8 cm wide). Left-hand and right-hand margins are quite regular on both sides; on side a they measure 3.8 and 5 cm (minimum for the latter), respectively; on side b they are 4.5 and 2.3 cm (minimum for the latter), respectively. The upper margin ranges on both sides from 0.5 to 2.5 cm, due to the presence of the two drilled holes. Lower margin on side a ranges from 0.5 to 8.6 cm, and from nil to 6.3 on side b. In both cases, the deepest value is reached below the column containing the word lists. school text
0309 64979 --- anon.
codex 04.5 Flesh side: groups of words divided into syllables, the words belonging to the second group end in -ia; those in the third group could end either in -ia or -eia. The words of both groups consist of 5 syllables. Hair side: groups of words of 5 syllables ending in -ia, but not clearly divided into syllables (only the first syllable of each word is written separately).
Words are somewhat rare.
120 AD 6 ZPE 72 (1988), p. 263-266 (G. Ioannidou) = BKT 09, 199 (G. Ioannidou, 1996) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines and grouped in fours, seemingly, by graphic devices in column. Items have the same number of syllables and similar endings.
list of words --- Biblical majuscule of medium size: formal bookhand; a school manual. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 21293 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 6220 Syllables separated by blank spaces on the flesh side; on the hair side, only the first syllable of each word is separated by a blank space from the rest. Both sides are divided by horizontal lines to groups of 4 lines. Possible gemination of &#959;. 10 (maximum number preserved) parchment --- 01
ed. princ. pl. VII (b and c); BKT 09, pl. 80 --- Egypt, Hermoupolis ? ---
25 4.5 x 3.9
fragment of a parchment codex, broken off on all sides; each side preserves the remains of 8 lines arranged in a single column of writing (maximum preserved width coincides with that of the piece itself). No margins have been preserved, with the exception of a minimal right-hand margin of 0.15-0.3 cm on the flesh side. school text (manual)
0310 64004 --- anon. BL III, 265 (l. 6); BL VII, 291 (l. 6); K. F. W. Schmidt, Phil. Woch. 56 (1936), p. 718; H. C. Youtie, CP 37 (1942), pp. 148-149 [= H.C. Youtie, Scriptiunculae II (Amsterdam, 1973), pp. 826-827, with addenda, p. 829]; G. Wagner - J. Quaegebeur, BIFAO 73 (1973), p. 44. sheet 05 list of seven Egyptian deities, all in the genitive case. 108 AD 3 O. Mich. 01, 656 (L. Amundsen, 1935) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines (isolation reinforced by graphic marks before some items); no further structuring principle blank list of gods --- teacher's or older student's hand: fluent and sure, with cursive &#945;, &#949;and &#960;. Cairo, Egyptian Museum, olim Ann Arbor, Michigan University, O. Mich. inv. 4609 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 5219 Oblique slashes to the left of some lines: marking new entry? Wrong genitive ending in -&#927;&#965;&#962; for &#7961;&#961;&#956;&#951;&#962;; 06-13 (R) ostracon Isis; Sarapis; Hermês [Thoth]; Harpokratês; Apis; Mestasytmis (R); Anoubis. 01 2685 Cribiore, pl. XI Isis; Sarapis; Hermês [Thoth]; Harpokratês; Apis; Mestasytmis (R); Anoubis. Egypt, Fayum, Karanis ---
16 6.1 x 10.4 In DDBDP:
Incomplete ostracon (6.1 x 10.4 cm), broken to the left. It presents 7 lines of writing arranged in a single column (5 cm maximum width). Upper margin is 1.7 cm (maximum depth); lower margin reaches its maximum depth at ca. 2.5 cm; right-hand margin ranges from 0.35 to 2.6 cm. Left-hand margin, as it is preserved, ranges from virtually nil to 0.7 cm. school text / lexicography http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.438@@
0311 61398 --- Isocrates
codex 04.3 Side a: beginning of Ad Demonicum § 24; to the left and right, remnants of two and one further columns, respectively (remains of number exercises?), separated by vertical lines.
Side b: words (mostly proper names) distributed in six columns, each one for a different letter, from i to x; the alphabetical arrangement extends to, at least, the second letter of each word.
The name of the pupil for whom the exercises were set (Aurelios Theodoros) and a date precede the text on both sides.
308 AD 5 ZPE 75 (1988), pp. 297-300 (F. Maltomini - C. Römer) list as part of a school book; one-word items written in separate lines and alphabetically arranged: one column for each initial letter, and within each column, the alphabetical arrangement extends to, at least, the second letter.
list of words --- teacher's hand: large and flexible. The letters, upright or slightly slanting, are ligatured, but they are more rigid on side a. Some letters are made cursively. Köln, private collection 2003/09/24 Alberto Nodar 2542 In lists: trema on &#965;; dropping of final -&#959;&#962; in -&#953;&#959;&#962; ending 04-07 wooden tablet side B:
06 [in list] M-P 2736.22 ed. princ. pl. X side B:
Aurêlios Theodôros; Ioustos (2); Ioulios; Kalos; Laos; Leonti [Leontios]; Maria; Martha; Nilos; Xenos.
Egypt, Fayum ? Isocrates, Ad Demonicum § 24
23 27 x 6
Fragment of wooden tablet (27 x 6 cm; 0.7 cm thick) written along the longer dimension; only the upper part has been preserved. Two holes have been drilled in the middle of the upper longer side, and another pair has been bored conically, to the left and right of the vertical pair, presenting thier wider, oval form on side a. The wood between these two holes has been lost. Notch on side b, probably made as an aid to establish the order of the tablets belonging to the original codex. On side b, the six columns containing the lists (4.3 cm maximum width; intercolumnium ranging from 0.2 to 1.7 cm) have preserved two lines each, except for col. v, where the first line has gone lost, and col. vi, where the first line has also been lost, but remains of a line after the second one have been preserved. Because of the breakage of the tablet no lower margin has been preserved; upper margin is at least 0.9 cm; left-hand margin is 0.5 cm, and right-hand one is 0.4 cm (minimum). school text
0312 65428 --- anon.
sheet 11.2 alphabetical list of Greek words in &#965;, &#966; and &#967; All the words are rare and unusual, some seem coined for the occasion. The alphabetical arrangement does not seem to go beyond the first letter of each word. 126 AD 7 - AD 8 Coptic and Greek Texts of the Christian Period from Ostraka, Stelae, etc. in the British Museum, London 1905, pl. XII, no. 3 - pl. XIII, no. 1, p. 16 (H. R. Hall)
opistograph list of words --- student's hand: rapid, bilinear except for &#966;, writes well-formed, separated letters with a thick pen. London, British Library ostr. 27432 2003/06/20 Alberto Nodar 6675 trema (single dot) on initial &#965;; trema on &#953;. Orthographic mistakes: itacistic &#951; for &#953; and for &#965;; various misspellings: &#959; for &#945;; &#945; for &#951;; confusion between &#959; and &#969;; &#947; for &#951;; &#957;&#954;; &#948; for &#954;; &#964; for &#968; and intrusion of &#963; before &#966;; span class="grec">&#968; for &#954;; &#924;&#951;&#957;&#953; for &#924;&#957;&#951;; &#934;&#953;&#967;&#945;&#967;&#964;&#951;&#963;&#964;&#953;&#945;&#957;&#959;&#962; for &#934;&#953;&#955;&#959;&#967;&#961;&#953;&#963;&#964;&#953;&#945;&#957;&#959;&#962;; substitution of -&#932;&#951;&#962; as an ending in the place of -&#929;&#959;&#962;; of -&#921;&#956;&#949;&#957;&#959;&#962; in the place of -&#969;&#957; as a participial ending. 11-16 ostracon (calcareous stone) --- 01 2692 ed. princ. pl. 12 - 13; Cribiore, pl. XII --- Upper Egypt ---
31 12.8 x 9
ostracon (12.8 x 9 cm); calcareous stone. Each side presents a single column (11.2 cm maximum width), with 6 lines on the obverse and 7 lines on the reverse. The space tends to be fully used, and thus margins are very narrow: on the obverse, left-hand and upper margins are virtually non-existent; lower margin is 1.8 cm deep (maximum), and right-hand margin ranges from nil to 1.2 cm. On the reverse, the space has been entirely used down to the bottom, which causes the absence of the lower margin; right-hand margin ranges from nil (with an almost superscribed letter at the end of l. 2) to 1.4 cm. Left-hand margin is 2.3 cm (maximum width); upper margin is ca. 0.6 cm. school text
0313 64365 --- anon. Cribiore, no. 400 (on reading in 36, l. 3) codex 09.8 Tablet 1 (VI in ed. pr.);
side 33 (side numbering taken from ed. pr.): front cover; no writing.
side 34: division exercise (another writing exercise - different formulas, still partly visible - has been written over it)
Tablet 2 (VII in ed. pr.);
side 35: division exercise (continued).
side 36: syllabification exercise; list of trisyllabic words beginning with p (no further alphabetic arrangement), with date at the end.
Tablet 3 (VIII in ed. pr.);
side 37: table of additions, from 5 onwards, followed by further traces corresponding to different letters.
side 38: table of additions, from 200, followed by date.
Tablet 4 (IX in ed. pr.);
side 39: writing exercises (letters and some words or partial words), in different directions.
side 40: alphabet written several times; turning the tablet upside down, a proper name can be read.
Tablet 5 (X in ed. pr.);
side 41: various traces, among which letters of the alphabet can be found. A proper name can be read turning the tablet upside down.
side 42: back cover; no writing.
400 AD 3 - AD 4 - AD 5 Tavolette Lignee e Cerate da Varie Collezioni (Pap. Flor. 18), Firenze 1989, nos. 33-42 (P. Cauderlier) list as part of a school notebook; one-word items written in separate lines; column-end is marked by a graphic device. Items, presenting the same number of syllables, are alphabetically arranged.
list of words --- In list (surface 36): teacher's hand, with clear, well-spaced, large letters. The hand is vertical, upright, and influenced by the chancery style. Initial letters seem slightly enlarged; a few ligatures; is formed cursively. There are other hands (e.g. alphabetic on surfaces 40 and 41), more or less practiced. Paris, Louvre MNE - 912 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 5587 in list: long paragraphos at end of exercise; correction by deletion: adding wax on wrong letter, or by writing over the wrong strokes; syllables separated by blank spaces; orthographic mistakes: perhaps &#951; for &#945;. 07-09 [in lists] waxed wooden tablets in list (surface 36):

Potammôn [Potamôn];
01 [in list] M-P 2643.12 ed. princ. pl. XLIII - LII in list (surface 36):

Potammôn [Potamôn];
Palladês [Palladas (?)];
Egypt, unknown Palladas (?)
18 22 x 15.5
Complete codex of five waxed wooden tablets (22 x 15.5 cm; the entire codex is 3.2 cm thick, being the first cover alone 1cm thick); six holes, grouped into pairs, have been drilled on one of the longer sides (tablet 4 - IX in ed. pr. - has been broken at the level of the upper wooden border, carrying the holes. A reparation has been tried by drilling another six holes; four on the lower part, and two further on the detached upper border). Two groups of three notches across the upper edge of the codex determine the arrangement of the tablets. The distance between the edges and the hollowed out, waxed surface is 1.2 cm. Surfaces 33 and 42 (the covers of the codex), have not been hollowed out or waxed. Surface 34 contains a hollow space at the bottom, to keep the writing utensils, which causes the height of the waxed surface to be reduced to 10 cm; the space is 0.8 cm deep. On surface 36, containing the list, five lines of writing are arranged in a single column (9.8 cm maximum width); margins are evenly disposed; measurements from the edges of the waxed surface are as follows: upper margin is 1.14 cm, lower margin is 2.28 cm deep (minimum). The left-hand margin becomes wider towards column end, ranging from 1.15 to 1.7 cm. Right-hand margin ranges from 8.8 to 9.5 cm. school text
0314 66069 --- anon. First mentioned in print by P. L. Alisan, Bazmavêp 49 (1892), p. 39, then discussed in Y. Tasean, An Overview of Armenian Palaeography; Study of the Art of Writing of the Armenians, Vienna 1898, pp. 93-105 (= Handês Amsôreay 11 (1897) pp. 325-331). G. Cuendet, Handês Amsôreay 52 (1938), pp. 57-65; M. Leroy, Byzantion 13 (1938), pp. 513-537; W. Hengstenberg, BZ 38 (1938), p. 494; C. Préaux, CdE 14 (1939), pp. 187-188; D. Kouymjian, Révue des Études Arméniens NS 25 (1995), pp. 301-311; idem in D. Sakayan (ed.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Armenian Linguistics, Delmar NY, 1996, pp. 381-386; idem in F. Deroche and F. Richard (eds.), Scribes et Manuscrits du Moyen Orient, 1997, pp. 177-198, esp. 185-187; idem in M. Rassart-Debergh (ed.), Études Coptes V (1998), pp. 165-169; J. Clackson, Atti del XXII Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia (Firenze 1998), Firenze 2001, pp. 207-218; D. Kouymjian in M. Stone, H. Lehmann and D. Kouymjian (eds.), Album of Armenian Palaeography, Aarhus 2002, pp. 59-63; J.Clackson, ZPE 141 (2002), p. 116. sheet 30 (R) Greek in Armenian script: conversational phrases; rudimentary verb conjugations; word-lists arranged by topic and chreiae and sententiae.
Side a (across the fibres):
ll. 1-5: obscure; ll. 6-19: colloquia (with inserted conjugations at 13 and 17); ll. 19-22: word lists (19-20 de ferramentis; 20-21 de artificibus; 21-22 de pellibus); l. 23: Christian blessings; l. 24: colloquia; ll. 24-35: word lists (24 de supellectili, de fictilibus; 25-30 de membris humanis; 31-32 de militia; 33 de uestimentibus; 34-35 horsemanship).
Side b (along the fibres):
ll. 1-2: obscure; ll. 3-17: word lists (3-5 de escis (?); 6 de holeribus; 7 de escis; 8 de fictilibus; 9-10 no clear topic; 10 de caelo; 11-12 de moribus humanis; 13-15 no clear topic; 15-16 de cognatione; 17 no clear topic); l. 18: conjugations; ll. 19-20: word lists (19 de tempestatibus; 19-20 adjectives); ll. 20-24: Diogenes chreiae; ll. 24-25: sententiae; ll. 25-33: word lists ?; largely with no clear topic except 25 de cognatione (?), 26 de nauigatione, 31 de linteamine (?), and 32-33 menses;
l. 34: colloquia.
--- AD 5 - AD 7 Annuaire de l'Institut de Philologie et d'Histoire Orientales 5 (1937), pp. 219-226 (G. Cuendet); J. Clackson, ZPE 129 (2000), pp. 223-258 (full edition) list as part of a notebook? one-word (exceptionally one-phrase) items normally isolated by a colon, but sometimes by a single dot, apostrophe, a co-ordinate conjunction (most exceptionally), or just not isolated, since as a rule no blank spaces are left between items. Items arranged in semantic groups opistograph list of words --- see D. Kouymjian in M. Stone, H. Lehmann and D. Kouymjian (eds.), Album of Armenian Palaeography, Aarhus 2002, pp. 59-63. Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, BnF Arm. 332 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 6539 not applicable not applicable papyrus none in lists 01 2136 ed. princ. pl. II; Y. Tasean, An Overview of Armenian Palaeography; Study of the Art of Writing of the Armenians, Vienna 1898, fig. 6; J. Clackson, ZPE 129 (2000), pp. 224-227; M. Stone, H. Lehmann and D. Kouymjian (eds.), Album of Armenian Palaeography, Aarhus 2002, fig. 16, p. 63; none in lists Egypt, Fayum ? Diogenes

24 22.4 x 17.6
4 fragments, which combined according to correct realignment result in a sheet measuring 22.4 x 19.2 cm; on both sides the writing is arranged in one single column, which, in its entirity, would be 30 cm wide. Side a presents 35 lines; side b, 34. On side a, the left-hand and bottom margins have been preserved to a maximum width of 0.4 and 0.5 cm, respectively. No upper or right-hand margins have been preserved. On side b no margins are extant. educational text
0315 1379 --- anon. Journal d'entrée du Musée, no. 51719 sheet
col. i: from an account of general expenditure in connection with a boat; the items have been checked, as shown by the usual slanting strokes. Traces of a preceding column on the left.
col. ii: list of the Egyptian months of the year, according to the order of the Egyptian calendar.
--- 3 BC P.Cair.Zen. 04, 59754 (C. C. Edgar, 1931) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines (two of them with graphic marks reinforcing line-end). Items arranged chronologically blank list of months ---
Cairo, Egyptian Museum 59754 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 10739 in list: &#928;&#945;&#967;&#969;&#957;&#962;(sic) and &#928;&#945;&#965;&#957;&#953;have been checked off like the items of expenditure in col. i. 04-08 [in list] papyrus --- 03 M-P 2332.1
--- Egypt, Fayum, Philadelpheia --- along the fibres 1 17 x 32.5 in DDBDP: www.perseus.tufts.edu/cgi-bin/ptext?doc=Perseus%3Atext%3A1999.05.0092&layout=&loc=59754
papyrus fragment (17 x 32.5 cm), presenting two columns of writing; col. i has 16 lines; col. ii, 12. There are remains of another column to the left of the first one. No upper or left-hand margins preserved.

0316 65412 --- anon. E. Kiessling, SB 06 (1963), no. 9615; D. Hagedorn, ZPE 55 (1984), pp. 146-153; K. Treu, APF 32 (1986), p. 93, no. 999a; C. Gallazzi; P.Lugd.-Bat. 25, 12 (1991) sheet 11.5 list of the 40 martyrs from Sebaste --- AD 7 - AD 8 Serta Eusebiana: Miscellanea Philologica, Genova 1958, pp. 122-124 (A. Traversa) = P. Genova 01, 41 (M. Amelotti - L. Migliardi Zingale, 1974)
free standing list; one-word items isolated by blank spaces and arranged according to a model. accounts: P. Genova 01, 40 list of words --- transition from majuscule to minuscule script; medium sized letters mostly separated, although there are some ligatures. Quickly executed by a skilled hand. Non-bilinear script. Genova, Università degli Studi 1243 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 6659 Correction by writing over the wrong strokes or by crossing them out; names separated by blank spaces; possible orthographic mistakes: &#949; and &#945;&#953; for &#953;; omission of &#953; in -&#953;&#959;&#963; ending. 14-27 papyrus --- 01
P. Genova 01, pl. XXV Oualerios; Eutychios; Bebaianos [Bibianos]; Lysimachos; Kyrillos; Eutychianos [Eutychos]; Eunoichos; Phlauios; Xanthios; Leontios; Melitôn; Hygios; Ekdikos [Ekdikios]; Aetios; Akakios; Nikolaos; Iôannês; Choudiôn; Gaios; Klaudios; Athanasios; Priscos; Kandidos; Sakerdôn; Gorgonios; Theodoulos; Theophilos; Domnos. Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres 31 12.5 x 9 in DDBDP:
Single papyrus fragment (12.5 x 9 cm), presenting 10 lines of writing arranged in a single column (11.5 cm maximum width), although the blank spaces separating words create the impression of three columns in the case of ll. 1-5. The fragment is broken at the top, and, therefore, no upper margin has been preserved. Left-hand margin is ca. 1 cm wide; lower margin is 1.5 cm deep, and right-hand margin ranges from nil to 4.2 cm (in l. 10). amulet
0317 65497 --- anon.
codex 06.6 [in list] Tablet 1:
side a is carved with ornamental geometric drawings;

side b: mathematical exercise.
Tablet 2:
side a contains proper names organised in three groups; within each group names are arranged alphabetically, but only the first letter is taken into account for this purpose.
side b: only a few traces of writing are visible, probably belonging to numbers.
Tablet 3: blank
411 AD 7 CdE 57 (1982), pp. 303-308 (B. Rom - H. Harrauer) (Tablet 2) + MPER N.S. 15, 171 (H. Harrauer - P. Sijpesteijn, 1985) (Tablet 1). list as part of a school notebook; one-word items written in separate lines and arranged in three groups, alphabetically, but without any further graphic marks
list of names --- teacher's hand: practiced with a few ligatures. The letters are upright, neat and elegant. A few letters are narrow, and the omicron's are tiny. Wien, Private Collection. Barbara WT 1 (Tablet 1) + 2 (Tablet 2) 2003/10/07 Alberto Nodar 6747 In list: final stroke of final letters in line usually lengthened (to create impression of regularity in the size of columns); one case of trema on initial &#953;. Orthographic mistakes: confusion between &#959; and &#969;; &#964; for &#948;; &#950; for &#962;. Dropping of final -&#959;&#962; in -&#953;&#959;&#963; ending; some of the names appear in the genitive case. 04-12 [in list] waxed wooden tablet col. i:
col. ii:
col. iii:
04 [in list] M-P 2309.3 CdE 57 (1982), p. 304 (Tablet 2, side a); MPER N.S. 15, pl. 79 (Tablet 1, side b) col. i:
Andreas; Basileios; Grêgorios; Daniêl; Damianos; Eutychios; Kosmas; Kônstantinos; Kollouthos; [Timotheos]; Dioskoros; Zacharias; Êlias.
col. ii:
Thômas; Theodôros; Theophilos; Iakôb; Iôannês; Kyriakos; Kleopatra; Leontios; Loukas; Mariam; Markianos; Nestorios; Onôphrios.
col. iii:
Paulos; [Prokla (?)]; Rhachêl; Rhoubin; Rhouphos; Sara; Sergios; Tabês; [Philothê (?)]; Phileas;[Christophori (?)]; Chronios.
col. iv:
Hôriôn; Alexandros; Athanasios; Beniamin; [Gennadios]; Goliath; Daniêl; Ezdra [Esdra]; Iezekiêl; Iezekias; Iôannaki [Iôannakios (?)].
Egypt, unknown ---
29 27 x 16.5
Waxed wooden triptychon (27 x 16.5 cm; 0.7 cm thick); writing surface (ca. 24 x 13.5 cm) has been hollowed out (ca. 0.1 cm deep) and filled with wax. Four holes, arranged in two pairs, on one of the longer sides, as well as a nail for the closing of the triptycon on the other longer side of tablet 1 have been preserved. Writing in tablet 1 is parallel to the short sides, where in tablet 2 it is parallel to the longer sides. Tablet 2, side a, containing the list, presents four columns of writing (6.6 cm maximum width; intercolumnium ranges from nil to 2.9 cm); cols. i and ii have 13 lines each; col. iii 12, and col. iv 11 lines. The space on this side tends to be fully used; lower margin is non-existent at some points, reaching only 0.4 cm of maximum depth at others, which is also the maximum upper margin. Left-hand margin is 1 cm wide, and right-hand margins range from nil to 3.6 cm. school text
0318 62217 --- anon. J. van Haelst, Catalogue des Papyrus Littéraires Juifs et Chrétiens, Paris 1976, no. 77. sheet
list of personal names chosen arbitrarily from I Esdras 9, 21-23, apart from Mithritatês [Mithradates (?)], present in Esdras only twice (II Esdras 1, 8 and 4, 7). --- AD 6 - AD 7(?) P.Mon.Epiph. 02, 581 (H. G. E. White, 1926) free standing list; one-word items isolated by high dots, but not written in separate lines, and arranged according to a model blank list of names --- coarse, square uncial without any ligatures; lines and letters are evenly spaced; roughly bilinear. Not an unexperienced hand. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 12.180.184 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 3377 Words separated by blank spaces and high dot; trema on initial &#953;. Various misspellings seemingly due to wrong segmentation of quoted (by hearing, perhaps) text and/or wrong hearing?; &#953; and &#959; for &#945;, &#945; for &#959;; &#949; for &#945;&#953;?; &#964; for &#964;; &#954; for &#946; ; &#962; for &#950;; epenthesis of &#949; between consonants; omission of initial &#962;. 04-16 ostracon --- 01
P.Mon.Epiph. 02, pl. XIV Mithritatês [Mithradates (?)]; Bedaios (?) [Zabdaios]; Manês; Azarios [Azarias]; Eliôn [Eliônais / Eliônas]; Massias [Asseias]; Ismaêlos; Nathanaêlos; [Ôkailêdos / Ôkeidêlos]; Althas [Salthas / Saloas]; Iôsabdos [Iôzabdos]; Kônos [Kôlios]; Pathaios [Phathaios]; Sebos [Eliasebos / Eliasibos]; Kakchouras [Bakchouros]. Egypt, Diospolis Magna I Esdras 9, 22-24
broken ostracon containing 11 lines of writing arranged in a single column. Christian text
0077 ---
0319 64317 --- anon. N. Baplu, The Word List P.Lund VI 11 (inv. 9): Re-edition and Commentary, APF 52 (2006), p. 14-30. sheet 04.8 list of 15 nouns, arranged without any apparent order, which concern abstract ideas (sometimes personified), religion and geography. 111 AD 3 - AD 4 (?) P.Lund 06, 11 (E. J. Knudtzon, 1951-52) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; no clear structuring principle is to be observed. blank list of words --- student's hand: "evolving"; writes in a thick pen that makes it appear clumsier; some letters are cursive. Lund, University Library, Papyrus Collection 9 2003/09/24 Alberto Nodar 5538 Itacism: &#953; for &#949;&#953;, &#959;&#953; and &#951;. Confusion between &#959; and &#967;; elimination of &#953; in &#949;&#953; diphthong before vowel sound. Dative instead of nominative in one of the items? 04-10 papyrus Homonoia; Aphroditê; [Helenê (?)]; Eirênê; Hermês.

01 2744 ed. princ. pl. 1; Cribiore, pl. X; APF 52 (2006) pl. II. Eugenia [Eugeneia];
Homonoia; Alexandreia; Aphroditê; Eulogia; [Helenê (?)]; Eirênê; Eudoxia; Hermês; Nikêphoros.

Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres 18 5.5 x 15.3
papyrus fragment (5.5 x 15.3 cm), broken to the left and at the bottom. It contains 15 lines of writing arranged in a single column (4.8 cm maximum width). Left-hand margin, rather irregular, has been preserved to a maximum of 1 cm, but it does not exist for some lines; right-hand margin ranges from nil to 2.4 cm. Upper margin is 0.4 cm deep (maximum), whereas lower margin has not been preserved. school text
0320 64641 --- anon. H.-A. Rupprecht - J. Hengstl, SB 20 (1997), no. 14885 sheet
list of words, among which there are some Biblical names; on the obverse, words begin with f in col. i, with c in col. ii (with the exception of l. 8, seemingly beginning with k); in col. iii they begin with a, and in col. iv with b. On the reverse, in col. i, l. 1 begins with a and l. 4 with i (nothing can be read with certainty from ll. 2-3); in col. ii words begin with k. Inside each group of words beginning with the same letter no further alphabetical arrangement can be observed strictly speaking, although the scribe (or the person to whom the original list was due) seems to write all the words he remembers with the same second letter (i. e. words beginning with fw- in obverse, col. i, or with ba- in col. iv) --- AD 4 - AD 5 - AD 6 - AD 7 Les oasis d'Egypte à l'époque grecque, romaine et byzantine d'après les documents grecs, Cairo 1987, O. Bahria 1, pp. 87-88 (G. Wagner). free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines and arranged alphabetically opistograph list of words --- coarse square uncial with separated letters; if it is a school text could be a student's "evolving" hand. Cairo, Egyptian Museum JE IX 25/7/48/1 2003/10/09 Alberto Nodar 5872 trema on &#953; (inorganic in middle position); simplification of double &#956;; &#948;&#964;; maybe, abnormal ending in -&#951; for a personal noun in -&#945;&#962; . 03-08 ostracon (limestone) --- 04 (on the obverse); 02 (on the reverse)
ed. princ. pl. XXXVI obverse:
col. ii:
Chalastra (?, R); Chebrôn [Hebrôn]; Chios.
col. iii:
Ambachoum [Abbakoum]; Amadas [Ammatas].
col. iv:
Basias; [Barnabas]; Bartholomaios (?, R).
col. i:
col. ii:
Kolochas? [Kolochios].
Egypt, Oasis Parva ---
visibility conditions in general, and by all means in reproduction, do not allow measurements; no information about size provided in ed. pr. or SB; no scales in plate.
ostracon (limestone); the ink has faded away all over the surface except for three words in col. iii of the obverse. On that side; remains of four columns have been preserved: col. i with 4 lines; col. ii with 9; col. iii with 12 and col. iv with 4 (above which 3 lines have gone lost). On the reverse, the remains of two columns of four lines each have been preserved. school text?
0321 65444 --- anon.
side 1: list of Coptic verbs;
side 2: list of trisyllabic words beginning with a and b; the alphabetical order is not taken beyond the first letter, although there is a tendency to register words with the same second letter together. Most words are proper names.
128 AD 7 - AD 8 (?) Coptic Ostraca 432 (W. E. Crum, 1902) = MPER N.S. 18, 231 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990) (just side 2).
free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; items, with the same number of syllables, and arranged alphabetically opistograph list of words --- perhaps a teacher's, writing both sides, fluent and bent to the right. It shows some irregularities that may be due to the rough surface. London, British Museum ostr. 33110 2003/10/09 Alberto Nodar 6691 In list: syllables separated by blank spaces; simplification of double &#955;. 05-08 [in list] ostracon (limestone) --- 01 [in list] M-P 2137.1 Cribiore, pl. XIII Achilas [Achillas]; Andreas; Astarôth; Barnabas; Bathouêl. Upper Egypt, Deir el-Bahari ---
from the picture, a further line seems to stand between ll. 2 and 3. Because no scale is provided, it is not possible to make measurements (which are not provided in the editions). incomplete ostracon, broken at the bottom and to the left (looking at side 2); side 2 contains 11(?) lines of writing arranged in a single column; the left-hand margin is virtually non-existent, and the lower margin has not been preserved. school text
0322 66373 --- anon.
sheet not applicable recto (across the fibres): epistolary formulae and tax formulae, in Greek and Coptic; verso (along the fibres; turned upside down): letter formula? in Coptic (l. 2) and names; all personal but for a geographical one. --- AD 8 MPER N.S. 18, 119 (M. R. M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990). list as part of a set of exercises; one-word items mostly isolated by blank spaces (not arranged in a column); no structuring principle to be observed opistograph list of names --- Teacher's hand: responsible for the whole writing except for the two lines written following the model set at recto, l. 8 (letter formula in Coptic). Able and experienced; mostly cursive and quickly executed except for the line carrying the model, with separated letters. Roughly bilinear.
Student's hand: ll. 9-10 on the recto; "rapid" with use of ligatures.
Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung K 1249 2003/10/06 Alberto Nodar 7623 The list (on the verso) is interspersed with various letters (some supralinear) and symbols, among which the cross and an oblique slash; use of abbreviations. Orthographic mistakes: confusion between &#959; and &#969;. 08-13 [in list (lines containing names in Greek)] papyrus
01 [in list]
ed. princ. pl. 44-45 in list:
Chalêd; Ammônios; Chaêl; Phoibammôn (2); Chôrion Monachou.
Egypt, unknown ---
33 19 x 15.2
papyrus fragment (19 x 15.2 cm); on the verso (containing the names), the 10 lines of writing are not arranged in a uniform column, but they start and end at very different points on the surface, ranging from ca. 1 cm off the left-hand edge to 8.8 cm for the starting point, and 7.3 to 1.3 cm from the right-hand edge as the end point. Upper margin is ca. 1 cm, lower one ca. 5.5 cm deep. school text
0323 63166 --- anon.
chronological list of the Ptolemaic kings, from Ptolemaeus VII Neos Philopator to Ptolemaeus XIII, the older brother of Cleopatra. --- AD 1 P.Oxy. 19, 2222 (E. P. Wegener, 1948) free standing list; one-word and one-phrase items appear in a complex sentence syntactic structure (no graphic device); items are arranged chronologically. blank list of kings --- non-literary type Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/09/24 Alberto Nodar 4371 Use of abbreviation symbol for &&#7957;&#964;&#959;&#962;; intrusive iota adscript; supralineation to indicate numeric value of letters; superscription. Itacistic misspellings: &#949;&#953; for &#953;. 42 (R) -52 (R) min. and max. of fully reconstructed lines papyrus --- 01 2209
fr. a:
Ptolemaios (R) Philomêtôr [Ptolemy VI Philometor]; [Ptolemy VII Neos Philopator (R)]; Ptolemaios (R) [Ptolemy VIII Euergetes]; Ptolemaios deuteros Sôtêr [Ptolemy IX Soter II].
fr. b:
Alexandros [Ptolemy X / Alexander I]; Alexandros [Ptolemy XI / Alexander II]; Ptolemaios (2) [Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysus Auletes]; Ptolemaios Sôtêr [Ptolemy IX Soter II]; Ptolemaios [Ptolemy XIII]; Kleopatra (2) [Cleopatra VII Thea].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus --- along the fibres 9 fr. a: 5 x 6.2;
fr. b: 6.2 x 14

Two papyrus fragments (fr. a measuring 5 x 6.2 cm; fr. b, 6.2 x 14 cm), between which there are no missing lines. However, it is not possible to join them with certainty due to the fragmentary condition of the end of fr. a and the beginning of fr. b. Fr. a has preserved the remains of 5 lines of writing arranged in a single column; fr. b contains the remains of 10 lines (the scanty remains of the first one very probably belonging to l. 5 of fr. a) in a single column. chronology / history ---
0324 64314 --- anon. P. Parsons, CR 77 (NS 13) (1963), p. 325, SB VI 9624 codex 03.8 (maximum preserved) [in list] one leaf offers line-beginnings (across the fibres) and line-ends (along the fibres) from an astronomical work; the other contains an Egyptian Royal Canon from the Persians to Philip the Arabian, seemingly with a historical notice on the change of dynasty after the death of Cleopatra VII. --- AD 3 - AD 4 Studien aus dem Gebiet der alten Geschichte, Wiesbaden 1962, pp. 39-50 (P. Sattler) = P.Oxy. 31, 2551 (E. G. Turner, 1966) free standing list; one-word or one-phrase items may have appeared in a complex sentence syntactic structure, though the prevalent structure is that of item+numeric specification; in any case a new line starts with each new item. There are further graphic devices delimiting items and groups of them. Items are arranged crhonologically.
list of kings --- In astronomical work: medium sized informal round; generally bilinear (only&#961; protrudes below base-line) and regular; carefully executed.
In list: somehow similar, but more informal than the hand in the astronomical work, it has quite a few cursive elements, such as some letter forms and ligatures; quickly executed by a skilled scribe; roughly bilinear.
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 7 B 1959 2003/10/22 Marc Huys 5554 In list: headings marking dynastic changes in eisthesis; eisthesis also used for lines not starting with a new item in list. Itacistic misspellings: &#953; for &#949;&#953;. &#969;&#967;&#959;&#945; for &&#7957;&#964;&#959;&#962;. 09 (R) -20 (R) min. and max. of fully reconstructed lines [in list] papyrus --- 01 [in list] 2024 ed. princ. pl. 3-4. in list leaf:
along the fibres, col. ii:
Xerxês; Kyros; [Ôchos]; Nektanibis / Nektanebês (R) [Nektanebos I] or Nektanebôs / Nektanebis / Nektanebos (R) [Nektanebos II]; Dareios [Dareios III]; Philippos [Philippus Arrhidaios]; Alexandros [Alexander IV]; Ptolemaios [Ptolemy I]; Philadelphos [Ptolemy II Philadelphos]; Euergetês [Ptolemy III Euergetes]; Philopatôr [Ptolemy IV Philopator]; Epiphanês [Ptolemy V Epiphanes]; Philomêtôr [Ptolemy VI Philometor]; Kleopatra [Cleopatra I / Cleopatra II]; Ptolemaios [Ptolemy VIII Euergetes II (?) / Ptolemy IX Soter II] (?); Ptolemaios [Ptolemy XII Neos Dionysos Auletes (?)]; Kleopatra (R) [Cleopatra VII Thea].
across the fibres, col. i:
[Augustus (R)]; [Tiberius (R)]; [Caligula (R) / Gaius (R)]; [Claudius (R)];[Nero (R)]; [Vespasianus (R)]; [Titus (R)]; [Domitianus (R)]; [Nerva (R)]; [Traianus (R)]; [Hadrianus (R)]; Ailios Antôninos [Antoninus Pius]; Kommodos Antôninos
[Commodus]; [Septimius Severus]; Antôninos [Caracalla]; [Elagabalus (R)]; Alexandros [Severus]; [Maximinus (R)]; [Gordianus (R)]; [Philippus (R)].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus ---
18 9 x 22
Fragment of double leaf from a papyrus codex (9 x 22 cm); each of the four resulting pages contains the remains of a single column; the leaf containing the astronomical work presents 23 lines on the page along the fibres and 24 on the page across the fibres. The leaf containing the list has a column of 25 lines on the page along the fibres and of 24 on the page across the fibres. The maximum preserved width for the columns containing the list is 3.8 cm. On this leaf, no lower margin has been preserved on either side; upper margin has only been preserved to a maximum of 0.3 cm on the page along the fibres and 0.5 cm on the page across the fibres. On the former, the left-hand margin, evenly kept, is 1 to 1.3 cm wide; the right-hand margin has not been preserved. On the latter, the left-hand margin has been lost, and the right-hand margin ranges from 1.6 to 0.3 cm wide. chronology / history ---
0325 59764 --- Phlegon of Tralles?
A. Ludwich, Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift, 20 (1900), pp. 389-390; H. Raeder, Nordistik Tidsskrift for filologi, 9 (1900), pp. 33-37; C. Robert, Hermes 35 (1900), pp. 141-195; W. Crönert, APF 1 (1901), pp. 531-532; H. Diels, Hermes 36 (1901), pp. 72-80; F. Mie, Philologus 60 (1901), pp. 161-179; J. Jüthner, Philostratos über Gymnastik, Leipzig and Berlin 1909, pp. 63-64; W. Janell, Klio 21 (1927), pp. 344-349; G. de Sanctis, Rivista di Filologia e di Istruzione Classica, 56 (1928), pp. 70-77; FGrHst 375 F 1; L. Moretti, Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Memorie. Classe di Scienze Morali, Storiche e Filologiche, Series II, Volume VIII, Fasc. II, Roma 1957. E. G.Turner - P. J. Parsons, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World2, London 1987, p. 110, no. 65. roll 07 (maximum preserved) list of Olympian victors: P.Oxy. 02, 222 covers the olympiades 75 (from the eighth entry onwards) - 83 (up to the eleventh entry); P.Oxy. 23, 2381 starts with col. 96, preserving only six entries. The names of the winners in thirteen events are given for each year, in a regular order. --- AD 3 P.Oxy. 02, 222 (B. P. Grenfell - A. S. Hunt, 1899) + P.Oxy. 23, 2381 (E. Lobel, 1956) free standing list; one-phrase (or two co-ordinated phrases) items, accompanied by a specification normally consisting of just one phrase; each group item+phrase(s) is written in a separate line. Items arranged in chronological groups (marked inside the column), and, within each group, according to categories (internal logical structure). money account from AD 2 - AD 3 list of victors in games --- small semi-cursive hand slightly leaning to the right; the second column of fr. 1 (P.Oxy. 02, 222) is written in a script slightly larger and more upright than col. i. London, British Library 1185 + 2932 2003/10/28 Alberto Nodar 868 Abbreviations by suspension; by horizontal stroke on initial letter or without being marked at all. Corrections by crossing out; by writing above the line or by writing over wrongly written characters. Short, normally horizontal, strokes above letters to indicate their numeric value; numeric headings marking different sections normally appear in the same line as the first item, except in fr. 2 (P.Oxy. 23, 2381), where the only preserved heading seems to occupy an entire line on its own. Itacistic misspellings: &#953; for &#949;&#953; and &#949;&#953; for &#953;. Other orthographic mistakes: &#945;&#953; for &#949;; &#949; for &#945;&#953;; omission of &#953; in -&#953;&#959;&#962; and &#8055;&#969;&#957; endings; &#961; for &#955;; &#954; for &#958;; apparently, &#964; for &#963; in &#954;&#961;&#953;&#964;&#969;&#957;, and &#963;&#945;&#956;&#953;&#959;&#965; for &#968;&#945;&#965;&#956;&#953;&#959;&#965;. 17 (R) -35 (R) papyrus --- 02 (P.Oxy. 02, 222); 01 (P.Oxy. 23, 2381) 2188 A. S. Hunt, JEA 1 (1914), pl. VIII (P.Oxy. 02, 222); H. Diels, Hermes 36 (1901), pl. between pp. 72-73 (P.Oxy. 02, 222); GMAW, no. 65 (P.Oxy. 02, 222); P.Oxy. 23, pl. III (P.Oxy. 23, 2381). P.Oxy. 02, 222:
col. i:
Xenopeithês; Astylos (2); Arsilochos; Argiôn (2); Skamandrios; Dandis (2); Euthymos (1 + R); Italia (3); Theagenês (R); Theognêtos (?, R); Agêsidamos; Kratês; Thêrôn; Hierôn (2); Ergotelês; Kallias; Tellôn; Hierôn; Parmeneidês (2); Philistos; Epharmostos; Menalkês; Lykophrôn; Kallisthenês;
col. ii:
Leontiskos (2); Sikelia (R); Anthrôpos; Timanthês; Ikanôn [Emautiôn ?]; Phrynichos; Alkainetos; Diaktoridês; Aigias; Lykôn [Lykos ?]; Euboulos; Hippobotos; Pythoklês; Aristiôn; Damagêtos (2); Lachôn; Kleodôros; Apollodôros; Lykos; Samios [Psaumios]; Pythôn; Kritôn [Krisôn]; Eukleidês; Aigeidas; Kêtôn; Kimôn [Cheimôn]; Agêsilaos [Akousilaos]; Lacharidas; Polynikos; Aristôn; Lykinos.

P.Oxy. 23, 2381:
Eupolemos; Krôkinas [Krokinas; Korkinas]; Larisa.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Kratês, i;
across the fibres 16 9.5 x 18 (P.Oxy. 02, 222); 5.6 x 3.7 (P.Oxy. 23, 2381)
Two fragments of a papyrus roll. Fr. 1 (P.Oxy. 02, 222) measures 9.5 x 18 cm and contains parts of two columns (7 cm maximum preserved column width for both fragments), col. i with 44 lines, and col. ii with 34 (originally with 67 and 64-65, respectively). The surface is broken at all sides except at the top of col. i, where an upper margin has been preserved of 1 cm. Intercolumnium ranges from nil to 2.8 cm. Fr. 2 (P.Oxy. 23, 2381) measures 5.6 x 3.7 cm and contains the remains of a single column with 7 lines, which should be the next column but two to the right of col. ii in fr. 1. No left-hand or lower margins have been preserved; upper margin is 0.5 cm, whereas the right-hand one has been preserved to a maximum of 1.3 cm chronology
0326 64358
anon. A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 222-3; K.A. Worp, H. Harrauer, Tyche 8 (1993), p. 35, 37; L. Pernot, La rhétorique de l'éloge dans le monde gréco-romain, Paris, 1993, tome I, Histoire et technique, p. 68; A. Stramaglia, 'Fra "consumo" e "impegno": usi didattici della narrativa nel mondo antico', in: O. Pecere-A. Stramaglia (edd.), La letteratura di consumo nel mondo greco-latino. Atti del convegno internazionale (Cassino, 14-17 settembre 1994), Cassino, 1996, p. 105 n. 26; R. Cribiore, Gymnastics of the Mind. Greek Education in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, Princeton, Oxford, 2001, p. 229 n. 37; A. Stramaglia, 'Amori impossibili. PKöln 250, le raccolte proginnasmatiche e la tradizione retorica dell' "amante di un ritratto" [tavole 1-5]', in Bianca-Jeanette und Jens-Peter Schröder (edd.) , Studium declamatorium: Untersuchungen zu Schulübungen und Prunkreden von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, Leipzig, 2003, p. 227 n. 46, 231 n. 62. codex 18 ( text 1: final part of an ethopoia, whose male speaking character is invoking death as the last possible solution of his misfortune (his identity cannot be established with certainty: he may be either a mythical or a fictional figure);
text 2: ethopoia by Clytaemnestra addressing Orestes, who is about to kill her;
text 3: encomion on Achilles.

AD 3 - AD 4 H. Gerstinger, Mitteilungen des Vereins Klass. Philologen in Wien 4 (1927), p. 35-47.

models for Progymnasmata (two ethopoiae and an encomion)
Upright semi-literary hand of medium size, presenting documentary letter shapes (especially &#945;, &#949;, &#951;, &#960;); in spite of its informality, it shows a considerable degree of expertise: note in particular the accurate layout of the page and the regularity of the interlinear space. Bilinearity is not respected by &#953;, the uprights of &#961; and &#966;, and often by the lower diagonal of &#954;; the upper extremity of the upright of &#966; presents a leftward hook, while its lower extremity presents a rightward hook; &#953; also presents similar hooks; a rightward hook can be distinguished at the foot of the upright of &#961;. It is probably a teacher's hand. Peculiar characteristic: occasional enlarged letters, especially &#964; and &#954;, not only at the beginning of the line, but also within the line (however such an enlargement does not seem to be used consistently as a device to enhance a syntactical articulation). Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 29789 2003/10/22 Marc Huys 5580 lectional signs are added by a second hand, using lighter ink; grave, acute and circumflex accent; punctuation by means of high stop, often followed by short blank space (note that sometimes the stop lies on the final letter of the word preceding the pause, sometimes on the initial letter of the word following the pause); possibly a case of lower stop to mark a shorter pause ( --> 7); paragraphos marking the end of a section (--> after line 9), consisting of a horizontal stroke whose center is attached to the tip of a diagonal ascending from left to right; after this, blank space or agraphon (Stramaglia 2003, 230-1 n. 61 calls this sign diple obelismene, or forked paragraphos, cf. Cribiore, 82 and 59); smooth and rough breathings; inorganic trema; apostrophe used to mark elision (but in one case after &#959;&#973;&#954; , --> 11); one case of scriptio plena ( | 15); corrections by the same hand: deletion of a superfluous letter; insertion of a letter above the line as replacement of a wrong letter, probably by the same hand; several corrections currente calamo; iota adscript written, in most cases as a later addition. 52-62 papyrus text 2: Klytaimnêstra (S); Orestês (S); Agamemnôn (S); Trôes [Trojans]; Atreus.
text 3: Achilleus (3); Pêleus (2); Pêlion (2); Zeus (2); Aiakos (2); Telamôn; Thetis; Apollôn; Cheirôn.
01 2528 Stramaglia, pl. 2 and 3 text 2: Klytaimnêstra (S); Orestês (S); Agamemnôn (S); Trôes [Trojans]; Atreus.
text 3: Achilleus (3); Pêleus (2); Pêlion (2); Zeus (2); Aiakos (2); Telamôn; Thetis; Apollôn; Cheirôn.

18 17 x 18 copy ed. pr. Upper margin partially preserved in both pages to a maximum of 1.4 cm in recto, and 2 cm in verso; the right hand lateral margin in recto is of 0.6 cm; the left hand lateral margin in verso is of 0.4 cm; 27 lines in recto and 26 lines in verso are preserved (note that in recto there is a blank space of ca. 1 cm between two distinct sections). rhetoric, mythology

0327 63829
anon. A. Stramaglia, 'Amori impossibili. PKöln 250, le raccolte proginnasmatiche e la tradizione retorica dell' "amante di un ritratto" [tavole 1-5]', in Bianca-Jeanette und Jens-Peter Schröder (edd.) , Studium declamatorium: Untersuchungen zu Schulübungen und Prunkreden von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, Leipzig 2003, p. 228 n. 52. roll 07 encomion on Dionysos
AD 2 - AD 3 P.Köln 07, 286 (M. Gronewald).
document (unpublished) Progymnasmata, encomion
Semi-documentary hand, slightly leaning to the left, with many ligatures. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 5934 (= fr. a) recto; 5931 (= fr. b) recto. 2003/10/05 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 5043 high stop (fr. a, 6; fr. 2, ll. 2, 4, 12, 13, 16); middle stop (one occurrence in fr. b, 2, which seems to have the same function as the high stop); a case of inorganic trema (fr. b, 11); a case of iota adscript (fr. b, 7); two instances of correction consisting of the addition of a missing word above the line (fr. b, 12 and 14), probably by the same hand, but using lighter ink; horizontal line, which is probably a long paragraphos marking the end of the composition. 25 (R) papyrus Dionysos (S) 01 M-P 2543.11 ed. princ. pl. III a and b. Dionysos (S) Egypt, unknown
along the fibres 14 fr. a: 3.7 x 7.4;
fr. b: 4 x 9

2 fragments; margins are not preserved, apart from the bottom of fr. b, which presents ca. 2.5 cm of blank papyrus after the end of the composition, marked by a paragraphos-like horizontal line. Fr. a preserves remains of 18 lines, while fr. b preserves remains of 16 lines. school text ?, rhetoric http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/VII_286.html
0328 63521 w024 anon. A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 220; J.R. Morgan, ANRW 34.4, 3388; A. Stramaglia, 'Fra "consumo" e "impegno": usi didattici della narrativa nel mondo antico', in: O. Pecere-A. Stramaglia (edd.), La letteratura di consumo nel mondo greco-latino. Atti del convegno internazionale (Cassino, 14-17 settembre 1994), Cassino, 1996, p. 105 n. 26; R. Cribiore, Gymnastics of the Mind. Greek Education in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt, Princeton, Oxford, 2001, p. 229; A. Stramaglia, 'Amori impossibili. PKöln 250, le raccolte proginnasmatiche e la tradizione retorica dell' "amante di un ritratto" [tavole 1-5]', in Bianca-Jeanette und Jens-Peter Schröder (edd.) , Studium declamatorium: Untersuchungen zu Schulübungen und Prunkreden von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, Leipzig, 2003, p. 227 n. 47, p. 232 n 64. roll 07 sketches for rhetorical exercises on Aidos (encomion) and Phoenix (encomion or ecphrasis). Several quotations: Homer, Ilias 5.531 = 15.563, Odyssea 6.222; Hesiod, Erga 318.
AD 2 P.Lond.Lit. 193 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
document (tax register, unpublished) written upside down Progymnasmata, encomion, ecphrasis
Rather informal upright round hand of medium size, slightly leaning to the right, with documentary letter shape (&#945;, &#951;) and several ligatures. Execution is somewhat irregular in letter shapes and size; bilinearity is usually respected (apart from uprights of &#961; and &#966;, which descends above the baseline, sometimes ); leftwards hooks at lower extremities of upright of and . Probably student hand (cf. Crisci in Stramaglia 2003, p. 232 n. 64). London, British Museum 2239v. 2003/10/05 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 4730 final nu at line-end commonly abbreviated as a horizontal stroke on the last letter; line-filler (one occurrence); ornamental coronis followed by enlarged alpha perhaps used to introduce a new subject, within the frame of an alphabetical arrangement; occasional rough breathings; trema (one occurrence); apostrophe used to divide double consonant; iota adscript not written; itacisms; rather awkward spelling mistakes (clearly due to careless copying); corrections (two occurrences of omitted letter added above the line). 13-23 (R) papyrus Aidôs (2 + Q, R); Phoinix (S) 02 2524 Stramaglia, pl. 4 and 5 Aidôs (2 + Q, R); Phoinix (S) Egypt, unknown Homerus;
across the fibres 12 14.3 x 34.5 (fr. 1); 13.4 x 32 (fr. 2)
2 fragments; each preserves remains of 2 columns: in fr. 1, col. 1 contains 35 lines, while col. 2 has remains of 18 lines; in fr. 2, col. 1 contains line-ends of 7 lines; col. 2 contains 31 lines (with a lacuna of two lines before the last line). There is also a very narrow strip of papyrus (0.1 x 4 cm), containing scanty traces of a few letters belonging to at least 4 different lines [from the ed. pr., which does not mention it as a separate strip, I deduce that it has been considered as part of fr. 2].
Margins: in fr. 1 upper margin of 2.7 cm, lower margin of 2.7 cm; in fr. 2 upper margin of 1.3 cm, right hand lateral margin of 3.4 cm, lower margin of 3.6 cm.
rhetoric, school text, mythology

0329 64150
anon. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 221-2; L. Pernot, La Rhétorique de l'éloge dans le monde gréco-romain, Paris 1993, tome I, Histoire et technique, p. 65; F. Perpillou-Thomas, Fêtes d'Égypte Ptolémaïque et Romaine d'après la documentation papyrologique grecque, Louvain 1993, p. 92-3. sheet
Encomion on the fig, fruit sacred to Hermes, composed on the occasion of an Oxyrhynchus' Hermes festival.
AD 3 P.Oxy. 17.2084 (A.S. Hunt)
blank Progymnasmata, encomion
Rather informal upright round hand, not particularly well executed (so ed. pr.); probably student's hand. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/10/05 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 5369 Middle stop; coronis marking the end of the composition, but preceding the end-title: it shows a peculiar shape (a sort of paragraphos whose left-hand extremity is linked to a right-hand arc); organic and inorganic tremata; apostrophe; comma-like sign separating contiguous consonants; iota adscript not written; phonetic spelling (&#949;&#953; instead of &#953; &#959; instead of &#969;); voiceless guttural instead of voiced one and viceversa (i.e. &#954;&#955;&#965;&#954;&#965;&#964;&#949;&#961;&#945;&#957; instead of &#915;&#955;&#965;&#954;&#965;&#964;&#949;&#961;&#945;&#957; &#915;&#955;&#965;&#954;&#965;&#964;&#949;&#961;&#945;&#957; instead of &#924;&#949;&#955;&#953;&#948;&#953;); lack of assimilation of nasal before voiceless guttural (i.e. &#917;&#957;&#954;&#969;&#956;&#953;&#959;&#957; instead of &#917;&#947;&#954;&#969;&#956;&#953;&#959;&#957; however the correct form appears in the title at the beginning; &#913;&#957;&#945;&#957;&#954;&#951; instead of &#945;&#957;&#945;&#947;&#954;&#951;); a mechanical spelling mistake; corrections (addition of a missing letter above the line; correction of a wrong letter currente calamo); duplicated title (at the beginning and at the end; end-title enclosed in rectangular border). 13-21 (the last line contains only 8 letters). papyrus col.2:
Hermês (2); Dionysos;
04 2527
Hermês (2);Dionysos;
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus
along the fibres 16 17.1 x 31.5 - I am still waiting for a picture or digital image from Oxford. I saw the original in Oxford in 1998 and, according to my recollection, it is probable that the papyrus has been written by a student.
- J. Withehorne, 'The Pagan Cults of Roman Oxyrhynchus', ANRW 18.5, 3070: does not contain the mention of this papyrus but it is interesting because it mentions another papyrus, P.Oxy. 7.1015, Encomion on Hermes in hexameter, which may have been composed for the same occasion, a festival in honour of Hermes, and illustrates the cult of Hermes. See also P.Oxy. inv. 45 5B.99/D (18-21)b, encomion on the Logos: these three papyri illustrate an interesting link between the cult of Hermes - concretely the celebration of a specific festival - and the rhetoric training, i.e. in the religious context of the festival students performed their own compositions. P.Oxy. 17 2084 and P.Oxy. inv. 45 5B.99/D (18-21)b both contain a reference to a festival of Hermes (the first item in col. 2, lines 6-7, the second in lines 4-5), while P.Oxy. 7 1015 defines Hermes as warden of the gymnasia (9) and ruler of the games (8)]
well preserved [so ed. pr.; the measures of margins are not given]; col. 1 contains the title, col. 2 (25 lines) and col. 3 (11 line) contain the composition itself, col. 4 the final title. rhetoric, school text
0330 65822
anon. L. Pernot, La Rhétorique de l'éloge dans le monde gréco-romain, Paris 1993, tome I, Histoire et technique, p. 65; J. Withehorne, 'The Pagan Cults of Roman Oxyrhynchus', ANRW 18.5, 3070. sheet
Encomion on the Logos, whose patron is the god Hermes.
AD 2 Eos 56 (1966), p. 83-6 (A. Swiderek)
blank Progymnasmata, encomion
The hand, upright and of small size, can be assigned to the "severe" style (according to ed. pr.) London, Egypt Exploration Society inv. 45 5B.99/D (18-21)b 2003/10/05 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 7077 high stop; occasional rough breathings; paragraphos; iota adscript not written; phonetic spelling (&#949;&#953; instead of &#953;) ; correction consisting of the addition of a missed sequence of letters above the line; initial title highlighted by horizontal strokes above and below the initial and final letter of each word. 20-25 (R) papyrus Hermês (R) 01

Hermês (R) Egypt, Oxyrhynchus
along the fibres 12 6 x 19 see CPP 329; information to be verified in picture ordered from Oxford Only one column is preserved, which contains 35 lines, nearly complete on the left, on the right lacking ca. 8-12 letters. According to ed. pr., a vertical fold passes through the middle of the papyrus and covers single letters in the lines 3-13 and also 37. rhetoric, school text

0331 64864
anon. B. Lavagnini, 'Un frammento di un nuovo romanzo greco di Troia?', Aegyptus 2 (1921), p. 192-199; M. Norsa, SIFC N.S. 2 (1922), p. 202-208; V. Bartoletti, 'Postille papirologiche', in Studi in onore di Ugo Enrico Paoli, Firenze, 1955, p.74-80; FGrHist 01, 521-22; S.A. Stephens, J.A. Winkler, Ancient Greek Novels: the Fragments, Princeton, 1995, p. 470-71; E. Crisci, in Cavallo et al., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Firenze, 1998, p. 161 n. 80. sheet 16.5 Ecphrasis on Achilles' Armor or encomion on Apion (autograph or working copy)
AD 6 - AD 7 Aegyptus 1 (1920), p. 154-158 (M. Norsa) = PSI 14 .1399 (V. Bartoletti, 1957)
blank Progymnasmata, ecphrasis, encomion (?)
Capital leaning to the right; contrast between narrow round letters - &#949;, &#952;, &#959;, &#962; - and broad square ones; round &#945;; &#948; presents two shapes, one in three times, with the right-hand diagonal protruding above, the other in two times, in which the left-hand diagonal and bottom horizontal are represented by a curve, while the right-hand diagonal ends at the top with a sort of curl; &#954; presents the upright and the ascendant diagonal executed in a single movement, while the descendant diagonal departs from the ascendant one; m presents a deep curve and a narrow loop on the left-hand element; &#967; consists of two separate elements, of which the second one, drawn in a single movement, shows a 2-shape. Cf. GBBP 46a and 49b. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2003/10/05 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 6102 punctuation by means of dicolon or tricolon within the text; acute accent (one occurrence); inorganic trema (one occurrence); apostrophe (one occurrence); paragraphos to separate sections; cross at the top of column to delimit writing area (cf. McNamee, Sigla and Marginalia, p. 23 n. 86); signe de renvoi (consisting of two dots in diagonal alignment descending from left to right, in between there is a diagonal stroke ascending from left to right; cf. McNamee, p. 18 n. 52); other critical signs whose precise function is not clear: 7-shape sign (in one occurrence followed by short horizontal stroke, in another occurrence followed by cross and short horizontal stroke) and T-shaped sign (two occurrences, in one of which it is followed by a sort of short quantity mark); final nu at line-end commonly abbreviated as a horizontal stroke on the last letter; standard abbreviation of &#954;&#945;&#953;; phonetic spellings (&#953; instead of &#953;, &#949; instead of &#945;&#953; and viceversa, &#959;&#953; instead of &#953;, &#959; instead of &#969;, &#965; instead of &#959;&#953;); corrections of spelling mistakes by means of crossing out parts of the text and replacing them with the correct letters; insertion of sequences above the line by the same hand writing in a smaller size, often due to the fact the writer is changing mind during the composition. 17-30 papyrus col.1:
Achilleus (5); Neoptolemos (1 + R); Aiakos;
Mousai [Muses].
02 2518 V. Bartoletti, Studi in onore di U.E. Paoli, Firenze 1955, pl. 5; Cavallo et al., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Firenze, 1998, pl. LXX; Pap. Flor. XXXI (2000), pl. 1. col.1:
Achilleus (5); Neoptolemos (1 + R); Aiakos;
Appiôn [Apiôn]; Mousai [Muses].
Egypt, unknown
across the fibres 27 39 x 35 Mythographic; cf. Lib. VIII, p. 533 ekphrais of Alexander s cistae; note that it is late; check instead of . Corrections suggest that it is a quick draft; second part the eloge to an Apion? Complete LDAB with Crisci in Bibliography. central huge lacuna in the center; two other lateral lacunae; 2 cols. are preserved: col. 1 contains 26 lines, col. 2 21 lines, followed by blank space of cm. 2.8. Left-hand lateral margin of ca 2 cm. school text, rhetoric, mythology

0332 68741 ---
C. Pernigotti, Comunicazioni dell'Istituto Papirologico G.Vitelli 5 (2003), p.71.

list of Olympian victors --- ? PSI 15, 1506 (forthcoming)

list of victors in games ---
Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli' 2419


M-P 2188.1


0333 64277 ---

list of Greek cities, and festivals. --- AD 3 - AD 4 P. Harris 01, 49 (J. E. Powell, 1936) free standing list; one-word items appearing in a simple sentence syntactic structure. No further structuring principle to be observed document: accounts list of festivals ---
Birmingham, Orchard Learning Research Centre (Selly Oak College Library) 183 b 2003/10/28 Alberto Nodar 5497 Marginal note by second hand, within it the first hand has apparently corrected a letter by writing the right one above the line, without, however, erasing the wrong character. Itacistic misspellings: &#953; for &#949;&#953;. 05-22 papyrus --- 01 2475
Megara; Korinthos; Nemeia; Hellas; Dionysia; Hêrakleia. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus ?
across the fibres 18 8.5 x 5.6 ask for reproduction
copy ed. pr.
one papyrus fragment (8.5 x 5.6 cm), preserving 6 lines of writing in a single column. cult-related text
0334 63396 --- --- F. Jacoby, FGH 2 no. 258; A. Körte, APF 7 (1924), pp. 234-235. roll? 03.5 (max. preserved) list of the earliest Athenian archons with the numbers of their years of office. --- AD 2 P.Oxy. 13, 1613 (B. P. Grenfell - A. S. Hunt, 1919) free standing list; one-word items accompanied by a numeric phrase; the group item+number is written in a separate line, with blank spaces isolating item from numeric phrase and, apparently, within this, the noun for years from the corresponding figure. Chronological classification of items. blank list of archons --- Small formal mixed Bruxelles, Musées Royaux E. 5998 2003/10/28 Alberto Nodar 4603 Blank spaces separate names from the numeric phrase, and, apparently, within this, the word &#949;&#964;&#951; from the corresponding figure. Itacistic misspellings: &#949; for &#953;; corruption of one name, and misspelling of another one. 10 (R) -14 (R) papyrus --- 01 2186 M. Wittek, Album de Paléographie grecque (1967), pl. 7a Ariphrôn; Thespieus; Agamêstôr; Aischylos; Alkmeôn; Chaios [Charops]; Aisimidês; Kleodikos [Kleidikos]; Hippomenês; Leôkratês; Apsandros. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus --- along the fibres 12 4.4 x 4.6
two papyrus fragments combined into a single piece measuring 4.4 x 4.6 cm, if the relative placing of the fragments, which cannot be established with all certainty, is correct. It contains 11 lines of writing from a single column. Before the first line, eight are probably lost. No margins are preserved, except for 0.6 cm from the left-hand one. chronology
0335 63670 --- ---
sheet? 03.2 (max. preserved) beginnings of the names of the Roman consuls, written in Greek and in the genitive case, for the years AD 149 to 159, preceded by a figure expressing the order of their succession. --- AD 2 Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Papyrologists, 1974, pp. 299-304 (W. J. Tait) = P.Tebt.Tait 46 (W. J. Tait, 1977) free standing list; one-word and one-phrase items preceded by numeric indication; the group figure+item is written in a separate line; horizontal and vertical lines in column reinforce isolation of items, and of items from their corresponding numeric value. Chronological classification of items. blank list of consuls --- medium sized informal round; rapidly executed and with some cursive letter forms; roughly bilinear. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/10/28 Alberto Nodar 4879 horizontal rulings; vertical line separates numerals from names; there are traces of another vertical line to the left of figures. Two names do not match the expected ones in the succession of consuls. 07 (R) -12 papyrus --- 01 M-P 2186.1 P. Tebt.Tait, pl. 10 Sergios [Ser. Cornelius Scipio]; Skylla [M. Gavius Squilla Gallicanus]; Sextos [Sex. Quintilius Condianus]; Atillios [M' Acilius Glabrio (?)]; Brouttios [C. Bruttius Praesens]; Loukios [L. Aelius Aurelius Commodus]; Gaios [C. Iulius Severus]; Loukios [M. Ceionius Silvanus (?)]; Markos [M. Ceionius Civica Barbarus]; Sextos [Sex. Sulpicius Tertullus]; Plautios [Plautius Quintillus]. Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis --- along the fibres 12 3.5 x 7.5
single papyrus fragment broken at all sides (3.5 x 7.5 cm) containing the remains of 11 lines of written arranged in a single column; no margins preserved, except, perhaps, only 0.3 cm from the left-hand margin. chronology
0336 63604 --- --- J. Rea, "List of comic poets and their plays", Atti dell'XI Congresso Internazionale di Papirologia. Milano 2-8 settembre 1965, 1966, pp. 209-217; F. Übel, APF 21 (1971), pp. 203-204; F. Longo Auricchio, "Su alcune liste di libri restituite dai papiri", RAAN 46 (1971), pp. 147-150; CGFP 1973, nos. 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 67, 77, 78, 81; L. Gil, "El Aristófanes perdido", Cuadernos de Filología Clásica 22 (1989), pp. 46-47; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 6 (re-edition); R. Otranto, Atti del XXII congresso internazionale di papirologia (Firenze, 23-29 agosto 1998), Florence 2001, pp. 1057-65 roll 03.1 (max. preserved) the authors' names, mostly those of poets of the Old Comedy, appear in the genitive case and in alphabetical order (only the first letter is taken into account); among them, plays are listed in the nominative case in the same sort of alphabetical order. Some new play titles, and many - some certainly intentional - omissions, too. --- AD 2 P.Oxy. 33, 2659 (J. Rea, 1968) free standing list; mostly one-word (but also one-phrase, or two coordinate-word) items, written in separate lines (a graphic device further signals end of item when this occupies two lines). The column is structured in groups preceded by a heading in ekthesis, and in yet broader groups which, apparently, are also marked by graphic devices and (lexical?) headings. Items are arranged alphabetically at all these levels. Greek-Latin glossary, AD 1 - AD 2 (= P.Oxy. 33, 2660; LDBAB 4497) list of comic plays arranged by their authors --- small fluent hand, with some cursive letter forms, but very clear and without any excessive speed; roughly bilinear. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/10/28 Alberto Nodar 4813 Abbreviation by suspension; authors' names in ekthesis and with larger first letter; indentation when name of title is carried over to the next line; blank space on surface, equivalent to approx. 2 lines of writing, to indicate, perhaps, beginning of a new section; there might also be, below the blank space, a heading for the new section (namely the letter &#949;), together with a further line, lexically specifying the heading, and, perhaps, containing a supralinear character? Long oblique dash above and to the right of letters to indicate their numeric value. Itacistic misspellings: &#953; for &#949;&#953;, &#949;&#953; for &#953;. 05 (R) -16 (R) papyrus fr. 1, col. i:
Adônis; Amphiaraos.
fr. 2, col. i:
Kentauros; Dionysos; Eirênê; Kôkalos; Ploutos.
fr. 1, col. ii:
Amphitryôn; Hêraklês; Dionysos; Kirka [Kirkê]; Mêdeia; Meleagros; Oineus; Orestês.
fr. 2, col. ii:
Têlephos; Pholos; Atalantê; Amykos; Alkyoneus; Antanôr [Antênôr]; Bousiris; Dionysos (2R); Ploutos; Hêba [Hêbê].
02 M-P 2087.1 P.Oxy. 33, pl.VI; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. V fr. 1, col. i:
Ameipsias (R); Sapphô; Apollophanês (R); Ararôs; Adônis; Parthenis; Aristophanes; Amphiaraos. fr. 1, col. ii:
Kentauros; Dionysos; Eirênê; Kôkalos; Lysistratê; Ploutos. fr. 1, col. ii:
Archippos; Amphitryôn; Hêraklês; Autokratês; Dêmêtrios; Dionysos; Sikelia; Dioklês; Deinolochos; Kirka [Kirkê]; Mêdeia; Meleagros; Oineus; Orestês.
fr. 2, col. ii:
Têlephos; Pholos; Epicharmos; Atalantê; Amykos; Alkyoneus; Antanôr [Antênôr]; Bousiris; Dionysos (2R); Ploutos; Hêba [Hêbê].
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus fr. 1, col. i:

Ameipsias (R);
Apollophanes (R);

fr. 1, col. ii:


fr.2, col. ii:

across the fibres 12 fr. 1 8.5 x 12.5
fr. 2 7.5 x 16.5

two very probably contiguous fragments, originally combined from six, of a papyrus roll; fr. 1 (to be placed above fr. 2) measures 8.5 x 12.5 cm; fr. 2 measures 7.5 x 16.5 cm. Together they contain the line-ends of a column and the beginnings from the next. Of col. i, fr. 1 has preserved remains of 15 lines, whereas fr. 2 presents the remains of 22 lines. Of col. ii, fr. 1 has 21 lines; fr. 2, 28, but it could be that the last or last two lines of fr. 1 are in fact parts of l. 1, or ll. 1-2, respectively, of fr. 2. No side margins have been preserved, except, perhaps, 0.2 cm of the right-hand margin of col. ii. The preserved upper margin measures 2 cm; the lower one 2.2 cm. Intercolumnium is 2 cm wide in fr. 1, and 2.5 cm in fr. 2. The estimated roll height is ca. 29 cm. library catalogue? reading list? ---
0337 61494 ---
C. Corbato, Studi Menandrei, Trieste 1965, pp. 36-37; F. Longo Auricchio, "Su alcune liste di libri restituite dai papiri", RAAN 46 (1971), p. 147; CGFP 1973, no. 104; M. Lama, Aegyptus 71 (1991), pp. 64 and 102; PCG VI.2 1998, T41; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 9 (re-edition) sheet? 02.8 (max.) beginning of a list of plays of Menander, in alphabetical order of the first letter; titles are preserved beginning with the letters a to d --- AD 2 P.Oxy. 27, 2462 (E. G. Turner, 1962) free standing list; one-word and one-phrase items - or two co-ordinate words - written in separate lines, with possible heading at the top of the column. Items are arranged alphabetically. land register; AD 1 - AD 2 (unpublished) list of plays --- small rounded well-formed cursive; roughly bilinear London, British Library 3045 2003/11/03 Alberto Nodar 2641 inorganic trema on &#953;; abbreviations by suspension; horizontal stroke above letters to indicate their numeric value; possible heading at beginning of column. 05-14 papyrus
01 1297 ed. princ. pl. I; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. VII Boiôtia Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Menander across the fibres 12 9.5 x 12.5 l. 15; MacNamee gives a different reading for abb. arr. with h superscribed one single papyrus fragment (9.5 x 12.5 cm) containing 19 lines of writing arranged in a single column (2.8 cm maximum width). No upper or lower margins have been preserved; the left-hand margin is 5.8 cm wide, whereas the maximum preserved right-hand one is 1.1 cm. catalogue
0338 62370 --- Philetas, glôssai ataktoi ? R. Pfeiffer, History of Classical Scholarship I, Oxford 1968, pp. 90-92; H. Lloyd-Jones - P. J. Parsons (eds.), Supplementum Hellenisticum, Berlin - New York 1983, no. 991; R. Tosi, "la lessicografia e la paremiografia in eta' alessandrina ed il loro sviluppo successivo" in: F. Montanari, N.J.Richardson, La philologie grecque à l époque hellénistique et romaine, Genève 1994, pp. 148-149; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 1, Aeschylus 11 - col. 1. 18/col. 2. 1 (E. Esposito, 2004 - re-edition). roll 03.8 list of poetical epithets, all of them compound adjectives; the arrangement is by rough groupings based on one or other elements of their formation or of meaning; the logical arrangement may be broken by a kind of free association. Words are usually cited in the masculine nominative singular; but especially when it is not so, the gender and the case used may offer one clue to the source of the citation. While the majority of them belong to Homeric and epic vocabulary, some are found only in choral and tragic lyric. One fourth of the words are unknown to our lexica --- 3 BC P.Hibeh 02, 172 (E. G. Turner, 1955) one-word items written in separate lines and grouped into sections within the columns by graphic marks; items are roughly arranged according to semantic or morphological criteria, but this logical arrangement can be broken by free association of items. blank list of poetical epithets (onomasticon) --- Group C: well defined rounded capital style; medium sized, upright, carefully executed. Letters giving the impression of not sitting well in relation to each other. Some archaic traits, such as shape of &#952;. London, British Library 2945 2003/10/28 Alberto Nodar 3535 paragraphoi separating different sections; corrections (due to a second hand) by writing over the wrong character and by superscription. One case of lexical confusion in the formation of the adjectives: &#960;&#945;&#957;&#964;- for &#960;&#959;&#957;&#964;&#959;-. 07-14 papyrus --- 05 2129 ed. princ. pl. I --- Egypt, Hibeh --- along the fibres 1 22.3 x 13 check reference to Galiano in Madrid: Actas PCEEC 59-180 "La lírica griega a la luz de los descubrimientos papirológicos" one fragment from a papyrus roll (22.3 x 13 cm) reused for cartonnage (the piece was trimmed at the top) containing parts of 5 columns, 3.8 cm being their maximum width. From cols. i , ii and v 24 lines have been preserved; col. iii has 28, and col. iv 27 lines. As it stands, the papyrus does not seem to have preserved any upper or lower margins; for the 0.5 cm of blank surface above l. 1 in col. i is very probably due to a particular short line. Margin to the left of col. i measures 1 cm; to the right of col. v the margin reaches a maximum of 1.9 cm. Intercolumnium ranges between 0.7 to 2.5 cm lexicography, philology
0339 59821 ---
E. G. Turner, "Euripidean hypotheses in a new papyrus", Proceedings of the IX International Congress of Papyrology. Oslo, 19-22 August 1958, Oslo 1961, p. 4; N. Ch. Chourmouziadis, "Satyrika", Ellinika 21 (1968), pp. 161-163 and 256-257; N.Pechstein, Euripides Satyrographos, Stuttgart and Leipzig 1998, pp. 228, 247-248; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 10 (re-edition) sheet? 03.9 (max. preserved) list of Euripides' plays, set out in alphabetical order of initial letter --- AD 2 P.Oxy. 27, 2456 (E. G. Turner, 1962) free standing list; one-word (or one-phrase) items written in separate lines and arranged alphabetically. Column provided with number? tax register; AD 2 (unpublished) list of plays --- medium sized bold capital degenerating into cursive, quickly executed; only roughly bilinear. London, British Library 3039 2003/10/30 Alberto Nodar 926 correction by erasure; possible column number as heading, in ekthesis and about two lines higher than the first regular line in column (thus separated by a blank space from the rest of the writing); an intrusive &#953; causes one misspelling. 06-15 (R) papyrus col. ii:
Skirôn; Stheneboia; Syleus; Sisyphos; Têmenos; Têlephos; Trôiades; Têmenidai; Tennês; Hypsipylê; Phrixos (2); Phoinix; Philoktêtês; Phaethôn; Chrysippos.
02 0452 ed. princ. pl. III; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. VII col. ii:
Skirôn; Stheneboia; Syleus; Sisyphos; Têmenos; Têlephos; Trôiades; Têmenidai; Tennês; Hypsipylê; Phrixos (2); Phoinix; Philoktêtês; Phaethôn; Chrysippos.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Euripides across the fibres 12 7.7 x 14.2
single papyrus fragment (7.7 x 14.2 cm), containing parts of two columns (3.9 cm being the maximum preserved column width). From col. i only the very end of the line facing l. 9 in col. ii can be seen; col. ii has preserved 19 lines of writing, of which the first one is only represented by some traces far above and to the left of the preserved portion of l. 2 (perhaps a column number, then?). If these traces, as it seems, are not to be regarded as a regular line of the column, then upper margin is 1.3 cm deep; no lower margin has been preserved; right-hand margin ranges from 0.6 to 3.5 cm; the minimum intercolumnium is 1.5 cm. catalogue? order list?
0340 59728 --- Apollodorus? B. Gentili, Gnomon 33 (1961), pp. 332-333; F. Longo Auricchio, "Su alcune liste di libri restituite dai papiri", RAAN 46 (1971), p. 149; CGFP (1973), no. 82; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 7 (re-edition) roll? 06.5 (maximum preserved) Titles of plays of Epicharmus (perhaps one of Deinolochus; if so, very probably credited to the former). The list seems to have been composed in iambic trimeters. --- AD 2 P.Oxy. 25, 2426 (E. Lobel, 1959) Seemingly, free standing list; items can consist of one word, two co-ordinate words, or one phrase (wich might also involve a complex sentence syntactic structure?). Items appear in a simple sentence (probably also complex sentence) syntactic structure and in a metrical schema, and are graphically isolated by high stops. There is no clear principle in the classification of items to be observed. blank list of plays --- medium sized upright formal mixed; carefully executed; bilinear (only &#961; and &#968; protrude below line-level) Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/12/12 Alberto Nodar 832 use of high stop after play titles, apostrophe; quantitiy mark; acute accent; grave accent; rough breathing; smooth breathing; all, seemingly, due to the same hand as the main text. Simplification of double &#961;&#961;; mixture of accusatives and nominatives for the titles. 25 (R) -26 (R) papyrus Promatheus [Promêtheus]; Pyrrha; Odysseus; Mêdeia 01 0359 ed. princ. pl. XI; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. VI Promatheus [Promêtheus]; Pyrrha; Odysseus; Mêdeia Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Epicharmus; Deinolochus?. along the fibres 12 6.5 x 8.5 Lobel's edition more detailed than Otranto's; which for the encoding? one single papyrus fragment (6.5 x 8.5 cm) containing the remains of 6 lines belonging to a single column (6.5 cm maximum preserved width). No margins have been preserved, except for the upper margin, which is 4.5 cm deep (maximum preserved). versified catalogue? ---
0341 59478 0551 (back) --- W. Luppe, Gnomon 43 (1971), p. 118; F. Übel, APF 21 (1971), p. 189; id., APF 22-23 (1974), p. 363; F. Longo Auricchio, "Su alcune liste di libri restituite dai papiri", RAAN 46 (1971), p. 147; CGFP (1973), no. 69; PCG IV (1983), T 7f. R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 8 (re-edition) roll? 02.4 (max. preserved) list of plays by Cratinus. --- AD 2 P.Oxy. 35, 2739 (E. Lobel, 1968) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; no clear criteria for the arrangement of items. part of an isolated line (written in the opposite direction by a hand that will not be much later than that responsible for the front), which may be Il. ii 778 or xvii i; ASW 0551, unpublished . list of plays --- medium sized upright formal mixed, although quite carefully executed it is not of a very stylised kind; roughly bilinear. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/12/15 Alberto Nodar 578 None. No orthographic mistakes. 06 (R) -10 (R) papyrus Dêliades. 01 M-P 0253.1 + M-P 0673.1 ed. princ. pl. X; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. VI Ploutos; Nemesis; Dêliades. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Cratinus along the fibres 12 2.5 x 7.5
one single papyrus fragment (2.5 x 7.5 cm) containing the end of a single column (2.4 cm max. preserved width) with the remains of 6 lines. Upper and right-hand margins have not been preserved; lower margin is 2.5 cm at its deepest, and left-hand margin has been preserved to a maximum width of 0.4 cm. catalogue ---
0342 61286 --- --- M. Lama, Aegyptus 71 (1991), pp. 63 (no. 52) and 102; H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna 1995, pp. 64-65, no. 7; E. Puglia, Atti del IV Convegno Nazionale di Egittologia e Papirologia, Siracusa 2000, pp. 109-118; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 13 (re-edition) sheet?
07 (max. preserved) portion of a list of the works of Hyperides: after a heading, the incipits of 4 speeches are given, each being followed by the title of the work in question. The list is preceded by an empty space which would have held about 12 or 13 lines. Above this space remains of writing by the same hand have survived, which might have belonged to a list of works by another author --- AD 2 - AD 3 P.Coll. Youtie 01, 3 (E. G. Turner, :1976) = P.Oxy. 47, 3360 (E. G. Turner, 1980) free standing list (or list belonging to a group of lists?); items consisting of one kôlon + one phrase. Each of these two components appears in a separate line, the line containing the kôlon (incipit of the speech) being very probably written in eisthesis. The list is provided with a heading, marked by a graphic device. Elements arrangement by first word alphabetic order of incipits? money account from AD 2, described in ed. pr. of paraliterary text. list of titles and incipits --- upright, medium-sized very informal round with cursive elements; quickly executed; roughly bilinear Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms, box 101 2004/01/13 Alberto Nodar 2428 Stichometrical note by second hand. Abbreviation by suspension (or writing of the following letter above line-level); &#953; adscript not written. Correction by writing over. Heading marked by two short horizontal strokes above and below line-level; short horizontal stroke to indicate numeric value of letters. Probably, incipits in eisthesis. Itacistic mistakes: &#949;&#953;&#953; for &#953;. Other orthographic mistakes: &#949; for &#945;&#953;; intrusive &#953; before &#959;&#965; of genitive ending; simplification of double &#955;. 16 (R) -32 (R) papyrus --- 01 M-P 1236.1 ed. princ. pl. IIA; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. X Hypereides; Êlis; Kallippos; Dêmadês Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Hyperides across the fibres 14 8.5 x 18 USE P. OXY. 3360 FOR ENCODING one single papyrus fragment (8.5 x18 cm), written across the fibres, on the back of a money account, and upside down in relation to it. It preserves the remains of 9 lines of writing arranged in a single column, but between l. 1, very probably belonging to another text, and l. 2 an empty space of 9.5 cm has been left blank. Preserved upper margin ca. 2 cm; left-hand margin ranges from nil to 4.3 cm. No right-hand or lower margins have been preserved. catalogue (from pinax?) http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol47/pages/3360.htm ---
0343 63121
anon. S. Barbantani, Aevum Antiquum 11 (1999), p. 280 (on the back). roll 16 Parts of at least two and probably three legal pleas from a school of rhetoric (?). The subject of the first and third speech is apparently a dikê xenias, of the second a dikê klopês.
AD 1 Mél. Henri Weil, p. 243-248 (F.G. Kenyon, 1898) (partial edition) = P.Lond.Lit. 138 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
LDAB 4324 (epigram in honour of Augustus at Actium) and documents (P.Lond. 2 256 d) declamation
Small cursive hand with many abbreviations, similar to the first hand of the 'Athenaiôn Politeia' (P.Lond.Lit. 108 = LDAB 0391). London, British Library 256 2003/12/21 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 4325 Marginal signs occasionally mark divisions; no punctuation; a multitude of corrections (this suggests that
we have the composer's original MS).
53-60 papyrus
10 2515
col. 8:
Lakedaimonioi [Spartans]
Egypt, Fayum
across the fibres (save in the case of the kollema) . 9 146 x 27.5 (picture seen in Liège) Composite roll (tomos sunkollesimos), one kollema of which has been arranged in the reverse way to the rest. Remains of at least 10 columns of 38-45 lines. Dimensions of columns are 21-23 x 16 cm. The surface is badly damaged and difficult to decipher. rhetoric

0344 64380 --- --- CPF I.1* (1989) 24, 42T, pp. 360-361; H. Lloyd-Jones - P. J. Parsons (eds.), Supplementum Hellenisticum, Berlin - New York 1983, p. 135, no. 291A; L. Lehnus, "Notizie callimachee" in RFIC 118 (1990), p. 26; K. McNamee, Sigla and Select Marginalia, 1992, p. 36; P. Van Minnen - K. A. Worp, "The Greek and Latin literary texts from Hermopolis" in GRBS 34 (1993), pp. 151, 156 and 173 (no.143); H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna 1995, p. 67, no. 11; H. Maehler, "Byzantine Egypt: urban élites and book production" in Dialogos 4 (1997), p.134; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 18 (re-edition); Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 1, Aeschines 1 - fr. 1, line 4 (E. Esposito, 2004 - re-edition). sheet? 05.5 (max. preserved) list of titles of prose books: commentaries, rhetorical and historical works --- AD 4 P. Turner 9 (H. Maehler, 1981) = BKT 09, 151 (G. Ioannidou, 1996) free standing list; one-phrase elements written in separate lines and flanked by double oblique slashes to their left; items arranged by genre? blank list of book titles --- medium sized cursive; experienced and quickly executed, only very roughly bilinear Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 21247 2004/01/22 Alberto Nodar 5602 trema, supralinear u at word end. L. 4 of fr. 3 added by second hand (thinner pen). Double slashes to the left of book titles, except for that in l. 4; applied probably when checking the list? 34 (R) -19 (R) papyrus
01 M-P 2090.2 ed. princ. pl. V; BKT 09, pl. 66; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. XV Kallimachos; Dêmosthenês (2
R); Kallinikos (2); Hêrodotos; Xenophôn (2); Aristotelês; Thoukydidês;
Egypt, Hermoupolis Archilochus; Callimachus; Aeschines; Demosthenes; Homerus; Callinicus; Herodotus; Xenophon; Aristoteles; Thucydides. along the fibres 20t fr. 1: 7.8 x 17

fr. 2: 1.3 x 2.9

fr. 3: 1.5 x 3.7
different reading in Otranto for l. 3, to be encoded, but following MAEHLER'S EDITION. introduce there the gap reason break and the first line following Ioannidou's and Otranto eds. Attention to lectional signs (see perhaps better in Ioannidou! 3 fragments; the relative position of fr. 1 (7.8 x 17 cm) and fr. 2 (1.3 x 2.9 cm) can be determined (resulting in a measure of 9.4 cm for the maximum preserved width), whereas the position of fr. 3 (1.5 x 3.7 cm) remains unknown. Fr.1 has preserved a left-hand margin of ca. 4 cm, along which small holes can be found at a distance of 1.6-1.7 cm, similar to those found on codex pages, and a lower margin of ca. 0.7 cm. The lower margin of fr. 3 measures ca. 1.2 cm. No right-hand or upper margins have been preserved. Fragments 1 and 2 together have preserved the remains of 19 lines arranged in a single column (5.5 cm maximum preserved width). Fr. 3 contains the scanty remains of 4 lines of writing, also belonging to a single column. catalogue of private library (a lawyer's?)
0345 65476 --- --- ByzZ 33 (1933), p. 414; R. Devreesse, Introduction à l'Étude des Manuscrits Grecs, Paris 1954, p. 93, n. 4; H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna 1995, p. 70, no. 21; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, p. 134, no. 6 sheet?
list of popular christian books --- AD 7 - AD 8 WS 50 (1932), pp. 185-192 (H. Gerstinger) free standing list; one-phrase [noun + modifier(s)] items written in separate lines. No further classification principle noticeable. blank list of books --- small, dainty late minuscule cursive Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G 26015 2004/01/31 Alberto Nodar 6724 abbreviation by suspension (with doubled character for the plural) 30 (R) -17 papyrus --- 01
--- Petros; Eustathios; Pilatos; Geôrgios Egypt, Fayum --- along the fibres 31 ca. 10 x 9 Ask for reproduction (col. width; right-hand mg, further lectional signs; all abbreviations by susp.?) one single fragment (ca. 10 x 9 cm) containing the end of a column, of which remains of the last 7 lines have been preserved. Left-hand and lower margin of ca. 2 cm. Kollêsis running along left-hand margin. library catalogue --- 1199 ---
0346 65687 --- --- A. Körte, APF 11 (1935), p. 277; B. Snell, TrGF I (1971), Cat. A 6, pp. 55-56, and frr. 123-126, pp. 284-285; O. Montevecchi, La Papirologia, Torino 1973, p. 371; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 2 (re-edition) roll? 07.4 (max. preserved) list of tragedians, with indication of their origin and the number of tragedies written by them --- 3 BC P.Tebt. 03, 695 (A. S. Hunt, 1933) free standing list; items consisting of one phrase plus one simple sentence (determining the phrase). At the end of each group phrase + sentence, a new line starts. Items are further isolated by graphic devices within the column: ekthesis at the opening and paragraphos at the end. Items arranged by alphabetical order of first letter? blank list of tragedians --- Group E Berkeley, University of California, Bancroft Library UC 2378 2004/02/02 Alberto Nodar 6940 paragraphoi; names of authors in ekthesis, iota adscript written 13 (R) -31 (R) papyrus --- 02 2071 R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. I fr. 1: Attikos (R); Thorikos
fr. 2: Amymôn; Dêmokratês; Moschos
Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis fr. 1:
Atticus (R);
fr. 2: Amymon; Democrates; Moschus
along the fibres 1 fr. 1: 7.3 x 5.4; fr. 2: 0.5 x 1.5
two cartonnage fragments (fr. 1: 7.3 x 5.6 cm; fr. 2: 0.5 x 1.5 cm) containing the remains of two columns (maximum preserved column width is 7.4 cm): of col. i, the ends of 4 lines have been preserved; of col. ii remains of 7 lines are visible. No left-hand, upper or lower margin have been preserved; intercolumnium is ca. 0.5 cm; minimum preserved right-hand margin is 0.1 cm. pinax http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apisquery?function=lookup&key=berkeley.apis.380 ---
0347 63203 ---
SB 24 16328; L. Lehnus, "Notizie callimachee" in RFIC 118 (1990), p. 26-27; H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna 1995, pp. 62-63, no. 2; E. Puglia, ZPE 113 (1996), p. 54; id, ZPE 123 (1998), pp. 78-86 (re-edition); R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 3 (re-edition) sheet 07.5 (max. preserved) [list of books]; list of words: cols. i and ii: list of books, accompanied by their authors; col. iii: list of words, related to a medical work? --- AD 1 CdE 49 (1974), pp. 324-331 (P. J. Sijpesteijn - K. A. Worp) list of books: free standing list; one-word or one-phrase items only occasionally isolated into groups within the column by blank spaces or by means of other graphic devices (vertical stroke); arrangement of items according to subject matter (internal logical structure).

list of words: free standing list; one-word items, very probably written in separate lines. No further classification principle noticeable.
P.Vin.Tand. 9 (P. J. Sijpesteijn - K. A. Worp, 1976), AD 1. list of books; list of words --- cols. i and ii: rather small, rounded and experienced hand. Letters are normally written separately, but they can also be linked to each other, and some tend to present a cursive form. Bilinearity is not observed.
col. iii: informal round.
Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G. 39966 2004/02/03 Alberto Nodar 4408 in list of books: short horizontal strokes above letters to indicate their numeric value; abbreviation is normally by suspension, but sometimes final letters are raised above line-level without marking abbreviation; perhaps, repetition of a number: if that character was incorrectly written, a correction might have been attempted by washing out? Vertical stroke and blank spaces with separative value. Orthographic mistakes: simplification of double &#955;; &#947; for &#954;.
in list of words: none.
32 (R) - 10 [list of books]; 12-05 [list of words] papyrus col. ii:

03 M-P 2089.1 ed. princ., p. 326 (col. ii); H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna 1995, p. 62; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. II col. i: Homêros; Kallimachos; Pindaros; Hêsiodos.
col. ii: Homêros; Hêsiodos; Kallimachos; Hekalê; Dionysios; Ailianos (?); Aischinês; Ktêsiphôn; Dêmosthenês
Egypt, Fayum, Arsinoites col. i:

Homerus; Callimachus; Pindarus; Hesiodus
col. ii:

Homerus; Hesiodus; Callimachus; Dionysius;
Aelianus (?); Aeschines; Demosthenes
across the fibres 9 37.3 x 26 check Otranto for full photographic reproduction; otherwise ask for it one fragment (but product of gluing at least two papyri: 8.5 cm from the right is a kollêsis), measuring 37.3 x 26 cm. It contains 3 columns of writing (maximum column width for list of books is reached by col. ii at 7.5 cm), of which cols. i and ii, separated by ca. 20 cm, are written in the same hand, whereas col. iii is written by another hand below col. ii and upside down in relation to it; in front of this column about 1 cm has been left free. A document in demotic has been written diagonally across col i. Col. i preserves the remains of 8 lines; col. ii has 13 lines; and col. iii, 14 lines. list of books: catalogue (of private library)
0348 64071
anon. G.O. Hutchinson, CR N.S. 39 (1989) , p. 357; partial re-edition (frr. A I, A II) in A. Stramaglia, 'Amori impossibili. PKöln 250, le raccolte proginnasmatiche e la tradizione retorica dell' "amante di un ritratto" [tavole 1-5]', in Bianca-Jeanette und Jens-Peter Schröder (edd.) , Studium declamatorium: Untersuchungen zu Schulübungen und Prunkreden von der Antike bis zur Neuzeit, Leipzig, 2003, roll 06 Rhetorical compositions:
A I: ethopoiia on Alexander the Great, ethopoiia on the young Kyros before the battle of Kunaxa;
A I-A II: ethopoiia of a man in love with a boy (sub specie of prosaggelia);
B I: remains of a composition mentioning a grave (?);
B I-BII: diegema on the swan;
B III: composition on Athens and Pericles (?); composition on Alcibiades (?)

AD 2 - AD 3 P.Köln 06, 250 (K. Maresch, 1987)
document written in a script of AD 2 - AD 3 progymnasmata
Semi-literary; slanting to the right; cursive forms: &#949; besides a more standard one; V-shaped upsilon; ligatures; smaller size for titles. Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde 262 verso 2003/11/29 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 5288 Paragraphos to separate sections of text; numerous mistakes; correction by deletion; titles in eisthesis and smaller script . 18-22 papyrus
05 M-P 2528.1 P.Köln, Taf. XXIX-XXX A1:
Alexandros (2); Klearchos (S); Kyros; Ariaios; Masistios; Mardonios;
Athênaioi (Athenians) (R); Periklês (R); Attikê [Attica]; Alkibiadês.
Egypt, unknown
across the fibres 14 11.7 x 13 (fr. A); 13.7 x 12 (fr. B) Ask for a picture of the document; LDAB does not specify verso; see De Alessandro virtute by Plutarch. Compare ethopoiia on Kyros to Cheiron reproach of Achilles in Libanius
Note: I do not agree with Stramaglia 2003, 226, who definies the composition on the swan as an ekphrasis: it is clear that it is a diegema; I suspect a lapsus, but the problem is that the word is highlighted, so it is very strange that the error - if it is an error - escaped to the author (who is otherwise very precise; his contribution is very valuable, apart from a few slips who reveal that he is not a papyrologist strictu sensu)
Two fragments (A and B), the former with remains of 2, the latter with remains of 3 columns (intercolumnium varying from 0,8 to 1,2 cm). According to the editor the sequence of the two fragments is guaranteed by the contents of the recto. Both fragments have a large upper margin of 3,2 cm but all 5 columns are broken off at the bottom. However, the remains of the first column cover 30 lines and the contents of the beginning of the second column suggest that only a small portion of text has gone lost. rhetoric, school text? http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/VI_250.html
0349 64082
sheet ?? List of subjects for declamations on Cleon, Euripides and Alexander
AD 3 P.Oxy. 24, 2400 (E. Turner, 1957)
tax register assigned to late 2 AD list, declamation
Severe style (not very well executed) Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/11/29 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 5300 Phonetic spellings: &#949; instead of &#945;&#953;; &#953; instead of &#949;&#953; and viceversa; omission of two letters. 16-18 papyrus
01 2529
Kleôn; Mitylênaioi (Mytilenians); Diodotos; Euripidês, Hêraklês; Alexandros; Thêbai; Athênaioi (Athenians); Dêmadês. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Euripides across the fibres 16 8.5 x 11.5 Stock in trade of a travelling rhetor, or may have been copied from a standard list , so ed. pr.
Order photo (or Liège?)
From one column, broken off at top and bottom, remains of 19 lines have been preserved. rhetoric
0350 60577 w20 anon. W.R. Robert, CR 18 (1904), p. 18-21 (examination of the relationship of the fragment with the Sicilian rhetorical school) roll
Rhetorical treatise in Doric, containing quotations from Homer and Euripides and Sophocles and assigned by the editors to the fourth century BC. The principal object of these practical precepts is the attainment of megaloprepeia.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 03, 410 (B.P. Grenfell-A.S. Hunt, 1903)
LDAB 5426, P.Oxy. 03, 464, Astrological epigrams (in semi-literary hand) treatise
Upright round bookhand of small size; central stroke of &#949; often detached from the body of the letter and protruding, especially at line-end to keep an even right edge to the column. Oxford, Bodleian Library, d 75 (P) 2003/11/29 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 1701 Usual abbreviation of &#957; at line-end by means of horizontal stroke on the last vowel. Elision; iota adscript written (omitted in one case); phonetic spelling &#949;&#953; instead of &#953;; omission of a sequence; wrong verbal form; corruption of the dialect in some passages. Quotations in ekthesis of one or two letters, but not in every case. quotations in eisthesis of one or two letters, but not systematically 13-17 papyrus
04 2295 ed. princ. pl. IV (cols. i-ii) col.2:
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Homerus (Ilias 4.443; 9.381, 385, 389, 404); Euripides (Phoenix, fr. 812.7-9); Sophocles along the fibres 12 25.4 x 23.2 The use of the Doric dialect suggests that the text come (stem, find another word) from the Pythagorean school (so ed. pr.); free introduction of quotations recalls the Dialexis genre; c; Check LDAB; quotation from Sophocles; note that LDAB mentions in quotation Demosthenes, De falsa legatione 245 = Aeschines I 152, which contains the quotation from Eu. : it is not in ed.pr.; this may be relevant for the fact that apiece of poetry already treated in oratory is more accessible (check if another ed. of Eu. fr. is out) The greater part of four consecutive columns is preserved, the first of these being practically complete. Each column has 30 or 31 lines of text. rhetoric

0351 63526
roll 05.3 Suasoria urging resistance to Alexander, with final title: peri tou mê parachôrein Alexandrôi tês hêgemonias
AD 2 P.Lond. 03, 884 = P.Lond.Lit. 139 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
blank declamation
informal bookhand of medium size London, British Library 884 2003/12/22 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo
2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar
4735 Coronis and diple to mark the end of the work, before the final title at the bottom of the second column. Iota adscript written. Addition of a missing letter above the line, probably by the same hand. One space filler. 17-20 papyrus
02 2510
Makedonia; Alexandros Egypt, unknown
along the fibres 12 11 x 12 Picture seen at Liège, when reproduction arrives, verifyWH; From the transcription it seems that short horizontal strokes are on the title - but not on all letters - with decorative function fragment containing the upper parts of two columns (5.3 cm maximum width), broken off at the bottom. 13 lines have been preserved of the first column, whereas the second column contains the five final lines of the text, followed by a coronis and a complete end-title consisting of four lines. No margins have been preserved except for the upper one, which is 2.7 cm at its maximum depth. Intercolumnium is 1.5 cm. rhetoric

0352 64941 w09 anon. A. Körte, APF 11 (1935), p. 271-272; K.F.W. Schmidt, Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen 198 (1936), p. 251-252, no. 15; H. Oellacher, MPER N.S. 3 (Wien, 1939), p. 94-95. codex 12 (max. preserved) Encomion with a quotation of Homer, Od. VIII, 170-171 at the foot; the verso (end of an encomion with subscriptio) probably precedes the recto (beginning (?) of a second encomion).
AD 5 - AD 6 MPER N.S. 01, 15 (H. Oellacher, 1932)

bookhand of large size, with letters leaning to the right. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G. 29792 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo; 2004/03/22 Valerie Van Elst; 2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar 6182 High stop (col. 1, 5 and 14); trema represented by a dot (1, 13); apostrophe; paragraphos; subscription preceded by some decorative motifs, with curves, horizontal strokes, paragraphos; at the end a motif composed by three short horizontal strokes in parallel alignment above a &#948; occurs twice. 24 (R) -33 (R) papyrus
01 2526
Christos (R). Egypt, Hermoupolis [Homerus, Od. VIII, 170-171]
24 14 x 22 cm picture seen in Liège; when reproduction arrives, verify high stop;
Enkomion auf einen verdienten Bürger is the ed. pr. title; but because of the presence of past it can be a enkomion on a mythical figure as well; it will be easy to find parallel; there is mention of lyra - Achilles? -
Van Elst: photo?
fragment being the bottom corner of a codex sheet; the left margin of the recto (= right margin of the verso) (at least 2 cm) and the lower margin (about 6 cm) have been partially preserved, whereas the upper margin and the right-hand margin of the recto (= left-hand margin of the verso) have not. The ink, in which there is a hint of red, especially on worn-out places, has eaten its way into the lower layer of the papyrus.
recto: 16 lines of writing; scanty remains in the first two lines; of ll. 3-16 the endings are lost;
verso: 11 lines of writing; scanty remains in the first three lines; of ll. 4-11 the beginnings or first halves have disappeared. Maximum preserved column width is 12 cm.

0353 65510
anon. E. Salmenkivi, Cartonnage Papyri in Context, Comm. Hum. Lit. 119 (2000), p. 42-43. roll 11 - 12 - Comparison (synkrisis) between political constitutions: only the end (43 lines) of this work has been preserved.
- Dialogue on the trial of Demades.

1 BC BKT 07, p. 13-31 (K. Kunst, 1923)
blank declamation (melete), synkrisis
Two different hands can be distinguished. The second , viz. from the scribe who wrote the dialogue, is an upright bookhand with occasional finials. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13045 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 6760 + 6761 Blanks used to separate sentences; paragraphoi, but inconsistently used; iota adscript not written; phonetic spelling &#953; instead of &#945;&#953;; corrections (by the same hand?); some orthographic errors remain; stichometrical signs. 28-34 papyrus
20 2102 + 2570 BKT VII, Taf. II; Schubart, GP, p. 109, pl. 71; Seider, PGP II.2, Taf. VIII.15 A 1: Solôn; Kleisthenês; Zaleukos;
A II: Aigyptos; Neilos; Alexandreia (2);
A III: Athênaioi [Athenians] (R, ?);
B I: Hypereidês (2); Phôkiôn; Deinarchos;
B II: Dêmosthenês;
Krannôn; Mounychia; Asia; Perdikkas; Makedonia;
B IV: Mounychia; Athênaioi [Athenians] (R);
C II: Akraganteinos; Pheraios; Korinthios; Deinarchos;
Zeus; Hellas; Kassandros;
C III: Hellênes [Greeks]; Dêmadês; Makedones;
D II: Alexandros; Antipatros (3); Kassandros; Perdikkas (4);
Athênai (Athens); Samos;
D III: Samos (R + 1); Perdikkas; Dêmadês; Athênaioi [Athenians];
E I: Perdikkas (2); Alexandros; Asia; Hellas (2); Samos; Attikê (2); Pythios; Athênai (Athens); Antipatros; Pisistradidai;
E II: Dêmadês; Athênai (Athens); Perdikkas (2); Mounychia; Antipatros (2); Attikê;
F 1: Dêmadês (3); Athênaioi [Athenians]; Eupatridai;
F II: Harmodios; Makedones; Pella; Perdikkas; Stephanos; Antipatros (2); Athênaioi [Athenians];
G I: Antipatros; Makedones; Athênai (Athens);
G II: Athênaioi [Athenians]; Athênai (Athens) (2); Hellas; Philippos.
Egypt, Herakleopolites, Abusir el-Melek, but written in Alexandria?
across the fibres (except for EI and E2) 6

cartonnage consisting of two rolls glued together (see Salmenkivi in Bibliography).The two rolls have to be considered as a unit, as appears from the continuous line numbering and from the lack of any interruption in the text at the join of the two rolls. The remains consist of 7 fragments which fall apart in three almost continuous blocks of writing: A I - B IV, C I - D III and E I - G II. Parts of 16 columns have been preserved and on the basis of the stichometrical signs four additional lost columns can be calculated. The second roll starts with the 14th column (fr. E 1). rhetoric

0354 64269
anon. Later edition: BKT 09, 123 (G. Ioannidou, 1996) roll
Political declamation containing a plea against waging war on a neighbour state. Typically no proper names occur in the text, but the speech would perfectly apply to classical Athens in its relationship with Thebes and is very near to the second century declamations transmitted under the name of Lesbonax.
AD 3 - AD 4 BKT 07, p. 31-34 (K. Kunst, 1923)
account dated by Schubart to the third century AD declamation (melete)
carefully written. A change of pen seems to have occurred in l. 17 of col.ii. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13405 + 21219 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 5489 high stop; inorganic trema on initial upsilon; apostrophe (5); numerous scholiastic abbreviations; iota adscript omitted; phonetic spelling : &#964; instead of &#952; and viceversa; itacistic spelling: &#953; for &#949;&#953;; interlinear corrections (2), but some errors and misspellings remain. 24-30 papyrus
03 2512 Schubart, GP, pl. 91
Egypt, unknown
across the fibres 18

col. 1: only the endings from the last 4 lines.
col. 2: full-height column of 31 lines, visible at full width.
col. 3: full-height column of 31 lines, broken off to the right by half of the lines, except in the middle, where 6 lines have been preserved almost completely.
The papyrus was already damaged when the verso was inscribed, as appears from the spaces left open by the scribe at several places.

0355 59660
Speech imputed to Leptines, based on Demosthenes' Adversus Leptinem
3 BC BKT 07, pp. 4-13 (K. Kunst)
blank declamation
Bookhand carefully executed Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 9781 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo 762 Blank spaces to separate sentences; paragraphos and coronis to separate the section of individual speakers; apostrophe; iota adscript written; elision?; deletion (with strokes?) of wrong letters and sequences (by the same hand?); space-fillers
07 2511 BKT 07, Taf. 1
Egypt, Hermoupolis Demosthenes, Adversus Leptinem along the fibres 1
Look Aelius Aristides orations contra Leptines, 53 and 54

0356 64148
anon. A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 220. Roll
Rhetorical treatise$
AD 3 P.Oxy. 17, 2086v (A.S. Hunt, 1927)
on the back LDAB 4810, Commentary on Comedy treatise/handbook
sloping semi-cursive Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo; 2004/03/22 Valerie Van Elst 5367 abbreviations in the case of familiar names or titles; stop in the middle position (l. 26); erasure (l. 7); heading with a blank space both above and below it (l. 15).
Papyrus --- 01 2300
Timokratês; Philippos (?, R); Dêmosthenês. Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Demosthenes (Contra Timokratem; In Philippum) (?). across the fibres 16 8.5 x 15.5 cm (fr. 1) Need to study the back to establish why such a text was produced and copied in that way; check abbreviation of the bibl.
Van Elst: photo?
two fragments, broken off on all sides; the upper margin and the right margin of fr. 1 have been partially preserved; there is no clear indication of the original length of the lines.
fr. 1: top of a column containing 27 lines of writing which are broken off at the beginning (first half of the papyrus) or at both ends (second half); in a few lines nothing has been preserved;
fr. 2: 6 lines of writing; very scanty remains only.
0357 64033
anon. A. Körte, APF 7 (1936), p. 228-29; Re-edition in R.F. Hock, E.N. O Neil (edd.), The Chreia and Ancient Rhetoric. Classroom Exercises, Leiden 2002, 94-7; M. Heath, Theon and the History of the Progymnasmata , GRBS 43, 2003/3, 141.. Roll or sheet?
Catechism on Rhetoric, containing a definition of the chreia which shows great resemblance to the definitions given by Hermogenes, Aphthonios and Theon in their Progymnasmata;
underneath the beginning of a contract between a married woman and another person whose name is not preserved.

AD 2 - AD 3 PSI 01, 85 (T. Lodi, 1912)
document, account (partially transcribed in ed. pr.), written in another hand than the treatise and the contract on the recto. treatise/handbook
influence of formal mixed, but not at a professional level.

the contract underneath is written in another hand.
Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo; 2004/04/01 Valerie Van Elst; 2004/12/31 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo. 5248 Iota adscript not written; phonetic spellings: i instead of ei (ll. 1, 5, 17 and 18 (?)); e instead of ai (l. 4); n mobile not written; an omission (l. 12); questions in ekthesis; blank space after the question in ll. 5-6. 12-27 (R) Papyrus --- 01 2287 CD-Rom Papiri letterari della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana --- Egypt, Oxyrhynchus --- accross the fibres 14 13 x 14 cm No photo, no possible description of hand; Beta code greek for title; acute accent;
to be ascertain whether dimension are WH
Van Elst: photo used of the CD-Rom
fragment, broken off on all sides; the upper, left and right margin have been partially preserved; 27 lines of writing of which the first 22 belong to the catechism; ll. 1-17 have been completely preserved (except for a few letters); ll. 18-27 are broken off at the end. rhetoric

0358 63601
anon. A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 226-228; S. Kurz, Die neuen Fragmente der attischen Alten Komödie, Diss. Tübingen, 1947, p. 161-168; T. Gelzer, RE, Suppl. Band XII, 1970, col. 1556, no. 43, s.v. Aristophanes; C. Austin, CGFP 238; W. Luppe, Museum Criticum 13/14 (1978-1979), p. 247; B. Marzullo, Museum Criticum 19/20 (1984-1985), p. 311; R. Kassel - C. Austin, PCG 8, 1995, p. 352-353. Roll
Commentary on comedy (?); mostly brief explanations.
AD 2 P.Oxy. 17, 2086r (A.S. Hunt, 1927)
on the back LDAB 5367, Rhetorical treatise commentary (selected lemmata)
rather small, neat, straight; a more lightly formed and less regular variety of the type seen at its best in the Bacchylides papyrus. reference? Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2004/04/21 Valerie Van Elst 4810 some rough breathings; paragraphus or coronis at l. 11; lemmata in ekthesis and followed by appreciable blank spaces; in l. 12 the heading 'merous d' (= act IV) occurs (with a short horizontal stroke above the d); a few misspellings (l. 11, 13); possibly a slip of the pen in l. 4 (&#916;&#949;&#955;&#959;&#957; instead of &#916;&#949;&#955;&#966;&#959;&#965;&#962;(?)); addition of a missing word above the line (l. 6); trema (l. 9); iota adscript not written (except for the incorrect form &#913;&#967;&#951;&#957;&#951;&#953;&#963;&#953; at l. 21 [instead of &#913;&#967;&#951;&#957;&#951;&#963;&#953;]). 31 (R)-38 (R) papyrus Stheneboia (?, R); Apollôn (R); Dêlos. 01 2860 ed. princ. pl. 3. fr. 1:
Stheneboia (?, R); Apollôn (R); Dêlos; Harma; Attikê (R); Karpatha (Q); Soloi (Q); Kypros; Pylai; Amphiktuones [Amphiktiones] (?, R); Anthêlê (?, R); Athênêisi [Athênêsi];

fr. 2:
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Euripides (Stheneboea, fr. 661.1) (?). along the fibres 12 8.5 x 15.5 cm (fr. 1) Van Elst:
l. 6 ed. pr. - eucherôs CGFP and PCG; epaliphtheis pap., corr. Kurz. (epaleiphtheis).

two fragments, broken off on all sides; the upper margin and the left margin of fr. 1 have been partially preserved.
fr. 1: top of a column containing 23 incomplete lines of writing; ll. 1-14 are broken off at the end; ll. 15-23 are broken off at both ends;
fr. 2: 4 lines of writing; very scanty remains only.
0359 64828 --- anon. G. Nachtergael, Dans les classes d' Egypte d' après les papyrus scolaires grecs, Bruxelles, 1980, pp. 15-16; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 31-32, 44, 47, 80, 85, 163-165, 210, 219; L. Del Francia Barocas, Antinoe cent' anni dopo. Catalogo della mostra Firenze Palazzo Medici Riccardi 10 luglio - 1° novembre 1998, Firenze, 1998, p. 72, no. 55; A. Wouters, 'La grammaire grecque dans l' école antique, d' après les papyrus', in Louis Basset - Frédérique Biville (edd.), Actes du XXXIe Congrès International de l' A.P.L.A.E.S (Universités Lumière-Lyon 2 et Jean Moulin-Lyon 3-Lyon 5, 6 et 7 juin 1998), Lyon, 1999, pp. 58-59.

codex ?
recto: declension of the nouns Priamos and Hekabê in all numbers
verso: declension of the adjective sophos in all genders and numbers
372 AD 5 - AD 6 Aegyptus 20 (1940), pp. 12-14 (G. Zalateo)

declensions --- student's or teacher's hand: "rapid"; medium-sized; informal; careful and clear, but still with a coarse look and letters mostly separated; some cursive elements
according to Weems PSI inv. 479 and PSI inv. 2052 may have been written by the same hand because of their similarity in script (and format of content); she does not rule out the possibility that both came from a single school manual
Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli'<:a> 479 2004/01/08 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 6066 horizontal lines are used to separate the different numbers or genders from each other; sometimes these horizontal lines of demarcation are accompanied by marginal abbreviations ('&#948;&#966; ' and '&#960;&#955;&#951;' for dual and plural respectively).
papyrus Priamos; Hekabê. 01 (recto)
02 (verso)
2706 Cribiore, pl. LXIII-LXIV; L. del Francia Barocas, Antinoe cent' anni dopo. Catalogo della mostra Firenze Palazzo Medici Riccardi 10 luglio - 1° novembre 1998, Firenze, 1998, p. 72, no. 55 (only verso). Priamos; Hekabê. Egypt, Antinoopolis --- along the fibres (side 1)
across the fibres
(side 2)
24 7.2 x 21 Barocas: 21.5 cm?? a rough and rather thick sheet made up of two fragments that can be joined together; one fragment is very small and light in color, forming the lower part of the papyrus; the other is much bigger and darker; the papyrus in its entirety is broken off on all sides; the writing, performed in chestnut-coloured ink, has better been preserved on the verso than on the recto; it is sometimes faded and has almost completely vanished along the right margin of the recto side
recto: remains of the beginnings of 21 lines, containing the singular and dual declension of Hekabê; directly below these lines traces of two other lines appear which probably contained originally the beginning of the plural declension of Hekabê; further down at the bottom of the papyrus there are also some traces visible, but their context is totally unclear
verso: remains of the endings of 40 lines; along the right margin there are traces of a second column
according to del Francia Barocas the sheet must have been at least 30 cm high, containing originally two colums on each side with an intercolumnar space of about 3 cm.
school text, grammar/philology
0360 65304 --- anon. A. Wouters, Bibliotheca Orientalis 45 (1988), col. 589; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232, especially p. 220, n. 63 (date). sheet
partial paradigm of the verb chrysoô in the middle-passive imperative and in the active optative: ll. 1-8: middle-passive perfect imperative; ll. 9-17: passive aorist imperative; ll. 18-26: middle aorist imperative; ll. 27-37: active present optative; ll. 38-47: active perfect optative; ll. 48-57: active aorist optative; ll. 58-68: active future optative; chrysoô also functions as a model verb in P. Chester Beatty AC 1499, MPER NS. 15, 138 and P. Cairo Masp. 2, 67176. 377 AD 6 - AD 7 MPER N.S. 15, 139 (H. Harrauer - P. J. Sijpesteijn, 1985).
Coptic letter: BKU 3, 503 conjugation --- "rapid", practiced and clear; probably the hand of a student still unsure of his conjugations. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 22141 2004/01/08 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 6549 horizontal lines of demarcation with marginal abbreviations to indicate singular, dual and plural; mistakes were made in the dual of the perfect imperative, in the perfect optative, in the future optative and especially in the aorist optative; some corrections (erasure of a superfluous letter (l. 47); addition of a few missing letters above the line (ll. 49-51)); some morphological labels have been abbreviated.
papyrus --- 02 M-P 2161.1 ed. princ. pl. 64 --- Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 27 22 x 30.5 Van Elst: AD 6: LDAB en Fournet (op basis van handschrift); AD 7: Cribiore en ed. princ.; uitleg over de correcties juist?; the margins are partially preserved: juist? relevante info? two almost complete columns of 37 and 32 lines respectively, broken off at top and bottom; the left and the right margin are partially preserved.

school text, grammar/philology
0361 64865 --- anon. S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 30, 44, 47, 80, 84-85, 162-163, 164-165, 210, 219; L. Del Francia Barocas, Antinoe cent' anni dopo. Catalogo della mostra Firenze Palazzo Medici Riccardi 10 luglio - 1° novembre 1998, Firenze, 1998, p. 73, no. 56. codex ?
recto: declension of the noun pais in singular and dual
verso: declension of the adjective kalos in singular and dual (only the masculine forms)
no plural forms have been preserved
374 AD 5 - AD 6 Aegyptus 20 (1940), p. 7 (G. Zalateo)

declensions --- student's or teacher's hand; medium-sized; informal; round; proficient and clear
according to Weems PSI inv. 479 and PSI inv. 2052 may have been written by the same hand because of their similarity in script (and format of content); she does not rule out the possibility that both came from a single school manual
Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli'2052 2004/01/08 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 6103 a horizontal line on the recto, marking the transition from the singular forms to the dual; morphological labels are used to indicate gender, case and number
papyrus --- 01 2705 Cribiore, pl. LXV; L. Del Francia Barocas, Antinoe cent' anni dopo. Catalogo della mostra Firenze Palazzo Medici Riccardi 10 luglio - 1° novembre 1998, Firenze, 1998, p. 73, no. 56 (only recto). --- Egypt, Antinoopolis --- along the fibres (side 1)

across the fibres (side 2)
24 5.3 x 6.2 Van Elst: form: fragment? codex? (fragment of a school manual/text)(cf. ook record 333) (LDAB: sheet or codex)
Del Francia Barocas: kollesis visible on the recto: het vermelden waard?

thick papyrus of a yellowish color and of inferior quality, broken off on all sides; the recto contains the beginnings of 8 lines; the verso contains the middle section of 10 lines; at the top of the recto appear some traces of writing; according to Weems these traces belonged originally to the morphological label '&#949;&#957;&#953;&#954;&#959;&#965; &#945;&#961;&#953;&#952;&#956;&#959;&#965;', which indicates the singular declension; the writing, performed in chestnut-coloured ink, is occasionally faded
along the left margin of the recto side there are remains of what seems at first sight a kollêsis; according to del Francia Barocas these remains are more probably coming from a strip of papyrus - pasted on the sheet to strenghten it - than from an original kollêsis, because the superposition is opposite (left sheet under the right sheet).
school text; grammar/philology
0362 63794 --- anon. E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, Bonn, 1913 , p. 32, no. 49; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 25-26, 159-160, 210. codex
complete declension of the singular, dual and plural of three noun-adjective pairs in each of the three genders: ho chrêstos patêr, hê agathê parainesis and to philanthrôpon êthos
the genitive and dative singular of patêr are trisyllabic; some forms have not been contracted.
384 AD 2 - AD 3 Ber. Berl. Mus. 34 (1913), p. 219 (G. Plaumann) (only transcription of the masculine noun-adjective pair).

declensions ---
Tablets R. Blanckertz, not found (now lost) 2004/01/09 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5007 morphological labels are used to indicate gender and number
waxed tablets --- 02 (side 4)
01 (side 5)
2738 none published --- Egypt, unknown ---
14 13 x 16.5 Van Elst: toevoegen?: according to Weems the declensions were more likely a teacher's model, according to Cribiore they were more likely the work of a student.
probleem: de transcriptie van Ziebarth biedt voor de dualis gen.-dat. van parainesis de vorm parainesesin (in plaats van paraineseoin)... gaat het hier om een fout van de kopiist of van de uitgever (s en o lijken misschien hard op elkaar)??? (volgens mij komen er ook een paar accentfouten voor, waarschijnlijk afkomstig van de uitgever zelf)
veld 'hand': "not described"
four waxed tablets; only the insides of the two middle tablets contained writing. school text; grammar/philology
0363 64252 --- anon. J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232, especially pp. 223-224. sheet
partial conjugation of the active present indicative of blepô (fr. A) and of blaptô (fr. B) 365 AD 3 MPER N.S. 15, 136 (H. Harrauer - P. J. Sijpesteijn, 1985).
document conjugations --- probably a teacher's (although the mistakes are considerable); large, fluent, and regular, influenced by the chancery style (the letters are tall and narrow); in bêta one single, sinuous line defines the two protruding parts. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P. Vindob. G 40382 2004/01/05 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5472 itacism; orthographic mistakes (lambda has been omitted in &#946;&#955;&#949;&#960;&#969; and, according to Cribiore, also in &#946;&#955;&#945;&#960;&#964;&#969;; l. 7); two corrections (deletion of the beginning of a letter on l. 6; l. 8).
papyrus --- 01 M-P 2660.1 ed. princ. pl. 60 --- Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 16 4 x 4.3 (fr. A)
3.6 x 4.3 (fr. B)
two corrections?;
vraag: als van een lijn het aantal letters volledig bewaard gebleven is, maar sommige letters amper leesbaar zijn, mag je dan zeggen dat de lijn volledig bewaard gebleven is?
two fragments being part of the same sheet; according to the structure of the fibres fr. B has been written below fr. A
fr. A: 3 lines
fr. B: 5 lines; underneath at the bottom some traces of writing, presumably refering to the 3th person plural of blaptô
the fragments cannot be joined together immediately: there is a gap of about 4 cm between them; the upper (fr. A) and the left margin (fr. A + B) of the sheet have been preserved.
school text; grammar/philology
0364 64366 --- anon. A. Körte, APF 14 (1941), p. 144, no. 1010; B. Snell, Griechische Papyri der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg, 1954, no. 166, pp. 116, n. 1 and 121; A. Oguse, Aegyptus 37 (1957), pp. 79 and 86-88; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 101, 134, 136, 138, 174-176, 211-214, 224-225, 233; A. Wouters, The Chester Beatty Codex AC 1499, Leuven/Paris, 1988, pp. 33-35 and 64-81; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232 and 237. codex ?
partial conjugation of poieô in the future indicative and in the infinitive:
ll 1-10: passive future indicative; ll. 11-20: middle future indicative; ll. 21-32: middle-passive future perfect indicative; ll. 33-38: active present infinitive; ll. 39-42: active perfect infinitive; ll. 43-44/45: active aorist infinitive; ll. 46-47: active future infinitive; ll. 48-52: passive present infinitive
the conjugation table shows many similarities with the Kanones of Theodosius (GG IV.1, pp. 43-99), e.g. the use of 'double tense' labels.
366 AD 3 - AD 4 P. Ryl. 3, 533 (C.H. Roberts - E.P. Wegener, 1938)

conjugation --- "rapid", larger on the front, but probably the same throughout; sprawling uneven lines, variable spacing, general coarse thick look. Manchester, Rylands Library 2004/01/12 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5588 horizontal lines to separate different sections from each other; some morphological labels have been abbreviated; (clumsy) erasures (l. 14; ll. 35-36); mistakes: dittography (l. 45), three infinitives are given the unnecessary and incorrect label ' ' (singular).
papyrus --- 01 2166 Cribiore, pl. LXII. --- Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres (recto)

across the fibres (verso)
18 6.3 x 13.3 Van Elst: sheet of codex?
LDAB: opistograph bij 'front/back' enkel vermelden als er bij 'form' sheet wordt vermeld?
papyrus of inferior quality, broken off on all sides; the recto follows directly upon the verso; only one line has been lost at the top of the papyrus
recto: 23 lines, mostly incomplete
verso: 29 lines, mostly incomplete.

school text; grammar/philology
0365 64329 --- anon. J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232. fragment
partial conjugation of the middle-passive participles of poieô (ll. 1-15), followed by a descriptive comment (ll. 16-19); as suggested by the editio princeps, the remaining lines of this comment formed perhaps a single sentence relating the formation of the neuter participle and the masculine participle; such practical hints or rules have not been preserved in any other conjugation table. 367 AD 3 - AD 4 P. Col. 8, 206 (R.S. Bagnall - T.T. Renner - K.A. Worp, 1990)
traces of an account and the word rêmata with, directly below it, the syllable rê, written in a good bookhand conjugation --- "rapid", probably the hand of a student; letter orientation varies, mostly separated letters with only a few ligatures; many letters touch; sometimes there are cursive letter forms; overall a sloppy look. New York, Colombia University Library, 492c 2004/01/14 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5550 extensive cancellation of an intrusive word (l. 3 of col. 1); possibly a mistake (l. 3 of col. 2); huge alpha's (2) protruding into the margin to the left of col. 2 (ll. 8 and 16 of col. 2); ekthesis (ll. 3-4 and 16 of col. 2); various ink smears from erasures (e.g. l. 5 of col. 2).
papyrus --- 02 M-P 2166.1 ed. princ. pl. 15 --- Egypt, unknown --- along the fibres 18 5.3 x 6.2 LDAB: rol (verso: rekening)??
broken off on all sides; remains of two adjacent columns; col. 1 contains the endings of 7 lines; of col. 2 19 lines have been preserved (6 completely). school text; grammar/philology http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apisquery?function=lookup&key=columbia.apis.p241 ---
0366 65128 --- anon. E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, Bonn, 1913 , p. 11, no. 23; B. Snell, Griechische Papyri der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg, 1954, no. 166, p. 121; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 20, 44-45, 47, 69-70, 77, 80-81, 85, 94-95, 96, 192-195, 211-214, 249-250; A. Wouters, The Chester Beatty Codex AC 1499, Leuven/Paris, 1988, pp. 33-35 and 64-81; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232. fragment
partial conjugation of graphô in the present indicative middle/passive (col. 1) and aorist indicative passive (col. 2); graphô also functions as a model verb in PSI inv. 204 and in P.Haun. 3, 48. 375 AD 6 PERF 534 (C. Wessely, 1894) (only description) = Stud. Pal. 2, p. lviii (C. Wessely, 1902) = MPER N.S. 15, 137 (H. Harrauer - P.J. Sijpesteijn, 1985)
blank conjugation --- "rapid", large, cursive, fluent and regular; many ligatures Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 2318 2004/01/22 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 6369 many mistakes - in fact no real errors, but colloquialisms or vulgarisms - in col. 2 (misapplied reduplication that betrays a confusion between the aorist and perfect tenses; insertion of an extraneous thêta preceding the personal ending); a morphological label on l. 7 indicating the imperfect tense.
papyrus --- 02 2735 MPER N.S. 15, pl. 61 --- Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 25 8.5 x 15 Wessely and Harrauer - Sijpesteijn restore on l. 1 the third-person singular of graphô; according to Weems it is more probable that the form in this position was the first-person dual.
Volgens mij biedt MPER op twee plaatsen een foutieve reconstructie, nl. op l. 2 en l. 12; het gaat tweemaal om een dualisvorm 2de persoon:
M/P presens [e]graphesth[ê]n (Wessely en Ziebarth: graphesth[on]) en P aorist [gr]aphthêton (Wessely en Ziebarth: [egr]aphthêton).
coarse papyrus of a brown color, broken off on three sides; only the right margin has (partially) been preserved (4 cm); intercolumnar space of 2-4 cm; col. 1 and col. 2 contain each 8 lines of writing; in the space to the left of l. 14 in col. 2 traces of a letter, probably, as suggested by Weems, the marginal abbreviation '&#960;' to indicate the plural number (&#960;&#955;&#951;&#952;&#965;&#957;&#964;&#953;&#954;&#969;&#962;)
Weems has estimated that if the fragment ever belonged to of a complete and regular paradigm of graphô in the active and passive indicative, the original conjugation would have occupied 4 cols. of 35-36 lines each, written on a papyrus sheet of about 34 x 50 cm; the 16 remaining lines would in this case have been located near the bottom of the second and third columns, implying that the preserved right margin in this instance would have formed originally the intercolumnar space between col. 3 and col. 4.
school text; grammar/philology
0367 64040 --- anon. B. Snell, Griechische Papyri der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Hamburg, 1954, no. 166, p. 122; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 30-31, 43, 47, 53, 56-57, 65-69, 73, 79, 84, 168-169 and 211-214; A. Wouters, The Chester Beatty Codex AC 1499, Leuven/Paris, 1988, pp. 33-35 and 64-81; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232. codex ?
partial conjugation of graphô in the active and passive indicative; graphô also functions as a model verb in P.Haun. 3, 48 and in PERF 534. 363 AD 3 Aegyptus 20 (1940), pp. 8-11 (G. Zalateo)

conjugation --- "rapid", irregular, but fluent with letters separated except for epsilon; noticeable irregularities in both the horizontal and vertical placement of words in columns. Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli' 204 2004/01/28 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 5256 erasure (or attempt at erasure), probably done with a wet finger (l. 20); minor morphological errors (ll. 24-25; confusion about the principal and historical tense endings in ll. 7, 34 and 47); itacism (ll. 31, 32); colloquialisms or vulgarisms in some endings (second-person singular forms of the perfect (l. 4) and aorist active (l. 22); plural forms of the pluperfect); morphological labels to indicate voice, tense and number; horizontal lines of demarcation (sometimes also series of short curls or barbed dashes), a little bit irregular; marginal abbreviations to indicate singular ('&#945;', being the symbol of unity), dual ('&#948;') and plural ('&#960;).
papyrus --- 02 2162 Cribiore, pl. LX. --- Egypt, Oxyrhynchus --- along the fibres (recto)

across the fibres (verso)
16 7.7 x 12.8 Van Elst: misschien hoort het laatste punt onder 'hand' eerder thuis bij 'state of preservation'?; noot 47 van ed. pr. (over inkt) relevant?
yellow papyrus of inferior quality; the upper margin and the right margin of the recto (= left margin of the verso) have been preserved; according to Weems it seems likely that there is one column missing on each side (on the left-hand side of the recto and on the right-hand side of the verso); she has estimated that the papyrus would have been in this case originally about 15 by 15 cm.
recto: col. 1 contains the endings of 18 lines; col. 2 contains 18 lines, of which the first 10 are complete (there is a narrow, rather long gap in the second part of the column)
verso: col. 1 contains 20 lines, of which the first 14 - except for the morphological label 'passive present' at the beginning, covering in fact both cols. - are complete; col. 2 contains the beginnings of 20 lines.

school text; grammar/philology
0368 59978 --- anon. A. Körte, AFP 14 (1941), p. 144, no. 1013; A. Oguse, Aegyptus 37 (1957), pp. 79 and 85-86; A. Wouters, The Grammatical Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt. Contributions to the Study of the 'Ars Grammatica' in Antiquity (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, Klasse der Letteren, 41, no. 92), Bruxelles, 1979, pp. 242-243, n. 10; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 100-101, 134, 165-168, 211-214; A. Wouters, The Chester Beatty Codex AC 1499, Leuven/Paris, 1988, pp. 33-35 and 64-81; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232. fragment
middle-passive imperatives of typtô with a proliferation of very rare forms (perfect imperative middle-passive) and even nonexistent forms (a whole series of future imperatives); within the mood and voice, the forms are grouped by number; within each tense (and voice), the forms have been written after each other; the dual forms of the future and future perfect are preserved, as well as the plural forms of all tenses; the hortative subjunctive is inserted as the first-person plural imperative for all tenses (also in the future tense!); similarities and differences with the Kanones of Theodosius (GG IV.1, pp. 43-99); typtô also functions as a model verb in P. Rein 2, 81 and in the Tabula (GG I.1, pp. 125-132). 361 AD 2 MPER N.S. 3, 33B (H. Oellacher, 1939)
document conjugation --- "rapid", irregular, but fluent enough with few ligatures; some bold letters and inkblots. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung P.Vindob. G 29815 B 2004/02/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 1090 morphological labels to indicate voice, tense and number; orthographical or minor morphological mistakes (letters omitted; perfect imperative plural in l. 9; second aorist middle imperative plural in l. 17). 04-28 (R) papyrus --- 01 2167 ed. princ. pl. 2; Cribiore, pl. LIX. --- Egypt, Fayum --- across the fibres 12 10 x 11 H. Oellacher published MPER N.S. 3, 33B as one of a group of 4 papyrus fragments, but there is doubt about the fact that fragment B belonged to the same roll as the remaining three fragments labeled A. Not only the content, but also the fabric and the handwriting of fragment B are different from those of the A fragments forming remains of a grammatical treatise (cf. Wouters, pp. 242-243, n. 10 and Weems, p. 100).
-op de fotografische reproductie die Cribiore biedt, staan nog twee kleine fragmentjes afgebeeld, maar deze behoren waarschijnlijk tot de fragmenten onder A (?) (cf. Wouters, p. 243, n. 10)
-volgens de ed. pr. is het handschrift afkomstig van een leerling die nog steeds heel wat moeite ondervindt bij het schrijven (dus geen "rapid hand")
papyrus broken off on all sides, with a border of 1-3 cm on the right and on the left; 27 lines of writing; ll. 1-3 partially preserved; ll. 4-21 complete or almost complete (a few vanished letters at the end); rather scanty remains in the last 6 lines. school text; grammar/philology
0369 65421 --- anon. H. Leclercq, Bulletin d' ancienne littérature et d' archéologie chrétiennes 3 (1913), p. 212; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 22, 42, 56, 77, 83-84, 86, 198-199 and 211-214; A. Wouters, The Chester Beatty Codex AC 1499, Leuven/Paris, 1988, pp. 33-35 and 64-81; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232, especially pp. 223-224. sheet
conjugation of didaskô in the present indicative active singular and plural and in the aorist indicative active singular, with (on the right) its Coptic equivalents:
ll. 1-6: present indicative
ll. 7-9: aorist indicative singular
ll. 10-15: apparently a repetition of the present-tense conjugation, but only the Coptic equivalents are preserved
-ll. 16-17: two Coptic forms of another verb ('swear to me' and 'I will swear')
This is the only preserved ostracon with grammatical material.
378 AD 7 - AD 8 O. Brit. Mus. Copt. 1, 3 (H.R. Hall, 1905) = MPER N.S. 18, 280 (M.R.M. Hasitzka - H. Harrauer, 1990)
Coptic letter of religious content conjugation (bilingual) --- uniform, practiced capitals slanting to the right; perhaps a teacher's model. London, British Library 14222 2004/02/03 Marc Huys, Valerie Van Elst 6668 continuous or broken horizontal lines of demarcation; two crosses, one at the beginning and one at the end of the preserved forms (ll. 1 and 17); dicolon in l. 1; irregular curved or crooked signs positioned between the Greek and the corresponding Coptic forms; orthographical or morphological error in l. 5 (superfluous rhô); diaeresis on the final iota (l. 6).
ostracon --- 01 2698 ed. princ. pl. 31; Cribiore, pl. LXV. --- Egypt, unknown --- --- 31 11 x 13.5
ostracon partially broken off on the left side (from l. 10 onwards); 17 lines of writing; ll. 1-9 are complete; on ll. 10-17 only the Coptic equivalents on the right have been preserved. school text; grammar/philology
0370 62680 --- anon. E. Ziebarth, Aus der antiken Schule, Bonn, 1913 , p. 10, no. 22 and pp. 16-17, no. 37; A. Brinkmann, RhM 65 (1910), pp. 151-152; A. Oguse, Aegyptus 37 (1957), pp. 87-88; G. Nachtergael, Dans les classes d' Egypte d' après les papyrus scolaires grecs, Bruxelles, 1980, p. 18; Hermeneus 52 (1980), p. 342; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 22-23, 39-40, 48, 51, 54-55, 59, 71-72, 74, 77-78, 82, 87, 169-173, 199-200, 211-215, 217-218; A. Wouters, The Chester Beatty Codex AC 1499, Leuven/Paris, 1988, pp. 33-35 and 64-81; D.N. Sedley, 'Pythagoras the Grammar Teacher (PBrLibr Add. MS 37516, 1)', in Papiri Filosofici. Miscellanea di Studi, Firenze, 1998a, II, pp. 167-181, especially p. 167, n. 1 (date); id., Hyperboreus 4 (1998b), pp. 122-137; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232, especially pp. 223-224; A. Wouters, 'La grammaire grecque dans l' école antique, d' après les papyrus', in Louis Basset - Frédérique Biville (edd.), Actes du XXXIe Congrès International de l' A.P.L.A.E.S (Universités Lumière-Lyon 2 et Jean Moulin-Lyon 3-Lyon 5, 6 et 7 juin 1998), Lyon, 1999, pp. 58-59; A. Wouters, 'The klisis chreias: Between the Grammarian and the Rhetorician', in European Scholarship. History, Methodology and Beyond. International Conference (March 15-16, 2002), Nicosia, 2003 (forthcoming).

-side 1: declension of a chreia on the philosopher Pythagoras, giving the subject in every case and number successively, and showing the consequent variations in the adjective and participles agreeing with it; Brit. Mus. Add. MS. 37533 and Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 3019 contain a set of formulae for the declension of a chreia.
-side 2: conjugation of the optative and participles of nikaô in all tenses, with morphological peculiarities in the present and perfect tenses of the optative; in the second- and third- person singular and in the third-person plural of the active optative aorist appear the non-Aeolic (and non-Attic) endings -ais, -ai and -aien (instead of -eias, eie and -eian respectively); as in MPER N.S. 3, 33B the forms are grouped by number within the mood and voice.
364 AD 3 - AD 4 JHS 29 (1909), pp. 29-31 (F.G. Kenyon, 1909)
--- conjugation and klisis chreias --- "rapid", irregular, of small size, with many ligatured letters; semi-cursive; according to Weems the two sides may have been written by different hands, though they are very similar. London, British Museum Add. MS. 37516 2004/02/20 Valerie Van Elst 3868 both horizontal and vertical lines, scored with a narrow-pointed instrument (freehand rather than ruled) and sometimes (completely) disregarded (the lines are neither straight nor evenly spaced).
morphological labels on both sides, sometimes abbreviated; paragraphoi, crude and of various lengths on side 2; orthographical, phonological and morphological errors (side 1: l. 2, l. 5, l. 6, l. 7, l. 10, l. 11, l. 13, l. 15, l. 17; side 2: l. 21 of col. 4, in the present optative active and middle-passive); corrections (side 1: addition of a missing word above the line on l. 3, l. 15; side 2: deletion on ll. 22 and 23 of col. 4); the third-person reflexive singular '&#949;&#945;&#965;&#964;&#959;&#965;' is wrongly kept unchanged in the dual and plural.
at the end of the conjugation appears a number (&#953;&#951;); Kenyon notes that it may refer to the middle-passive participles, which are eighteen in number, but there is no obvious reason for its addition
.the anecdote's first three words have an unorthodox order (ho Pythagoras philosophos instead of Pythagoras ho philosophos); Sedley gives two hypotheses to explain this phenomenon: the first possibility is that the author omitted the article by mere error, then added it in the left margin, and thereafter for consistency retained the initial position of the article in the following sentences; the other possibility is that the author moved the article to the beginning of the sentence in order to mark out the sequence of cases and numbers down the left-hand side with complete clarity.

wooden tablet --- 00 (side 1)
06 (side 2)
2711 ed. princ. pl. 5; Cribiore, pl. LXI. --- Egypt, unknown --- --- 18 13.5 x 41.5 Valerie Van Elst: nog twee bibliografische referenties aan te vullen (o.a. nieuw boek over de chreia) approximately rectangular wooden tablet, slightly whitened on both surfaces and written in ink; it has at some point split horizontally and been carefully mended with dowels; this reparation had taken place before the present text was written on it; on the left a small rounded protrusion with a hole bored in it; possibly the tablet was meant to be hung on the wall (by a nail or by a cord passed through the hole).
side 1: 17 lines of writing, completely preserved (except for a few letters).
side 2: 4 cols. of 25-32 lines each, completely preserved; the conjugation occupies about one half of the tablet; the other half is blank (except for the guidelines occupying the whole tablet).
school text; grammar/philology
0371 63263 --- anon. A. Wouters, The Chester Beatty Codex AC 1499, Leuven/Paris, 1988, pp. 33-35 and 64-81, especially p. 69, n. 26; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 219-232, especially pp. 223-224. roll
two participles with the corresponding morphological labels (future middle and future perfect); underneath the title 'Logoi of Isocrates'
the future perfect was not yet considered to be a distinct tense by Dionysius Thrax, but figures already in this papyrus; the tense also appears in the Tabula (GG I.1, pp. 125-132) and in some other conjugation tables, like P. Rain. 3, 33B and P. Hamb. 2, 166.
360 AD 1 - AD 2 P.Haun. 3, 48 (T. Larsen - A. Bülow-Jacobsen, 1985)
blank (probably), covered morphological exercise --- Hand 1 (title): calligraphic, large
Hand 2 (morphological exercise): "rapid", with a few ligatures; the editio princeps mentions two parallels: P. Berol. 9780 and P. Berol. 9782
Copenhagen, University, Institute for Greek and Latin 323c 2004/1/9 Valerie Van Elst 4468 a horizontal line separates the participles from the title; diairesis (above the iota of &#921;&#963;&#959;&#954;&#961;&#945;&#964;&#951;&#962;); the title has been framed.
papyrus --- 01 M-P 2162.1 ed. princ. pl. 2 Isokratês Egypt, unknown Isocrates along the fibres 10 6.5 x 10.1
broken off on all sides; papyrus of good quality
the two participles have been written in the blank space between the end of a col. and the title at the end of a roll; the text to which the title refers, ended originally above the title as in the upper left corner there is a small trace visible of the coronis which marked the end of the text; in the bottom right-hand corner of the fragment there are two diagonal lines, apparently drawn by hand 1 and probably remains of ornamentation
between the participles and the end-title there is a space of 0.9 cm; the exercise (4 ll.) is completely preserved; one morphological label has been abbreviated by suspension; of the title (2 ll.) three letters forming the end of the genitive '&#921;&#963;&#959;&#954;&#961;&#945;&#964;&#959;&#965;&#963;' are lost.
school text; philology/grammar
0372 59712 --- anon. A. Oguse, Aegyptus 37 (1957), pp. 79 and 87-88; S. Weems, Greek Grammatical Papyri: the School Texts (unpublished dissertation), 1981, passim pp. 105-107, 241-244; A. Wouters, The Chester Beatty Codex AC 1499, Leuven/Paris, 1988, pp. 33-35 and 64-81; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l'Egypte du VIe siècle. La bibliothèque et l' oeuvre de Dioscore d' Aphrodité, 2 vols., Le Caire, 1999, I, pp. 175-180, 204-207 and 219-237. roll
an almost complete conjugation of poieô in indicative, infinitive, imperative and optative active and middle-passive. 376 AD 6 P. Hamb. 2, 166 (B. Snell, 1954)
document: P. Hamb. 1, 68 conjugation --- "rapid", probably a student's; quick and slightly inclined semi-cursive, not very careful; some irregularities with regard to inclination and spacing; wavy lines
.The papyrus belongs to the archive of Dioskoros of Aphrodito, but neither the conjugation nor the document on the recto side have been written by him.
Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Papyrusabteilung, 175 verso 2004/01/26 Valerie Van Elst 816 morphological labels to indicate mood, voice, tense and number, written in ekthesis; one accent (l. 45); diairesis on the initial ypsilon (on the label '&#965;&#960;&#949;&#961;&#963;&#965;&#957;&#964;&#949;&#955;&#953;&#954;&#959;&#965; '); horizontal lines of demarcation, mostly accompanied by the marginal abbreviations '&#948;' and '&#960;&#955;' (for dual and plural respectively); the label '&#967;&#961;&#959;&#957;&#959;&#965;' ('tense') has sometimes been abbreviated (e.g. ll. 196 and 213); corrections (ll. 106 (?), 199, 207, 227 (?), 325, 376); phonetical (e.g. ll. 75, 138, 212) and orthographical or minor morphological (e.g. ll. 87, 251-252, 375) mistakes; between ll. 381 and 382 the author has omitted by accident the middle future optative; in the beginning of l. 277 a cross marking the transition from the imperative mood to the optative; at the end of the conjugation, under l. 394, a second cross accompanied by a horizontal line of demarcation.
papyrus --- 03 2165 Cribiore, pl. LXVI. --- Egypt, Aphroditopolis --- along the fibres 25 31 x 74 -rol of sheet?; de ed. pr. maakt gewag van 'drei Klebungen' = drie kollêseis neem ik aan?
-according to Fournet the lectional sign above the initial ypsilon of the label 'hypersyntelikou' is a diaeresis and not, as the ed. pr. and Cribiore mention, a rough breathing; otherwise the initial vowel of the label 'henika' would also bear a lectional sign.
-Fournet gives some addenda et corrigenda to the ed. pr.

kollêsis (3 times); three very long cols. broken off at the top (about 15 cm or 21-30 lines lost) and written lengthwise with the papyrus turned 90 degrees; col. 1 contains 111 lines, col. 2 112 lines (of which the first three are barely legible) and col. 3 91 lines; at the end of col. 3 a large blank space, probably because there was not enough space anymore - about 21 lines - to conjugate the two remaining moods (subjunctive and participle);
the cols. are not entirely straight; the left margin of col. 1 broadens out in the second half of the papyrus; col. 2 moves gradually away from col. 1 and col. 3 from col. 2; in the upper part of the papyrus one column intrudes sometimes in another (ll. 189, 198);
according to the editio princeps the conjugation was meant to be hung on the wall.
school text; philology/grammar
0373 59666
anon. A. Rostagni, RFIC 56 (1928), p. 590-591; G. Vitelli, BSAA 24 (1929), p. 4-8; A. Körte, AFP 10 (1932), p. 223-224; B. Snell, 'Zur Geschichte vom Gastmahl der Sieben Weisen', in Thesaurismata. Festschrift für Ida Kapp zum 70. Geburtstag, München, 1954, p. 105-111 (= Gesammelte Schriften, Göttingen, 1966, p. 115-118); F. Wehrli, Klearchos, Die Schule des Aristoteles: Texte und Kommentar, 3, Basel - Stuttgart, 1969 , fr. 69d and p. 70; idem, Chamaileon, Die Schule des Aristoteles: Texte und Kommentar, 9, Basel - Stuttgart, 1969 , fr. 2c and p. 69-70 [= Klearchos fr. 69d]; I. Gallo, Vichiana N.S. 2 (1973), p. 241, n. 5; F. Wehrli, Hermippos der Kallimacheer, Die Schule des Aristoteles, Supplementband I, Basel - Stuttgart, 1974, fr. 47a; D. Giordano, Chamaeleontis Heracleotae Fragmenta, Bologna, 1977, fr. 4; A. Lorenzoni, QUCC 35 N.S. 6 (1980), p. 141-143; R. Pintaudi, Papiri greci e latini a Firenze. Secoli III a.C.-VIII d.C.: Catalogo della Mostra maggio-giugno 1983, Papyrologica Florentina 12 (Suppl.), Firenze, 1983, p. 80, no. 288; F. Montanari, CPFGL I, 1*, 1989, no. 29 1T; idem, I, 1*, 1989, no. 32 1T; D. Giordano, Chamaeleontis Heracleotae Fragmenta, Bologna, 1990 , fr. *2c; F. Montanari, I, 1**, 1992, no. 59 2T; P. Degni in G. Cavallo et al., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Firenze, 1998, p. 104-105. Roll 05 Treatise on gnomic criticism, dealing with the attribution of apophtegms and proverbs to the Seven Sages (1) and with a gnome of Dionysius of Syracuse (2); because of the erudition of the text, the absence of a transition between the two parts and the self-confident tone at the end of the treatise, we are possibly dealing here with 2 fragments of the Symposiaka or Symmikta of Didymus the grammarian, although this certainly does not mean that the papyrus gives us a precise and integral reproduction of the Alexandrian work.
AD 2 PSI 09, 1093 (M. Norsa, 1929)
blank treatise/handbook
formal round; extremely regular and calligraphic; bilinear (only ' ' and ' ' protrude above and below line-level); ornaments (small apices or dots, placed irregularly at the ends of some vertical and oblique strokes, especially in , , , , , and ); a with horizontal or slightly oblique middle stroke; with high middle stroke and slightly, though not always, curved upper stroke; presents the upright and the ascendant diagonal separated from the vertical stroke; presents a deep curve; with short vertical stroke and slightly wide cup; with somewhat oblate circle; with somewhat oblique middle stroke; a certain incoherence in the execution of some strokes and forms. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo; 2004/04/05 Valerie Van Elst 768 iota adscript written; two accentuated words (ll. 23 and 60); paragraphos (2 or maybe 3); quantity mark (l. 23); erasure (?) (l. 23); line fillers (angular sign > or >>; at ll. 11, 24, 35 (R) and 49); space fillers represented as dots (ll. 18-20 and 44-45). 14 papyrus
02 2292 G. Cavallo et al., Scrivere libri e documenti nel mondo antico, Firenze, 1998, tav. XX. Col. 1:

Chilôn (Q, R); Lakedaimôn patris (Q); Pythoi (Q); Hermippos; Aristotelês; Labys (R);

Col. 2:

ho Pythios [Apollôn] (?, R); Chamaileôn; Thalês (R); Examuas (?, R); Klearchos; Chilôn; Pythia (?, R); Sôdamos (R+1); Tegeatês (R); Epêratos; Euripidês; Dionysios.
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Didymus grammaticus]?

Chamaeleon; Clearchus; Dionysius of Syracuse; Euripides; Hermippus Callimachus; Sodamus of Tegea.
along the fibres 12 12.5 x 27.5 (fr. A);

3 x 4 (fr. B)
Van Elst: l. 11: ]* (ed. princ.), ]a > (B. Snell) two fragments of two columns; intercolumnar space of 2.5 cm; the upper (5.7 cm) and lower (6.7 cm) margin have been partially preserved; the columns are badly damaged, but what has been preserved, is in good condition.
col. 1: 30 lines; especially mutilated in the central part: ll. 7-11 have only preserved the last letter, ll. 12-17 are totally lost and ll. 18-21 are very scanty; the remaining lines in the upper and lower part are broken off at the beginning or, only in a few cases, complete;
col. 2: 30 lines; especially damaged in the upper part where only a small piece of the middle sections of the lines has been preserved; the lines of the lower part are complete.

0374 64772
anon. A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), p. 114-115; S. Stephens, ZPE 105 (1995), p. 215-224. codex 9 (max.) declamation against Alcibiades (or perhaps, so Stephens, selected arguments for a speech about Alcibiades); both sides contain arguments suitable to an aristeus exemplum (i.e. an exceedingly familiar type of exercise in which a man who excels in valor is given whatever reward he chooses by his city, only to find that choice to be in conflict with some other person, or the city's laws or customs).
The declamation contains a number of linguistic peculiarities and displays an ignorance of the Athenian Constitution; perhaps, as Stephens suggests, we are dealing here with the product of a native Latin speaker undergoing Greek rhetorical training.
The declamation is possibly a copy of a text composed at a somewhat earlier period, because Meyer's law with regard to clausulae is not always respected.

AD 5 Et.Pap. 3 (1936), p. 79-87 (N. Lewis)
--- melete
Large, rather ungainly semi-cursive. Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire, inv. 2346 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo; 2004/04/29 Valerie Van Elst; 2004/08/27 Alberto Nodar 6010 High stop (in limited numbers); large apostrophe to indicate elision after a preposition (in two cases used within a compound verb) and after '&#959;&#965;&#954;'; occasional occurrence of the usual abbreviation of final &#957; at line-end (short horizontal stroke above the preceding vowel; in one case final &#957; at line-end with horizontal stroke above it); elision; iota adscript not written; some phonetical mistakes; itacism: &#958; instead of &#945;&#953; and &#953; instead of &#949;&#953;; omission or metathesis of &#963;; one case of lack of aspiration; deletion by means of expunging dots above the letters; interlinear corrections; one case of overwriting right letter on the wrong one; coronis on the recto side. 24-30 papyrus recto, col. 1:

Dêmêtêr (?, R);

recto, col. 2:

02 2497
recto, col. 1:

Dêmêtêr (?, R);

recto, col. 2:

Korê; Alkibiadês (4);

verso, col. 1:

Sikelia (2); Dekeleia; Hellêspontos; Eumolpidai; Kyzikos;

verso, col. 2:

Kyzikos (?, R).
Egypt, unknown
--- 23 fr. A + A1: 9.4 x 16.2;

fr. B: 4.5 x 7.5;

fr. C: 9.5 x 11.5.
Dimens. WH; Check in Beta code the smooth breathing for Lect. App.; check in picture which kind of stops are there; it is not clear whether interlinear corrections imply the deletion by means of stroke of the wrong sequence.
Copy of a text composed earlier than 5 AD, because the clausulae are not always respected; overwriting: check spelling in corrections; only ed. pr. mentions a coronis in the back; good note in intr. of ed. pr. for dubia
Valerie Van Elst: photo?; coronis on the recto side? (not mentioned by Stephens); ed. pr. mentions 3 short horizontal strokes above vowel at line-end and Stephens 2 + stroke above final n at line-end.
4 fragments (A, A1, B and C) of a papyrus codex, originally measuring at least 25 cm in height, containing 2 cols. per page (9 cm maximum width); actual column height can no longer be reconstructed; the order of writing the pages can no longer be determined; recto and verso are broken off at the upper margin, but their lower margin (visible in fr. A, B and C) has been preserved to a maximum of 4.5 cm; left-hand margin of the recto (=right-hand margin of the verso) is preserved to a maximum of 4.6 cm; whereas the right-hand margin of the recto (=left-hand margin of the verso) reaches 1 cm at its maximum width. Intercolumnium is at least 0.8 cm. Fragment A1 joins fragment A at line 19; the ink, originally red, is now, like the papyrus, a dull brown.
recto: scanty remains of 17 lines in col. 1; 36 lines in col. 2: upper part broken off at the beginning; central part complete; lower part broken off at the end or damaged in its middle section;
verso: 34 lines in col. 1: ll. 1-29 broken off at the end or completely preserved, scanty remains in the last 5 lines; scanty remains of 17 lines in col. 2.

0375 62518 w16 + w32 Phrynichus (?) C.H. Oldfather, The Greek Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt: a Study in the History of Civilization, Wisconsin, 1923, no. 779; A. Körte, APF 10 (1932), p. 229, no. 767. roll
treatise on literary criticism or Attic usage; subject and style suggest, as Crönert points out, Phrynichus as author, but in the opinion of Milne the type of hand hardly suits such a late date; according to him the author may have been some earlier writer on Attic usage to whom Phrynichus was to a larger extent indebted;
the order appears to be roughly alphabetical.

AD 2 (?) P.Lond.Lit. 183 (H.J.M. Milne, 1927)
the verso is blank Treatise (largest of the six fragments)
semi-documentary hand; medium-sized. London, British Library 885 2003/12/03 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo; 2004/4/29 Valerie Van Elst 3699 diple-shaped paragraphos plus blank spaces to indicate pause; scriptio plena (2 occurrences); iota adscript written; hyphen or line-filling sign (?) at l. 117. 20 (R)-26 (R) papyrus fr. 3 + fr. 6:

Aias (Q, R).
06 (at least) 2291
fr. 1, col. 2:

Bakchai; Homêros (?, R);

fr. 3 + fr. 6:

Aias (Q, R);

fr. 5:

Egypt, unknown Homerus Ilias 3, 229; 16, 795 and Odyssea 22, 5; Euripides Bacchae, 642; Menander, Cecryphalus. along the fibres 13 9.5 x 19.4 (largest fragment) D. No Picture Dimensions HW; cols. decide;
Note that the presence of poetic quotations does not represent itself an element for exclusion, since the rhetors refer often to them (cf. Theon)
Van Elst: photo?; I'm not sure about the hyphen or line-filling sign; insert P. Lond. 3, 885 (F.G. Kenyon - H.I. Bell, 1907)? (just short description on p. xliii); phonetic misspellings?
6 fragments of a papyrus roll, with parts of at least 6 cols, broken off at the upper, right and left margin (fr. 4 and 5 also at the bottom margin):
fr. 1, 2 cols.: 31 lines in col. 1, broken off at the beginning, and 34 lines in col. 2, broken off at the end; some lines contain only scanty remains or are totally lost;
fr. 2, 2 cols.: scanty remains of 13 lines in col. 1 (+ 2 lines lost); 15 lines in col. 2, broken off at the end (first 4 lines also broken off at the beginning and almost completely vanished);
fr. 3 + fr. 6, 2 cols.: in col. 1 (= fr. 3) only very scanty remains of 7 lines; in col. 2 (= fr. 6) 9 lines, broken off at the beginning or at both ends; between the last line of col. 1 and the first line of col. 2 there may be missing lines and it is not certain even if the fragments belong together;
fr. 4, 1 col.: 3 lines, broken off at both ends;
fr. 5, 1 col.: 11 lines, broken off at the beginning or at both ends.

0376 64229
anon. K. Fuhr, BPhW 31 (1911), p. 892-893 (fr. 9); A. Körte, APF 6 (1920), p. 257-258, no. 490; O. Regenbogen, RE, Suppl. Band VII, 1940, col. 1517, s.v. Theophrastos (fr. 9); G. Giannantoni, I Cirenaici, Firenze, 1958, p. 314-315, no. B 30 (idem, Socraticorum Reliquiae, I, 1983, p. 259, no. 176) (fr. 6); E. Mannebach, Aristippi et Cyrenaicorum Fragmenta, Leiden - Köln, 1961, p. 40, no. 159B (fr. 6); F.J. Frost, Themistokles. Literary, Epigraphical and Archaeological Testimonia, Ed. by A. Bauer, Chicago, 1967 , p. 126-127 (fr. 9); D. Del Corno, Graecorum de re onirocritica scriptorum reliquiae, Milano - Varese, 1969, p. 81, fr. 2 (fr. 9); F. Jacoby, FGrHist IIIb (Text), p. 555; ibidem IIIb (Noten), p. 327, n. 224 (fr. 9); T. Gelzer, RE, Suppl. Band XII, 1970, col. 1557, s.v. Aristophanes; C. Austin, CGFP 65 (fr. 9 and 23); L. Piccirilli, ASNP s. III, 3.2 (1973), XXXIII, p. 317-355: 318 (fr. 9); idem, Gli arbitrati interstatali greci, Pisa, 1973, I, p. 61-62 (fr. 9); G. Fanan, SCO 26 (1977), p. 201, 213-214, 219-221, 224, 233, 235 ff.; F.J. Frost, Plutarch's Themistokles. A Historical Commentary, Princeton, 1980, p. 201-202 (fr. 9); L. Piccirilli, Plutarco, Le vite di Temistocle e di Camillo, 1983, p. 270 (fr. 9); C. Austin, PCG, 1984, T 126 (fr. 9); W.E.H. Cockle, Euripides, Hypsipyle, Rome, 1987, p. 22, n. 14; G. Fanan, CPFGL I.1*, 1989, no. 10 1T (fr. 6); G. Fanan, CPFGL I.1**, 1992, no. 56 2T (fr. 9); W.W. Fortenbaugh et al., Theophrastus of Eresus: Sources for his Life, Writings, Thought and Influence, Leiden - New York - Köln, 1992, II, p. 460-461, no. 611 (fr. 9); E. Montanari, CPFGL I.1***, 1999, no. 103 6T (fr. 9); M. Erbì, "Come testo di erudizione", Esegesi letteraria e riflessione sulla lingua nella cultura Greca, Pisa 2006, p. 126-157. Roll
Treatise on Literary Composition with very mixed content:
an analysis of the characteristics of Lysias (A), observations on systems of ethics (B), a collection of instances of omission and suppression of names or facts in various prose writers (C), criticism of 'the orators' for belittling the achievements of Philip (D), censure of the diction of Xenophon (F), a list of words having double meanings, which in Attic, though not elsewhere, were distinguished by different accents, and of other 'Atticisms' and 'Hellenisms' (G).

AD 3 P.Oxy. 07, 1012 (A.S. Hunt, 1910)
P.Oxy. 07, 1045, a document, an official account, dated after the 13th year of the reign of Septimius Severus, i.e. AD204 / AD205. treatise/handbook
medium-sized; rather upright Severe Style. Toledo (Ohio), Museum of Art 2003/12/05 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo; 2004/04/21 Valerie Van Elst 5448 Acute accent (one occurrence, fr. 13, l. 32); organic and inorganic trema; paragraphos to mark pause, often plus blank space within the text;
elision and scriptio plena; iota adscript not written; spelling mistakes and inaccuracies in personal names (Hippias instead of Isagoras at ll. 43 and 51; Sôklês instead of Sôsiklês at l. 55); in C (fr. 9), col. 2, ll. 42-43 '&#959;&#965;&#954;' written with '&#954;' at the beginning of the line; space fillers (usual angular sign >, which assumes often the shape of a comma and which is used with little consistency).

03 2289 ed. princ. pl. IV (fr. 1-3); ASNP s. III, 3.2 (1973), XXXIII (fr. 9); CPFGL IV.2 (Tavole I.1 e III), pl. 152 (fr. 6) -153 (fr. 9). fr. 1:

Lysias; Dêmosthenês (R);

fr. 5:

Thoukydidês (R);

fr. 6:

Anaxagoras ho Klazomenios (R);
Epikouros (?, R); Aristippos;

fr. 9 col. II:

ho Pontikos Hêrakleidês (R); Aristophanês (?, R); Himera; Philippos; Athênai (R + 1) [Athens]; Antipatros (R); Parmeniôn; Eurylochos (R); Theopompos; Aischinês (R); Androtiôn (R + 1); Dêmosthenês; Thoukydidês; Themistoklês; Kerkyra; Theophrastos; Kerkyraioi (2) [Corcyraeans]; Korinthioi (R + 2) [Corinthians]; Leukas (?, R); Athênaioi [Athenians]; Samioi [Samians]; Aiginêtai [Aeginetans]; Kleomenês (2); Hippias (2) [Isagoras]; Thriasion ; Lakedaimonioi [Spartans]; Lakedaimôn; Pisistradidai [Peisistradidai]; Sôklês [Sôsiklês] ho Korinthios; Hêrodotos;

fr. 9 col. III:

Olym[p ?; Thoukydidês (?, R); Phrygi[a ?; Dêmosthenês (?, R); Philipp[ ?; Methônê (R); Illyrioi (R) [Illyrians]; Triballoi (R);

fr. 11:


fr. 13:

Sikelia; Dêmosthenês (2R); Kaikilios (?, R); Didymos;

fr. 14:

Xenophôn (2R); Agêsilaos;

fr. 16:

Hellênes (R + 2); Attikoi (R + 1);

fr. 17:

Attikon (R + 3) [Attic dialect];

fr. 23:


Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Aeschines; Aristippus; Aristophanes; perhaps Caecilius Calactinus; Demosthenes; Didymus of Alexandria; perhaps Epicurus; Heraclides Ponticus; Herodotus; Lysias; Theophrastus, Theopompus; Thucydides; Xenophon. across the fibres 16 ed. pr. only height given 33.5 Check other ed. pr.; very mixed content: but the section on characteristic of Lysias is clearly rhetoric, and also discussion of words with double meaning distinguished through accentuation in Attic
LDAB: check P.oxy. num; quotations; recto;
put date in document;
take a decision for the col.
beta code in orthography
I have checked Cockle, but perhaps there is not much evidence to speak about an archive
Van Elst: Lak] ? ed. pr. (fr. 9); lak]ônikôs (?, R) or lak]ein (?, R) CPFGL; proper names: quotations?; check CPFGL I.2?
59 fragments from one roll; the fragments originally amounted to over one hundred, but they have been reduced by combination to nearly half that number; some fragments are very small and contain only scanty remains; 17 fragments can be classified together in seven larger groups, designated by the letters A to G; there are no clear indications regarding the relative position of these larger resulting pieces; the ends of the lines are rather ragged; their beginnings advance gradually to the left, giving the columns a considerable slope to the right.
A (fr. 1-5, 3 cols.): much worm-eaten; one larger fragment (fr. 1) containing some completely preserved lines in col. 2;
B (fr. 6-8, 2 cols.): damaged by worms; possibly the first column of fr. 6 is the bottom of the third column of A;
C (fr. 9, 3 cols.): the largest portion that has been preserved, including one nearly complete column (i.e. col. 2);
D (fr. 10-11, 2 cols.): two small pieces, more decayed than the rest;
E (fr. 12-13) and F (fr. 14-15): two narrow strips, the former containing remains of two columns, the latter ends of lines from another; fr. 13 comes probably from near the top of a column and F probably from near the bottom;
G (fr. 16-17, 2 cols.): fr. 17 probably succeeds fr. 16, and perhaps belongs to the latter's second column; the upper part of col. 1 is in a good state of preservation, with lines only broken off at the beginning).

rhetoric; grammar/philology

0377 61131 h039 anon. V. Bartoletti, Aegyptus 19 (1939), p. 177-186; J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze, 2002, p. 24. roll
paraphrase of Iliad II, 617-670 (word-by-word translation) with the corresponding Homeric text (compare P. Vindob. G 26221); text and paraphrase are written in couplets, a line of Homeric text followed by a line of paraphrase; according to Spooner the format of the paraphrase is unique for the period and is not found again until medieval times.
1 BC - AD 1 PSI 12, 1276 (V. Bartoletti, 1951)
on the back scanty remains of a horoscope [= ZPE 50 (1983), p. 108]. grammatical paraphrase
bookhand Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2004/04/21 Valerie Van Elst 2270 the lines of the paraphrase are slightly indented; iotacism (ll. 12-13, 19, 27). 30 (R)-40 (R) (col. 1) papyrus col. 1:

Myrsinos (?, R);
Ôleniê petrê [Ôlenia petra] (Q, R); Ôlenia petra (R); Alêsion (Q, R + R); Epeioi (Q + 1); Amphimachos (Q, R + 1); Thalpios (Q, R + 1); Kteatos (Q, R + R); Eurytos (Q + 1); Aktoriône [dual] (Q); Aktoriônes; Amarygkeidês (Q, R); Diôrês (Q + 1); Amarygkeus (R); Polyxeinos [Polyxenos] (Q + 1); Agasthenês (Q, R + R); Augêiadês (Q); Augeas; Doulichion (Q, R + R + 1); Echinai (Q + 1); Êlis (Q + 1); Megês (Q, R + R); Arês (Q + R); Phyleus (Q, R + 1 + R); Phyleidês (Q, R); Zeus (Q, R + Q + 1 + R); Doulichionde (Q, R); Odysseus (2Q, R + 2R); Kephallênes (Q + 1); Ithakê (Q, R + R); Nêriton (Q + 1); Krokyleia (Q, R + R); Aigilips (Q + 1); Zakynthos (Q, R + R); Samos (Q + 1); Aitôloi (Q, R); Thoas (Q, R + 1); Andraimôn (Q, R + 1);

col. 2:

Pleurôn (R); Chalkis (R).
02 1172
col. 1:

Myrsinos (?, R);
Ôleniê petrê [Ôlenia petra] (Q, R); Ôlenia petra (R); Alêsion (Q, R + R); Epeioi (Q + 1); Amphimachos (Q, R + 1); Thalpios (Q, R + 1); Kteatos (Q, R + R); Eurytos (Q + 1); Aktoriône [dual] (Q); Aktoriônes; Amarygkeidês (Q, R); Diôrês (Q + 1); Amarygkeus (R); Polyxeinos [Polyxenos] (Q + 1); Agasthenês (Q, R + R); Augêiadês (Q); Augeas; Doulichion (Q, R + R + 1); Echinai (Q + 1); Êlis (Q + 1); Megês (Q, R + R); Arês (Q + R); Phyleus (Q, R + 1 + R); Phyleidês (Q, R); Zeus (Q, R + Q + 1 + R); Doulichionde (Q, R); Odysseus (2Q, R + 2R); Kephallênes (Q + 1); Ithakê (Q, R + R); Nêriton (Q + 1); Krokyleia (Q, R + R); Aigilips (Q + 1); Zakynthos (Q, R + R); Samos (Q + 1); Aitôloi (Q, R); Thoas (Q, R + 1); Andraimôn (Q, R + 1);

col. 2:

Pleurôn (R); Chalkis (R).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 2, 617-670] along the fibres 7 13 x 25 Van Elst: photo?; description of the hand?; iota adscript written?
copy ed. pr.
fragment of a very dark colour, belonging to a papyrus roll and containing 2 cols. of writing; the upper and lower margin have almost completely disappeared:
col. 1 (Ilias, II, 617-638): broken off at the top and on the left; 45 lines of which the beginnings or first halves are lost; above the first line traces of the endings of some other lines;
col. 2 (Ilias, II, 639-670): broken off at the bottom and on the right; scanty remains of 63 lines; only the beginnings of the lines have been preserved; some lines have totally disappeared; above the first line a small piece of the upper margin has been preserved.
each column must have contained originally 35 Homeric verses, accompanied with the corresponding paraphrase.
Homerica; mythology; philology

0378 61108 h086 anon. VRS, p. 59, n. 15; J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze, 2002, p. 25, n. 125. codex 15-16 rough paraphrase of Iliad XVI, 394-418 (recto) and 459-471 (verso), without the corresponding Homeric verses (compare P. Ant. 3, 143); as Spooner remarks the recto leaves very much unaccounted for, and in fact merely seems to be a list of battle victims; likewise the few lines on the verso seem to cover more than ten lines of Homeric text.
AD 6 - AD 7 P. Köln 04, 180 (M. Erler, 1982)
grammatical paraphrase (?)
formal mixed with letters somewhat slanting to the right; , and protrude below line-level, and also above line-level; the small and the are very characteristic; the crossbar of the is often connected with the following letter ( , ). Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, 7891 2003/04/21 Valerie Van Elst 2245 inaccuracy in personal name (&#917;&#960;&#953;&#945;&#955;&#964;&#951;&#962; [=Ephialtês] instead of &#917;&#960;&#945;&#955;&#964;&#951;&#962;). 38 (R) papyrus recto fr. b:

Patroklos (2R); Trôes (Trojans); Pronoos (R); Thestôr; Erylaos; Erymas; Amphoteros (R); Epialtês [Epaltês]; Tlêpolemos (R); Echios; Poris (R); Ipheus (R); Euhippos (R); Argeadês;

verso fr. b:

Zeus; Patroklos (3); Sarpêdôn (3R); Thrasydêmos (?, R); Thrasymêdês (?, R); Thrasymêlos (?, R).
01 M-P 1199.3 ed. princ. pl. XII; http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/IV_180.html recto fr. b:

Patroklos (2R); Trôes (Trojans); Pronoos (R); Thestôr; Erylaos; Erymas; Amphoteros (R); Epialtês [Epaltês]; Tlêpolemos (R); Echios; Poris (R); Ipheus (R); Euhippos (R); Argeadês;

verso fr. b:

Zeus; Patroklos (3); Sarpêdôn (3R); Thrasydêmos (?, R); Thrasymêdês (?, R); Thrasymêlos (?, R).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 16 394-418 and 459-471] 27 1.7 x 2.2 (fr. a);

6 x 11.6 (fr. b).
Van Elst: rough paraphrase (VRS); ed. pr.: the paraphrase keeps closely to the Homeric text, but smaller details have been omitted (contra Spooner). 2 papyrus fragments broken off on all sides; the text is written in brown ink;
fr. a: very scanty remains of 3 lines on the recto and of 2 lines on the verso;
fr. b recto (Iliad II, 394-418): 9 lines broken off at the end or at both ends; on three lines the papyrus is precisely broken off at the left-hand margin of the column;
fr. b verso (Iliad II, 459-471): 8 lines broken off at the beginning or at both ends; the right-hand side of the column has been preserved on the last 5 lines.

Homerica; mythology; philology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/IV_180.html
0379 60995 h098 anon. J.H. Mette, Lustrum 11 (1966), p. 38 (Il. Pap. Z15); F. Uebel, 24/25 (1976), p. 212, no. 1342; J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze, 2002, p. 25, n. 125. roll?
paraphrase of Iliad XXIII, 536 (?)-568, without the corresponding Homeric text and so free (compare P. Köln 4, 180) that the extant scholia, lexica and paraphrases help little in the restoration of the text; according to Uebel only the paraphrase of the verses 551-568 is clearly recognizable; it's not clear to him why the editio princeps mentions 536 as the first paraphrased verse.
AD 4 P. Ant. 03, 143 (J.W.B. Barns, 1967)
document (= P. Ant. 02, 99) grammatical paraphrase (?)
small crabbed hand Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2004/04/21 Valerie Van Elst 2128 many abbreviations [by suspension, syllables ('&#949;&#957;', '&#951;&#957;', especially '&#945;&#953;') indicated by symbols] which can not always easily be solved; high stop; dicolon; short oblique strokes; short horizontal stroke above the letter &#956;; trema; erasure; iota adscript not written.
papyrus fr. 2:

Eumêlos (2); Hellênes [Greeks]; Achilleus; Antilochos (?, R); Asteropaios.
01 M-P 1206.1
fr. 2:

Eumêlos (2); Hellênes [Greeks]; Achilleus; Antilochos (?, R); Asteropaios.
Egypt, Antinoopolis [Homerus, Iliad XXIII, 536 (?)-568] across the fibres 20 5.5 x 7 (fr. 1);

6 x 13.5 (fr. 2)
Van Elst: photo?
copy ed. pr.
two fragments broken off on all sides; fr. 1 belongs above fr. 2, but their exact relative positions are uncertain; the ink in fr. 1 and the lower part of fr. 2 is faded and the surface much damaged;
fr. 1: 7 lines from the top of a column (?); only scanty remains;
fr. 2: 29 lines, broken off at both ends; some lines contain only scanty remains.
Homerica; mythology; philology

0380 60445 h029 anon. W. Schubart, APF 14 (1941), p. 100, no. 3-4; H.J. Mette, RPh s. III, 29 (1955), p. 202 (Il. Pap. N); R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1958), p. 121, no. 1138; J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze, 2002, p. 25, 148-149 and 151.

paraphrase of Iliad I, 528-548 (line-by-line translation) without the corresponding Homeric text, avoiding typical Homeric words or expressions; the paraphrase sticks closely to the Homeric verses and has several correspondences with the paraphrase attributed to Psellus; as Spooner suggests, the paraphrase could be a preparatory exercise for the study of myth including - at the level of rhetorical education - the writing of speeches for specific characters.
AD 2 P. Erl. 05 (W. Schubart, 1942)
? rhetorical paraphrase
clear bookhand with some influence of the documentary hand (at the end of the lines quite often small and cursive letters). Erlangen, Universitätsbibliothek 3 2004/04/21 Valerie Van Elst 1567 blank space (l. 7 of col. 1); at the bottom of col. 2 speaker indication: abbreviation by monogram of the word '&#960;&#959;&#953;&#951;&#964;&#951;&#962;' ('&#960;&#959;') indicating the narrative; iota adscript not written. 28 (R)- 36 (R) papyrus col. 1:

Olympos (2); Thetis (R + 1); Zeus (R + 2); Hêra (R + 1).
02 1169
col. 1:

Olympos (2); Thetis (R + 1); Zeus (R + 2); Hêra (R + 1).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad I, 528-548]. along the fibres 12 ? Van Elst: rhetorical paraphrase? (cf. Spooner); photo?
insert: according to W. Schubart P. Erl. 05 contains the best and most extensive paraphrase of all the papyri (publication of 1942!)?
concerning the abbreviation by monogram: according to the ed. pr. the monogram 'po' could mean that Homerus was literally quoted here (contra Spooner: narrative indication)
copy ed. pr.
fragment containing 2 columns:
col. 1 (I, 528-548): 23 lines, broken off at the beginning;
col. 2: only a few letters at the beginning of some lines have been preserved; in the left-hand margin of the col., opposite ll. 9-12 of col. 1, an annotation written by the same hand in smaller letters.
Homerica; mythology; philology

0381 61098 h030 anon. G. Bastianini, Prometheus 6 (1980), p. 83-88. codex 08 in the left column the Homeric text Iliad I, 601-602 (recto) and 609-610 (verso)(mostly one word per line, sometimes two or three depending on the length of the words); beside it in the right column the corresponding paraphrase (word-by-word translation); compare PSI 12, 1276; many similarities with the translation attributed to Psellus.
AD 6 Codices Manuscripti 1, p. 74-77 (H. Harrauer, 1975)

grammatical paraphrase + nothing mythographic
Coptic Uncial; letters standing on 'socles'; written in one movement and presenting a deep curve with two loops at the top; written in one movement, with a small loop at the top; rather small , and ; letters may form chains of loops along the base-line ( , , and ); starts its diagonal descending from left to right out of a coil; different sizes of writing in accordance with the different types of text: Homeric verses of large size, paraphrase at the verso of medium size. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P.Vindob. G 26221 2004/04/22 Valerie Van Elst 2235 paragraphoi indicating the endings of the columns (also 1 above the first line of the verso side, traced more hastly); the first word of each verse (also in the paraphrase) is written in ekthesis; trema (both organic and inorganic); apostrophe; low stop (2 x at l. 5 on the recto side); iota adscript not written.
papyrus verso, col. 2:

Olympos (R).
02 (recto);

01 (verso)
M-P 1169.1 ed. princ. pl. 1-2 verso, col. 2:

Olympos (R).
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad I, 601-602 and 609-610] 25 14.5 x 10 Valerie Van Elst: article of Bastianini important revision of the ed. pr.!
hand ok?; state of preservation ok?; lectional signs ok?
3/2 horizontal strokes in the form of a 'x' (ed. princ.) = last letters at the lines 6-7 on the recto (Bastianini)?
copy article of Bastianini
papyrus fragment of a brown color, written on both sides and belonging to the bottom part of a codex sheet (lower margin partially preserved);
recto (Iliad I, 601-602): lower margin of 6 cm; broken off on the other 3 sides; in col. 1 7 lines of writing sometimes broken off at the end (ending of v. 601 and whole v. 602); in col. 2 very scanty remains of only 2 lines; between the 2 cols. a translation of an Homeric word written in smaller letters, probably an addition to the corresponding word (now lost) in the paraphrase; paragraphoi concluding col. 1 and col. 2 respectively broken off at the beginning and at the end; a strip of 2 cm widthwise, consisting of only one layer, added to the papyrus fragment for reparation purposes; the adhesive margin/side of the strip is removed 4 cm from the left-hand margin and begins at a distance of 5 cm from the bottom margin; gluten (glue?) which came through the thin material probably responsible for the fact that the papyrus is of a darker color at the adhesive margin/side of the added strip; some traces written in ink of a different color, possibly pointing to the fact that the papyrus has been reused: 3 (or only 2) horizontal penstrokes in the form of a '&#958;' (at the adhesive margin/side of the strip) and the letter '&#949;' or '&#952;' (about 0.6 cm big, at a distance of 2.5 cm from the right-hand margin and from the lower margin);
verso (Iliad I, 609-610): lower margin of 5 cm; broken off on the other 3 sides; col. 1 has not been preserved; in col. 2 9 lines of writing (last part of v. 609 and whole v. 610; first 2 lines totally lost; last 4 lines complete); paragraphos ending col. 2 totally preserved; some traces of ink (at a distance of 5.5 cm from the right-hand side and 3.5 cm from the bottom margin; straight under the letter '&#957;' of the participle '&#960;&#959;&#953;&#969;&#957;' at l. 4; 0.5 cm under the upper paragraphos).
according to Bastianini the original size of the codex sheet could have been ca 20 x 32 cm.
Homerica; mythology; philology

0382 60718 h048 anon. H.J. Mette, RPh s. III, 29 (1955), p. 195 and 202 (Il. Pap. Q and no. 396); R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1958), p. 120, no. 1132; W. Lameere, Aperçus de paléographie Homérique. A propos des papyrus de l' Iliade et de l' Odyssée des collections de Gand, de Bruxelles et de Louvain, Anvers - Amsterdam - Bruxelles - Paris, 1960, no. 0107; J. Spooner, Nine Homeric Papyri from Oxyrhynchos, Firenze, 2002, p. 23-24 (concerning the scholastic character of the paraphrase). uncertain
side 1: close paraphrase of Iliad 4, 349-363, without the corresponding Homeric verses (word-by-word translation); each verse is rendered with slightly different words and occupies one line; only rarely do the Homeric terms occur (e.g. ll. 11, 12 and 14-15).
side 2: scholia minora on Iliad IV, 364-373 (very selective) in col. 2 with the corresponding Homeric verses in col. 1.
the paraphrase and the scholia minora show many similarities with the scholia of Didymus the grammarian and with the translation attributed to Psellus.
333 AD 2 - AD 3 Annuaire de l' Institut de Philologie et d' Histoire Orientales et Slaves (= Mélanges Henri Grégoire) 11, p. 161-168 (M. Hombert - C. Préaux, 1951)
opistograph grammatical paraphrase; scholia minora
"rapid", with fast letters sometimes separated, still maintaining their cursive form; the writing on both sides differs a little bit, but is presumably coming from the same person; the author has used more space to write on side 2. Oxford, Bodleian Library, Gr. Inscr. 3017 (now in Oxford, Ashmolean Museum) 2004/04/21 Valerie Van Elst 1844 horizontal and vertical guidelines on both sides; a few phonetical (confusion of voiced and voiceless consonants), orthographical or morphological mistakes; interesting mistake: '&#966;&#965;&#961;&#945;&#962;' [instead of 'gephyras' &#947;&#949;&#966;&#965;&#961;&#945;&#962;] defended and even explained in the scholia minora (at l. 8); accent (side 1, l. 5); diplê obelismenê (2 x at the end); large blank space at the end; apostrophe indicated several times as an oblique stroke; two blank spaces within the word '&#949;&#953;&#961;&#951;&#964;&#945;&#953;' (side 1, l. 15); iota adscript not written in the paraphrase. 34-65 (side 1); 33-37 (
side 2, col. 1)
wooden tablet side 1:

Odysseus (2); Atreus; Hellênes; Trôes (2); Têlemachos; Agamemnôn; Laertês;

side 2, col. 1:

Tydeus (3); Diomêdês; Sthelenos [Sthenelos]; Kapanêios hyios; Agamemnôn.
02 1176 ed. princ. (only side 1); Cribiore, pl. 51. side 1:

Odysseus (2); Atreus; Hellênes; Trôes (2); Têlemachos; Agamemnôn; Laertês;

side 2, col. 1:

Tydeus (3); Diomêdês; Sthelenos [Sthenelos]; Kapanêios hyios; Agamemnôn.
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 4, 349-373] 14 13.5 x 36.5 Van Elst: grammatical paraphrase? (cf. Spooner) white painted wooden tablet (13.5 x 36.5 cm; 6 mm thick), written on both sides in black high-quality ink;
side 1: 15 lines in col. 1, completely preserved; in col. 2 very erased and indiscernible traces of some words engraved with a stylus; writing parallel to the long side; two vertical lines, traced with a stylus, to define left and right margin (2 cm each); upper margin of 3 cm; lower margin of 1.7 cm; horizontal guidelines, also traced with a stylus, with intervals of an average of 6 mm; two parallel vertical lines with an interval of 3 mm dividing the tablet in two approximately equal parts;
side 2: 10 lines in col. 1 and 8 lines in col. 2, completely preserved; writing parallel to the long side; two vertical ruled lines to define left and right margin (1 cm and 2 cm respectively) and vertical double line separating the 2 cols. from each other (traced more carelessly than on side 1 and disregarded); horizontal guidelines with irregular intervals varying from 8 mm to 1.5 cm; the upper and lower margin have the width of these intervals; at a distance of ca 1 cm from the right margin and ca 2.5 cm from the upper and lower margin some holes which apparently don't have been perforated from one side to the other and which have been filled up; some splits which also have been filled up, presumably already in Antiquity.

school text; Homerica; mythology; philology

0383 64760
probably, as the ed. princ. suggests, a rhetorical declamation, whether a copy of an exemplary epideixis or the draft of an original one; according to Parsons it might be a speech against Cleon by Nicias in the situation described at Thuc.4.27.4 - 4.28.3. But, as Haslam also mentions, there is perplexing interchange of grammatical person and number, and eipen moi in l. 8 might suggest the report of a conversation.
AD 5 P. Oxy 053, 3703 (M.W. Haslam, 1986)
on the back fragmentary remains of an account, also written along the fibres melete (?)
informal Byzantine hand Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2004/05/19 Valerie Van Elst 5995 iotacism and possibly also interchange of &#945;&#953; and &#949;; cancellation (?) at the end of l. 7.
01 M-P 2548.1
ed. princ. pl. 6 Thêbaioi [Thebans] (?, R). Egypt, Oxyrhynchus along the fibres 23 17 x 18
papyrus fragment, broken off on all sides, with 10 lines of writing; scanty remains in the first 5 lines and in the last line; ll. 6-9 only broken off at the beginning.
the right margin is unusually irregular: l. 4 is 1,7 cm shorter than l. 3; a reluctance to divide words between lines might account for it, though l. 3 apparently - according to the reading which Haslam suggests - spills over.
rhetoric http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol53/pages/3703.htm
0384 64021 --- --- F. Blass, APF 3 (1906), p. 492, no. 340a; V. Gardthausen, ZBS 5 (1922), pp. 78-79; C. H. Oldfather, The Greek Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt, Madison 1923, p. 47; K. Ohly, Stichometrische Untersuchungen, Leipzig 1928, pp. 64-66; C. Wessely, "De Callimacho bibliothecario" in Studies Presented to F. LL. Griffith, London 1932, pp. 39-40; H. Gerstinger, "Ein Bücherverzeichnis aus dem VII. -VIII. Jh. n. Chr. im Pap. Graec. Vindob. 26015F", WS 50 (1932), pp. 185-192 (p. 186); C. Wendel, "Neues aus alten Bibliotheken", ZBB 54 (1937), pp. 585-589 (p. 587, n. 1); Lasserre, Aegyptus 37 (1957), pp. 243-249 (re-edition); F. Longo Auricchio, "Su alcune liste di libri restituite dai papiri", RAAN 46 (1971), p. 144; F. Lasserre, Nouveaux chapitres de littérature grecque (1947-1986), Genève 1989, pp. 251-259 (re-impression with postscriptum); E. Puglia, Atti del IV Convegno Nazionale di Egittologia e Papirologia, Siracusa 2000, pp. 109-118; CPF I 1***, 118T; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2000, no. 12 (re-edition) roll? 15.5 (max. preserved; 23-25 originally?) catalogue of literary works: title, incipit and stichometrical note are given for each item (the latter, as it appears, referring, not to every single work, but to all written in a single roll). The address of the private letter on the back has been written on the upper margin. --- AD 2 - AD 3 A&R 7 (1904), no. 66, pp. 178-179 (G. Vitelli) = P.Flor. 3, 371 (G. Vitelli, 1915) free standing list; one-phrase items accompanied by a specification in the form of a sentence (simple or complex) and a numeric phrase - which can refer to more than one. Several graphic devices isolate items and specifications in the colum: beginning of a new line after each phrase or each specification, which might be reinforced by a paragraphos or a blank space. A paragraphos also separates lines belonging to the same sentence specification. Items are possibly arranged according to their physical disposition. A&R 7 (1904), no. 66, pp. 179-180 (G. Vitelli) = P.Flor. 3, 371 (G. Vitelli, 1915) AD 4; private letter list of books --- large formal round (first type); bilinearity only broken above and below line-level by &#966;. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2004/02/26 Alberto Nodar 5236 Paragraphos between the lines of a single incipit, and at the end of it, if a blank space in the following line does not mark such an end, preceding the stichometry of the roll. Iota adscript not written. Blank space separating "&#963;&#964;&#953;&#967;&#959;&#959;" from the number itself. 09 (R) -24 (R) papyrus --- 01 2090 Aegyptus 37 (1957), between pp. 248 and 249; Nouveaux chapitres de littérature grecque (1947-1986), Genève 1989, p. 253; CPF IV.2, pl.76; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. IX Dionysios Egypt, unknown Plato, Respublica VII 540c along the fibres 14 10 x 15.5 Atene e Roma in UCL. Encode Otranto's edition one single fragment (10 x 15.5 cm) containing 13 lines of writing arranged in a single column (15.5 cm wide as it stands, though originally it might have been about 23-25 cm). No margins preserved apart from the upper one, measuring 5 cm and on which the address of the private letter on the back has been subsequently written. pinax (included in a literary work?)
0385 64223 --- --- C. Tischendorf, Anecdota sacra et profana ex Oriente et Occidente allata sive notitia codicum Graecorum, Leipzig 1855, p. 75 (first description); C. Häberlin, "Drei Paradoxa" WKPh 13 (1896), cols. 989-990; id., "Griechische Papyri. Nr. 138: griechischer Bücherkatalog", ZBB 14 (1897), pp. 399-400; V. Jernstedt, "Vescij papirus", Zurnal Ministerstva narodnogo prosvescenija, 1901, pp. 48-55 (rist. in Commentationes Nikitinianae, St. Petersburg 1901, pp. 342-349, and in Opuscula, St. Petersburg 1907, pp. 171-178) (re-edition); E. Kurtz, ByzZ 11 (1902), p. 219; U. Wilcken, APF 2 (1903), pp. 163-164; id., "Ein Bücherkatalog aus Memphis", in Grundzüge und Chrestomathie der Papyruskunde I.2, Berlin 1912, pp. 182-184, no. 155 (re-edition); V. Gardthausen, "Die alexandrinische Bibliothek, ihr Vorbild, Katalog und Betrieb", ZBS 5 (1922), pp. 91-92; F. Schmidt, Die Pinakes des Kallimachos, Berlin 1922, p. 20, no. 77 (re-edition); C. H. Oldfather, The Greek Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt, Madison 1923, pp. 47 and 104; L. Castiglioni, Aegyptus 7 (1926), p. 224; J. U. Powell, New Chapters in the History of Greek Literature, Series II, Oxford 1929, pp. 214-215; H. Gerstinger, "Ein Bücherverzeichnis aus dem VII. -VIII. Jh. n. Chr. im Pap. Graec. Vindob. 26015", WS 50 (1932), pp. 186-187; W. Crönert, Gnomon 12 (1936), pp. 146-150; F. Longo Auricchio, "Su alcune liste di libri restituite dai papiri", RAAN 46 (1971), pp. 144-145; A. Linguiti, CPF I.1* no. 2, 1989 (re-edition); H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna 1995, p. 66, no. 9; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2002, no. 15 (re-edition) roll 06 (maximum preserved) catalogue of a private library mainly containing philosophical writings --- AD 3 RhM 21 (1866), pp. 431-433 (J. Zündel) = P.Ross.Georg. 1, 22 (G. Zereteli - O. Krüger, 1925) free standing list; one-phrase items at the end of which a new line begins (eisthesis in lines carrying the continuation of an item started in the previous line further reinforces isolation of items in the column). Column may present headings structuring items in groups according to their location. blank list of books --- Small cursive majuscule, experienced and of quick execution; only roughly bilinear St. Petersburg, National Library of Russia, P. Graec. I 13 2004/03/08 Alberto Nodar 5442 Short horizontal stroke to indicate numeric value of letters; abbreviations by suspension: marked by slash above last written letter, or by symbol. &#953; adscript not written; one correction by the scribe, who adds a missing letter above line-level. Lines carrying over a work title started in the preceding one are written in eisthesis. An oblique slash appears to the left of some lines (was the list checked against?). Morphologic mistakes: genitive in the place of nominative for work title; itacism: &#949;&#953; for &#953;. 04-30 papyrus --- 02 2089 E. de Murault, Catalogue des Manuscrits Grecs de la Bibliothèque Impériale Publique de St. Petersburg avec 9 planches litographiées, St. Petersburg 1864, no. 13 (facsimile); V. Gardthausen, "Die alexandrinische Bibliothek, ihr Vorbild, Katalog und Betrieb", ZBS 5 (1922), p. 92 (facsimile); CPF IV.2, pl. 242; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. XII col. i:

Daphnê; Aristotelês (3); Poseidônios; Theodas; Theophrastos; Diôn; Kritôn; Nigrinos; Diogenês; Simôn; Chrysippos; Kebês
col. ii:

Apiôn; Theophrastos; Hippias; Ailios; Archimêdês; Chrysippos (2); Aristotelês.
Egypt, Memphis col. i:

Aristoteles (3), peri aretês [peri tôn aretôn kai kakiôn ?], Athênaiôn politeia; politeia neopolitôn; Posidonius, peri orgês; Theodas, kephalaia; Theophrastus, peri sôfrosynês; Dio Chrysostomus, peri apistias; Crito Socraticus (?); Nigrinus, apologiai; Diogenês Babylonius, peri alypias; Simon Socraticus (?); Chrysippus (R), technê logôn kai tropôn i; Cebes Socraticus (?)
col. ii:
Apion Grammaticus (?); Theophrastus; Hippias; Aelius; Archimedes; Chrysippus (2); Aristoteles.
along the fibres 16 9.6 x 12 Encode Linguiti's edition, with attention to his apparatus, entering significant variant readings:
l. 3 (maybe take text for note from Otranto's ed. -check Lobel); l. 5 encode supralinear n; l. 15; l. 16 (from Otranto); ll. 17- 18; l. 22 encode orthographic mistake
one single fragment (9.6 x 12 cm) containing the remains of two columns of writing (6 cm being the maximum preserved width, reached in col. i) ; col. i has 24 almost complete lines; from col. ii only the beginnings of 11 lines are visible; the blank spaces among them being due partly to erasure of characters partly to the eisthesis present in lines which carry the continuation of a title begun in the preceding line. No margins preserved except for the upper one above col. ii, which is 1.7 cm at its widest. Intercolumnium is at least about 1.5 cm. catalogue of a private library
0386 64042 --- --- R. Sabbadini, Aegyptus 2 (1921), pp. 20-22; V. Gardthausen, ZBS 5 (1922), p. 92; U. Wilcken, APF 7 (1923), p. 112; A. Körte, APF 7 (1923), pp. 247-248; C. H. Oldfather, The Greek Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt, Madison 1923, pp. 47 and 72-75; J. U. Powell, New Chapters in the History of Greek Literature, Series II, Oxford 1929, pp. 211-215; H. Gerstinger, "Ein Bücherverzeichnis aus dem VII. -VIII. Jh. n. Chr. im Pap. Graec. Vindob. 26015", WS 50 (1932), pp. 187-188; C. Wendel, "Neues aus alten Bibliotheken", ZBB 54 (1937), pp. 586-587; E. G. Turner, JEA 38 (1952), pp. 78-93 (p. 90); P. J. Sijpesteijn, Aegyptus 44 (1964), pp. 20-25; C. Corbato, Studi Menandrei, Trieste 1965, pp. 53-54; F. Longo Auricchio, "Su alcune liste di libri restituite dai papiri", RAAN 46 (1971), pp. 145-146; A. Carlini, Studi sulla tradizione antica e medievale del Fedone, Roma 1972, p. 73; A. Carlini, CPF I.1* no. 3, 1989 (re-edition); J. Krüger, Oxyrhynchos in der Kaiserzeit, Frankfurt am Main 1990, p. 204-205; H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna 1995, pp. 65-66, no. 8; E. Puglia, ZPE 113 (1996), pp. 51-65; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2002, no. 16 (re-edition); SB 24, 15875 (H.-A. Ruprecht - J. Hengstl, 2003, re-edition) sheet 05.7 (max.) list of prose and poetry works, in some cases accompanied by a numeric annotation most likely referring to the number of books/rolls in which the works were written --- AD 3 Aegyptus 2 (1921), pp. 17-20 (M. Norsa) free standing list; one-word or one-phrase items written normally, but not always, in separate lines and occasionally accompanied by a numeric specification. When two items appear in the same line, they can be co-ordinated by a conjunction, or not be isolated at all. Several devices structure the column: graphic devices mark sections (and sub-sections), whereas it is also possible to find more or less clearly defined lexical headings (i.e. standing in a separate line, or accompanying the first of the items in a group, as part of the phrase). Items arranged by genre, and within it, author, with seemingly yet internal subdivisions (internal logical structure). Aegyptus 2 (1921), p. 18 (M. Norsa) AD 3; property list list of books --- in list: small sized capital cursive, quickly and informally executed, leaning to the right and presenting different ligatures and abbreviations. First letter in line tends to present bigger size. Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PSI19662v 2004/03/11 Alberto Nodar 5258 Paragraphos and blank spaces (namely that of a line left without writing) mark sections at different ranks. Short horizontal stroke above and to the right of letters to indicate their numeric value. Abbreviations by suspension: last letter written in an unusual way, last letter superscribed, word marked by abbreviation mark (short horizontal dash written to the right of - and normally above - last retained letter) or just unmarked final omission. A combination of the types described above is also possible to mark the abbreviation. Itacistic mistakes: &#949;&#953; for &#953. 05-19 papyrus --- 01 [list] 2087 CPF IV.2, pl. 259; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. XIII Platôn (R); Kalliklês; Prôtagoras (2); Euthydêmos; Parmenidês; Anacharsis; Charmidês; Alkibiadês (3); Lysis; Menôn; Menexenos; Hippias; Eudêmos; Timaios; Kratylos; Philêbos (2); Phaidôn; Lachês; Gorgias; Xenophôn; Agêsilaos; Homêros; Menandros; Euripidês; Aristophanês Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Plato (R):
Symposium; Sophista; Contra Calliclem [Gorgias?]; Protagoras (2); Euthydemus; Parmenides; Charmides; Alcibiades (3); Lysis; Meno; Menexenus; Hyppias; Timaeus; Politicus; Cratylus; Philebus (2); Phaedo; Laches; Gorgias;

Lucianus (?):

Aristoteles (?)


Cyropaedia; Anabasis; Agesilaus; Cynegeticus; Symposium;




across the fibres 16 13 x 18 encode Carlini's edition, with attention to interlinear blank space and iotacism in l. 30. one single fragment (13 x 18 cm) containing 34 almost complete lines belonging to a column (5.7 cm maximum width); the upper margin has been lost; on the upper part of the left-hand margin (4.5 cm maximum preserved width) stand remains of another column, which do not seem to be due to the same hand as or belong to the text written in the 34 lines to the right. Right-hand margin ranges from 2.4 to 5.6 cm, and the low margin reaches 1.9 cm at its maximum depth. catalogue of private library?
0387 64236 --- --- G. Manteuffel, Eos 34 (1932-1933), pp. 197-198; A. Körte, APF 11 (1935), p. 277; id., APF 13 (1939), pp. 125-126; E. Kiessling, ZBB 57 (1940), p. 109; F. Longo Auricchio, "Su alcune liste di libri restituite dai papiri", RAAN 46 (1971), p. 144; M. Manfredi, PP 38 (1983), pp. 50-52; M; Manfredi - I. Andorlini - A. Linguiti, CPF I.1* no. 4, 1989 (re-edition); H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna 1995, pp. 63-64, no. 4; E. Puglia, ZPE 111 (1995), pp. 27-30; P. Pruneti, in M. S. Funghi (ed.), ODOI DIZHSIOS. Le vie della ricerca. Studi in onore di Francesco Adorno, Florence 1996, p. 390; E. Puglia, in M. Capasso (ed.), Bicentenario della morte di Antonio Piaggio. Raccolta di studi, Galatina 1997, pp. 129-135; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome 2002, no. 17 (re-edition) sheet 06 (max. preserved) enumeration of rolls containing works of different philosophical and medical writers, with indication of opistographic rolls but without mention of work titles. Computations are offered for single authors, but also for groups of them. --- AD 3 Aegyptus 13 (1933), pp. 367-373 (G. Manteuffel) = P.Vars. 1, 5 v (G. Manteuffel, 1935) free standing list; one-phrase items written normally, but not always, in separate lines (blank spaces tend to separate elements within an item and items from each other in the cases in which two of them are written in the same line); occasionally, some items are accompanied by a specification of a more or less complex syntactic structure, which attaches itself to a single phrase. The column is structured by partial computations at the end of sections which normally take the form of lexical headings and which may or may not be placed in separate lines. It also presents some graphic devices to mark such specifications and partial computations. Apart from being structured according to genres; within this, items might have been arranged according to some sort of alphabetical order. P.Vars. 5 recto (Z. Borkowski, Addendum in reprint of G. Manteuffel (ed.), Papyri Varsovienses, Milan 1974) AD 2; census list list of books --- middle-sized very informal round: quickly executed, with abbreviations, corrections and interlinear additions (due to a different hand?); only very roughly bilinear Warszawa, Uniwersytet Warszawski, Zaklad Papirologii" 2004/03/18 Alberto Nodar 5455 abbreviations by suspension: marked by suprascription, by a graphic mark ( ' or other ), or simply unmarked. Corrections by crossing out or writing over the uncorrectly written characters. Blank spaces separate name of author from number of books, and different author + number of books groups in a line; Sort of parenthesis (, and also ), probably used to draw the attention to the computation of opistograph rolls; horizontal trait closing big parenthesis. Interlinear annotations (maybe written in different moments) 03-24 (R) papyrus --- 01 2088 P.Vars. 1, pl. I; CPF IV.2, pl. 300; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, pl. XIV Gemeinos [Geminos]; Diogenês; Hieroklês; Glaukôn; Xenophôn; Chrysippos; Thessalos; Erasistratos; Themisôn; Harpokratiôn Egypt, Fayum, Arsinoites Geminus; Diogenes Babylonius; Hierocles; Glaucon; Xenophon; Chrysippus; Thessalus; Erasistratus; Themison; Harpocration across the fibres 16 6 x 31 encode Manfredi, but let g in l. 22 outside the resolution of the abbreviation; attention to the encoding of blank spaces. INCLUDE Puglia (ZPE for ll. 12 and 21)
copy Körte (APF 13)
single papyrus fragment (6 x 31 cm), containing the remains of 36 lines of writing (and also interlinear annotations) arranged in a single column (6 cm of maximum preserved width). Upper margin is 1.6, lower margin 7.9 cm at their deepest. Left-hand margin has not been preserved, and the right-hand one ranges from nil to 5.5 cm librarian's note? (inventory, order ...) http://www.papyrology.uw.edu.pl/papyrology/papyri/PVars05.html
0388 64494 --- --- H. Harrauer, "Bücher in Papyri" in Flores litterarum Ioanni Marte sexagenario oblati: Wissenschaft in der Bibliothek, Vienna, 1995, p. 67, no. 12; R. Otranto, Antiche liste di libri su papiro, Rome, 2000, p. 126, no. 1 sheet?
list of books from the Old Testament, the New Testament and other christian texts --- AD 4 ZNTW 37 (1938), pp. 184-188 (C. H. Roberts) free standing list; one-phrase items (or items consisting of two or more co-ordinate phrases) at the end of which a new line begins; eisthesis of lines carrying over an item started in a previous line further isolates items in column. There is no structuring principle governing the arrangement of items to be seen. blank list of books ---
Oxford, Ashmolean Museum 3 2004/03/18 Alberto Nodar 5720 Abbreviations by suspension. Iota adscript not written. Eisthesis in lines carrying over items started in a previous line. 06-23 (R) papyrus --- 01

Ôrigenês (2); Iôb; Iôannês Egypt, unknown Hermas (S), Pastor; Origenes (2) Commentarii in evangelium Joannis; Leviticus; Job; Acta Apostolorum; Canticum; Exodus; Numeri; Novum Testamentum along the fibres 20 13.9 x 8 order reproduction; encode Otranto, but with smooth breathing for Origenes. one papyrus fragment (13.9 x 8 cm), preserving the remains of 12 lines belonging to a single column. No upper or lower margin have been preserved. library catalogue (of a christian congregation?)
1192 ---
0389 59118 --- Asclepiades epigrams:
D. Sider, AJPh 108 (1987), p. 324; B. Palme, Tyche 3 (1988), p. 306; W. Luppe, CR 39 (1989), pp. 125-126; D. Sider, ZPE 76 (1989), pp. 229-236; M. Gigante, SIFC s. III 108 (1989), pp. 129-151 (= id., Altre Ricerche Filodemee, Napoli 1998, pp. 99-126); M. Gigante, PLup 1 (1992), pp. 7-10; A. Cameron, The Greek Anthology from Meleager to Planudes, Oxford 1993, pp. 379-387; D. Sider, The Epicurean Philosopher as Hellenistic Poet, in D. Obbink (ed.), Philodemus and Poetry. Poetic Theory and Practice in Lucretius, Philodemus and Horace, New York - Oxford 1995, pp. 43-55; id., The Epigrams of Philodemos, New York - Oxford 1997, pp. 203-225; M. Gigante, Filodemo nella storia della letteratura greca, Napoli 1998, pp. 27-35; id., CErc 28 (1998), p. 111; E. Puglia, PLup 7 (1998), pp. 139-142; L. Argentieri, ZPE 121 (1998), pp. 1-20; esp. pp. 13 and 18; E. Magnelli, ZPE 128 (1999), pp. 63-64; A. Carlini, CPF I.1*** 78bis 1T, Florence 1999); E. Puglia, PLup 9 (2000), pp. 357-380; F. Maltomini, ZPE 144 (2003), pp. 67-75

medical prescription:
I. Andorlini, Estratto Provvisorio del Corpus dei Papiri Greci di Medicina, Florence 1998, pp. 59-62 (re-edition)
roll 07.2 (max. preserved) [hand A]; 05. 3 (max.) [hand C] in fr. i, apart from col. iii, ll. 1-6, containing a recipe for cough-mixture, the text seems to represent a collection of epigrams, mostly erotic and sympotic: col. i has one epigram copied in full (ll. 15-20), and probably another after it. ll. 1-14 are hexameters (one or more continuous poems or individual incipits -of epigrams?) the contents of fr. ii and iii, written in the same hand as fr. i col. i, are presumably of the same nature as this column. Cols. ii - viii contain incipits of epigrams, apart from ii. 2, which presents the incipit of an oracle (but in no case complete verses, as opposed to col. i, 1-14).
col. vi 18 presents the incipit of the poem copied in full in col. i 15-20; there may be other overlaps between fr. ii, presumably belonging to a column earlier than i in fr. i and the list of titles in cols. ii-viii
--- AD 1 P.Oxy. 54, 3724 (P. J. Parsons, 1987) free standing list (less likely, list as an index of previously copied poems); items consisting of verse beginnings (in some cases, they might be full verses) written in separate lines; paragraphi and, possibly, blank spaces group the items within the colum, which does not visibly present any headings (but might have an ending mark in the case of hand A). Other graphic elements come to isolate items within the column: oblique slashes or numbers to their left. Grouping and arrangement of items is not clear (may be following model?) opistograph list of epigrams --- (in list) Hand A (fr. i, col. i + frr. ii - iii): middle-sized rounded half-cursive, informal, very roughly bilinear. Hand C (fr. i, cols. ii - viii, except ll. 1-6 in col. iii): rather small good and practised rapid cursive, quickly executed Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 75/2 2004/05/14 Alberto Nodar 213 in list: hand A presents paragraphi, two of them with shapes different from those due to C: one forked, and another one with curls at ends, and an oblique stroke apparently indicating end of column. Correction by writing over wrong characters.

Hand C: paragraphi; abbreviation by suspension: at line-ends writing the last letter (in a more or less recognizable form) in superscription, but sometimes we find at line-level. An abbreviation mark is to be found in the brachygraphy of &#954;&#945;&#953;. This hand also abbreviates by non-alphabetical symbols. &#953; adscript generally omitted. Corrections by crossing out, by writing over the wrongly written characters and by superscription; spaces left blank (maybe casually, maybe due, at least in some cases, to already ancient fibre damage?); oblique strokes to the left of some titles, perhaps as a check mark to indicate that the poem had already been found or copied in full; numbering to the left of some titles (on which, apparently, an oblique stroke can be written as a check mark). Itacistic mistakes: long &#953; represented by &#949;&#953;. &#949;&#959; for &#959;&#949;? for ? for before another aspirate; for . Some other copying mistakes and metrical inadequacies.
25 (R) -43 (R) (hand A); 06-19 (hand C) papyrus fr. i

col. ii:


col. iv:

Paphiê (2); Parthenopê (2); Inous; Atthis (?); Kypris; Erôs; Nemesis

col. v:

Kronidês [Zeus / Poseidôn / Haidês]; Prôteus

col. vi:

Ikaros (?)

col. viii:

Kypris (2)

fr. ii

08 (prob. 9) Mertens-Pack add. M-P 1596.21 + Marganne-Mertens-Pack add. M-P 2410.11 ed. princ., pl. VI and VIII - X; I. Andorlini - D. Fausti, Estratto provvisorio dal Corpus dei Papiri Greci di Medicina, Florence 1998, pl. III (ii, 1-6) fr. i
col. ii: Antigenês (R, ?); Paphiê; Philodêmos
col. iii: Aisôpos; Kallikra-;
col. iv: Xanthô; Philainis; Paphiê (2); Parthenopê (2); Atthis; Kypris; Erôs; Nemesis
col. v: Kronidês [Zeus / Poseidôn / Haidês]; Prôteus; Pharos; Nikaretê; Aisôpos
col. vi: Ikaros
col. vii: Dêmô; Artemidôros; Philinna
col. viii: Kypris (2); Rhômaia?; Hêdylion

fr. ii
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus fr. i

col. i:

Asclepiades , AP 5. 145

col. ii:

pythian oracle registered by Chamaeleon (fr. 11 Wehrli) ap. Athen. 22 E;
Philodemus, AP 11. 34; 11. 41; 5. 126; 5. 121; 10. 113?; in l. 12 Philodemus himself is probably mentioned, in a epigram wich might be by him

AP 12. 103, anonymous

col. iii:

Philodemus, AP 11. 30

col. iv:

Philodemus, AP 11. 44; 9. 570; 5. 4; 10. 103; 5. 24; 7. 222; 6. 349; 11. 30?

Asclepiades, AP 5. 150

col. v:

Philodemus, AP 5. 123?; 5. 112; 5. 306; 5. 131; 5. 132; 11. 30?

col. vi:

Antiphilus / Philodemus, AP 5. 308

Asclepiades, AP 5. 145

col. vii:

Philodemus, AP 5. 115; 5. 107; 5. 46; 11. 35; 9. 412; 5. 13?

col. viii:

Philodemus, AP 10. 21; 5. 120

9 fr. i: 29.8 x 20.2
fr. ii: 2.8 x 8
fr. iii: 2 x 3
for the recipe, encode Andorlini's edition (iii. 1-6) three papyrus fragments belonging to a roll which was torn or broken off and used independently: fr. i (29.8 x 20.2 cm), presenting two kolleseis, has preserved 8 columns (i-vi written along the fibres; vii-viii written across the fibres) containing, respectively, 33, 30, 24, 33, 32, 19, 25 and 12 lines. On the front, no left-hand margin has been preserved; upper margin is at least 0.5 cm minimum, as for the lower one, the surface tends to be entirely used up, except for the last column, where some 7 cm have been left blank at the foot. On the right, the papyrus seems to have broken down the further edge of the second kollesis, but without any signs of missing text: the margin is however practically non-existent. Intercolumnium between col. i (due to A) and col. ii is 1.5 cm minimum; in the rest of columns it ranges from 0.1 to 1 cm, approximately. On the back, there are blanks of c. 9 cm to left and right of text (cols. vii - viii); upper margin is around 1.5 cm, and lower margin is 3.2 cm (minimum). The intercolumnium is at least c. 1 cm wide. on the back.
Fr. ii (2.8 x 8 cm) has preserved the remains of 13 lines, arranged in a single column, which may either be part or have preceded col. i of fr. i. No margins have been preserved except for the lower one, measuring c. 1.5 cm (maximum preserved depth). Fr. iii (2 x 3 cm) preserves the scanty remains of four lines arranged in a single column, with no margins.
anthology, perhaps from more than one source, or index? http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol54/pages/3724.htm ---
0390 65823 --- --- D. Page (ed.), Supplementum Lyricis Graecis, Oxford 1974, S 286 (re-edition) roll 06 list of beginnings of poems --- 2 BC ZPE 12 (1973), p. 86 (R. Merkelbach) free standing list; items consisting of verse beginnings written in separate lines; no further principle of classification noticeable mythological fragment, 2 BC (CPP 227) list of poems --- informally written letters drawn in different sizes and forms. Characters do not sit well in relation to each other Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P. Mich. 3498r 2004/04/27 Alberto Nodar 7079 Wrongly placed rough breathing? Superfluous iota adscript? Corrections by superscription; numeral annotation(s)? on the margin 09-15 (R) papyrus col. ii: Erôs; Hermês (R); Aphroditê

col. iii: Kypris; Artemis (?, R )
ed. princ., pl. II b col. ii: Erôs; Kyllana [Kyllênê]; Hermês (R); Aphroditê

col. iii: Kypris; Artemis (?, R )
Egypt, unknown col. ii:

Alcaeus, fr. 34 (?); 308 (b); Sappho / Alcaeus (?), Anacreon (2?); A

col. iii:

Sappho, fr. 5; Anacreon, fr. 348 (?)
along the fibres 3 17.25 x 9.25 both editions to encode: attention to col. i l. 2 in M's ed.; diff. readings in col. ii ll. 3, in 4 deletion is by the editor, not the scribe!!!! in 4 and 5 Page places lacuna, 7, 12, 13, 14; col. iii ll. 2 (include supplement) 4, 6, 8 (place also, in front of this line, the hs in M's ed) 9, 10, 13 one papyrus piece (P. Mich. 3498r: 17.25 x 9.25 cm), but further fragments belonging to the same roll have been found, though not published (P. Mich. 3250 A, B, C), and, therefore, not taken into account in this description. P. Mich. 3498r contains the remains of three columns, with 10 lines in col. i, and 14 in cols. ii and iii (maximum column width is 6 cm). No left-hand or right-hand margins have been preserved; upper margin is preserved to a maximum of 0.3 cm, and lower margin is 1 cm at its maximum depth (to the left of the - deeper - blank space below l. 10 in col. i more text could have stood). Intercolumnium is at least 0.3 cm between cols. i and ii, and ca. 2.5 cm (minimum width) between cols. ii and iii catalogue? http://images.umdl.umich.edu/cgi/i/image/image-idx?view=entry&subview=detail&cc=apis&entryid=X-1989&viewid=3498r.tif@@http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1989 ---
0391 61302 --- --- H. Lloyd-Jones - P. Parsons (eds.), Supplementum Hellenisticum, Berlin - New York 1983, no. 976 (re-edition) sheet
collection of first lines of epigrams, of which only 2 can be identified (as far as can be seen, lines on side B also appear on side A) 243 2 BC Griechische Ostraka II, 1488 (U. Wilcken, 1899) free standing list; items consisting of verse beginnings written in separate lines; blank lines on side B with a structural meaning? No further principle of classification noticeable opistograph list of poems --- Fluent on side B with variation in letter size. The text on side A is very hard to see London, British Library, O.Lond. inv. 25736 (not found) 2004/04/28 Alberto Nodar 2444 abbreviation by suspension (marked by a monogram, an abbreviation mark or just nothing); one line erased on side A; blank lines on side B as if to keep the the arrangement of lines on side A 12-20 ostracon --- 01 1596 --- side A:

Upper Egypt, Diospolis Magna - Thebes ? side A:

Leonidas, AP 9. 322

side B:

Leonidas, AP 9. 322; 6. 13

ostracon not to be found any longer, according to Cribiore. Encode Lloyd-Parsons' edition ostracon; side A, written in a hand different from that on side B, contains 8 lines of writing, whereas side B contains only 6; in both cases lines are arranged in a single column. school text
0392 63821 --- --- B. Keil, Deutsche Literaturzeitung 1906, cols. 2802-2805; J. Oehler, Zeitschrift für die österreichischen Gymnasien 58 (1907), pp. 408-409; J. Nicole, Deutsche Literaturzeitung 1907, cols. 288-289; G. Lippold in Pauly - Wissowa RE 16 (1935), col. 1898; id. in Pauly - Wissowa RE, Suppl. 3 (1918), col. 792, l. 9 ss; E. A. Lowe, CLA VII, 885; R. Marichal, ChLA I, 11 (1954) (re-edition); id., CdE 30 (1955), pp. 346-360 sheet? 16.8 (max. pres.) list of works of art (statues); the names of the objects are in the accusative, with, it seems, a brief description (of a rather learned nature), and a probable indication of the artists --- AD 2 - AD 3 Un catalogue d'oeuvres d'art conservées à Rome à l'époque impériale, Texte du papyrus latin VII de Genève, Genève-Bâle, 1906 (J. Nicole) free standing list; apparently, items consist of several-word long phrases which do not seem to be isolated in the column more than individual words may be. No criterium is to be found for the arrangement of items (perhaps following the order in which the objects are to be seen?) Greek fiscal statistics of Terranis, AD 2; unpublished? list of works of art --- early Roman cursive; rapidly executed Genève, Bibliothèque Publique et Universitaire, P. Gen. Lat. inv. 7 2004/05/19 Alberto Nodar 5034 Word groups separated by dots and words themselves separated by blank spaces (though not always); acute accent; unknown siglum (taken from a Greek original stating the date: i. e. &#949;&#964;&#959;&#965;"?) with supralineated characters. Correction by erasure, superscription, writing over the wrong character, and, perhaps also marked by a sign. &#946; for v? archaic form implying a Greek model? 39 (R) maximum preserved papyrus Mercurius (3); Hercules; Vesta; Venus; Mars; Minerua; Saturnus; Neptunus; Sarapis; Isis; Pan; Anubis; Apollo; Persephone; Dirce; Castor; Libertas; Gordius 01 2994 ed. princ., plate at end; CLA VII, 885 (partial); ChLA I, p. 27 Mercurius (3); Hercules; Vesta; Venus; Mars; Minerua; Saturnus; Neptunus; Sarapis; Isis; Pan; Anubis; Apollo; Persephone; Dirce; Castor; Libertas; Gordius Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 14 fr. 1: ca. 20 x 27; fr. 2: 2.8 x 5; fr. 3: 2.7 x 10.7; fr. 4: 2.4 x 3.9 encode ChLA edition, but attention to mistake in l. 24 (no lacuna at beginning, only broken margin at left, see CdE ed) four papyrus fragments: fr. 1: ca. 20 x 27 cm; fr. 2: 2.8 x 5 cm; fr. 3: 2.7 x 10.7 cm; fr. 4: 2.4 x 3.9 cm, containing, respectively, remains of 30, 6, 12 and 5 lines, arranged in all cases in a single column (16.8 cm maximum preserved width, in fr. 1). No margins seem to have been preserved in any of the fragments.
catalogue / guide http://www.ville-ge.ch/musinfo/collections/bpu/papyrus/pictures/grandes/pgenlat7-ri.jpg

0393 63972 --- --- PCG 08, 71 (R. Kassel - C. Austin, 1995) sheet 19.5 list of characters of a comedy? --- AD 3 APF 29 (1983), pp. 7-8 (W. Luppe - W. Müller) free standing list; one-word items (with a gender specification written above each, maybe due to a second hand) isolated by blank spaces within a single line. No further structuring principle can be seen. blank list of characters --- generously sized formal mixed; roughly bilinear, although letters do not sit very uniformly with relation to each other, quite carefully executed Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 18115 2004/04/29 Alberto Nodar 5187 abbreviation by suspension in the supralinear annotations (with abbreviation mark, although the oblique stroke appearing to the right of the abbreviated word can also be found to the right of the word when written in full). Blank spaces separating words in line. Possible morphological mistake (or is the annotation itself above the name mistaken?) 39 (R) papyrus --- 01 M-P 1698.1 ed. princ., pl. 2 Archontis; Chrysis; Isidôras [Isidôra?]; Elpidas; Chryseras Egypt, unknown --- across the fibres 16 20.1 x 3.3 encode PCG edition one papyrus strip (20.1 x 3.3 cm) preserving a single line of writing (19.5 cm maximum preserved width). Lower margin is ca. 2 cm; no upper or right-hand margin have been preserved; left-hand margin is 0.5 cm.
dramatis personae list?
0394 63869 --- --- M. Vandoni, Narmuthis, Appunti dalle lezioni 1975/76, Milano s. d., p. 58 (reprint of editio princeps); S. Donadoni, Cultura dell'Antico Egitto, Rome 1986, pp. 485-486 (reprint of editio princeps); R. Pintaudi - P. J. Sijpesteijn, ZPE 76 (1989), pp. 88-90; no. 5 (re-edition); B. Kramer, APF 40 (1994), p. 204 sheet 04.1 (max.) list of two-word maxims of moral content in acrostic from &#945; to &#953; (but with the exception of &#949;). Some correspond to those of the "Seven Wise Men" 285 AD 2 - AD 3 Acme 8 (1955), pp. 82-83 (S. Donadoni) = OGN 01, 129 (R. Pintaudi - P. J. Sijpesteijn, 1993) free standing list; items consisting of a two-word sentence, at the end of which a new line starts (except for just one case in which a blank space isolates two consecutive items in the same line). Line fillers further isolate items within the column. Items arranged alphabetically blank list of sayings --- teacher's hand: rounded capitals of informal type and rather large size; some of the letters are formed cursively, but with an exemplary clarity Cairo, Egyptian Museum, O. Medinet Madi 779 2004/05/04 Alberto Nodar 5083 line fillers, trema (inorganic), blank space separating two consecutive maxims in a line. Itacistic mistakes: &#953; for &#949;&#953;; &#949;&#953; for &#953;. Other orthographic mistakes: &#949; for &#945;&#953;. 02-09 ostracon --- 01 M-P 2691.35 ZPE 76 (1989), pl. X; OGN 01, p. 144 --- Egypt, Fayum, Narmouthis (Medinet-Madi) ---
14 4.5 x 11.8 encode ZPE or OGN, which are, in fact, identical, but biou in l. 3, and between the two sayings in l. 11 complete ostracon (4.5 x 11.8 cm) written on the covex side and preserving 14 lines of writing arranged in a single column (4.1 cm maximum width); maximum upper margin is 0.8 cm; right-hand margin ranges from nil to 1.8 cm; and left-hand margin from 0.2 to 0.6 cm. Lower margin is 3 cm deep. school text; acrostic
0395 63866 --- --- B. Kramer, APF 40 (1994), p. 204 sheet 07 (max. pres.) moral maxims very likely in acrostic from &#961; to &#966; 286 AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 76 (1989), pp. 88-91, no. 6 (R. Pintaudi - P. J. Sijpesteijn) = OGN 01, 130 (R. Pintaudi - P. J. Sijpesteijn, 1993) free standing list; items consist of a two-word sentence and are isolated by blank spaces within the column, wider than those separating words. Items are arranged alphabetically blank list of sayings --- same as CPP 397: teacher's hand; rounded capitals of informal type and rather large size; some of the letters are formed cursively, but with an exemplary clarity Cairo, Egyptian Museum, O. Medinet Madi 1197 2004/05/17 Alberto Nodar 5080 Blank spaces separate words and, with a wider dimension, maxims. Itacistic mispellings: &#953;for &#949;&#953; Other orthographic mistakes: &#945;&#953; for &#949;. 10-16 (max. pres.) ostracon --- 01 M-P 2691.36 ed. princ., pl. X; OGN 01, p. 145 --- Egypt, Fayum, Narmouthis (Medinet-Madi) ---
14 7 x 3.5 Both ZPE and OGN editions are identical. ostracon (7 x 3.5 cm) containing the remains of 4 lines of writing arranged in a single column (7 cm maximum preserved width). No upper or left-hand margin have been preserved; lower margin is 1 cm; right-hand one is 0.2 cm (maximum preserved); the ostracon is written on the convex side school text
0396 62165 ---

sheet 19.1 incipits of psalms 103-118 on the verso and of psalms 119-135 on the recto; the scribe writes as much of the beginning of the verse as will fit in the line --- AD 6 P.Naqlun 01, 1 (T. Derda, 1995) free standing list; items consisting of verse beginnings written in separate lines (but the last one on one side is carried over to the extreme right end of the following line); items are further isolated in the column by numbering: consecutive numbers are written in red ink to the left of the items, and separated from them by blank spaces. Headings, written in the middle of column, structure the list. Classification of items is accordance with a model text. opistograph list of incipits --- general sloping script of medium size; skilled, with some letters tending to cursive forms. Considerable variation in size of letters Cairo, Coptic Museum P. Naqlun 67/89 + doc. no. 242b/89 2004/05/27 Alberto Nodar 3325 horizontal dash on letters to indicate their numeric value; line-fillers; inorganic trema. Abbreviation by suspension, sometimes with a mark (brachygraphy for &#954;&#945;&#953;). Nomina sacra consistently abbreviated by contraction, and marked with supralineation. Iota adscript not written; blank spaces separate text of incipits from their corresponding numbering; title placed in middle of column. Itacistic mistakes: &#953;for &#949;&#953;. Other orthographic mistakes: &#959; for &#969;; &#949; for &#945;&#953;. Loss of intervocalic &#953;; &#955;for &#961; (rhotacism); labial reinforcement (superfluous &#960;) in &#959;&#960;&#966;&#952;&#945;&#955;&#956;&#959;&#965;&#962; ; duplication of &#954;; &#966; for &#960;. Dittography; mistake in the numbering; mistakes due to citing by memory. 40 (R) -58 (R) papyrus --- 02
ed. princ., pl. IV verso:

Israêl; Aigyptos; Iakôb


Israêl (2); Siôn (2); Dauid
Egypt, Fayum, Naqlun verso:

Psalms 103 - 118


Psalms 119 - 135

25 P. Naqlun 67/89: 20.3 x 16

doc. no. 242b/89: 3.9 x 3.6
attention l. 2: encode dittography mistake two papyrus fragments (P. Naqlun 67/89: 20.3 x 16 cm, and doc. no. 242b/89: 3.9 x 3.6 cm) belonging to the dossier of the monk of hermitage 25. They contain the remains of 16 lines on the verso and 18 on the recto, in both cases organised in a single column (19.1 cm wide). Upper margin is 0.7 cm (maximum preserved); lower margin has been preserved to a maximum depth of 2.5 cm. Writing space tends to be fully occupied to the right, and so the right-hand margin is in most cases non-existent (the maximum preserved width is, however, excluding the line with the title, centered in the middle of the column, 1.1 cm); left-hand margin is ca. 1.5 cm wide. index?
0397 62309 --- Eusebius (?) Commentaria in Psalmos. Patrologia Graeca XXIII, col. 66 T. Derda, Archeologia e papiri nel Fayyum 1997, pp. 151-152 sheet 05.4 (max.) ll. 1 - 11: list of the psalms, apparently after Eusebius, according to their "titles" and "authors" (some doubts remain as to the definition of these categories)
ll. 12 - 23: day canons of the psalms; that is, list of psalms which ought to be recited on the consecutive hours of the day
--- AD 6 P.Naqlun 01, 6 (T. Derda, 1995) two adjacent free standing lists (though, maybe, taken from a single source where they belonged together in a larger work on the Psalms), separated in the column by a graphic mark:

items in ll. 1 - 11 consist of one phrase, and are accompanied by a numeric specification, separated by a blank space. Each item occupies a single line. Groups within the list are only syntactically marked. Items may be arranged according to a model text.

Items in ll. 12 - 23, also written in separate lines, consist of two coupled phrases, separated by a blank space. Items may be arranged according to a model text.
blank list of psalms --- most probably same as that in P. Naqlun 01, 1: general sloping script of medium size; skilled, with some letters tending to cursive forms. Considerable variation in size of letters Cairo, Coptic Museum P. Naqlun 72/89 2004/05/28 Alberto Nodar 3472 Long paragraphos separates both lists; short horizontal stroke above letters to indicate their numeric value (though not consistently used); inorganic and organic trema. Abbreviation by suspension, normally with mark, and by monograms. Abbreviation by contraction of nomina sacra, with supralineation. Correction by writing over wrongly written character; blank spaces separate elements within items. Itacistic mistakes: &#951; for &#965; ; &#959;&#953; for &#965; ; other orthographic mistakes: &#969; for &#959;; &#959; for &#969;; &#949; for &#945;&#953;; &#948; in the place of &#963;, presumably due to simplification of an original -&#963;&#948;&#961;- group, where &#948; had slipped between &#963; and &#961;. 08-13
04-13 [list 1]
parchment --- 01 --- ed. princ., pl. IX Dauid; Kôre; Asaph; Aitham [Aithan]; Môusê [Môusês]; Solomôn Egypt, Fayum, Naqlun David; Sons of Korah; Ethan; Moses; Solomon; Psalms 8; 29; 1; 41; 50; 6; 69; 84; 114; 115; 116; 117; 150; 110; 120 fleshside 25 5.8 x 19.6
one complete strip of parchment (5.8 x 19.6 cm) containing 23 lines arranged in a single column (5.4 cm maximumn width). Writing space tends to be fully used, and thus upper and lower margins are practically non-existent; a margin ranging from 0.3 to 1 cm has been left to the left, and the right-hand margin similarly ranges from nil to 1 cm. abstract? index?
0398 62124 ---
K. Aland, Repertorium der Griechischen Christlichen Papyri I Biblische Papyri, Berlin - New York 1976, Var14 sheet
ll. 1 - 15: Psalms 90; l. 16: list of the Gospels --- AD 5 - AD 6 P.Oxy. 16, 1928 verso (B. P. Grenfell - A. S. Hunt - H. I. Bell, 1924) list as part of an amulet or free standing list? (it occupies the last line of a column, with no graphic mark separating it from the rest of the text); items consist of a two-word phrase and are not isolated; the column presents a graphic mark at the beginning. Items arranged according to a model text protocol, AD 5 (= P.Oxy. 16, 1928 recto; LDAB 3284) list of gospels --- upright informal hand Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2004/06/03 Alberto Nodar 3284 in list: orthographic mistakes: &#949; for &#945;&#953;; superfluous iota. Syntactic and morphological mistakes. 42 [in list] papyrus --- 01 --- ed. princ., pl. III (recto) in list:

Iôannês; Loukas; Markos; Maththaios
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus in list:

Joannes; Lucas; Marcus; Matthaeus
across the fibres 24 30 x 21.5 order reproduction? one papyrus fragment (30 x 21.5 cm) containing 16 lines of writing arranged in a single column. part of amulet? index? 0183 ---
0399 65049 --- --- H. Delehaye, AB 42 (1924), pp. 83-99 (re-edition); G. Cavallo - H. Maehler, Greek Bookhands of the Early Byzantine Period A. D. 300 - 800, London, 1987, no. 30a; A. Papaconstantinou, Revue des Etudes Byzantines 54 (1996), pp. 135-139 (re-edition) sheet 13.8 (max. preserved) list of sunaxeis at various churches on Sundays, festivals and, apparently, other days through a period of five months in a year which was the 14th of an indiction series --- AD 6 P.Oxy. 11, 1357 (B. P. Grenfell - A. S. Hunt, 1915) = P.Lond.Lit. 233 (H. J. M. Milne, 1927) free standing list; items, written in separate lines, consist of a several word phrase flanked by a time indication in numeric form and, normally, by a second one in the form of a phrase of one or more words (further time indications are given on the left-hand margin, thus structuring the list into groups) . Occasionally, the item may consist of two co-ordinate phrases which will be written in separate lines, the second one in eisthesis (both phrases will share the same numeric indication, but not necessarily the lexical one, which, if it appears, will do so in the same line as the corresponding co-ordinate phrase). The list is provided with a heading at the top of the first column, in ekthesis and preceded by a cross, and is organised in groups, marked both graphically in the column, and lexically on the margin. Items are chronologically arranged. blank list of services, liturgical calendar --- rather large general sloping script; carefully executed, roughly bilinear with some exaggerated letter sizes London, British Library 2442 2004/06/15 Alberto Nodar 6290 paragraphos separating sections, which are also lexically indicated on the left-hand margin, but also used, it seems, to highlight a particular date; occasional use of trema; abbreviation by suspension, usually indicated by a mark; blank space between date and service. The two lines of the title are in ekthesis (the first line even more so than second), whereas, normally, lines containing a second sunaxis referring to the same date are in eisthesis. Cross at the beginning of column. No orthographic mistakes, but genitive forms appear in the place of the accusative ones, and there is a probable case of a nominative in the place of a genitive. 13-38 (R) papyrus --- 02 --- ed. princ., pl. I (col. i, part); G. Cavallo - H. Maehler, Greek Bookhands of the Early Byzantine Period A. D. 300 - 800, London 1987, pl. 30a (col. i, part); A. Papaconstantinou, Revue des Etudes Byzantines 54 (1996), p. 139 col. i:

Alexandreia; Phoibammôn (2); Serênos (2); Epimachos; Euaggelistês [Iôannês]; Michaêl; Ioustos (2); Mênas; Biktôr; Annianê; Kosmas; Isiôn; Philoxenos; Maria; Christos

col. i:

Petros; Paulos (?, R); Phoibammôn (5); Philoxenos (2 + R); Michaêl; Hêraïs (?, R); Euphêmia (1 + R); Euaggelistês [Iôannês]; Philotheos (?, R); Annianê; Maria (2 ?, R); Ierêmias (?, R); Baptistês [Iôannês]; Ioulianos (?, R); Zacharias (?, R); Serênos (R); Gabriêl; Noup; Theodotos (?, R); Theodôros (R); Kollouthos (?, R)
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus col. i:


col. ii:

along the fibres 25 36.4 x 29.6 encode diaeresis in proper names at ll. 13, 22; encode also blank spaces. Encode Papaconstantinou's edition, with the following restitutions of first editors in apparatus: Paulos, l. 34; Herais l. 40; Philotheos l. 43; l. 46 Ieremias, but Delehaye gives another one ... perhaps it would be best not to include any of these???, l. 48 Ioulianos; different reading in l. 56, but which one should we include in the database?; restitutions at l. 63 and 65, and that of Kollouthos. papyrus fragment (36.4 x 29.6 cm) preserving two columns of writing (13.8 cm maximum preserved width): col. i contained 32 lines originally; col. ii, 36 or 37. It is not likely that any columns are missing, though a fragment assigned to l. 56 might possibly come from a later column. 6 lines have been lost in the middle of col. i, which is otherwise complete; col. ii is broken vertically down the middle. Lower margin is broken at the end of col. ii, but was in any case much narrower than that at the bottom of col. i, measuring, as it stands, 2.6 cm. Left-hand margin is preserved to a maximum of 4.5 cm, whereas upper margin measures 1.6 cm at its maximum preserved depth. Minimum intercolumnium is 9.3 cm Christian, chronology
0961 ---
0400 65892 --- --- H.-A. Rupprecht - J. Hengstl, SB 16 (1988), no. 12222; H. D. Betz, The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, Chicago 1986, 1992, 1996, p. 316, no. CXXI (translation); U. Horak, Illuminierte Papyri Pergamente und Papiere 1, Vienna 1992, p. 246, no. 200; W. M. Brashear, in ANRW 2, 18, 5, Berlin - New York 1996, p. 3505; id. in E. Dassmann - K. Thraede - J. Engemann (eds.), Chartulae: Festschrift für Wolfgang Speyer. Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Ergänzungsbände 28 (1998), pp. 14-29 (re-edition); id., Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe, Vienna 1998 (re-edition) sheet 03 - 03.8 [list in tables] two columns of words with nouns of ills, preceded by some text above and, seemingly, to the left, and with traces of a design below them. The whole thing originally being surrounded by an element, probably the ouroboros serpent. --- AD 3 - AD 4 Aegyptus 59 (1979), pp. 63-72 (G. Geraci) list as part of an amulet? one word items written in separate lines; columns are provided with headings; both headings and columns and framed into tables. There is no obvious principle governing the arrangement of items. blank list of ills --- medium sized coarse hand writing mostly separate capitals; letter sizes vary and bilinearity is not kept Milano, Università Cattolica, P.Med. inv. 71.58 2004/06/11 Alberto Nodar 7155 oblique stroke looking like an acute accent, although it is more likely a lapsus calami; small dash above letters to indicate numeric value; vertical and horizontal lines divide the space devoted to the list into tables, with their corresponding headings. Magical designs. No orthographic mistakes 04-10 [in list] papyrus --- 02 [in list] M-P 2051.1 ed. princ., pl. I; W. M. Brashear, Wednesday's Child is Full of Woe, Vienna 1998, frontispiece and p. 9 --- Egypt, unknown --- both along and across the fibres on the same side (two kollêmata with fibres orientated in opposite directions) 18 8.1 x 14 do not encode reconstruction of lac. in l. 2; which edition to encode, I cannot see
B's readings in col. i and col. ii l. 13
single papyrus sheet (8.1 x 14 cm), broken at the top, bottom and to the left. Below the remains of two lines of writing, it preserves two columns framed in two tables with 10 and 14 lines (the maximum width of the tables is 3.8 cm), below which traces of a magical figure can be seen. There was apparently another table to the left of col. i. Of the original margins left outside the whole ensemble, surrounded by another design, only the right-hand one can be partially seen, measuring at its maximum 1.6 cm magical text (amulet)? apotelesmaticon?
0401 65295 --- ---
list of incipits, but it is possible that ll. 1-10 of the recto may constitute a continuous text, with a new composition starting at l. 11 and with first lines on the verso. Points of resemblance between the text and some evening hymns --- AD 7 Journal of Theological Studies 17 (1915/1916), pp. 171-173 (H. G. E. White) free standing list; items consisting of verses isolated in the column by graphic marks, always present when they do not coincide with line-end. Further graphic marks seem to highlight the beginnings of certain items, at line-beginning. No visible principle governing the arrangement of items. opistograph list of incipits of evening hymns --- thick, heavy, informal semi-uncial, generally well-rounded. Ligatures and cursive forms Collection O. Evelyn White 2004/06/16 Alberto Nodar 6540 Paragraphi above and below certain lines (marking beginning of incipit or beginning of piece?); trema. Abbreviations: by contraction - with horizontal stroke above (part of ) contracted word, though not always; by suspension: with graphic mark; brachygraphy for &#954;&#945;&#953;. Iota adscript not written; correction by superscription and deletion. Double oblique slash separating incipits (or verses of a single composition?). Itacistic mistakes: &#949;&#953; for &#953;; &#953; for &#949;&#953;; other orthographic mistakes: &#959; for &#969;; &#947; (less likely &#964;) for &#953;; possible syntactic error. 06-29 (R) ostracon --- 01 --- --- recto:

Christos (2)


Iêsus; Christos (2)
Upper Egypt, Diospolis Magna - Thebes ---
29 9.5 x 12 order reproduction, but where from? fragment from the bottom of an ostracon (9.5 x 12 cm), which may be only half or even one quarter of the original; right edge intact; a narrow triangular piece has been broken away from the left side. 14 lines have been preserved on the recto; on the verso, there are remains of 6 lines. In both cases lines are arranged in a single column. catalogue? --- 1057 ---
0402 65127 ---
A. Papaconstantinou, ZPE 130 (2000), p. 193-196 (re-edition) sheet 05.2 (max. preserved) list of martyrdoms, or martyries, or (festivities of) martyrs. --- AD 7 MPER N.S. 17, 78 (K. Treu - J. Diethart, 1993) free standing list; one phrase items written in separate lines and further isolated by a graphic mark at the beginning of each. Possible heading in column. No visible principle governing arrangement of items. blank list of martyrdoms? --- medium sized cursive documentary; quick and fluent. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G. 22683 2004/06/18 Alberto Nodar 6368 Abbreviation by suspension: without mark, with mark (brachygraphy for &#954;&#945;&#953;) or with superscript last letter; cross above first letter in line. First line of fr. i in eisthesis (maybe centered in the column): title? Itacistic misspellings: &#951; for &#965;. 05-27 (R) parchment
01 --- ed. princ., pl. LI Dôrotheos (?, R); Ioustos; [Marchos (?, R)] Euaggelistês Egypt, unknown [Marcus (?, R)]
29 fr. i: 4.1 x 2; fr. ii: 5.2 x 1.4; fr. iii: 5.2 x 2 encode Papaconstantinou's edition 3 parchment fragments, not directly joining each other: (fr. i: 4.1 x 2 cm; fr. ii: 5.2 x 1.4 cm; fr. iii: 5.2 x 2 cm). Fr. i has preserved remains of 3; frr. ii and iii, remains of 2 lines of writing. In all cases lines are arranged in a single column (5.2 cm maximum preserved width). None of the fragments has preserved an upper or lower margin (if l. 2 in fr. iii is last, then the space left blank below it is practically non-existent). Writing space tends to be used completely, and, therefore, both left-hand and right-hand margins are only 0.2 cm at their maximum width (without taking into account first line of fr. i, placed at mid-column, and possibly a title) catalogue? document?
0403 63026 ---
A. M. Kropp, Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte II, Bruxelles 1931, pp. 219-220; W. Beltz, APF 29 (1983), pp. 67-68, no. I 540 (re-edition); D. Hagedorn, ZPE 55 (1984), pp. 146-153; C. Gallazzi; P.Lugd.-Bat. 25, 12 (1991) sheet
list of the 40 martyrs of Sebaste --- ? BKU 01, 19 (A. Erman, 1904) free standing list; one-word items - except for a one-phrase one - written in separate lines (the several-word item occupies the last position in the list, taking three lines). Each item is accompanied by a numeric specification to its right, in the same line. Beginning of columns are graphically marked, as well as the beginning and the end of the list. Items might be arranged according to a previous model written list of martyrs ---
Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 8317 2004/06/21 Alberto Nodar 4218 horizontal lines at top-column, and at the end of col. ii. Cross (towards the beginning of text, but not at the very start). Itacistic mispellings: &#953; for &#949;&#953;; loss of &#965; in dipthong before &#953;; one morphological error. 07-12 papyrus
02 ---
col. i:

Dômêtianos [Dometianos]; Kyriôn; Kandidos; Domnos; Kyrillos; Eutêchios [Eutychios]; Phlauios; Seuêrianos; Philoktimos [Philoktêmôn]; Aikias [Aggias]; Êlios [Êlias]; Ekdikios; Aetios; Hêrakleios; Melitios [Meletios]; Alexandros; Iôannês; Theodoulos; Oualês; Achilleus; Hêsychios

col. ii:

Theophilos; Xanthios; Priskos; Êlialês [Hêlianos ?]; Sakerdôn; Oualerios; Daniêl; Maurikios; Athanasios; Leontios; Agagios [Akakios]; Bibianos; Smarakios [Smaragdos]; Lysimachos; Gaios; Gorgonios; Choudios [Choudiôn]; Sisinnios; Aglaios
Egypt, unknown
along the fibres 35 18 x 26 encode Beltz' edition, but take Hagedorn's reading of ll. 41-42, that is, ignore the reconstruction in lac. of Beltz for these two lines! order reproduction? sheet (18 x 26 cm) made up of fragments pasted together and previously written on the other side. Two columns of writing with 21 lines each, preserved in quite good condition Christian, amulet
0735 ---
0404 63027 ---
A. M. Kropp, Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte II, Bruxelles 1931, pp. 109-113; W. Beltz, APF 29 (1983), pp. 68-70, no. I 541 (re-edition); D. Hagedorn, ZPE 55 (1984), pp. 146-153; C. Gallazzi; P.Lugd.-Bat. 25, 12 (1991) sheet
prayer to achieve a good voice followed, in the lower margin, by the names of 4 of the Sebaste martyrs --- AD 8 BKU 01, 8 (A. Erman, 1904) list as part of an amulet? one-word items written in separate lines and accompanied by a numeric specification to their left, in the same line. Items might be arranged according to a previous model. blank list of martyrs ---
Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 8318 2004/06/22 Alberto Nodar 4219 in list: trema (inorganic) 08-11 [in list] papyrus
02 [in list] ---
in list: col. i:

Xanthios; Priskos

col. ii:
Sisinnios; Aglaios
Egypt, unknown
along the fibres 33 22.5 x 48 encode Beltz's edition. order reproduction papyrus sheet (22.5 x 48 cm) preserved almost completely; ll. 1-41 are arranged in a single column; ll. 42-43, containing the list, are written in two columns, with two items each. magic, amulet?
0734 ---
0405 64676 ---
A. M. Kropp, Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte I, Bruxelles 1931, pp. 120; id. Ausgewählte koptische Zaubertexte II, Bruxelles 1931, pp. 219-220; J. van Haelst, Catalogue des Papyrus Littéraires Juifs et Chrétiens, Paris 1976, no. 736; W. Beltz, APF 29 (1983), p. 78, no. I 552 (re-edition); D. Hagedorn, ZPE 55 (1984), pp. 146-153; C. Gallazzi; P.Lugd.-Bat. 25, 12 (1991) sheet
two mutilated lines in Coptic, followed by the list of the 40 martyrs from Sebaste (remains of 37 of them have been preserved) --- AD 9 BKU 01, 20 (A. Erman, 1904) list as part of an amulet? (the preceding two lines, seemingly centered on the sheet do not seem to constitute a heading). One-word items written in separate lines and accompanied by a numeric specification to their left, in the same line. (another item, consisting of a several-word phrase, is placed to the right of the list in two lines). Items might be arranged according to a previous model. blank list of martyrs ---
Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 8332 2004/06/23 Alberto Noda 5908 trema (both organic and inorganic). Itacistic misspellings: &#951; for &#953;; &#953; for &#951;; other orthographic mistakes: &#969; for &#959;; &#964; for &#948;; &#966; for &#946;; Loss of &#965; in dipthong before &#953;. Morphological errors. 07 (R) -12 (R) papyrus
03 ---
col. i:

Dômêtianos [Dometianos]; Kyriôn; Kandidos; Domnos; Kyrillos; Eutêchios [Eutychios]; Phlauios; Seuêrianos; Philoktêmôn; Aikias [Aggias]

col. ii:

Êlios [Êlias]; Ekdikios; Aetios; Hêrakleios; Melitios [Meletios]; Alexandros; Iôannês; Theodoulos; Oualês; Achilleus; Hêsychios; Theophilos

col. iii:

Theophilos; Xanthios; Priskos; Êlialês [Hêlianos ?]; Sakerdôn; Oualerios; Daniêl; Maurikios; Athanasios; Leontios; Akakios; Bibianos; Smarakios [Smaragdos]; Lysimachos; Gaios; [Aglaios]
Egypt, unknown
along the fibres 34 21.1 x 19.5 encode Beltz's edition, but insert Hagedorn's restitution for no. 19, not that of Beltz. Order reproduction. With reproduction, see how to encode the reference to Aglaios; in another column? in any case, always following Hagedorn's interpetation, not that of yet two names than can be seen in Beltz. papyrus sheet (21.1 x 19.5 cm) made up of four fragments. It contains the remains of two lines of writing, apparently arranged in a single column. Below them, writing is arranged in three columns: col. i preserves the remains of 10 lines; col. ii remains of 12, and col. iii remains of 15 lines. magic, amulet?
0736 ---
0406 65420 ---

sheet 05.5 (max. preserved) list of the martyrs of Sebaste (10 names preserved, and the initial letter of another one) --- AD 7 - AD 8 P.Lugd.-Bat. 13, 25 III (P. J. Sijpesteijn, 1965) = P.Lugd.-Bat. 25, 12 (C. Gallazzi, 1991) free standing list; one-word items isolated by blank spaces within the line. Items might be arranged according to a previous model. blank list of martyrs --- small sloping capitals. Informal, but quite careful and writing separate letters (general sloping script?) Leiden, Papyrologisch Instituut, O. 1 2004/06/24 Alberto Nodar 6667 correction by interlinear insertion. (Seemingly large) spaces separating items within the line. 09 (max. preserved) ostracon
01 --- P.Lugd.-Bat. 25, pl. V Leontios; Lesimachos [Lysimachos]; Xanthias [Xanthios]; Agagios [Akakios]; Maurikios; Bybianos [Bibianos]; Êlialês [Hêlianos ?]; Athanasios; Korkonios [Gorgonios]; Aglaios Egypt, unknown

31 6 x 12.5 encode Gallazzi's edition incomplete ostracon (6 x 12.5 cm): the central section, the right-hand area and the top have been lost, so that only the beginnings of 9 lines arranged in a single column have been preserved. Left-hand margin reaches 0.6 cm at its maximum width, and lower margin is 1.5 cm deep. amulet
0407 65450 ---
K. Treu, APF 37 (1991), p. 95 no.826a; C. Gallazzi; P.Lugd.-Bat. 25, 12 (1991) sheet 04.1 (max.) palimpsest: the remains of 6 lines of writing belonging to an account in Coptic are still visible; this document was partially erased to make room for part of the list of the martyrs of Sebastia (only the first 8 names remain, but the list does not seem to have been much longer) --- AD 7 - AD 8 ZPE 75 (1988), pp. 147-149 (C. Gallazzi) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines. Beginning of column - and text - is graphically marked. Items might be arranged according to a previous model. remains of two lines belonging to an account in Coptic. list of martyrs --- small minuscule cursive; practised Milano, Università Statale, Istituto di Papirologia, inv. provv. CE 2 2004/06/25 Alberto Nodar 6697 Cross at the beginning of text, on the left-hand margin 06-10 ostracon
01 --- ed. princ., pl. IIIa Domêtianos [Dometianos]; Oualês; Hêsychios; Ailianos [Hêlianos]; Smaragdos; Sisinnios; Seuêrianos; Philoktêmôn Upper Egypt
convex side 31 8.5 x 7
palimpsest ostracon (8.5 x 7 cm) broken to the right and at the bottom containing 8 lines of writing arranged in a single column (4.1 cm maximum width), centered on the surface, on which a document had been previously written and was subsequently erased on the area where the list now appears. Upper margin is practically non-existent and lower margin has been lost. Left-hand margin is 2.6 cm at its widest, and the right-hand one ranges between 2.1 cm and 3 cm amulet (or reminder for an invocation?)
0408 68822 ---

sheet 06.2 (max. preserved) part of the list of the martyrs of Sebaste (15 names preserved) --- AD 4 - AD 5 - AD 6 - AD 7 ZPE 146 (2004), p. 164 (D. Hagedorn - K. A. Worp) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines. Items might be arranged according to a previous model blank list of martyrs --- rather large general sloping script, but quite rapidly and informally executed; ligatures and cursive forms. Bilinearity is not kept. Beuron Abtei, Sammlung Kaufmann inv. 270 2004/06/25 Alberto Nodar 10093 Itacistic misspellings: &#953; for &#949;&#953;; &#949;&#953; for &#953;; other orthographic mistakes: &#959; for &#969;; &#959;&#965; for &#965; as second element in dipthong; &#949; for &#965; and for &#953;. 05-10 (R) ostracon
01 --- ed. princ., p. 164 Philoktêmôn; Hêrakleios; Kyriôn; Alexandros; Oualerios; Eutechios [Eutychios]; Bibianos; Lysimachos; Kyrillos; Eutychios [Eutychos]; Eunoikos; Phlauios; Xanthias [Xanthios]; Leontios Upper Egypt, Thebes area

22.2 7 x 17.5
ostracon (7 x 17.5 cm), broken at the top and bottom and to the right. It contains 15 lines of writing arranged in a single column (6.2 cm maximum preserved width). Left-hand margin is 1 cm at its widest. amulet? http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~gv0/Papyri/Kaufm/270.jpg ---
0409 65467 ---

sheet 05.3 (max) list of saints and martyrs in the genitive case, each preceded by a number which runs in a continuous series from 10 to 20: extract from a saint calendar for a particular month (probably choiak)? --- AD 7 - AD 8 Tyche 8 (1993), pp. 101-104 (A. Papaconstantinou) free standing list: one-word or one-phrase items written in separate lines and accompanied by a numeric specification to their left, in the same line.
Graphic marks at the beginning of column (and text). Items arranged chronologically?
blank list of saints, calendar? --- medium sized general sloping script; practised hand, with some cursive shapes Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G 14043 2004/06/29 Alberto Nodar 6715 trema (inorganic). Abbreviation by suspension: monograms, mark (sometimes supralinear) after last written letter; superscription of final genitive ending &#959;&#965;. Blank spaces separate number from name. Cross at the beginning of text. Loss of dipthong &#959;&#965; before &#959;-sound; &#959; for &#969;. 04-12 papyrus
01 --- ed. princ., pl. 9 Seuêros; Koprês; Grêgorios; Hôrouôgchios; Sarapiôn; Drosis Egypt, Hermoupolis
along the fibres 31 8.5 x 13.5 left-hand margin: yet another cross? incomplete papyrus sheet (8.5 x 13.5 cm), broken at the bottom. It contains 11 lines of writing arranged in a single column. Upper margin measures ca. 3 cm; left-hand margin is 1.6 cm at its widest, and right-hand margin is 1.4 cm minimum. Christian, chronology?
0410 65309 ---
J. Bonomi, Catalogue of the Collection of Egyptian Antiquities belonging to the late Robert Hay, Esq., London 1869, no. 554, p. 60; H. Brakmann, JAC 26 (1983), pp. 54 ss.; K. Treu, APF 31 (1985), p. 63; no.738a; H.-A. Rupprecht - J. Hengstl, SB 20 (1997), no. 14591 sheet
list of patriarchs of Alexandria; two drypoint notations, inspired by the list, stand on the recto written in a semi-cursive hand from the same period as the main hand --- AD 7 Muséon 94 (1981), pp. 47-54 (M. McCormick) free standing list; one-word items - but there is one two-word phrase item closing the list - written in separate lines (the two items added in the recto by a different hand occupy each more than one line, but a new line starts at the beginnig of the second element) . Further graphic devices isolate items in the column, and in two cases -one of which is the last element of list- items appear co-ordinated by a conjuction, which stands in the same line as the second co-ordinated element. Items arranged chronologically opistograph list of patriarchs --- mixture of the typical forms of the late stage of the Biblical Majuscule with letters drawn from the repertory of the Coptic Uncial. Large size? (drypoint notes on the recto in a semi-cursive hand from the same period as main hand) Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Acc. 72.4358 2004/06/30 Alberto Nodar 6554 high dot or dicolon after most names; circumflex accent? trema (inorganic); names are generally in the nominative, though some are in the genitive; loss of &#957; before &#948; (second hand) 05-13 (not including the drypoint notes) wooden tablet
02 --- Roman and Barbarians. Department of Classical Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Catalogue of an exhibition held from December 17, 1976 to February 27, 1977, Boston 1976, no. 233, p. 119 (verso) recto:
Anianos (?, R); Milios (?, R); Kerdôn; Primmos; Ioustos; Eumenês; Markianos; Kelladiôn; Agrippinos; Ioulianos; Dêmêtrios; Hêraklas; Dionysios; Maximos; Theônas; Petros (2); Achillas; Alexandros (2); Athanasios (2); Timotheos; Theophilos; Kyrillos.

Dioskoros (2); Timotheos (2); Petros (2); Athanasios; Iôannês (2); Theodosios; Damianos; Anastasios; Andronikos
Upper Egypt, Thebes ?

29 6 x 21.6 Order reproduction. recto: l. 17 check reading with reproduction, and report orthographic mistake, if there is any; l. 21: check whether there is a high stop at end. verso: l. 9 check reading with reproduction. Encode SB, and encode circumflex in l. 15 recto, and tremas in ll. 5-6 verso. Where do the drypoint notes stand? on the recto, as McCormick says, or on the verso, where they appear in the SB edition??? if verso, change them to the count of the verso names, since they have now been included in the recto one. fragment of a wooden tablet (6 x 21.6 cm). The tablet was originally waxed, as the hollowed out central space and the remains of previous writing on the verso -where the stylus must have scratched the wood through the wax - show. The tablet is 0.3 cm thick, and it must have originally been twice as wide; it is now split down the middle and cracked along the lower right edge. It contains the remains of one column on each side: on the recto, remains of 23 lines have been preserved, plus two drypoint notes in 5 lines; on the verso, the remains of 14 lines are visible. liturgical text
0411 65305 ---
part of a diptych; short invocation followed by the name of the officiating bishop and then by those for whom the prayer is made. --- AD 7 Aegyptus 17 (1937), pp. 452-56 (O. Stegmüller) list as part of a diptych; one-word (exceptionally one-phrase) items mostly, but not always, isolated by graphic devices. The list appears inserted in a simple sentence syntactic structure. Graphic marks in the column reinforce the text structure. Items arranged chronologically blank list of patriarchs --- not very carefully executed; irregular byzantine bookhand; ligatures Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 3602 2004/07/02 Alberto Nodar 6550 High stop (also separating names); paragraphos at end of section; supralineation above two names; interlinear addition and correction by adding missing characters above the line. Double oblique strokes separating names (and also at phrase-end); single oblique strokes, separating names (however, not always are the names separated by any of the three graphic marks used to this effect, both at line-end or within the line). Confusion between &#969; and &#959;; syntactic mistake. 05-28 parchment
01 ---
Andronikos (?, R); Maria; Iôannês (3); Markos; Petros (4); Achillas; Alexandros; Athanasios (2); Timotheos (3); Theophilos; Kyrillos; Dioskoros (2); Theodosios; Damianos; Athanasios Egypt, Fayum Markos
29 11.3 x 16.2 Order reproduction. Check with reproduction whether the supralineation above the two names in l. 10 is not just another paragraphos marking end of section. parchment sheet (11.3 x 16.2 cm) mutilated on all sides; only the right-hand margin between ll. 10 and 16 has been preserved. The 16 lines of writing are arranged in a single column. liturgical text
0866 ---
0412 69035 - anon. P. Schubert, 'Une brève note sur un nouveau texte mythographique', ZPE 150 (2004), p. 63-65; M. Huys, 'Some Notes on a Kellis Ostracon with the Legend of Tennes and Hemithea (= LDAB 10306)', ZPE 152 (2005), p. 203-208 (re-edition); W. Luppe, APF, 51 (2005), p. 65-66. sheet ?? text of uncertain nature narrating the myth of Tennes and Hemithea, according to whichTennes, son of Cycnus and grandson of Poseidon, was falsely accused by his stepmother of sexual advances. The version as told here is somewhat different from all versions preserved in other ancient sources but is in its wording most similar to Conon, Narr. 28 (= Photius, Bibliotheca, cod.186, 135b Bekker)
AD 3 - AD 4 The Oasis Papers III: Proceedings of the Third International Conference of the Dakhleh Oasis Project, edited by Gillian E Bowen and Colin A Hope, Oxford 2004, p. 379-382 (K.A. Worp)
opistograph uncertain (narrative?) - small, informal, irregular, rapidly executed semi-cursive, not keeping the lines straight. O.Kellis inv. D/3/90; SCA 2564 2004/08/17 Marc Huys, 2004/12/28 Marc Huys,
2005/02/12 Marc Huys
10306 iota adscript inconsistently written, but one certain attestation in l. 8: &#951;&#961;&#969;&#953;. 18-20 ostracon convex side:
Kyknos; Poseidôn; Tennês (S); Hêmithea; Prokleia (S); Phylonomê (S).
01 M-P 2448.31 The Oasis Papers III, edited by Gillian E Bowen and Colin A Hope, Oxford 2004, p. 380 convex side:
Kyknos; Poseidôn; Tennês (S); Hêmithea; Prokleia (S); Phylonomê (S).
Egypt, Ismant-el-Kharab
- 18 7.3 x 6.8
convex side: 13 complete lines;
concave side: 13 complete lines, however virtually illegible except for ll. 1-2.
mythology, school text?

0413 63636 - anon. Pierre Swiggers-Alfons Wouters, De Tékhne Grammatiké van Dionysius Thrax: de oudste spraakkunst in het Westen, Leuven-Parijs 1998, pp. xxxff. sheet
list of ten prosodiai and three stigmai: each word is followed by its corresponding sign and the two columns are preceded by a title announcing the items listed. For the prosodiai, see also Dionysius Thrax (G. Uhlig, Gramm. Gr., I, 1, pp. lii-liv and pp. 105ff. (edition), this text -the list of ten signs that is- was not originally a part of the Tékhne but was added later, cfr. A. Lentz, Gramm. Gr., III, 1, p. xxxxivff.; A. Wouters, The Grammatical Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt., Brussel 1979, pp. 196-197 and J. Lallot, La Grammaire de Denys le Thrace, Paris 1989, p. 87; about the tradition in number and order of the prosodiai, cfr. also ed. princ. p. 96), but the standard items here follow an idiosyncratic order. For the stigmai, see Dionysius Thrax (cfr. Lallot, p. 42 and P. Swiggers - A. Wouters, De Tékhne Grammatiké van Dionysius Thrax: de oudste spraakkunst in het Westen, p. 4). His account as transmitted lists three stops, but discusses the time-value of only two (cfr. ed. princ., p. 97; Swiggers-Wouters, p. xxx and Lallot, p. 92); scholars have therefore assumed that his account of the mese was a later addition. An earlier system of two stops gave way to a more elaborate system of three and Dionysius may have been adapted accordingly (cfr. Uhlig, p. lxxix and Swiggers - Wouters, p. xxxi). It is possible, as is stated in the ed. princ. (p. 97), that this papyrus text documents the transition: it recognizes three stops, but calls the heaviest by the old name of stigme (and not teleia), and tags on the newcomer mese at the end of the list. - AD 2 P.Oxy. 49, 3454 (P. Parsons, 1982) free standing list; one word items written in two columns each preceded by a title. The words are written in separate lines and accompanied by their corresponding lectional signs remains of two lines in cursive list of prosodiai and stigmai - small, informal, plain, upright literary script, roughly bilinear. Mostly separating the letters, but with some cursive elements; no decorations. The script is comparable with that of the London Herodas (Turner, GMAW 39) or P. Oxy. 5, 843 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1908, with pl. vi). The copyist of this papyrus writes too well to be a schoolboy, and spells too badly to be an educated man (ed. pr., p. 97). Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 17/11/2004 Ann Pittomvils 4845 within the list of the Greek words: use of inorganic trema (col. 1. 1; col. 2. 1; col. 2. 3), orthographic mistake: use of &#949; instead of &#945;&#953; (col. 1. 1; col. 2. 1) and itacism (col. 1. 4 and 8; col. 2. 1).
Within the list of corresponding lectional signs: use of the three accents (only the sign of perispomene has been preserved), the rough and smooth breathing, the apostrophe (lectional sign not preserved), the hyphen and the hypodiastole. It is striking that the sign for the smooth breathing is written as a lone horizontal without the expected vertical at the right, that the hyphen is angular instead of gently curved and that the three stigmai are indistinguishably written at mid-height, while they should be in high, middle and low position.
04-14 (R) papyrus - 02
ed. pr., pl. II - Egypt, Oxyrhynchus - across the fibres 12 6.2 x 5
single papyrus fragment (6.2 x 5 cm), containing two columns. Column 1 has preserved 11 lines of writing but the papyrus has broken off at the left side. Because of severe damage in the mid-section of the papyrus a few words miss their corresponding sign. The second column has preserved 4 lines of writing, these lines are more or less complete. The second column does not begin at the same height as the first one, but seems to be placed somewhat next to line 2- line 5 of the first column. The other side of the papyrus shows a heavy sheet-join, whose upper layer has remains of two lines of text in cursive. philology - -
0414 59617 - anon. Kathleen McNamee, 'Annotations on Demosthenes 23.103 (In Aristocratem)', BASP 41 (2004), p. 119-126.
marginal scholia accompanying the In Aristocratem (103-104) of Demosthenes. McNamee edited three previously unread marginal annotations. The scholia are written between the two columns of text and are probably a subsequent addition by another scribe. There is no other commentary or scholion on these lines surviving from antiquity. - AD 3 Literary and non-literary papyri from the University of Michigan, Diss. Mich., 1988, p. 15-18, no. 7 (G.W. Schwendner)
a fragmentary account (unpublished) marginal scholia - main text: severe style with horizontal elongation of certain letters (mu, eta, kappa) and quite small epsilon, omikron and sigma
scholia: written in a tiny, irregular and quick cursive hand.
Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich.inv. 0.2 17/11/2004 Ann Pittomvils, 12/05/2007 Marc Huys 719 main text: one accent is used (col. 1. 5) and there are several inorganic tremata (col. 1. 16 and 18 of the same column). No punctuation is in evidence
scholia: no lectional signs

papyrus - 02 M-P 0313.1 McNamee, BASP 41 (2004), pl. 8. Kersobleptês (2) Egypt, unknown [Demosthenes, In Aristocratem 103-104] across the fibres 16 7 x 3 There is doubt whether -at least the recto side- of P. Yale inv. no. 1534 (=M-P 311; cfr. Susan A. Stephens, Yale papyri in the Beinecke rare Book and Manuscript Library II, Chico 1985, pp. 75-84, pls. V-VI), contains a rhetorical commentary on the In Aristocratem (H.M. Hubbel, YCS, 15 (1957), pp. 181-193 and M. Lossau, Untersuchungen zur antiken Demosthenesexegese, (Berlin-Zürich 1964), pp. 129ff.: Lossau believes that the papyrus in its whole takes part in an explanation of the prooemium of the In Aristocratem (p. 137); contra Stephens, pp. 75-77), but it is not extant for this section. Neither do the scholia transmitted by the medieval manuscripts (M. Dilts, Scholia Demosthenica ii (Leipzig, 1986), p. 306 (cfr. ed. pr.). single papyrus fragment (7 x 3 cm) broken off the upper, left and right hand side, which caused severe damage to the text of the second column. It consists of two narrow columns; the first one has preserved 23 lines, the second 24. There is a bottom margin. The scholia are written between the two textcolumns, next to line 13-23 of the first column. It is possible that there were also scholia at the right side of the papyrus, giving an explanation of words of the second column. A Berlin papyrus (ed. pr. by F. Blass in Hermes 17 (1882), p. 148-63, reedited by Diels and Schubart in BKT i, p. 78-82 / M-P 317) comments on Miltokuthês in section 104, but a corresponding note on this section of the present papyrus (col. 2.22-23) would presumably have been in the lost margin to the right of column 2 (cfr. ed. princ.). rhetoric, philology http://images.umdl.umich.edu/cgi/i/image/image-idx?sid=483907021299d732bd38b3b3715e49a9;q1=demosthenes;rgn1=apis_all;size=50;c=apis;lasttype=boolean;lastview=reslist;subview=detail;view=entry;cc=apis;entryid=x-3429;viewid=0.2R.TIF - -
0415 62595 - anon. K. McNamee-M.L. Jacovides, ZPE 144 (2003), pp. 31-50 (new edition of the marginal scholia); K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, pp. 150-152; K. McNamee, Abbrevations in Greek Literary Papyri and Ostraca, Chico 1981; K. McNamee, Sigla and select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri, Bruxelles 1992, pp. 65ff.; K. McNamee, GRBS 42 (2001), pp. 97-116; CPF 01.1**, 57 Heracleitos 3T; and 01.1***, 80 Plato 72 and 101T roll 04.5 - 05 marginal scholia accompanying the Res Publica 8. 546 b2-547 d4 of Plato. The scholia are for the most part well preserved, but rendered difficult by the use of abbreviations and tachygraphic symbols, the interpretation of which is not always clear. The eleven marginal comments in these papyrus fragments explain the passage in which the muses, having been invoked by Socrates, reveal that living things are regulated by cycles of generation. The marginalia are the only commentary on the passage to survive among papyri (McNamee-Jacovides, p. 31), but bear no resemblance to the mediaeval scholia, which derive from a variety of sources and were probably not compiled before AD 400 (McNamee 1977, p. 153 and W.C. Greene, Scholia Platonica, pp. xxvff.). - AD 2 P. Oxy. 15, 1808 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1922)

marginal scholia - main text:good-sized, formal, mixed hand of the sloping oval type, in which the smallness of epsilon, theta, omikron and sigma is in marked contrast to the breadth of the square letters eta, mu, nu and pi, roughly bilinear. Some inaccuracies in the text have been corrected by the second hand of the corrector, who may also have been the author of at any rate most of the marginalia (cfr. ed. pr.)
: small, but clear, presumably contemporary, but less carefully written, frequent use of tachygraphic symbols. The writer is strangely inconsistent and seems sometimes to have dropped into shorthand almost unawares (noticed by the ed. pr. on p. 187).
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 17/11/2004 Ann Pittomvils 3780 main text: single points in the high and middle position are used as stops, as well as a colon, which serves both for punctuation (col. 4. 5) and to mark a change of speaker, in combination with paragraphoi (col. 5. 13); a short blank space is sometimes employed instead for the same purposes (col. 3. 10 and col. 5. 14). One instance occur of a rough breathing (col. 5. 12). There are two inorganic tremata (col. 4. 12 and 14). The iota is adscript, twice by mistake, but corrected by the scriba himself (col. 4. 1 and col. 5. 14). Some orthographic curiosities: '&#948;&#965;&#949;&#953;&#957;' in col. 2. 9 (instead of '&#948;&#965;&#959;&#953;&#957;' which is prefered by the editor, cfr. Budé (Chambry) and OCT (Burnet) texts), '&#954;&#963;&#965;&#9(§;&#956;&#960;&#945;&#963;' in col. 2. 10 (accepted in the Budé-edition, but replaced by '&#963;&#965;&#956;&#960;&#945;&#963;' in the OCT) and '&#951;&#959;&#965;&#964;&#959;&#963;' in col. 5. 3 (Budé and OCT prefer ' ' in their edition).
scholia: frequent use of abbrevations and tachygraphic signs (for an explanation of these symbols, cfr. the editio princeps and the new edition by McNamee and Jacovides). There is one inorganic trema (scholion on col. 1. 9).
ca. 12 papyrus - 05 1421 ed. pr., pl. IV (cols. i-iii); CPF IV.2, pl. 176 Menôn, Hêrakleitos Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Plato, Res Publica 8. 546 b2-547 d4]; Heraclitus

three papyrus fragments which contain the remains of the upper parts of five narrow columns. The columns are successive but for the loss of one column between the third and fourth. The original length of the columns was approximately double the amount preserved. The height of the columns is ca. 19 cm and they contain about 16 lines. The space between the columns is approximately 2 cm and the upper margin is 4 cm. In this margin are five lines of scholia on the second column preserved. The first column is severily damaged at the left side, only a few letters of the main text and the marginal scholia (at the right side of lines 5-15) remain. The second column misses a part at the upper side and shows damage in the mid section, again the scholia (at the right side of lines 4-9) remain well preserved. The third column is damaged at the right side and the column next to it is missing. The remains of the fourth column are relatively well preserved. The fragment has broken off at the right side, which caused damage to the text in the last column. There are no scholia preserved for the three last remaining columns. philosophy, philology - -
0416 59653 - anon. B. Haussmann, Demosthenis Fragmenta in Papyris et Membranis servata, Firenze 1981, pp. 44-47 (reedition); Catalogue of Additions to the Manuscripts in the British Museum in the years 1888-1893, London 1894, p. 338; F. Blass, Jahrbücher für klassischen Philologie und Pädagogik, 1894, p. 447; K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, pp. 134ff.; E.G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylv. 1977, no. 57. codex 08.5 marginal scholia accompanying the In Aristogitonem 1. 63-67 of Demosthenes. The scholia that have been preserved are very few and fragmentary. There are no scholia preserved on the same lines in the Vulgate scholia edited by Dilts (Scholia Demosthenica. Volumen II: Scholia in orationes 19-60 continens, Leipzig 1986, p. 379). - AD 5 Sitzungsberichte der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München 1902, pp. 310-313 (E. Drerup) = P. Lit. Lond. 125 descr.

marginal scholia - - main text: written in a large uncial hand.

- scholia: small uncial scholia in the margin, at the end of the line the letters are sometimes very minute.

- Twice there is evidence of the hand of the corrector (recto, l. 12 and 18).
London, British Museum Add. MS. 34473, art. 2
755 There is no evidence for lectional signs. The iota seems always to have been written adscriptum.
parchment Zeus (1+R) 01 0325 - - Egypt, unknown [Demosthenes, In Aristogitonem 1. 63-67]
23 23 x ca. 15
On the recto as on the verso side of the piece of parchment there are remains of 23 lines of text. There are also some traces of the leaf attached to it, but the few remaining letters on this piece of parchment are indefinable. The whole page is severily damaged and torn. It is also stained and therefore difficult to decipher owing to transparency. According to F.G. Kenyon the papyrus fragment was so ruined that it couldn't be read at all (cfr. Blass, p. 447 note 6; noticed by Drerup, p. 310 and Haussmann, p. 44). There are wide margins, at the side 4 cm, at the foot 4.7 cm. Scholia are written twice in the margin beside the text (recto, line 1 and verso line 7; each time at the left side of the main text). The marginal scholion on the verso can be deciphered as a short remark, the scholion at the recto is longer, but the remains can not be completed (Drerup, p. 313). rhetoric, philology http://www.bl.uk/catalogues/manuscripts/HITS0001.ASP?VPath=c!/inetpub/wwwroot/mss/data/msscat/html/26894.htm&Search=Add.%2034473%20&Highlight=T - -
0417 63884 - anon.
list of ten prosodiai. See also Dionysius Thrax, but the items follow an idiosyncratic order here (G. Uhlig, Gramm. Gr., I, 1, pp. lii-liv and pp. 105ff. (edition), this text -the list of ten signs that is- was not originally a part of the Tékhne but was added later, cfr. A. Lentz, Gramm. Gr., III, 1, p. xxxxivff.; A. Wouters, The Grammatical Papyri from Graeco-Roman Egypt., Brussel 1979, pp. 196-197 and J. Lallot, La Grammaire de Denys le Thrace, Paris 1989, p. 87; about the tradition in number and order of the prosodiai, cfr. also ed. princ. p. 96). The papyrus shows a close resemblance with CPP 0413. This fragment has also preserved a list of prosodiai, but adds a list of the three stigmai. - AD 2 - AD 3 P. Oxy. 49, 3453 (A. Bülow-Jacobsen, 1982) free standing list; one word items written in separate lines. The column is preceded by a title that announces the words listed. remains of cursive writings (perhaps numerals) in a ruled framework list of prosodiai - small, round upright script, roughly bilinear, with cursive elements and according to the ed. pr. (p. 95) inexperienced or careless. As in CPP 0413 the writing of this papyrus fragment is comparable to that of the London Herodas (Turner, GMWA 39). According to the ed. pr. the writing itself does not suggest a schoolboy's copy (p. 96). Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 17/11/2004 Ann Pittomvils 5098 there is a title announcing the items listed, use of paragraphos (about 1 cm below the last line to mark the end of the list), one organic trema (line1) and two inorganic tramata (lines 10 and 11), several times use of itacism (line 2-line 5). In line 9 the first letter of the item listed stands out in the margin, but it does not look as if it was added later. Maybe this is a case of ekthesis to mark off the section of three pathê, which according to some could not properly be called prosodiai (cfr. ed. princ., p. 97). 4-11 (R) papyrus - 01
- - Egypt, Oxyrhynchus - across the fibres 14 3.6 x 7.6
single papyrus fragment (3.6 x 7.6 cm), broken off at all sides. It consists of one column with 11 lines of writing. There is a lower margin of 2 cm. The list may have been completed by the corresponding lectional sign of each word (as in CPP 0413) to the right of the names where the papyrus is now lost. philology - -
0418 62882 - anon. O. Luschnat, Philologus, 98 (1954), pp. 37-38; E.G. Turner, Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Papyrologists, London 1975, pp. 309-312 (p. 310); K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, pp. 143-145; E.G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylv. 1977, no. 275 codex 06.5 (ca.) marginal scholia accompanying the second book of Thucydides' Historiae, 65-81 (65, 6-8; 65, 12; 67, 2; 68, 1-5; 79, 5-6; 80, 3-6; 81, 2-4; 81, 8-82, 1). The short scholia give an explanation for specific words in the main text (about the nature of the scholia, ed. princ. p. 16), the scholia are not known to us under this form from another document, but there is some resemblance (although not a close one) with the Vulgate scholia (Scholia in Thucydidem ad optimos codices collata edidit Carolus Hude, New York 1973, pp. 147ff.). This brings Luschnat (p. 38) to the careful conclusion that in the first four centuries, next to the scholia-tradition that lead to the Byzantine manuscripts of Thucydides, there had to be some parallel lines. The deviation of the main line was probably very early, already in the first century AD. But, according to Luschnat, what we find in this papyrus is not a parallel line, but a reflection in a few annotations chosen according to the needs of the owner of the codex. - AD 2 - AD 3 Societas Scientiarum Fennica. Commentationes Humanarum Litterarum, Helsingfors 1927, II.2, pp. 1-16 (A.H. Salonius)

marginal scholia - the main text is written in an upright bookhand, typically for the end of the second, begin of the third century, roughly bilinear, with some cursive elements. The annotations in the margins seem to be written in the same hand (ed. pr. p. 1). Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung, P. 13236
4073 The accents are written occasionally, not only the acutus (1, 1, 14 and 18), but also the circumflex (4, 1, 8/9 and 4, 2, 4 and 15) and once the gravis (2, 2, 15). The sign for the rough breathing is mostly angular (e.g. 1, 1, 14 ; 2, 2, 12; 3, 1, 2; 4, 2, 6). There is evidence of a dot written above the letter (twice in 4, 2, 14), once this kind of dot stands for a smooth breathing (1, 1, 15). It is doubtful if we have to read the sign above the iota as a line or two dots in 1, 1, 18 (cfr. ed. pr., p. 2).
Lectional signs : the high stop is used after strong and less strong pauses (1, 1, 9; 2, 2, 7; 3, 2, 3; 4, 2, 13), only once is the low stop used (1, 1, 6). Now and then the lines ars separated by paragraphoi. Once in 4, 2, 11 there is evidence of a little hook between the article and the main word.
Abbreviations: the word (1, 1, 13; 2, 2, 10; 4, 1, 15; although sometimes written in full, 3, 1, 7; 3, 2, 7), at the end of the line the &#957; is occasionally written as a horizontal line (3, 1, 3; 4, 2, 5), the propostion &#949;&#962; (once in 1, 1, 2), &#960;&#959;&#955;&#955;(&#945;&#953;)&#962; at the end of the line in 2, 2, 18.
ca. 20-24 papyrus - 02 1516 ed. pr., p. 2 and 4 Sikelia Egypt, Hermoupolis [Thucydides, Historiae 2. 65-81]
14 11 x 12.5 (largest fragment)
three papyrus fragments (two larger and one small fragment), broken off at all sides ; the papyrus itself originally consisted of a sheet of a papyrus codex that is torn apart.The four pages (1 and 4 are recto, 2 and 3 are verso) have each preserved two columns of text, these columns contained originally 60 lines per page. Salonius (p. 1) is able, by reason of the existing pieces of the papyrus, to estimate that the height of the written columns is about 25 cm. When the margins are estimated at 2 x 3.5 cm, the height of the codex is about 32 cm. The width of the leaves is about 17 cm, of which the writing area is about 2 x 6.5 cm (for the measurements of the codex see also Turner 1975, pp. 309ff. and Turner 1977, no. 275). There are some scholia preserved in the margins of the text. On the recto side of the first leaf there are scholia at the left side of the first column preserved, the second column of this page is severly damaged at the right side, no scholia are preserved for this part of the text. On the verso side of this same leaf there are no scholia preserved for the first column, but the second column has some annotations at the right side. On the verso side of the second leaf there are a few annotations at the left of the first and one at the left of the second column, this last column is severly damaged at the right side. On the recto side of this same leaf there is one annotation preserved at the right side of the first column, the left side of this column is severly damaged, and a few scholia at the right side of the second column. history, philology
- -
0419 62922 - anon. H. Landwehr, Philologus, 44 (1885), pp. 743-745; G. Pasquali, Storia della Tradizioni e Critica del Testo, Firenze 1952, pp. 318-326 (p. 326); O. Luschnat, Philologus, 98 (1954), pp. 39-41; K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, pp. 143ff.; E.G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylv. 1977, no. 278 codex
marginal and interlinear scholia accompanying the text of the Historiae 8. 91-92 (91, 3-92, 6) of Thucydides. The marginal scholia bear no resemblance with the Vulgate scholia on this text (Scholia in Thucydidem ad optimos codices collata edidit Carolus Hude, New York 1973 [1927], pp. 428ff.; there is one scholion that can be compared with an explanation from the Vulgate scholia, but Luschnat (p. 39) remarks that there is no resemblance in content between the two explanations and that they seem to have developped independently from each other.). The interlinear scholia are much like the ones who are already known to us. They give the impression, like in the codex August. and Lugdun. that they are just some annotations added by a reader of the text (ed. princ. p. 116). Luschnat (p. 41) is of the opinion that we can get an impression of a way of explaining texts that in the first year AD has joined the traditional scholia: no learned explanations, but smart references, which illustrate the meaning of a word or sentence. In these explanations there was no interest for grammar or rhetoric. - AD 5-AD 6 (Landwehr AD 7) Wiener Studien, 7 (1885), pp. 116-122 (K. Wessely)

marginal scholia -
Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, G. 200
4114 three times there is use of a middle stop (verso in l. 11, 12 and 19). On the recto side in line 17 an oblique stroke appears used in the same manner as an apostrophe and in line 24 a sign is used above the letters, that is according to the ed. pr. (p. 119) a lemniscus, but according to Landwehr (p. 745) it is not sure that the sign used is the lemniscus (whose meaning is not clear), because the lemniscus is normally written as a horizontal line with one dot under and above it alone. Above the letters in the third line of the recto side there is also a sign drawn. This sign, like the previous one seems to be used to denote scholia on these lines. The second line of the scholia in the lower margin of the front side of the parchment page belongs indeed to line 24. The iota is adscript, except in the interlinear scholia on line 18 of the verso side, because in the scholia the scribes use their own orthography (ed. pr. p. 120). ca. 33.3 parchment - 01 1534
Phrynichos, Peloponnêsos Egypt, Fayum, Arsinoe [Thucydides, Historiae 8. 91-92]
24 15.1 x 5.5 photograph?+description of the hand of the main text/scholia? one parchment fragment (15.1 x 5.5 cm), an almost completely preserved leaf of a parchment codex, that has one column of text on each side. The parchment itself is very fine and soft. On both sides the margin areas are missing. In the upper part only one line is missing, but in the lower part the text is complete, so that the lower margin at the frontside shows two lines of scholia. The fragment has also preserved interlinear scholia twice to give further explanation for the word &#964;&#945;&#965;&#964;&#945; (verso on line 18 and 21) and lectional signs. The area at the lower margin is 1.95 cm and the space in between the lines is 0.45 cm. The average letter height is 0.3 cm in the main text, and in the scholia 0.1 cm. The original height of the fragment must have been 17.8 cm, and the width 14 cm (for the calculation cfr. ed. princ. p. 117). history, philology
- -
0420 59453
anon. M. Heath, Theon and the History of the Progymnasmata , GRBS 43, 2003/3, p. 141; F. Rodríguez Adrados, History of the Graeco-Latin fable. 3 Inventory and documentation of the Graeco-Latin fable, Leiden, 2003, p. 178. codex 13 (col. 1), 05 (col. 2) Treatment of a progymnasma, the fable (muthos), in a rather sketchy form. The text shows striking similarities with the corresponding treatment by Theon.
AD 3 (A)TAPA 53 (1922), p. 136-41 (J.G. Winter) (P.Mich. inv. 6) + (B)Aegyptus 66 (1986), p. 114-20 (S. Daris) (P.Palau Rib. inv. 155).
unpracticed and irregular rounded majuscule, slightly slanting to right. Uprights of &#953;, &#965;, &#966; and &#968; descend below the baseline. (A)Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich.inv. 6 + (B) Barcelona, Palau Rib. inv. 155. 2004/12/31 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo. 552 Phonetic spellings (&#949; instead of &#945;&#953;; &#949;&#953; instead of &#953; and viceversa). Some corrections: addition of missing letters and sequences in interlinear space, and deletion of two sequences with horizontal stroke; initial title. 45 papyrus
2 2294
Aisôpos, Aisôpioi, Kilikioi, Kuprioi, Libukoi, Subaristikoi, Aiguptios. unknown
16 18.6 x 11 - Heath seems to ignore Daris publication, i.e. that P.Palau Rib. 155 is the bottom part of P.Mich.inv. 6
- URL: NB.: the part of the picture which is covered is still unpublished. I know from N. Litinas, who at the moment is working on the digitalization of the Michigan collection, that this part will be published by him and T. Gagos by the end of 2005. But the text has nothing to do with the rhetorical exercises.
Leaf of a codex titled "peri muthou" and broken off at the bottom and right. The bottom part is P.Palau Rib inv. 155. Both sides contain two columns: a wide column nearly complete in its upper lines, and a narrower column, incomplete, whose width is about one-third of the former. On the recto the wide column is from 7 to 8 cm long and about 13 cm wide; the narrower column on its right, partially preserved, from 4 to 5 cm wide, begins at a point a line higher than that of the left column. The upper margin of the fragment varies from 2 to not quite 3 cm. On the verso the narrower column begins similarly at higher level (of nearly two lines) than the wide column. rhetoric http://images.umdl.umich.edu/cgi/i/image/image-idx?sid=761106e69dec536f95462eb67982074e;c=apis;q1=Rhetorical%20manual;rgn1=apis_ti;size=50;lasttype=boolean;lastview=reslist;subview=detail;view=entry;cc=apis;entryid=x-2617;viewid=6V.TIF

0421 68953 - anon.
roll 05.5 (ca.) Encomion on the horse with end-title - AD 2 - AD 3 P. Oxy. 68, 4647 (H. Maehler, 2003)
remains of an official letter or report, written along the fibres by two different hands Progymnasmata, encomion - rather irregular and unpracticed script, slightly slanting to the left, with a few ligatures; probably student hand. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2005/02/14 Marc Huys, Daniela Colomo. 10223 high stop (fr. 1, 5); apostrophe to separate double consonant (fr. 1, 4-5); remains of hooked paragraphos (fr. 3, 2-3)? Phonetic spellings: &#949; instead of &#945;&#953;; &#953; instead of &#949;&#953;: &#969; instead of &#959;. Iota adscript is not written. Corrections and additions by the same hand above the line. Final title (fr. 3) carefully written in larger script and framed by short diagonal strokes. 16-20 papyrus
ed. princ., pl. V
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus
across the fibres 14 7.3 x 4.5 (fr. 1); 10.5 x 5.3 (fr. 2); 6 x 3.3 (fr. 3)
fr. 1 preserves the remains of 13 lines; fr. 2, which belongs to the same column as fr. 1, preserves 11 lines; fr. 3 preserves 6 lines (the last two lines contain the final title). Lower margin (fr. 2) is preserved to 0.7 cm; left outside margin to 0.6 cm (fr. 1 and 2) and right outside margin to 2 cm (fr. 3). rhetoric - -
0422 69056

remains of a list of words, consisting of two words derived from a context of comedy: one of them is a new attestation of the hapax &#968;&#959;&#955;&#959;&#953;&#59;&#956;&#960;&#943;&#945;, only known from Aristophanes (Eq. 696) and from some lexicographers and scholiasts.
AD 2 - AD 3 O.ROM 2.282 (R.S.Bagnall, A.E.Samuel 1976)

list of words?
large, irregular, slightly slanting to the left; the epsilon is ligatured; probably 'evolving' or advanced student's hand Toronto, Royal Ontario Museum, 906.8-630 2005/03/04 Marc Huys 10347 low stop after last word?

ed. princ. pl. 282 Getas

14 6.5 x 4.5
convex side: 2 lines, each with only one word; the ostracon is broken off at the top and to the right. Left-hand margin is about 1 cm while there is a large empty space at the bottom of at least 3.5 cm. school text?

0423 59539 - anon. K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 135 and p. 415; P. Mertens, in B. Hausmann, Demosthenis fragmenta in papyris et membranis servata, (Diss. Leipzig, 1921), II, Firenze 1981, p. 144, no. 332; K. McNamee, Sigla and select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri, Bruxelles 1992, table 2B; CD-Rom Papiri letterari della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana (Paola Degni). roll 4.5 ca. one marginal note accompanying remains of the De corona trierarchiae 7-10 of Demosthenes. The note identifies the nationality of &#945;&#955;&#949;&#958;&#945;&#957;&#948;&#961;&#959;&#957;, named in the first line of the second column (Alexander of Pherai is meant). There are no scholia on this speech preserved in the mediaeval manuscripts. - AD 2 PSI 6, 721 (G. Vitelli, 1920)
remainings of three columns of a novel (cfr. PSI 6, 726; LDAB 5024, dated AD 2-AD 3) marginal scholia - characteristics of the severe style, slightly sloping to the right; roughly bilinear. A second hand of the diorthotes has written the marginal note in the upper margin of the second column, and has noted an interlinear correction/addition in line 2 of that same column (McNamee 1977, p. 415; Degni). Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 641 The papyrus has preserved three high stops (in col. 3. 17, 21 and in col. 4. 31).

There is a critical sign before the scholion and before the first line of the second column, but according to Vitelli (ed. princ. p. 157) they are not the same. McNamee (1992, table 2B) mentions that '<' precedes and 'c' follows the marginal note, and that '<' or 'c' also appears at the right of the relevant main text.

papyrus - 04 0332 CD-Rom Papiri letterari della Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana Thettalos Egypt, unknown [Demosthenes, De corona trierarchiae 7-10] along the fibres 12 21 x 11.5 -Although there is an image of the papyrus available it is difficult to distinguish the diacritical signs. single papyrus fragment (21 x 11.5 cm), broken off at the left, right and lower side. On the recto it has preserved the upper part of 4 successive columns. In the first column only the ending letters of the first 6 lines are preserved and each remaining line of the fourth column (ca. 10 lines) misses its ending letters. The second and third column (each containing ca. 10 lines) are relatively well preserved. The upper margin measures 5.5 cm. The space between the columns measures 2 cm. The scholion that has been preserved is situated in the upper margin of the second column. The height of the roll is estimated at 27.5 cm, the lower margin at 7.5 cm. The roll presumably contained 20 columns and 26 lines per column, the writing area probably measured 4.5 x 14.5 cm. philology
- -
0424 62576 - anon. C.H. Oldfather, The Greek Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt: a study in the History of civilization, Madison 1923, no. 991; E.G. Turner, Akten des VIII. Internationalen Kongresses für Papyrologie, Wien 1955, Wien 1956, pp. 141-148; E.G. Turner, The Papyrologist at Work, Durham 1973, pp. 22ff.; K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, pp. 107-108/149-150/409; K. McNamee, Abbrevations in Greek Literary Papyri and Ostraca, Chico 1981; E.G. Turner, Greek Manuscripts of the Ancient World, London 1987, no. 19 (pp. 48-49); K. McNamee, Sigla and select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri, Bruxelles 1992, table 3; CPF 01.1***, 80 Plato 45 (A. Carlini); W.A. Johnson, Bookrolls and scribes in Oxyrhynchus, Toronto 2004, p. 21 and passim. roll 05 ca. long marginal scholia accompanying remains of Phaedo 102 e2-103 c4 of Plato. K. McNamee (1977, pp. 149-150) believes that certain key words in the text of the notes (lines 3-9) indicate that the comment is probably an attempt to restate Plato's line of argument. In that case the notes don't belong to a specific word or line in the text, but relate to a whole passage or a line of thoughts. There are no scholia on these lines preserved in the mediaeval manuscripts. - AD 1-AD 2 P. Oxy. 15, 1809 (P. Grenfell-A.S. Hunt, 1922)
blank marginal scholia - main text: written in a small, informal, round, upright hand. The text is written with care. Generally bilinear, except for the &#966; and the &#961; in some cases (e.g. line 4 of the second column in the word &#959;&#960;&#949;&#961;). The letters are written separately from each other, but there are some cursive elements and the text shows a remarkably rapid execution. Vertical strokes often show a small hook or flourish at the base, which sometimes curves back at the perpendicular, e.g. in line 13 of the second column the &#964; of &#949;&#957;&#945;&#957;&#964;&#953;&#969;&#957; . The scribe has been identified as the writer of P. Oxy. 17, 2076 (LDAB 3889, Sappho 2) and P. Oxy. 21, 2288 (LDAB 3886, Sappho 1.1)(cfr. Turner, Akten, pp. 144-146; Johnson, p. 21 - scribe 6; Turner, The papyrologist at Work, pp. 22ff.; CPF, p. 223; GMAW, p. 48-The identification was made by E. Lobel, cfr. his edition of P. Oxy. 21, 2288).
marginal scholia: written in a smaller and more cursive hand than that of the main text (e.g. &#949;&#954; in line 1). Accents and rough breathings occasionally inserted in the main text could have been written by the same hand that added the marginal scholia (CPF, p. 223). These notes come presumably from a second hand (McNamee 1977, p. 409).
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 3760 use of high stops (e.g. in col. 2.4 after ) and middle stops (e.g. in col. 2.3 and 2.6 twice after ). The double dot has been used as punctuation, as a strong stop (e.g. col. 2.1 after ). Because of the damage it is uncertain whether the dicolon was used together with the paragraphoi to indicate a change of speaker (col. 2.17). The high and middle stops as well as the dicolon appear original and seem to be copied as a part of the paradosis by the first scribe (Turner, The Papyrologist at Work, p. 23 and GMAW, p. 48; Johnson, p. 21: these signs of punctuation appear to be original since there is noticeable spacing around the dots). There are some accents (e.g. col. 2.6 on the word ) and rough breathings (e.g. col. 2.7), probably added after the text was written. Iota adscript is written.
Two abbreviations in the marginal scholia, in lines 3 ( ) and 4 ( ).

There are a few signs preserved in the margin of the text. There is a in col. 2.15 at the left side of the main text (not transcribed by the ed. princ., but noted by Turner (1987) no. 19) and three heavy dots in the form of a pyramid in the left margin of the third column (line 10) of which the meaning is uncertain, it may refer to a marginal note that is now lost. In the left margin of col. 3.13 there is a small circular mark that resembles the mark for short quantity. At the left side of col. 3.16 there is a sign at the breaking point of the papyrus, so it is probably incomplete, McNamee (1977, p. 107-108) reads it as > or \. The diple also occurs under the long marginal note in the upper margin, but there seems to be no connection between the note and the main text marked by > or \.
19 - 24 papyrus - 03 1391 Turner, Akten, pl. 3; Turner, The papyrologist at Work pl. 4C (partim); Turner, GMAW, pl. 19 - Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Plato, Phaedo 102 e2-103 c4] along the fibres 10 12 x 11.7 -scholia line 6: is crossed through and / is inserted above it. Meaning of the /? Just to denote the insertion - abbreviation? one papyrus fragment (12 x 11.7 cm) broken off at the right, left, lower and partially at the upper side. Along the fibres it has preserved the upper part of 3 successive columns. It shows only the ending letters of some 15 lines of a first column, 21 lines of a second column that is relatively well preserved but misses more than half the lines at the bottom and the beginning letters of some 15 lines of a third column. The height of the columns probably measured ca. 17.3 cm. The space in between the columns measures ca. 2 cm and the remaining upper margin measures ca. 4 cm. There must have been ca. 46 lines per column in the original text. The estimated roll height is 23.8 - 26.8 cm, the original length is estimated at 7.4 m. The scholia are situated in the upper margin above the first and the second column. They are organised in two columns and although the general meaning of the notes is clear, their grammatical structure can not be reconstructed because of severe damage. It is also a matter of doubt to which lines these notes precisely referred. philosophy, philology - -
0425 62592 - anon. C.H. Oldfather, The Greek Literary Texts from Greco-Roman Egypt: a study in the History of civilization, Madison 1923, no. 992; W. Crönert, APF, 1 (1901), p. 522; K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, pp. 148ff. and p. 416; H.J.M. Milne, Catalogue of the Literary Papyri in the British Museum, London 1977 [1927], nr. 146; K. McNamee, Sigla and select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri, Bruxelles 1992, table 3; CPF 01.1*** 80 Plato 47 (A. Carlini); W.A. Johnson, Bookrolls and scribes in Oxyrhynchus, Toronto 2004, p. 254 and passim. roll 4.9 ca. marginal notes accompanying remains of Phaedo 109 c1-d7 of Plato. The notes relate to 109cd and function as a &#954;&#949;&#966;&#940;&#955;&#945;&#953;&#959;&#957; (CPF, p. 230) to or paraphrase of the contents of the following text. There are no scholia on these lines preserved in the mediaeval manuscripts. - AD 2 P. Oxy. 2, 229 (P. Grenfell-A.S. Hunt, 1899)
in a second or third century cursive is written [ ] marginal scholia - main text: small, formal, round hand slightly leaning forward. The writing is rather cramped and compressed. The scribe has used serifs (letter &#964; in line 1) and ornaments at the base of vertical strokes (e.g. letters and &#964; in line 3). There is a preference for curved lines (e.g. &#945; and the &#955;) and there are some cursive elements. Generally bilinear, except for the &#966;. All the lectional signs seem to be inserted after the writing of the main text, perhaps by the original scribe (CPF, p. 230).
marginal scholia: smaller and more cursive than the hand of the main text, probably belonging to the second or early third century (CPF, p. 230). The notes presumably come from a second hand (McNamee 1977, p. 416).
London, British Library 786 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 3776 rough breathings (e.g. lines 2 and 12) and accents (line 2) are sparingly used. In line 8 there is a quantity mark on the word &#945;&#957;, a rare phenomenon in prose manuscripts (CPF, p. 230). Two kinds of stop are used, the double dot marking a longer pause (e.g. line 2 after &#955;&#949;&#947;&#949;&#953;&#957; and line 4 after &#947;&#951;&#962;) and a high stop marking a shorter pause (e.g. line 6 after &#945;&#965;&#964;&#951;&#962; and line 29 after &#954;&#945;&#955;&#949;&#953;&#957;). Line-fillers have been used (preserved in lines 2, 7 and 25). The form &#958;&#965;&#957;[&#961;&#949;&#8150;]&#957; that is not assimilated should be noted in line 3.

In the space between the columns there is a critical mark against col. 2. 29 resembling a comma, the function of which is not clear. Johnson (p. 254) and McNamee (1992, table 3) interpret the sign as an antisigma that refers to the second column.
19-24 papyrus - 02 1392 CPF IV.2, pl. 129 - Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Plato, Phaedo 109 c1-d7] along the fibres 12 4.9 x 17 -photograph in Luik one single papyrus fragment (4.9 x 17 cm) broken off at the left, lower and partially at the right side, that has preserved the upper part of one column containing some thirty lines of writing. The beginning letters of the remaining lines are missing (from line 20 onwards more than the first half of the remaining lines is missing). The vertical alignment at the right side of the main text is not straight. There are some slight traces of the beginning letter of line 28 and 29 of a successive column. The intercolumnar space measures 1.8 cm. The upper margin measures ca. 4.5 cm and has preserved two lines of notes with an addition (&#948;&#953; &#965;&#948;&#945;&#964;&#959;&#962;). philosophy, philology
- -
0426 62991 - anon. W. Crönert, APF, 1 (1901), p. 115; Donald F. Jackson, BASP, 6 (1969), pp. 45-52 (p. 49); K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 133 (n. 3); p. 143 and p. 416; K. McNamee, Sigla and select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri, Bruxelles 1992, table 2A and 3. roll
Marginal scholia accompanying remains of the Hellenica 3.1 (§3-§7) of Xenophon. The annotations are very badly preserved, it is therefore very difficult to determine their contents and function. It is also a matter of doubt to which lines they refer. - AD 2 P. Oxy. 1, 28 (P. Grenfell-A.S. Hunt, 1898)

marginal scholia - main text: nearly upright capital hand, resembling in its general characteristics that of P. Oxy. 1, 26 (AD 2): formal mixed, roughly bilinear.
marginal scholia: semicursive and less formal than the hand of the main text. The scholia are probably written by a second hand (McNamee, 1977 p. 416: she also states that the annotator and the diorthotes of the text are the same).
St. Andrews, University Library 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 4183 there is one rough breathing inserted (col. 2.14 on &#969;&#957;), three times use of a middle stop (col. 1.10; col. 2.1 and col. 3.3) and once use of a double dot at the beginning of a new line (col. 1.2). Paragraphoi mark pauses (e.g. col. 3.3). Short lines are filled up by the usual angular sign as line-filler (col. 3.1; 3.3 and 3.4). Iota adscript is commonly written.

Before line 2 of the scholion in the upper margin of the second column there is a critical mark that is classified by McNamee (table 2A) in the group of the ancora sign. It is not clear whether it denotes a restoration of the text or a variant. What appears to be a part of a critical sign is visible in the left margin opposite col. 2. 11. According to McNamee (table 3) it is as an antisigma, but its function remains unclear.

papyrus - 03 1554 - - Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Xenophon, Hellenica 3.1 (§3-§7)]
12 12.2 x 12.5 (fragment 2) -photograph in Luik
-no information about the smaller fragment: contents, measurements?
-add inventory on the search page
two papyrus fragments (the larger of which contains cols. 2 and 3 and measures 12.2 x 12.5 cm), broken off at the left, right and lower side, containing the upper part of 3 consecutive columns. The first column has preserved 16 lines, the second 17 and the third column has preserved 13 lines of text. The columns would have originally contained 43-44 lines (Crönert, p. 115). In the upper margin, which is very broad (ca. 5 cm), the first and the second column have preserved each 2 lines of marginal annotation. The intercolumnar space measures 2 cm. philology
- -
0427 65134 - anon. A. Körte, APF, 14 (1941), p. 141 (no. 1003); K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 110 and p. 423; E.G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylv. 1977, no. 432; K. McNamee, Sigla and select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri, Bruxelles 1992, table 2E. codex
marginal scholia accompanying the scanty remains of the text of an unidentified prose author. Oellacher (ed. princ. p. 64) suspects that the text is of an orator, because in the scholia text at the verso side Andronikos, teacher of Demosthenes, is named (cfr. also on line 2 of the scholia text on the recto side). Körte (p. 142) specifies the prose author as Demosthenes, because the tragic actor Andronikos was often seen as the &#966;&#969;&#957;&#945;&#963;&#954;&#8057;&#962; (teacher of declamation) of this author (cfr. Ps. - Plutarchus, Lifes of ten Attic Orators 845A, Photius Bibl. 493b, Quintilian 11, 3, 7). - AD 6 MPER N.S. 3, 37 (H. Oellacher, 1939)

marginal scholia - main text: formal mixed (broad &#948;, &#954;, &#957; and &#965; and narrow &#949;, &#963;), roughly bilinear (&#965; and &#958; reach below the line), slightly leaning forward. The &#964; and the &#965; are decorated with roundels. The hand of the literary main text is comparable with that of CPP 0431 (rhetorical catechism from AD 5-AD 6) and CPP 0352.
marginal scholia: smaller than the hand of the main text, letters are written separately, but they sometimes touch and there are some cursive elements (e.g. line 6 recto side &#949;&#953; in &#949;&#967;&#949;&#953;), roughly bilinear. The scholia are in the typical scholia hand (cfr. the scholia, in a careful bookhand, on Pindar in CPP 0146, according to the ed. princ., pp. 63-64), probably not by the original scribe (doubt in McNamee 1977, p. 423).
Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P. Vindob. 26217 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 6375 main text: three smooth breathings (lines 2, 9, 10), one rough breathing (line 10+hiatus), one apostrophe (line 11). According to the ed. princ. (p. 63) the method of accentuation resembles more our system than the Alexandrian system.
marginal scholia: paragraphos under line 11 at the recto side, mark of abbreviation in line 11 at the recto side (?), several times the end &#957; is not written but marked by a horizontal line (e.g. line 6 at the recto side, line 17 at the verso side).There is one diacritic sign (%-obelos periestigmenos) in line 11 at the end of the scholia text at the verso side of the fragment (K. McNamee, table 2E).

papyrus - ?? 2866 - Andronikos Egypt, Fayum -
25 7 x 10 -Photograph is extremely difficult to decipher
-abbreviation sign line 11 at the recto side? line in l. 6r correct, paragraphus after l. 11r paragraphus correct, abbr line in l. 11r difficult to recognize. trema in line 3 recto?
-verso side - main text: spiritus line 9, sign above line 11? Stripe in line 13 and 16 are difficult to read.
-description of the hand OK?
fragment (consisting of a few smaller pieces, according to the ed. princ. p. 63), broken off at all sides, coming from the margin of a leaf of a papyrus codex. The writing material is fine and strongly yellow and the ink, slightly reddish, has the tendency to corrode the bottom layer of the papyrus. The recto side has only preserved scholia text (a block of 11 lines and a block of 4 lines, separated by a blank space). On the verso side remain the beginning letters of 12 lines of main text (the ed. princ. (p. 64) mentions that these could also be the beginnings of long syllables), carefully written and provided with lectional signs, on the left side of this text there are ca. 16 lines of scholia preserved. What is striking is the copiousness of the annotations, they occupy most of the surviving marginal space, that measures ca. 6 cm. According to the ed. princ. (p. 64) this is a carefully executed edition coming from a bookstore carrying the text of a highly valued author. Important for a possible identification is line 2 of the main text, which can be read as &#913;&#955;&#954;&#951;[, &#945;&#955;&#954;&#953;[&#946; or &#945;&#955;&#954;&#953;[&#956; (according to the reading of the ed. princ. p. 64). philology
- -
0428 64782 - anon. K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 422. codex
scholia on the scanty remains of an unidentified literary text. Oellacher (p. 65) suspects poetry because of the quantity mark on the &#965; in the second line of the main text on the verso side of the fragment. The contents and function of the notes as well as the text to which they refer is difficult to determine. - AD 5 MPER N.S. 3, 39 (H. Oellacher, 1939)

marginal scholia - main text: large, formal mixed (broad &#956;, &#965; and &#969;, narrow &#963;), roughly bilinear (&#961; and &#965; reach below the line), slightly leaning forward. The writing corresponds in its general characteristics to that of CPP 0431 (rhetorical catechism from AD 5-AD 6).
marginal scholia: smaller than the main text, letters written separately, but sometimes touching, roughly bilinear (&#961; reaches below the line, contrast between broad (&#969;) and narrow letters(&#963;). Probably written by a second hand (doubt in McNamee, 1977, p. 422).
Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P. Vindob. 17971 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 6020 main text: long quantity mark on line 2 on the verso side
marginal scholia: no lectional signs

papyrus - 01 2867 - - Egypt, Hermoupolis -
23 6 x 11 -end of the column, based on what?
-horizontal line at the end of the scholia: extremely difficult to decipher based on the photograph
-description of the hand OK?
one single papyrus fragment (6 x 11 cm) broken off at the left, right and lower side. The material is fine and the ink is reddish. The recto side has preserved 5 cm of unwritten upper margin, some traces of writing, presumably pagination at the top and the remains of 4 lines of main text. The verso side has preserved 5 lines of scholia in the upper margin of the fragment and traces of 5 lines of main text. According to the ed. princ. (p. 65) it is possible that the verso side contains the end of the column. philology
- -
0429 65233 - anon. U. Fleischer, Gnomon, 41 (1969), pp. 642-643; F. Uebel, APF, 21 (1971), no. 1446; K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 158 and p. 420; J. Kollesch, APF, 26 (1978), p. 143; M.-H. Marganne, Inventaire analytique des papyrus grecs de médecine, Genève, 1981, no. 48; I. Andorlini, L'apporto dei papiri alla conoscenza della scienza medica antica, in W. Haase - H. Temporini (Hrsg.), ANRW, II 37,1 (Berlin - New York, 1993), no. 91. codex
marginal annotations accompanying the text of a medical prose text of which the author is not yet identified. There is uncertainty concerning the nature of these annotations (Andorlini, no. 91: 'scoli?', K. McNamee (1977, p. 158) states that the main text is supplemented by information extracted from another source). Kudlien suggests that the piece as a whole gives the impression of a medical encyclopaedia as we know from Oribasius, Paul of Aegina and Aëtius of Amida (ed. princ., p. 52) and which is an illustration of the compilatory tradition at the end of Antiquity and in the Early Byzantine period (Fleisher, p. 642-643). The parallels found in these three writers serve as a further explanation of the contents, but identification is not possible. Kudlien considers it possible that our text is from Oribasius' lost chapter on &#7936;&#957;&#964;&#953;&#8049;&#948;&#949;&#962; (there is only a mention of a prescription &#960;&#961;&#8056;&#962; &#7936;&#957;&#964;&#953;&#8049;&#948;&#945;&#962; in the text of Oribasius, cfr. CMG 6. 2, 2 p. 192 Raeder). - AD 6-AD 7 P. Ant. 03, 126 (J.W.B. Barns, 1967)

marginal scholia? - main text: crude informal sloping book hand
marginal scholia?: documentary cursive, much smaller than the main text, but probably written by the same hand (ed. princ., p. 52; doubt in McNamee 1977, p. 420).
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 6475 main text: the paragraphos appears once in line 9 on the recto side.
marginal scholia?: no lectional signs.

papyrus - 01 M-P 2362.3 - - Egypt, Antinoopolis -
27 18.3 x 11.5 -photograph in Luik
-exact measurements of the margins?
joining fragments coming from the bottom of a leaf of a papyrus codex. The recto has preserved 12 lines of main text and in the lower margin 4 lines of annotations, the verso has preserved 11 lines of main text and 3 lines of annotations, also situated in the lower margin. philology
- -
0430 58951 - anon. F. Uebel, APF, 21 (1971), no. 1529; J. Lenaerts, CdE, 50 (1975), 197-201 (re-edition and identification of the text); K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 157 and p. 418. codex 06 ca. (R) some marginal notes accompanying remains of the Panathenaicus 316-393 of Aristides. They are mostly too badly preserved to determine their nature or meaning. - AD 3-AD 4 P. Ant. 03, 144 (J.W.B. Barns, 1967)

marginal scholia - main text: medium, upright
marginal scholia: smaller hand than the main text, maybe by a different scribe (ed. princ., p. 77 and Lenaerts, p. 199; contra McNamee (1977), p. 418).
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 46 use of the high stop (e.g. fr. 1+2 recto, line 3 and fr. 3 recto line 2), the apostrophe as a sign of elision (e.g. fr. 1+2, recto line 3), the accent (fr. 3 verso, line 2). Sometimes the scribe writes the iota adscript. Line-filler occurs in fr. 1+2 recto on line 11 (edition of Lenaerts).
papyrus - 02 M-P 0136.2 - - Egypt, Antinoopolis [Aristides (Aelius), Panathenaicus 316-393]
18 6 x 7.7 (fragment 1); 2.3 x 3.6 (fragment 2); 3.3 x 2.6 (fragment 3) Photograph in Luik three fragments coming from a leaf of a papyrus codex of fine quality with originally 2 columns to a page. The fragments have preserved on each side only one column of text. The first and second fragment are joining and they have preserved on the recto side 10 lines of main text against the fibres (§316 of the Panathenaicus, Behr edition, 1973) and on the verso 10 lines along the fibres (§§320-322). The third fragment offers on the recto 4 lines of main text along the fibres (a few words of §389) and on the verso 4 lines against the fibres (a few words of §393). The only margin that has been preserved is situated at the left on the recto of fragment 1, it measures 1-1.3 cm (this margin lies next to the central fold of the sheet). The intercolumnar space measured ca. 1.2 cm. According to calculations (Lenaerts, p. 198) a page of the codex measured 15 cm in width and 25 cm in length. The annotations are situated here and there in the margins or in between the lines of the main text (fr. 1+2 recto at the left of lines 12-13, interlinear notes in fr. 1+2 verso on lines 11-12 and traces of an interlinear note in fr. 3 recto on line 3). philology
- -
0431 65154 - anon. A. Körte, APF, 13 (1939), p. 117 (no. 892). codex 07 ca. rhetorical catechism with questions and answers concerning the prooemium, the &#948;&#953;&#8053;&#947;&#951;&#963;&#953;&#962; (the definition given comes from Theodoros of Gadara) and the &#963;&#964;&#8049;&#963;&#949;&#953;&#962;. Probably from a handbook for rhetorical education or a treatise about rhetoric. - AD 6 Wiener Studien 55 (1937), pp. 68-78 (H. Oellacher)

rhetoric - static large book capital, formal mixed (narrow &#952;, &#949;, &#959;, &#963; and broad &#951;, &#956; and &#960;) sloping to the right, roughly bilinear (&#958;, &#965; and &#966; reaching below). There is one interlinear correction coming from the same hand in recto col. 1. 6. Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung, P. Vindob. G. 754 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils, Daniela Colomo. 6396 eisthesis (questions); ekthesis, horizontal lines and enlargement of the initial letters (answers); iota adscript is written, but often wrongly; organic diaeresis (on &#965; and &#953;, recto col. 1. 12); abbreviation of &#957; as a horizontal line at the line-end; &#945;&#953; once abbreviated as a curve &#962; (recto, col. 2. 21); elision; phonetic spelling: &#953; instead of &#949;&#953; and vice versa; omissions and dittographies showing that the scribe does not understand the text he is copying. 15-19 papyrus - 02 2288 E. Crisci, Scrivere Greco fuori d' Egitto, Pap. Flor. XXVII, Firenze 1996, pl. LXXXII (verso) - Egypt, unknown -
25 25 x 30 - only plate of the verso side, lectional signs and interlinear correction on the recto side need to be checked
-description of the hand OK?
one papyrus fragment (25 x 30 cm), a leaf coming from a codex with two columns to the page. The fine yellowish writing material has sustained damage caused by humidity and chemical corrosion of the reddish ink. The recto side has preserved 42 lines in the first and 40 lines in the second column, the first column on the verso side has preserved 44 lines and the second 42 lines. The height of the columns measures 23 cm. The upper and lower margin and the one alongside the central fold of the sheet measures 3-4 cm. The width of the outer margin is 6 cm. The space between the two columns measures 3 cm. The questions are marked by eisthesis and horizontal lines under and above, the ample answers by ekthesis of the first line. catechism
- -
0432 63491 - anon. K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 133 and p. 416; M. Gronewald, ZPE 40 (1980), pp. 55-56 (p. 55). roll 7.5 ca. Scanty remains of some marginal annotation on an unidentified text, probably philosophy. It is not possible to determine the nature or meaning of the notes. The main text is an almost complete sentence coming from a polemic against the conception of a &#956;&#8049;&#967;&#951; &#964;&#8182;&#957; &#963;&#964;&#959;&#953;&#967;&#949;&#8055;&#969;&#957;.
Interesting is the interpretation of the Battle of the Gigants as the Battle of the Elements. Only the interpretation of the Battle of the Titans in this way was known to us (Schol. on Hesiodus Theogony 5. 663). The interpretation of the myth is probably Stoic in origin (Gronewald, p. 55).
- AD 2 P. Heid. N.F. 02, 194 (E. Siegmann, 1956)
blank marginal scholia - main text: medium sized, upright hand, formal mixed (broad &#956;, &#957; and &#960;, narrow &#952;, &#949;, &#959;, &#963;), roughly bilinear (&#962;, &#959; and &#969; are dependent from the upper line). Letters written separately, but sometimes touching.
marginal scholia: small, more compressed, presumably by a second hand (ed.princ., p. 39; McNamee 1977, p. 416).
Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie, G 1977 R 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 4700 col. 2. 4 has preserved a rough breathing on &#959;&#953;&#962;.
papyrus - 02 2586 ed. princ. pl. VIIIa - Egypt, Oxyrhynchus -
12 10 x 12.5
single papyrus fragment (10 x 12.5 cm) broken off at the left, right and upper side, which contains the bottom part of 2 columns. Bottom margin of ca. 5 cm remains. The first column has preserved only a few letters of some marginal annotations (situated next to and partially under lines 3 and 4 of the second column) and the ending letter of the last line of main text. The intercolumnar space measures 2 cm. The second column has preserved 7 lines in a relatively good state. philology http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~gv0/Papyri/P.Heid._I/194/P.Heid._I_194.html - -
0433 65703 - anon. K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 133 and p. 413; M. Richter, 'Zwei neue philosophische papyri: P. Heid. inv. G 1108 und 1109', in Papiri Filosofici. Miscellanea di Studi Accademia Toscana 'La Colombaria' Studi 163, Firenze 1997, pp. 85-138. roll
marginal annotations accompanying the scanty remains of an unidentified prose text. The scholia seem to paraphrase the contents of the text that follows. The recto side contains a fragment of philosophy (cfr. article of M. Richter). - BC 3 P. Heid. N.F. 02, 196 (E. Siegmann, 1956)
opistograph marginal scholia - main text: medium sized Ptolemaic bookhand, group C, roughly bilinear; stress on the upper horizontal: second vertical of &#957; raised, &#969; tends to be raised and there is a thick horizontal in &#964; and &#960;; &#954;, &#965; and &#961; may reach below the line; contrast between broad (&#945;, &#948;, &#956; and &#960;) and narrow letters (&#952;, &#949;, &#959;, &#962;)
marginal scholia: only slightly smaller than the main text, the annotator was probably also the scribe of the main text (ed. princ., p. 41; McNamee 1977, p. 413).
Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie, G 1108 V 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 6957 end of the sentence is marked by a blank space and a paragraphos under the relevant line (col. 1. 5-9-13 and col. 2. 5-10-13-19/only the paragraphoi have been preserved). Iota adscript seems to be written (cfr. col. 1. 2). Elision in col. 1. 1-9. Assimilation in col. 1. 5 (. (.) . &#947; &#947;&#945;&#961;).
papyrus - 02 2838 ed. princ., pl. VIIIc; Richter, fig. 8 - Egypt, Hibeh -
1 11.7 x 13.8 -elision in scholia line1?
-description of the hand OK?
single cartonnage papyrus fragment (11.7 x 13.8 cm) broken off at the right, lower and partially at the upper side. The recto side has preserved a larger fragment of a very tinily written literary text (presumably philosophy, edited by M. Richter who also studied its relation to P.Heid. inv. G 1109 recto). The verso, which is upside down in relation to the recto side, has preserved 20 severely damaged lines of the upper part of a first column and the beginning letters of 20 lines of a second column. In the broad left margin, partially above and next to col. 1. 1, remains of 4 lines marginal annotations have been preserved. The left margin measures ca. 5 cm, the remaining upper margin ca. 1.2 cm and the intercolumnium measures 0.5 cm. philology http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~gv0/Papyri/P.Heid._I/196/P.Heid._I_196.html - -
0434 60191 - anon. U. Fleisher, Gnomon 41 (1969), pp. 640-641; F. Uebel, APF, 21 (1971), no. 1442; E.G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylv. 1977, no. 99a; K. McNamee, Marginalia and Commentaries in Greek Literary Papyri, Diss., Duke University 1977, p. 133ff. and p. 422; J. Kollesch, APF 26 (1978), p. 142; K. McNamee, Abbrevations in Greek Literary Papyri and Ostraca, Chico 1981; M.-H. Marganne, Inventaire analytique des papyrus grecs de médicine, Genève 1981, p. 122 (no. 66); K. McNamee, Sigla and select Marginalia in Greek Literary Papyri, Bruxelles 1992, table 2C; I. Andorlini, 'L'apporto dei papiri alla conoscenza della scienza medica antica', in W. Haase - H. Temporini (Hrsg.), ANRW, II 37,1 (Berlin - New York, 1993), no. 14 (p. 479); I. Andorlini, 'Codici Papiracei di Medicina con scoli e commenti', in M.-O. Goulet-Casé, Le Commentaire entre tradition et innovation. Actes du Colloque International de l'Institut des Traditions Textuelles (Paris et Villejuif, 22-25 septembre 1999), Paris 2000, pp. 42-43 and 51; S. Ihm, Clavis commentariorum der antiken medizinischen Texte, Leiden 2002, no. 275. codex
marginal annotations accompanying scanty remains of the Aphorismi 3 (20-29, 31) - 4 (1, 4-5) by Hippocrates. They seem to be independent from the extant scholia tradition and therefore many of the researchers agreed with Fleisher (p. 641) in defining the fragments as part of a local commentary probably of Byzantine origin (cfr. &#952;&#949;&#953;&#8057;&#964;&#945;&#964;&#959;&#962; used in relation to the name of Hippocrates). The organisation (fr. 3b: commentary is provided with lemmata) and the contents of the annotations (on fr. 2a and 3b) make an exegetic source probable (Andorlini 2000, p. 41-42). - AD 6 P. Ant. 03, 183 (J.W.B. Barns, 1967)

marginal scholia - main text: large sloping book hand, addition next to line 13 on fr. 2b in the original hand
marginal scholia: different from the hand of the main text (McNamee 1977, p. 422), small, cursive, compressed and sometimes abbreviated, roughly bilinear.
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2005/04/25 Ann Pittomvils 1308 trema on the beginning iota in line 2 of fr. 2a; large delta in line 5 of the scholia on fr. 2b, identified in the ed. princ. as maybe denoting the number of the book; &#945;&#953; abbreviated as a curve &#962;in line 2 of the marginal annotations on fr. 3b (McNamee, 1981).

Above the scholion on fr. 2a there is a diacritic sign, McNamee (1992 table 2C) draws the sign as a diple periestigmene. Andorlini (2000, p. 42-43) identifies the sign as the abbreviation for &#963;&#967;&#959;(&#955;&#953;&#959;&#957); with a sigma, a large chi and a superscribed omikron, in accordance with the use in the mediaeval manuscripts.

papyrus - 01? M-P 0543.3 Andorlini (2000), p. 51 pl. 6 (fr. 2a and 3b) Ippokratês Egypt, Antinoopolis [Hippocrates, Aphorismi, 3-4]
25 4.5 x 5.5 (fr. 2) -no plate of the main text: hand description based on the ed. princ./Andorlini (p. 51)
-fr. 2b scholia line 8: horizontal line?+addition: horizontal line?
-abbreviation for in line 7 of the marginal annotations on fr. 3b ? (Andorlini)
-photograph in Luik
four small papyrus fragments (fr. 2: 4.5 x 5.5 cm) broken off at all sides containing scanty remains of the text of the Aphorismi and some marginal annotation. All the fragments are considered coming from the same leaf of a papyrus codex. Fragment 1 has preserved some 4 lines of main text on each side. Fragment 2 has preserved on the recto side 5 lines of marginal scholia, situated on the right of the few ending letters that remain of the main text and on the verso some 11 lines of scholia, situated at the left and partially intruding between the 9 scantily preserved lines of main text. Fragment 3 has preserved the remains of 7 lines of scholia on the recto side and 10 on the verso side (one line of the main text is also extant in the upper part of the fragment). On both sides these marginalia are situated in the lower margin of the leaf. Fragment 4 has preserved ca. 5 lines of scholia on each side, but there are difficulties in determining the exact contents and position of this piece. The margins are fairly broad and, based on the remains of fr. 2a and 3b, the right margin measured 4.5 cm and the lower margin 5.6 cm. philology
- -
0435 59200 h011b Apollonius Sophista? mentioned by A. Henrichs, P. Coll. Youtie (A.E. Hanson) I, p. 29 (and n. 6) and by M.W. Haslam, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 37-38 (and n. 28); id., CPh 89 (1994), p. 112-114 (&#960;1). roll
Fragments of a Homeric lexicon with entries in &#960;&#959;&#955;&#965;-, &#960;&#959;&#961;- and probably &#928;&#959;&#963;-, arranged alphabetically, probably according to the first three letters of each lemma.

Correspondence with the Codex Coislinianus 345 (Codex Unicus of the Homeric lexicographer Apollonius Sophista - AD 10) suggests that the papyrus comes from earlier and in some respects fuller version of the lexicon of this author. Haslam (1994) does not exclude the possibility that the fragments come from the lexicon of Apion, based on the explanation that accompanies &#960;&#8057;]&#961;&#948;&#945;&#955;&#953;&#962; in the Mich. papyrus and that is included in a citation of Apion in the Cod. Coisl.
- AD 1-AD 2 (Haslam: AD 1) T. Renner, HSCPh 83 (1979), p. 321-331 (T. Renner, Literary Papyri in the University of Michigan Collection Diss. Ann Arbor 1974, nr. 3). free standing list; one or two -word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of another word (other words), phrase or sentence; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends and by writing the second and any further lines of an entry in eisthesis; items arranged alphabetically, probably according to the first three letters of each lemma.
list of words - -medium-sized, informal, round, upright; generally bilinear (&#966; reaches below and above the line), but the scribe sometimes crowds and reduces the size of his letters as he approaches the right edge of the column; serifs at the end of some verticals.

-practiced book hand (Renner); untidily executed (Haslam).
Ann Arbor, Michigan University, P.Mich. inv. 5451a 2005/09/03 Ann Pittomvils 295 -no lectional signs

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

-iota adscript written where required, but twice intrusive (fr. 2, col. 2, lines 2 and 9)

-orthographic mistakes: fr. 1, lines 8 (&#945; for ) and 9 (&#959;&#953; for &#949;); fr. 2, col. 2, line 8 and 13 (final &#962;for final &#957;; omissions of syllables (fr. 1, line 7; fr. 2, col. 2, line 12). The scribe has corrected the error in fr. 2, col. 2, line 8 supralinearly, although he did not cancel any letters. Other mistakes have been left uncorrected.

M-P 1218.3 T. Renner (1979), p. 324 (pl. 2) - Egypt, Fayum, Karanis Apion? along the fibres 10
-photograph in Luik two papyrus fragments (fr. 1: 05 x 05.5 cm; fr.2: 06.7 x 13 cm), not directly joining, each broken off at all sides. The first fragment contains one column with remains of 11 lines, the second two columns with remains of respectively 3 (only a few line endings have been preserved) and 21 lines of writing. Lemmata and their interpretation are written in one single column. In fr. 2 1.5 cm of intercolumnar space and 1.5 cm of lower margin (maybe originally deeper) has been preserved. Homerica, lexicography http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.2464 - -
0436 59201 h011c Apollonius Sophista? K. Alpers, Hermes 94 (1966), pp. 430-434 (identification); M. Naoumides, 'The fragments of Greek Lexicography in the Papyri', in Classical Studies presented to Ben Edwin Perry by his students and colleagues at the University of Illinois, 1924-1960, Urbana-Chicago-Londen 1969, pp. 181-202 (no. 8, p. 182); F. Uebel, APF, 21 (1971), no. 1346; E.G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylv. 1977, no. 207a; mentioned by M.W. Haslam, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 37 (n. 28) and p. 38 (n. 35); by H. Lloyd-Jones and P. Parsons, Supplementum Hellenisticum, Berlin-NY 1983, pp. 27-28 (no. 65 line 2); by C.H. Colins and T.C. Skeat, The Birth of the Codex, London 1985, pp. 71-72 and by J. Van Haelst, 'Les origines du codex' in A. Blanchard (ed.), Les débuts du codex, Turnhout 1989, pp. 13-35 (pp. 23-26); M.W. Haslam, CPh 89 (1994), p. 107-119 (&#960;4). codex ?? Fragment of a Homeric lexicon with entries in &#952;&#953;-, &#952;&#959;- and &#952;&#961;- (remains of the explanations probably for words in &#952;&#945;- and &#952;&#949;-). The lemmata are arranged alphabetically according to the first two letters.

Alpers identified the papyrus lexicon as a fragment of the Homeric lexicon of Apollonius Sophista, because of the correspondence between the papyrus and the Codex Coislinianus 345 (Codex Unicus of the Homeric lexicographer Apollonius Sophista - AD 10).
- AD 2 P.Oxy. 30, 2517 (E. Lobel, 1964) free standing list; one or two -word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of another word/other words, phrase or sentence; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends and by writing the second and any further lines of an entry in eisthesis; items arranged alphabetically according to the first two letters of each lemma and subheadings proceed each two-letter section. opistograph list of words - -hand 1: small, round, formal, generally bilinear (vertical of the &#961; reaches down below); generally separating the letters

-hand 2 (pagination on the verso side): larger than main text; written with different type of ink and thinner pen; cursive

-hand 3 (subheading on the verso side): smaller than main text; highly cursive with ligature
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2005/09/03 Ann Pittomvils 296 -two abbreviations marked with a horizontal stroke on the last letters (recto lines 9 and 16 (for ending &#957;), one abbreviation of &#954;&#945;&#953; where &#945;&#953; is replaced by a curved sign (verso line 3); one apostrophe (recto line 1); numerals to denote page number on the verso (oblique stroke under the &#946; ); horizontal stroke in upper margin of the recto (representing page or column number?); oblique strokes above letters &#952; and &#959; in the section heading; itacism

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation; rubrication by subheading before new two-letter section

papyrus Hektôr 01 M-P 1218.1 ed. princ., pl. III and XIII Hektôr Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Antimachus (fr. 187W); Homerus
12 08.3 x 13.4 ca -measurements of the margins/column width? single papyrus fragment (ca. 08.3 x 13.4 cm), part of a leaf from a papyrus codex, with (probably) one column to a page; recto (fibres running vertically) has preserved remains of 7 lines of writing, the verso (fibres running horizontally) offers remains of 19 lines of writing; the verso offers in the upper margin a numeral denoting the number of the page, which is absent from the recto side. Lemmata and explanations written in one column. Homerica, lexicography - -
0437 59202 h011d Apollonius Sophista? P. Oxy. 44, 3206 (J.W. Schumaker, 1976); mentioned by A. Henrichs, ZPE 7 (1971), p. 111 (n. 47) and by M.W. Haslam, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 37 (n. 28 and n. 34) and p. 38; id., CP 89 (1994), p. 107-119 (&#960;3). roll ?? Fragment of a Homeric lexicon with entries in &#948;&#953;- (from [&#948;&#953]&#945;&#963;&#964;&#8053;&#964;&#951;&#957; to [&#948;&#953;&#960;&#955;&#8134;&#957;]). The lemmata are arranged according to the first three letters.

Correspondence with the Codex Coislinianus 345 (Codex Unicus of the Homeric lexicographer Apollonius Sophista - AD 10) suggests that the papyrus is closely related to the Homeric Lexicon of Apollonius Sophista or that it is a part of a 2nd cent. edition of his work, which predates any later abridgement.
- AD 2 P.Oxy. ed. J.W.Schumaker, BASP. 7 (1970), 59-65 free standing list; one or two -word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of another word/other words, phrase or sentence; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends and by writing the second and any further lines of an entry in eisthesis; items arranged alphabetically according to the first three letters of each lemma. document (register) list of words - medium-sized, rounded, formal, roughly bilinear (&#953;,&#958;, &#965;,&#966; and &#968; reach below the line; large &#954;), letters mostly touching and cursive elements (always in &#958; and &#956;); written with a rather thick pen; often not keeping the lines straight; roundels and serifs on some letters. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2005/09/03 Ann Pittomvils 297 -one abbreviation by insertion (col. 1, line 2) for &#960;&#959;&#953;&#951;&#964;&#8053;&#962;; itacism; orthographic mistakes: &#948;&#953;&#948;&#8059;&#956;&#959;&#957;&#949; for &#948;&#953;&#948;&#965;&#956;&#8049;&#959;&#957;&#949; and [&#948;&#953;]&#8061;&#954;&#959;&#965;&#957;&#964;&#945;&#953; for &#948;&#953;&#8061;&#954;&#959;&#957;&#964;&#945;&#953;

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

papyrus Zeus (3) 02 M-P 1216.2 ed. princ., p. 66 Zeus (3) Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Homerus against the fibres 12 13.2 x 23.5 -measurements of the margins/intercolumnium? single papyrus fragment (13.2 x 23.5 cm), broken off on the right, left and lower side, containing remains of 2 columns of text; the first column has preserved 4 lines (only a few letters are extant and the second 53 lines of writing; because of deterioration on the left hand side of the fragment, the beginning letters of the lemmata in the second column are missing. Lemmata and explanations written in one column. Homerica, lexicography - -
0438 60704 h013

roll ?? Glossary of selected words from Iliad 1, 58-128.

Similarities with the D-scholia, the Lexicon Homericum of Apollonius Sophista, the paraphrase of the Iliad attributed to Psellus and Eustathius.

Probably a school text.

AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 24, 2405 (J. Barns, 1957)
blank scholia minora
medium-sized, irregular writing with varying letter size, sloping backward, letters often touching and linked, cursive elements, roughly bilinear. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2005/09/20 Ann Pittomvils 1830 -considerable amount of orthographic mistakes, some have been cancelled (crossed out) and corrected supralinearly or have been corrected by overwriting; several omitted letters added above the line; itacism

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

papyrus Phoibos; Ilion (2); Argeioi (1+R); Hellênes (3); Achaioi; Zeus (2) 05 1162
Phoibos; Ilion (2); Argeioi (1+R); Hellênes (3); Achaioi; Zeus (2) Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Iliad 1] along the fibres 14 30 x 28.7 -photograph in Luik
-measurements of the column/intercolumnium?
damaged papyrus fragment (30 x 28.7 cm) containing remains of 5 successive columns; lemmata and explanation are written in one column;

col. 1 = remains of 26 lines of writing, broken off on the left and lower side; the lemmata of lines 2-8 seem to be washed-off ;

col. 2 = remains of 40 lines, broken off on the left from line 18 onwards;

col. 3 = remains of 45 lines, more or less completely preserved;

col. 4 = remains of 43 lines, the first 8 lines miss their beginning letters, severely damaged in the centre part;

col. 5 = remains of 42 lines, the last 8 lines miss their ending letters.
Homerica, school text ?

0439 61114 h015a anon.
uncertain ?? Glossary of selected words from Iliad 1, 97-99.

Except for one entry (l. 1) identical entries in P.Oxy. 24, 2405 (CPP 0438), but in a different order.

Probably a school text.

AD 7 Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Papyrologists, 1994, pp. 285 no. 3 (W. Brashear)
document (account ?) scholia minora
large, upright writing with varying letter size; lines sloping downward; large &#958; of which the last stroke reaches down well into the following line of writing, right diagonal of the &#955; is extended; well separating the letters. Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P.Berol. inv. 21306 2005/09/20 Ann Pittomvils 2252 -no lectional signs;

-phonetic mistake: &#949; for &#945;&#953;; itacistic misspelling: &#953; for &#965;;

-each new entry starts on a new line; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

01 M-P 1163.1 ed. princ. pl.19.1
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 1] across the fibres 29 14 x 07.2
single papyrus fragment (14 x 7.2 cm) of a light brown color, broken off on all sides, containing the remains of 6 lines of writing. The left margin that has been preserved measures 1.7 cm. Lemmata and explanation are written in single column. Horizontal kollêsis between ll. 3 and 4. Homerica, school text?

0440 60390 h019 anon. José O' Callaghan, Papiros Literarios Griegos del Fondo Palau-Ribes (P. Lit. Palau Rib.), Barcelona 1993, pp. 64-72 no. 8. roll
Glossary of selected words from Iliad 1, 191-416 (fr. 1: vv. 191-195; fr. 2: vv. 225-239; fr. 3+4: vv. 261-284; fr. 5: col. 1 vv. 286-316 / col. 2 vv. 409-311; fr. 6: unidentified; fr. 7: unidentified).

Similarities with P.Strass. inv. 33 (=CPP 0212), but P. Palau Rib. shows new lemmata and others that are clearly independent.
Similarities with the D-scholia, Apion (&#947;&#955;&#8182;&#963;&#963;&#945;&#953; &#8009;&#956;&#949;&#961;&#953;&#954;&#945;), the Lexicon Homericum of Apollonius Sophista, Hesychius and Suda.

AD 2 Studia Papyrologica 13 (1974), pp. 7-20 (S. Daris)

scholia minora
-medium-sized, round writing, generally bilinear (&#961; reaches below and &#966; reaches below and under the line), ending &#963; sometimes looped over the top of the line and down again (e.g. fr. 5, col. 2 l. 8), horizontal stroke of ending &#963; and the second diagonal of the &#965; sometimes extended

-paleographically closely related to CPP 0444 and therefore attributed to the same scriba, but not to the same roll

-second hand is responsible for the interlinear corrections in fr. 5 (col. 1, 24 and col. 2, 4)
Barcelona, Palau Rib. P.Palau Rib. inv. 147 2005/09/20 Ann Pittomvils 1511 -orthographic mistakes: &#969; for &#959;,&#959; for &#969;(&#953;), twice omission of ending &#957;, &#945; for &#955;; omission of letters in fr. 5 twice corrected by second hand; itacistic misspelling: &#949;&#953; for &#953;;

-one diaeresis (fr. 7 line 3);

-each new entry starts on a new line; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

papyrus fr. 2: Zeus (1+R); fr. 3+4: Kentauros (R) 02 (fr. 5) M-P 1163.2 P.Lit. Palau Rib. pl.VIII; Stud. Pap., p.14 fr. 2: Zeus (1+R); fr. 3+4: Kentauros (R) Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 1] across the fibres 12 07.4 x 03.5 (fr. 1);

01.7 x 07.7 (fr. 2);

03.4 x 05.5 (fr. 3);

04.4 x 04.1(fr. 4);

13.4 x 18.3 (fr. 5);

03.5/6 x 09.8 (fr. 6);

03.5 x 06.4 (fr. 7)
-photograph of the other fragments? 18 papyrus fragments of different size, yellowish in color; lemmata and glosses written in single column; damage is partly due to the deliberate cutting of the papyrus

-fr. 1: irregularly broken off on all sides; scanty remains of 5 lines of writing coming from the right part of a column (explanation)

-fr. 2: scanty remains of 13 lines of writing

-fr. 3 + fr. 4: notwithstanding the obvious continuity, there is no evidence of a physical joining of these fragments; remains of 14 lines of writing; fr. 4 forms part of the bottom part of the column; writing seems to be washed-off at some places which makes deciphering difficult

-fr. 5: 2 columns of different lengths have been preserved containing respectively remains of 24 and 12 lines of writing (only lemmata); continuity with the end of the preceding column suggests that no lines were lost here; the original bottom margin has been preserved, it is uncertain whether the blank space at the top represents the complete original upper margin; a small fragment (no. 10) can be placed in the centre of col. 1, between lines 12 and 15

-fr. 6: scanty remains of 17 lines coming from the right part of a column (explanation); difficult to decipher

-fr. 7: scanty remains of 10 lines of writing

0441 60517 h018 anon.
Glossary of selected words from Iliad 1, 170-180.

Similarities with P.Strass. inv. 33 (=CPP 0212) and the D-scholia.

AD 2 ZPE 7 (1971), pp. 148-149 (A. Henrichs; partim col. 2)
document (account or list; unpublished - cfr. http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.3879 for description) scholia minora
small to medium-sized, upright, letters written separately, generally bilinear (&#966; reaches above and below the line), middle stroke of the &#949; is sometimes extended and joins the following letter, roundels at the ending of some letters, horizontal stroke of the ending &#963; is sometimes elongated. Ann Arbor, Michigan University P.Mich. inv. 1585 2005/09/20 Ann Pittomvils 1640 -itacistic misspelling: &#949;&#953; for &#953;, &#953; for &#949;&#953;;

-one diaeresis (col. 2, l. 4)

-writing has been cancelled in lines 9 and 10, by washing off the ink on the papyrus surface;

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

papyrus Zeus (R); Myrmidones (R) 02 1222 ZPE 7, pl.Vb Zeus (R); Myrmidones (R) Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 1] across the fibres 12 04.3 x 11.8 -photograph in Luik single papyrus fragment (4.3 x 11.8 cm) broken off on all sides, containing remains of two columns of writing; the text is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto

-col. 1: three line endings have been preserved (next to line 10, 17 and 22 of col. 2), but only twice (next to line 17 and 22) a few letters can be identified

-col. 2: remains of 23 lines of writing, mainly lemmata. Maas' law
Homerica http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.1480

0442 60765 h021 anon. R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1958), pp. 82-129 (p. 121, no. 1134). roll? ?? Iliad 1, 266-72
Glossary with selected words from Iliad 1, 266-272.

According to the additional note of Snell in the ed. princ. (p. 7) this text is not a Homeric lexicon, but a preparation for the reading of his work, originated in the classroom (comparable with CPP 0111). From these word explanations, the Homeric scholia (the so called D-scholia on the Iliad) and the Homeric lexica originated.

AD 3 P. Schubart 2 (W Schubart, 1950)
document (AD 2) scholia minora
large Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P.Berol. inv. 7501
1892 -no lectional signs

-each new entry starts on a new line

-mistake: l. 3 lemma in plural, gloss in singular (difference in number)

papyrus Kentauros
Kentauros Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 1] across the fibres 16 ?? -photograph in Luik
single papyrus fragment (? cm) containing remains of 14 lines of writing; of the first 2 lines only a few traces have been preserved. Homerica, school text

0443 60892 h022

roll ?? Glossary with selected words from Iliad 1, 302-323.

Similarities with P.Strass. inv. 33 (=CPP 0212).
Similarities with D-scholia, the Lexicon Homericum of Apollonius Sophista, Hesychius, the paraphrase of the Iliad attributed to Psellus and Eustathius.

Probably a school text.

AD 3 P.Oxy. 45, 3237 (S.A. Stephens, 1977)
mostly blank with traces of ink in one corner scholia minora
-hand 1: medium-sized, leaning forward, formal mixed (narrow &#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962;; broad &#956;, &#957;, &#960; and &#964;); generally bilinear (span class="grec">&#961;, &#964;, &#965;, &#967; and sometimes &#945; reach below the line;

-hand 2 (annotation of fr. 1, col. 2, l. 13 and addition at the foot of the column): small and mostly faded
Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
2021 -one trema (fr. 1, col. 2, l. 27)

-marginal mark in the left margin next to fr. 1, col. 2, l. 7 ('a slightly arched horizontal with a downward and backward tick at the right-hand end'), probably to denote the fact that [&#949;&#961;&#969;&#951;&#963;&#949;&#953;] has been glossed twice

-each new entry starts on a new line, except in fr. 1, col. 2, l. 3 where a double dash (/) separates the explanation of the first from the lemma of the second entry, which appears to have been added later; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

02 M-P 1165.1 Liège
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus
along the fibres 16 09 x 25.5 (fr. 1) -photograph in Luik Fr. 1 (9 x 25.5 cm): broken off at the left, upper and right hand side; two columns, containing respectively remains of 7 (only a few line endings have been preserved) and 33 lines of writing

Fr. 2: broken off on all sides; scanty remains of 4 lines of writing; unplaced

Lemmata and explanation are written in one column.
Homerica, school text ?

0444 60483 h023 anon.
roll 06 - 06.5 Glossary with selected words from Iliad 1, 318-416 and 512-610.

Similarities with P.Strass. inv. 33 (=CPP 0212).

Similarities with the D-scholia, Apion, the Lexicon Homericum of Apollonius Sophista, Hesychius, Suda and the paraphrase attributed to Psellus.

AD 2 ZPE 7 (1971), pp. 229-252 (A. Henrichs)
documents scholia minora
-medium-sized, round writing, generally bilinear (&#961; reaches below and &#966; and &#968; reach below and under the line), ending &#963; sometimes looped over the top of the line and down again (e.g. col. 6 l. 10), horizontal stroke of ending &#963; and the second diagonal of the &#965; sometimes extended; cross-bar of the &#949; and diagonal of the &#945; sometimes extended at the end of the line

-paleographically closely related to CPP 0440 and therefore attributed to the same scriba, but not to the same roll
Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde P.Köln inv. 2281
1606 -several tremata

-several phonetic and orthographic mistakes, only a few have been corrected (apparently by the same hand; some corrections by a second hand, e.g. in the subscriptio); itacism

-coronis and final title (written in larger script) at the end of col. 7; numeral &#945; under the title to denote the first book of the Iliad; decorative strokes around the numeral

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation (these spaces differ in proportion to the length of the lemmata)

papyrus Sinties; Lêmnos 07 M-P 1165.2 ZPE 7, pl.XI-XIIa Sinties; Lêmnos Egypt, Oxyrhynchus ? [Homerus, Iliad 1] across the fibres 12 60 x 17 -photograph in Luik -main papyrus fragment (60 x 17 cm) containing 7 columns, all broken off at the top;
col. 1: remains of 21 lines;
col. 2: remains of 26 lines;
col. 3: remains of 27 lines;
col. 4: remains of 26 lines;
col. 5: remains of 26 lines;
remains of 26 lines;
col. 7: remains of 20 lines; intercolumnium measures 2 cm; bottom margin 4 cm; upper margin has not been preserved; in col. 7 under the subscriptio, 6 cm has been left blank; contains small fragment (1.5 x 4.5 cm) that can be placed with certainty at the line beginnings of col. 1, l. 1-7

Homerica http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Verstreutepub/PK2281v.html

0445 60395 h024 anon.
Glossary with selected words from Iliad 1, 338-349.

Similarities with P.Strass. inv. 33 (=CPP 0212).

Similarities with the D-scholia, Apion, the Lexicon Homericum of Apollonius Sophista, Hesychius, Suda and the paraphrase attributed to Psellus.

AD 2 BKT 5.1.6
blank scholia minora
formal mixed; leaning forward; roughly bilinear, verticals of the &#961;, &#964; and &#965; reach below the line Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung 10577
1516 -high stop after lemma, dicolon after explanation (once dicolon after lemma by mistake (l. 10);

-iota adscript written (l. 6);

01 1166 ZPE 7, pl.XIIb ed. princ., pl. XIIb
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 1] along the fibres 12 03 x 05 -photograph in Luik single papyrus fragment (3 x 5 cm), broken off on all sides (at each line beginning 1 or 2 letters are missing), containing remains of 13 lines of writing. Lemmata and explanation are written continuously in one column. Homerica

0446 61268 h032
A. Ludwich, Philologus 74 (1917), pp. 205-245 (p. 208); A. Körte, APF 6 (1920), pp. 223-268 (p. 254 no. 482); M. Naoumides, 'The fragments of Greek Lexicography in the Papyri', in Classical Studies presented to Ben Edwin Perry by his students and colleagues at the University of Illinois, 1924-1960, Urbana-Chicago-Londen 1969, pp. 181-202 (p. 182, no. 5); S. Neitzel, 'Apions &#915;&#955;&#8182;&#963;&#963;&#945;&#953; &#927;&#956;&#949;&#961;&#953;&#954;&#945;&#8055;', in SGLG, 3, Berlin-NY 1977, pp. 185-328 (pp. 301-302); M.W. Haslam, CP 89 (1994), p. 1-45 (pp. 36ff.). roll?
Fragment of a Homeric lexicon with three entries in &#959;-.

The lexicon is composed according to a specific principle: one -word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of a) the number of meanings, b) a specification of those meanings in the form of a phrase or sentence and c) illustrative quotations from the Iliad and Odyssey, introduced by . The items are arranged alphabetically according to the two first letters.

According to Hunt the papyrus offers a specimen of the lexicon of Apion in its original form, based on the correspondence with (especially the composition of) Cod. Darmstadinus 2773 (AD 14), that bears the name of Apion. Ludwich thought it more probable that the Ryl. papyrus contained a fragment of the oldest excerpt. Neitzel concludes that it does not preserve the full wording of the original. Haslam highlights the differences between our papyrus and the lexicon of Apion and decides that they only allow us to suspect a common original.

AD 1 P.Ryl. 1.26 (A.S. Hunt, 1911) free standing list; one -word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of a) the number of meanings, b) a specification of those meanings in the form of a phrase or sentence and c) illustrative quotations from the Iliad and Odyssey; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends and by writing the second and any further lines of an entry in eisthesis; items arranged alphabetically according to the first two letters of each entry. account (AD 1) list of words
upright, cursive hand, letters often linked, roughly bilinear Manchester, John Rylands Libr. ?? 2410 -no lectional signs;

-cancellation twice in l. 2 and 3;

-duplication of &#963; in l. 9;

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis;

-numerals to denote the number of meanings of an entry, horizontals above the numerals

01 1216 P.Ryl. 01 pl.8
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Homerus, Iliad 2; 11; 19; 21 and Odyssey 4; 6; 14 along the fibres 9 09.9 x 11
papyrus fragment (size 9.9 x 11 cm; composed of two joining fragments), broken off at the lower, right and left hand side, containing remains of 29 lines of writing. Homerica, lexicography

0447 60470 h034 anon.
Glossary with selected words from Iliad 2, 61-222.

The glossary stands outside the usual tradition of the Scholia Minora?.
331 AD 2 ZPE 11 (1973), 65-68 (T. Vlachodimitris)
document, unidentified scholia minora
document, unidentified Hamburg, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Papyrusabteilung P.Hamb. inv. 7336 ?? 1593 -no lectional signs;

-orthographic mistake: &#961; for &#963;, one morphological mistake

02 M-P 1170.1 ZPE 11, pl.Ib
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 2] across the fibres 12 04 x 12 -photograph in Luik Single papyrus fragment (4 x 12 cm), broken off on the left, right and upper side, containing 2 columns with scanty remains of respectively 22 and 18 lines of writing (only the line beginnings have been preserved in col. 2); lower margin that has been preserved measures 2.4 cm

Homerica, school text

0448 60820 h035 anon.
Glossary with selected words from Iliad 2, 93-104.

Similarities with the D-scholia, Apion, the Lexicon Homericum of Apollonius Sophista, Hesychius, Suda and the paraphrase attributed to Psellus.

Probably an ad hoc preparation for the reading of the Iliad.
338 AD 3 ZPE 7 (1971), 257-258 (A. Henrichs)
document (unpublished, cfr. http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/inedita/PKI53r.html) scholia minora
"evolving", with careless, ill-formed letters and variable line spacing Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde P.Köln inv. 53 ?? 1948 -high stop (l. 4);

-each new entry starts on a new line; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

01 M-P 1170.2 ZPE 7, pl.XIIc
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 2] across the fibres 16 05.5 x 15 -photograph in Luik single papyrus fragment (5.5 x 15 cm), containing the remains of 13 lines; the writing is often washed-off, especially in the bottom part where some parts have completely disappeared (ll. 10-13); preserved upper margin measures 2 cm; the bottom margin, that is a blank space left after the exercise was finished (Crib.), measures 5.5 cm; the verso is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto side
Homerica, school text http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Verstreutepub/PK53v.html

0449 60556 h036 anon.
Glossary with selected words from Iliad 2, 201-18.

Similarities with the D-scholia, the Lexicon Homericum of Apollonius Sophista, Hesychius, Suda and the paraphrase attributed to Psellus.

AD 2 P.Oxy. 56, 3832 (R.A. Coles, 1987)
Euphorion text (=P. Oxy. 30, 2525; LDAB 0880) scholia minora
medium-sized; coarse; cursive elements (col. 1, l. 8 &#946; as open-topped square); crossbar of &#949; is extended and joins the following letter; ending horizontal of the &#963; sometimes extended at the end; generally bilinear; decoration: roundels and serifs on some letters Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
1680 -no lectional signs;

-once addition of a missing letter supra lineam (col. 1, l. 21);

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

02 M-P 1170.4 Liège
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Iliad 2] across the fibres 12 09.5 x 15 photograph in Luik single papyrus fragment (9.5 x 15 cm) broken off on the left and right side and at the foot, containing 2 columns with remains of respectively 22 and 18 lines (only some initial letters remain) of writing; verso is written upside down in relation to the text on the recto side; surviving upper margin of 2 cm Homerica

0450 60417 h037 anon. TrGF II F724; M. Gronewald, ZPE 46 (1982), pp. 95-96 (confirmation of identification and new edition) uncertain
Glossary with selected words from Iliad 2, 381-398.

Similarities with Apion, the Lexicon Homericum of Apollonius Sophista and Hesychius.

AD 2 P.Harr. 1, 10 (J.E. Powell, 1936)

scholia minora
semi-cursive; upright; generally bilinear: &#966; reaches below and above the line Birmingham, Orchard Learning Research Centre (Selly Oak College Library) 173f
1538 -orthographic mistake
papyrus Arês (R) 01 2826 P.Harris; ZPE 46 (1982), pl.2b Arês (R) Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 2]
12 04.2 x 18 -photograph in Luik single papyrus fragment (4.2 x 18 cm) containing remains from the line-endings of 38 lines of writing (illegible in many cases); from ll. 17-24 and 35-38 only traces have been preserved; ll. 1-3: remains of writing in the upper margin? Homerica

0451 61011 h038 anon. E. Turner, Typology, p. 111 (no. 203); J.-L. Fournet, 'Du nouveau dans la bibliothèque de Dioscore d' Aphrodité', in B. Kramer et al. (Hrsg.), Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses Berlin, 13.-19.8.1995 (Stuttgart-Leipzig, 1997), pp. 297-304; J.-L. Fournet, Hellénisme dans l' Egypte du VIe siècle: La bibliothèque et l'oeuvre de Dioscore d'Aphrodité (MIFAO 115/1), I (Le Caire, 1999), no. II, pp. 87-173; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 4, Aristophanes 1 (F. Montana, 2006 - re-edition). codex
Glossary with selected words from Iliad 2, 379 (?)-382 (?); 414-426; 4, 3-15, 47-60, 105-110, 128 (?), 174-220, 230-243, 277-302, 325-343, 375-409, 426 (?)-435, 508-521, 540-544 (?); 5, 1-30, 51-68 (?), 78-192, 195-287, 744-746; 18, 50-164, 309-346, 410 (?)-480, 486-501, 550-603; 19, 1 (?)-72, 234-253; 20, 167-218, 365 (?)-391 (?), which forms part of the library of Dioscorus of Aphrodito.
The glossary offers correspondences with the D-scholia and with lexicographical material such as Hesychius, the Suda and the glossary of Apollonius Sophista. But there is also resemblance with the scholia majora against the scholia minora, which seems to indicate contamination already in ancient times.

AD 4 - AD 5 P. Cair. Masp. 3, 67331 (J. Maspero, 1916) + P. Strasb. , inv. 1607+1617+1636+1640-43+1656+1660-61 (J.-L. Fournet, 1999)
opistograph scholia minora
main hand: cursive of the documentary type, sometimes with epigraphical characteristics (differences in writing could give the impression that different hands were responsible for the main text, but this is probably due to the pen that was sharpened during the writing and causes the letters to be more rigid)
later hands: difficult to distinguish different hands; hand 4 can be defined by the inclination of &#951;; most lectional signs were added by later hands
Cairo, Egyptian Museum 2006/06/03 Ann Pittomvils 2144 -main hand: apostrophe, trema (to denote diaeresis), sign with uncertain meaning (trema, rough breathing, macron marked vowel?)

-later hands: trema, circumflex accent added to main text or used in marginal annotations (no distinguishing function, but result of new writing habits)

-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation, on three occasions they are separated by a double point; when the explanation of one lemma expands to the next line, a curved line is used in order to separate it from the explanation of the next lemma

-numerals to denote pagination appear on top of the page, ca. 3 cm to the right of the beginning of the lemmata, sometimes underlined and sometimes inaccurate

-the transition from one book of the Iliad to the next is marked by the heading &#964;&#941;&#955;&#959;&#962; &#964;&#8134;&#962; followed by the number of the book, followed by &#940;&#961;&#967;&#8052; &#964;&#8134;&#962; indicating the number of the next book; both indications are situated at ca. 4 cm from the beginning of the lemmata
-marginal annotations are sometimes preceded, when placed on the right, or followed, when placed on the left by a double point or by two lines (// or =)
-additions in the main text in order to rewrite faded letters, corrections

papyrus Kadmeiônes; Thêbaioi (R); Kadmos; Eteoklês; Thêbê (R); Thêbai (R); Ainos; Pallas (R); Ôkeanos (3, R); Aidôneus (R); Enyalios [Ares]; Pleiades (R); Dionysos (R); Ôrion (4R); Arktos (1+R); Arktoi (R); Attikos (R); Hydê (R); Lydia (1+R); Sardeis
1171 MIFAO 115/1 (Fournet 1999), pl. IX.3 - XXIX Kadmeiônes; Thêbaioi (R); Kadmos; Eteoklês; Thêbê (R); Thêbai (R); Ainos; Pallas (R); Ôkeanos (3, R); Aidôneus (R); Enyalios [Ares]; Pleiades (R); Dionysos (R); Ôrion (4R); Arktos (1+R); Arktoi (R); Attikos (R); Aristarchos (R); Hydê (R); Lydia (1+R); Sardeis Egypt, Aphroditopolis + Antinoopolis Aristarchus; [Homerus, Iliad 2, 4, 5, 18, 19, 20]
22 ca. 18.2 x 25 (page) -photograph in Luik -Cairo fragments: 6 pale fragments of which the ink is well readable; they are larger than the Strasbourg fragments of which only small pieces have been preserved
-Strasbourg fragments: the fragments originally amounted to over 30, but they have been reduced by combination to 10; they are extremely damaged and brown in colour with some rust stains; the ink is very faded and of a light metallic slightly bluish colour; the ink used for the marginal additions, however, is black and well visible

All these fragments form part of a codex, probably a compilation of heterogeneous quires, maybe quiniones and seniones, containing ca. 200 pages in total.

-upper margin measures ca. 2-3 cm, the lower margin ca. 2 cm and the left margin ca. 3-5 cm; the right margin varies in function of the text

0452 60212 h041 anon.
Glossary with selected words from Iliad 3, 1-8, 433-461 and 4, 2-26, 47-76, suited for classroom use.

The poetic words are translated in prose but sometimes the commentator gives several synonyms and on some occasions he offers further explanation, although only one lemma has received a more elaborate commentary.

Despite the mistakes, the text does not seem to be the work of a student.The writing and composition suggest that the fragment belonged to a book roll.

AD 1 Forschungen und Berichte 10 (1968), pp. 113-118, no. 1 (W. Müller)

scholia minora
medium to fair-sized, upright, round, generally bilinear, decoration with serifs and roundels on some letters, carefully executed Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P.Berol. inv. 11518 2006/06/03 Ann Pittomvils 1330 -one trema (col. 4, l. 32);

-corrections (esp. on word- and line-endings) are added supra lineam by the same hand (e.g. col. 1, l. 12 and col. 2, l. 2), but not maintained consequently;

-iota adscript only in col. 1, l. 19 (R), on other occasions it is missing;

-repeated itacism (according to Müller this is striking since the text is to be labelled as grammatical and has been preserved in a good bookhand of the first cent.);

-phonetic mistake: in col. 1, l. 21: &#949; instead of &#945;&#953;; (presumably in col. 4, l. 34: &#959; instead of &#969; and &#969; instead of &#959;);

-orthographic mistake: col. 3, l. 98: &#945; instead of &#949;;

-ending title (at the end of the third book of the Iliad in col. 2, l. 32), beginning title indicating the start of book 4 broken off at the top of col. 3;

-each new entry starts on a new line; lemmata in ekthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation; once lemma after explanation (col. 1 l. 4)

papyrus Fr. A col. 1:
Pygmaioi (Q+R) [Pygmies]; Ôkeanos (R)
02 M-P 1173.2 ed. princ., pl. 21.1 Fr. A col. 1:
Pygmaioi (Q+R) [Pygmies]; Ôkeanos (R)
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 3; 4] along the fibres 9 05.9 x 14.7 (fr. A); 08 x 26.7 (fr. B); 05.2 x 19.9 (fr. C) -photograph in Luik
-database 'Homer and the Papyri': II AD ? - West: s. 1
-copies of ed.pr.
3 papyrus fragments, not directly joining, containing 4 columns with remains of respectively 25 (fr. A), 32, 39 (fr. B) and 36 lines of writing (fr. C); preserved upper margin (fr. B) measures 2 cm and lower margin ca. 2.5 cm; intercolumnium (fr. B, between cols. 2 and 3) measures ca. 2 cm Homerica, school text

0453 60307 h042

roll (or sheet?)
Commentary on Iliad 3, 59 = 6, 333. As the quotation of these lines indicates, the text comes from a commentary on the specific book (3 or 6) of the Iliad.
AD 1 - AD 2 B.K.T. 5.1.6 (descr.) = APF 44 (1998), 213-214 (W. Luppe - G. Poethke)
blank commentary
medium-sized; upright; formal mixed (narrow &#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962;, broad &#948;, &#960; and &#964;), generally bilinear Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung 9960 AP 1428 -it is possible that the quotation of the Iliad in l. 5 was written in ekthesis [since the &#964; is mostly quite broad, it is difficult to calculate the beginning of l. 6 precisely];

-blank space between words in l. 8

papyrus Hektôr (Q, R +R) 01 1174 = M-P 1174 APF 44 (1998), pl.XXIII.1 Hektôr (Q, R +R) Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 3 or 6]; Homerus, Iliad 3, 59 or 6, 333 along the fibres 10 06.8 x 06.5 -photograph in Luik
-LDAB form: sheet
-copies of ed.pr. APF
single papyrus fragment (6.8 x 6.5 cm) broken off on the left and right hand side and at the top, containing remains of 8 lines of writing; preserved lower margin measures ca. 1.5 cm; the right ending of the column and the column width (l. 5) are determined by the quotation from the Iliad; black ink Homerica

0454 61406 h043 Julius Africanus H van Herwerden, RM 59 (1904), pp. 141-144 (p. 143 no. 14); J.-R. Vieillefond, Jules Africain, Fragments des Cestes (Paris, 1932), pp. xxii-xxiii; L. Robert, Hellenica: recueil d'épigraphie de numismatique et d'antiquités grecques 1 (Limoges, 1940), pp. 144-148 (about the library in Nysa, Caria); C.H. Roberts, Greek Literary Hands (Oxford, 1956), no. 23a; K. Preisendanz, Papyri Graecae Magicae: die Griechischen Zauberpapyri (vol. 2) (Stuttgart, 1974²), pp. 150-151 no. 23; T. Hopfner, Griechisch-Agyptischer Offenbarungszauber. Seine Methoden, Band II, 2 (Amsterdam, 1990), pp. 553ff.; R.S. Bagnall, CPh 87 (1992), pp. 137-140 (about doc. on the verso side); K. Preisendanz, APF 8 (????), p. 126; F. Blass, APF 3 (????), pp. 297-298; K. Aland and H.-U. Rosenbaum, Repertorium der Griechischen Christlichen Papyri II, Teil 1 (Berlin-NY, 1995), pp. 347-350
13 ca. (R, col. 1); 07.1 (col. 2), Fragment with the conclusion of Book 18 of the &#922;&#949;&#963;&#964;&#959; of Julius Africanus. It contains an excerpt of 27 lines, mainly consisting of a magical incantation in hexameters, which was to be inserted in the passage of the Odyssey (Bk. XI) where Odysseus calls up the gods. For these new lines definite authority is cited in col. 2 with reference to manuscripts in Palestine, Caria and Rome.

The papyrus fragment gives us information about the author Julius Africanus (his name, origin and erudition) and about the number of books that the &#922;&#949;&#963;&#964;&#959; contained (the total of 14 books, as Photius stated, can be rejected; 24, as is attested in the Suidas, is more likely).

AD 3 P.Oxy. 3, 412 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1903)
document, dated AD 275-276 (copy of the will of Hermogenes; = P. Oxy. 6, 907)

small to medium size, round; generally bilinear: letters tend to be of the same size and contrast is avoided (very few project above and below the line) London, British Library Bibl. brit. inv. 2040 = P.Lit.Lond. 174
2550 -sign in the intercolumnium at the height of l. 19 resembling a small majuskel &#950; (cut mark?); sign at the height of l. 11 of col. 2 (resembles a perpendicular forked paragraphos or a minuskel &#955;) maybe denoting an omission (no addition in the margins, though text in extant form is not understandable)

-orthographic mistake: double &#963; instead of single &#963;

-short blank spaces precede &#945; &#948;&#949;&#953; in ll. 14 and 21; apparently nothing was written at the beginning of these lines

-one apostrophe (col.1, l. 16), diairesis above iota (col. 1, l. 18 and 37), &#953; adscript is never written

-itacism (once &#949;&#953; instead of &#953;)

-several orthographic mistakes; one correction

-final title; numeral in the subscriptio with horizontals above and below to denote the 18th book of the &#922;&#949;&#963;&#964;&#959;&#8055;

-numeral above each of the two preserved columns (without horizontal)

-decorative horizontals on left and right end of the author and title of the work in the subscriptio
28-41 (col.1); 19-23 (col. 2) papyrus Têlemachos; Anoubis (R); Osiris (R); Hermês (R); Zeus; Hades (R); Chthôn; Hêlios Teitan (Titan); Iaa(Iaweh); Phthas; Phrê; Nephthô (R); Ablanathô; Abraksas; Arktos; Phrên; Briareus (R); Phrasios (R); Iksiôn; Genea (R): Aphêbiota; Pyr; Chthonia; Ourania; Seirios; Kirkê; Acherôn; Kôkytos (R); Lêthê; Polyphlegethôn; Elpênôr 02 0053 = M-P 0053 ed. princ., pl.V (partim); New Palaeographical Society I, vol. 1, pl.104 (with transcription of col. 1); M. Norsa, La scrittura letteraria greca, pl. 14a; C.H. Roberts, Greek Literary Hands, pl. 23a (col. 2) Têlemachos; Anoubis (R); Osiris (R); Hermês (R); Zeus; Hades (R); Chthôn; Hêlios Teitan (Titan); Iaa (Iaweh); Phthas; Phrê; Nephthô (R); Ablanathô; Abraksas; Arktos; Phrên; Briareus (R); Phrasios (R); Iksiôn; Genea (R): Aphêbiota; Pyr; Chthonia; Ourania; Seirios; Kirkê; Acherôn; Kôkytos (R); Lêthê; Polyphlegethôn; Elpênôr; Peisistratidai; Ailia Kapitoleinê; Palaisteinê; Nysê; Karia; Rômê; Alexandros; Pantheion; Sebastos (Emperor); Ioulios Aphrikanos Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Homerus, Odyssey 11, 34-43; 48-50; 51; Iliad 3, 278-280; 11, 741
16 22.3 x 26.5
single papyrus fragment (22.3 x 26.5 cm) containing two columns that have preserved respectively 43 (line beginnings are missing) and 25 (+3 of the subscriptio) lines of writing; between the end of the text and the subscriptio ca. 3 lines have been left blank in col. 2; the first column is broader than the other one in order to accomodate the Homeric quotations line by line; document on the verso is upside down in relation to the literary text on the recto; upper margin measures 2.4 cm, lower margin (col.1) ca. 5 cm; intercolumnium measures 2-3 cm; in the intercolumnium a kollêsis is visible (maybe the last kollêma was added later)

0455 60444 h045 anon. M. Gronewald, ZPE 44 (1981), pp. 177-178 (identification; edition col. 3); E. Crisci, Scrivere Greco fuori d'Egitto (Firenze, 1996), p. 149. roll 04 - 04.5 Iliad 4, 302-16
AD 2 P.Dura 3 (C.B. Welles, 1959)

scholia minora (?)
tiny, generally rounded (although there are some angular features), slight contrast between thick oblique and fine vertical strokes; there are some elements of continuity with P.Dura 15 (2 BC) (e.g. the form of &#949; + &#953;, of &#951;, of &#954; and of &#961; with vertical stroke bend to the left) New Haven (Conn.), Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, P. CtYBR D.Pg. 33 AP 1566 -blank spaces between lemma and explanation 18 - 20 parchment
05/06 2135=M-P 1174.2 ed. princ., pl. I
Syria, Dura [Homer, Iliad 4 (?)]
12 15.3 x 14.2 -afmetingen: ed.pr.: ca. 17.5 x 12 cm; website: 14.2 (H) x 15.3 (W)
-photograph in Luik
dirty and darkened parchment fragment (only with the help of an infrared camera it became partly legible), from which a fragment became detached during the cleaning process (precise place of attachment is no longer certain); it contains the remains of five or six columns; only in the last column some connected text can be read; every fourth or fifth line is shorter and intended (Welles suggest this is for a title or subject heading; Gronewald compares the composition of the text to other 'scholia minora' that have been preserved, where each second line of the explanation is distinguished by eisthesis)

0456 60266 h047 Aristonicus or Didymus (?) H. Erbse, Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem (Scholia vetera), Vol. I (Berolini, 1969), p. XXXVI, Pap. III; A. Körte, APF 6 (1920), p. 254 (no. 483); A.L. Nardi, Studi classici e orientali 26 (1977), 133-155 roll
Commentary on Iliad 4, 306-307; 310; 315-316, conceived on a rather extensive scale. Col. I and the beginning of col. II contain a rather eccentric explanation of Iliad 4, 306-307 (Cf. Schol. A and Eustathius) which is followed by an allusion to Apollonius and another person. It is not clear whether these are supporters of the preceding view or opponents. Apollonius could be identified as Apollonius of Rhodes, as Hunt states, Körte is of the opinion that Apollonius son of Chaeris, as mentioned in schol. A on Iliad 3, 448, is meant here.
In view of the elaborateness of the commentary, the palaeographical evidence and the verbal coincidences with Schol. A, Hunt believes that the writer may have been Aristonicus or Didymus, although Körte urges caution in this matter.

AD 1 P.Ryl. 1, 24 (A.S. Hunt, 1911)
part of a demotic account commentary (continuous lemmata)
medium-sized, roughly bilinear, letters often touching and ligatured, serifs on some letters Manchester, John Rylands Libr. AP 1386 -one high stop (l. 16)
-pause before a quotation is marked by a short blank space (cf. l. 28)

papyrus Diomêdês (R); Nestôr (R+Q, R) 02 1175 = M-P 1175 ed. princ. pl. 8; Erbse, vol. I, pl. III Apollônios (R); Diomêdês (R); Nestôr (R+Q, R) Egypt, Oxyrhynchus Homerus, Iliad 4, 315-316; 8, 116; [Homerus, Iliad 4] along the fibres 9 07.7 x 11 -blank space l. 28 ca. 1 cm (Erbse)?
-intercolumnar space?
single papyrus fragment (7.7 x 11 cm) broken off on all sides, containing remains of 2 columns which have preserved the line endings of 18 and the line beginnings of 15 lines respectively Homerica

0457 60985 h050

Iliad 5, 5-11, 37-53 341 AD 4 P.Ryl. 3.537
opistograph scholia minora
rapid, upright, clear and easily readable, with initial letters slightly enlarged, roughly bilinear Manchester, John Rylands Libr. AP 2118 -lemmata and explanations are sometimes separated by dots (double dicolon), otherwise by blank spaces

-trema on beginning &#953; (verso l. 7)

papyrus Ôkeanos (Q+1) 01 1178 Cribiore 341, pl.LIII Ôkeanos (Q+1) Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Iliad 5]
20 09 x 06 -photograph in Luik single papyrus fragments (9 x 6 cm) broken off on all sides containing the remains of 8 (recto) and 9 (verso) lines of writing; the verso precedes the recto and half of the verso has been left blank; some ink marks to the left of the first two lines on the recto side suggest that this part of the papyrus may have been used before and was not thoroughly washed, this might also explain why these lines are written in eisthesis; because of the blank space on the verso and the discrepancies between the recto and verso side concerning the arrangement of the lines, Roberts considers it unlikely that the sheet was part of a codex (pace Körte: 'Einzelnes Blatt' and Pack²: 'opistograph sheet') Homerica, school text

0458 60770 h052 anon.
Glossary on selected words from Iliad 5, 158-256, mainly of lexical interest with one minor mythological note (on &#932;&#961;&#8061;&#953;&#959;&#953;&#7989;&#960;&#960;&#959;&#953; col. 2 ll. 10-12).

Comparable to P. Strass. inv. gr. 1015 (= CPP 210). Concordance with the D-scholia and the Iliad paraphrase edited by Bekker and to a lesser degree with the work of Apollonius Sophista, Apion and Hesychius.

AD 3 P.Harr. 2.177
document (AD 2 ?) scholia minora
small to medium-sized; formal mixed; slightly leaning forward; experienced and rapid professional hand; roughly bilinear Birmingham, Orchard Learning Research Centre (Selly Oak College Library) inv. 46v AP 1897 -each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces usually separate lemma from explanation, on one occasion lemma and explanation seem to be separated by a double dicolon (col. 1, l. 31)

-orthographic mistakes

-organic and inorganic tremata

papyrus Ganymêdês (R) 02 M-P 1179.1 ed. princ. pl. XII Ganymêdês (R) Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 5] across the fibres 16 13 x 23 -gepubliceerde foto voor sommige lezingen onduidelijk: col. 1 l. 7??
-schriftbeschrijving correct?
P. Harris 177 consists of one main large fragment and four smaller fragments, which are more or less directly joining; the scanty remains of two columns have been preserved, containing respectively 31 and 35 lines of writing; both columns are damaged at the top; bottom margin measures 4.6 cm (col. 1) and 5 cm (col. 2); papyrus is of a dark colour, probably due to bad preservation; the scholia are written upside down in relation to the document on the recto

0459 60962 p0181 + h053 anon. E. Ziebarth, Aus der Antiken Schule (Bonn, 1913), pp. 32-33 (no. 50); A. Calderini, Aegyptus 2 (1921), 309-310 sheet
Wooden tablet with the text of Iliad 5, 265-317 and a glossary with simple explanations to words from Iliad 5, 265-286 (recto), written by a student. The teacher has added some corrections.
Correspondence with the D-scholia, the Iliad paraphrase edited by Bekker, the work of Apollonius Sophista, Apion and Hesychius.

AD 3 - AD 4 (AD 2 Raffealli) Berichte Berliner Museen 34 (1912-1913), cols.219-221 (G. Plaumann) [edition glossary] - APF 36 (1990), 5-12 (L. Raffaelli) [edition text Iliad + new edition glossary]
opistograph scholia minora
first hand (student): upright, rapid, smooth and somewhat graceful, with letters separated or touching each other, generally bilinear (&#966;, &#961;, &#953; and &#958; sometimes reach above or under the line); tendency to enlarge the first letter of each line; influence of documentary writing style; corrections by the first hand with a softer pen and more diluted ink

second hand (teacher): additions to glossary and text of the Iliad, small, elegant, written with a fine pen, slightly darker ink
Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P.Berol. inv. 11636 AP 2094 glossary:

-forked paragraphos to separate the end of the Homeric text from the beginning of the glossary (recto and verso)

-each new entry starts on a new line; short blank spaces usually separate lemma from explanation [once oblique stroke (col. 2a l. 10) and once short horizontal (col. 2b l. 15)

-several accents and breathings; diaeresis, apostrophe, hyphen (col. 2a l. 2)

-correction by overwriting (col. 2a l. 11; col. 2b l. 8?)

-the two lemmata added by the teacher are united by a curved line (col. 2b ll. 13-14)

literary text:

-several breathings and accents (for the particular use in this fragment cf. Raffaelli p. 7); diaeresis, apostrophe, hyphen (col. 1r l. 16), quantity mark

-high, middle and low stop

-correction by cancellation and supralinear additions (first hand); marginal addition (col. 1r l. 10; second hand)

-oblique stroke in the right margin of col. 1r l. 8 (diple obelismene according to Cribiore), maybe a reference to the last line of the glossary with a lemma extra ordinem (cf. col. 2b l. 15)

wooden tablet
02 0742 + 1180 = M-P 0740.1 ed. princ. pl.101; APF 36, pl.1-2
Egypt, unknown Homerus, Iliad 5, 265-317; [Homerus, Iliad 5]
18 46 x 21 -photograph in Luik
-enkel de 'scholia minora' worden opgenomen in dit record, niet de literaire tekst uit de Ilias
-col. 1v l. 21 ?
-kopie van volledige artikel van Plaumann
wooden tablet painted white; writing in dark ink; horizontal crack somewhat below the middle of the tablet; the recto has preserved 21 lines of text in col. 1 and 4 lines in col. 2; underneath the text in col. 2 scholia minora have been preserved in two subcolumns with 19 lines of writing in col. 2a and 14 lines in col. 2b; col. 2a and col. 2b each consist of two parallel columns containing lemmata and explanations respectively; on the verso col. 1 has preserved 24 lines of writing, col. 2 has preserved 7 lines and a blank space probably intended for the same exegetical exercise as on the verso side Homerica, school text

0460 60930 h054 anon.
Glossary on selected words from Iliad 5, 287-315.
Correspondence with D-scholia, the paraphrase of the Iliad edited by Bekker and the lexicon on Homer by Apollonius Sophista.

AD 3 ZPE 6 (1970), 125-128 (P.J. Sijpesteijn)=P.Amst. 01, 5 (R.P. Salomons - P.J. Sijpesteijn - K.A. Worp, 1980)
remains of an account (AD 2 - AD 3) scholia minora
-medium sized; informal; leaning forward; ligatures and cursive elements; roughly bilinear

-same hand as P. Berol. inv. 13420 (=CPP 0480)
Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Papyrologisch Seminarie 51 AP 2060 -blank space to separate lemma from explanation and to separate explanation from the subsequent lemma; on three occasions two lemmata (short) with their explanations can be found in the same line

-itacism; orthographic mistake: confusion between &#949; and &#951;

-inorganic tremata to mark initial &#965;

papyrus Arês (Q, R) 02? M-P 1180.1 ed.princ., pl.VIb; P.Amst. 01, pl.III Arês (Q, R) Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 5] across the fibres 16 08.3 x 13 -horizontal on the right of l. 1/elongation of the horizontal sigma?? - ink marks after lacuna on l. 1??
-l. 16 had op zichzelf al voldoende lengte om een regel op te vullen - moest scriba uitwijken voor schade al aanwezig op de papyrus/ ander kort lemma?
-West and Homer and the Papyri + West h54: inv. 51 i.p.v. 81
-copy of ed. pr. and P. Amst.
single papyrus fragment (8.3 x 13 cm) of a middlebrown color, broken off an all sides except at the bottom where a margin of 3.5 cm has been preserved; the fragment contains the remains of one column with 19 lines of writing (in most lines only the explanation is extant), only a few ink marks on the right may indicate the beginning of a subsequent column; above l. 1 a few remains of letters have been preserved; there are two stains of ink on the right of l. 2; when a line-ending exceeds the column width in length, the scribe writes the remaining letters underneath it on the next line Homerica

0461 60707 h055 anon. M.J. Apthorp, ZPE 131 (2000), 1-9 (6). roll ?
Scholia minora with selected lemmata on Iliad 5, 655-822 offering only elementary information, practically no more than a simple glossary.

Correspondences with Apollonius Sophista, the paraphrase in the edition of Bekker and the D-scholia.

AD 2 - AD 3 P.Oxy. 44, 3158 M.W. Haslam, 1976)
accounts scholia minora
informal, leaning forward, roughly bilinear, ligatures and cursive elements Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms + Yale University, Beinecke Library P. CtYBR 840 AP 1833 -scholia are written continuously, the items are separated by an oblique dash (P. Yale: except in l. 2: X instead of oblique dash; P. Oxy.: except in l. 12: idiosyncratic mark and in l. 16: horizontal line)

-itacism, orthographic mistake: confusion between &#955; and &#961;, dittography


-correction by overwriting and superscription, addition by superscription

papyrus P.Oxy. Col. 1: Koiranos (Q, ?, R); Hydê [Hylê] (Q+1); Lydia; limnê Kêphisis (R)
P. Yale: Gorgôn
02 M-P 1180.2 Liège P.Oxy. Col. 1: Koiranos (Q, ?, R); Hydê [Hylê] (Q+1); Lydia; limnê Kêphisis (R)
P. Yale: Gorgôn
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Iliad 5] across the fibres 14 08.3 x 09 (P. Yale) -photograph of P. Oxy. in Luik
-Oxy.: r.8: lezing eerste deel van de regel?-r.9: verticale inktlijn tss en ?
-Yale: r. 5: X ipv van / ? - r. 7: letters na ? - r.20: lezing laatste woord?-r. 24: terwijl in commentaar en op papyrus (ook editie) is te zien (verbetering?) - r.24:trema on (difficult to see on the digital image)?
-P. Yale: one large and two very small fragments of which the identification is unknown??
-copies of P. Oxy, P Yale and Apthorp ZPE
P. Oxy.: single papyrus fragment, broken off on all sides (only a small top margin is intact), containing the remains of two columns with respectively 25 and 14 lines (only the beginning letters of each line have been preserved) of writing; intercolumnar space is narrow; the fragment was already damaged at some places before the scribe used the verso side as he leaves gaps within words (l. 4-6) and continues after the lacunae

P. Yale: tattered and badly soiled fragment that had been crumpled into a ball which caused considerable abrasion; it contains 25 lines belonging to the lower half of a column and together with the text from the first column of P. Oxy. it forms a nearly complete column measuring 18 cm in height (two lines at most are missing between the two fragments), bottom margin has been preserved
Homerica P. Oxy.:
P. Yale: http://wwwapp.cc.columbia.edu/ldpd/app/apis/item?mode=item&key=yale.apis.0008404100

0462 60984 h056 anon.
Glossary on selected lemmata from Iliad 5, 670-710. The explanations are closely related to the D-scholia.
AD 4 P. Lit. Lond. 177 (H.J.M. Milne, 1977 [1927])

scholia minora
large, rough, semi-cursive, written with a thick pen London, British Library P.Bibl.Brit. inv. 113 (14b) (P.Lit.Lond. 177)
2116 -lemmata and explanations are separated by a series of dots or small dashes (or blank spaces?)
-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis
-correction over deletion (l. 6); omitted letter (by the main scribe?) added supralinearly (l. 8)
-horizontal stroke over iota in l. 3

01 1181

Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad across the fibres 20 12 x 08 -photograph in Luik
-recto side?
-afmetingen - marges - schrift controleren aan de hand van foto
single papyrus fragment (12 x 8 cm) broken off on all sides containing the remains of 14 lines of writing; only the beginning letters of each line are missing on the left of the fragment Homerica

0463 60824 h057
R. Merkelbach, APF 16 (1958), p. 121 (no. 1135); K. McNamee, Abbrevations in Greek Literary Papyri and Ostraca, Chico 1981, p. 85 roll ?
Glossary to selected lemmata from Iliad 6, 1-48. The word explanations correspond to the D-Scholia, only the explanations of &#7936;&#955;&#955;&#8053;&#955;&#969;&#957;&#7984;&#952;&#965;&#957;&#959;&#956;&#8051;&#957;&#969;&#957; in l. 3 and of &#957;&#8059;&#956;&#966;&#951; &#957;&#945;&#8055;&#962; in l. 21 do not seem to have any parallels.

The notes usually offer short word explanations. There is a more elaborate note on the significance of &#957;&#8059;&#956;&#966;&#951; &#957;&#945;&#8055;&#962; and a note with grammatical information. The text was used in school context.

AD 3 P.Haun. 1.3
document (AD 2 - AD 3) scholia minora
small, 'evolving', heavy and unpractised with capitals usually separated; the letter size and inclination varies considerably Copenhagen, University, Institute for Greek and Latin 314 AP 1952 -each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation

-abbreviation by superscription for &#960;&#961;&#959;&#952;&#941;&#963;&#949;&#969;&#962; (l. 8) (cf. McNamee)

papyrus Teuthras (R) 01 1182 Cribiore 337 Cribiore, pl. LII Teuthras (R) Egypt, Fayum ? [Homerus, Iliad 6] across the fibres 16 07.2 x 11.5 -Merkelbach geeft in APF enkele regels met nieuwe aanvullingen (ll. 9-13), moet deze worden beschouwd als een tweede uitgave??
- in eerste lijn??
-l. 6 moeilijk te lezen
-l. 8 ink marks na afkorting??
-l. 17 afgewassen + overschreven??
single papyrus fragment (7.2 x 11.5 cm) broken off at the bottom and at the right and left hand side; upper margin of ca. 2 cm has been preserved; it contains the remains of 23 lines, written in two parallel subcolumns containing lemmata and explanations (only the beginnings have been preserved) respectively Homerica, school text

0464 61113 h064 anon.
Glossary on selected lemmata from Iliad 8, 1-11 (recto); 29-41 (verso ?).
AD 7 (AD 3 West) ZPE 6 (1970), p. 130-131, no. 5 (P.J. Sijpesteijn) = P.Amst. 01, 6 (R.P. Salomons - P.J. Sijpesteijn - K.A. Worp, 1980)
opistograph Homerica
contrast between small (&#952;, &#949;, &#959;, &#962;) and broad letters (&#951;, &#954;, &#957;, &#960;, &#967;), formal mixed; generally bilinear (&#956;, &#961;, &#964;, &#968;, &#967; reach down the line); leaning forward; beginning letters are written slightly larger than the rest of the text Amsterdam, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Papyrologisch Seminarie 82 AP 2250 -heading &#952; denotes the number of the book which is commented on, marked with a horizontal above and written more to the right from the beginning letter of the column
01 M-P 1186.1 P. Amst., pl. III
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad
16 07.2 x 13.8 -confusion in ASW database h64=h66?; in his edition (1998) West dates the fragment in AD 3, according to the LDAB this is too early (cf. MP and ed.princ.: 'Die Buchschrift gehört ins VII. Jahrh. n. Chr.')
-paragraphos above first lemma to denote beginning?
-place of heading ??
-no image of the verso side; image of the recto not clear on some letters
single papyrus fragment (7.2 x 13.8 cm) broken off at the top and bottom and on the right hand side, containing the remains of 19 lines of writing (beginning letters of lemmata) on the recto and 10 lines (ending letters of explanations, 4 lines have been completed by the editor) on the verso; on the left side there is a blank margin of 5.5 cm; the column of text on the recto side is not entirely straight but shifts gradually more to the right scholia minora

0465 61115 h067 anon.

Glossary on selected lemmata from Iliad 9, 58-93.
AD 7 SIFC NS 27-28 (1956), 50-52 (M. Manfredi)

-second hand (different type of ink) is responsible for corrections and additions Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli' P.S.I. inv. 1733
2253 -cancellation and correction (second hand)
-three point diacritic mark on &#953; and &#965; (added by second hand)
-abbreviation for ending &#957; as a horizontal
-each new entry starts on a new line; second and any further lines of an entry are distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; blank spaces separate lemmata from explanation
codex papyrus

1187 Liège
Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis [Homerus, Iliad 9]
29 18 x 15 -photograph in Luik - REQUEST IMAGE
-single papyrus fragment (18 x 15 cm) with the remains of 12 lines of writing on the recto and of 15 lines of writing on the verso side
-wide margins of ca. 5 cm (bottom margin has been preserved)
-codex originally measured 18 x 30 cm
scholia minora

0466 61216 h068 anon. A. Wouters, ZPE 21 (1976), 271-273 (date); M.W. Haslam, BASP 22 (1985), 97-100; H. Erbse, Scholia Graeca in Homeri Iliadem (Scholia vetera). Volumen Septimum (Berolini, 1988), pp. 300-302; K. Maresch - Z.M. Packman, Papyri from the Washington University Collection St. Louis, Missouri (Part II: P. Wash. Univ. II) (Opladen, 1990), pp. 4-8 (no. 63). roll
Commentary on selected lemmata from Iliad 9, 128/131(?)-147 containing a grammatical observation that can be traced back to Aristarchus.
2 BC BASP 10 (1973), 53-56 (Z.M. Packman)
blank Homerica
small, fluent, consistent, variation in letter size, semi-cursive, written with a slightly flexible pen; Wouters calls attention to some characteristics of the hand, such as the imaginary upper line which is respected throughout and the linking of the &#951; to the right, which refer to the Ptolemaic period St Louis (Missouri), Washington University P.Washington Univ. inv. 217 (pap. VIIa Erbse) AP 2356 -lemmata start at the beginning of the verse; the lemmata (not necessarily on a new line in the commentary) are put in ekthesis while a paragraphos is placed beneath the line in which they commence; probably small blank space to separate the commentary from the following lemma

-paragraphos is also used to mark sentence-end within the comment (col. 2 l. 1)
25 (R) papyrus Brisêis (R), Argos (Q), Pêleus (Q, R) 02 M-P 1187.2 ed. princ., p.55; Erbse, vol. III , pap. VIIa Brisêis (R), Argos (Q), Pêleus (Q, R) Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Iliad 9]; Aristarchus (?); Homerus, Iliad 9, 133 (partim); 141; 147 along the fibres 3 05.6 x 07.5 -inventory nog ingeven op zoekpagina the papyrus is pale, thin, and of good quality; writing in black ink; single papyrus fragment (5.6 x 7.5 cm) broken off on all sides containing the remains of two columns of writing; the first column has preserved 13 lines (only the second half of each line) and the second column 14 lines (only about the first two letters of each line); intercolumnar space measures ca. 2 cm commentary (continuous lemmata)

0467 60339 h070
M. Hombert, CdE 12 (1937), 265-266; P. Collart, Mélanges Emile Boisacq (Bruxelles, 1937-1938), pp. 191-193; A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), 120 (no. 897); M.J. Apthorp, ZPE 122 (1998), 182-183 sheet ?
Glossary to selected words from Iliad 9, 454-68.
AD 1-AD 2 Mnemosyne (Series 3) 5 (1937), pp. 62-68 (B.A. van Groningen)
petition concerning damage to agricultural land addressed to the of the nome (cf. SB XX 14590) Homerica
upright, clear but without elegance, round, roughly bilinear (&#953; and &#966; reach below the line), variable letter size, letters touching and ligatured Leiden, Collection E. von Scherling inv. G99. Sold by aution at Christies in June 2006. 2006/06/30 Ann Pittomvils, Marc Huys 1460 -orthographic mistakes: &#945;&#953; instead of &#949;; &#945; instead of &#949;; dittography (l. 9 ?)

-two numerals, 250 and 260, in the right margin on l. 2 and on l. 14, followed by a paragraphos (it is uncertain what these numerals refer to: to an edition of the Iliad in which the verses are not counted per chant but per roll and in which rolls and chants do not correspond (van Groningen; contra Körte) or to an epitome edition of the Iliad, e.g. ad usum scholarum (van Groningen; pace Hombert, Collart; contra Körte);

02 1189 = M-P 1189 lost papyrus ??
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus ? [Homerus, Iliad 9] across the fibres 10 08 x 11 -West: P. Lugd. Bat. inv. G99 foutief [The papyrus in question never had a P. Lugd. Bat. inventory number. The inventory number G99 was assigned by Von Scherling, and hence the papyrus should be referred to as P. von Scherling inv. no. G99, Brian Muhs, Leiden], the papyrus fragment is missing
-digital photograph in archive
-on the right side: letters that have been preserved from the explanation (l. 5??) - inkmarks in bottom margin??
-single mediocre quality papyrus fragment (8 x 11 cm) broken off at the top and on the right and left hand side with the remains of 14 lines of writing (only the lemmata have been preserved); some upper margin (recto) and lower margin (verso) has been preserved; on the left of l. 7 a few letters of the preceding column have been preserved; the glossary on the verso side is written upside down in relation to the document on the recto side;

-it is rather rare that the writing on the verso side is older than the writing on the recto, but probably the papyrus was used three times: first the recto was written but there were a few blank spaces, then the glossary was written on the verso side; the papyrus was cut and the part on the recto of the papyrus that was still usable was recycled and served for the document (van Groningen); another explanation could be that the document on the recto side originally was a page from a roll containing a register and is older than the glossary, which can be dated later than the first cent. AD (Hombert)
scholia minora, school text ? http://lhpc.arts.kuleuven.be/img/LDAB_1460.jpg

0468 60269 h071 anon.
Glossary on selected lemmata from the Iliad 10, 305-346.

The majority of the explanations was already known from the commentaries of the Byzantine tradition.

AD 1 P.Mil. Vogl. 3.119

scholia minora
-upright, round, generally bilinear
-&#953;&#954;&#964;&#953;&#962; at the end of l. 14 belongs to a second hand
Milano, Università Statale degli Studi di Milano 1031
1389 -blank space in l. 11 before &#956;&#945;&#954;&#961;&#959;&#964;&#961;&#945;&#967;&#951;&#955;&#959;&#965;&#962;; probably blank spaces to separate lemma from explanation

-middle stop at the end of l. 12


M-P 1190.1 Liège
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 10]
9 05 x 09 -photograph in Luik
-klein brokstukje op foto ter hoogte van op l. 3; enkele letters zijn zichtbaar ( en ??), plaats onbekend??
single papyrus fragment (5 x 9 cm) broken off on all sides, containing the remains of 16 lines of writing Homerica

0469 60394 h073 anon. C. Gallazzi, ZPE 56 (1984), 25-28 (27)

Glossary on selected lemmata from Iliad 11, 136-263 (and on l. 26 extra ordinem).

Correspondence with the D-scholia, the paraphrase edited by Bekker and the lexicon of Apollonius Sophista.
329 AD 2 BKT 5.1, p. 6 (descr.) = Aegyptus 2 (1921), 308-309 (A. Calderini)

rapid, fluent, but with crowded lines and variable letter size and spacing Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung 10511 AP 1515 -oblique lines between two entities consisting of lemma and explanation

-sometimes small blank spaces to separate lemma and explanation (with variable length)

-orthographic mistakes

-a horizontal line consisting of paragraphoi below the Homerus commentary followed by traces of writing which cannot be identified (Calderini admits the possibility that these lines do not belong to the commentary)

wooden tablet

1191 = M-P 1191 Cribiore pl.XLVIII; ZPE 56, pl.IIb
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Iliad 11]
-photograph in Luik
-detailed material description of the tablet?
-difficult to decipher the writing
wooden tablet that has been hollowed out and filled with wax; the tablet is split across its length and the right half is extremely damaged and difficult to decipher; there are 4 holes, arranged in 2 pairs, on one of the longer sides, which show that the tablet originally belonged to a now lost codex; writing along the short dimension

0470 61116 h074 anon. W. Crönert, APF 2 (1903), p. 344-345 (no. 88); A. Calderini, Aegyptus 2 (1921), p. 313 (no. 11) codex variable Iliad 11, 558-601glossary to Iliad 11, 558-601; the explanations consist of mere paraphrases of the lemmata; some points of contact with the D-scholia
AD 7 P.Amh. 2.19 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1901)

scholia minora
medium-sized to large, upright, generally bilinear, with contrast between thin and thick strokes and between narrow (&#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962;) and broad letters (especially &#956; and &#969;), very large &#966;, many decorations New York, Pierpont Morgan Library 2006/06/01 Nele Baplu 2254 final &#957; at line-end once abbreviated as a horizontal stroke above the preceding vowel; twice trema; no ekthesis, but in line 17 the explanation projects somewhat to the left of the subcolumn for no apparent reason; one itacism; iota adscript inconsistently written; one addition by a second hand; on the verso once a line is left blank
parchment recto:
Phausiadês [Apisaôn] (Q, R); Phausios; Apisaôn (Q, R)

Aias (Q + R); Nêlêios (Q); Nêleus (R)
01 1192= M-P
Liège recto:
Phausiadês [Apisaôn] (Q, R); Phausios; Apisaôn (Q, R)

Aias (Q + R); Nêlêios (Q); Nêleus (R)
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 11]; Homerus
29 20 x 18 Photographie à Liège rather worm-eaten and faded leaf from a parchment codex (one large fragment and a few smaller pieces), irregularly damaged at the top, bottom and left-hand side; right-hand margin (ca. 4-5 cm; the left-hand margin on the verso measures ca. 4 cm) and lower margin (partially, ca. 2 cm) preserved; containing on both sides one column of a glossary, each of them divided into parallel subcolumns separated by a blank space of ca. 2 cm; the recto contains 34 lines of writing (lemmata only partially preserved), the verso 32 lines (explanations only partially preserved); one column originally contained 38-40 lines at most Homerica, school text (?)

0471 60695 h077 anon.
scholia minora to Iliad 11, 321(?)-53 (321?, 324, 326, 334, 353)
AD 2 - AD 3 Aegyptus 58 (1978), p. 115-116 (S. Strassi)

scholia minora
elegant bookhand of mixed type, with contrast between thin and thick strokes and between narrow (especially &#949; and &#959;) and broad letters (especially &#956; and &#957;), written with care, medium-sized, slightly leaning forward, rougly bilinear with tiny &#959; depending from the upper line and small &#961; reaching below the lower line, the two semicircles of &#969; are at the bottom reduced to a single horizontal stroke, letters well separated Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore P.Med. inv. 72.13
1820 one abbreviation (recto, l. 2: final &#957; marked as a horizontal stroke on the last vowel); one high stop (recto, l. 3).
01 M-P 1191.1 Aegyptus 58, pl.II
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 11], Homerus
14 2.8 x 3.9 copy ed. pr. single papyrus fragment (2.8 x 3.9 cm), broken off on all sides except for the bottom, where the original lower margin (about 1 cm) seems to be preserved. written on both sides by the same hand; recto: scanty remains of a first line, followed by a blank space and the remnants of 3 other lines of common words, probably belonging to a column of glosses to Ilias 11. verso: remnants of 6 lines with words from Ilias 11, arranged in a column as lemmata. scholia minora

0472 60393 h080 anon.
sheet ? scholia minora (?) to Iliad 13, 634 ff. 328 AD 2 B.K.T. 5.1.6 (W. Schubart, 1907) (description)
writing, not yet identified scholia minora (?)
a student's hand, "rapid", fluent but uneven letter size (generally medium-sized), spacing and alignment, roughly bilinear, leaning forward, letters often linked, no decorations Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung 10510 2006/06/02 Nele Baplu 1514 a long horizontal line may separate different parts of the exercise; the entries are continuously written and different sets are divided by short oblique strokes ? waxed wooden tablet
01 1196 = M-P Liège
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 13]; Homerus
12 7.2 x 16.5 Photographie à Liège
dimensions based on inspection of the CEDOPAL-photograph (no indications on the original size)
no transcription of the text available
fragment of a waxed wooden tablet (7.2 x 16.5 cm), broken off on one side (more or less parallel to the longer sides of the tablet); four holes, arranged in two pairs, on the preserved longer side; written on both sides across the short dimension; the text on one side is written upside down in relation to the text on the other side

on one side a single column of what might be scholia minora; upper margin of ca. 0.5 cm and at the bottom a blank space of ca. 2 cm
Homerica, school text

0473 60391 h082 anon.
sheet 10 cm (ca.) glossary to Iliad 14, 227-521 (selected lemmata)
326 AD 2 B.K.T. 5.1.p. 6 (W. Schubart, 1907) (description) = Aegyptus 2 (1921), p. 306-307 (A. Calderini)
writing, not yet identified scholia minora
a student's hand, "rapid", fluent but irregular, with many cursive elements and variable letter size (generally medium-sized), roughly bilinear, leaning backward (though the inclination of the letters is irregular too), no decorations Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung 10508 2006/06/02 Nele Baplu 1512 more than one lemma is written on the same line, and the different sets are divided by short horizontal strokes or oblique lines; at the end of the exercise a long horizontal line (forked paragraphos) and a blank space; iota adscript inconsistently written, once intrusive; itacism and other (orthographic) mistakes 30 (ca.) waxed wooden tablet
01 1198= M-P Cribiore 326, pl.45-46
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 14]; Homerus 12 11.9 x 15.8 Photographie à Liège
according to Cribiore lemmata and interpretations are separated by high dots, but I can't see such dots on the photograph (perhaps based on the ed. pr., where high dots are added as punctuation?)
dimensions based on inspection of the CEDOPAL-photograph (no indications on the original size)
waxed wooden tablet (11.9 x 15.8 cm, writing surface 10.1 x 13.8 cm), written on both sides across the short dimension; four holes, arranged in two pairs, on one of the longer sides; on one side a single column of scholia minora; upper, left-hand and right-hand margin almost non-existent; at the bottom a large space is left blank; at about 1.5 cm from the right edge a vertical break Homerica, school text

0474 64145
Herodianus? H. Maehler, ZPE 4 (1969), p. 114 n. 3 (against the dating in AD 2 - AD 3 of the ed. pr.); CGFP (1973), no. 66, 204; G. Cavallo, JOB 24 (1975), p. 37 (dating in AD 5 - AD 6); E.G. Turner, The Typology of the Early Codex, Univ. of Pennsylv. 1977, p. 117 (no. 328); SH (1983), 298; PCG III 2 (1984), T 126; PCG VI 2 (1998), F * 905; Cl. Meliadò, ZPE 155 (2006), p. 49-54
Commentary on an unidentified poetic work (ed. pr.)? If so, then the poetic work might be Aristophanes, Equites or Pax according to Meliadò. But Meliadò rather thinks that the fragment comes from a treatise on names in - and - , and in - and - , based on the of Herodian or from the itself (GG vol. 3, 1 p. 259 and pp. 323-324). There are several authors mentioned and quoted, but they are not always clearly distinguishable from the rest of the text.

AD 5 - AD 6 P.Ant. 02, 60

commentary?, treatise?
medium-sized to large, upright, markedly bilinear, rounded hand; neat, regular, and rather closely spaced Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2008/06/18 Nele Baplu 5364 blank space to mark the beginning of a new section; one intrusive iota (according to Meliadò)
papyrus Typhôs (R), Iolê (Q) 01 1952 ed. princ. , pl.III (verso only) Aristophanês (R), Kallimachos (R), Menandros (?, R), Typhôs (R), Iolê (Q) Egypt, Antinoopolis Aristophanes Equites, Acharnenses; Callimachus; Hesiodus; Ion?; Sophocles, Menander?

24 4.3 x 10.6 column width? a narrow fragment from the upper part of a leaf of a papyrus codex of fair quality, broken off on all sides, except for the top where a margin of 1.7 cm is preserved. Containing on each side part of one column of writing. On the recto 15 lines are preserved, on the verso 16 lines.

0475 60392 h083

sheet ? glossary to Iliad 15, 17-180 (selected lemmata) 327 AD 2 B.K.T. 5.1.6
writing, not yet identified scholia minora
a student's hand, "rapid", more cursive and irregular than T.Berol. inv. 10508 (CPP 0473), but still quite practised, variable letter size (generally medium-sized), roughly bilinear, leaning backward (though the inclination of the letters is irregular too), no decorations Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung 10509 2006/06/06 Nele Baplu 1513 more than one lemma is written on the same line, and the different sets are divided by short horizontal strokes or oblique lines; at the end of the exercise a long horizontal line (paragraphos) and a blank space; iota adscript not written; itacism and some other misspellings (confusion between &#948; and &#964; and single consonant instead of double) 26 (ca.) (R) waxed wooden tablet
01 1199 Cribiore, pl. XLVII
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 15]; Homerus
12 7.4 x 15.6 Photographie à Liège
dimensions based on inspection of the CEDOPAL-photograph (no indications on the original size)
according to Cribiore there are high dots to separate the scholia, but I can't see such dots on the photograph (perhaps based on the ed. pr., where high dots are added as punctuation?)
waxed wooden tablet (7.4 x 15.6 cm, writing surface 6.4 x 13.7 cm), broken off on one side (parallel to the longer sides of the tablet); four holes, arranged in two pairs, on one of the longer sides; written on both sides across the short dimension; the text on one side is written upside down in relation to the text on the other side

on one side a single column of scholia minora; upper and right-hand margin almost non-existent; the left-hand margin and the beginnings of the lines are lost due to the breakage; at the bottom a large space (more than one fourth of the writing surface) is left blank
Homerica, school text

0476 60605 h084 anon.
roll ? scholia minora to Iliad 15, 320-633 (selected lemmata); the arrangement of the lemmata according to the order of appearance in the Homeric text is disturbed once
- AD 2 ZPE 15 (1974), p. 153-157 (P.J. Sijpesteijn - K.A. Worp)
financial document, AD 2 (=ZPE 15 (1974), p. 157-158) scholia minora
medium-sized, markedly bilinear, upright, initial letters slightly enlarged, &#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962; mostly well rounded, not always regular, letters sometimes linked
Wien, Nationalbibliothek, Papyrussammlung P.Vindob. G 39940
1729 final &#957; at line-end twice abbreviated as a horizontal stroke above the preceding vowel; lemmata and explanations are separated by blank spaces; when of more than one line, the explanations are written in eisthesis; some corrections (by supralineation or overwriting); one itacistic misspelling; trema (1); iota adscript variable papyrus
02 M-P 1199.1 ed. princ., pl. VI
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 15], Homerus across the fibres 12 14 x 15.5 copy ed. pr. single papyrus fragment (14 x 15.5 cm); regurarly broken off to the left and to the right; top and bottom severely damaged; the fragment contains the remnants of two columns, separated by an intercolumnar space of about 2 cm; the first column has preserved 21 line-ends (explanations), the second 23 line-beginnings (lemmata and parts of explanations); lemmata and explanations are arranged in a single column Homerica, school text (?)

0477 60715 h085 anon. F. Uebel, APF 24/25 (1976), p. 211 (no. 1340) roll variable glossary to Iliad 16, 100(?)-150 (selected lemmata)
AD 2 - AD 3 P.Ant. 03, 150 (JW.B. Barns, 1967)
blank scholia minora
small, careful and decorated with serifs, strictly bilinear, upright, &#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962; generally well rounded, the a is an archaic capital A Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2006/06/06 Nele Baplu 1841 short blank spaces to separate lemma and explanation (once preserved: col. 2, line 7); the second line of an explanation is written in eisthesis of 1.3 cm variable papyrus Col. 2: Troiê [Troy] (Q, ?, R) 02 M-P 1199.2 Liège Col. 2: Troiê [Troia, Troy] (Q, ?, R) Egypt, Antinoopolis [Homerus, Ilias 16]; Homerus along the fibres 14 3 x 8.2 Photographie à Liège single papyrus fragment (3 x 8.2 cm), regularly broken off to the left, rather irregularly at the the top and the right-hand side; at the bottom a lower margin of ca. 3 cm is preserved; contains the remains of two columns, separated by an intercolumnium of ca. 1 cm; in col. 1 only a few letters from the ends of 5 lines are preserved (the other line-endings are blank); in col. 2 the beginnings of 13 lines are preserved Homerica

0478 61605 h087 anon. not Mythographus Homericus roll ? Collection of similes from Homer: Iliad 16, 642-6, 751-70, 818-29; 17, 1-7, 18-23; probably belonging to a complete collection of Homeric similes, perhaps made for use in schools; sometimes the extracts also include verses preceding or following the comparison.
the variations from the received text are few and trivial

AD 2 - AD 3 Mélanges Maspero, II, 1934-1937, p. 145-148 (W.G. Waddell) free standing list; items consisting of groups of full verses, each verse being written on a new line; each group is preceded by a heading ' ', written in eisthesis and probably followed by a number; arrangement of items according to the order of appearance in the Homeric text ? anthology, list of similes
small, upright, &#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962; generally well rounded, strictly bilinear, decorated with serifs, letters sometimes linked Cairo, Egyptian Museum P.Cair. inv. 60565
2754 each simile seems to be preceded by the heading '&#972;&#956;&#959;&#8055;&#969;&#963;&#953;&#962;', written in eisthesis and probably followed by the number of the simile; diplê (1); twice paragraphos at the end of the introduction to the simile; a symbol looking like the centre of a coronis and probably calling attention to the beginning of the simile (3); correction (1); iota adscript ? papyrus Col. 1: Zeus (Q); Hektôr (Q)
Col. 2: Hektôr (2Q, R); Priamidês [Hektôr] (Q, R); Atreus (Q); Patroklos (2Q, R); Trôes [Trojans] (Q, R); Zeus (Q); Panthoos (Q)
02 1200 Z.Hawass (ed.), Bibliotheca alexandrina. The Archaeology Musuem, Cairo 2002, p.97 Col. 1: Zeus (Q); Hektôr (Q)
Col. 2: Hektôr (2Q, R); Priamidês [Hektôr] (Q, R); Atreus (Q); Patroklos (2Q, R); Trôes [Trojans] (Q, R); Zeus (Q); Panthoos (Q)
Egypt, unknown Homerus, Ilias 16; 17 along the fibres 10 8.5 x 19 no indications on the script (apparently along the fibres), nor on the back (blank?)
copy ed. pr., copy Hawass
single papyrus fragment (8.5 x 19 cm) of rectangular shape, complete at the bottom (margin of ca. 3 cm), but damaged at the top and quite regurarly broken off at the left-hand and right-hand side; remains of two columns of similes from the Iliad: ends of 26 lines in Col. 1 and beginnings of 27 lines in Col. 2; probably the original number of lines in Col. 2 was 29; the columns are separated by a space of ca. 1.5 cm Homerica

0479 60511 h090

roll (?) ? Iliad 18, 373-86
glossary to Iliad 18, 373-86, somewhat fuller than the D-scholia, to which its stands in close relationship; the glossary is confined to the bare equivalents of the less obvious words and phrases

AD 2 P.Ryl. 1.25
scanty remains of a cursive document belonging to the reign of Trajan scholia minora
written in well-formed, medium-sized, upright uncials of the mixed type, with contrast between narrow (&#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962;) and broad letters (especially &#960; and &#954;), roughly bilinear with tiny &#959; sometimes depending from the upper line and &#961;, &#964; and &#965; reaching below the lower line, letters mostly well separated, no decorations Manchester, John Rylands Libr. 2006/06/06 Nele Baplu 1634 when of more than one line, the explanations are written in slight eisthesis (of 1-2 letters); lemma and explanation are perhaps separated by a short blank space; trema ? papyrus
01 1202 = M-P 1202

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 18]; Homerus across the fibres 12 3.5 x 16.1 Photographie à Liège a narrow strip from a papyrus (3.5 x 16.1 cm), broken off on all sides, except for the bottom where a lower margin of ca. 2 cm is preserved; contains the beginnings of 23 lines from the bottom of a single column Homerica, school text (?)

0480 60933 h092 anon. P.J. Sijpesteijn, ZPE 6 (1970), p. 128-130 (re-edition and identification); F. Uebel, APF 24/25 (1976), p. 212 (no. 1341a) roll ? glossary to Iliad 20, 156?-370; selected lemmata of which the two last one are not yet identified; combination of short interpretations and longer explanations covering several lines

AD 3 - AD 4 Forschungen und Berichte 10 (1968), p. 119-120, no. 4 (W. Müller)
account, AD 2 scholia minora
small, semi-cursive, leaning forward, generally bilinear, often linking letters, resembling the hand of P.Amst. 01, 5 (CPP 0460), which is probably written by the same scribe
Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P.Berol. inv. 13420v
2063 lemma and explanation are separated by a blank space; iota adscript not written ? papyrus Ganymêdês (R); Zeus (R) 01 M-P 1204.2 ed. pr., pl. 22 Ganymêdês (R); Zeus (R) Egypt, Fayum, Philadelpheia [Homerus, Ilias 20], Homerus across the fibres 18 6.5 x 7.5 copy ed. pr., copy Sijpesteijn single papyrus fragment (6.5 x 7.5 cm), brokken off on all sides except for the top (upper margin of ca. 2 cm preserved) and becoming smaller towards the bottom; upper part of one column with 16 lines containing lemmata and explanations; of the lemmata only the last letters are preserved Homerica, school text (?)

0481 60692 h095 anon.
uncertain ? glossary to Iliad 21, 163-86 (selected lemmata)
334 AD 2 - AD 3 ZPE 7 (1971), p. 259-260 (no. 7) (A. Henrichs)

scholia minora
a student's hand of the "rapid" type, medium-sized to large, written with a heavy pen, leaning forward, roughly bilinear, of the mixed type, with narrow &#952;, &#962;, &#949; and &#959; and letters that are not well formed Ann Arbor, Michigan University P.Mich. inv. 6619
1817 sometimes the Homeric words and the interpretations are separated by high dots; when of more than one line, the scholia are written in eisthesis; one orthographic mistake ? papyrus
01 M-P 1205.2 Cribiore 334
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 21], Homerus across the fibres 14 5.5 x 9.0 copy ed. pr. medium-brown papyrus fragment (5.5 x 9.0 cm), broken off on all sides; left-hand margin (3 cm) partly preserved; despite scattered traces of ink below the last line of text, the blank space of almost 2 cm at the bottom probably marks the lower margin; only about a third of the width of one column, containing in its present state 13 lines of lemmata and explanations, has been preserved; except for three all the explanations are totally lost
Homerica, school text http://wwwapp.cc.columbia.edu/ldpd/app/apis/search?mode=search&invnum_num=6619&sort=date&resPerPage=25&action=search&p=1

0482 60523 h096 anon.
uncertain variable glossary to Iliad 22, 184-256 (selected lemmata); in most cases the glosses consist of only one word; the choice of the Homeric words is very selective and the order of their appearance in the Homeric text is not always respected
AD 2 Mnemosyne Ser. IV, 40 (1987), p. 158-162 (P.J. Sijpesteijn)

unidentified prose-text scholia minora
not very practised, rather irregular, generally bilinear, upright, medium-sized to large Ann Arbor, Michigan University P.Mich. inv. 3723b
1647 lemmata and glosses are separated by a blank space; iota adscript not written; one itacism: &#953; for &#949;&#953; and one other phonetic misspelling: &#959;&#965; for &#959;; one grammatical error (the active form in the explanation of l. 7) variable papyrus
01 M-P 1206.1 ed. princ., p. 160
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 22], Homerus along the fibres 12 4.8 x 5.9 copy ed. pr. single fragment (4.8 x 5.9) of very fine papyrus, irregularly broken off on all sides; contains the remains of 13 lines of writing; the beginnings of the lemmata and the endings of the explanations are lost
Homerica http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.2065

0483 64050 h102 anon.
roll variable lexicon with a mixture of Homeric and non-Homeric glosses, starting with &#959;&#965; in the first column and apparently with &#960; in the second column; the alphabetical arrangement does not go beyond the first two letters of the words; in some cases the lemma consists of a short phrase (mostly words preceded by a negation); sometimes the same word is represented more than once among the lemmata, but these double entries are followed by different explanations; the majority of the lemmata can be regarded as Homeric; others cannot be found in the existing version of the Homeric epics, but they might reflect textual variants; there is a striking closeness of the entries of the papyrus with the corresponding Hesychian glosses; the lexicon was probably a school book (ed.pr., Naoumides; for Cribiore this is not at all certain) and can be considered a specimen of the collections attributed to the &#947;&#955;&#969;&#963;&#963;&#959;&#947;&#961;&#8049;&#966;&#959;&#953; (Naoumides)
2 BC - 1 BC P.Freib. 01, 1c (W. Aly, 1914) free standing list; one or two-word items accompanied by one or more explanations in the form of another word, phrase or sentence; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; lemmata and explanations are arranged in two parallel subcolumns; second and third lines of the explanations are written in ekthesis in the second subcolumn without reaching into the first subcolumn; the items are arranged alphabetically according to the first two letters of each lemma remains of some mathematical operations, 2 BC - 1 BC (P.Freib. 1, 1a; LDAB 6902), partly washed off and replaced by an anthology of verses, 2 BC - 1 BC (P.Freib. 1, 1b; LDAB 2729) list of words
large bookhand, well-formed and regular, strictly bilinear, upright, well rounded, slowly and carefully written, decorated with serifs, with some archaic letter shapes (for &#950;, &#952;, &#958; and once &#969;), letters neatly separated
Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek 12 Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek 12
5266 when of more than one line, the explanations are written in ekthesis, but without reaching into the column of the lemmata; superfluous iota adscript (5); phonetic misspelling &#949; for &#945;&#953; (2) and one other orthographic mistake variable papyrus col. 1: Arês 02 M-P 1219 ed.pr., pl. I (part); R. Ling (ed.), The Cambridge Ancient History, VII.1 plates, Cambridge 1984, p. 138 (no. 180); M. Naoumides, 'The Fragments of Greek Lexicography in the Papyri', in: Classical Studies presented to Ben Edwin Perry by his students and colleagues at the University of Illinois, 1924-60, Urbana-Chicago-Londen 1969, pl. II col. 1: Arês Egypt, unknown
across the fibres 4 12 x 27 Freiburg, Universitätsbibliothek : not yet listed among the inventories on the search page
copy ed. pr., copy Ling
cartonnage; single papyrus fragment (12 x 27 cm), broken off to the left and to the right; upper margin (ca. 1.5 cm) and lower margin (2.3 up to 4.9 cm) preserved; verso of an already re-used papyrus; the anthology on the recto seems to be written when the papyrus was still higher; the verso contains the remains of two columns of a lexicon: 38 lines of lemmata (partly lost) and glosses in the first column and only some traces in the second column; within the first column lemmata and glosses are arranged in a separate subcolumn; even when the explanations continue in a second or third line, they are kept within the limits of their own column
Homerica, lexicography, school text (?)

0484 61252 h103 anon. (A) and (B) are republished in G.A. Gerhard, P.Bad. 06, 180, p. 61-62; (A), (B) and (C) are republished in E. Siegmann, P.Heid. 01, 200, p. 60-61
W. Aly, P.Freib. 01, 1c, p. 17 (n. 1); M. Naoumides, 'The Fragments of Greek Lexicography in the Papyri', in: Classical Studies presented to Ben Edwin Perry by his students and colleagues at the University of Illinois, 1924-60, Urbana-Chicago-Londen 1969, p. 181-202 (no. 2 and passim); K. Gaiser, Menanders 'Hydria': eine hellenistische Komödie und ihr Weg ins lateinische Mittelalter, Heidelberg 1977, p. 17-22; F. Montanari, 'Gli Homerica su papiro: per una distinzione di generi', in: Ricerche di filologia classica II: Filologia e critica letteraria della Grecità, Pisa 1984, p. 127
roll variable alphabetical glossary of words starting with &#959; and alphabetized by 2 letters; each group of words starting with the same couple of letters seems te bo written in a separate column

P.Hib. 01, 5, fr. a, col. 1: &#959;&#950;-

P.Hib. 01, 5, fr. a, col. 2: &#959;&#952;-

P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 8: &#959;&#957;-

P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 7: &#959;&#960;-

P.Ryl. 01, 16a, fr. 2: &#959;&#965;-

P.Bad. 06, 180, fr. H.1 = P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 1: &#959;&#958;-? (Siegmann) or &#959;&#969;-? (Gaiser)

P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 15: &#959;&#948;-? (Gaiser)

the lexicon shows a mixture of Homeric and non-Homeric entries; it has some close parallels to the D-scholia and can be considered a specimen of the collections attributed to the &#947;&#955;&#969;&#963;&#963;&#959;&#947;&#961;&#8049;&#966;&#959;&#953; (Naoumides)

3 BC - 2 BC (A) P.Hib. 01, 5 (B.P Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1906) = P.Lond.Lit. 186 (H. J. M. Milne, 1927) + (B) P.Ryl. 01, 16a (A.S. Hunt, 1911) + (C) P.Bad. 06, 180 (G.A. Gerhard, 1938) + (D) P.Heid. 01, 200 (E. Siegmann, 1956) free standing list; one or two -word items accompanied by one or more explanations in the form of another word or phrase; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; lemmata and explanations are separated by short blank spaces; second and third lines of the explanations are written in slight eisthesis; the items are arranged alphabetically according to the first two letters of each lemma; each group of words starting with the same couple of letters seems te bo written in a separate column so that a short column is followed by a large blank space comedy (Menander, Hydria?), 3 BC (P.Bad. 06, 180 (G.A. Gerhard, 1938) + P.Heid. 01, 184 (E. Siegmann, 1956; LDAB 2736) list of words
medium-sized to large, upright, generally bilinear, &#949;, &#959; and &#963; mostly rather narrow, no decorations Manchester, Rylands Library P.Hib. 1.5 + P.Ryl. 1.16a + P.Bibl.Brit. inv. 1832 (P.Lit.Lond. 186) + P.Bad. 6.180 + P.Heid.Siegmann 200 (inv. 406) 2006/06/06 Nele Baplu 2392 lemma and explanation are separated by short blank spaces; second and third lines of the explanation are written in slight eisthesis; once supralinear addition variable papyrus Arês 02 M-P 2124.1 K.Gaiser, Menanders Hydria (1977), p.90-92 Arês Egypt, Hibeh
across the fibres 2 24.5 x 10.4 (A); 11 x 16 (C = D, fr. 1); 14 x 12.5 (D, fr. 7); 7 x 9.5 (D, fr. 8); 2.3 x 10.3 (D, fr. 15) Photographie à Liège (but not of P.Ryl. 01, 16a) 6 fragments from a papyrus cartonnage with the remains of 7 columns of writing :

(A) verso of P.Hib. 01, 5, fr. a (24.5 x 10.4 cm): broken off at the bottom and to the right; at the top an upper margin of ca. 1 cm; contains two columns (3 lines of writing followed by a large blank space in col. 1 and 10 lines of writing in col. 2), separated by an blank space of more than 7 cm; to the left of col. 1 a blank space of 5-7 cm

(B) verso of P.Ryl. 01, 16a, fr. 2: 5 lines of writing from the top of a column

(C + D) P.Bad. 06, 180, fr. H.1 = P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 1 (11 x 16 cm): broken off to the left, to the right and at the top; lower margin and part of the upper margin preserved; contains 11 lines of writing followed by a blank space (including the lower margin) at the bottom of the fragment; since the beginnings of the lines are not preserved, none of the lemmata can be restored with certainty and the place of the fragment within the roll remains uncertain

P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 7 (14 x 12.5 cm): broken off to the left and to the right; lower and upper margin preserved; contains 16 lines of writing; some line-endings are blank

P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 8 (7 x 9.5 cm): broken off to the right and at the top; left-hand margin, part of the upper margin and blank space following the 10 lines of writing are preserved

P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 15 (2.3 x 10.3 cm): broken off to the left, to the right and at the top; at the bottom a blank space following the 10 lines of writing are preserved; since the beginnings of the lines are not preserved, none of the lemmata can be restored with certainty and the place of the fragment within the roll remains uncertain

besides these 6 fragments P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 11 and 12 have preserved remains of the glossary too, but the traces are illegible; it is uncertain whether the ink traces on P.Heid. 01, 200, fr. 13 and 14 belong to the glossary; perhaps they are just offsets from writing on the other fragments
Homerica, lexicography http://www.rzuser.uni-heidelberg.de/~gv0/Papyri/P.Heid._I/200/P.Heid._I_200.html

0485 60948 h116 anon.
uncertain ? scholia on selected lemmata from Iliad 14, 316-48, some of which must have been really short as if they were glosses, but most probably the fragment does not contain scholia minora (though described as such by ASW h116); the commentary mainly concerns variant readings by commentators on Homer; correspondence with the scholia of the mediaeval tradition
AD 3 - AD 4 ZPE 93 (1992), p. 163-165 (W. Luppe)
blank commentary (selected lemmata)
informal, slightly leaning forward, generally bilinear, medium-sized Ann Arbor, Michigan University P.Mich. inv. 1206 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 2078 many abbreviations denoted by superscribed letters, a superscribed 's'-looking abbreviation sign, and once by a horizontal stroke; use of short horizontal strokes above letters to denote numerals; grave accent (l. 9); use of apostrophe to mark elision (l. 3, 8 and 10); lemma and commentary are separated by short blank spaces; one correction (l. 12); a diplê-like sign, probably a reference symbol (l. 9); when of more than one line, the scholia are written in eisthesis; horizontal line of uncertain nature above &#959; in l. 18; obelos (l. 3); paragraphos 20 ca. papyrus Lêtô (Q); Minôs (Q); Hêraklês (Q, R) 01 M-P 1198.1 ZPE 93, pl.V.1 Ixiôn (R); Lêtô (Q); Minôs (Q); Hêraklês (Q, R); Sapphô (?, R);Zênodotos; Didymos (R)
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 14]; Homerus;Demetrius Ixion; Sappho (?); Zenodotus; Didymus along the fibres 18 5.4 x 10.3 copy ed. pr. single papyrus fragment (5.4 x 10.3 cm), irregularly damaged on all sides; at the top a margin is partly preserved (max. 2.6 cm); at some places the blank space preceding the lines (intercolumnar space) can still be seen; a few marginal signs are preserved; contains the upper part of a column with 18 lines of lemmata and commentary Homerica, philology http://wwwapp.cc.columbia.edu/ldpd/app/apis/item?mode=item&key=michigan.apis.3399

0486 61267 h117 anon. D. Del Corno, RIL 94 (1960), p. 143; S. Jaekel, Menandri Sententiae Leipzig 1964, p. 24-25 (no. XX); S. West, The Ptolemaic Papyri of Homer, Köln - Opladen 1967, p. 70-71 (on the Homeric extract); Q. Cataudella, 'Un' aporia dell' Iliade (III 428 ss)', in:
Studi filologici e storici in onore di Vittorio De Falco, Napoli 1971, p. 12-13; H. Lloyd-Jones - P.J. Parsons (eds.), Supplementum Hellenisticum, Berlin - New York 1983, no. 905; A. Bernabé, Poetarum Epicorum Graecorum. Testimonia et fragmenta I, Leipzig 1987, p. 205-207 (Choerilus fr. 23-24); P. Radici Colace, Choerili Samii Reliquiae, Roma (s.d.), p. 145-146
roll ? poetic anthology of iambics and hexameters, most probably designed for private use or as a school exercise (but the hand is not that of a schoolboy):

Col. 1, 1-8: iambic, perhaps Menandri sententiae (Jaekel)

Col. 1, 9-28: hexameters, perhaps to be attributed to Choerilus' Persica and relating the epiphany of Artemis before the battle of Salamis (contra: Radici Colace)

Col. 2, 1-8: hexameters, perhaps on a Bacchic subject, though they might be a continuation of the extract in col. 1 (Choerilus); to Lloyd-Jones - Parsons these verses rather seem to belong to another poem

Col. 2, 9-18: iambic, possibly of a gnomic character; by Jaekel seen as Menandri sententiae

Col. 2, 19-24: hexameters, a variant version of Iliad 3, 426-429; lines 19, 20 and 24 are very different from the Vulgate version of the passage;

it is difficult to find a connecting link between the various extracts: praise of women (ed.pr.), marriage (West)?

3 BC P.Michael. 5 (D.S. Crawford, 1955)
? anthology
rather bad and untidy literary hand with cursive tendencies, medium-sized, of the cloth-line type, slightly leaning forward, using once the archaic form of ; "The rather uneven hand suggests, not a professional copyist, but a teacher, scholar or student making a book for his private use" (Crawford); "The hand is unattractive and rather stiff, though not that of a schoolboy" (West); col 1, ll. 19-21 are written in a different hand and with a more finely pointed reed now: ?; formerly Cairo, Private collection Michaelidis 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 2409 different sections of the anthology are separated by blank spaces of one or two lines and once by a paragraphos; orthographic mistake: once confusion between and and itacism; twice a dicolon to separate the ending of a line from the beginning of the line in the next column; once a horizontal stroke above the end of the line (col. 1, l. 2); deletion and supralineation in col. 2, l. 2? ? papyrus col. 1:
Mêdoi [Medes] (Q + ?, Q, R); Lêtô (Q); Hellas [Greece] (?, Q, R)
02 1612 ed.pr., pl. I col. 1:
Mêdoi [Medes] (Q + ?, Q, R); Lêtô (Q); Hellas [Greece] (?, Q, R)
Egypt, unknown Menander, Monostichoi (?), Choerilus, Persica (?), Homerus, Ilias along the fibres 1 14 x 28 inventory? Cairo, Private collection Michaelidis not among inventories on search page
no indications on the back (blank?)
Cataudella: non vidi
copy ed. pr., copy West, copy Parsons
single fragment (14 x 28 cm) of poor-quality papyrus, perhaps already damaged before it was written on; broken off to the left and the right; upper margin preserved and perhaps part of the lower margin too; contains the remains of the columns of 52 lines all of which could be verse: 28 lines in the first column and 24 lines in the second Homerica, school text (?) -

0487 59204 h118 Apollonius Sophista A.R. Dyck, HSCP 95 (1993), p. 11, 13, 14, 21, 22; M.W. Haslam, CP 89 (1994), p. 24, 108, 115-117 (&#960;7) ; C. Fakas, APF 47 (2001), p. 26-49 (re-edition of P. Berol. inv. 21253) codex variable Fragments of the Homeric lexicon of Apollonius Sophista with entries in &#945;, &#948; and &#949;, arranged alphabetically, all letters of the lemma being taken into account; lemmata both from Iliad and Odyssee, only a few non-Homeric entries

this version of the lexicon is more severly cut down than the Codex Coislinianus 345 (Codex Unicus of the Homeric lexicographer Apollonius Sophista - AD 10) and has relatively little material that the Coislinianus does not; but despite the Coislinianus' overall superiority there is still no lack of places at which the papyrus exposes its defectiveness

AD 4 - AD 5 (A) BKT 09, 157 (G. Ioannidou, 1996) + (B) P.Coll.Youtie 01, 2 (A. Henrichs - W. Müller, 1976) free standing list; one or two-word items accompanied by one or more explanations in the form of another word, phrase or sentence; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends and by writing the second and any further lines of an entry in eisthesis; lemmata and explanations are separated by blank spaces of ca. 2-3 letters; items arranged alphabetically, all letters of each lemma being taken into account.
list of words
practised bookhand, leaning backward, medium-sized with letters of uneven size (some very small and some overemphasized), roughly bilinear, crossbar of &#949; often connected with the next letter, assigned to the late fourth century AD by Fakas, to the fourth/fifth century AD by Ioannidou and to the fifth/sixth century AD by Henrichs -Müller Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P.Berol. inv. 16705 et 21253 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 299 abbreviation of final &#957; at line-end as a horizontal stroke above the preceding vowel; lemma and explanation are separated by a blank space of ca. 2-3 letters; the separation is sometimes indicated by a dicolon (once by a high stop) too; when of more than one line the explanations are written in eisthesis; some corrections; interlinear annotation?; numeric value indicated by a horizontal stroke above the letter; a few (orthographic) mistakes, among which some itacisms and confusion between &#949; and &#945;&#953;; iota adscript inconsistently written variable papyrus Fragment 1, recto: Seirênes (R)
Fragment A, recto: Hektôr (R)
01 M-P 1216.1 BKT 09, 157, pl. LXVII ; APF 47 (2001), pl. IV-V (both of P. Berol. inv. 21253 )
Fragment B, recto: Hêliodôros
Fragment 1, recto: Hêliodôros (2); Seirênes (R)
Fragment B, verso: Hêliodôros (R + 1)
Fragment 1, verso: Apiôn
Fragment A, recto: Hektôr (R)
Fragment A, verso: Hêliodôros (R + 1); Aristarchos (R)
Egypt, Hermoupolis Homerus; Heliodorus; Apion; Aristarchus
22 8.5 x 5.3 (P.Berol. inv. 21253, fr. 1); 3.5 x 4.1 (P.Berol. inv. 21253, fr. 2); 13 x 28.5 (P.Berol. inv. 16705, fr. A); 8 x 8 (P.Berol. inv. 16705, fr. B) Photographie de P.Coll.Youtie et BKT à Liège four fragments from a papyrus codex, being part of three non-consecutive sheets: fr. 1 follows fr. B as part of the same sheet of the codex

P.Berol. inv. 21253, fr. 1 (8.5 x 5.3 cm), broken off on all sides; written along the fibres on the recto and across the fibres on the verso; only part of the right-hand (recto) and left-hand (verso) margin preserved; almost illegible because the brownish ink is very faded; contains on each side 13 lines of writing
P.Berol. inv. 21253, fr. 2 (3.5 x 4.1 cm), broken off on all sides; written along the fibres on the recto and across the fibres on the verso; contains 10 lines of writing on the recto and 8 lines of writing on the verso
P.Berol. inv. 16705, fr. A (13 x 28.5 cm), all margins (partially) preserved (upper: ca. 2.7 cm, lower: ca. 2.4 cm; right-hand: ca. 2.4 cm; left-hand: ca. 2.1 cm); written across the fibres on the recto and along the fibres on the verso; contains 49 lines of writing on the recto and 48 lines of writing on the verso
P.Berol. inv. 16705, fr. B (8 x8 cm), broken off on all sides; written along the fibres on the recto and across the fibres on the verso 
Homerica, lexicography

0488 60960 h120 anon. - sheet (?) - glossary to Iliad 1, 66-74 (selected lemmata); the glosses are incomplete, not as a result of damage, but because the exercise was not finished 339 AD 3 - AD 4 P.Yale 02, 125 (S.A. Stephens, 1985)
account scholia minora
medium-sized, generally bilinear, upright, with fluctuating letter size and alignment, student's hand of the "evolving" type, letters mostly separated New Haven (Conn.), Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library 1245 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 2092 lemmata and what is there of the glosses separated in two subcolumns by a blank space; sometimes the lemma reaches into the space reserved for the glosses; many mistakes: itacism (3), gloss written twice (once erroneously in the subcolumn of the lemmata, then again, partly, in the subcolumn of the glosses); orthographic mistake; common syllable only once written at the end of the interlinear space between l. 7 and l. 8; according to the ed.pr. there is also a confusion between &#948; and &#964; (l. 7), though the lemma as it is written corresponds with the Vulgate version of the text variable papyrus Thestoridês [Kalchas] (Q); Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q); Phoibos (Q) 02 M-P 1162.1 Cribiore pl. LIII Thestoridês [Kalchas] (Q); Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q); Phoibos (Q) Egypt, unknown, Abutig ? [Homerus, Ilias 1]; Homerus across the fibres 18 5.5 x 8.3 copy ed. pr. single papyrus fragment of rectangular shape (5.5 x 8.3 cm); broken off to the left; remains of two columns of lemmata and glosses, copied by a student on the verso of a document (the ed.pr. wrongly says that the text was written along the fibres); in the first column only traces of the ends of two lines can be seen; in the second column, of which perhaps all margins are preserved, 15 lines of lemmata and glosses, arranged in two parallel subcolumns; the student apparently first wrote all the lemmata, syllable by syllable and then continued by copying the glosses, but the exercise was interrupted so that only the first syllables of ll. 1-5 of the glosses were written
Homerica, school text http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=yale.apis.0012454200

0489 60293 h121 anon. - roll variable scholia minora to Iliad 1, 189-223 (selected lemmata)
AD 1 P.Yale 02, 126 (S.A. Stephens, 1985)
account scholia minora
small, upright, irregular, markedly bilinear, letters sometimes linked New Haven (Conn.), Yale University, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library 1544 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1413 lemmata and explanations are separated by a blank space, so that the beginnings of the explanations follow an imaginary vertical line without really constituting a separate subcolumn: when of more than one line, the explanations are written in slight eisthesis in relation to the lemmata and when only one syllable of the explanation follows on the next line, this one stands even more to the right; correction by supralinear additon, insertion and overwriting by the same hand; itacism; phonetic misspelling (&#949; for &#945;&#953;) and other orthographic mistakes; one omission; iota adscript written variable papyrus - 03 M-P 1163.11 - - Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 1]; Homerus across the fibres 9 11 x 8.4 copy ed. pr. single papyrus fragment (11 x 8.4 cm), broken off on all sides; very fragmentary remains of the upper margin. The fragment contains the remnants of three consecutive columns: the ends of 8 lines with writing (explanations) in col. 1, the other line-endings of this column are left blank; 18 lines of lemmata and explanations in col. 2; the beginnings of 10 lines of writing in col. 3 Homerica http://www.columbia.edu/cgi-bin/cul/apis/apis?mode=item&key=yale.apis.0015444200

0490 69063
roll (?) ? commentary on, probably, three poetic texts, the second of which seems to be an ode of Sappho (fr. 1 Voigt) and this might also be the case for the third poetic text (unattested); the first part of the commentary contains a lexicographical note on a terminus technicus and probably concerns a non-Sapphic poetic text; the nature of the commentary suggests that someone wrote down some notes for private use rather than that he copied an already existing commentary
AD 2 - AD 3 PSI Com. 7 (L. Prauscello, 2005)
accounts, AD 2 commentary (selected lemmata)
small, upright, roughly bilinear, undecorated hand, showing cursive elements and ligatures Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli', PSI inv. 1357 2006/07/26 Nele Baplu 10353 iota adscript occasionally written; itacism: twice &#949;&#953; for &#949;; one correction by overwriting; numeric value indicated by a horizontal stroke above the letter; blank space, high stop and dicolon irregurarly used to separate comment from lemma, lemma from comment, and comment from comment; blank spaces are also used to separate different sections of the commentary, which are apparently preceded by a heading; several abbreviations by suspension (marked by superscription, an oblique stroke above line-level or nothing), some of which may be considered supralinear notes ? papyrus Aphroditê (R); Zeus 01 M-P 1949.1 ed. princ., pl. V Aphroditê (R); Sapphô (2); Psapphô [=Sapphô] (Q, R); Kallimachos; Zeus
Egypt, unknown [Sappho]; Sappho; Callimachus across the fibres
8 x 14
single papyrus fragment of rectangular shape (8 x 14 cm), broken off at the top and the left-hand side; the lower margin of ca. 1.9 cm seems to be completely preserved; of the right-hand margin only ca. 0.5 cm is preserved; the fragment contains the ends of 22 lines from one column philology

0491 61158 h129 anon. J. Lundon, Anal. Pap. 10-11 (1998-1999), p. 17-32 (on the hand) roll ? Commentary on Iliad 1, 56?-58 with a mixture of paraphrase and far-reaching exegesis incorporating quotation from elsewhere in the poem (Iliad 24, 542 in l. 4) and from other poems (Anacreon in l. 1); apparently preference for lexical-semantic analysis; no text-critical or expressly Aristarchan material is in evidence
1 BC P.Oxy. 65, 4451 (M.W. Haslam, 1998)
blank commentary (continuous lemmata?)
informal, semi-cursive, angular, upright, irregular, quickly written, generally small (letters vary in size from medium to tiny), enlarged initial lettters, roughly bilinear, serif (facing left) on deep descender of &#961; and &#966;; same hand as P.Oxy 08, 1086 (CPP 0054) Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 2297 abbreviations (2), once indicated by a horizontal stroke; blank spaces and enlarged first letters articulating the text; iota adscript written ? papyrus Troiê [Troia, Troy] (Q) 01 M-P 1161.13 P.Oxy. 65 pl.VII Troiê [Troia, Troy] (Q) Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 1]; Homerus; Anacreon along the fibres 6 5.3 x 4 copy ed. pr. single papyrus fragment (5.3 x 4 cm), broken off on all sides; contains the remnants of 6, most probably very long, lines of writing; the fragment very likely belongs to the same commentary as P.Oxy. 8, 1086 (CPP 0054), though part of a different roll Homerica http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol65/pages/4451.htm

0492 60568 h130 anon. F.Montanari, Atti del XXII Congresso di Papirologia (Firenze 1998), Firenze 2001, pp.974-981 roll 5-6 ca. Commentary on Iliad 19, 347-57 (fr. 1), 383-388 (fr. 2 and 3), 392-398 (fr. 4? and 5), 405-407 (fr. 6), 415-416 (fr. 7); the place of the other fragments within the roll and their relation to the Homeric text remain uncertain; of comprehensive scope (lemmata almost line by line);

Fundamentally Aristarchan and strongly doxographical in character, the commentary is clearly a product of mainstream Alexandrian Homeric criticism, as represented by the surviving scholiastic corpus (especially the A-scholia), but appreciably fuller: it gives a wealth of scholarly detail not preserved in the scholia or elsewhere; many of the notes, which are both textual and exegetical, have much reduced counterparts in the medievally transmitted scholia; others are new; remarkable textual variant in fr. 1, giving 5 verses in place of one

The commentary cites several authorities, most of which are not mentioned in the scholia ad locc., and also adduces other Homeric passages

AD 2 P.Oxy. 65, 4452 (M.W. Haslam, 1998)
official register, with dating formulas from the reigns of Domitian and Trajan, written by at least two hands commentary (continuous lemmata)
small informal plain hand, of mixed type with contrast between narrow (&#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962;) and broad letters (especially &#960;, , and ), slightly leaning forward, roughly bilinear with tiny &#959; depending from the upper line and small &#961; reaching below the lower line , the two semicircles of &#969; are at the bottom almost reduced to a single horizontal stroke, letters mostly well separated Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1692 Almost no internal articulation of the text: no ekthesis; only very short blank spaces divide entries (fr. 1.11 and 3.8), in conjunction with the paragraphos at line beginning; comment follows lemma with no demarcation at all; punctuation is rare, perhaps confined to note-ends (fr. 3.8: high stop) and not always even there (fr. 1.11); filler-signs are used to help to justify the right margin

Rather careless copy: unmended scribal errors (omission, misspelling, itacism) and misplaced paragraphos (1.22)

Correction has occasionally been made, sometimes by a second hand: iota adscript added by superscription or insertion; deletion by crossing through or by using cancellation dots or a short horizontal stroke with the function of cancellation dot; addition by superscription or insertion

small horizontals above numerals; acute accent (fr. 1.25); a few abbreviations, mostly of names; trema (fr. 2.7 and fr. 7.13); iota adscript mostly written (sometimes added)

Some marginal signs and annotations: isolated marginal dot or short dash of unclear function (fr. 1.1), abbreviated annotation, perhaps an unconventional representation of &#7940;&#957;&#969; (fr. 1.3); ancora (fr. 1.5)
25 ca. papyrus Fragment 1: Hermês (R), Argeioi [Argians] (Q), Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q, R)
Fragment 2 (a+b): Hêphaistos (Q, R )
Fragment 3 (a+b): Patroklos (?, R)
Fragment 4: Alkimos (R);
Fragment 5, col. 1: Hyperiôn (Q), Achilleus
Fragment 6 Automedôn (?, R), Hêrê [Hêra](Q)
Fragment 8 Achilleus (R + ?, R), Dêidameia (?, R)
02 (fr. 5) M-P 1203.1 P.Oxy. 65 pl.VIII Fragment 1: Hermês (R), Aristophanês (R), Seleukos (?, R), Argeioi [Argians] (Q), Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q, R), Dionysios, Chairêmôn (?, R), Kallistratos, Chairis

Fragment 2 (a+b): Hêphaistos (Q, R), Aristarchos (R), Zênodotos (R)
Fragment 3 (a+b): Aristophanês (?, R), Patroklos (?, R)
Fragment 4: Alkimos (R)
Fragment 5, col. 1: Hyperiôn (Q), Zênodotos (?, R), Achilleus
Fragment 6 Automedôn (?, R), Aristarchos, Hêrê [Hêra](Q)
Fragment 8 Achilleus (R + ?, R), Aristarchos (R), Dêidameia (?, R)
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Ilias 19]; Homerus; Aristophanes Byzantius; Seleucus (?); Dionysius; Callistratus; Chaeris; Aristarchus; Zenodotus along the fibres 12 5.3 x 14 (fr. 1) copy ed. pr., copy Montanari 24 papyrus fragments, some of which consist of more than one piece, originating from at least 6 columns (not all of them consecutive); most of the fragments occupy the back of what seems to be a single documentary roll; but fr. 7 is different from the others in that the commentary text is written upside down in relation to the text on the other side: apparently more than one document was used to make up the requisite length for the commentary; fr. 1 (5.3 x 14 cm, 27 lines) and fr. 5 (28 lines in col. 1 and the first letter of 11 lines in col. 2) preserve the largest amount of text; the upper margin, of which parts are preserved in fr. 1, 2, 5 and 6, must have measured at least 3 cm, the lower margin, still visible in fr. 4, at least 2 cm; intercolumnium (wholly preserved in fr. 5) ca. 2 cm; column width variably ca. 5-6 cm; height unknown but more than 12 cm; 20 lines occupy 8 cm; fr. 8 is somewhat lighter in colour than most of the other pieces Homerica, philology http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol65/pages/4452.htm

0493 60209 h022 anon. A. Körte, APF 7 (1924), p. 245 (no. 641); A. Carlini Zetesis (Festschrift de Strycker), Antwerpen 1973, p. 482-484 roll 7.8 (R) commentary on Odyssey 11, quoting 11, 475-476, probably as a lemma; part of the fragment seems to be a text-critical note on an interpolation
AD 1 BSAA 14 (1912), p. 192-194 (G. Lefebvre); A. Carlini, Zetesis De Strijcker (1973), p. 482-484; A. Carlini, Papiri Letterari Greci 8, p. 89-93
blank commentary (selected lemmata?)
medium-sized, semi-cursive, generally bilinear, round, upright, rather quickly written Alexandria, inv. 198 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1327 abbreviation by suspension (marked by supralineation); itacistic misspellings and other orthographic mistakes corrected by the same hand: corrections by deletion and supralinear addition; short horizontal stroke above line level at the beginning of l. 14, perhaps paragraphos; iota adscript written 25 ca. (R) papyrus - 01 2614 = M-P 1210.3 ed. pr., pl. IX.2; Papiri Letterari Greci pl. IV - Egypt, Fayum, Theadelpheia [Homerus, Odyssea 11]; Homerus along the fibres 9 5 x 10.9 copy ed. pr., copy Carlini 1978, copy Carlini 1973 single papyrus fragment (5 x 10.9 cm), broken off on all sides, containing 16 lines of writing; part of the left-hand margin (probably intercolumnar) is preserved in ll. 11-16; due to humidity the text is now illegible Homerica, philology -

0494 60270 h002 anon. - roll variable glossary to Odyssey 1, 46-53; one or more lemmata from each verse, accompanied by glosses mostly consisting of a single paraphrase
AD 1 ZPE 45 (1982), p. 41-46 (C. Gallazzi)
private letter (written across the fibres and upside down in relation to the glossary on the recto) scholia minora
medium-sized to small, informal, upright, generally bilinear, the crossbar of is detached, serifs on many letters; corrections by a second hand with a thicker pen and with darker ink Milano, Università Statale degli Studi di Milano 1181 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1390 lemmata and explanations are separated by a blank space, so that the beginnings of the explanations follow an imaginary vertical line without really constituting a separate subcolumn: when the explanations are of more than one line, the second and third line start as far to the left as the lemmata; several corrections by a second hand (twice by supralinear addition; once a cancelled word is simply rewritten); iota adscript and trema added by the second hand variable papyrus - 02 M-P 1207.1 ed. pr., pl. Ia - Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 1]; Homerus along the fibres 9 11 x 8.7 copy ed. pr. single papyrus fragment (11 x 8.7 cm), regurarly cut on the right side, but much worm-eaten on the other sides; one kollêsis; remains of 2 columns: in the first column only faded traces of the end of the glosses can be seen, in the second column 13 lines of lemmata and glosses (only the beginnings) are preserved Homerica -

0495 60427 h030 anon. W. Crönert, APF 2 (1903), p. 347 (no. 90) roll ? commentary on Odyssey 21, 217-234; fuller than the existing Odyssey scholia, adducing other Odyssean passages (3, 162 and 11, 233) and naming authorities (Demetrius in l. 29); there are a few points of contact with the extant exegetic material, but no extensive affinities can be discerned; one reading of the Homeric text only once attested elsewhere
AD 2 BASP 20 (1983), p. 113-122 (M.W. Haslam - F. Montanari) = P. Fay. 312 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1900) (description)
? commentary (selected lemmata)
formal round, &#952;, &#949;, &#959;, &#962; and &#969; are well rounded, upright, medium-sized, strictly bilinear, contrast between thick and thin strokes of the pen, decorous serifs and finials; corrections by a less formal hand, whether or not the copyist's own Cairo, Egyptian Museum G.H. 10848 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1549 corrections by addition of supralinear letters by a second hand, which also filled some gaps in the text; a few uncorrected mistakes; iota adscript not written; two superior horizontal bars (l. 8) and horizontal bars above and below a letter (l. 26), perhaps to articulate the text; horizontal stroke (l. 29); supralinear sign of uncertain nature (sign of separation before the new lemma?) in l. 9 24 ca. (R) papyrus Fragment 1: Eumaios (?, R); Philoitios;
Fragment 2: Eumaios (Q, R)
01 1213 ed. pr., p. 115 Fragment 1: Eumaios (?, R); Philoitios; Dêmêtrios
Fragment 2: Eumaios (Q, R)
Egypt, Fayum, Theadelpheia [Homerus, Odyssea 21]; Homerus; Demetrius Ixion? along the fibres 12 5 x 19 no indications on the back (blank?)
copy ed. pr., copy Grenfell - Hunt
two papyrus fragments; the larger one (5 x 19 cm) is broken off on all sides, except for the top, where part of the upper margin is preserved; at ll. 27-29 part of the right-hand margin can be seen; this fragment contains 32 lines of writing; the other fragment is a small scrap, containing the remains of 2 lines of writing and a lower margin; the two fragments very likely belong to the same column; apparently the exemplar became partly damaged or illegible, since a second hand filled some textual gaps Homerica -

0496 60456 h23 anon. F. Uebel, APF 24/25 (1976), p. 213 (no. 1345) roll ? scholia on Odyssey 12, 122-196, quoting 11, 597; very selective, once skipping more than 50 verses; there is some resemblance to the mediaeval scholia
AD 2 ASNP II.35 (1966), p. 1-4 (V. Bartoletti) = PSI 15, 1464 (V. Bartoletti, 1979)
sporadic traces of ink commentary (selected lemmata)
elegant book hand, small to tiny, slightly leaning backward, generally bilinear, vertical strokes tend to be curved to the right Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli' 122 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1578 lemmata are written in ekthesis (of about 6 letters) in ll. 15, 18, 23 and 26 23 ca. (R) papyrus Skylla 01 M-P 1210.4 ed.pr., Ia Skylla Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 12]; Homerus along the fibres 12 3.4 x 12.2 copy ed. pr., copy Bartoletti single papyrus fragment (3.4 x 12.2 cm), broken off on all sides; left-hand margin preserved except for the lines with ekthesis; remains of 28 lines of writing Homerica -

0497 60566 h029 anon. M.L. West, ZPE 67 (1987), p. 16 (on the Heraclitus fragments); S.N. Mouraviev, ZPE 71 (1988), p. 32-34 (on the Heraclitus fragments); R. Kassel - C. Austin, PCG 7, Berlin 1989, p. 65; A.V. Lebedev, 'Aristarchus of Samos on Thales' Theory of Eclipses', Apeiron 23 (1990), p. 77-85; M.S. Funghi - G.M. Savorelli, Tyche 7 (1992), p. 75-76 (on the hand); W. Burkert, ICS 18 (1993) [=Studies in Honor of Miroslav Marcovich], p. 49-55; A.C. Bowen - B.R. Goldstein, 'Aristarchus, Thales, and Heraclitus on Solar Eclipses: an Astronomical Commentary on P. Oxy. 53.3710 cols. 2.33-3.19', Physis 31 (1994), p. 689-729; W.A. Johnson, Bookrolls and scribes in Oxyrhynchus, Toronto 2004, p. 20-21, p. 61 (Oxy. scribe A5); CPF I.1** 57, 4T [Heraclitus]; CPF I.1*** 102, 3T [Thales] roll 05.6 - 05.8 commentary on Odyssey 20, of comprehensive scope (almost line by line); a product of mainstream Homeric criticism, as represented by the surviving scholiastic corpus; it is on a fuller scale than the existing Odyssey scholia, and much more liberal in naming its authorities, more resembling the Iliad scholia in this respect; various points of contact with the D-scholia and others are discernible; the commentator's text of Homer was not the vulgate, but perhaps Aristarchean; besides these textual variants the commentary also offers a fragment of comedy and an astronomical exposition with a citation of Thales and quotations from Heraclitus
AD 2 - AD 3 P. Oxy. 53, 3710 (M.W. Haslam, 1986)
blank commentary (continuous lemmata)
small, leaning forward, roughly bilinear, mixed hand of the oval type, with contrast between narrow (&#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962;) and broad letters (especially &#960;, &#951;, &#956; and a#957;), the two semicircles of &#969; are at the bottom almost reduced to a single horizontal stroke; written by Johnson's 'Oxy. scribe A5'; assigned to the latter part of the second century by Haslam and to the late second/early third century by Johnson; correction by a second, cursive hand Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1690 lemmata are distinguished by ekthesis and paragraphos (sometimes misplaced), and the text is further articulated by means of short intratextual blank spaces, rarely of more than one or two letters' width; a few high stops

iota adscript mostly written, but sometimes added by superscription and a few times omitted; trema; once acute accent; a few abbreviations; small horizontals above numerals; a few scribal errors and orthographic mistakes

several corrections, sometimes made by a second hand, which also filled in a couple of places in col. 1 left blank by the copyist: addition mostly by superscription, sometimes by insertion; deletion by crossing through; a few times a letter has been overwritten with another one

abbreviated marginal annotation; marginal signs: diplê, ancora or oblique stroke (col. 2.18)?, x-looking sign, oblique strokes

the diplê-like signs at the end of some lines may be interpreted as 'quotations marks', at least if they are not mere line-fillers (Mouraviev)
28 ca. papyrus Col. 1, fr. a: Aphroditê (?, R)
Col. 1, fr. b: Têlemachos (?, R)
Col. 2: Têlemachos (?, R), Apollôn
Col. 3: Melanthios (Q, R), Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q, R),Eumaios

Col. 4: Têlemachos (Q, R)
04 M-P 1212.1 ed. pr., pl. IX; CPF IV.2, pl. 230; W.A. Johnson, Bookrolls and scribes in Oxyrhynchus, Toronto 2004, pl. V Col. 1, fr. a: Eurycratês (?, R), Dêmêtrios (?, R), Zênodotos (?, R), Aristophanês (?, R), Athênaioi [Athenians] (?, R), Nikophôn (R), Aphroditê (?, R)
Col. 1, fr. b: Têlemachos (?, R)
Col. 2: Têlemachos (?, R), Rhianos (R), Zênodotos (R), Aristonikos (2), Parmenôn Byzantios, Athênaioi [Athenians], Apollôn, Aristrachos Samios, Thalês, Hêrakleitos, Diodôros

Col. 3: Kratês (R), Melanthios (Q, R), Achaioi [Achaeans] (Q, R), Aristophanês, Eumaios, Aristonikos (?, R), Mallôtês [Zênodotos?] (R)

Col. 4: Têlemachos (Q, R)
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Odyssea 20]; Homerus; Demetrius (Ixion?); Zenodotus; Aristophanes; Nicophon; Rhianus; Aristonicus; Parmenon Byzantius; Aristarchus Samius; Thales; Heraclitus; Diodorus (of Alexandria?); Crates
along the fibres 14 22 x 24 Burkert: non vidi
horizontal strokes at line end in col. 1.29: filler-sign?
copy ed. pr., copy West, copy Mouraviev, copy CPF I.1** 57, 4T, CPF I.1*** 102, 3T
remains of 4 consecutive columns (main fragment), written on papyrus of good quality, broken of on all sides, but lower margin at some places preserved; besides, a detached piece, which may come from the upper part of col. 1 of the main fragment, broken of on all sides, upper margin partially preserved; there is a kollêsis between col. 1 and col. 2; intercolumnium with a width of 2 cm; column height is unknown but at least 22.9 cm, occupied by at least 55 lines; the columns are affected by Maas' law Homerica, philology, philosophy, astronomy http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol53/pages/3710.htm

0498 60828 h027 anon.
roll variable recto: commentary on selected lemmata from Odyssey 16, 148-471; except for a few entries the lemma consists of an entire Homeric verse; the number of verses commented diminishes as the commentary proceeds; the commentary gives both paraphrases and lexical explanations; the most significant resemblances are those of the
scholia B H, of the commentary of Eusthatius and of the lexicon of Hesychius; the Homeric text is not very different from the traditional text

verso: commentary on Odyssey 17, 53-83 ?: some verses from the beginning of Odyssey 17 can be recognized; they are perhaps accompanied by two lines of commentary; quoting Odyssey 5, 211 (as part of the commentary or as an interpolation?)

BC 3 C. Meillier, Mélanges Vercoutter, Paris 1985, p. 229-238
opistograph (?) commentary (selected lemmata)
medium-sized, upright, generally bilinear with crossbar of &#966; projecting high above and below the bilinear framework, &#949; mostly large and rather rounded, &#959; sometimes small and sometimes as large as the other letters, very irregular and even more irregular towards the end of the column, semi-cursive, no decorations Lille, Université 83 + 134 + 93b + 93a + 114 + 1140 + 87 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1956 the quoted Homeric verses are written in ekthesis; the commentary starts at a new line, where often a word from the verse is repeated as a lemma, followed by an explanation without being separated by a blank space; in case of short explanations the end of the line is left blank; one abbreviation; a few corrections by deletion; iota adscript inconsistently written; some orthographic mistakes variable papyrus Col. A: Odysseus (R); Têlemachos (Q + 2Q, R); Athêna (R)

Col. C: Têlemachos (Q, R); Hermaios Lophos (Q, R); Hermaion
02 M-P 1211.1
Col. A: Odysseus (R); Têlemachos (Q + 2Q, R); Athêna (R)

Col. C: Têlemachos (Q, R); Hermaios Lophos (Q, R); Hermaion
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 16, 17]; Homerus
1 5.5 x 9.8 (inv. 83); 5.5 x 3.6 (inv. 134); 5.5 x 9.5 (inv. 93b); 6.4 x 9.7 (inv. 93a); 2.7 x 4.3 (inv. 114t); 4 x 5.6 (inv. 114o); 5 x 21.7 (inv. 87) Photo (digital image): recto + verso 7 fragments from a papyrus cartonnage (some of them joining), constituting together 3 columns of a commentary (recto)
inv. 83 (5.5 x 9.8 cm): broken off on all sides except for the top where an upper margin of ca. 1 cm is preserved; contains on the recto 15 lines from the top of Col. A; no writing on the verso

inv. 134 (5.5 x 3.6 cm): broken off on all sides; contains on the recto 7 lines from Col. A; no writing on the verso

inv. 93b (5.5 x 9.5 cm): broken off on all sides; at the bottom a lower margin of ca. 1.5 cm is partially preserved; contains on the recto 14 lines from the bottom of Col. A; no writing on the verso

inv. 93a (6.4 x 9.7 cm): broken off on all sides except for the top where an upper margin of ca. 1 cm is preserved; contains on the recto 13 lines from the top of Col. B; on the verso the line-endings of Col. D; with the exception of these traces the verso is blank

inv. 114t (2.7 x 4.3 cm): broken off on all sides; contains 8 lines from Col. B; some traces on the verso

inv. 114o (4 x 5.6 cm): broken off on all sides; contains 8 lines from Col. B; 6 lines of traces on the verso

inv. 87 (5 x 21.7 cm): broken off to the left and to the right; an upper margin of ca. 1 cm and a lower margin of ca. 1.5 cm are preserved; contains the line-ends of Col. B and the beginnings of the 29 lines of Col. C; there is no real intercolumnium since some lines of Col. B almost touch the lines of Col. C; Col. C was most probably the last column of the roll; on the verso 17 lines of writing followed by a blank space of ca. 12 lines

0499 60856 h021 anon. M.W. Haslam, P.Oxy. 53, 3710, p. 91; CPF I.1* 30, 5T [Chrysippus] roll ? commentary on Odyssey 11, quoting 387, 390, 392 and 90-91 as lemmata and paying special attention to a philosophical question; or a separate philosophical treatise on the soul adducing homeric verses? textual variant for the end of 11, 390 in col. 1, l. 5
AD 3 Aegyptus 58 (1978), p. 110-114 (S. Strassi)
12 lines of a document, AD 2 commentary?, learned discussion?
informal, &#952;, &#949;, &#959; and &#962; mostly well rounded, rather irregular, medium-sized to large, leaning forward, generally bilinear, undecorated Milano, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 210 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1984 trema (2), high stop (col. 1, l. 9); correction by deletion (l. 10)?; misspellings; two signs to the left of the second column, perhaps reference-marks 17 ca. (R) papyrus Col. 1: Agamemnôn (Q, R), Atreidês [Agamemnôn] (Q, R), Teiresias (1 + Q, R) 02 M-P 1210.2 ed. pr., pl. I; CPF IV.2, pl. 113 Col. 1: Agamemnôn (Q, R), Atreidês [Agamemnôn] (Q, R), Teiresias (1 + Q, R)
Col. 2: Chrysippos (R)
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 11]; Homerus; Chrysippus? across the fibres 16 11 x 17.5 copy ed. pr., copy CPF I.1* 30, 5T
Photo (digital image): recto + verso
single papyrus fragment (11 x 17.5 cm), broken of to the left and to the right; upper and lower margin, which must have measured at least 3 cm, partly preserved; remains of two columns with 19 lines of writing in col. 1 and 18 in col. 2; both columns are clearly part of the same text; intercolumnium of about 2 cm Homerica, philosophy -

0500 60859 h019 anon. - roll ? glossary to Odyssey, 9, 2-32 (selected lemmata); the glosses are mere synonyms; apparently the explanation was not always confined to a single paraphrase

AD 3 Cl. Gallazzi, ZPE 56 (1984), p. 25-28
blank scholia minora
medium-sized to large, upright hand, combining characteristics of the 'severe' or mixed style with those of the chancery style, contrast of narrow and broad letters, decorated with serifs Milano, Università Statale degli Studi di Milano 1229 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 1987 orthographic mistakes: itacism, confusion between and , omission of ephelcystic ; a blank space follows the lemma in l. 5; when of more than one line, the glosses are perhaps written in slight eisthesis (of 1 letter) ? papyrus
01 M-P 1210.1 ed. pr., pl. IIb
Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Odyssea 9]; Homerus along the fibres 16 5.2 x 6.4 copy ed. pr. single papyrus fragment (5.2 x 6.4 cm), broken off on all sides, but left-hand margin partially preserved; remnants of 7 lines of writing; only the first syllables of each line are preserved Homerica -

0501 61053 h028 anon.
codex (?)
Odyssey recto: marginal scholia minora on Odyssey 18, 67 and 70

verso: probably also a scholium

AD 5 P. Oxy. 11, 1397 (B.P. Grenfell - A.S. Hunt, 1915)

marginal scholia, scholia minora
small, cursive hand, not bilinear, leaning forward Princeton University, Firestone Library AM 9050 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 2190



Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Homerus, Odyssea 18] - 23 2.4 x 3.2 copy ed. pr. small papyrus fragment (3.2 x 2.4 cm), broken off on all sides:
recto: 4 lines of marginal writing
verso: traces of a few oblitterated letters
Homerica http://wwwapp.cc.columbia.edu/ldpd/app/apis/item?mode=item&key=princeton.apis.p38

0502 91949

1.4 - 2.1 list of 8 Greek verbs; in ll. 1-4 the verbs start with the letter &#960;, but for the other lines there does not seem to be any system in the choice of the verbs (two starting with &#949;, one with &#945; and one with &#966;).
AD 4 Mnemosyne Ser. IV, 59 (2006), p. 254-256 (K.A. Worp) free standing list; one-word items written in separate lines; first four items starting with the same letter; no further classification principle noticeable. blank list of verbs
medium-sized, roughly bilinear, letters often linked, leaning forward, written by a fairly well-trained hand, perhaps a teacher's, though some letters are rather irregularly formed T.Kellis inv. D/2/44; SCA 2660 2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 10676 orthographic mistake: perhaps omission of &#946; in l. 7; paragraphos 05 - 08 wooden tablet
ed. princ., pl. 11
Egypt, Ismant-el-Kharab

20 5.3 x 10.2
a single wooden tablet (5.3 x 10.2 cm; 0.6 cm thick); there are no holes drilled through the wood, so probably it was always meant to be used as a single item; contains 8 words, written across the short dimension, in a single column in the left hand upper corner of the tablet, each word being written on another line; there is an upper margin of ca. 0.5 cm; underneath line 8 there is a margin of 5.5 cm; the words are preceded by a left-hand margin of 0.3-0.4 cm; after the individual lines there is a space of 3.3-2.7 cm school text

0503 91950
Col. 1: list of verbs, featuring many of the same verbs as written on the wooden tablet CPP 502

Col. 2: mathematical calculations made by a pupil?

AD 4 Mnemosyne Ser. IV, 59 (2006), p. 256-257 (K.A. Worp) list as part of a set of exercises?; one-word items written in separate lines; no classification principle noticeable, though several words start with the same letter ( or ) variable list of verbs
written by an untrained scribe, probably a student
2006/06/25 Marc Huys, Nele Baplu 10677 perhaps a cancellation of the first two or three letters of the entry in l. 9 variable papyrus

Egypt, Ismant-el-Kharab

20 11.4 x 8.8 photo not available papyrus fragment (11.4 x 8.8 cm) with two columns of writing, separated by an irregularly sized intercolumnium of at least 5 cm; the second column is written upside down in relation to the first column school text

0504 1170

List of words and phrases (or notes on reading?)

BC 3 P. Cairo Zen. 4.59534

Cairo, Egyptian Museum CG 59534




0505 59206
Apollonius Sophista M.W. Haslam, ZPE 49 (1982), p. 31-38 roll variable (R) Fragments of the Homeric lexicon of Apollonius Sophista, with entries in , and , arranged alphabetically according to the first three letters of each lemma, except for a few violations of the alphabetical sequence.

Many of the entries are similar or identical to those of the Codex Coislinianus 345 (Codex Unicus of the Homeric lexicographer Apollonius Sophista - AD 10), though the entries of the papyrus are often shorter. The papyrus offers a fuller version than the Coislinianus, but lacks the Homeric quotations and the naming of scholarly authorities of the original text.

AD 3 BICS 28 (1981), p. 123-141 (W.E.H. Cockle) free standing list; one or two-word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of another word, phrase or sentence; most of these groups are graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends and by writing the lemma in ekthesis; when there is a new entry written within the line, the beginning of the line is marked with a paragraphos; lemmata and explanations are separated by a dot at midline; items arranged alphabetically to the third letter. Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae, AD 2 - AD 3 (P.Oxy. 56, 3839; LDAB 352)
list of words
debased form of the severe style, markedly bilinear, small to medium-sized, leaning slightly forward, without decorations Sackler LibrarOxford, y, Papyrology Rooms 18 2B 66/F(1) Vo + Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 18 2B 66/F(9-10) Vo 2008/06/18 Nele Baplu 301 the lemmata at line beginnings are in ekthesis; paragraphoi are placed under the first two letters of the standard line beginning (= under the third and fourth letters of words in ekthesis), when there is a new entry written within or at the end of the line. When a new lemma occurs, it is preceded by a stop and two diagonal parallel lines. Lemma and explanation are separated by a middle stop. The title heading (Fr. 2) is marked by blank spaces. One breathing (Fr. 1 col. 2, 31) and one correction (Fr. 3). Tremmata (both organic and inorganic). No evidence of iota adscript.

variable (R) papyrus Paiones [Paeonians] (R);
Kikones (?)
02 M-P 1218.2 ed. princ., pl. I Paiones [Paeonians] (R);
Kikones (?)

[Homerus] across the fibres 16 12.5 × 26.1 (fr. 1) dimensions of fr. 2 and 3? Three fragments of a papyrus roll. The largest fragment (Fr. 1: 12.5 × 26.1 cm) is broken off to the left and to the right, and preserves a small part of the upper and the lower margin. It contains two columns, separated by a variable, sometimes very small intercolumnium. A complete column must have contained 40 lines of writing. Fr. 2 (18 lines) and the tiny Fr. 3 (4 lines) are both broken off on all sides. On the basis of the text on the recto can be calculated that eight columns are missing between Fr. 1 col. II and Fr. 2. Homerica, lexicography

0506 59380

variable elementary glossary to Callimachus, Hymn 3, vv. 2-12, showing that the true reading (v.4), unmetrically corrupted in all the ancient manuscripts, was still current in the second century

AD 2 P. Oxy. 47.3328 free standing list; one or two-word items accompanied by one or more explanations in the form of another word, phrase or sentence; except for one, each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; lemmata and explanations are arranged in two parallel subcolumns; second lines of the explanations are written in eisthesis; the items are arranged according to their occurrence in the literary text account list of words
informal upright capital, medium-sized, roughly bilinear, with a strongly vertical trend (e.g. in , , and which all have long verticals projecting below)

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2008/06/18 Nele Baplu 479 one correction; blank spaces to separate lemma and explanation; once a second line of an explanation is distinguished from the first line by eisthesis; iota adscript once written and once omitted
variable papyrus
02 M-P 0188.1 ed. princ., pl. IV
Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Callimachus]
12 9.2 × 8.4
single fragment (9.2 x 8.4 cm), broken off on all sides except for the bottom where a lower margin of ca. 2 cm, preserving a few letters from the uneven line-ends of a first column and 10 almost complete lines of a second column
lexicography http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/POxy/papyri/vol47/pages/3328.htm

0507 59457
codex variable Bilingual glossary to Cicero, In Catilinam I 5 § 10 and 11. The full Latin text, with only a few deviations from the standard text, is split up in lines of two or three words, which are each time translated into Greek.

AD 5 PSI Congr. 21.2 free standing list; two- or three-word items accompanied by a word for word translation; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; lemmata and explanations are arranged in two parallel subcolumns; the items are arranged according to their occurrence in the literary text
glossary (bilingual), translation
medium-sized semi-cursive, of which the main characteristic is the resemblance and for some letter shapes even identity with the Latin script (new Roman cursive) Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli', PSI inv. Cap. 1 = Firenze, Private collection Capovilla 2008/06/18 Nele Baplu 556 blank spaces to separate lemma and translation; iota adscript not written; some itacistic mistakes and omissions; superscription of ; no abbreviations in the Greek text; -que always abbreviated in the Latin text variable papyrus

23 12.5 × 14.0 add 'Firenze, Private collection Capovilla' to search list 'Location' single leaf from a papyrus codex, broken off at the top and to the right (verso). The left-hand margin (verso: 1 cm) and lower margin (verso: 1.4 cm; recto: 1.7 cm) are partially preserved; containing 12 lines of writing on the verso, and 10 lines on the recto. At the top only 2 or 3 lines are missing.

0508 59489

P. Maas, ByzZ 44 (1951), p. 409; E. Crisci, Scrivere Greco fuori d'Egitto, Firenze 1996), p. 85-86.


variable monolingual, Greek glossary containing miscellaneous terms with intials from to . The alphabetical order does not go beyond the first letter. The scope of the glossary is exceedingly small and the whole could not have contained more than 550 entries. The glossary is part of the same tradition as Hesychius, Photius and Suda. Maas attributed it to the group of the so-called Cyrillus glossaries, of which it would be by far the earliest testimony

In the codex the glossary is followed by Ps-Gregorius Thaumaturgus,

AD 7 P. Ness. 2.8
= P. Ness. 2.9
free standing list; mostly one -word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of another word, phrase or sentence; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; lemmata and explanations are arranged in two parallel subcolumns; second lines of the explanations are confined to the second subcolumn; the items are arranged alphabetically according to the first letter
list of words
bold practiced semi-cursive, informal, not bilinear, leaning forward, with frequent ligatures New York, Pierpont Morgan Library 2008/06/18 Nele Baplu 589 no punctuation marks; series of long dashes to separate sections starting with another initial; some accents and breathings appear and these few seem to have been added capriciously; blank spaces to separate lemma and explanation; perhaps one correction made by the scribe; once trema; iota adscript once written and twice not; some itacistic and other orthographic mistakes variable papyrus


add 'Palestina, Nessana' to search list 'provenance'
size? > size of the hand?
10 leaves of a papyrus codex, of which the upper two-thirds is lost; of the lower third, which has been torn vertically in half, only the inner half, containing the binding edge and the bottom and inner margins, is preserved. The preserved fragments, each written on both sides, contain up to 11 lines of the original 20-28 lines. lexicography
0509 59647
anon. B. Hausmann, Demosthenis fragmenta in papyris et membranis servata , (Diss. Leipzig, 1921), II, Firenze 1981, p. 120-121, no. 49; Philochorus FGrHist 328 F 42; Theopompus FGrHist 115 F 307; Aristoteles CPF I.1*, no. 24, 46 T; C.A. Gibson, CP 92 (1997), p. 375-381 codex 14 Alphabetically arranged lexicon with entries taken from Demosthenes, In Aristocratem. The explanations are extensive, including quotations and references to authorities.

Of the five entries preserved, the second, third and fourth bear close resemblance to entries in Harpocration's second century lexicon to the Attic orators. Gibson argues that both Harpocration and the anonymous lexicon are dependent on a source which is in turn dependent on Didymus and perhaps one other commentator.

AD 4 - AD 5 Hermes 17 (1882), p. 148-163 (F. Blass, 1882) = BKT 01, p. 78-82 (H. Diels - W. Schubart, 1904)

list of words
medium-sized, round, broad, slightly leaning backward, strictly bilinear, unelegant, no decorations, well separating the letters, not elegant
Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, PapyrussammlungP.Berol. inv. 5008 2008/06/18 Nele Baplu 749 final at line-end twice abbreviated as a horizontal stroke above the preceding vowel; apostrophe; trema; ekthesis of lemmata; iota adscript mostly written; numeric value indicated by a horizontal stroke above the letter; paragraphos and a sign consisting of a double dot and a horizontal line at the end of the explanation ca. 37-40 papyrus
01 0317 CPF IV.2, pl. 11 (side A: recto) Miltokythês (2R + Q, R); Kotys (R + Q, R); Philochoros (1 + R); Kersobleptês (1 + Q, R); Theopompos (1 + R); Hêrakleidês (Q); Pythôn (Q, R); Archelaos (Q); Smikythiôn (2Q, R); Anaximenês (R); Iphikratês (Q, R); Aristotelês (R); Lakedaimonioi [Spartans] (R); Xenophôn (R); Didymos (R); Themistoklês (2Q, R) Egypt, Fayum, Arsinoites [Demosthenes, In Aristocratem], Philochorus; Theopompus; Anaximenes Lampsacenus; Xenophon; Aristoteles; Ephorus; Homerus; Didymus grammaticus
22 21× 22 Bibl.: C.A. Gibson, Didymos Chalkenteros and the Ancient Scholarship on Demosthenes (Diss., Duke Univ., 1995); Id., Interpreting a Classic. Demosthenes and his Ancient Commentators (Berkeley, 2002) one large fragment (21 x 22 cm), consisting of three joining pieces; broken off at the bottom, but preserving the upper (recto: 4 cm), left-hand (recto: 2.5 cm) and right-hand (recto: 4.3 cm) margin; containing 37 lines of writing on the recto, and 38 on the verso lexicography

0510 59649

= Hausmann, Demosthenis fragmenta (Pap. Flor. 8) 48

In Midiam lexicon
AD 4 - AD 5 Stud. Pal. 4 p. 111-113

Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 26007

M-P 0308


0511 59687

AD 3 - AD 4 P. Oxy. 47.3329

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms


0512 59714
Dioscorus of Aphrodito W. Crönert, Gnomon 2 (1926), p. 654-666; B. Baldwin, Glotta 60 (1982), p. 79-81; L.S.B. Mac Coull, Glotta 64 (1986), p. 253-257 = L.S.B. Mac Coull., Coptic Perspectives on Late Antiquity (Aldershot, 1993), article VIII; J.-L.Fournet, Akten 21 Kongr. Berlin 1997, p.303
Greek-Coptic glossary, written by Dioscorus of Aphrodito as an editorial aid to his poems and an index of his wider culture; the glossary is general and miscellaneous in character; classification is by subjects with several poetical words, fishes, animals, body parts, adjectives indicating blindness, river-words, utensils, tools, agricultural implements and terms, irrigation, occupations, words connected with Dionysus and his cult, personal adjectives and several unattested words

AD 6 Aegyptus 6 (1925), p. 177-226 + P. Lond. 5 1821 descr.
= P. Lond. Lit. 188 descr.
= P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 256
free standing list; mostly one-word items in Greek accompanied by their Coptic translation, separated by a double dot; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; normally each line has two of these groups; the items are arranged according to subject draft of a petition, AD 6 (P.Lond. 5, 1674; TM 19693) glossary (bilingual)
sloping uncial of fair size
London, British Library Pap 1727 Vo
818 lemmata and translations are separated by mere double dots; one abbreviation; cross at the beginning of the text; trema; occasionally accents added; use of paragraphoi; corrections and additions in the original ink and in a black ink, written with a thinner pen; several mistakes, such as metathesis, interchange of
and , and , and , and , , and , and , and and

papyrus Marôn 04 M-P 0351
Marôn, Anakreôn, Neilos (R) Egypt, U10a - Aphrodito (Kom Ishgau) [found]
Egypt, U15 - Antinoopolis (El-Sheikh Ibada) [written]
Anacreon along the fibres 25 21.5 x 31 Hand (uncial hand of Dioscorus)? State of preservation?: no photograph published; Photographie à Liègea
iota adscript not written?
roll in very bad condition, being worn away at the folds; succession of fairly well preserved fragments, each of several lines in extent, separated by lacunae, complete or partial, of varying extent; on the back three columns, each of about 130 lines, are written along the fibres (transversa charta) in a reddish brown ink of inferior quality; a fourth column of 36 lines is squeezed into the narrow space between col. 2 and 3


0513 59967
Harpocration A. Körte, APF 14 (1941), p. 136; B. Snell, Gnomon 15 (1939), p. 543; M. Naoumides, TAPhA 92 (1961) p. 384-88; CGFP (1973), no. 221
roll (?) 7 part of Harpocration, Lexicon in decem oratores Atticos, with lemmata starting with (171-172 Dindorf), supplying two new readings in the text of Harpocration

AD 2 - AD 3 P. Ryl. Gr. 3.532 free standing list; one-word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of a phrase or sentence; these groups are graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; apparently no separation between lemmata and explanation; items alphabetically arranged according to the first four letters blank list of words
heavy and slightly irregular book-hand, small to medium-sized, upright, generally bilinear, often linking the letters, without decorations Manchester, John Rylands Libr., Greek 532
1079 sign resembling a diple with a stroke across it at the end of the second column; use of a short horizontal stroke to indicate the numeric value of a letter; once trema; iota adscript not written; no mistakes
23 (R)
Eileithyia (Q, R) 02 M-P 0458 ed. princ. pl. 9
Lysias (R); Aischinês (R); Andokidês (R); Theopompos; Tisamenos (2R); Eileithyia (Q, R); Kebrên (R); Dêmosthenês (R); Aristokratês (R); Kymaioi (R); Ephoros (R); Pantainetos (R)
Demosthenes, Ephorus, Theopompus, Lysias along the fibres 14 10.4 x 9.4 C.A. Gibson, Interpreting a Classic. Demosthenes and his Ancient Commentators (Berkeley, 2002) single papyrus fragment (10.4 x 9.4 cm), broken off on all sides, except for the bottom where a lower margin of 2.5 cm is preserved; containing the lower parts of one column with 13 lines of writing and another with 15 lines of writing, separated by an intercolumnium of 2 cm


0514 60535 h028 anon. A. Henrichs, ZPE 7 (1971), p. 255-257 no. 5; C. Gallazzi, ZPE 80 (1990), p. 287; A.F. Moretti, Tyche 8 (1993), p. 96; sheet (?) variable glossary to Ilias 1.525-53 (Fr. a) and 1.536-551 (Fr. b). In Fr. b the glossary is of less extensive scope than in Fr. a.
332 AD 2 Acme 14 (1961), p. 238-239
= P. Mil. Vogl. 3 120
= ZPE 7 (1971), p. 255-257 no. 5

document scholia minora
student hand of the "evolving" type, heavy and irregular with letter size, spacing and alignment not uniform Milan, Università Statale 613
1659 lemmata and explanations are separated by a blank space; second and third lines of explanations are written in eisthesis; iota adscript not written; two mistakes: instead of , and instead of

variable papyrus
01 M-P 1168

[Homerus, < i>Ilias 1] across the fibres 12 1.6 x 5 (Fr. a); 2.6 x 7.5 (Fr. b)
two rectangular fragments; Fr. a (1.6 x 5 cm) is broken off on all sides and contains 13 lines; Fr. b (2.6 x 7.5 cm) is broken off on all sides except for the bottom where a lower margin of 1.8 cm is preserved and contains 14 lines of writing; on both fragments the end of the lemmata and sometimes the beginnings of the glosses are preserved Homerica, school text

0515 60721 h014 anon.
codex variable (R) glossary to Iliad, 1, 73-74 and 80-81 (selected lemmata); the glosses are mere synonyms or short paraphrases

AD 2 - AD 3 ASAE 69 (1983), p. 189-193

scholia minora
informal, upright, medium-sized, roughly bilinear, without decorations Cairo, Egyptian Museum, P. Medinet Madi 69.43
2008/07/24 Nele Baplu 1847 lemmata and glosses separated in two subcolumns by a blank space; the second line of a gloss is written in eisthesis in the first subcolumn; one trema; iota adscript written; one mistake variable (R) papyrus
01 M-P 1162.1 ed. princ., pl. Id

[Homerus, Ilias 1]
14 5.5 x 6.4
lower part of a leaf from a papyrus codex (5.5 x 6.4), preserving a lower margin of ca. 2.6 cm (verso) and a left-hand margin of ca. 1 cm (verso); containing the remnants of six lines of writing on each side

0516 60777 h007 anon.
sheet (?) variable (R) glossary to Iliad, 1, 10-12 (selected lemmata); of the glosses almost nothing remains

AD 3 BIFAO 54 (1954), p. 70-71 no. 32 (J. Schwartz)
traces scholia minora
uncial Cairo, Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale 105 2008/07/24 Nele Baplu 1904 lemmata and glosses apparrently separated by a blank space; the second line of a gloss is written in eisthesis; variable (R) papyrus Atreidês (Q, R); Agamemnôn (R) 01 M-P 1161
Atreidês (Q, R); Agamemnôn (R)
[Homerus, Ilias 1] across the fibres 16 2 x 4 Photographie à Liège
no more information on the hand or state of preservation in the ed. pr.
breathing in line 7?
papyrus fragment preserving 8 lines of writing from the end of a column Homerica

0517 60894 h025 anon. K. Dziatzko, ALLG 9 (1896), p. 593-4; R. Cavenaile, C.Pap.Lat. 280; R. Seider, Paläographie II.1, 1978, p. 144-6; J. Kramer, ZPE 38 (1980), p. 229-243; J. Kramer, ZPE 40 (1980), p. 161-179; P. Radiciotti, PapLup 6 (1997), p. 119-120;
J. Kramer, P.Paramone 5, p. 43-47
Goetz, Prodromus Corporis Glossariorum Latinorum, Leipzig, 1876, 217-218: CBIB Magazijn
C. Wessely, Schrifttafeln zur älteren lateinischen Palaeographie, Wien 1988, Tab. VII, Nr. 44 [Cbib TAB]

Reprod.: (Folium Wallraffianum)
Lowe, CLA VVV 1171; [CBib Tab]

in feite inv. 351! (bij Lowe, CLA 8 1171 staat 352, maar de tekst op de foto komt overeen met de tekstuitgaven van 351)

(App. Diplom. 8C-D) Th.Chr. Tychsen, De chartae papyraccae in Europa... illustratione, dans Comm. Soc. Regiae Scientiarum Gott. 4 (1816-1818) 155-164 et pl. II-III [Commentarii Societatis regiae scientiarum Gottingensis [CBib Tab]
codex  variable Ilias, glossary to 01.405-538, 02.385-393Fr. H: Latin-Greek glossary, arranged by word class, and within each word class classification by alphabetic order according to the first letter

Fr. W: Greek-Latin glossary, arranged by almost strictly alphabetic order, from to

AD 3 P. Oxy. 45.3238

glossary (bilingual)
generally/markedly bilinear, regular, expert, large, upright, well-formed uncial, well separating the letters,

the Latin is written in the "b-r" uncial

voor bibliografie: zie Kramer ZPE 40, n. 18

Greek: Biblical Uncial; geometrische vormen, passen in een vierkant, contrast tusssen dikke neerdalende verticale en dunne horizontalen en stijgende verticalen, op r, u, phi en psi na bilineair
LAtin: majuskel met minuskelvormen; Kramer Paramone: Uncial BR

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms
2023 lemmata and translations separated by a blank space so that the translations vormen op enkele uitzonderingen na een aparte subcolumn
no accents, no breathings

itacism in het Grieks maar verder weinig klankverwisselingen
betacisme in het Latijn, i/e, scribal errors
W: LAtin lemmata sometimes in ekthesis of 4-6 letters (normaal in rechte subcolumn)
soms teken voor de lijn (unclear meaning)
some corrections by a second hand
abbreviation of con-
W 79: high dot
W: Greek: iotacism, eenmaal consonantverdubbeling 'double consonant': al bij al weinig fouten
W/ latin: interchange of e and i, slechts eenmaal ae en e, vooral u en b (betacisme), wegvallen van aspiratie, uitval eind-t (eenmaal), verwisseling b en d, banale scchrijffouten

H: één afkorting, teken voor lijnen, correctie, heading (short lines), iotacism, één maal e-ae, éénmaal e-i, eenmaal c-s, gewone schrijffouten
variable papyrus
01 M-P 1166.2 CLA 08, 1171; ZPE 40 (1980), pl.10; Seider, pl. XXXIII; ZPE 38, pl. XIII, Bernd, pl. between p. 332 and 333

16 10.1 x 18.5 (Fr. H sup. Apparat. diplom. 8 C); 10.1 x 18.5 (Fr. H sup. Apparat. diplom. 8 D); 14.1 x 11.2 (Fr. H inf.); 23.4 x 31.8 (Fr. W) Add "Göttingen, Universitätsbibliothek" and "Köln, Historisches Archiv" to search list "Location" Fr. H: two fragments (10.1 x 18.5), both from the upper part of a leaf from a papyrus codex, remain; Apparat. diplom. 8 C preserves an upper margin of 3.2 cm (recto) and a left-hand margin of 2.8 cm (recto), whereas the right-hand (recto) and lower part of the leaf are broken off; it contains 22 lines of writing on the recto and 12 lines on the verso; Apparat. diplom. 8 D preserves an upper margin of 2.3 cm (verso) and a right-hand margin of at least 1.4 cm (verso), whereas the left-hand (verso) and lower part of the leaf are broken off; it contains 24 lines of writing on the recto and 22 lines on the verso; the lower parts of the leaves (14.1 x 11.2) are now lost

Fr. W: single leaf from the same papyrus codex (23.4 x 31.8 cm), broken off at the top, but preserving (on the recto) a lower margin of 6.5 cm, a left-hand margin of 0.8 cm and a right-hand margin of at least 3 cm; contains on both sides 40, mostly complete, lines of writing

0518 61006 p0494a.2
R. Cavenaile, C.Pap.Lat. 277; R. Seider, Paläographie II.1, 1978, p. 165-166; J. Kramer, in Les manuscrits des lexiques et glossaires de l'Antiquité tardive à la fin du Moyen Age, Louvain-la-Neuve 1996, p. 47; J. Kramer, Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Papyrology, Chico 1981, p. 55-71; J. Kramer, APF 53 (2007), p. 31-44; J. Kramer, Vulgärlateinische Alltagsdokumente auf Papyri, Ostraka, Täfelchen und Inschriften, Berlin 2007, p. 145-156

sheet variable Latin - Greek glossary, written in Latin characters, for private use; there is no apparent order, but most of the words are useful to a guest in an inn; orthography and word choice are strongly influenced by the spoken language; most of the words are listed in the oblique case 342 AD 4 - AD 5 CdE 43 (1968), p. 114-121
blank glossary (bilingual)
medium-sized Latin cursive Alexandria, Graeco-Roman Museum 28759
2139 cross at the beginning of the text, blank spaces to separate lemmata and translations which are not neatly arranged in parallel subcolumns, once deletion by crossing out; supralineation at line-ends; many mistakes due to the colloquial nature of the list: betacism, addition of prothetic vowel, ns instead of s, interchange of e and ae, single instead of double consonant, omission of final m and span class="grec"> , diminituve rendered as variable papyrus
01 M-P 1190.2 ed. princ. pl. XVIII; J. Kramer, Vulgärlateinische Alltagsdokumente auf Papyri, Ostraka, Täfelchen und Inschriften, Berlin 2007, p. 150
CLA 05, 696; C. Wessely, Schrifttafeln zur älteren lateinischen Palaeographie, Leipzig 1898, pl. VII no. 20; Seider, pl. XL

Egypt, unknown
along the fibres 22 12 x 29.3 Franz Bücheler, "Coniectanea XXIII', Jahrbuch für classische Philologie 3, 1875, p. 309-313 (=Kleine Schriften 2, Osnabrück [Zeller] 1965, p. 139-142);
Henry Bartlett van Hoesen, Roman Cursive Writing, Princeton 1915, p. 150-151
single papyrus sheet (12 x 29.3 cm), apparently fully preserved; upper, left-hand and right-hand margin are almost non-existent; the lower margin measures ca. 2 cm; containing 29 lines of writing lexicography

0519 61071 h010 anon. John Lutton, Akten des 23. Intern. Papyrologenkongresses, Wien 2007, p.410 codex (?) variable Ilias, glossary to 01.43-45, 48-50
AD 5 - AD 6 ZPE 64 (1986), p. 1-9

list of words
strictly bilinear, medium-sized, upright, with contrast between broad and small letters, decoration consisting of blobs at the end of vertical strokes, regular and written with care Ilias, glossary to 01.43-45, 48-50
2208 lemmata and glosses separated in two subcolumns by a blank space; iota adscript not written; one mistake variable papyruparchments Achaioi; Hellênes [Greeks]; Achaiides 01 M-P 1161-11
Achaioi (2); Hellênes [Greeks]; Achaiides Egypt, Oxyrhynchus

24 11 x 3.2
fragment from a parchment leaf (11 x 3.2 cm), preserving a lower margin of ca. 2 cm, a left-hand margin of 1.8 cm on the fleshside and a right-hand margin of 2.5 cm on the hairside; on both sides only three lines of writing are preserved lexicography

0520 61204 w14
West, The Ptomentioned by W. Brashear, ZPE 33 (1979), p. 261; H. Maehler, Proc. XVIth Congr. Brussels, II, 1978, p. 19 n. 2; W. Brashear, BGU 14, p. viii

lemaic papyri of Homer p. 59-62
roll variable Geek - Latin vocabulary, written entirely in Greek letters. Apart from isolated examples of verb conjugations the entries, consisting of no more than two or three words, follow in no order

the entries apparently consisted of no more than two or three words
, the entries follow in no order; they consist of a Greek word or phrase, then below and slightly indented the LAtin translation in Greek letters

school? Cribiore?

phonetic renditions of the Latin words, sometimes imprecise or incorrect translations, neologisms in Greek and Latin; i

3 BC - 2 BC P. Hamb. 2 137
= West, The Ptolemaic papyri of Homer p. 59-62


small and precisely written book hand, upright, generally bilinear, without decorations Hamburg, Bibliothek gr. 657
2344 once sort of coronis; Latin equivalents written in eisthesis on a new line; iota adscript not written except for one intrusive iota; occasional paragraphoi, once a numeral, to indicate divisions; few orthographic mistakes among which one itacism; Latin quantities are generally faithfully rendered by the Greek; short horizontal stroke above letters to indicate numeric value; some supralinear corrections variable papyrus Hermês; Mercurius (R);
02 M-P 1221
Hermês; Mercurius (R);
Egypt, unknown

across the fibres? 2 6.2 x 7.7 (Fr. 1), 3.5 x 7.4 (Fr. 2), 3.5 x 5 (Fr. 3), 4.6 x 12.4 (Fr. 4), 3.2 x 8.3 (Fr. 5), 4.6 x 12 (Fr. 6), 5.5 x 19.4 (Fr. 7), 2.5 x 12 (Fr. 8), 1.3 x 7.7 (Fr. 9), 2.8 x 4 (Fr. 10), 1 x 2.5 (Fr. 11)
eleven non-joining fragments from a papyrus cartonnage; most of the fragments break off to the right; Fr. 1 preserves an upper margin (1.2 cm), Fr. 2, 4, 6 and 7 preserve a lower margin (up to 2.2 cm)

0521 61222
anon. A. Martano, Aegyptus 84 (2004), p. 129-136a codex 5.45 GlossaryGlossary to Hesiod, Scutum 243, 245, 308, 387(?), 389; the glossary is of rather elementary nature with mere paraphrases or single-word equivalents as glosses

237 3 BC Sitzb. Berl. Akad. (1918), p. 739-742

list of words

Berlin, Staatliche Museen P. 12605 2008/07/23 Nele Baplu 2362 the lemmata, written in ekthesis of ca. 1 letter, are separated from their paraphrases by a midpoint (sometimes a dicolon) and a blank space of 1-2 letters; individual glosses are closed by a dicolon, after which the remainder of line is left blank; iota adscript written; perhaps once final omitted 13-14 pottery

02 M-P 2131

Egypt, Elephantine ? [Hesiodus]
1 15 x 5.6
fragment d'une feuille de parchemin pliée en deux (4 pages) avec trous de reliure
a parchment bifolium, preserving the final five lines from the bottom of a column on two pairs of successive pages, with a lower margin of 3 cm, and inner margins of 1.8 cm; the parchment is ruled along the lines of writing and up and down at the left and right margins; there are binding holes visible along the center-fold

0522 61415

Saturae 07.149-198 with Latin and Greek scholia and glosses 237 AD 5 - AD 6 JEA 21 (1935), p. 199-209
= Lowe, CLA Suppl. 1710

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms


M-P 2131

Egypt, Antinoopolis (from Byzantium ?, Lowe)


0523 61456

C.Damiano di Luca, Papyr. Lupiensia 10 (2001), pp.209-216

An etymological fragment on the festival of the Scirophoria, possibly from a glossary
AD 2 P. Merton 2 55

Dublin, Chester Beatty Library P. Merton


M-P 2130

Egypt, unknown


0524 61762

gospel Mc 3, 2-3.5
AD 5 - AD 6 MPER N.S. 4 32

Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 1384


Egypt, unknown


0525 61873

W. Clarysse, Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, LXXXIV (1989), pp. 714-717.

glossary on 02 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians; conjugation poieo, boao, chrusoo, pleko + alphabet
AD 5 Wouters, The Chester Beatty codex AC 1499 p. 37-62, 115-147
= Lowe, CLA Suppl. 1683

Dublin, Chester Beatty Library Ac. 1499


Egypt, unknown


0526 61982

Oseas 2-8, Amos 2 glossary
AD 3 - AD 4 JEA 11 (1925), p. 241-246
= P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 257 a

London, British Museum EA 10825


Egypt, unknown


0527 62339

onomasticon of Hebrew names, alphabetical
AD 3 - AD 4 Journ. Theol. Stud. N.S. 19 (1968), p. 70-82
= P. Oxy. 36 2745

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms


Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0528 62970

Aeneis 04.661-705, 05.001-006 in a Greek paraphrase, with colophon
AD 5 P. Oxy. 8 1099
= Lowe, CLA 2 137

Cambridge, University Library Add. Ms. 5896


M-P 2950

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus
Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantium ?


0529 62974

E. Crisci, I manoscritti greci (Pap. Flor. 31), p. 12 (date)

Aeneis with a Latin - Greek glossary on books 01, 02 and 04 and with Greek translation of books 01 and 02 (lacunae)
AD 6 - AD 7 P. Ness. 2 1
= Lowe, CLA 11 1652

New York, Pierpont Morgan Library H. Dunscombe Colt Collection pap. 1


M-P 2939

Palestine, Nessana


0530 63286

Fragment including a gloss on neleites
AD 1 - AD 2 P. Oxy. 22 2328

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms


M-P 2124

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0531 63291

Greek - Latin glossary: names of vegetables and fishes
AD 1 - AD 2 P. Oxy. 33 2660
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 6

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms



Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0532 63292

Greek - Latin glossary: names of zodiac signs and winds
AD 1 - AD 2 P. Oxy. 46 3315
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 8

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms



Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0533 63351

AD 2 Fs. 150 Berlin p. 400-401 no. 11

Berlin, Staatliche Museen P. 11647



Egypt, unknown


0534 63353

AD 2 Fs. 150 Berlin p. 400 no. 9
= ZPE 42 (1981), p. 8-10

Berlin, Staatliche Museen P. 13360



Egypt, unknown (Ersatz Ehnas)


0535 63423

four isopsephisms
AD 2 O. Claud. 2 414




Egypt, mons Claudianus


0536 63425

AD 2 O. Claud. 2 p. 266 descr.




Egypt, mons Claudianus


0537 27520

J. Rea, ZPE 29 (1978), p. 240

Greek - Latin glossary: names of fishes
AD 3 ZPE 27 (1977), p. 115-117
= P. Laur. 4 147
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 5

Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana PL III 418



Egypt, unknown


0538 63532

Greek - Latin glossary: names of animals
AD 2 P. Lund 1 5
= Cavenaile, Corpus papyrorum Latinarum (CPL) 275
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 9

Lund, University 5


M-P 3004

Egypt, unknown


0539 63602

alphabetic glossary, isopsepha
AD 2 P. Oxy. 45 3239

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms



Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0540 63603

alphabetical glossary
AD 2 P. Oxy. 49 3452
= C. Gloss. Biling. 2 7

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms



Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0541 63667

Latin-Greek glossary
AD 2 P. Oxy. 32 2624 Vo
= Lowe, CLA Suppl. 1791

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms



Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0542 63736

lexicon, alphabetical
AD 2 P. Yale 2 136

New Haven, Yale University, Beinecke Library P. CtYBR 1120



Egypt, Fayum, Tebtynis ?


0543 63908

= Luppe,,Philologus 111 (1967), p. 86-109
= Austin, Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta in papyris reperta (CGFP) 343
= Kassel / Austin, Poetae comici Graeci (PCG) 8 1037 - 1044
= Phylarchos - FGrH 81 F 4 b; Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 4, Aristophanes 1 (E. Esposito, 2006 - re-edition).

lexicon on comic poets, alphabetic
AD 2 - AD 3 P. Oxy. 15 1801 Ro

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms


M-P 2121

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0544 63918

= Austin, Comicorum Graecorum fragmenta in papyris reperta (CGFP) 342
= Kassel / Austin, Poetae comici Graeci (PCG) 8 1099 - 1100

alphabetic glossary on comic poets
AD 2 - AD 3 P. Sorb. 1 7

Paris, Sorbonne 2243



Egypt, unknown


0545 64134

lexicon, alphabetic
AD 3 Carlini, Papiri letterari greci 33 (Montanari, Franco)
= P. Münch. 2 22 (Carlini, Antonio)

Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek P. gr. 152



Egypt, unknown


0546 64147

Comm. et lexica graeca in papyris reperta 1, (2004), p. 7-9 (Aeschines 2)

Lexeis from oratory, alphabetic
AD 3 P. Oxy. 15 1804

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms



M-P 2128

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0547 64163

Greek - Latin glossary: names of vegetables and fishes

AD 3 P. Oxy. 33 2660 a
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 7

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms



Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0548 64219

Greek - Latin vocabulary with grammatical annotations, alphabetical
AD 3 Mélanges Ernout p. 61-74 (P. Collart)
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 2
= Lowe, CLA 5 698

Paris, Sorbonne Reinach 2069


M-P 3006

Egypt, Hermoupolis


0549 64220

Greek - Latin vocabulary, alphabetic
AD 3 P. Sorb. 1 8
= Lowe, CLA 5 699
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 3

Paris, Sorbonne Reinach 2140


M-P 3008

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0550 64300

onomasticum sacrum
AD 3 - AD 4 Pap. Heid. 1 5
= Pap. Graec. Mag.(2) 2 Christliches 14

Heidelberg, Institut für Papyrologie P. gr. 1359


Egypt, unknown


0551 64407

Greek - Latin lexicon
AD 4 Studi italiani di filologia classica N.S. 27 - 28 (1956), p. 52-54
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 10

Florence, Istituto Papirologico 'G. Vitelli' PSI inv. 1734


M-P 3007

Egypt, unknown


0552 64454

Greek - Greek glossary (in Greek characters)
AD 4 P. Lond. 2 p. XLII no. 481
= ZPE 26 (1977), p. 231-238
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 13
= P. Lond. Lit. 187

London, British Library Pap 481


M-P 3005

Egypt, unknown


0553 64528

Latin - Greek glossary, fragment
AD 3 -AD 4 Lowe, CLA 10 1525
= Tyche 5 (1990), p. 37-39
= C. Gloss. Biling. 2 4

Vienna, Nationalbibliothek Lat. 27


M-P 3008a

Egypt, Fayum?


0554 64594

Mediaeval Studies 47 (1985), p. 332

lexicon, alphabetical
AD 5 P. Oxy. 52 3660 (Cockle, Helen M., 1983)
= CLA Add. no. 1834

Prague, National Library P. Wessely Prag. Gr. III 237



Egyrpt, unknown


0555 64769

glossary: colloquium Harleianum
AD 5 P. Prag 2 118
= C. Gloss. Biling. 2 8

Prague, National Library P. Wessely Prag. G. III 237



Egypt, unknown


0556 64815

Greek - Latin glossary
AD 5 Tyche 3 (1988), p. 141-145
= C. Gloss. Biling. 2 5

Vienna, Nationalbibliothek Lat. 150



Egypt, unknown


0557 64837

Latin - Greek - Coptic manual or conversation
AD 5 - AD 6 Klio 13 (1913), p. 394-398/27-38
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 15
= P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 270
= AfP 26 (1978), p. 98 no. I 609


Berlin, Staatliche Museen P. 10582


M-P 3009

Egypt, unknown


0558 64909

Latin - Greek grammar: a text for Greek-speaking pupils
AD 5 - AD 6 Wiener Studien 8 (1886), p. 218-221
= Lowe, CLA 5 697

Paris, Louvre E 7332


M-P 2997

Egypt, unknown


0559 65038
anon. K. Dziatzko, ALLG 9 (1896), p. 593-4; R. Cavenaile, C.Pap.Lat. 280; R. Seider, Paläographie II.1, 1978, p. 144-6; J. Kramer, ZPE 38 (1980), p. 229-243; J. Kramer, ZPE 40 (1980), p. 161-179; P. Radiciotti, PapLup 6 (1997), p. 119-120;
J. Kramer, P.Paramone 5, p. 43-47
Goetz, Prodromus Corporis Glossariorum Latinorum, Leipzig, 1876, 217-218: CBIB Magazijn
C. Wessely, Schrifttafeln zur älteren lateinischen Palaeographie, Wien 1988, Tab. VII, Nr. 44 [Cbib TAB]

Reprod.: (Folium Wallraffianum)
Lowe, CLA VVV 1171; [CBib Tab]

in feite inv. 351! (bij Lowe, CLA 8 1171 staat 352, maar de tekst op de foto komt overeen met de tekstuitgaven van 351)

(App. Diplom. 8C-D) Th.Chr. Tychsen, De chartae papyraccae in Europa... illustratione, dans Comm. Soc. Regiae Scientiarum Gott. 4 (1816-1818) 155-164 et pl. II-III [Commentarii Societatis regiae scientiarum Gottingensis [CBib Tab]
codex variable Fr. H: Latin-Greek glossary, arranged by word class, and within each word class classification by alphabetic order according to the first letter

Fr. W: Greek-Latin glossary, arranged by almost strictly alphabetic order, from to

AD 6 Goetz / Gundermann, Glossae Latinograecae et Graecolatinae (Corpus glossariorum Latinorum 2) p. 559-561
= Lowe, CLA 8 1171
= Rhein. Mus. 5 (1837), p. 301-329
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 4

glossary (bilingual)
generally/markedly bilinear, regular, expert, large, upright, well-formed uncial, well separating the letters,

the Latin is written in the "b-r" uncial

voor bibliografie: zie Kramer ZPE 40, n. 18

Greek: Biblical Uncial; geometrische vormen, passen in een vierkant, contrast tusssen dikke neerdalende verticale en dunne horizontalen en stijgende verticalen, op r, u, phi en psi na bilineair
LAtin: majuskel met minuskelvormen; Kramer Paramone: Uncial BR

Göttingen, Universitätsbibliothek Apparat. diplom. 8 C-D [352] + Cologne, Historisches Archiv W * 352
6279 lemmata and translations separated by a blank space so that the translations vormen op enkele uitzonderingen na een aparte subcolumn
no accents, no breathings

itacism in het Grieks maar verder weinig klankverwisselingen
betacisme in het Latijn, i/e, scribal errors
W: LAtin lemmata sometimes in ekthesis of 4-6 letters (normaal in rechte subcolumn)
soms teken voor de lijn (unclear meaning)
some corrections by a second hand
abbreviation of con-
W 79: high dot
W: Greek: iotacism, eenmaal consonantverdubbeling 'double consonant': al bij al weinig fouten
W/ latin: interchange of e and i, slechts eenmaal ae en e, vooral u en b (betacisme), wegvallen van aspiratie, uitval eind-t (eenmaal), verwisseling b en d, banale scchrijffouten

H: één afkorting, teken voor lijnen, correctie, heading (short lines), iotacism, één maal e-ae, éénmaal e-i, eenmaal c-s, gewone schrijffouten
variable papyrus
01 add. CLA 08, 1171; ZPE 40 (1980), pl.10; Seider, pl. XXXIII; ZPE 38, pl. XIII, Bernd, pl. between p. 332 and 333
Europe, Byzantium ?

25 10.1 x 18.5 (Fr. H sup. Apparat. diplom. 8 C); 10.1 x 18.5 (Fr. H sup. Apparat. diplom. 8 D); 14.1 x 11.2 (Fr. H inf.); 23.4 x 31.8 (Fr. W) Add "Göttingen, Universitätsbibliothek" and "Köln, Historisches Archiv" to search list "Location" Fr. H: two fragments (10.1 x 18.5), both from the upper part of a leaf from a papyrus codex, remain; Apparat. diplom. 8 C preserves an upper margin of 3.2 cm (recto) and a left-hand margin of 2.8 cm (recto), whereas the right-hand (recto) and lower part of the leaf are broken off; it contains 22 lines of writing on the recto and 12 lines on the verso; Apparat. diplom. 8 D preserves an upper margin of 2.3 cm (verso) and a right-hand margin of at least 1.4 cm (verso), whereas the left-hand (verso) and lower part of the leaf are broken off; it contains 24 lines of writing on the recto and 22 lines on the verso; the lower parts of the leaves (14.1 x 11.2) are now lost

Fr. W: single leaf from the same papyrus codex (23.4 x 31.8 cm), broken off at the top, but preserving (on the recto) a lower margin of 6.5 cm, a left-hand margin of 0.8 cm and a right-hand margin of at least 3 cm; contains on both sides 40, mostly complete, lines of writing

0560 65046

Greek - Latin glossary
AD 6 P. Paramone 5
= ZPE 38 (1980), p. 229-243
= ZPE 40 (1980), p. 161-179
= P. Harrauer 62

Cologne, Historisches Archiv W * 351 (folium Wallraffianum) + Göttingen, Universitätsbibliothek Apparat. diplom. 8 C-D [351]



Egypt, unknown


0561 65081

Commentaria et Lexica Graeca in Papyris reperta I, 1, 4, Aristophanes 1 (E. Esposito, 2006 - re-edition).

Words in sigma, alphabetic glossary
AD 6 P. Oxy. 15 1803
= P. L. Bat. 18 1

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms


M-P 2126

Egypt, Oxyrhynchus


0562 65244

R. Cavenaile, C.Pap.Lat. 277; R. Seider, Paläographie II.1, 1978, p. 165-166; J. Kramer, in Les manuscrits des lexiques et glossaires de l'Antiquité tardive à la fin du Moyen Age, Louvain-la-Neuve 1996, p. 47; J. Kramer, Proceedings of the XVI International Congress of Papyrology, Chico 1981, p. 55-71; J. Kramer, APF 53 (2007), p. 31-44; J. Kramer, Vulgärlateinische Alltagsdokumente auf Papyri, Ostraka, Täfelchen und Inschriften, Berlin 2007, p. 145-156

sheet variable Latin - Greek glossary, written in Latin characters, for private use; there is no apparent order, but most of the words are useful to a guest in an inn; orthography and word choice are strongly influenced by the spoken language; most of the words are listed in the oblique case
AD 6 - AD 7 P.Par. 4 bis (A.-J. Letronne - W. Brunet de Presle - E. Egger, 1866)
=CLA 05, 696 (E.A. Lowe, 1950)
= Glossae Latinograecae et Graecolatinae Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum 2, Leipzig 1888, p. 563 (G. Goetz - G. Gundermann)
= Glossaria bilinguia in papyris et membranis reperta 01, 14 ( J. Kramer, 1983)
free standing list; one-word items in Latin accompanied by their Greek translation; the Greek translations mostly follow the Latin lemma on the same line, separated by a blank space; normally each line has two of these groups; there is no apparent arrangement of the items blaank glossary (bilingual)
medium-sized Latin cursive Paris, Louvre E 2329
6486 cross at the beginning of the text, blank spaces to separate lemmata and translations which are not neatly arranged in parallel subcolumns, once deletion by crossing out; supralineation at line-ends; many mistakes due to the colloquial nature of the list: betacism, addition of prothetic vowel, ns instead of s, interchange of e and ae, single instead of double consonant, omission of final m and span class="grec"> , diminituve rendered as variable papyrus

M-P 3003

Egypt, unknown
along the fibres 27 12 x 29.3 Franz Bücheler, "Coniectanea XXIII', Jahrbuch für classische Philologie 3, 1875, p. 309-313 (=Kleine Schriften 2, Osnabrück [Zeller] 1965, p. 139-142);
Henry Bartlett van Hoesen, Roman Cursive Writing, Princeton 1915, p. 150-151
single papyrus sheet (12 x 29.3 cm), apparently fully preserved; upper, left-hand and right-hand margin are almost non-existent; the lower margin measures ca. 2 cm; containing 29 lines of writing lexicography

0563 65273
codex (?) variable alphabetic glossary
AD 6 - AD 7 P. Rainer Unterricht (MPER N.S. 15) 142

list of words
strictly bilinear, medium-sized, upright, with contrast between broad and small letters, decoration consisting of blobs at the end of vertical strokes, regular and written with care Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 29470
6516 lemmata and glosses separated in two subcolumns by a blank space; iota adscript not written; one mistake variable parchment Achaioi; Hellênes [Greeks]; Achaiides 01a add.M-P 2120.1 ed. princ. pl. 66 Achaioi (2); Hellênes [Greeks]; Achaiides Egypt, unknown

27 11 x 3.2
strictly bilinear, medium-sized, upright, with contrast between broad and small letters, decoration consisting of blobs at the end of vertical strokes, regular and written with care lexicography

0564 65290

Greek - Coptic glossary
AD 6 - AD 7 CdE 47 (1972), p. 343-345
= P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 257

Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum 8601 a-b + Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum 8588 B + Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum 8595 c



Egypt, Diospolis Magna - Thebes


0565 65368

Greek - Coptic glossary
AD 7 P. Rainer Cent. 12
= P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 262


Vienna, Nationalbibliothek G 26018



Egypt, unknown


0566 65456

Greek - Coptic glossary
AD 7 - AD 8 CRIPEL 12 (1990), p. 97-99

Paris, Sorbonne 2646



Egypt, unknown


0567 65514
anon. mentioned by W. Brashear, ZPE 33 (1979), p. 261; H. Maehler, Proc. XVIth Congr. Brussels, II, 1978, p. 19 n. 2; W. Brashear, BGU 14, p. viii

roll variable Geek - Latin vocabulary, written entirely in Greek letters. Apart from isolated examples of verb conjugations the entries, consisting of no more than two or three words, follow in no order

the entries apparently consisted of no more than two or three words
, the entries follow in no order; they consist of a Greek word or phrase, then below and slightly indented the LAtin translation in Greek letters

school? Cribiore?

phonetic renditions of the Latin words, sometimes imprecise or incorrect translations, neologisms in Greek and Latin; i

BC 1 Pap. Congr. XVI (New York 1980) p. 31-41
= C. Gloss. Biling. 1 1
= BKT 9 150
free standing list; one-, two- or three-word items in Greek accompanied by their Latin translation; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; the Latin translations start at a new line in eisthesis; there is no apparent arrangement of the items land-register
glossary (bilingual)
small and precisely written book hand, upright, generally bilinear, without decorations Berlin, Staatliche Museen P. 21246
6764 once sort of coronis; Latin equivalents written in eisthesis on a new line; iota adscript not written except for one intrusive iota; occasional paragraphoi, once a numeral, to indicate divisions; few orthographic mistakes among which one itacism; Latin quantities are generally faithfully rendered by the Greek; short horizontal stroke above letters to indicate numeric value; some supralinear corrections variable papyrus cartonnage Hermês; Mercurius (R);
02 add.
Hermês; Mercurius (R);
Egypt, Herakleopolites, Abusir el-Melek
across the fibres? 6 6.2 x 7.7 (Fr. 1), 3.5 x 7.4 (Fr. 2), 3.5 x 5 (Fr. 3), 4.6 x 12.4 (Fr. 4), 3.2 x 8.3 (Fr. 5), 4.6 x 12 (Fr. 6), 5.5 x 19.4 (Fr. 7), 2.5 x 12 (Fr. 8), 1.3 x 7.7 (Fr. 9), 2.8 x 4 (Fr. 10), 1 x 2.5 (Fr. 11)
eleven non-joining fragments from a papyrus cartonnage; most of the fragments break off to the right; Fr. 1 preserves an upper margin (1.2 cm), Fr. 2, 4, 6 and 7 preserve a lower margin (up to 2.2 cm)

0568 65774

alphabetic glossary
BC 3 - BC 2 AfP 39 (1993), p. 17-20

Berlin, Staatliche Museen P. 9965



Egypt, Herakleopolites, Abusir el-Melek


0569 65871

AD 7 - AD 8 P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 265
= O. Crum ST 167
= O. Vind. Copt. 151
= AfP 44 (1998), p. 297-298

Vienna, Nationalbibliothek O. K 749 = Prague, Private collection Wessely= Oxford, Private collection Crum

pottery ostracon


Egypt, unknown


0570 66226

AD 8 - AD 9 Lowe, CLA 2 122
= Hessels, An eighth-century Latin-Anglo-Saxon glossary
= Lindsay, The Corpus glossary

Cambridge, Corpus Christi College 144 (Corpus Glossary)



Europe, England, Canterbury ?


0571 66309

Greek - Latin glossary; medical receipts
AD 7 - AD 8 Lowe, CLA 2 203

London, British Library Harley MS 5792



Europe, Italy (Bischoff)


0572 66380

Greek - Coptic glossary (?)
AD 6 - AD 7 P. Rainer Unterricht Kopt. (MPER N.S. 18) 259
= P. Mon. Epiph. 571

New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art 14.1.530



Egypt, Diospolis Magna - Thebes, Deir el Bahari, monastery of Epiphanius U04 Dios Polis, Monastery of Apa Epiphanes


0573 66739

ars grammatica, on conjugation with tables + scholia minora onIliad 1.405-436
AD 2 P. Bingen 8 (Guido Bastianini, John Lundon)

Milan, Università Statale T. Mil. Vogl. 8 [grammatica]

wood wax tablet

M-P 1166.1

Egypt, unknown [Homerus, Ilias 1.405-436]

0574 67628

Greek - Latin glossary
AD 4 Pap. Congr. XXII (Firenze 1998) p. 849-854 (Herwig Maehler, 2001)
= C. Gloss. Biling. 2 9

Berlin, Staatliche Museen P. 21860



Egypt, Hermoupolis


0575 67741

Glossaria Latina; "affatim" et alia; Ciceronis synonyma; notae Lugdunenses; Greek alphabet
AD 8 - AD 9 Lowe, CLA 10 1575

Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek Bibl. publ. Lat. 67 F


Europe, France, North-East; scribe Gaustmarus


0576 68958
anon. A. Martano, Aegyptus 84 (2004), p. 129-136a codex 5.45 Glossary to Hesiod, Scutum 243, 245, 308, 387(?), 389
AD 5 P.Oxy 68.4652 (Obbink, Dirk; 2003) free standing list; mostly one-word items accompanied by an explanation in the form of another word or phrase; each of these groups is graphically marked in the column by starting a new line whenever one group ends; lemmata are written in ekthesis and separated from the explanations by a midpoint or dicolon and a blank spance; the items are arranged according to their occurrence in the literary text
list of words

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2008/07/23 Nele Baplu 10228 the lemmata, written in ekthesis of ca. 1 letter, are separated from their paraphrases by a midpoint (sometimes a dicolon) and a blank space of 1-2 letters; individual glosses are closed by a dicolon, after which the remainder of line is left blank; iota adscript written; perhaps once final omitted 13-14 parchment
02 M.P. 0504.3 ed. princ. pl. II-III.


v15 x 5.6
fragment d'une feuille de parchemin pliée en deux (4 pages) avec trous de reliure
a parchment bifolium, preserving the final five lines from the bottom of a column on two pairs of successive pages, with a lower margin of 3 cm, and inner margins of 1.8 cm; the parchment is ruled along the lines of writing and up and down at the left and right margins; there are binding holes visible along the center-fold

0577 67871

Instructions 01.1; glossae Graeco-Latinae
AD 8 Lowe, CLA Suppl. 1731

Marburg, Hessisches Staatsarchiv Hr. 2, 2


Europe, Germany, Anglo-Saxon center, Fulda?


0578 67947

= C. Gloss. Biling. 2 6

hermeneumata: Greek words with Latin translation
AD 3 - AD 4 Ulrich Kraft, Les papyrus Strasb. 1173 et 1175: deux fragments d'un glossaire gréco-latin, Mémoire de D. E. A., Strasbourg 1999, p. 16-18.

Strasbourg, Bibliothèque Nationale gr. 1173


add. Ulrich Kraft, o.c., Planche III - IV
Egypt, Hermoupolis?



AD 4 To the Origins of Greek Stenography (P. Monts. Roca I) (S.Torallas Tovar - K.A. Worp), Abadia de Montserrat, 2006.




AD 6 Eine alexandrinische Weltchronik. Text und Miniaturen eines griechischen Papyrus der Sammlung W. Goleni ev, Wien 1905 (A. Bauer J. Strzygowski)





0581 68740
Mythographus Homercus C. Pernigotti in Comunicazioni dell'Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli 5 (2003), p. 71

Mythographus Homercus
Forma, contenuto e parte di un verso omerico citato (r. 6: Il. 1180,
Mvpgióóve6óty ócvaa6E) confermano la possibilità di individuarvi la
tipica forma del cosiddetto-Mythographus Homericus20 (al r. 5 compare
la caratteristica formula fl ó' iaropía[), con materiali che trovano
paralleli in vari punti degli Scholia D all'Iliade.

PSI 15, 1505 (unedited)

commentary (selected lemmata)


Homerica, mythology

0582 64276

Pap. Congr. XXI (Berlin 1995) p. 1021-1033 (A. Wouters, 1997; description)

grammatical treatise
AD 2 - AD 3 El gramatico en accion: una aproximacion a la labor didactica del &#947;&#961;&#945;&#956;&#956;&#945;&#964;&#953;&#954;&#8057;&#962; a partir de un testimonio inédito (P. Berol. inv. 9917), Escuela y literatura en Grecia Antigua, J.A. Fernandez Delgado, F. Pordomingo, A. Stramaglia, Università di Cassino 2007, pp. 191, 206 (P. Swiggers - A. Wouters)


P. Berol. inv. 9917



0583 62736
Didymus (?) A. Körte, APF 13 (1939), p. 94-5; PMG Simonides 607; B. Snell - H. Maehler, Pindari Carmina cum fragmentis I, pap. 20, Fr. 339 and 339a ? ? commentary, with a combination of grammatical comment and interpretation, on an unknown poem, perhaps by Pindarus

AD 2 CR 49 (1935), p. 4-7 (G. Zuntz)
? commentary
fair, large bookhand Berlin, Aegyptisches Museum, Papyrussammlung P. 13875
3924 twice apostrophe-like signs to mark the end of the lemma or of the interpretation; no other punctuation; no accents; corrections; uncorrected mistakes of which one is itacistic 14-21 papyrus Sêrên [Seirên] (Q); Seirên; 02 1382 Liège Sêrên [Seirên] (Q); Simonidês; Seirên; Peisistratos Egypt, unknown [Pindarus (?)]; Pindarus (?), Simonides (?) ? 12 ? Photographie à Liège
Bibl: Pindarus (Turyn, fr. 291); Galiano, Pind., n° 45; Id., LG 150
single fragment, broken off at the bottom and preserving an upper margin of 3.7 cm; containing the final letters of 11 lines of one column and 12 complete lines of another; of the 13th line only the tops of the letters remain philology

0584 62545
anon. B. Snell - H. Maehler, Pindari Carmina cum fragmentis I, pap. 37, Fr. 348; K. McNamee, Annotations in Greek and Latin Texts from Egypt Oakville 2007, p. 348 no. 1383 roll (?) ? commentary on Pindarus? There are some coincidences with the poetical text of P. Oxy. 26, 2448 (Pindarus).

AD 2 - AD 3 P. Oxy. 26, 2449 (E. Lobel, 1961)
blank commentary
small, angular, generally bilinear, slightly leaning forward, neatly separating the letters, without decorations

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2008/06/23 Nele Baplu 3727 number of small blank spaces, some of which certainly have no significance ? papyrus
01 1383 ed. princ., pl.II Pindaros (?, R) Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Pindarus (?)] along the fibres 14 4.2 x 7.7
single papyrus fragment, broken off on all sides, except for the bottom where a 3.9 cm is preserved. The fragment contains 10 lines of writing and a note of 2 lines in the lower margin. philology

0585 62729
anon. PMG Simonides 608; D.L. Page, Lyrica Graeca Selecta, Oxford 1968, p. 189-190, n° 392; roll 5.5 Commentary on lyric verses, perhaps of Simonides who is explicitly mentionded. The details are consistent with the story of Iphigenia. The commentary seems to be of considerable amplitude.
AD 2 P. Oxy. 25, 2434 (E. Lobel, 1959)

fairly small sloping hand, a practised informal uncial with a sprinkling of cursive forms, leaning to the right, frequent ligatures, roughly bilinear, no decorations; in Fr.. 4 and 5 the writing is slightly larger, thicker and looser. Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2008/06/23 Nele Baplu 3917 paragraphos and ekthesis used to articulate the text; first letter of a new lemma enlarged; no accents or breathings; iota adscript consistenly written; no apparent mistakes; once obelos periestigmenos with obscure purpose
20-25 papyrus Mykanai [Mycenae] 01 1951 ed. princ., pl. XI Simônidês (R); Mykanai [Mycenae] Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Simonides (?)]; Simonides along the fibres 12 8 x 12 (Fr. 1 (a) + Fr. 2); 1.3 x 3.5 (Fr. 1 (b)); 1.2 x 1.1 (Fr. 3); 1.6 x 3.9 (Fr. 4); 2.1 x 6.8 (Fr. 5); 0.9 x 2 (Fr. 6); 2.5 x 6.1 (Fr. 7)
One large fragment (Fr. 1 (a) + Fr. 2: 8 x 12), preserving the upper (1.6 cm), left-hand (1.2 cm, kollêsis visible) and right-hand margin (1.3 cm) and containing one column of writing (30 lines); and six small fragments, each of them broken off on all sides except for Fr. 6 and 7 which both preserve the lower margin (respectively 2 and 3.5 cm). There is no guarantee that all the fragments are from one manuscript. philology, mythology

0586 62702
anon. M. Treu, Sappho, München 1944, p. 10, 12; C. Gallavotti, Aegyptus 33 (1953) p. 164-5; E. Lobel - D. Page, Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta, Oxford 1955, Sappho Fr. 213; F. Ferrari, in : G. Bastianini - A. Casanova, I papiri di Saffo e di Alceo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze, 8-9 giugno 2006 Firenze 2007, p. 22-28 roll (?) 5.5 commentary on Sappho, even though the lemma as it stands cannot be an exact quotation

AD 2 P. Oxy. 21, 2292 (E. Lobel, 1951)

neat, upright, small to medium-sized, angular, generally bilinear, mostly well separating the letters, no decorations Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2008/06/23 Nele Baplu 3890 once supralinear letter as abbreviation; iota adscript written; once line-filler; one mistake (omission of a letter); the lemma is written in ekthesis
20-21 papyrus
01 1453 ed. princ., pl. I Archeanassa (Q), Gorgô (Q + 1), Pleistodikê (2), Goggyla Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Sappho] along the fibres 12 6.8 x 6.7 Bibl.: Galiano, LG 97 single fragment (6.8 x 6.7), broken off at the top and the bottom, but preserving parts of the left-hand (ca. 0.7 cm) and right-hand (ca. 0.5 cm) margin; containing 12 lines of writing from a single column philology

0587 62703
anon. M. Treu, Sappho, München 1944, p. 12, 14; E. Lobel - D. Page, Poetarum Lesbiorum Fragmenta, Oxford 1955, p. 68-73, Sappho Fr. 90 roll ? commentary on Sappho (book iv?).That the fragments come from a commentary on poems by Sappho is made clear by the occurrence of the names Atthis and Gyrinno and a statement about Peitho's being the daughter of Aphrodite known to have been made by Sappho.. The commentator sometimes Atticizes the quotations
AD 2 P. Oxy. 21, 2293 (E. Lobel, 1951)

small to medium-sized, upright uncials, with contrast between narrow ( , , and ) and broad letters ( , , and ), roughly bilinear,, generally separating the letters, without decorations; the loop of is mostly rounded, but sometimes angular

Oxford, Sackler Library, Papyrology Rooms 2008/06/24 Nele Baplu 3891 corrections by crossing out and supralinear addition; line-fillers; paragraphoi; three times coronis; sporadic accents; use of trema; apostrophes; once rough breathing; iota adscript inconsistently written; a few small blank spaces; double dots

? papyrus Kythêreia (Q), Aphroditê (R), Peithô, Zephyros (Q), Andromedê (2R) 03 1454 ed. princ., pl. III Kythêreia (Q), Aphroditê (R), Peithô, Gyrinnô, Zephyros (Q), Andromedê (2R), Atthis Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Sappho]; Sappho along the fibres 12 4.1 x 10.2 (fr. 1 (a), part 1); 3.4 x 4.3 (fr. 1 (a), part 2); 1.2 x 1.7 (fr. 2); 2.2 x 8.1 (fr. 3); 2 x 3.2 (fr. 4); 1.9 x 3.1 (fr. 5); 0.9 x 1(fr. 6); 1.3 x 1.8 (fr. 7); 1.4 x 2.2 (fr. 8); 1 x 1.7 (fr. 9); 2.2 x 7.9 (fr. 10(a)); 1.2 x 1.6 (fr. 10(b)); 1.5 x 0.7 (fr. 11); 2.1 x 1.3 (fr. 12); 1.2 x 2.3 (fr. 13); 1.5 x 1.8 (fr. 14); 0.9 x 1 (fr. 15); 1.2 x 0.8 (fr. 16); 0.9 x 1.8 (fr. 17)
several fragments from a papyrus roll, none of them preserving the upper or lower margin; fr. 1 (a) and fr. 1 (b) together contain the remnants of 3 consecutive columns and each preserve an intercolumnium of ca. 1.7 cm; one column at least contained 30 lines

0588 62563
anon. G. Vitelli - M. Norsa, ASNP II.4 (1935), p. 14 (first mention of Fr. A and B); H. Lloyd-Jones, Gnomon 31 (1959), p. 111-112; H. Lloyd-Jones, Maia N.S. 19 (1967), p. 206-229; H. Lloyd-Jones, AJA 74 (1970), p. 181; B. Snell - H. Maehler, Pindari Carmina cum fragmentis I, pap. 36, Fr. 346; M.S. Funghi - G.M Savorelli, Tyche 7 (1992), p. 75 n. 2 (first mention of Fr. C and D); V. Bartoletti., Scritti 1933-1976 I, vol. 2, Pisa 1993, p. 493-504 (reprint of Bartoletti 1956); S. Lavecchia, Akten des 21. Internationalen Papyrologenkongresses, Berlin 1997, p. 578-585; W. A. Johnson, Bookrolls and scribes in Oxyrynchus, Toronto 2004, p. 20-21, 61 (scribe A5); G.B. D'Alessio, Comunicazioni dell'Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli, 7 (2007), p.75-80 roll ca. 4.5 commentary on choral verses of Pindarus, known from P.Oxy. 32, 2622 ( = LDAB 3703)
AD 2 Fr. A + B: SIFC 27-28 (1956), p. 39-44 (V. Bartoletti) = PSI 14, 1391 (V. Bartoletti, 1957); Fr. C + D: Comunicazioni dell'Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli, 7 (2007), p. 29-73 (L. Vannini)
document, AD 3 commentary
small to medium-sized, relatively formal, angular, with elements from the "severe" style, slightly leaning forward, generally bilinear, regular, of handsome appearance, written with care, separating all letters, without decorations Firenze, Istituto Papirologico 'Girolamo Vitelli' 2505 (Fr. A + B) + Firenze, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana vetro PSI 1198 2008/06/19 Nele Baplu 3746 one abbreviation; no blank spaces; no stops; line-fillers; one supralinear correction; one itacism; iota adscript inconsistently written; one forked paragraphos at the end of a section, combined with ekthesis of one letter at the beginning of the next section ca. 20 papyrus Eleusis (2); Phersephona [Persephonê]; Attikê [Attica] (R); Phersephonê [Persephonê] (R); Dêmêtêr 03 1949
SIFC 27-28 (1956), Tav. I (Fr. A + B); PSI 14, pl. V (Fr. A + B); Comunicazioni dell'Istituto Papirologico G. Vitelli, 7 (2007), pl. VI-VIII Eleusis (2); Phersephona [Persephonê]; Attikê [Attica] (R); Phersephonê [Persephonê] (R); Dêmêtêr Egypt, Oxyrhynchus [Pindarus]; Pindarus along the fibres 12 7 × 26
4 joining fragments (Fr. A: 5 x 5 cm, Fr. B: 6 x 20 cm, Fr. C 1.5 x 5.5 cm, Fr. D: 1 x 3 cm), constituting together one fragment (7 x 26 cm) containing respectively 4, 45 and 6 lines of three consecutive columns. At the top of col. I and II, and at the bottom of col. II a margin of 2 cm is preserved. The intercolumnia measure about 1.5-2 cm. philology

0589 62696
anon. D. Page (ed.), Supplementum Lyricis Graecis, Oxford 1974, S 261A; R. Führer, GGA 229 (1977), p. 28; D.A. Campbell, Greek Lyric, I, 214b; H. Maehler, APF 32 (1983), p. 81; P.J. Parsons in Actes du VIIe Congrès de la Fédération Internationale des Associations d'Etudes Classiques (1979), II, Budapest 1984, p. 524; G. Bastianini, in : G. Bastianini - A. Casanova (edd.), I papiri di Saffo e di Alcaeo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Firenze 2007, p. 227-241 roll 05 Commentary on Sappho; the lemmata, however, are not clearly distinguishable

AD 2 ZPE 14 (1974), p. 114-118 (M. Gronewald) = P.Köln 02, 61 (. B. Kramer, 1978)
blank commentary
informal, round, small to medium-sized, upright, generally bilinear Köln, Institut für Altertumskunde, Papyrussammlung P.Köln inv. 5860 2008/06/18 Nele Baplu 3884 no accents; one breathing; interpunction by high stops; some paragraphoi; iota adscript, once added by superscription; line-fillers in the form of horizontal strokes at the end of the lines; several corrections, probably made by the scribe himself, sometimes without deleting the wrong letter 15-17 papyrus Moisai [Muses] (Q) 02 M-P 1455.1 ed. princ., pl.VI a and b; G. Bastianini, in : G. Bastianini - A. Casanova (edd.), I papiri di Saffo e di Alcaeo. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Firenze 2007, tav. IX-X Alkaios (?, R); Iônia (Ionia); Kallias; Moisai [Muses] (Q); Kleanax (R) Egypt, unknown [Sappho]; Alcaeus; Callias of Mytilene along the fibres 12 7 x 8 (Fr. 1), 9 x 9.4 (Fr. 2) Bibl.: M.F. Galiano, EClas 23 (1979) 255-6 [Estudios Clásicos] Two fragments from a papyrus roll. Fr. 1 (7 x 8 cm) is broken off at the top and the bottom, but preserves the left-hand margin, affected by Maas' law (up to 1.5 cm), and to a lesser extent the right-hand margin (up to 0.7 cm) and one column of writing with 17 mostly complete lines. Fr. 2 (9 x 9.4 cm) is broken off on all sides and preserves 19 line-ends in the first column, an intercolumnium of ca. 2 cm and the beginnings of 11 lines in the second column. philology http://www.uni-koeln.de/phil-fak/ifa/NRWakademie/papyrologie/Karte/II_061.html

0590 73142

Clarysse (O. Bodl. 2 2556 descr. (Tait, John Gavin / Préaux, Claire; 1955)

Oxford, Ashmolean Museum Bodl. Gr. Inscr. 1856

0591 117816

mythological narrative about Hermes and a statue

Bagnall (ed.), The Oxford handbook of papyrology p. 204-206 (Schubert, Paul; 2009

Geneva, Bibliothèque 500


0592 117822

AD 2 P. Oxy. 73, 4943 (R. Hatzilambrou, 2009)


0593 117823

AD 3 P. Oxy. 73, 4944 (R. Hatzilambrou, D. Obbink, 2009)